
Story by Maio on SoFurry

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In the far flung future on a distant planet covered in cities everything is recycled where possible with exception of the people. Many different species live together on this planet coming from the far corners of space there lives made easier with the help of robots. One such robot a walking recycling factory the size of a building is working its way through the abandoned slum buildings of the lower city breaking down the buildings into usable material and recycling anything else in the buildings. A city engineer working ahead of the robot is checking the buildings for anything that might cause problems, chasing away vagrants and scanning for anything dangerous.

The giant robot continuing on with its demolition of the building behind where the engineer is currently working stops as it detects life in the current building. Its machinery designed to smash walls and collect debris grinding to a halt for rats. A maintenance worker checking on why it stopped turns down its sensitivity on its scanners to prevent it from shutting down all the time before restarting it and sending it on its way getting a call to manage another one a few blocks away. A truck arrives pulling up to the robot as it deposits a container full of recycled goods into its cargo area before it pulls away to take the material to the distribution center.

The engineer checking his own scanners and having to check something on a higher floor in the condemned building. He feels the robot start on the building he is currently in not worrying knowing that it would stop if it got to close to him follows his readings higher. Reaching his destination floor he checks his scanner and surveys for what it is reading finding nothing but a dingloth slug a harmless lump of animal that survives on garbage. He sighs knowing that the robot would stop for it he turns around to use the stairs he just came up to find them gone as the robot just finished demolishing them and what is worse it is not stopping for him. Looking around for another exit but not finding any he grabs his radio to call for help just as a mechanical arm grabs him and the slug pulling them into the depths of the machine.

The robot detecting what it assumes to be other robots as its scanners are turned to low, pulls the engineer and the slug deep into its vast recycling workings. The slug is scanned by a recycling surveyor deciding that the "robot" was not salvageable dumps the slug into a vat of molten metal to be reclaimed. The engineers turn was next the scanners beam passing over his body unable to detect that he is not a robot, its red beam turning green as he struggles in the grasp of the arm holding him. Instead of being dumped into the molten metal he is taken even further into the recycling center inside the giant robot where he can see what is happening as other robots picked up by the big one are being refurbished.

Watching from the grasp of the robot arm the engineer can see the robots ahead of him being worked on panels being cut off limbs being removed ect as replacement parts are installed. The recycling plant not concerned with the make of robot it works on as models from all over the known galaxy are taken apart and restored with new components. Scared beyond belief he struggles in the grasp of the claw as a saw blade on an arm approaches his head. Its spinning blade makes contact with his skull and he blacks out as another arm removes the the cut piece before returning with a series of electronic components plugging them directly into the soft material of his unconscious brain. He awakes with a start, no slow awakening for him as it is almost like someone flipped a switch in his head. The chips interface with his brain there universal circuitry designed to work with any computer system from any planet.

Text scrolling across his vision as the chips go to work rewiring his brain he does not struggle any more as more arms come to pull him apart to "fix" the broken robot as they see it. The scanners reading his body mark him as a sex robot for use in the booming sex trade so with efficiency it goes about replacing his inefficient organic components with mechanical ones his human body being reshaped. Human sex bots are less wanted so the recycling factory decides to go with the Siskal version a lizard like alien very popular as a sex bot. The pain of having his body torn apart would have killed him if the chips had disabled pain during the process, not everything was replaced however and the parts that remained were seamlessly integrated with the new robotic components before a tight rubbery skin was pulled over his heavily modified body.

Finally the factory lowers him into a storage room filled with other robots his brain still being rewired he staggers about getting used to his new body. He remembers everything about his former life and has control of his body but the hard-wiring of the chips means he cant stray from the sex bot programming. He wanders around the room until he finds a salon bot grabbing its mirror arm he looks at himself a synthesised gasp coming from his reptilian mouth his body changed entirely, his form looking way to female for his liking. He aims the mirror lower sliding his hand down discovering the lizard slit between his legs he sticks a finger inside realising that he is now a female Siskal sex bot. A hiss of shock and a few muttered Siskalian swear words later and she paces around the room before the chips make her sit down and shut down to preserve power.

Again she awakes in an instant as she powers up a broadcast of robot code rings around the storage room she instantly begins moving the programming in control as she heads towards a series of crates. Finding hers and knowing it is her crate because of the bar code on the side she climbs in shutting down again, her mind resetting its owner information and preparing her for shipping. After an unknown amount of time she turns back on, she is in a store in the window display. The stores owner setting her to demo mode as she begins the pre-set patterns of display, her Siskal programming telling her how to do the courtship dance of that species to attract a mate and forcing her to show off her alien sex to anyone that came past. She would do this all day and at night retire from the window area to recharge, she soon lost count of how long she was there for and how many people had come to watch her dance and show her goods.

Eventually someone bought her, she did not see them before she climbed back into her crate hidden in a back room as delivery was arranged she shut down again. Turning on was no longer a start for her as she had spent so long on display switching herself on and off every night, she stepped from her crate and into her new home. Standing before her was a furry alien with a similar appearance to a wolf from earth only standing on two legs and with horns. The wolf standing before her looking her over announced "new master set Galdric, confirm", to which she replied "yes master Galdric I am at your service" in his language. Inside her brain she knew what was happening was wrong but it was out of her control the chips made her obedient following any order just like any good robot, she long ago realised that was all she was. Galdric was smiling as he looked her over more his pants obviously tented with his lust "what is your purpose" he announced all excited, she replied "to provide sexual services to my owner in any way that he requires" his smile broadened as he led her to the bedroom.

Upon arriving in the bedroom he turned to her and said "perform the mating dance for me and show me your slit as you did in the window" a quick "yes Master" was the response before she began to dance before him. Twisting her lizard like body in erotic ways in the traditional Siskal dance of heat he watched her closely tongue hanging out as he seemed to be panting his hardon incredibly visible in his pants. Soon the dance was over however and she laid back spreading herself wide showing her feminine slit using two fingers to open it for him as soon as she did he was out of his pants and on top of her. His member throbbing with need its knot already swollen as he pushed into her slowly, somewhere deep in her brain her old self was screaming but the programming would only let her make noises as though she was enjoying it. She bucked up against him making a clicking noise of need as she wrapped her arms and legs around Galdric pulling him tight to her body. He howled in delight as he began to thrust in deeper and faster his knot hitting against her delicate slit as she began to moan and click faster.

The signals going to her brain from her sex were only describable as pleasurable the old part of her brain disgusted by them but unable to resist there pleasurable influence. Her face showing nothing put pleasure as she moaned bucking against his thrusts. He howled with lust and slammed his knot into her tight opening just as he shot his load deep into her, her robotic innards storing it away as she griped him tight shaking with pleasure. He collapsed on her panting his knot locked inside her pussy as he kisses her stroking her, knowing full well she is just a machine but enjoying every minute of being with her. He wraps his arms around her body lifting her with ease her light alloy frame making it easier for him as he carries her still knotted to his member, she wraps her arms and legs around him as he does. He carries her to the bathroom looking in the mirror and admiring her as she is stuck on his cock, she gets to see herself again her old mind screaming against it even with the amazing pleasurable sensations flowing into it.

He carries her back to the bedroom laying down with her on top kissing her again as he rests waiting for his knot to go down, her programming telling her to stop moving so that he may disengage from her. It was not long before he fell asleep and his knot deflated that she was able to slip off of him laying beside him, she went into a power saving mode without shutting down which allowed her human brain to think about what just happened. Her mind reeled not knowing what to think her subconscious wanting more but her old mind despising it, the chips just controlling her actions doing as they are programmed. She laid like that for hours while he slept beside him, she did not move and when her old mind shut down it was able to dream and when it did it dreamt of being used again. Awaking from her dream and coming out of power saving mode she noticed that her owner was awake and signalling to her that he wanted something. Licking her lips with her long lizard tongue she looked at him sexily as she crept towards him.

Galdric laid back his member already stiff as he watched her approach "lick" was all he had to say for her to do what he wanted her to do. She smiled at the order before running her long forked tongue along his shaft from base to tip, tickling it before she starts again at the base wrapping her tongue around it as she slides it up and down his member. He moans out gripping her head and forcing it down onto his shaft "suck me off" he growls with need as his member throbs, her mouth opening and wrapping around his throbbing member as she begins to suck. She murrs around his shaft as her tongue twists and turns around its girth sucking on it as he bucks into her. Gripping her head and holding it down as he floods her mouth with his semen she swallows it down as she keeps the suction up around his shaft. Her old mind still revolted by what she was doing but unable to stop it.

Many months pass as she continues to please her owner her old mind slipping, as the pleasure from all the sex finally breaks down her defences and she accepts who she is now. She awakes to Galdric arriving home but something is different her old mind is in control not the computer, she approaches him rubbing her body against his as she leads him to the bedroom stripping him as they go before pushing him down on the bed and mounting him. His shaft already erect as he looks up at his sex bot amazed "I did'nt give you an order to do this" she gasps out as she takes his member deep into her pussy. She moans out loudly as she rides him hard "mmm finally my mind is free, I have been trapped in this body for months but now I know what I am" she screams out in pleasure as she orgasms for herself around his member. Her shaking body and her squeezing pussy tipping him over the edge to as he floods her with his seed. Her biological replicator finally acquiring the right amount of dna to produce offspring as it goes to work randomising a baby.

After a long explanation Galdric smiles and rubs her belly knowing it holds his cubs "mmm I am glad I did not turn off your replicator" he says as they lay together. She smiles at him "I am to, although you are not surprised by what I have told you about how I came to be?" she asks. His eyes never leaving hers as he holds her tight in his strong arms "no that just makes my love of you even stronger as you are more than a sex bot to me" he murrs as he kisses her on the lips, she is no longer just his toy but his mate.

The End

Fluffed and Stuffed

(Warning this story contains bizarre body modifications/mutilation and rape if this offends you don't read it) Fluffed and Stuffed Things were going great for Tyrone he had just gotten a new job working as night security for a sex toy factory....

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Of latex and Love-dolls

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