Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twelfth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#12 of Pathfinding-CYOA

A little delayed, but here is the latest entry in the ongoing Pathfinding Choose Your Own Adventure series.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Twelfth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

Vote Tally:

A) 8

B) 1

C) 11

D) 0

E) 2

F) 13 - Marlene is chosen (70% chance of success)

Additional Votes:

Keep Ryg - 3

Get some loot, fight some baddies...or is that the other way around? - 3

Pathfinder Statistics - quite a lot - working on this

More information from the High Alpha about current events - 1

Incest for Rufus - 7

Meet Rufus' pup (14 is the minimum age if sex happens) - 3

Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

Author Notes

I'm terribly sorry for the delay in getting this entry out; sadly, I was unavoidably detained, but I think none of you want to hear the health-related (though thankfully temporary) details.

Pathfinding Eleventh Entry

The court of the High Alpha wasn't really a lot like what a dwarf or a civilized human would expect from a court. High elves would be appalled at what they might find in the tribal conditions of the lupine beastfolk. But wood elves and halflings would have immediately recognized the pattern of things, and found themselves quite at home, for a wolfen court was at once socially flexible, and also quite rigid in its formality. Seated in the center of the camp on a throne made from woven wood and decorated with blue feathers and the skulls and other trophies of foes and monsters slain by the High Alpha himself, visual yet silent demonstrations of his worthiness to rule, the High Alpha held his court. All around, wolfen gossiped and chatted in their growling, snarling, barking tongue, waiting the time when they would need to be silent, while those who had business presented their cases.

Into this setting, Rufus led his little band.

On Rufus' left was Adel, while on his right was Marlene, as it was felt appropriate by the party that Marlene should take the side of friendship, while Adel stood closest to Rufus' heart, as the first of his companions to willingly submit to him as an alpha. The others in the party followed close behind, doing their best to ignore the mutters that followed the sight of gnolls in the midst of a wolfen camp, especially one of such importance. They were expected, and so Rufus knew the High Alpha wouldn't dare any assault without ample and obvious justification, for fear of losing honor in the pack. He'd coached Marlene on the rudiments of what was expected of her, and Marlene had listened very closely, her young brows furrowed in concentration as she did her best to adapt to the requirements of what was, to her, such a strange and savage new culture. As Rufus neared the throne, making sure to maintain a respectful distance, he lowered himself to his knees, as did everyone else. Everyone, that is, except Marlene, who remained standing, her head erect, her ponytail tossed back in pride as she regarded the High Alpha brazenly. Though this might have seemed a daring thing to do, perhaps even a challenge, none in the court batted an eye at Marlene's behavior. Apparently it was not unexpected. After some minutes in quiet communication with his chief lieutenants, a small council composed of three male wolfen and two females, the High Alpha finally addressed Rufus' party.

"I know why you are here, Rufus Redeye," said the elder wolfen, a tall, broad-shouldered specimen of his race, his dark-furred body covered in numerous scars, which showed even through his thick pelt. The High Alpha's age had done nothing to diminish his obvious health and power and vitality, which showed in the force of his deep voice, and the sheer presence he presented to all present, merely by being there. "You come seeking aid against the rising tide of the Warlord, a threat newly-arisen in the Southlands. You are not unknown among us, young Rufus, nor are you without honor, despite the circumstances of your prior departure." As the High Alpha said this, the two female lieutenants, one yellow-furred and rather slender with sharp, calculating eyes, the other grey-furred with a highly muscular and also very shapely body, both colored in their cheeks. "Nevertheless, you ask much of us, the Blue Feather pack, for one who is no longer numbered with our tribes. Tell us, Rufus Redeye: why should we listen to your entreaty?"

One might have expected Rufus to speak then. This expectation would receive no fulfillment, for instead of rising or even opening his muzzle, Rufus reached out to gently pat Marlene on her firm, shapely bottom through her light, white silk pants. At the grey-furred male's touch, Marlene stepped forward with the air of one with royal blood.

"Oh great High Alpha," said Marlene, even as she raised her hands to her white halter top, loosening it from her body. "We are here to ask your help not just for our own gain. Our cause is one that is universal: it will affect us all, no matter how apart we may think ourselves."

Pausing for a moment to let her words sink in, Marlene lifted her top, pulling it up and over her head, letting her perfect, handful-sized breasts bob enticingly into view, their plump pink nipples already stiff in the chill air, pointing straight toward the High Alpha like the headlamps of a carriage. The High Alpha did not interrupt, so Marlene continued, even as she handed her top to Adel, then her fingers began to work at the clasp of her belt.

"The Warlord will eventually turn sights toward your lands, of this there can be no doubt. Already you have had many dissenters, other tribes and packs that have been lured into the camp of the Warlord by the promise of booty from the softness of the Southlands. Already the woods and hills of the North are filled with the kin of giants, wending their way South, and gnolls seeking to profit from the weakness this journeying brings."

Pausing once more, noting the approving nod of Rufus from the corner of her eye, Marlene kicked off her shoes, and then pushed her pants downward, bending far more forward than was strictly necessary, causing her pert, heart-shaped bottom to be thrust almost straight upward, drawing many admiring murmurs from the assembled wolfen, both the females as well as the males. Marlene's body was perfectly smooth in a way that made it clear she had never had any hair below her head, and never would. She lacked even the minor imperfections and blemishes that all humans accumulated over the course of the passing years, every inch of her as moon-pale and perfect as worked alabaster. As Marlene approached the High Alpha's throne, her hips swayed involuntarily, the dimples above her bare buttocks clearly visible with each flex of her body with each step. Halfway between Rufus and the throne, Marlene reached up, pulling the bindings free of her ponytail and tossing it back to Adel, before giving her head a shake. Immediately, the perfect, pubescent girl's hair flowed around her shoulders in long, gorgeous waves the color of ripened wheat.

"I am Guiomar Hunterson," declared Marlene with all the pride such a name could bear, for the surname of Hunterson was known even in the North as one of much weight of importance. "I am the daughter of Itheliel Moonborn, of the royal blood of the high elves. As their scion and their representative, I tell you, oh great High Alpha, that when the Warlord is finished with we of the South, then there will be none left to aid you of the North against the unstoppable hordes." Lowered herself to her knees, Marlene - or rather Guiomar, as she had revealed her true identity to be - lowered her head to the earth, her hands thrust out before her directly in front of the High Alpha, her bottom upraised as she fell to the position of total supplication, normally reserved only for the worship of gods or truly great potentates, showing the depth of her humility and submission before the High Alpha, and her regard for him as a ruler. "Please," she said softly, not raising her head, "we beg you to help us."

Rather than answering immediately, the High Alpha reached out a long, strong arm, his hand stroking through Guiomar's hair, and then up her spine, much like he might have stroked a cat, before closing on her upturned bottom.

"As smooth and firm and pink as a ripe blushing apple," growled the dark-furred male with a light smirk on his muzzle as he caressed the curve of Guiomar's bum, before she suddenly gasped as she felt his fingers finding her most intimate places, stroking over them with well-practiced skill. "And quite eager to please as well, I see." He smiled knowingly, and Guiomar, who had momentarily glanced upward, quickly lowered her gaze once more, her cheeks flushing furiously, the sound of the High Alpha's fingers working their way inside of her baby smooth, snug slit quickly filling the perfectly silent clearing with the squelching sound of a juicily-aroused little cunny being well-stimulated.

Guiomar suddenly opened her eyes as she felt a warm drop of something land on her cheek. Her eyes widened as she saw the proudly-erect penis of the High Alpha, and in her mind she couldn't help but compare it to the shaft that only a few days ago had taken her virginity and filled her with the pups of a lowly beast. Now, her mind was filling with steadily more obscene thoughts, thoughts and desires that were unworthy of anyone like herself, of the highest blood and breeding of both humans and elves. Surely she couldn't submit herself like this! Surely she had more pride than some...some trollop, some slattern, willing to lie with creatures hardly more than animals! But oh, the thick, musky smell of the High Alpha was so intoxicating, and the way he was touching her, manipulating her inner channel with such skill and will, it was hard to think. So hard to remember her place, and his, in the grand scheme of things. Guiomar raised her eyes toward the heavens, perhaps to pray for aid from gods that seemed as though they had forsaken her. All she saw, though, was the yellow eyes of the commanding, charismatic wolfen with the dark fur. Knowing that all was lost, that she couldn't resist any longer, the half-elven noble girl lowered her eyes submissively...and gently wrapped her lips around the High Alpha's proud lupine shaft.

At first, Guiomar was a little hesitant, taking her time on the long, hard shaft, feeling its weight, its heft, its texture against her tongue and in her mouth. Then, suddenly, the High Alpha's hand gripped her head, holding her firmly, dominantly, his fingers digging into her hair, tugging it slightly. The feeling of being held so, it was a primal thing, overwhelmingly so. It placed the High Alpha as the slip of a girl's alpha as well, placed him as dominant to her. Moaning softly, her juices frankly gushing from her cunny, Guiomar didn't resist as the High Alpha began to pump her head up and down, using her to sate his lust for her body. It was said by some that oral sex was the most degrading of all, because it was the sort that ravished the body nearest the mind. Perhaps there was some truth to this, for in moments, Guiomar felt her mind fogging over, drunk on pleasure as she eagerly worked her tongue along the throbbing underside of the High Alpha's cock, hands rising to rest on his inner thighs, letting her grip the softer fur as a handhold, helping her to actively push herself even harder, taking him deeper, until she couldn't breathe for long moments, almost felt herself gagging several times. But the harder she pumped her head, the harder the High Alpha pumped his fingers, until all that Guiomar could hear was the powerful rush of blood in her ears, until she wasn't even aware of herself screaming out in orgasm, jerking and gyrating like a wanton bitch in heat, wiggling her bottom in the air behind her as though to lay an open invitation to every wolfen in the clearing to have a turn with her smooth elfin slit. Guiomar was vaguely aware of the harsh, guttural snarl of the High Alpha, of gulping down his cum greedily, her throat working to swallow every drop.

Dazed, her eyes heavy-lidded, Guiomar was only vaguely aware as the High Alpha pulled her mouth off of his swollen, pointed, doglike penis with a soft 'pop.' Awareness slowly returned as she felt him lifting her up, setting her onto his lap, facing him, straddling his thighs. Then Guiomar's blue eyes opened wide as she realized her soaking wet little cunny was rubbing against that thick red shaft, that she was being lifted, strong hands on her hips, as though she weighed no more than a feather, and then positioned right over that almost obscenely thick, bestial fleashspike. Should she beg for mercy? Should she demand he unhand her? Should she struggle and fight? Should she...submit?

The decision was suddenly taken out of Guiomar's hands as she was thrust bodily downward, the air of the clearing split by her sweet, high-pitched wail of penetration. Though the High Alpha's penis was more like a true wolf's than Rufus', it was quite obvious where Rufus had gotten his sheer size, for the High Alpha was a match for him. And then there was that knot...

Making a host of arousing noises, squeals and moans and delicious wails, Guiomar's breasts bobbed as she was easily bounced on the High Alpha's lap, her firm, perfectly-rounded bottom gripped tightly in his huge paws as he squeezed them, rolling them in his hands, spreading them wide to let the whole pack see all the more clearly how widely he was stretching this willing sacrifice, and how her tense anal rosebud pulsed with each of her many orgasms, the surest sign of a male's virility outside of how big-bellied he kept his females. The High Alpha's smirk was telling as he now took his time, drawing out his fun with the slim little elfling on his lap, making sure she ground forward and back every time her bottom clapped against his thighs, before lifting her back up until she was almost off his cock, before plunging her back down, making the sexy little teen cry out loudly at being stuffed so full once more, each time almost like the first time, and each time another small orgasm, one of so many, all of them building toward a final, overwhelming climax.

That climax came hard and fast as Guiomar's whole body started to jerk, and she was screaming her head off as her fingers clawed through the chestfur of the High Alpha, as though trying to cling to him for dear life. Baring his fangs, even the High Alpha, with all his experience, was unable to resist the exquisite tightness of a pubescent elven princess in the throes of an orgasm more intense than she'd ever had in her entire (admittedly short) life. Jerking to his feet, the High Alpha's hips started to thrust hard and fast, almost brutally so, until, suddenly, Guiomar gave an even higher-pitched scream than before, as the High Alpha's knot suddenly stretched her apart...and then popped inside, locking them together.

Tied with the High Alpha, Guiomar slumped back in his strong paws, lying almost horizontal as he continued to thrust, short and hard and fast, making her plump young breasts bounce forward and back, battering her delicate insides until the elfin girl was sure she was about to lose her mind forever. Suddenly lifting her legs, Guiomar wrapped them around the High Alpha's waist, pulling him in tightly as she began to gyrate her hips, deliberately squeezing her inner walls with a flash of insight, doing all she could to coax out that final, potent load of wolfcum. She hadn't long to wait, and her final cry was almost a sigh of contentment as she heard the warning grunt of the powerful, dark-furred male, right before she felt the soothing warmth of his cum filling her inner walls to the brim. It felt even better than the first time, Guiomar realized suddenly, and with that realization came the additional realization that it would probably feel even better every time after that.

Gasping for breath, Marlene curled up, resting her head on the High Alpha's furry shoulder, feeling his chest against her heaving breasts. She stayed like that for a long time, letting her eyes close as she just recovered her strength, thinking to herself that a wolf's knot was a wonderful invention, in how it made sure a male stayed around to snuggle. Then, slowly, she felt the High Alpha's knot shrink, and then pop free of her, letting a minor gush of cum flow from her well-stretched slit. Almost immediately, she felt other hands on her, gently lifting her, then laying her back, until she was lying on a barrel-chested male's belly, feeling his cockhead prodding her tense little tushie, while a brown-furred male wearing a pair of slightly-battered glasses caressed her well-stretched cunny, then bent to start lapping at it, making her coo in delight, her legs kicking slightly at how tingly it made her feel. A final male, an albino with blood red eyes, stepped over her, his strong paws squeezing her breasts tightly, even as he stroked his heavy sac against her forehead, his cock standing at full erection before her eyes. Suddenly, the two females were there, growling in the wolfen dialect of those parts at the males, obviously directing them even if Guiomar couldn't understand all that was said. Smooth, broad tongues began to lap up the cooling sweat of her pleasure-flushed skin, and in mere moments, showing her health and youthful vitality, the half-elf girl quickly began to moisten once more in readiness for her continued rounds of bestial mating.

As the five lieutenants closed in on their golden-haired prize, the High Alpha stood and stretched, a pleasant smile on his face, before he walked toward where Rufus was still kneeling, watching everything that transpired. The older male's physique was almost the mirror of his son, and he reached down, resting a hand on Rufus' shoulder, motioning for the younger male to rise.

"It's good to see you back, son," said the High Alpha with a smile, before he and Rufus embraced. As the two separated, the High Alpha motioned for Rufus to follow him, while other wolfen hurried to lead the other companions to suitable quarters among the tents. "Come, we have much to discuss. After all," the High Alpha added with a wink at his son, "if we are going to fight the Warlord, there will be many arrangements, and not much time. Unless I miss my guess, you'll soon be looking for other allies, so I suppose I'll need to use the time we have together wisely and all."

[Chance of success - 70%. Rolled 35 - success!]

"Oh," added the High Alpha as they neared his spacious tent. "I almost forgot to mention: your mother was wondering when you were going to settle down and make some legitimate heirs." Chuckling to himself as Rufus' inner ears turned pink, the High Alpha parted his tent, letting Rufus inside.

Path Choices

Where shall we go next? And what shall we do when we are there? These choices are not necessarily exclusive - most if not all of them will still be there, even if we choose another for now.

A) Off to Carver's! The audience with the Great Bear can't wait another minute.

B) Let's stay around here a little. Rufus could stand to spend some time with his old tribe...especially his father, mother, and his father's mate. Indicate yes or no if you would like incest to be a result of this pause. Also, if desired (another yes/no choice), there are shaman spells that could hurry up our girls' pregnancies, if we'd like their bellies open for later filling. We'd likely leave the children born with the Blue Feather in this instance, though they'd develop faster than normal as well, making it possible that we'd meet them later on, once they hit their hastened puberty.

C) Among the wolfen, we hear stories of small farming communities being raided by the giantkin on their journey south to join the vanguard of the Warlord. Giants are well-known for carrying a good portion of their wealth with them when they travel in their great bags, and the communities we save would certainly be grateful, enhancing our reputation among the people of the North. (Also include species you'd like to see, preferably ones that might be found on a farm. This does include the standard races, like humans.)

D) What's this? A confirmation that the valyries exist? Unbelievable! Yet, the story that one of the barbaric human tribes of the North had learned secrets from the Warlord's representatives, and were even then marching on a mountain fortress, where the valkyries are rumored to have one of their strongest fastnesses, comes from credible sources among the wolfen scouts who have watched the march of these warped once-humans toward the fortress. If there are truly valkyries there is unknown, but it is certainly known that the once-human hordes are interested in assaulting it in the name of the Warlord.

E) Wolfen take slaves, but they are opposed to the slave trade. Slaves among the wolfen become a part of the Pack, albeit at the bottom of the pecking order, with potential to rise based on service and obedience and loyalty. The slave trade, on the other hand, turns people into property, often with no hope of ever rising from that lowly state, all for the sake of commerce. There is word among the Blue Feather that a dangerous slaver by the name of Praxis Venator, a truly wicked black panther catfolk, is operating in the region, taking advantage of the present turmoil caused by the approaching war. Stopping Praxis and his band would be a sure way to claim serious booty, since such bands are known to be well-equipped, as well as to save slaves and increase our reputation in the region.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Eleventh Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Eleventh Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A) Spark - 3 Urtan - 3 & Urta Rufus - 16 Cassidy - 1 Adel - 1 B) 1 - 1 2 - 9 3 - 3 4 - 1 (Urtan with Deriny and Morgan) 4 - 5...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Tenth Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Tenth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 17 - The high alpha. B - 1 C -0 D - 6 - Carver, the bear E - 1 F - 0 G - 1 Judging from the votes, we'll first be heading to meet...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Ninth Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Ninth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 23 - Unanimous B - 11 Or C - 14 - The humans are for in-party males only D - 1 Or E - 21 - Time to put a batch of wolfbabies in...

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