The Fantastic life of Diogenes Smith gets Better.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#3 of The Life of Diogenes


was laying on the bed with his thickly muscled arms embracing a leopardess on

one side and a gorgeous male lion on the other. 

He was feeling rather content. As he drifted into a light sleep, he

wondered if he actually needed to sleep. After all, if he was here in his

dreams, his actual body was sleeping in real life. But he found himself so

comfortable that he went with the flow.                When he

awoke, the two were still there with him. He had no concept of time anymore, so

it could have been five minutes or ten hours. He sucked in a deep breath and

wiggled his arms to ease the apparent cramps in them. Kakhra and Pomeroy woke

at this.                The

lion rubbed his free paw across his new master's chest. "Thank you!"                The

leopardess did the same. "Thank you so much!"                He sat

up a little. "For what? For having sex with you?"                She

smiled. "No, for allowing us to have sex together. We are tied to our creators

and cannot truly mingle. It gets boring waiting for our times to come."                Diogenes

looked at them with a confused look. "You mean you can talk to one another but

you can't just get it on by yourselves?"                "Essentially

correct. There are exceptions. Those creators who have more than one slave may

unconsciously grant them the privilege, but overall, we are confined to the

creator."                "Slave?

You aren't my slave!"                Kakhra's

eyes lit up. "Do you mean it?"                "Of

course I mean it! Why would I want a slave? I'd much prefer to have friends,

especially friends with benefits."                Pomeroy's

hand moved from the tiger's chest to his groin. "You sir, will find that with

that attitude, you will have more friends here then you will be able to count."                A long

while later the three struggled out of bed. Diogenes seemed to feel hungry. "Do

you guys eat here?"                "We

don't need to, though we know nothing of your needs. Is your body being

nourished?"                "I

don't really know. I have no frame of reference to distinguish this world and

that one." He didn't use the world "real" because he was unsure which was

which.                "Then

I'd suggest you think up some food and eat. If nothing else, it may satisfy the

need in your mind if not in your body."                That

made him pause. What should he think up? Well, since the place seemed to

operate on different rules, he figured he would go full tilt. He pictured in

his mind a huge table filled with all kinds of rich and decadent culinary

rarities. It appeared just as he imagined it.                "Wow!"

was all he could say. He wondered how real it would taste, but the aroma coming

to his nose spoke volumes. He sat down and tasted the caviar. It was exquisite.

The others only looked on curiously.                 "We

have never had need to partake. You look as though you are enjoying yourself.

May we join?"                Diogenes

motioned for them to sit. In no time they were digging in. Kakhra summed it up

the best. "Good lord, this is nearly as good as sex!" They ate and ate until

the food ran out. He made some more appear and they ate that too.                He was

feeling quite satisfied after that expression of gluttony. He burped and patted

his belly, which while now feeling full, was no harder the before the meal.  But a little lower was springing to life. Just

for fun he willed his cock to be bigger. It grew from his lap until it was peeking

over the table. Impressed, he concentrated more and more until it was in line

with his face.                Pomeroy

chuckled. "You do that and you'll not need the rest of us."                Diogenes

peered past the post sized organ. "Come again?"                "Gladly!

But what I meant to say was, if it's that big, you could just as easily self

pleasure and ignore the rest of us."                Diogenes

returned to staring at the thing he had only ever dreamed of. "Is there

anything here that could take something this big?"                "Certainly;

all of us. My old master would concoct worse looking things than that!"                Diogenes

cringed. "Really? Are you telling me I could fit this up your poor ass?"                Pomeroy

stood up and moved to Diogenes' chair and bent over. "Try it"                "No!

That would just be mean! Isn't there things like dragons or elephants here?"                "Oh

yes! If someone has been able to think of it, I am sure it exists here. There

are so many that none of us know them all."                "How

would I go about meeting them?"                "Well,

when we feel the need for company, we just think about the person we wish to be

with and it happens."                "You

mean like..." Diogenes thought of a dragon.  He got more than he bargained for. The room

suddenly expanded to a thousand times its former size. It was filled with all

manner of dragons. While each was different from its neighbor, they all had the

same expression of surprise. Pomeroy recognized a few of them, and approached a

big, beautifully colored fire drake.                "Hello

Drassen my old friend!"                The

dragon was still looking around in amazement. "What the hell just happened? We

do not belong in the same dream!"                The

lion pointed to Diogenes. "We do if this one wishes it."                The

dragon looked down its snout. "Him? But he's just a tiger." Then he did a

double take. "A tiger with one hell of a cock. Where did you find this

wonderful specimen? I'd hate to have his master!"                "He has

no master idiot. He's is a bona fide creator!"                All the

dragons heard that. The noise became deafening. Everyone knew what that could

mean. Pomeroy tried to roar over the noise, but he was barely heard. Diogenes

was mildly amused by this, but he was intent on picking a dragon. He had never

ever considered sex with such a mythical beast, and now that the chance

presented itself a hundred fold, he didn't what to waste time.                 He

clapped his hands. Thunder issued from his palms and spread across the room in

a wave, knocking the dragons akimbo. They fell silent.                 "Look,

I'm sorry I called all of you here, but I was only interested in one right now.

Since my friend seems to have inadvertently chosen one for me, I will accept

that choicefor now. Understand that I will see each one of you in turn as I

can." He clapped again, and everyone disappeared except for Drassen, Pomeroy

and Kakhra. The room resumed its former appearance, except that it now was

large enough to give the dragon plenty of room.                "So

Drassen is it? What do you do for your creator?"                The

dragon looked embarrassed. "My primary purpose was to punish those people he

didn't like. Many of his creations represent people in his world that he felt

somehow wronged him. He would use me to carry out his punishments."                "What

did he make you do?"                "Must I

talk about it?"                "No,

not if you don't want to. How would you like to be free from him?"                The

drake looked from lion to leopardess. "Is he kidding?"                They

both smiled and shook their heads.                The

dragon was groveling. "Oh sir, if you could, if you would, I would be forever

your personal slave!"                Diogenes

grabbed the dragon' s mouth and clamped it shut. "Oh no, none of that shit. We

have a little fun and you're free to go. I will not be having everyone here

bowing down to me. That's just plain bullshit!"                The

dragon was rolling on its back like a puppy. "Anything you what. I'll punish

anyone you like!"                "Fine!

We'll start with punishing you."                The

dragon stared wide eyed. "Me? Oh it is so long overdue!"                "I thought

you might like some way of achieving contrition. So Drassen, are you male or

female? I must admit to never wondering about such distinctions before."                Drassen

looked even more embarrassed. "My function up to this point has been             limited to what can best be

described as vore. My master got off on me devouring people. He never actually

thought enough about me to grant me a gender."                Diogenes

reached out and touched the drake. First a hole appeared, surrounded by vivid

pink scales. Then a cock sprung from that slit.                 "Since

I can do as I please, I have granted you the ability to be both for now, until

such time as you decide what you want to be."                "Oh I

don't know what to do I'm so excited!"                "Go

with the hole and I'll show you what I can do!"                The

drake complied, adjusting to female form. Really, there was no difference in

appearance except in the genitals. It rolled over on its back, spreading its

wings to stabilize its wiry form. Diogenes had reduced his cock to normal, but

upon climbing up, enlarged it to what he considered a reasonable match for the

reptilian body beneath him.                He

spread the slit and worked the head of his cock in, feeling the unnatural

warmth of the dragon's body. He pushed it in until he was bottomed out. The he

applied his will again and filled up the hole to the maximum possible. Of

course, this reality had no such rules. He could have gone on forever.                Drassen

was so into it that it never once complained. It was hard to punish a dragon

that wasn't feeling any pain. But then, its entire life had been in causing

others pain, to the detriment of itself. A little physical discomfort, real or

not, could hardly compare.                Diogenes

wasn't about to let it go at that. He could probably devise something that

would work, but to what end? He had no desire to punish the dragon, not for

real. It was hardly it's (her) fault. He turned to Pomeroy.                 "Hey!

Did your master every knock on your ass with a dragons' cock?"                "More

than once."                "Well,

here's your opportunity. Here's a dragon's ass that has never had a lion's

cock. Come on up and join me!"                Drassen

suddenly went quiet. "You can't have him do that!"                "Sure I

can. I just did."                The

lion had a look of pure expectancy on his face. The drake held still, uncertain

what to make of this new development. No one played with each other. This tiger

person must have some real power here!"                Pomeroy

came right up behind Diogenes and worked his cock into the drake's ass.

"Oooooh. I like this a whole, whole lot!"                "Grab

my shoulders," ordered the tiger. The lion did as he was told. "Now, you'll

match my movements to yours. Let's see what we can do to punish this bad, bad

dragon!"                Kakhra

wrinkled her nose at the males. "You call that punishment? If that's

punishment, I'm next!"                "That

can be arranged. After all, Dressen needs to try out the male side of his new

body. Why not on you?"                The

leopardess went suddenly quiet.                 Dressen was immediately in heaven. If this was

punishment, it was content to suffer it for as long as possible. It knew of

creatures here who suffered anal rape on a nightly basis. Their sole purpose

was to be tortured day after day for the pleasure of the creator. But the cock

in its ass at the moment was pleasant. The one in front was phenomenal.                The two

males moved as one, and when the pace started to pick up, the feeling coming

from their mutual penetration became almost impossible to bear. At some

unspoken signal, the males abruptly stopped working together, and instead

worked in tandem, one pounding while the other was on the rise. It was like the

three of them had become a two cylinder engine.                 The

drake was soon swimming in a sea of pleasure. Its feet were flailing weakly as

waves of pleasure washed over its body like a tsunami.  The lion was patiently waiting for the tiger

to unload so that he could too. The trouble was, his body wasn't waiting. With

a roar that could shatter windows, he loosed a load deep into the waiting ass

of that wonderful dragon.                He was

immediately sorry. But not knowing what else to do, he hung on to the tiger as

that wonderful being pounded away like a jackhammer on stone. He was pondering

why the drake wasn't crying out in pain. Having his ass pounded so many times

in a painful manner made him assume the same would apply here. Then the

kindness of the creator sitting in front of him sunk through. He really did

only want pleasure for himself, but not at the expense of others. So his

present manner of sex, which looked much like a rape, was really a mutual

pleasuring. The lion about fell off his perch upon understanding that.                 As it

was, he clung even more tightly to the tiger. All that motion got him excited

again, and his cock roared to life. In the end, when Diogenes finally had

enough of the dragon's cunt, let loose with a roar double the decibels of what

the lion had produced. Even the leopardess put her paws over her ears.                The

tiger, in an attempt to see the extent of his power, loaded the dragon so full

of cum that he was sure it totaled in the gallons. It was ridiculously over the

top, but then, so was this world. Might as well find out if there were limits

to what he could do.                The

lion slid out and dropped to the ground, causing the dragon to grunt. When

Diogenes tried to leave, clawed hands quickly held him in place. "Do you have

to depart so soon?"                "No,

but I think that we're done for the moment. I understand that there are a lot

of people that need freeing."                "But

couldn't it wait?"                "Yes, I

suppose it could. But maybe you'd like to try out your other form now?"                "Hmmmm.

I guess I could. But on whom?"                Diogenes

pointed to the other two. "It seems to me you have two potential partners right

here!"                "But I

couldn't! We aren't allowed to play..."                "Sure

you can. I just said so."                The

dragon suddenly sported a cock. "Well, if you insist!"

The Fantastic Life Of Diogenes Smith Continues...

               Diogenes was running headlong down the street. Sex with that, that thing had been terrific, but the lion had scared him out of his mind. Now he was running headlong down a cobblestone street, with gas lit lanterns and strange beings on...

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The Fantastic Life of Diogenes Smith

              A man was running through the streets. In itself, this was not unusual. The fact that he was naked and clutching his clothes was a little more out of place, but still, it happened. No, it was the fact that the man was just that; a bone...

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Solstice Solitude – A Winterdown Tale

                 Winter began when it and it alone decided it was time. Humans had long set a date for this event, as if the season was required to fulfill the commitment they set for it. The snows came when the air grew chilled and the heavy gray...

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