Validus: Chapter 1, Dishonor

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#1 of Short Stories

Chapter 1


"Lieutenant Validus, you sorry sonuvabitch" Johnson said as he clapped Sir Validus on the back, "I've never seen nothing like that before in my whole life, you win the bet, I just gotta find some way to win my money back tomorrow".

Sir Validus just smiled as he pulled the knife out of his arm. The wound healed almost immediately. He wasn't exactly sure why he could heal so well, he had heard that his father was a powerful mage, but he had died a long time ago so there was no way to find out if that was the cause, at any rate it sure helped to get some extra spending money.

He joked around in the tavern for the next few hours before finally deciding to call it a night. On his way out he passed by a dark haired Asian girl. He thought to himself that something about her just wasn't right. In his drunken stupor he soon forgot about it.

The next morning he woke up in bed, or rather a sack of hay. His head was pounding and some naked blond woman was laying next to him.

'I've gotta lay off the ale' he thought to himself.

He wondered how far he was from the barracks. In the back of his mind, he could remember that there was something important about today. He suddenly jumped up.

"I'm supposed to meet the King at 12 O'clock" he yelled. The woman gave him a quizzical look as he rushed outside. He saw a horse so he threw a sack of coins where it stood and climbed on up. He was happy to find that his newly bought horse was fairly fast, he just hoped that he hadn't already bought it once the night before. By the time he reached the castle, he felt he was fairly early. The guards led him to the the throne room where the king greeted him quite disfavorably.

"YOU ARE TWO HOURS LATE" the King yelled. "I can't believe you are about to get a promotion, look at yourself, unshaven, unwashed, and Lieutenant maybe you could explain why you have no boots".

"Um" Sir Validus stammered. 'This' he thought himself, 'is exactly why I got drunk last night, that man always stresses me out'.

"As you know, Captain Hilut was assassinated last week, and you have been chosen to be his replacement".

"Yes Sir, King. . .um Sire" Sir Validus stuttered.


It was the last thing Validus heard before he fled for the door. He was about a mile from town before his heart stopped pounding. Validus decided it was time to visit the tavern, and get rid of some excess stress.

Halfway through his first mug of ale he spotted the dark haired Asian woman again. She sat alone at the far end of the room. Seeing where he was looking, Johnson advised him to leave that one alone. Apparently she had broken someone's arm last night just because the guy had touched her shoulder. Rather than seeing that as an issue, Validus took it as a challenge. He paid the bartender, then headed across the room. He greeted her but was met with only silence. Deciding something more ambitious was in order, he took the seat next to her. She looked at him through slanted eyes.

"What" she hissed.

"I just thought you would like some company" he said, smiling cheekily.

"If you have a death wish, it's about to be granted"

"You are feisty" Validus replied as he reached over and held her hand. The next thing he knew, he was airborne. When the world stopped spinning, he found himself upside down across the room. Not quite ready to give up yet, he brushed the dust from his clothing and headed back to his seat.

"So beautiful, how about I buy you a drink"

He convinced himself that the look she gave him was of curiosity rather than unbridled fury.

"So, what's your name?" he asked as he reached over to hold her hand again.

He assumed he was just imagining things but he swore her eyes flashed red. She grabbed his arm and twisted it, shattering the bones, then threw him against the roof. Gravity unfortunately didn't want to relinquish its hold on him and he came back down to crash through the table.

"The name is Samantha" she said as she walked away "Remember it well because the next time you see me will be the day you die".

The table had been reduced to toothpicks, but in a matter of seconds his arm was healed.

"I told you to leave that gal alone" Johnson called from across the room.

"Leave her alone? you must be kidding" Validus said as he stood upright "I'm just beginning to make some headway".

Johnson simply laughed and shook his head as Validus followed Samantha out the door. It wasn't hard to spot someone dressed in all black in the middle of the day. Samantha was heading to a hotel across the street. Validus casually walked in only to be stopped by the clerk.

"I'm sorry but one of our guests has instructed me to prevent you from entering the premises"

Validus smiled, she thought that she could get rid of him that easily, he would just have to wait outside. As midnight came and went, Validus wondered what anybody could do all day long in a hotel room alone. In the dead of night, he spotted her leaving.

Validus sauntered on over "Hello".

"Shouldn't you be in the hospital" she asked, surprised. Validus just grinned.

"So where are you off to" he inquired.

Samantha kept her peace and continued walking. Validus stayed on her heals, she seemed to be heading toward the castle.

"Are you going to have a chat with the king. He knows me well, you know".

Samantha glared at him, "I'm going to have a chat with the king alright, but I doubt he will like it".

Validus didn't like her tone but at least she was talking to him. She didn't become anymore talkative for the rest of the walk. Sure enough, she led them to the castle. When the guards refused to let her in, Validus decided to do something quick before she got temperamental. A sack of gold was enough to get them an audience with the king.

"Hi, I brought a visitor" Validus exclaimed when he saw the king "I hope there are no hard feeling about this morning".

"Do you really want to be executed", was all the answer he got.

In the next moment, Samantha did something very unexpected. She jumped toward the king, making the fifty foot distance in one leap. The next thing Validus knew, the king was on fire, and guards were running everywhere. He decided that this was a bad place to be, but before he could run, he was surrounded.


After hours of questioning, it was decided that if he didn't capture the fugitive, Samantha, he would be held responsible for the death of the king. As the highest ranking man in the room, they couldn't do much to him, but the prince was due back in two days. He assumed that even if he caught Samantha, they would execute him anyway. Validus decided it was time to skip town, but before he left, he needed to get his stuff from his quarters in the south tower; he couldn't have imagined that it would be the turning point in his life. He had half expected to find guards in his room, but instead he found Samantha. Validus drew his sword, but Samantha cast a spell that froze him to the spot.

"Do you know?" Samantha whispered as she walked toward him, "that I've come to like your persistence. I considered killing you, but for some reason I think I will let you live; they will want to blame this mess on somebody. I will just bet that you would make an excellent scapegoat".

"Why did you kill the king" Validus asked.

"This land was never his" Samantha growled, "I simply intend to deliver it to its true owners".

Validus had no idea what she was talking about but he wished he could feign knowledge of the matter.

"Do you know what?" Samantha asked, touching her fingertips to his chin, "I think I might just keep you".

Validus didn't like the sound of that but he didn't have much say in the matter. She turned around and opened a portal out of thin air. When the doorway was all of the way open, he realized something very disturbing, he was sliding toward it. In the next moment he was able to move again, but he was falling through a black void. All he could see in the void were Samantha's eyes which burned like coal in the inky darkness.

Validus awoke on a hard stone floor. He looked around to find that he was in a large dining room. There was only one doorway, and sitting right in front of it, was the biggest black panther that he had ever seen. There was food on the table so he dug in while the cat watched his every move.

He had just finished eating when Samantha spoke behind him, "Hello lover". He whipped around sword drawn. Before his blade reached her, the panther lunged and took a chunk out of his arm. His sword fell from his hand as blood rained on the ground. He had never been hurt so badly in his entire life, he was really wondering if it would heal or not. Sure enough, the bleeding stopped and his arm slowly returned to normal.

Samantha picked up his sword as she whispered behind him, "I should warn you; my pet, Shade, is very protective".

Validus had no idea how she had gotten behind him so easily, and his heart was still racing from the surprise. She brought the scarlet tip of the sword to her mouth and licked it.

"I wish for you to join me upstairs, please don't disappoint me".

She turned and walked out of the room dropping her garments behind her. Validus didn't know if this was some kind of trick or if she was playing a game with him, but he decided that the further he got from the panther, the safer he would be. Validus walked through the castle following a trail of Samantha's garments. He was led up a finely crafted wooden staircase.

At the top, stood Samantha. Her beauty stunned him. His eyes went from her full red lips down her slender neck. Her ample breast stood out prominently above her slender waist. She stood there with only silk panties on and beckoned him with a wave of her middle finger.

Validus realized that he was just as much a fugitive as she was, so he really had nothing to lose by falling for this temptress. He was still concerned by the new attitude she had toward him. He wondered if she felt anything for him or if this was just her little bit of fun. He decided to follow his heart rather than his head. He just hoped that it wouldn't get him in as much trouble as it usually did.

He followed her to the master bedchamber, and found that the Shade was already there watching him suspiciously. Samantha was lying on the bed twining her legs together in anticipation. Validus removed his clothing and climbed into bed. He noted that although the sheets were silk, the bedspread was a very soft fur. Samantha climbed on top of his chest, her spread pussy tantalizingly close to his flesh.

"I can see just how badly you want me" she teased. Her hands cupped her tits holding them up for him to see. Her knees were on top of his thighs, holding him just far enough away that he couldn't gain entrance. Validus felt perspiration bead on his brow, his cock was so hard that it felt three feet long, and she kept teasingly letting the head brush her vulva. He tried with all his might to push upward but she was just too strong.

She flipped her hair causing it to waft down through the late evening light. The ends of the strands came to rest on his chest, tantalizing his skin. She dug her fingernails into his skin twisting the hairs on his chest. He took the opportunity to reach up and tweak her nipples. She moaned seductively then leaned forward and brought her face right up to his.

"Do you think you can please me?" she asked, licking her lips seductively.

Validus got the upper hand by leaning forward and kissing her full on the lips. Though she was caught off guard, Samantha didn't give in for a second. She returned the kiss with an animalistic passion. When it broke, he could still taste her on his lips. His hands squeezed her firm breasts, making her nipples stand out prominently. She nibbled his neck, then bit down on his shoulder. Her fangs pricked his skin stimulating his nerves.

When she sat back up, Valdus had to do a double-take. Not only did she now have fangs, but there were cat-like ears on top of her head. He didn't know what kind of magic this was but all he wanted right now was to release the almost painful pleasure he was feeling. Samantha lowered slightly, teasing him again, then leaned forward and spoke in his ear.

"You may know how to make love to a woman" she whispered while licking his ear, "But I wonder if you can please a panther such as me".

He brought his hands down to her belly and massaged the muscles that rippled underneath. Samantha responded by arching her back and purring. He had never heard a woman purr before; it was the most erotic sound he had ever heard.

Before his eyes, her body began to change. White fur grew from her face, hands, feet, and belly, while jet black fur covered her back, legs, and arms. He barely believed what he was seeing. Validus absently wondered if she had drugged him with some sort of hallucinogen. Something brushed his leg, and a quick look confirmed that she also possessed a tail. Apparently, she hadn't been kidding about being a panther.

She gave him a wicked, fanged smile as she lowered herself down allowing the head of his penis to penetrate her. Her pussy was soft and incredibly warm. Her body temperature was well over one-hundred degrees. Velvet soft fur caressed his cock as she sank lower. She kissed him again, but with a more fiery purpose this time. Her body was heavily scented with pheromones. The smell was intoxicating to him. Soon he was no longer able to hold back, his body tensed on the edge of release.

"Take me" Samantha whispered, as she bit down on his neck and thrust herself down to the hilt on his rock hard member.

The semen rushed up his shaft and he gasped, his first burst shot from his body and filled Samantha's pussy. He was out of control as burst after burst of cum was pumped into her body. Validus tried to catch his breath as the sense of euphoria washed over him. Samantha was panting above him, her hair tangled and cum dripping from her pussie. Her furry breasts stood out prominently as her chest heaved. Validus was trying to breath himself, but no oxygen seemed to be getting in. his still hard member was being massaged by the muscles within her pussy. Samantha laid against his chest and purred.

Quite unexpectedly, a demon woman with red skin entered their room though a portal. When the creature eyed them she began yelling at Samantha. The last thing he heard before the woman knocked him unconscious was her yelling something about getting rid of him.

Validus awoke in a windowless cell, his head throbbing. He wasn't sure if it was so much a cell as a hole, because it was pitch black. The walls were brick and after untold hours of beating on the surface, he managed to remove a block. He was very disappointed to find solid steel plates behind the bricks. He sat for a long time, depressed and utterly hopeless.

Hours later, he heard a sound and became alert. Apparently there was a cell to the left of him and it sounded like he had some company finally. He waited for the guard to walk away before he made any noise. The occupant of the other cell sounded like a woman but it was hard to tell because the only sound she made was of sobbing. He pounded on the wall until she asked who it was. He told her his name and asked why she was crying. She relayed that she was to be sacrificed a day from now so that the red demon woman, Siana, could preform a ritual.

Her story only served to further depress Validus until he heard something interesting, she said her cell had a window. He assumed that if he could get to her cell, they might have a chance of getting through the window. Right away he began pounding at the brick wall, the bones of his hands shattering with each blow. His hand would heal each time he pulled back his arm only to strike the wall again pulverizing the bones. He had rightly assumed that there wasn't a steel plate between the cells, which was lucky for him because he knew he had no way of demolishing steel. His teeth were gritted as the agonizing chore continued. By the time he had made a small opening into her cell, he passed out from the pain.

He awoke to the sensation of a soft hand on his face. The woman had reached through the hole to, if not see, at least feel her savior.

Now that there was a hole, it was much easier to remove the blocks. Once the hole was big enough, he crawled into her cell. He was quite surprised by what he saw. She was like Samantha but her fur was pure white with a black tiger striped pattern. He looked around for the window, only to find that it was in the ceiling thirty feet up. He seriously considered sitting on the floor and giving up completely, but he decided for once to think of someone other than himself. He knew that if he gave in, that it would make it just that much harder on the girl. Though he knew they were doomed, he forced himself to comfort her. He held her against his chest a they stood in silence. He wished that he could help them but he was completely out of options. She looked up at him and spoke.

"We cannot stop them from killing us, but we can prevent them from using my body as a vessel for their ritual. If I were to give you the power I posses, then maybe you would have a chance of escaping".

Validus didn't understand what she was talking about. As far as he could tell, she didn't have any magic powers to speak of. If she was a mage then she should have been able to blow a hole in the wall or something. His attention went back to her when she spoke again after sensing his perplexity.

"The mages of my family line can't use their magic until after their first mating. I wanted a normal life so I escaped from my home town, and remained a virgin so that I would never be able to use those hateful magics that I posses. I was foolish to think that my past would never catch up to me. So I beg of you, allow me to give you all my powers. I would rather you used them than Siana".

"What must I do" Validus asked. She looked at the ground, suddenly shy.

"You must take the last thing I have, take me as your mate" she whispered as she lay her soft cheek against his chest. Though she was sad about her impending doom, she seemed actually happy that he wished to help her. She laid her back on the stone floor of the cell.

Looking down at her, Validus wished that more than moonlight was coming into the cell, so that he could truly appreciate her beauty.

She spread her legs shaking slightly. Her tail swished back and forth, but her eyes only showed clear purpose.

This open invitation had caused Validus's cock to become so hard that it hurt. He got down and prepared to mount her, but he was momentarily stunned when he saw the moonlight glance off her face. He gave her a kiss, probably her first, and received a smile from her.

The lips of her pussie were warm against the night air. He entered her with a slow even pressure not wanting to hurt her. He felt resistance and pushed through, finally sliding all the way in and taking her virginity.

She gritted her teeth momentarily then opened her mouth and breathed heavily as the pain began to give way to pleasure. He slowly rocked her, arousing a pleasurable feeling throughout her body. Snow was beginning to fall outside and the flakes that came in the window, chilled his skin. As he thrust into her, her fur began to recede until she was completely human. She gripped his shoulder hard as her first orgasm bloomed within her. His wasn't far behind as he filled her with his seed.

When it was over, he looked into her face and saw peace, but he also saw her shiver and realized that she must not be used to the cold now that she didn't have fur. He held her closer keeping her warm as the snow glanced off his back.


Several hours later, morning came and so did Siana. Validus noted that she seemed incredibly furious as she dragged the both of them outside. Validus thought that he was strong, but try as he might, he couldn't release himself from her grip. Up ahead, he saw Samantha standing next to some sort of alter.

"Do you see what your little pet has done" Siana yelled as she held the young woman by the neck, "She is now useless to me". She tightened her grip cutting off the girl's air flow. Validus was helpless to watch as life left the young woman's body and she was dropped to the ground.

"Get rid of him" Siana said as she tossed Validus into the air "And Samantha, don't think that you won't suffer for this".

He landed at Samantha's feet as Siana walked away. Samantha came at him in a mad rage and sank the ceremonial dagger, she was holding, into his chest. Five claws swiped across the side of his face, tearing all the way through the skin. She grabbed the dagger again and proceeded to slice him up. He didn't know what kind of enchantment that dagger had but he wasn't healing from his wounds. He reach out to grab the dagger, only to have her cut through his bicep making him unable to move his arm. She swung the knife repeatedly until he lay on the ground, bleeding profusely.

"It's too bad it had to end this way, I really am a nice person" she told him as she placed the tip of the blade to his neck.

"Fine Samantha, if you are so nice, why don't you let me free?"

She jerked the blade sideways slitting his throat, then walked away as she cleaned away the scarlet fluid which dripped from the blade. Validus felt his world begin to fade, if he would've been conscious, he would have seen a tear run down Samantha's cheek. With a shudder, his heart ceased to beat and he lay still.

In the darkness he heard the white tigress's voice.

"Don't let me die for nothing, use my power to resist the cursed blade and heal yourself". With her final words she disappeared into a halo of light..

Validus awoke with a start, his wounds had not healed completely but he was no longer bleeding. He stood on shaky legs and looked around. Half a foot of fresh snow had fallen, leaving no trace of Siana or Samantha. Everybody was gone, but he realized that something else was amiss. He checked his arm and found that he was covered in fur; the same kind of white tiger pattern that the maiden had been marked with.

He noticed a lump in the snow, it was the young woman's body. Her skin was now cold and gray, her form nothing more than an empty vessel. She had given her powers so that he may live; it was a gift that he could never repay her for. He brushed the snow from her face as he closed her eyelids. Rage boiled within his heart. His fists clenched as he yelled into the gray sky.

"SAMANTHA, if you can hear me, know this; when I find you, my sword will show no mercy."

After standing there for several minutes without anyone coming to kill him, Validus decided that they must have really left. With a purposeful gait he headed into the snowy wilderness.