Sellouts or Survivors

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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Sellouts or Survivors




21, 2013¸¸?·¯·?¸¸?·¯·?¸¸


on a Show¸¸?·¯·?¸¸?·¯·?¸¸

The Chymara

Preparatory Academy football stands were packed with students who came just for

the free concert and a few out of towners that paid the ten dollar admission to

see the once underground band perform live for the first time in a planned


As the crowd

moved and rustled, conversations becoming too loud to truly be understood even

when standing next to the person, the field lights flashed off plunging the

audience into an almost total darkness. The crowd fell into absolute silence,

and a strange chorus of voices echoed through the ear, speaking words in some

strange language.

"Dia duit, Aille Marmar, agus buíochas a

ghabháil leat as fáilte a chur romhainn. Anocht is mian linn a draíocht ar tú

lenár amhráin, Ach nach bhfuil do fáilte a deonaíodh dúinn go pléisiúir. Anocht

na Máthar, Maiden, agus cailleach a thabhairt dúinn ár n-dlite. Agus anois a

thabhairt dúinn é ar ais chugat Trí Fill."

A spotlight

lit up a small area of the stage, From the distance they could see the

unmistakable black armored white cat on the stage as her voice echoed over the

speakers. "Hello Marblecliff, our new home. And thank you for your warm

welcome. From the time we set paw on your streets, walked the halls of your

schools with you, we have seen just what we have expected from you all. Your

world is cruel and judgmental. You make snap generalization about what you see,

without the time to know the truth." While she talked the standard fog

generators covered the high stage with a thick layer of mist. "We came here as

your equals, your peers, and we were greeted as the outcasts we have always

been. You bump into us in the hall, you slap the books from our paws, you

whisper lies about us to one another. But, we do not blame you for this, it is

the way of your world, of you silver spoon fed fools."  The crowd remained silent as the feline made

her speech without a hint of anger or animosity in her melodic voice. "We bring

you this concert as a peace offering to the masses. We return from the shadows

we entered for those that have begged for our sound. Those sounds of the mystic

twins, Dubh and Ban." As she spoke a light flashed on over the canine pair

mirrored black and white costumes of feathers and leather. Each held a shiny

battle axe shaped guitar, one obviously a bass with the other an eight string,

evident in the distance only by the sound of the soft Celtic style music they

were playing. "Rainstar, our Lady of the ivory keys." The sound of a keyboard

joined as the light fell on a corgi girl dressing in leather and lace outfit.

"And dealing out beat on the wyvern skins, the Dragon Nadraka!" With the

introduction a black light brought the neon and fluorescent steaks and patterns

of the drummer's fur to life against the black of its fur, as it tapped the

sticks together four times before they were dropped on two opposing drums and a

blast of fire sprang forth from the drummer's muzzle into the air. "I am

Jabyses, and we are Omen Breaker, and invite you to our world of Ethundova."

The screeching

guitars and loud thrash music started with a strange melody of the dog girl

twins singing in whatever language they had spoken earlier. A small crowd of

out of towners rushed out of the stands onto the field and formed a pit as they

slammed their bodies into each other not in time with the music. Pyrotechnics

and sparklers light up around the stage as the twins danced as bounced with the

music, Jabyses' voice screeching the incomprehensible words to whatever song

they were playing. Soon an intricate guitar and bass duo started as the lead

singer and keyboard player moved to center stage and lifted a pair of poles

with a Mystic Schools uniform and the drummer stood placing one paw on top of

the kick drum. Several audience members screamed as a ball of fire  burst forth from it's muzzle once more,

igniting the obviously accelerant socked uniform in a  blaze of blue flame. It then jumped over the

drums and tumbled to the front of the stage, where it proceeded to blast a

pillar of flame over the moshing crowd causing many of them to run and scream

as others rushed in waving small flammable objects in hopes of getting


The twin swung

axe guitars over their heads as they caught the flaming uniform and pinning it

hard into the wooden stage floor. The group turned their backs to the audience

as Jabyses said into the headset mic, "We're done, FUCK YOU ALL!"  then turned and led the group off the stage

having played only part of one song.

"What the Hell

was that?" Megan asked, looking at her giraffe companion and drummer.

Vivy snorted,

"And I thought I had a temper. Man, what a fucking joke! It was a free show,

and I still feel like I was ripped off!"

"They have a

lot of talent, though," the bat said. "It's too bad they mask it with cheesy

theatrics and effects. If I ever sell out like that, break up the band, ok?"

The taller

girl replied, "No problem there! I'm pretty sure I recognize the corgi girl

from work, though. And I know it isn't her, but their singer looks a lot like


"Don't fucking

say it," Megan groaned. "I don't want to talk about her."



"What the hell

was that?" The Lion roared at the band as the left the heated stage into the

cold September air. "Where the hell do you think you're going? You have to do

more than one part of a song. Get your ass back on that stage."

Jabyses turned

on her heals a look of anger in her eyes, she started to walk forward only a

moment before Nadraka pushed her out of the way. The fennec/Jacob sheep hybrid

walked up to the larger, older male as shi said, "You wanted us to put on a

show, here, for these people. That's what we did, and listen to the cheering.

They loved it, all hundred and twenty seconds of it." shi ripped the flame

breath apparatus from hir neck and jaw as shi started to wipe the flame

suppressant jell from hir muzzle. "This is not us, this is not the Omen

Breaker. You want screeching thrash with no reason, or soul? You got the wrong


Jabyses put

her paw on the fennec's shoulder as a tall lemur boy walked between the group

of five. "Here's the deal from now on, Mr. Marks. You want us to play? Next

time work with us; don't tell us where to go and what to do. We have a style,

and that is what got us here. You don't know shit about what we do. And to

force us to do a free show for people that have done nothing but push us around

and treat us like crap... It's not happening again. Fuck your contract; we'll go

back to the streets." He turned and put his arm over Jabyses's shoulder as he

said, "Come on, we have a real gig to hit at a warehouse down town, where our

real fans are."

Eric Marks

watched as the tightly knit group of young musicians walked away from a

contract venue in favor of a dirty warehouse with no budget, what they had been

playing for the past two years and nearly starving to death. The sound of the

cheering crowd grew restless as the time passed without the band. He yelled to

the group, "Wait, What do you want? What do you need to get back on that


The lemur

turned to him again and said, "They're not getting back on the stage, but you

can tell them we'll be at Hellion for the rest of the night. Anyone that really

wants to hear us will know how to get there."

¸¸?·¯·?¸¸?·¯·?¸¸June 10,



in the Water¸¸?·¯·?¸¸?·¯·?¸¸

The poorly

painted ture bus sat quietly in the department store parking lot. inside a

small group of teens gathered around the table with a laptop open. A corgi girl

sat at the keyboard as they looked through and read comments in their forums.

She stopped and pointed at the screen. "Here's one. They're even offering to pay."


How far is that?" The black furred fennec fox hybrid asked as she pulled a

brush through hir still wet hair.

"Yea, we're

going to need something before then," the white feline said as she walked

toward the driver's compartment. "Tell them we are in San Diego and will need

an advance on that if they want us to show. And let them know we get a cut of

the door if they put our name on the leaf."

"Sure thing

Jaby," the corgi girl said as she tapped away at the keys.


stepped into the driver's area, the engine cover was off and a young lemur sat

in the engine space with a toolbox to his side. She knelt down next to him and

asked, "How does it look?"

"We need a new

rotor and distributor cap. We're dead in the water," he said as he held up the

large black plastic object. "That and we're almost out of food again. I swear

Nadraka's pregnant, shi eats like a horse."

Jabyses patted

him on the head as she replied, "If shi is shi's been pregnant for two years

now. Come on back and rest a bit, Rod, we might have an advance on the way to

get the parts and eats."

"And reindeer

shit brownies," he said as he got to his footpaws. "How many times have we

actually ever gotten anything before they collected the door?"

As the two

rejoined the others a stream of profanities flowed from the corgi's muzzle as

she slapped the laptop shut. Jabyses dropped into the seat next to the black

dyed fox and said, "I take it that means no on the advance."

"Fuck no," she

said as she slumped back in the booth seat. "Only decent gig and we have no

fuckin' way to get there."

"We're out of

food, out of gas and broken down in San Diego," A young white and brown dog

girl said as she looked at her twin sister with polar opposite color pattern.

"Only two options left."

Jabyses looked

around at her five band members, "We're going with option one until it fails.

Unhook the car Nadraka, we'll hit up the clubs and see if we can get a one

nighter to get us back on the road. Everyone else get some sleep, we might need




Jabyses, a

common white feline with orange coloration around each paw, looked over at her

best friend as the pair drove through the city looking for a club they

might  get a gig at for the night. Their

chances were slim at best, but they needed to try. "Hay, Vic?" she called over

to the fennec/jacob sheep hybrid, a name she only used when the two were alone,

the last remnant of the life the hermaphrodite left behind.


looked at back at her and blinked, one of the few times hir deep amber eyes

were not concealed by hir florescent colored contacts, "Yea?" shi questioned as

she slumped down in the seat  in a vain

attempt to avoid the daylight. hir blue-black dyed fur hot and unbearable in

the direct sun when it was filtered through the car windows.

"Do you think

we should try to go home again?" Jabyses asked as she pulled into another club

parking lot. "I mean, we're starving out here barely making it one gig to the


"You really

want to try again?" the fox asked as she hunkered even lower in the seat.

"Remember what happened last time? The twins' parents were going to have them

arrested. And my Mom left again, with no forwarding address. I guess dad found

her again. You, Rod, and Tessa are the only ones with anything to go back to."

Jabyses sighed

as she cut the power to the engine. "Truth is I really don't have anything

there either. Last time I called home they said they were moving. Dad got a

promotion that moved him to Columbus, Ohio. And Tessa can only move back in is

she has a steady job, or going the College. That's what she was told when we


"Then why even

bother?" Nadrakatoria asked as shi reached for the door, "We have nothing to go

back to. We've missed two years of school. It's not like we can just walk back

into the classes and friends we left there. Besides, we do okay most of the

time. Rod keeps the bus running. We get gigs that give decent cuts. Hell we are

requested enough that we can pick and chose what we take."

Jabyses looked

over at her friend as they walked to the back door of the club , "That's not

the problem and you know it. We can get a gig anywhere we want; it's getting

there that's the issue. And that dream of getting discovered, let's get real,

what label frequents raves looking for new talent?"

"The kind that

want's good talent, the fennec replied with a smile, her oversized canine teeth

poking well past  the bottom of her chin.


conversation was cut short as the door opened in response to her knock. "What

do you want?" the deep voice of the large brown bear asked.

Jabyses spoke

up first, confident and forward. "We are members of the band Omen Breaker, and

we would like to run a show at your club tonight."

"Look, girls,

I don't know how long you've been doing this, but there is no point in paying

for an act on a Sunday night. Half the time I even close up early. So I can't

pay you  for a show when I'm not even

going to make the money to cover being open."

"We'll work

for part of the cover. If you don't make anything we don't get paid." Victoria

said just as confidently as her friend. "We'll bring the crowd; you just have

to provide the stage."

"I don't..." the

Bear was interrupted by another voice from farther in the club. "Let them play,

If they are only playing for part of the cove, all we can do is make out if

they really do bring them in." The bear looked down at the two as he finished,

"Well you heard the man. Be back here by five to set up."

"Thank you

sir," Jabyses said as the pair turned nearly giddy at the chance to play. She flipped

open the pre-paid cell and dialed the number for the one they kept in the bus.

A moment later she said, Flood the forums, we are play tonight for a cut of the

door. Location coming in a text."


The night progressed

as the feline leader of the group thought it would. Even with their toned down

theatrics and lack of pyrotechnics, their rave crowd showed is droves as soon

as the word was out on their forums. It had only been two years since they had

started their journey into stardom, and how they had gathered such a following

in such a short time  still amazed them.

As the crowd became restless and shouted, chanting over the screeching thrash

music that filled the small club. Jabyses looked to the twins then the corgi,

each returning a nod, as they readied for the event that would end their night,

in both triumph and possibly defeat.

The music

stopped and was replaced by a beat as ad the 

twins patted the strings of their axe guirats. "Chanadh muid go dtí an

t-ardú dragan. Tabhair dúinn do tine dorcha. Dóigh dúinn do fhearg geal. Dóigh

dúinn an oíche dorcha. " The two dog girls chanted into their mics as the crowd

fell silent. The stage lights dimmed to the point only the spotlight was on the

white feline lead singer as she walked to center stage.

"You want

Nadraka to dance?" She looked across the audience as a cheer rose with the continued

chanting of beat from the twins. "You know well what will happen in a place

like this if we set the dragon free." Lighters and cell phones lit up across

the dance floor and seating area. "Very well, but remember what burns our

passion and souls can devour your flesh and burn your world to the ground."

With her final word the spotlight flick off and the beat and chanting stopped,

replaced by bagpipes and a slow paced traditional sounding Celtic melody.

As the music

played  several small glow sticks,

bracelet, and rings came to life on center stage. The slow movements kept in

time with the music as the tempo slowly rose to a  Dance club rush speed. The lights turned to

streaks in the dark club as a black light fell on the stage. The fluorescent

yellow and hot pink streaks and patches of the fox hybrid burst to life,

glowing against hir black fur. Hir horns that she inherited from her father

show in the flaming pink of the fluorescent enamel painted over them. The crowd

cheered as the streaks of light spun and flipped through the air, soon joined

by the thrashing sound of the band. Mot tuned and timed to the fox's movements

as they continued to play in the dark, lit only by her frantic acrobatic


Soon the band

as a whole chanted the archaic gaelic summoning, "Chanadh muid go dtí an t-ardú

dragan. Tabhair dúinn do tine dorcha. Dóigh dúinn do fhearg geal. Dóigh dúinn

an oíche dorcha." Which brought with it burst of flame from the mouth of the

dancing vixen. The burst steadily growing longer as the song and dance

progressed. With the climax of the song 

the fox perched high in the air, held up as if by magic or wings on the

dark stage as a pillar of fire burst forth from her  muzzles setting of the sprinkler systems and

fire alarms.

The house

lights came on, showing the lemur that held the fox in the air as she stood on

his raised paws. The band continued to play, their equipment covered with black

ponchos and tarps. The fox hybrid dropped from the lemur's paws as she flipped

to the stage and swiftly moved back to hir drums as the band continued their

show even in the spraying downpour of the fire suppression system. Small

splashes of water bounced of the drums as shi picked up the beat of the latest song. 

The group

continued to play as the bouncers rushed and pushed their audience out of the

building and the club manager pushed his way to the stage. The bear shouted at

the group as he approached, his words lost in the music, but the anger in his

eyes evident. The band finally stopped playing as the firefighters came in and

cut off the suppression system.


OUT OF MY CLUB!," the bear yelled as they started to unhook their get and tear

down the drums.

"We'll be out

of your hair as soon as we get our cut of the door," Jabyses said as she looked

at the club manager.

"You're not

getting a dime. Your cut is going to have to go to  the cleanup and repair of all the damage you

caused," the bear swung his arms in the air as he spoke, "What the fuck were

you thinking using pyrotechnics in a closed club?"

"Your fire

suppression system was more than enough," Victoria said as dismantled the

drums. "And I was far enough away from your precious booze soaked dance floor

not to set it off.  This fuckin' place if

a fire hazard without me."

"Just get the

fuck out of my club!" The bear said as he pointed to the door.

After checking

the place was clear one of the firefighter walked up to the bear, "Sir, it

looks like you sprinklers got everything."


EVERYTHING? There was nothing to get!," he yelled at the bear, "These little

shits set of the system with their fucking show."

The  younger dog winked at Jabyses as he said,

"Well Sir, you should notify the local fire departments when you are planning

on a show that has pyrotechnics, that way we are ready for any issues that

might arise."

"Call a head?

It was a last minute show. They didn't tell me they used..."

The bear

looked at the older bear sternly, "You telling me that you scheduled a show without

knowing what it was, in an establishment that serves alcohol? I might need to

alert the Police about this."

The bear

glanced out the open door at the crowded filled with young furs, some still

holding bottles in their paws as the Police cars arrived on the scene "Fuck!"

The twins

wrapped their arms around the bear from both sides as they said in unison,

"Give us our cut and we can take care of the boys in blue."


whatever," he said as he pulled a roll of cash out of pocket and put it in one

of the paws. "Just never come back here again."

Tessa, the

corgi, ran to the door and shouted, "First four to get our gear to the bus get

a free ride to the next party." As the door was rushed by a small crowd of

teens she pointed at a few, "You, you, you and you," she said as she picked out

four of the larger more physically fit of the group. "Now the rest of you beat

it before I let Nadraka out." She then looked at the four she had picked, "Come

with me, you're taking our gear, the twins and myself back to our bus. You

think you can handle that?" Tessa being the oldest had filled a mother and

enforcer role among the group, using Vicatoria as a threat more often than not.

She swiftly turned to the stage with the sight of the officers heading for the

door, "Jaby, Nady, time to make a show of it for the boys in blue."

The fox and

cat looked at one another with a smile as Nadrakatoria pulled on her jacket to

ward of the chilled ocean air. Jabyses walked to the door to clear the way for

her friend as she got a running start before she moved into a succession of

flips, spins, and other acrobatics, causing the gathered crowd to clear a path

farther into the open air.  As her fried

distracted the crowd and the cops, Jabyses ran to the small faded blue rusty VW


The crowd

gathered around the the fennec hybrid just as she expected them to only moments

before the backed off at her shout, "I am Nadraka the Dragon, and I am free!"

her words were followed by a long blast of fire into the air. She then

proceeded to perform another flaming aerial acrobatics display as she forced

the crowd to move out of her way with flailing arms and legs, coupled with

busts of flame as she made her way to the car. She tumbled herself up to the

curved roof, now with the officer's full attention. She looked down, being sure

to make eye contact with at least one as she said, "catch me if you can." She

smiled as she crouched toward the front of the curved roof and the wheels

started to squeal.


the Dragon¸¸?·¯·?¸¸?·¯·?¸¸

Eric and his

lawyer sat in the observation room and the officer tried to calm the fennec and

Jacob sheep hybrid down. he watched as the rave rockstar's persona displayed in

full form as the young hermaphrodite sat chained to a chair bolted to the

floor. They had striped the hermaphrodite to near nudity as they removed every

article they thought might be a danger to them or herself. All that remained on

the fennec was a flimsy tanktop and a pair of boy shorts. He glanced over the

arrest report as she listened to hir maintain the show name, Nadraka the

Dragon, as they tried to question her. Shi lunged at them to the length of the

chains each time anyone approached her, barking and growling like a feral


As the car came to

a stop the young hybrid "Car Surfing" rolled off the top of the vehicle on onto

the ground. It seemed uninjured as it took a feral stance on all fours and

began to "Breath Fire" at fellow officers. Officer White used pepper spray only

to have the canister ignite with one of the perpetrators flame blasts. Officer

Backer and Stern proceeded to used other non-lethal methods, to include a stun

round from a shotgun. The perpetrator was finally subdued with the use of a


He looked at

his lawyer with a smile as he said, "They had to put hir down like a feral dog

to bring hir in."

"Her? She has

a bigger package than I do," the weasel said as he watched the commotion with

his client.

"H-I-R not

H-E-R, read their fucking site when I tell you to something," the lion said as

he dropped the report on the table. "Shi is and has embraced being the third

gender. I dare you to walk in there and call hir either a young lady or young

man; shi might rip your face off."

"Why are we

here again?"

"Because they

are good," Eric took a seat in a nearby chair as he spoke. "They had a club

crowded on a Sunday Night with only three hours' notice to their fans. People

want to see this group, they have both talent and they put on a show. And I

think we have a chance to sign them before anyone else can."

"That still

doesn't tell me why we are here," the weasel said as he took a seat next to

him. "They are a grunge band, and rave junkies from what you said. Not the type

to sign recording contracts."

"They are

Celtic Thrash, a rather unique sound if you ask me. It's a bit harder than most

of the Celtic folk rock I've heard. And I want them in my portfolio." He looked

at his Lawyer as she continued. "And that lead singer, Jabyses said the dragon

is the one I have to convince. Everyone else should follow them."

"And how are

you planning on convincing a wild animal to sign a binding contract?"

"By offering

hir the two things shi craves more than anything," He said with a little smile

as shi jerked the chains to their limit with another lung at an officer. "hir

Freedom, and her show."



Tessa leaned

out of the bus as she looked at the tall lanky lemur that leaned against it

with as nearly finished cigarette in his muzzle. "Any sign of them yet?"

"Not yet,"

Rodrick replied as he flicked the butt across the parking lot at a small can

that sat nearby. "They should've been back hours ago. I'm sure they were

pinched. And you Know Nady, shi is not going down without a fight."

"I'm starting

to get worried too," the older corgi said as she stepped out of the buss. She

leaned against the bus next to Rodrick as he pulled out another cigarette. She

snatched it out of his muzzles as he started to light it. "You're on rations

until we get to the next show. We don't have the cash to support that habit if

you're going to smoke 'em till those two get back."

As the corgi

scolded the lemur they both felt the bus shift as a loud thud came from the

wall of the sleeper section. "Sounds like the twins are having a little fun

with their new toy. I just hope he figures out what's going on before he tries

anything with Eby."

"Don't worry

about that. He brought his girl and they split the two up," Tessa said as she

took a drag off the cigarette she snatched from him. "Did you get the

distributor or whatever fixed?"

"Yeah," he

replied as she handed him the smoldering cig. "The posers over there took me to

an all-night auto parts store on the way back." He tilted his head toward as

small car with a pair of hyenas sitting on the hood. "They can't come to the

next show, but they wanted to get autographs from Jaby and Nady."


snickered as she looked at the pair. "They're in for a surprise if they are

thinking what I think they are."

Rodrick looked

out over the vacant parking lot as he watched two cop cars pull off the street.

He hammered his fist against the buss a few times as he said, "I don't think

they will be in for anything tonight." As he put the cigarette in his paw out

he heard the sound of the hyena's car start up and pull away.

The two squad

cars pulled up close to the tour bus, followed by a black suburban. Two large

bulldog officers stepped out of one of the squad cars and opened the back

door.  Victoria's pink paws touched the

ground as she stepped out of the car. The Hermaphrodite fennec hybrid stood,

dressed in only a thin white tank top undershirt and loose fitting boxers. Hir

arms and legs were shackled. One of the officers stepped in front of her with

the key as she calmly said, "Get these off of my." The look on the fennec's

face told Rodrick that approaching her right then was a bad idea. As soon as

the cuffs were removed the shi pushed her way past the larger bulldogs and

headed straight for the buss, not making eye contact with hir two band members.

Rodrick looked

at Tessa as they saw Jabyses get out of the suburban followed by an older Lion.

"What do you think is going one? The guy looks like FBI or some shit."

As the feline

led the big cat to the bus she said, "This is Eric Marks. He is with 'The Dream Mind Records'."

Just as

Rodrick was about to speak yelling came from the bus. "Get the FUCK out of my

bus," Victoria screamed as shi shoved the two cocker spaniels out into the lot

with a pile of clothing in their arms. "Dubh, Ban, Get your fucking clothes on

and get your asses out here."         

  Shocked into silence by the anger in their

drummer's voice the small band gathered at the entrance to the bus. The twins

wore matching slick robes while Victoria stepped out with a small selection of

clothing, spandex and tight fitting as opposed to her normal loose fitting rave

attire. shi tossed a small box to the lemur as shi said, "I'm already done,

Come get me when you gay are."

As the fennec

hybrid ran off at a full sprint Rodrick and the other looked to Jabyses as she

asked, "What the fuck is going on?"

As the lion

opened his mouth to talk, the twins spoke in unison, creating the most vocally

elegant, yet threatening line he had ever hears, "Bí ciúin roimh sracadh muid

amach do chuid súl."


Jabyses said as she raised her paws to the group. "This is Eric Marks. He is a

band manager and agent for The Dream Mind Records."

"Deam Mind?"

the group questioned in unison.

"Here's the

deal," the feline started again. "He offered us a contract, but before you get

all excited there are a few stipulations."

Rodrick pulled

out another cigarette as he asked, "What stipulations? I don't like the sound

of this already."

"First," The

lion spoke up, "You will need to spend the next two months in a recording

studio. A proper recording studio to put together the beginning of your first

official album. To do that, you will need to miss your next show, and every

show you think you can do between now and then."

"No shows mean

no money," Tessa spouted out as she pulled the cigarette out of Rodrick's

muzzle. "How are we supposed to eat, or even get to your studio?"

"The contract

will take that into account. We will be advancing you the estimated earnings

from the shows you will be missing during the recording sessions." Eric

straightened his tie as he continued, "From that point on you will get a

regular royalties pay out based on CD and Download sails each month. I will

also set up live performances and concerts from which you will also get

payments based on the ticket sales."

"And of course

you will get your cut," Tessa said with a near scowl on her muzzle.

"I will only

get a meager ten percent."

"That's not

it," Rodrick said in a low even voice, "That's too easy and it doesn't explain

why Jaby and Nady were brought back with police. So let's have the real deal

Mr. Marks"

"Due to your

ages, and some extenuating circumstances surrounding you last show and Ms.

Stone, you will need to be enrolled in a reputable school during the length of

the recording contract, or until you have graduated or turned eighteen."

"What does

that have to do with what happened tonight?" Ebony, the twin dog girl with the

darker fur asked.

Jabyses sighed

as she said, "In order to get Nadraka off the hook for everything we did,

including assault on an office, Shi had to agree to the contract, or paying the

label back in full within the next month without leaving town."

"Wait, so

you're telling us it's a contract with this jackass and now shows for two

months," Tessa started with a slightly upset tone in her voice, "or we spend

the next month here in this shit hole looking for work only to starve to death

as we pay back whatever the fuck it cost to get Nadraka out?"

 "That's the jist of it," Jabyses said, "I

don't know how, but he already got Nadraka to agree, but only if we do. This is

an all or nothing deal. She would rather go to jail for six months than do

anything without all of us. I mean, let's get real here. Shi's nothing without

us but we're nothing without her. If she's out of the picture for that long,

we're all going home anyway, just to survive." She looked around the group as

she continued, "We started this as a group. We gave up and walked away from

everything. Rod and Tessa are the only ones left with anything to go back to.

Eby, Ivy, your parents tried to have you arrested when we went back to visit.

Mine have moved to Columbus Ohio. If things fall apart now, we might never see

each other again. And Nadraka was willing to give up the thing Shi has been

fighting to keep, the raves, the picking our own shows, doing anything we

wanted to. shi is going to give that up to keep us together. Do you have any

idea how hard that really is for hir?"



looked at the small device in her paw as shi thought through the free run rough

that hir and Rodrick had scouted the day before. She snapped and shook several

glow bands to light her up in the predawn hours. Hey were in the business

district so shi was hoping to keep to the rooftops as much as she could. The

route went through and over several offices building and ended with a show

stopper that she and Rod had planned to video if shi did the run. But he wasn't

here, not this time. There was no one to catch hir at the end.

shi looked up

the narrow gap between the buildings as shi spotted the  open point in the fire escape several yards

up the side. The security firms had all but blocked access to the latter and

platform systems from the ground, leaving them open only as the third floor and

above.  shi secured and started the

waterproof sport camera on her belt and started a short run before bouncing

between the walls. The neon glow of hir bands. shi swiftly lost hir self in the

running, tumbles, and jumps as hir mind played though the image of the course

and obstacles that would come up.

shi lost, this

fight was over. She knew there was no way the group would go for such a strict

contract. They would be giving up everything they had, freedom, the choice of

venues, maybe even the type of music they played. All shi could think about was

losing them. The only friends shi had that accepted her the way she was. They

let her flow with her mood, never questioned her swings between gender

identities. They life they had chosen was hard on them all, but it brought them

closer together, and now it was at an end.

Shi began to

growl as the impacts hit harder and the flips and jumps went farther. Each

passing step shi forced hirself to go faster. As if the speed would turn the

world back to the way it was only twenty-four hours ago. shi closed her eyes as

she cartwheeled through the air from one building to the next, hir mind

drifting from the course before her to the thought of them, her band, her

family, gathered around the small laptop as the picked out their next show. shi

opened her eyes as the fact that the grand finish was before her, paws hitting

the roof top and rolling back into a full sprint run. The edge of the building

drew closer, faster than she could imagine. Only a few steps to the glorious

rush as she would dive off the edge. But hir partner, hir wing man, hir base

and catcher would not be there this time. Shi closed her eyes as shi flipped

off the edge and tumbled through the air. It was better to just let it end now,

than to deal with losing it all slowly.

Shi felt the

thin yet powerful arms wrap around her and she cushioned her fall. Shi felt the

hard impact knock the breath out of both of them as hir landed softer than

anticipated. Shi opened her eyes to meet the emerald green that looked back at

hir. He smiled at hir as he said, "I didn't have time to set up the camera, but

I don't want to see you do that again either."

"What the fuck

were you thinking?" Jabyses nearly screamed as the group gathered around the

fennec sheep hybrid. "There's no way you knew Rod would be there, but you

jumped anyway. What the hell Nadraka, What would we do if you actually got hurt

or some shit?"


really matter does it?" the fennec said as he got up off the lemur. "It's all

just about over anyway?"

"What are you

talking about?"

"Come one, By

the end of the week we will be so broke, performing without pay to cover my ass

that we'll all have to go home, or die on the street."Nadraka said as she

brushed hirself off and tapped the stop button on the camera.

In unison as

they so often did, the twins said, "We still get the money form the shows we

were going to do, and they are just going to fly us to the studio and get the

bus fixed up while we are there."


Victoria looked around the group, "What are you saying? You guys would never go

for anything like that."

"We would for

our dragon," Tessa said as she tossed and arm over Victoria's shoulder. "But if

you go and break yourself by trying to dive off a building without your catcher

in place, we'll be set back while we wait for you to get out of the hospital."

Jabyses smiled

as she said, "No one is going anywhere without our dragon. We need you Nadraka.

And we need to get to the airport."


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