Missi's Lessons in Relationships

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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To all those who supported selection 1 the final tally was 5/2 so the 2's won it but don't get discouraged, bring more readers and sway the votes! At the end of the series I will include a contemplation album of all the selections not chosen in a 'lost chapters' edition so don't fret you will have your satisfaction

Missi's lessons in trustworthiness

Missi blinked curiously and shrugged the voice off, when she turned around no one else was there it was just here and the bucket. "Strange old house must have some echoes flying around or something like that" Missi stood up and brushed her new uniform wandering up the stairs to a door marked Kalie's room. Pushing it open she approached the sleeping drake carefully, not wanting to wake her but her old teacher had a saying.

"To find out about your child just look at their play things, that is the quickest way to understand their habits" Missi looked up and saw walls of dolls, hundreds of them all lined up perfectly, very perfectly as if they did it themselves. "I would have never guessed girls were into old dollies like this" Missi muttered admiring the prime condition of the old dolls, they weren't phat or hip new dolls, no these looked centuries old antiques if not relics.

"I had one like this when I was a little girl" Missi took a doll off the self and admired it's realistic hair. She rubbed her hand against the doll's ceramic skin and became lost in it's deep empty eyes so much that when Kalie let out a yawn it scared Missi, making her drop and break the doll into a million pieces. The doll shattered as it hit the floor as did Missi's hopes of bonding with Kalie. "Oh no" Missi dropped down onto the floor and began to scoop up the doll crying softly.

"What's wrong Nanny Missi?" Kalie giggled sitting up and seeing her nanny in tears about a broken doll. "You know that doll was probably going to break anyway" Kalie giggled softly and stood up with a swing in her hips placing her hands behind her and rocking on the heels of her feet.

"What, you aren't mad Kalie?" Missi held the broken pieces and tried to reconstruct the doll face. "I mean I broke one of your toys, OH I know" Missi reached into her pocket and found the card Jessie had left her. "I will buy you a new one.. or an old one" Missi smiled and Kalie pouted. "What's wrong Kalie I will replace it" Missi didn't quite understand Kalie's attitude

"I don't want a new doll, grown ups think money can solve everything, that all of life is just a dollar and cent amount" Kalie frowned and then held up a dress like the dolls. "I want something better than some old doll" Kalie giggled and held the dress over Missi. "I want something a little more personal" Kalie smiled and waited for Missi's response.

"This seems fairly reminiscent" Missi muttered and shook her head. "I'm sorry Kalie I really am but I won't dress up like a doll for you, there is a line between us that I won't cross" In reality Missi was embarrassed and a little scared that dream still floating in the back of her mind. Kalie really began to pout and threw the dress down now.

"HMPH you're no better than the other sitters, they all wanted to be better than Kalie but you AREN'T!" Kalie's eyes welled up with big tears as she approached a tantrum. "YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME YOU BREAK THINGS AND LIE ABOUT BEING TRUSTWORTHY!" Kalie began to pound her feet on the floor and shake her fists.

"NO!" Missi stood up and bit her lip Kalie was right she was trying to be her baby sitter and not her partner. "You're right Kalie I did break your toy and I owe you whatever you want, if you want me to wear the dress I will" Mssi sighed, wearing a dress wasn't that bad was it?

"You mean it?" Kalie wiped her tears away and smiled hugging Missi. "YAY! I KNEW I LIKED YOU" Kalie giggled and looked at Missi smiling. "Get naked" She said plainly as if to command her sitter. "I want to dress my new dolly, yeah you have to be my dolly all day long or I'll tell my mommy you broke my dolly then wouldn't play with me!" Kalie crossed her arms very determined to MAKE Missi understand the way things would work.

"Right here?" Missi blushed but then remembered she had sex with Kalie not that much earlier so it wasn't embarrassing to have her see her naked was it? Missi removed the uniform and the clothing underneath with a little struggle, standing bare before Kalie she covered her feminine parts still feeling a little embarrassed. "Okay... I'm naked" Missi turned flush and spun around showing Kalie her rear. Missi was a very thin girl, with a pert but tiny bottom and a slender back, she had the figure of a younger teen more than a twenty year old woman.

"He,he you're a pretty girl Nanny Missi!" Kalie squealed and giggled seeing her Nanny's butt reaching up and rubbing it with her hand. "OH you're soft too, you'll be a much better doll than that ceramic one!" Kalie knelt down and rubbed her cheek against Missi's rear growling happily as she did so. Missi leaned on her toes a bit but then settled down letting Kalie touch her as she pleased, because after all she was her play doll temporarily.

"Okay Kalie that's enough of that" Missi blushed when she felt Kalie rubbing her legs and things, becoming a little heated she brushed Kalie's hands away. "I'm not a sex toy" Missi never felt strongly about sex, but after earlier she didn't know what to think, she did enjoy playing with Kalie like she was an adult but something in the back of her mind said that it was just wrong, she was still a child.

Kalie giggled and nodded. "Okay, I understand Nanny's a virgin and she can't do it more than once a day" Kalie looked away as she said this, as if it was some kind of thing to be ashamed off, Missi became stiff and spun around putting her hands on her hips.

"AND WHAT DOES THAT MEAN YOUNG LADY!? I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I'VE DONE IT PLENTY OF TIMES AND I CAN GO ALL DAY IF I HAVE TOO BUT IT'S NOT PROPER TO FILL YOUR DAY WITH SEX!" Missi huffed and didn't notice Kalie shift from her legs to rubbing her pubic region. "Oh..." Missi tensed and moved to block her crotch but Kalie moved her hands away before she could do anything, knocking Missi over and sending her flat on her ass, staking a spread eagle position when she landed.

"Oh does Nanny know all about IT?" Kalie growled softly kind of like a kitten purring. "Mommy only told me that it's necessary for a healthy development, she never told Kalie that grown ups did IT all the time, do you do it to go sleepy too?" Kalie looked curiously her chin resting on Missi's crotch rubbing against her lips.

"Oh, um no well IT is something you do with someone you really love, or think you love I MEAN!" Missi panicked she had gotten herself into something she wouldn't be getting out of easily, no explanation for sex would be good for Kalie to hear if her mom hadn't already told her herself. "IT is kind of like eating.... you do it for many reasons, and right now the only reason you need to do know is because it helps you sleep" Missi nodded finding this the most eloquent answer, and blocking out the images of people having sex on the table from entering her mind.

"So Kalie will Nanny teach Kalie the other reasons people have IT?" Kalie licked at the folds softly and rubbed her nose in gently, lovingly stroking Nanny's precious thingy. "Kalie like's Nanny Missi's scent, it's light and smells like flowers" Kalie pushed her nose into Missi's cunt and took a deep breath in making Missi shiver and lean backwards. Missi closed her eyes and felt Kalie move down lower taking Missi's ankles and raising them she pushed Missi's knees against her chest and began to lick at Nanny's cunt spreading out her folds with her tongue then delving into the deeper juicier meat.

"KALIE!" Missi gasped and gripped the floor feeling a warm sensation rumble over her like the tide in a wave pool. She lay paralyzed by the odd advances of her young ward, feeling her rub against each of her inner walls with her long reptilian tongue, it was strange having sex with another species but not without it's benefits, the feeling reminded Missi of Jessie's tongue piercing her anus and leaving a load of hot saliva inside.

"He, he, he!" Kalie opened her eyes and took one of her diapers sliding it underneath Missi while she was distracted, opening the back up and lifting Missi's hips once more she brought the front up between her Nanny's legs letting the warm padding rest against her gaping entrance, her lips sliding back and opening for something bigger. Kalie took her fingers and licked them before pushing them into her unsuspecting nanny and pumping into her spread sex. Grinning as she felt Missi grow wet and heard her panting, meaning she was close to climaxing.

"K.. kalie" Missi opened her eyes to see the diaper hoisted between her legs and Kalie fingering here like a shameless whore. "Kalie.. stop" Missi tried to speak but it felt too good, she was lying to herself she didn't want Kalie to stop, her small hands were perfect for this kind of task, and her skin felt rough but good against her tender walls. She didn't even care about the diaper, memories flooding back but soon being overwritten with the strong sense to keep going.

"Nanny you shouldn't lie to me it's not nice" Kalie smiled and stood up lifting her skirt and pulling at the tapes of her diaper she let it fall to the ground. Stepping over Nanny and kneeling on her face she began to rub her tail hole making her tail raise and her young sex spread. "You know just as much as I do that this is what you want, right Nanny?" Kalie lowered her hips and rubbed her open sex against her Nanny's nose letting the scent of a fully ready dragon waft into her brain.

Missi shook, she felt it.. the urge to take her ward right now and delve into her sweet sex but a thought occurred in the back of her mind if she did this, would she forever resign herself to being Kalie's sex slave instead of caretaker, there was a fine line presented before her and she had to chose which side to stand on

(Readers choice, Yeah it's called a cliff hanger)

  1. Ignore the boundaries between casual sex and meaningful sex and take Kalie cementing herself as Kalie's sex slave

  2. Respect the boundaries and punish Kalie for trying to lure Missi down the wrong path

  3. Give in but become the dominant and instead make Kalie her slave

  4. Refuse and alert Jessie to her daughters behavior and ask what she should do.

Missi's Lessons in drake care

Missi's Lesson's in Drake care Missi rubbed her head and shook the notion of an evil super child away. "Yes Ma'am I am Missi and I am applying for the job" Missi stood and bowed to Jessie with a small giggle. "Is that my ward?" She waved to...

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Missi's adventures in cubsitting

"Ah this one!" A young girl tapped the board at her workplace, a sitter agency where they rented out 'professionally' trained sitters for rich individuals with little to no time on their hands, the sitters would be live in nanny's until either fired or...

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Naughty Girls Get Spankings

Night Two: Naughty girls get spankings Jack slept until Alice came home staying in bed and contemplating the thought of his mother, he didn't really remember that much of his real mother, his earliest memory was that of a woman who he called Aunt...

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