Black Rose Chapter 1: A Change of Plans

Story by Azelis on SoFurry

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#1 of Black Rose

Black RoseBy Azelis DeLanoChapter 1: A Change of Plans

It was almost 3 am, yet Zack was awake, staring out at the first blizzard of the season. He was wearing a pair of black cotton boxer shorts with a plush wolf blanket wrapped around him. The only sound, short of the occasional whistle of wind through the cracks in the window frame was the ticking of his clock on the wall.

More and more he was finding it hard to sleep. He was troubled by something beyond his understanding. It was as if he knew something was about to happen, but didn't know what. Such was the feeling he got whenever he had a nighttime meeting. It meant something with the operation was wrong. No, he corrected himself, it means that something isn't going according to plan. The whole damn thing is wrong.

The clock played a simple three note chime. Zack sighed, let the blanket fall, stepped out of the boxers, and walked over to a full length mirror on the other side of the room. He looked himself over. Short brown hair, a stocky build, and green/yellow eyes. Except for that last part, he was fairly indistinguishable, and to hide his eyes was not hard. He had simply not to look at anyone directly.

A low murmur drew his attention away from his reflection. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and softly chanted the prayer. The mirror shook lightly, then began to glow with a low reddish color. Quite suddenly, there was a blinding flash and the room was minus one man.

The process of traveling from one world to another is not fun, especially if you change form in the process. In the span of 2 microseconds, Zack had shed his human form and become a silver wolf. If that didn't hurt like hell enough, he materialized 5 feet off the floor and fell face down, paralyzed to the cold black marble. It was especially cold to one laying on it with no clothing, fur or not.

Two Acolytes came quickly up, helping him to his feet. Then one threw his inner robe over him and the second fastened the collar of his cape to him with a resounding snap that made his ears twitch.

A third acolyte came forward with his pants and belt, holding them out with a bowed head. He threw both on as quickly as he could manage in this state, wishing he didn't have to expose himself to anyone like he always did. A fourth, the last needed for the ceremony of Receiving, went down to one knee, held out a sword in a black enamel scabbard inlaid with gold weave, and spoke quietly, "Welcome back Master Loki."

Loki was still recovering his senses as he accepted his sword and slid it into the loop on his belt which took him three attempts. Once in place, the cape that came around his left side to cover part of his front easily hid the weapon from view.

He took a few steps, stumbling a bit as he regained his wits. It wouldn't be so bad if they'd let him lay there for a moment but every traveler had to be rushed out immediately to prepare for the next, if there were more.

A red fox dressed in a black cloak padded up to Loki in the marble hallway. He, like Loki, had a collar on, though while Loki's was carved in images of Gods and warriors, the fox's simply had Loki's scriptural name on it. He bowed low on one knee like the Acolyte.

"Master. You've returned."

"Enough of that Rhiar, get up. The floor's freezing tonight."

The fox met Loki's eyes for a moment, looked pointedly away, and fell into step behind his Master.

Rhiar, eager to make conversation, began speaking about the time Loki had been away. Loki always expected this and enjoyed it. They chatted on and off until Loki was outside the Emperor God's chamber. Both stopped, Rhiar coming even with Loki on his right.

"Master, one more thing. They have ordered us to be ready for your return. Is this mission almost over then?"

This was news to Loki; he and the other three were supposed to stay on Earth for another two months. "I suppose that's what I'm here to find out."

"Then will you be leaving immediately tonight?"

There was a note of apprehension in the young fox's voice, not lost on Loki. He was glad someone liked his company. "I suspect I shall have to leave before morning. I'll stay a few hours at least."

As if knowing their conversation was over, the large double doors parted, letting the sparse light from the hallway into the complete blackness within. Loki strode on. Rhiar waited obediently outside, facing obediently away from the camber.

Walk inside, wait for the doors to close, move 10 steps forward, and bow.

"Master. I heed your summon," Loki said.

A single candle came to light in front of Loki. It circled him once, twice before floating further in to hover near an imposing panther with red eyes.

"Loki, I'm glad you could make it," came the deep, measured voice.

More candles lit themselves in a pyrotechnic wave until the room was distinguishable. Loki saw, as always, meditation mats, an altar, two large beds surrounded by 6 smaller ones, a mess of small but strong chains attached to the floor, and the chairs that had been set up for Loki and his Emperor God.

"Please, make yourself comfortable. We have so little time tonight."

Loki sat in the smaller of the two chairs, slipping his tail out the back without a second thought. The panther, wearing no clothing now that Loki's eyes had adjusted some, sat opposite.

"It has come to my attention that our steps are being followed on Earth."

Loki bowed his head respectfully. "I was not aware of this."

"No, I didn't expect so. They are being quite subtle about how they watch you. Yet their intentions reach me even here that I may warn you. They have not seen what you do but they think you are connected. All four of you."

"What are we to do then?"

The panther sat back in his own chair, licking his lips.

"I have picked out one more exile. Treat her well, for she is to be my queen."

This was a shocking revelation. Loki heard a rumor that the Emperor God's queen was on Earth, but he hadn't believed it; he heard that rumor every time they went to a new dimension. She was said to have as much power as the Emperor God himself.

"She is the one you identified as Megan; she was to be the last one. You will recover her and that will be all for Earth. We will come back for the others much later. I want us to stay on schedule so you and your team will have the rest of the time for leave."

"As you wish Master," said Loki, bowing his head and awaiting to be dismissed.

"Oh, Loki, one more thing. Keep an ear to the ground for any of these rebellion fools. I want to deal with each one... personally."

Loki shivered, knowing how personally the Emperor God treated anyone who stood against him. By the much awaited end, death was pure and sweet mercy, as much as was promised to those who sought His forgiveness.

"Of course Master."

The panther stood, waving a paw as he turned away. "You may go now. Leave when you're ready."

Loki stood and without preamble gave the customary bow and padded out. The meetings with the Emperor God always rubbed his fur the wrong way, and the part about the rebellion was even more troubling.

"Master? Everything go alright?"

Loki let out a trembling breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "As alright as it ever is. I'd like a bath before I return."

"As you wish Master," said Rhiar enthusiastically before quickly padding off towards Loki's chamber. The words rang in Loki's mind, adding to the stress of late. "I want to deal with each one... _ Personally _." Thoughtfully, Loki set off towards the kitchen to see if anything was available for a snack.

When he got back to his chamber after having had his fill of the bread and wine still out, Rhiar had drawn his bath and stood inside the doorway awaiting him. Loki allowed Rhiar to help him undress, unfastening the cape from the collar last. The collar simply would not be removed until he left. Loki moved into the washroom, Rhiar helping him into the circular bath. He sank beneath the water for a moment letting the pleasantly hot water relax his eyes.

"So will you be returning?" asked Rhiar when he came back up. The fox rubbed a kind of scented oil into his paws and began to massage Loki's shoulders and neck with it.

"Yes, after one more exile is returned. We'll have the rest of the time for leave before we go to the next dimension."

Rhiar's paws were quite skilled and Loki found the tenseness quickly leaving him. The fox switched to a shampoo and began working on the wolf's hair.

"I'm glad to hear that Master. It's too boring around here otherwise."

Loki knew the fox loved him devotedly and for that he returned the love. Unlike his three partners, Loki had not taken a mate from the harem. Rhiar's company was much more pleasurable, if not yet sexual.

"You mean you can't find anything to do when you're not waiting on me paw over paw?" Loki asked jokingly.

He found the embarrassed silence that followed a sweet gesture, if involuntary. Such relationships as Rhiar would have loved to have and Loki would have welcomed were perfectly acceptable but the fox was none the less shy about it.

"I find more excitement in washing you than anything else around here," said Rhiar, quickly realizing what he implied as Loki chuckled.

The wolf put up a dripping paw. "I know what you meant, and I'm glad to be reminded how much you enjoy my company." The paw returned to the water. "Few others do after all."

The bath completed, Rhiar did his best to dry Loki off with a towel. It was never enough but it got most of the water in danger of dripping. Loki had the magic to air-dry himself but preferred a slower approach. He sat in front of the fireplace on a soft ground pillow. Rhiar stood back and to his right.

"Anything else I can do for you Master?"

Loki was going to dismiss him, but found he had other needs yet tonight. He moved over and patted the spot next to him. "Come sit with me, would you?"

Almost hesitantly, Rhiar did as asked. They sat and watched the fire for a while, Rhiar still in his cloak and Loki still in only his fur. The fox was the only one Loki could comfortably sit with like that.

After a bit Loki laid back with a deep sigh. Rhiar followed suit, unconsciously coming to rest against Loki's side. Loki smiled and put a less damp arm around him.

"Too many things are weighing too heavily on my mind," he explained. "It made me realize just how isolated I am."

Rhiar didn't know what to say, or where Loki was going with this. His heart, halfway between excitement and terror, raced.

Loki felt the heat of the fox blushing. "Are you alright?"

Rhiar found his mouth too dry to speak. Timidly, he slid a paw across his Master's chest and nuzzled him under his chin. He was trembling.

Loki enjoyed the contact for a moment before putting his paw on Rhiar's. "I don't think you're ready for this," he suggested.

Rhiar still hadn't found his voice. He stopped, unsure what to do. Loki sat up.

"Besides, there isn't enough time left for us to really enjoy this tonight."

He turned, stradling the fox's legs and pulled him close into a tight embrace. "My sweet Rhiar," he said, stroking the fox's headfur.

He stood then, leaving Rhiar on the mat even with his groin for just long enough for the fox to realize it and stood quickly, trying not to look. Loki chuckled.

"You do have it bad for me don't you?"

The clock in his room gave 6 melodious, deep notes. Loki stretched and yawned.

"I'm afraid I have to get back to my other life. I won't be much longer, just a few days. Then you can have me all to yourself if you wish."

"Y- Yes Master."

Loki kissed him on his head and put his paws on the fox's shoulders. "If you're ready," he amended.

With that he dressed himself while the fox remained stunned. He bowed to Rhiar and made for the door. Before he could open it he felt fox paws grasp his arm.

"You promise?" he asked with that characteristic sparkle in his eyes and hope in his voice.

Loki smiled and lick Rhiar quick on his muzzle. "Promise."

Not halfway down the hallway and Loki's acute ears were already picking up self induced vulpine moans and yips. He took a deep breath remembering the task before him. Now he really had something to come home to at least. He made for the Temple of Sending.