Daddy-Bear's Boy 3

Story by Leakypup on SoFurry

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#3 of Daddy-Bear's boy

Chapter 3 of my story, sorry this took so long to get out. Hopefully a chaper 4 will be quicker.

Warren expected to sleep fitfully after Harley insisted on tucking him in but he fell fast asleep curled up next to his Daddy. The smell of bacon cooking is what finally got him up and out of the bed. Harley was humming to himself wearing only an apron as he bustled around the small kitchen in the hotel suite.

Rubbing his eyes, the big cub sat up, and felt his belly rumble. The breakfast Harley was cooking smelled really good. Stumbling out of bed, he was happy to find his diaper was dry. Well mostly. It was only a little wet, not too surprising after what happened in the middle of the night with his Daddy.

"Mmmm that smells amazing. Where did you get all this?" Warren said sleepily.

"It is almost eleven sweetie, I ran down to the store on corner." Harley said laughing. "I even did some reading. Figured I can't let you sleep all day though."

"Wait what? It's eleven!?" The cub yelped forgetting that they were going to take a few days off. He started to take off his diaper but a sharp bark stopped him short.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" Harley asked sternly.

Warren rubbed the back of his head looking dejected. "Getting ready for work..."

"Cutie, do you really think I would let you sleep in until eleven if we were going in to work today?" Harley said pulling his cub into a hug.

Warren was still pouting though. "You didn't have to yell.'

"You know better than to take off your diaper. That is Daddy's job." Harley said kissing Warren on the top of his head.

Warren squeezed into his Daddy's belly and rumbled contentedly. He should have known better than to try take off his diaper. He was surprised at how happy that thought made him; having never realized how much he wanted a daddy figure. How nice it was to be take care of and looked after.

"I know Daddy." The sleepy cub finally admitted.

"Oh shoot!" Harley said as the bacon started to smoke. He gave Warren a swat on the diaper seat as he turned around to finish cooking. "Now sit down and we will fill that belly of yours kiddo. This is done."

The cub couldn't help but giggle when his Daddy put down his plate of pancakes with bacon and eggs. He had made the eggs and bacon into a smiley face. He has not had someone do that in a long while. The bigger bear took off the apron before he sat down and ate in the nude. Warren thought it was kind of funny but didn't say anything. He certainly didn't mind his Daddy hanging around naked.

Luckily Harley had made plenty to eat for both of them; a bit too much even. The big bear made sure his cub ate every bite though. Warren blushed a bit when he noticed that Harley was a bit stiff. Not rock hard but more than a little plump.

The big bear caught his cub starting at it and he just grinned and said, "I like watching my cute little cub fill his fat tummy." and left it at that.

Warren felt a little self-conscious around Harley, the big bear making him feel pudgy and fat. The older bear seemed to adore how chubby he was and loved to comment on his tummy. Not that Harley was any trimmer than he was, the big bear just carried his weight differently, mostly in his belly and legs while Warren was round all over. The end result was Warren did look like he was a lot younger than he was because of his baby face. If it wasn't for his height and overall size you could have mistaken him for an actual cub.

After eating Harley made the younger bear do the dishes and clean up the kitchenette. He loved watching the cub bustle around with his big thick diaper. When he finished his chores he was still mostly dry.

"Well we better get you undressed so we can shower. Come here kiddo let me see that diaper." Harley said with a chuckle.

Warren waddled over, his thick diaper making it hard for him to walk normally. His Daddy gave it a gentle squeeze checking to see how wet the little bear was.

"You didn't have to wet? You are practically dry." Harley teased with a grin.

"I didn't have to go..." Warren said shyly.

"So if I let you out of your diaper you are not going to use the potty?"

The big bear cub squirmed. "Um... no..."

Harley laughed. "I see, something tells me that after all that juice a certain cub needs to tinkle but he just does not want to use his diaper."

Warren knew he was caught. He didn't mind using the diaper to help when he wetting the bed, but intentionally wetting still seemed odd; even after the previous night. He fidgeted nervously a bit, but didn't respond.

"I think I know something that might help." The big bear said sounding dangerously mischievous.

"What?" Warren asked looking up with at his bosses grinning face.


Warren's ears perked at that though it took a second to register. It was already too a late though. Harley grabbed him and pulled him into a hug and started to tickle his sides.

"Noooo! No fair! Ha ah ha! No fair!" The young bear yelped as he squirmed out of Harley's grasp and darted for the extra bedroom.

"No getting away from tickles that easily." Harley said chasing him into the bedroom.

The small brown bear didn't stand a chance against the big Kodiak. He was pushed onto the bed and pinned down on top of the diaper mat. Warren squealed as his Daddy mercilessly tickled him.

He first noticed something was up when he started to feel warm. Too warm. His paws went down to

his diaper and he blushed. Noticing what his cub was doing Harley stopped

"There we go. Now I bet you are nice and soggy for me." Harley teased.

"Noooo..." The cub said in a whine of protest.

The older bear's big paw slid down to this cub's diaper crotch and gave it a squeeze. "You didn't even wet that much. I bet this thing could hold a lot more bear pee." Daddy said swatting the seat of his diaper.

Warren truthfully didn't really know what to think. Harley clearly wanted him to start using the diaper even when he was not sleeping. It was not that it disgusted him; in fact he thought it was pretty hot. He just could not shake his shyness about it. Wetting had always been something bad and now the big old chubby daddy of his wanted to turn it into something good.

"Do I haffa?" The cub asked hoping baby talk would be cute enough to get him out of it.

"If you don't Daddy is going to have to help again. No more tickles though I promise."

Feeling his heart race Warren scrunched up his face and tried to bare down and pee. It just was not working. He was too nervous. Especially with Daddy's paw gently rubbing his diaper.

"It is ok sweetie. Don't strain something. Daddy can help." Harley said sitting up. It had not really registered with Warren that his daddy bear was totally naked. He must have taken off his apron when he chased him into the bedroom. His eyes wandered down to that big tool swinging between his boss's legs. The old bear was not hard but it looked like he was chubbed up a little.

Rolling his cub onto his back, the Kodiak then spread Warren's legs and lifted one. With a bit of awkward maneuvering the massive bear managed to press his cock into the crotch of the diaper.

Feeling very self-conscious Warren squirmed a little but did not try to pull away. He loved it when Harley manhandled him, it made him feel very little and submissive. Letting his head fall back he shut his eyes and let Daddy do what he wanted. He was a little shocked when he felt plastic around the leg gathers being pried up with a finger and Daddy's fat uncut tip slip into the diaper with him.

"If you are not going to use this diaper Daddy is." Harley said softly as he rubbed his boy's chubby belly. He gave him no further warning as he started to piss. He hoped that the thick overnight would be thick enough for him to flood without leaking.

Warren let out a soft moan as he felt the warm stream of pee starting to fill the front of his diaper. It tickled as it was trickling down his package and fat butt. "Ohhhh that feels funny."

The big bear was grunting softly as he tried to finish pissing though a now hard cock. It had not taken long for him to get raging erect. He had totally flooded his cub's diaper for him and was quite proud of it's now sagging bulging front. "Unf... I bet it does. I bet my soggy little cub likes it though, having daddy use your diaper as his urinal. If you are naughty someday I might have to go a whole day only using your diaper to pee."

"But you can't..." Warren blurted out, looking panicked. Harley's frown cut him off.

"I can't what, cubby? I am your Daddy and I will punish my naughty cub however I see fit." Harley said tugging his cock out of the diaper.

"No fair!" Warren said crossing his arms in a pout.

"That is the whole point kiddo. I am the big, I have the control. You are a little, you do as you are told." Harley chastised.

"But... what if I don't want you to do something?" The young bear asked feeling a little nervous now.

"Well what wouldn't you want me to do? It probably is good to have boundaries even if I am your Daddy."

"Spanking!" Warren said huffily. "It hurts."

"I think we both know you don't really want me to stop spanking you. I have seen how naughty and hard you get when I do it. Heck you creamed all over my desk last time. Now be serious, what do you want Daddy to not do? I saw those pictures of that lion and his papa you seem to like. Do you like what his Daddy was doing to him? Want to start there and we can make changes if you want later?"

Warren thought very carefully about how he was going to respond. He thought back to all the photo sets of that lion being humiliated and punished by his Daddy. His little manhood was rock hard in his diaper as he remembered all the times that tiger had taken care of his little brat of a lion cub, loving or punishing as needed. He knew this was important, letting his playful cub side slip away for a moment he nodded. "Um... Yeah I think I would like that. Really I don't mind the spankings, the way you just bend me over...rrrff."

Harley almost chuckled as he watched his cub cranking the tent in his diaper. "Well that is good. I saw him get stuck in a chastity cage more than once. Do I need to buy one of those for you?"

"I don't think so right now. I can behave." Warren said trying to avoid outright saying no. The idea of Daddy controlling his orgasms was truthfully amazing but he was in no rush to have Daddy stuff him into a chastity cage.

"We will see. Now I have a few rules for you, cub. First one being, if you are in diapers, you will wet them. No exceptions. Two, Daddy chooses how and when you get punished. So be careful about where you choose to act out. The worst punishment I will ever use is stripes across our ass with my belt if you have been very bad. If you don't like that or you think it is too much let me know now. Once you have been bad it is going to be too late."

Warren suppressed the urge to squirm in his wet diaper at Daddy's warnings. The young bear loved the idea of Harley taking his belt to his upturned ass and was not going to stop him. "Yes Sir."

"This next one is probably the most important one. Whether or not you are wearing diaper or training pants, you are my cub. If I tell you to do something as your Daddy you will do it or you will get punished. Also even if you are wearing diapers and I tell you to do something as your boss, I am doing that as your boss not your daddy. These do not mix. Understand?"

Warren nodded in agreement. He had been a little worried about his crossing over to work after Harley had punished him in his office the other day.

"Lastly, on top of everything else, I would like to think that you are my boyfriend, I am your daddy and you are my cub because we choose to be. If you want to ever spend time as a big just let me know. No questions asked." The big bear said giving Warren a kiss in the muzzle.

"No disagreements there." Warren said after their lips parted.

"Good now let's get you in the bath and changed. " The big bear said patting Warren on the now squishy seat of his diaper.

Before starting to untape his cub's diaper; Harley made him try soaking one more time. This time his shy bladder cooperated and he flooded until he felt warm pee trickling down the inside of his leg. Surprisingly this earned him praise and some diaper gropes while the piddle pooled on the changing mat.

Warren was once again feeling very little as his Papa finally stripped him out of his diaper and tossed it away into a trashcan. Naked and damp on the bed, Warren dried his fur with a towel, then surprisingly picked him up.

It felt strange being carried, he knew the size difference between them was huge but to be carried like a little cub was a whole other feeling. Harley had picked him up and carried him over his shoulder before when he was throwing a tantrum, but the fact that he was able to carry him in his arms like child left him feeling submissive to a point that scared him a little.

As a small brown bear, even as an adult he as adult he was about the size of a Kodiak in their early to mid-teens. So while it was a little awkward for the big bear to carry him around it was hardly out of the question.

The young bear felt heat rising to his face and ear tips as his daddy carried him into the bathroom and set him down in the tub and started the water. He was quite hard by the time they got to the bathroom. Warren yelped and scooted back as the cold water splashed his paws.

Harley just laughed and tweaked his little hooded tip as the younger bear danced back from the edge of the water. "Did Daddy do something my cubby liked?

"Noooo..." Warren said cutely, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh is it the cold water on your toes then?" Harley asked splashing a little of the cold water towards the cub's feet.

"No fair!" The little brown bear complained trying to scramble away from the cold water, making his little stiffness bounce. He ended up sitting on the edge of the tub lifting up his paws.

Harley chuckle and ruffled the young bear's head fur. "Sorry about that kiddo. Just sit there while I get it nice and warm for you."

They had not used the tub much in the hotel, preferring the separate shower. The tub was so big it was actually more of a hot tub. Once the water was nice and warm Harley stoppered the tub and let it start to fill.

"Why not a shower?" Warren asked, not that he was complaining too much. The warm bath water making its way up between his legs and over his rump felt wonderful.

"Showers are for big boys and right now you are not a big boy," Harley answered with a grin.

The smaller bear nodded and blushed some. He was still quite erect and trying to hide it with his hands.

"Besides this is much more fun." Harley said as he stopped the water about half way full then climbed in behind Warren. He pulled his cub into a tight hug and give him a kiss.

"Mmm I like this Papa..."

"I thought you might. You still seem pretty worked up there. Does my cub want to get dirty before he gets clean?"

Warren could feel the big bears cock pressing into his rump and it made him feel flush. He nodded quickly and presses back into the big tool. "Yes Papa."

"Good boy, but I don't think you can take that quite yet. Here, bend over the edge." Harley said patting the side of the tub.

Warren got up slowly and bent over the far side of the tub so his butt was facing his Daddy. Harley got out a wash cloth and began to clean between the cubs cheeks and down into his little cock and balls with the soapy cloth. He felt so humiliated and little as his new papa cleaned him like a little cub. The young bear let out a soft moan as his daddy tugged back his foreskin and ran the cloth over his sensitive head.

"There we go kiddo. Now, we can have some fun." Harley said with a rumble. Warren could hear the older bear shift. The water slosh when suddenly he felt his ass cheeks get parted as Harley's long warm muzzle press its way in. His body jolted as he felt his Daddy's long tongue flick across his tailhole.

"Oh Daddy!" Warren cried out as he writhed, still bent over the tub. The chubby older bear's paws kept mostly still while his papa lapped at his tailhole. When a warm tight paw wrapped around his cock he bucked his hips hard and nearly came right then and there. Daddy gave him a light swat on the butt to get him to sit still. It was very hard though to keep from wiggling about with daddy teasing his undertail like that.

"You like that don't you cub." Harley asked with a grin, when he came up for a breather.

"It feels soooo good." Warren said in a low lusty rumble, wiggles his cubby butt back at his Daddy.

"This will feel even better... I promise." The big bear said as he started to press a fat digit into his cub's hole.

"Unff! Oh Daddy. That... oh!" Warren said, starting to squirm and buck his hips again. His papa had to hold to him still with a firm paw on his rump.

"That is my good boy. We need to get you loosened up if you ever want to take Daddy under your tail cubby."

"Y-yes Sir..."

"I think we need a new rule. For the time being you are not going to be allowed to make a sticky unless you have something under your tail. I brought plenty of toys you can use or you can just ask Daddy and he can do this." Haley said as he started to prod and massage the cub's prostate making him squeal. "Now I want you to keep your paw where I can see them."

The smaller bear was having trouble keeping still and not thrashing while his daddy abused his prostate with a thick finger. "But- Daddy that isn't..."

"Isn't what cub? Fair? I thought we decided that Daddy is in charge here. I can't make you follow the rules but I sure as hell can paddle your ass if you break them."

The younger bear felt heat rising to his face as he got scolded. It felt very, very strange to be told off like that with a finger jammed up under his tail. A bizarre mix of humiliation and lust. He managed to nod with a whimper in response.

He could feel his cock sliding slickly across the edge of the tub as his papa finger fucked his hole. He could tell he was on edge, nearly about to cum when his papa hauled him up a bit higher, cutting off any sensation he was getting on his little cock; forcing him to focus on the feeling of his tailhole and prostate getting teased. A small shudder swept over his chubby body as he felt something start to squirt out of his tip. Looking down he could barely see his little dangling cock over his fat belly. He could easily see the long rope of cum drooling out of his tip.

He never felt himself orgasm, Warren had never had his prostate milked before or had a ruined orgasm, so he was not entirely clear on what was happening. He started to whine and buck his hips pleadingly but it just felt strange now.

Harley on the other hand had quite a bit of experience denying subs real orgasms. He truthfully had not expected it to be so quick with Warren. The cub must have been pent up already.

"There we go... good boy... now we don't have to worry about a frisky cub causing problems today."

"But I didn't cum!" Warren whines loudly.

"Sure you did, you just didn't have an orgasm. Boys have to earn those." Harley said with a devious grin.

"But... No fair!" Warren said plopping back down into the water making is slosh over the side with his big butt, and a pout on his face. "You tricked me."

Harley pulled Warren into a big hug and cleaned up his cummy bits while he teased his cub. "You were a pretty naughty cub last night. I figured you earned some teasing. I will tell you what though; if you are a very good boy for the rest of the day I will let you cum for real. Orgasm and all. Cross my heart. I need you do behave though. If you earn yourself a spanking or a time out you will just have to wait until tomorrow to cum."

Warren was still pouting grumpily. "Fine..."

The big bear raised an eyebrow and looked into your reluctant cub's eyes. "What was that? I think Daddy is being more than fair after how you behaved. If you were a big boy not a little baby cub I would have taken away cumming privileges for a whole week."

"I said fine..." Warren whined softly.

"Do I need to teach you manners again? You can call me Daddy, Papa, or even Sir if you are in big trouble but I don't want you getting short with me, cub." Harley chastised.

"Yes Papa..."

"Let's get washed up and dressed. We have lots to do today."

After getting his fur washed and scrubbed all over, Harley made Warren sit still while he dried him and brushed out all of his fur. Something he had not had done since he really was little.

The big bear led his boyfriend into the spare bedroom and made him lay down on the changing pad he had gotten at Marty's shop. Harley had been looking forward to this. Seeing Warren naked and spread out like that made his cock stir and heart race.

"Okay. Time for your daytime diaper. Lift your butt cub." The daddy bear said tickling his cub's butt cheeks to make him lift up. Warren was blushing as he raised his hips and his daddy slid the thinner diaper under his rump.

Amazingly Warren was already getting stiff again. Milking his prostate has not worked as well as Harley had hoped. "What is this? I thought I took care of this already"

The young bear squirmed and wiggled as a big bear paw teased his tip. "I donno..."

"I think my good little cub likes his diapers..." Harley said as he skinned back his cub's hood, revealing a slick wet tip dripping with precum. "Look you are all drippy again... I just got you cleaned up."

"I'm sorry Daddy- Aaaaahhhh!" Warren whined out as his papa licked his still sensitive tip clean.

"Don't be sorry. It is adorable." Harley said after he finished. "No time for that, though. Let's get you powdered up and snug in your diaper."

Warren started to whimper, wanting more attention in his diaper. He was still painfully frisky after the bath but Harley just ignored him and kept on working to get him into his diaper.

It was going well right up until Harley tried to tape up the diaper. "Uh oh... I think Daddy might have misjudged the size of your butt." The sides of the daytime diaper were nowhere even close to coming together.

The smaller bear felt himself flush. "But the other ones fit..."

"I don't think these ones will. You got too much cute butt."

"But... I'm not that fat..." Warren said looking humiliated. He was suddenly feeling very fat. It was not every day he got a reminder of how big he was.

The big bear chuckled softly and hugged his boy tight. "Yes you are sweetie and it is so completely cute on you. I wouldn't change you for the world. This isn't your fault. I just got the wrong size. We can go to the shop and get you some bigger ones."

Warren was almost sniffling. "...ok."

"Sweetie... I don't care if you got a big cute butt. It just means there is more for Daddy."


"I don't want to hear it. You are my adorable chubby cub and I don't want you change one bit."

"Thank you Daddy." Warren said as he buried his face in Harley's fur.

They settled on a pair of thick training pants until they got some new diapers. Luckily they had plenty of time to make a stop at Marty's shop. Warren was not allowed to pick his clothing, though. Harley did that for him and insisted on getting him dressed. He even tied his shoes for him. He wanted to protest but he was just enjoying the silly cub treatment so much that he just let it happen.

Warren was still feeling a little humiliated about his size when Harley herded him into the rental car and buckled him in.

"You are going to really like Marty. He runs the shop I found. He is a big cute bunny."

Making the connection that he might actually have to go in, Warren felt his tummy lurch. "Do I have to go in? Please, I don't want to... It is embarrassing."

"Marty has two adult cubs of his own. I doubt he would tease you or think less of you cub. They might even be there. You could make some cubby friends."

That actually did sound at least a little better. He had always dreamed of meeting another boy in diapers. He did not think that Harley would play along with that particular fantasy.

"I won't have to um... get naked or changed in front of people, will I?"

"I am pretty sure he has some changing rooms I can get you diapered in, but I think I should remind you that you are my cub. I decided where and when you get naked. I won't humiliate you for no reason though."

"Yes Sir...." Warren said flattening his ears. If Harley really had seen all of the diaper blog with the tiger he would know a lot of it involved semipublic humiliation. He was starting to think he might regret agreeing to use it as a starting point for their ABDL adventures.

"That's what I thought. I am guessing the idea of getting changed while someone else was watching isn't too terrible to my crinkle butt."

"But I don't wanna!" The young bear whined, then got real quiet. "... Just yet." Warren finally admitted.

"That is fine sweetie. We don't need to jump in head first on your first full day as a cub."

Leaning over Warren give his papa a hug, unsure how else to respond. He squirmed nervously in his seat all the way to Marty's store. He was not really sure what to expect. They sold cubby diapers but other than that it was all just a scary mystery.

There was only one other car in the parking lot. Harley found that he actually had to give Warren a bit of a shove to get him moving into the store, and even then he was still dragging his feet.

"Daddy I don't want too..."

"Hush, you are getting new diapers. End of discussion."

Harley make him enter first, and he was surprised to see only a happy looking fox reading a book behind the counter. The fox looked up and smiled. "Hello! How can I help you?"

"Um, I think I need to talk to Marty..." Harley said putting his paws on Warrens shoulders from behind, protectively."

"Oh? Did you get stuff from the back before?" The young fox said with a snicker.

"Yeah..." Harley said while Warren blushed.

"Dad! There is someone to see you!" The red fox called out, grinning mischievously.

It took only a moment for the big bunny rabbit to poke his head out from the back. "Harley! I didn't expect to see you back so soon..." He said hurrying up to the bear couple.

"And this must be the little bear you told me so much about. What is your name scamp?"

"Um... Warren." The young bear managed to squeak out.

"Well, welcome to my store Warren. Don't be shy, we are all very familiar with grown up little cubs here and their needs." Marty said rubbing between Warren's ears. He looked up at Harley and grinned. "So what brings you back so soon? I doubt even the leakiest of cubs would use that many diaper's so quick."

"The overnights fit him just fine but the daytime diapers are so small that I can't even get them closed. He recently earned himself several days in diapers as well so I need to get him something that fits." Harley said matter of factly.

Warren felt heat rising to his face and ear tips while he stared at his shoes; mortified that his Daddy would talk to someone about his diapers like that.

"I see. Well we must have misjudged something. Do you have one on you by any chance? We might have just grabbed the wrong package. Come into the back with me and we will get you all fixed up."

Once again Warren had to be gently herded into the back room, letting his feet drag. The cub's eyes went wide as he saw the back room of the medical supply shop. It was filled with diapers and all sorts of cubby things. Clothing, pacifiers, onesies, and even a few pieces of furniture designed to look like it was for cubs but sized for adults. In the corner of the room there was a plump rottie stocking shelves with nothing on above his waist. The top edge of a diaper was peeking out of the waist of his shorts. The big dog waived hello then waddled over with his legs practically bowed.

"That is Drew, one of my cubs. You already met the other rascal, Rudy when you came in."

Drew gave his Daddy a little whimper and tugged on the arm of his shirt. "Oh I forgot all about you sweetie, I am sorry." The rabbit said as he hugged his cub. Turning to Harley he sighed. "I was just about to change him when you came in. I can take him to the dressing room or I can just do it real quick out here. Whatever you are comfortable with. He won't mind one way or the other. He is used to getting changed in front of guests.

Harley looked down to his cub and asked. "Do you mind? Truthfully I would like to see how the bunny does it. I am not sure I have been getting diapers on you quite right."

Warren thought about it for a moment before saying. "I - I guess it would be all right." Warren said sounding unsure.

"Warren... You are not fibbing are you?"

"No Sir..."

"Good boy."

"Drew go get your fresh diaper and take Warren with you.

The young bear looked up at his Daddy with a nervous look. Harley just laughed and gave him a kiss. "I am sure he does not bite. Go say hello." With a swat to the ass the older bear sent his shy cub off to talk to the pup. Warren was feeling almost painfully nervous when he wandered off with the chubby dog.

The rabbit waited until there were out of ear shot and whispered to Harley. "He is so well behaved, did a red butt teach him that."

Harley laughed and nodded. "He was pretty well behaved before but he has gotten more than a few swats."

"Thank you by the way, my little pup loves it when he has an audience. Normally I would offer to tease the pup a bit but your cub seems too nervous I would hate to make him uncomfortable."

"Nah he loves it. He just does not want to admit it. Feel free to treat your pup like you normally would. I am trying to keep him teased and on edge all day anyway. I promised him he could squirt later if he behaved all day."

"Poor cub... I think you are going to be good at this. "

"Um... Hello, I'm Warren." The bear said quietly holding out his paw once they were alone.

Drew grabbed a package of diapers off of a shelf and turned to take the paw. The bear yelped when instead of a handshake the rottie pup pulled him into a big hug. "Hi there! Oops sorry I forget not everyone likes puppy pounces." He said with a laugh letting Warren go.

Warren shuffled his feet nervously. "No, it is ok... I'm just new at all this. So you really don't mind getting changed with us here?"

The pup gave an embarrassed look and shook his head. "Nah, Dad changes me in front of my friends and customers all the time. It does make me kind of pokey though."

Warren was feeling embarrassed for his new friend already and he was still clothed. "Daddy promised I don't have to get naked in font of anyone."

"I heard Dad talking about meeting another bear that was a first time Daddy and just getting his first cub into diapers. I guess that is you. We are friends with another bear who is super nice. So, do you like it being a little?"

Once again Warren could barely look up from his feet as he answered. "Yeah I guess."

"Ha you don't have to be like that. No one here is going to think you are weird or anything. Besides, it's not like I could say anything." Drew said with a snicker, showing off the diaper sticking up from his shorts. "You are lucky you have a daddy to get you into it. When I first got into diapers it was just me and Rudy and two littles can be strange together.

"Marty didn't get you into it?" The bear asked looking back at the rabbit how was currently looking at the too smaller diapers Harley had brought with him.

"Nah. Rudy and I were into it for a few years before we met Da- Marty." Drew said correcting himself from calling Marty Daddy. He had trouble not falling into puppy headspace while at work.

"Did you wet or anything? Why did you start wearing them?" Warren asked genuinely curious. He was still clinging to the idea that he was only wearing them because he wet the bed. Not that he actually like the idea of being Daddy's little cub.

The dog just shook his head and laughed. "I can't really explain it, I just always thought they were kind of hot. Same with Rudy. I didn't start wetting them until we met Marty. He kind of insisted."

Still feeling bashful Warren replied quietly. "Oh. I wet the bed sometimes."

"Nothing wrong with that silly cub. Heck there are some diaper butts that would give anything to wet the bed again. You seem to have a nice Daddy who will take care of you."

Even quieter now he whispered, not wanting Harley to have hear. "I really like him. We haven't been together long but he is super sweet and... I really like it when takes care of me."

"See? You are lucky. We gotta get back though. I might start leaking." Drew said giving him hug. Without another word, he stripped out of his shorts and waddled back in just his over-full squishing diaper. The young bear could not take his eyes off the other cub's soaked butt as he followed.

Harley pulled him into a hug and held him from behind as Marty helped his puppy up onto a changing table. Wrapping his arms around his cub Harley held him tightly. "Watch now. Maybe we can get some ideas."

Drew was squirming on the table as he Daddy rubbed his soggy diaper front. "Oh my puppy how much did you have to drink? I am surprised I haven't been finding puddles everywhere."

The rottie just cooed cutely and wagged his tail. He lifted his paws up to his chest and out of the way while the fat bunny untaped his diaper and laid it open. Drew sucked in his breath sharply as the slightly cold air hit his soaked bits.

Warren couldn't help but lean in for a closer look at the pup's naughty places. Harley thought about scolding him for being impolite but decided not to, knowing the pup was probably getting off on it too. Urging him on, Harley made his cub take a step forward to get a better look.

What they found was that Drew must not have been having any fun at all. His cock was locked up tight in a plastic chastity cage. Warren instantly blushed. He had seen those cages many times online but never in person.

The big bunny noticed his audience and motioned for them to come even closer. "Come on, I thought you wanted to see how I do this. It won't do if you any good if are half way across the room.

Reluctantly Warren moved closer with his papa behind him. The bunny kept urging them closer until they were right up beside the changing table. Harley wrapped his big arms around his cub again and held him tight.

Marty tsked and jiggled the chastity cage. "Poor puppy here got locked up for being naughty. Didn't you?

"Yes Sir..." Drew rumbled unhappily. Though Warren could tell he looked a very hard in that little cage.

"Ever seen one of these Warren?" Marty asked with a mischievous grin.

"NO! I mean um... No Sir." Warren yelped you feeling his face get hot.

"They are very good for making sure little cubs and pups behave." Turning back to Drew with a sigh the rabbit teased the cage again. "I better take this off to get you cleaned up."

Pulling out his keys he opened the small lock keeping the chastity cage together and started to take apart the cage. Drew was squirming and waggling his little stub tail as he was released from chastity.

"How long have you been in this puppy?"

Marty would have known the answer but the pup played along feeling surprisingly embarrassed. "Ten days Daddy."

"Do you think you have learned your lesson? I am not going to have to put you back in this for a while am I?"

"Yes Sir! I'll be good. No more paws in my diaper, I promise." Drew barked quickly, his puppy cock was at half-mast already and quickly stiffening.

Warren was feeling very strange and awkward seeing this. It was like he was peeking into their private lives. It was also one of the most arousing things he had never seen. He looked up to Harley who was still holding him tight and let out a little whimper.

"This making you uncomfortable cub?" Harley said in a whisper.

The younger bear nodded a little.

"You want to go out and talk with Rudy? We don't have to watch."

Not sure what he wanted to do Warren let out another confused whimper. "I donno."

He nearly squeaked when Harley groped his tented front. "I think this is telling you, that you want to stay and watch. Daddy is not so over protective that you can't watch and enjoy."

Meanwhile Drew was letting out little yips and barks as his Daddy very carefully cleaned up his fur and rump but avoiding his now very hard cock. He was actually pretty big for a chubby pup, bigger than Warren at least. Far smaller than Harley or if the bulge in the Bunny's slacks was any indication smaller than his own daddy as well.

Rudy poked his head in and scampered over to Warren and Harley. "Did Daddy finally let him out? Poor pup has been stuck in that for over a week."

Harley chuckled and nodded. "What did he do to deserve it?"

"Dad kept catching him with his paws down the front of his diaper when guests were here in the back." The fox said with a giggle.

"Naughty puppy." Warren said teasingly.

The rottie suddenly bucked his hips and moaned when his daddy finally slipped a big soft paw around his cock and started to wipe it down. Marty ignored his whimpering and kept focusing on "cleaning" his pup. One paw firmly around his shaft the chubby rabbit tugged back the pup's foreskin and ran the warm wet-wipe over his sensitive and long ignored tip.

On the third pass with the wipe Drew cried out and arched his back. "No... I wanna be a good boy Daddy I am gunna! Unnnnnggh!" Ten days of neglect mixed with teasing and humping had left the poor rottie on edge. He had only needed the smallest amount of attention to send him over the edge.

Cum rocketed out of the pup's tip in thick ropes, landing on his chest and belly fur. Marty frowned with mock disappointment. "Puppy I just got you clean... Besides, is that anyway to behave around guests? I was just trying to get you clean; not tug you off."

Warren starred wide eyed as his Daddy held him close. He could feel the older bear's bulge pressing into him from behind. Knowing that Daddy enjoyed watching as well made him feel a little bit like less of a perv for having just watched a grown dog just get jerked off while still in a wet diaper.

Of course Marty had known full well how little it would take to get his pup off; frankly the rottie had deserved his reward. It had been 10 days of the best behavior he had seen in his cub in ages. The rabbit had correctly guessed that his new customers wouldn't mind a little bit of a show

"I-I'm sorry Daddy... I don't have to put the cage back on do I?" Drew asked between pants, still trying to catch his breath.

Warren was a little surprised that the Rottweiler did not seem at all ashamed to have cum in front of an audience. His only concern was that his Daddy was not mad.

"No, you don't for now... That was just a puppy accident right? It is not like you were touching it. Let's get you in a clean diaper and dressed." The rabbit worked quickly now pulling the sodden diaper out from under his pups butt and tossing it away. He cleaned up the new mess, despite the pup's yips and protesting when he got his overly sensitive tip cleaned.

The bears had not noticed on his wet diaper but Harley pointed out to Warren that there was a two holes in the seat of Drew's clean diaper. One for his tail, and one just beneath it.

It took Warren a second to make the connection to what it was for. He blushed and hugged his Papa.

"Poor cubby.... Do I need to get you some of those?" Harley teased playfully.

Just finishing up taping Drew's diaper Marty over heard them "Actually they are pretty easy to make. I keep some on hand. Naughty little pup didn't have to grab one of these ones. I guess my pup has something in mind for later." Sticking a finger into the rump hole in the diaper seat he teased the pup's tailhole. "Is that it? You want Daddy do to something with this little slut puppy?"

Drew had been hoping he would not be called out on it but he nodded slowly feeling embarrassed. "Yes Daddy."

"That is what I thought." Before letting up his puppy up Marty grabbed a marker and scribbled out the words "slut puppy" onto the seat of Drews' diaper. "Good boy now go put your overalls on. Rudy go help him, and make sure he actually does it. You don't need a change too do you?"

"Daaaaaad....." The fox whined... "I am too big for diaper changes now."

"Like hell you are fluff butt. Now I will take your word that you don't need one but if I see soggy pants later you are going to get it," Marty chastised.

Rudy blushed and took Drew by the paw and lead him though another door in the back to get him dressed.

Harley and Marty started talking about diaper types and how to make the humpy diapers that Drew was wearing. Warren was feeling so embarrassed by the idea that he tugged on his Daddy's paw and asked. "C-can I go look around please."

"If you don't mind Marty? I don't want him to poke his nose into anything he shouldn't"

"Go right ahead sweetie." Marty said with a big grin.

With that the smaller bear darted off to look at all the interesting things they had in the store. At first glance it all looked so innocent. Mostly diapers and clothing for ABDL. Mixed in with everything were some very not innocent things. Chastity devices, locking paw mitts, and diaper covers, and pacifier ball gags were only a few of the naughty things he found.

Rudy and Drew had come back with the pup in a pair of cute overalls. Warren was looking at some of the cubby clothing and desperately wanting to try it on but feeling far too shy to ask. The two cubs pulled him away to go play with some a cubby play area that Marty had setup or them and customers to enjoy.

He felt very silly at first when the other two boy started to build a tower out of building blocks. He eventually started to get into it with them. It was a little strange but it was quite fun to just relax and be little again. After their tower was built and subsequently knocked over they moved on to coloring books. Warren had not drawn in one in over a decade and it was surprisingly comforting to play with crayons again. The mindless activity made him feel very small and little again. He even went out side of the lines a little just for fun. Both Drew and Rudy were snuggled up next to him while the colored with their own books.

In a way he thought it was kind of funny. A few days ago he would have been very uncomfortable with two other guys around his age pressing into him like that. Just pretending to be little again somehow made it all normal even. Drew's "accident" was more cute than naughty. He even found himself teasing the pup about it like it was totally normal.

Harley meanwhile was enjoying his chat with Marty, the bunny was full of all sorts of good ideas when it came to being a Daddy. They talked for a while longer about the store and the daycare service that Marty offered, before Harley called his cub over.

"Warren, come here cub. We think we have the right size but we want to make sure."

"Do I have to? Rudy and Drew are letting me use their coloring books."

"Yes cub... right now. We still have a lot to get done today. Even if we are having fun here we can't just sit around playing."

The big bunny chimed in. "Besides I know two cubs that should be doing their chores. Rudy? Just who is minding the front of the store right now?"

Both of Marty's boys gave him a shameful look. Both of them knew that they would hear a chime of a customer came in but one of them was always supposed to be up front in normal clothes. Today it was Rudy's turn. The little fox adjusted his glasses and hopped up. "Sorry Daddy..." He says with a whine as he darted back out to the front of the store.

"I still don't wanna.... I don't need daytime diapers. I only wet in my sleep." Warren protested. He was still a nervous about wearing a diaper during the day.

"I am giving you until the count of three. 1...2...."

"No! I don't wanna!" Warren huffed, still clutching the coloring book. Deep down he knew it was probably going to get in trouble for this but it was having too much fun being little today. He also knew that despite all of his scolding Harley liked having a little brat as a cub.

What was that?" Harley growled.

"I don't wanna diaper! I am a big! This is stupid! You are stupid. I don't need them!" Warren said folding his arms across his chest with pout.

"Cub I am giving you last chance to get over here and get your diaper on and apologize. If you do I will go light on you when I paddle your ass. 1....2...3.... Have it you way cub." The big bear rumbled angrily as he marched over to the play area and grabbed Warren by the back of his scruff and hauled him to his feet.

The young bear must have been about 4 or 5 the last time his parents scuffed him like that. He never thought at his age someone would be able to do it do him so easily. Harley said nothing as he drug him off towards the changing room.

It was large enough for not only the changing table but a chair and plenty of room to move around. Papa's cub was dead silent as he was marched off for his punishment. That was until he saw the big bear unfastening his belt and pulling it out of his pants.

"Daddy, I am sorry! I won't do it again. I promise! I will put on the diaper." The little bear squalled.

"Too late for that. I don't want to hear another word. You will take your licks and then you just might learn to not throw tantrums." Harley said as he stripped Warren down to his fur and put him over his knee like a little child. Warren's stiff little prick was leaking onto his Papa's slacks before the first stroke of the belt landed.

The young bear had never been punished with a belt before. When he was a cub it was always just an open paw to the ass. He never imagined now much more it could hurt. He cried out and started to struggle when the belt bit into his ass with a loud snap. Bucking and squirming in his Papa's lap the little bear suddenly felt like he was in over his head. He knew that if he wanted to he could make Harley stop, he wanted to make it stop. Warren also knew he had been a bad little bear and deserved to be punished. Biting his bottom lip he bared down determined to take his spanking like a good boy. He still jumped and cried out with every snap of the belt though, each one stinging just a bit more.

When the tenth and final lick of the belt cracked across his ass, Warren was sobbing. Normally Harley would have scolded him when he give him a spanking but he thought that the belt would be enough of a reminder. With the punishment finished he pulled his cub into a big warm hug and cradled him in his arms.

"I am sorry I had to do that Cubby. You know why I did thought right?"

Warren sniffed and dried his tears on his Papas chest. "B-because I threw a tantrum."

"Not just that, but you did it in public with another Daddy and his cubs watching. Worst of all you told me this morning that you were going to be a good boy and do as you are told today. Do you remember promising that?"

The young bear just nodded and whimpered. He certainly did remember and the consequences for not behaving.

"Now because you were so naughty I should ground you from cumming for a few days. I will make a deal with you though; you can either be grounded, or after I diaper you up you are going to go out there and apologize in nothing but your diaper. Then you will show Marty the stripes I gave you on your butt for misbehaving."

"But... You said I wouldn't have to let them see... I don't want to see me naked." The little bear whined.

"I didn't say you had to pull down your front. Just show him your butt. You can also just take your grounding and no more cumming until I say so..." Harley said sternly.

"C-can I decide after you diaper me..." Warren asked trying to hide his blushing.

"Sure... but no stalling, Okay? Now let's get you changed." Warren said lifting his cub up easily and setting him down butt first onto the changing table. The cub winced as his still very sore ass hit the soft table.

"Maybe that will remind you not to misbehave." Harley said having him lay back onto the changing table. Warren was unsurprisingly a little damp around his tip, both with pre and a little pee. The belt had left some welts on his ass but nothing that would not heal in a day or so. Bear fur is thick so even a belt had to do some serious work to leave a mark. Mostly it was just noise and shock. Scarier than it actually was painful. Harley had gotten a belt himself many times both as a cub and as a young man so he was used to the after effects.

Warren's lost erection quickly found its way back while his daddy cleaned and diapered him. After a quick powdering, Warren's Daddy taped up his new daytime diaper nice and snug. The fit was just about perfect; if anything a bit big on him. "Had to move you up two sizes. I guess those other ones run small. Might even have these a bit big but better than too small right?

Warren nodded slowly. "Uh huh. I... I'm sorry for throwing a tantrum... I just wanted to keep playing."

"I know you are sorry. I am sorry I had to punish you. Have you made up your mind? Are you going to be grounding or are you going to go apologize to Marty?"

", I am going to say I am sorry." The little bear said trying to screw up his courage. He really didn't want to have to go back out there after that and apologize but he also really wanted to cum, and soon.

"Good boy" Harley said helping him back down.

Forcing himself to take the next few steps was very hard. He just didn't seem to be able to get his feet work. A pat on the crinkly butt got him going though and he half stumbled out to see Marty and Drew conspicuously trying to act like nothing had just happened. Both were unpacking boxes to put in the shelves.

Of course they had heard everything there was only a thin curtain to cover the door to the dressing room. The rottie pup and the rabbit would have heard everything that went in in the changing room. Drew was rock hard and was having trouble resisting the urge to grope himself though his overalls but he had just gotten out of chastity and didn't want to be put right back in. Through the thick diaper it was hardly noticeable. Marty was just wearing a pair of slacks his own erection was much more obvious. The thick rod was pointing down his right pant leg and clearly outlined against his thigh. The little bear stared at it as he waddled over.

Warren held his paws in front of his diaper as if he was trying to hide it but all it did little to hide the poofy crotch and cute designs. "I am sorry I had a tantrum..."

The big bunny chuckled and rubbed the bear's headfur. "It is okay sweetie. I know your Daddy set you straight." Marty said with a grin and a wink.

"He... um also wanted me to so how my... punishment."

"Did he now?" The rabbit said smiling.

"Uh huh..." Warren managed to mumble trying to find his courage. The little bear knew that he had to do as he was told or Harley probably wouldn't let him cum for days. Truthfully he was not that ashamed of showing off his spanked butt to the rabbit. Even though they had just met the bunny, the idea kind of excited him. In a twisted way he was proud to have a daddy that would punish him when he was bad. He had a pretty good guess that Marty would understand completely.

He turned around quickly and dropped the back of his diaper. The stripes on his ass were a little hard to make out through his dark fur but it was clear just what kind of punishment he had gotten.

"Looks like your daddy gave you a belting cubby." The rabbit said solemnly.

Drew poked his head out from behind his Daddy and laughed. "As if the sound of the belt snapping would not have been enough to clue us in."

"Drew be nice... or you might get a spanking too." Marty chastised his pup before turning back to Warren. "Poor thing, I bet you won't do that again." He said tugging up the back of Warren's diaper and threading his tail through the hole for him.

Warren shook his head. "Nuh uh!"

"Just in case you throw a tantrum again, I think that butt of yours needs to come with a warning." The bunny pull out his marker again and quickly scribbled, "Brat" on the butt of Warren's diaper.

It took Warren a second to work out what it said looking back into a mirror. Harley just chuckled. "Hmmm I think that might fit."

Warren felt his cheeks flush hot. "I'm a good bear..."

"I have seen your butt bent over my knee more times in the past few days, than I care to count. So don't go fibbing to the nice bunny here. He might babysit you someday soon for a play date. He should know you are trouble." Harley said with a hearty laugh.

The younger bear's ears perked at that. "Babysit! But I am a... I don't need a babysitter..." Warren said correcting himself. Even he knew how silly to it would be for a bear in a diaper to claim they are not a "baby."

"I didn't say right now cub. We can talk about it later. Right now I want to pick out some more things for you while I have you here." Harley said with a grin.

Warren gave his papa a wary look. "What are we going to get?" There was a lot of stuff in the store and quite a bit of it was less than innocent.

"Just some clothes. Come here." Harley said taking him buy the paw and led him over to the "big boys" section on the clothing. It of course looked like it was all for little cubs, only sized for a chubbier adults.

The cub fussed a little as his Daddy got him out a onesie and made him try it on. It had a cute design on it with little spaceships. Warren actually liked the way it held his diaper up. It even made it a little easier to walk around in a diaper.

For the next half an hour or so Harley had him try on all sorts of baby clothing, he teased about putting him into sissy clothes but he got away without having to put on one of the frilly dresses. He did try on all sorts of overalls and cute little outfits for his papa. Harley never once let him dress himself. It was totally humiliating but didn't protest too much. It was too much of a turn on anyway.

In the end they left with nearly a week's worth of cubby outfits and onesies. As well as the diapers they originally came in for. Marty gave him a kiss on the top of his head and a hug before he left making the bear cub feel a little funny. Harley had him wear one of the onesies out and some of the more normal clothing. He still looked and felt like a little cub but a random stranger probably would not have given him a second look. At least he hoped so.

When they got to the car Harley strapped him in to his seat and grinned. "Ok where to now cubby? Wanna go see a movie? We could go to the park? We could go to the toy store."

Warren actually had to think about that for a moment. "Toy store, then a movie?" He asked shyly. Not sure if could pick two.

"Aiming high I see... How about this? We can do the toy store today. You can go home and play. Then we will do the movie tomorrow." Harley said giving him a kiss.

Warren nodded happily. They did have three days off together; no reason to cram everything into one day.

Being still new in town, it took them a bit to find a toy store. Warren was feeling a little funny the longer it took to find it. "You don't have to buy me stuff...." He said finally figuring out what was bugging him. All the clothing and diapers at Marty's was not exactly cheap. He had gotten so caught up in the moment of pretending to be a bratty little cub he had not really thought about it.

"Hush. I don't want you to think about that. Papa has enough to treat his cub how he likes." Harley replied gruffly.

"But I don't want you to think I am um... you know..."

The big chubby bear got a kick out of that. "What? Taking advantage of me? Cub, most gold diggers are not in it for diapers and pacifiers. I paid for this stuff and I will pay for more because it makes me feel good to take care of my cubby and for no other reason. Now don't worry about that anymore."

The young bear just nodded and leaned over for a hug, feeling a little better. "Ok Daddy..."

Warren could feel his cheeks burning as he wandered through the aisles of the toy store. He looked at all sorts of toys with his papa, it felt very strange to act like a cub again in public. He yelped a bit when Harley gave him a diaper check in a secluded corner of the store. The big Kodiak was not surprised to find his cub a little hard when he stuffed his paw down the front of his diaper.

Harley just smiled and praised him for keeping his diaper mostly dry. Another little reminder that he probably should be wearing the diapers all the time. Warren had not even noticed that he had already wet a little. It seemed the more he wore the diapers the easier it was for him to have accidents. He kept telling himself that it was just because he knew it was safe to have an accident when he was wearing them.

They left the toy store with a few sets of building blocks, some big plastic cars and trucks and a bunch of other toys for toddlers. The big bear even sprang for a gaming system but insisted on getting "Age appropriate games." While they were checking out Harley tried to hide hoping that the cashier didn't realize all of the toys were for him.

Waddling a bit wider by the time they packed up the back of the car with all the toys, Warren had wet a bit more nervously in the store after getting checked out.

The cub got scolded for trying to open some of the toys in the car but he could tell his Daddy was more amused at his eagerness to get at the toys than mad.

Harley stopped at a drive-in and bought the both a burger and shake for lunch. The Kodiak ordered for him. Another reminder that Daddy was in charge.

When they got back to the hotel they actually had to make several trips up and down the elevator to get everything into the room. It was a little embarrassing to carry everything in but his Daddy made sure he helped.

Harley started putting things away. Warren wanted to help but he just patted his cub on the butt and told him to go play with some of his new toys. While the big bear was putting away the diapers he came across the original box from Marty's. He found the big stuffed teddy he had gotten Warren. He had totally forgotten about it and never given it to Warren.

"I got one more surprise for you cub" Harley said as he carried it out to his cub. The smile on his cub's bright face when he saw the teddy made up for the oddly high price he paid for it at Marty's store. "I got a new friend for you for when Daddy is away."

"Thank you!" Warren's eyes lit up and he started making grabby paws for it.

"I am almost done. Then I can hook up your games for you if you want?" Harley said grinning.

Warren just nodded as he hugged his new teddy bear. It was so soft and cuddly, he loved it instantly.

"While I finish, I want you to get out you to get undressed so I can put you in your jammies." Harley said with a chuckle.

The rest of the unpacking only took a little bit. Harley came back out to the main room in their suite to see Warren laying snuggled up with his Teddy and a paci in his muzzle. He was only wearing the diaper that he had put on at Marty's. His clothes were piled up next to him.

Warren was making little humpy motions as he squeezed the big teddy. The older bear's cock stirred at the sight. He loved seeing his cub getting into the role. The cub must be frisky if he was play mounting the teddy bear.

"I am glad you like your new friend... but your diaper will leak on him if you keep that up.

Popping the pacifier out of his muzzle Warren whimpered. "I am sorry Daddy... I just thought..."

"Just don't do it again. You ready for some games?" Harley said holding up the game system.

The cub gave his Daddy a bit of a confused look and rolled off of the teddy. The Kodiak was more than a little surprised to see Warren's slick little cock slip out of the teddy's rump as he got up. Guiltily he sat up with his tip poking out of his waist band.

"Warren! What were you doing?!" Harley growled angrily.

The cub yelped and tucked his cock back into soggy the diaper. "I am sorry I just thought! I mean! You told me to play with it..."

"Not like that! What did you do to his rump!" Harley said picking up the teddy and turning it upside down. He was expecting to see a tear but instead he found a hole sewn into the rump right under the tail. Sticking a finger inside he felt soft squishy rubber. "Well all be damned... Marty didn't tell me it had that."

Warren looked up and whimpered. "I am still in trouble?"

"How can I scold you for that? I told you to play with it and you did... I just didn't think your little wiener was going to be involved." Harley said tugging playfully on his cubby's tip. "It was pretty cute watching you hump it."

Warren just nodded and fussed a little. Still a little worried he was going to get a spanking.

"How about you play with it some more while papa watches." Harley said handing the teddy bear back to Warren.

Hesitantly Warren climbed onto the sofa with his teddy and bed hugged it tight in one arm and slowly worked his stiff little pecker out of his diaper. Laying down on top of it he let out a little happy growl.

"Go on. You have permission. I promise." The big fat bear said stripping slow down to his fur.

Warren thrust gently into the stuffed bear, moaning softly as his cock sunk into the soft tailhole.

Harley flopped down onto the sofa next to his cub and watched him start to hump the teddy. His little butt crinkling as he thrust. Running a paw down over his big belly Harley to wrap it around his fat member and started to stroke.

"Mmmm that is my good baby bear. That teddy is your hole to play with, I think you know where Papa's is don't you?"

Warren was too embarrassed to say anything but he wiggled his little tail stub happily. It felt so dirty having his Papa say stuff like that but he loved it.

"Mmm good boy. That is right. Papa's hole to play with is right...." A big paw slipped into the cub's diaper. Warren bucked a bit as a thick digit found his pucker. "Here."

The little bear cub moaned and wiggled as his Papa teased him. Having that finger back there just made him hump his poor little teddy harder.

"I think it still need some work before it can get humped like your teddy." Harley said in a low rumble. "Do you want Papa to work on that?"

All Warren could manage was a nod. Between the feelings of his tailhole getting teased and the teddy wrapped around his little member he couldn't find his voice to speak.

"Mmmm good boy... You keep humping, Papa will be right back." Harley said as he lifted himself off of the sofa and headed into the bedroom. He returned in no time at all with a bottle of lube and butt plug. The plug looked a little strange with a hose and bulb coming out of the back of it.

It was soon out of mind though after Harley set it aside. Balls deep in teddy bear, Warren was having trouble trying to see what his Daddy was doing behind him. He felt that familiar big paw rubbing over his diaper.

"Mmmm, let's just take this off for now. It was pretty soggy anyway." The diaper came off with a few quick tugs as the tapes popped one by one.

Sliding the soaked diaper out from under Warren, he drug it over his cubs exposed pucker making the little bear squirm. Cold lube dripping onto his hole made Warren gasp, he was about to complain but a warm thick digit started to work into his hole and all he could do was let out a happy moan.

"Mmmm good boy... show that teddy who is boss." Harley said teasingly as he made guided his cub's humping with the thick finger in his hole. "Such a big bear you are."

If anyone else was saying that the little bear would have been offended by the condescending tone. Coming from his Papa though, it just made him feel little and submissive.

"I don't want you to cum, understand? You can keep humping but you are not allowed to put a load into the teddy yet." The big bear said as he loosened up his cub and sunk in a second digit.

Warren moaned out when the fingers found his prostate. "Y-yes Sir..."He sounded a little unsure that he would be able to keep himself from blowing.

"Good boy. Now I have a treat for you. This is a special plug and I think you are going to like it a lot." Harley said removing his fingers and slowly working the plug into Warren's rump.

The cub was so close to cumming it was almost painful. He had to stop humping altogether as the plug was slipped into his ass. A long shuddering moan let his papa know he had just edged.

"Hmm, good boy. You were close weren't you? Why don't you pull out of the teddy for now and get onto all fours. Clench hard or it won't stay in."

Warren propped himself up on his hands and knees over the Teddy and tried to hold very still. The plug felt odd in his rump; not like the vibrator he had brought with him. Tapered like it was, the plug would slip deeper into him every time he clenched then slowly star to work out again.

"Now this is a special plug because it can do this...." Harley squeezed the bulb attached to the hose, instantly Warren felt the reaction as the plug swelled.

"Ooooh!" Warren moaned happily, wiggling his rump.

Giving it a few more squeezes Harley pumped up the plug just enough that it would stay in without any help.

"Now we are going to play a game. I am going to leave this in and diaper you up. Paws off the pump; that is for Daddy is play with. If you are a very, very good boy, I will let you finish in your teddy later ok?

Warren whimpered and nodded. "Yes Sir..."

Helping his cub up, Harley walked him over to the extra bed they had setup as a changing table and laid him down on it. Making sure the hose and pump were tucked off to one side. The little bear had been so caught up with humping the teddy and what papa as doing to his rump that it had never really registered that his boss turned Daddy was buck naked and surprisingly hard. Horniness making him a bit bolder Warren reached out and tugged playfully at his papa's cock.

"Hey now, did you find something you want?" Harley chuckled. "I think you need to wait a bit, then you can play all you want with that."

"But... I..." Warren pouted, as Harley pulled away and got out a fresh diaper.

"Are you horny and want to play?" The big bear said teasingly as he unfolded the diaper and slid it under Warren's butt. "You can as soon as you have your diaper on, okay?

Harley fussed with the diaper quite a bit; making sure it was just right with the plug. He only gave Warren's bits a quick wipe down, not wanting to make the frisky cub blow his load by accident.

It wasn't until it was on that the big bear cub realized that it was one of the special diapers that Marty had put onto Drew, made out of a thick overnight diaper. The plump and hose for the plug were threaded through the hole in the back. Before the idea of the special diapers embarrassed him a lot but as worked up as he was Warren they seemed like a much better idea.

Warren was still fussy and whimpery as his Daddy got him into his footy pajamas with a drop seat. The button up butt flap was perfect for the pump to stick out of. "There we go now. Let's go play some video games..."

"But you said we were going to play!" The shamefully horny cub protested.

"I said you can play and you can. Now don't fuss, trust me you don't want a thump on your diaper right now."

Warren grudgingly followed behind his nude daddy and after some bit of wiring they were sitting on the sofa together waiting for a game to start. The big bear spread out on the sofa and spread his legs showing off his big hard bearhood. His cub couldn't help but notice how his big heavy balls were dangling over the edge of the sofa.

Crawling over Warren nuzzled up against his Papa trying not to beg for permission.

"If you want to play with that instead of your game you can but just remember to do as you are told okay?"

Warren nodded eagerly as he slipped off the sofa and down onto his knees between the big bear's legs. He started off by slowly massaging that big dangling ball sack with both paws making his papa rumble happily.

Working his way up to Harley's thick shaft, he wrapped a paw around it and gently fondled the length and teased his foreskin back and forth.

Harley reached down and gave the hand pump a squeeze, making Warren jump a little. "Mmm good boy."

The game had finished loading but neither of them were paying any attention to it. Harley laid his head back and relaxed, closing his eyes as his cub worked his fat length with both paws.

"C-can I use my muzzle Papa?" Warren asked quietly and feeling a bit silly.

The fat daddy bear peeked one eye open and grinned. "You can but you are going to make me cum if you do that. "

"I-Is that ok?" The cub asked not sure if Papa wanted to wait before cumming.

"I got more than one load in me cub."

Warren wiggled his tail stub as he opened his maw and slurped down Papa's thick tip and used his paws to jerk him off.

"You ARE being a good cub aren't you? You must want to finish in that teddy a lot don't you?" Harley said with a grin.

The cub didn't bother responding but he took the opportunity to slip his tongue under Harley's hood and lick his tip.

Harley was very pleased that he had taught his cub that particular trick. The big bear had been just as worked up as his cub and he wasn't going to last much longer. Putting his big paw on the back of Warren's head he give him a gentle warning he was about to cum.

The little bear moaned happily as he felt his Papa tense up, about to blow his load. The big bear erupted into his muzzle flooding it with his warm seed. Like a good boy he swallowed every last drop and looked up with needy eyes as he licked his lips clean.

"I could get used to that cubby. Now get your butt up here, we have a game to play," Harley said, holding up a controller.

Careful about the plug still in his butt, Warren hopped up onto the sofa and started the game. He felt strange playing a cute go-cart game for cubs. Warren would have been embarrassed but he was having a very good time.

Harley kept him on edge while he played. Every once in a while he would give the pump a few squeezes and make his cub sit that way for a few minutes before hitting the release valve and letting it deflate. Every time he pumped it up he would give it a few more squeezes than the time before. After a few hours of that kind of treatment Warren was certain that the front of his diaper was be soaked in precum.

The big bear even made him keep it in while they ate dinner. Harley ordered pizza, grumbling that he had to put his shorts on to answer the door. Warren stayed hidden in his pajamas terrified that the deliveryman would see him.

The distraction of pizza gave Warren a little relief from his teasing. He did feel a little awkward though when Papa made him sit in his lap so he could feed him. The big bear paw rubbing his belly made him feel alright though. The fat little bear was still self-conscious about his belly but in a strange way Harley made it all better. He could tell his boss found his sexy even if he was pudgy.

After dinner Warren wanted to try another game and started to get up, but Harley stopped him and finally let him take out the plug. "Go change your game and come back here for a diaper check."

His tailhole felt oddly empty as he waddled over to the console and swapped it out for another cub game. He felt silly presenting his crotch to his Daddy for a diaper check. He could tell if he was wet after all but he wasn't about to misbehave. His papa was right, he really did want to get to play with that teddy again. Never in his life did he think he would want to hump a teddy bear but recently it didn't seem too odd.

"I am dry Daddy! I didn't wet I promise." He whined a little as the big bear unbuttoned the front of his pajamas and slipped two fingers into the crotch.

"I had three sippy cups while you were playing, so I should still check." Really Harley just wanted to see if his cub was still rock hard. Sure enough his little member was rock hard and slick with precum. He must have been leaking like a faucet while the plug was in. There was also not a small amount of wetness in the diaper from a leaky bladder.

Pulling out his fingers he held them up to show then to Warren who wrinkled his nose that the scent of his precum and piss. "Doesn't look like you are dry... if you keep this up, I am going to have to keep you padded when we go back to work.

"But it is only a little" The cub whined.

"For a thick diaper yes. If this was your pants you would have a trail down your leg."

"Yes Sir..." Warren said drooping his ears shamefully."

"You are good to go kiddo. This diaper can hold quite a bit more. I want you to do something before you play though. Go into the bedroom and get my small duffel bag." Harley said giving him a gentle thump on the butt.

Of course Warren ran off quickly to get it, walking a little bow legged but hurrying none the less. He found the bag easily enough. He has never seen Warren take anything out of it before. His daddy had left it wide open when he had taken the inflatable plug out of it. It was filled with a collection of naughty toys that Harley had brought with him on the trip. Mostly for his own use, not expecting to find a boyfriend. Seeing what was inside the little bear blushed as he scooped it up and carried back to Harley.

"Thank you crinkle-butt." Harley rumbled. "Good boy. Now go play your game. This is going to be a surprise too, so no peeking.

Warren bashfully flopped onto the floor with his teddy to start his game. He was trying very hard to not imagine what Papa had planned. Concentrating on the game was getting harder and harder as he heard Harley rummaging through the back for a long while.

Eventually he more felt than heard his massive daddy bear slip down onto the floor behind him. He let out a whimper as the two big buttons holding up the seat of his pajamas popped open and his rump was exposed.

"You keep that weenie in your diaper, understand?"

"Yes Daddy..." Warren said hesitantly. He was seriously beginning to wonder if the big bear was about to mount him. They had talked about it but Papa just kept saying, later. He was not sure if he wanted it to happen right now but part of him deeply wanted to be taken by his big manly papa. That plug had been stretching him for hours on and off.

He was not sure if he was disappointed when he felt something cold kiss his hot pucker. Papa was working some sort of toy into the hole in the seat of his diaper. He winced a little as the cold lube made him shiver again.

"It is ok, this will feel good. I promise." Harley said as he gave a gently started to push the toy into his cub's rump.

Whatever it was, it felt thick, really thick. Warren moaned, desperately clinging to his teddy.

The cub felt something slip as the toy popped past his tight ring. Warren dropped the controller as he let out a sharp yelp. The game quickly forgotten. Slowly, very slowly his papa started to fuck him with the thick toy. It must be a big dildo that papa brought, Warren thought. It was a lot bigger than the little toy he has stashed away in his luggage.

It took a long time for him to adjust to the toys thickness. Even after the plug this was giving him a good stretch. Letting out a cute little growl Warren bit down on his teddy and moaned loudly as Papa started to work it hard in and out of his rump.

"Wanna know a secret cubby? The toy in your rump is bigger than Papa..." Harley said teasingly.

"B-bigger?" Warren sounded shocked.

"Yes, not by much. I told you that your cute little cub butt could take Papa."

Warren flattened his ears and gave a humiliated whine.

"Do you still want to hump your teddy, little bear?" Harley asked with a low growl.

All Warren could manage was a quick nod and bucking his hips back into the big toy.

"Then you are going to be a good cub for me." Harley said pinning his cub down and whispering teasingly in his ear. "I am going to take this toy out of your rump and Papa is going to breed that fat little butt. When I am done I might let you finish off with the teddy.

Nodding again Warren wiggled his butt, feeling overwhelmingly submissive. His heart was racing and his chest heaving when the toy slipped from his hole. Being bent over his teddy bear and pinned down; he could not have wanted it more.

The big bear pressed his slicked up tip against his cub's hole and sunk in slowly. Damn his cub was tight. Harley had been wanting this bad ever since he first fell for the little brown bear. He gave Warren a loving nip as he started to work his cock in balls deep.

After the cold toy in his rump Papa's cock felt hot, really hot. He could barely move with the big bear on top of him. That big belly pressing into his back and fat rump sawing into his tight ass held him helpless under his papa. He could not have felt more powerless as his Daddy bred his ass, and he loved it. His stiffness shriveled away submissively. The amazing sensations of getting stuffed were so overpowering his cock was totally forgotten.

Harley slowly let his lust take over, slamming his hips hard and harder into his cubby. His bulk kept pushing the little cub away as he jack hammered his diapered butt. The big bear picked up his cub, wrapped his big arms around him. The old bear's fat uncut cock railing away until his climax built.

With another dominate nip on his cubs exposed neck Harley let out a feral growl. He slammed his hips hard into the padded butt and started to cum hard and deep into his boy's ass. Shot after shot of hot bear cum flooded Warren's tight little hole.

Warren moaned and writhed under his papa as he felt his ass getting filled. The big bear just kept fucking his ass sloppily as he pumped him full of seed.

Harley finished with one last hard thrust. His member already starting to soften a little in his cub's rump. "Mmm very, very good boy. You liked that didn't you cubby?"

"Mmmmhmmm felt so good..." Warren said panting.

His papa rolled him over onto his back and popped the tapes on his diaper and laid it open. "I think you earned some quality time with your teddy what do you think."

Warren just whimpered as his daddy got a good look at his crotch. The little bear's soft little package was covered in what looks like an impressively large load. Harley reached down and teased his cub cummy tip. Even soft his papa had fucked a load out of him.

"Oh, that is a very good boy. You came just from papa humping under your tail didn't you?" The big bear asked playfully.

"Uh huh, but it didn't feel the same. Way more powerful. I still feel really tingly." Warren said trying to explain having a load forced out of him as he panted.

"Hmmm looks like you might not need that teddy right now. Tell you what, if you need to make another cummy before bed just tell Papa and he will help, promise."

Warren agreed quickly and snuggled up with his papa. They took a bath together after a long loving cuddle. The little bear was quickly embarrassed again as his papa washed him all over and made sure his undertail was clean.

Dressed in just a fresh overnight diaper he got to finally play his video games without Daddy teasing him. Right before bed the cub picked up his teddy and gave his Daddy and expectant look. Harley helped him tug down the diaper and snuggled with his baby bear as he humped the naughty teddy.

Wanting to watch him squirt, Harley gently tugged him off the teddy and held him in his arms. He finished off Warren with his paws, whispering. "That is it cubby. Cum for your papa... Show me how much you love being my baby.

The big baby bear cub shuddered and moaned as he did just that.

Daddy-Bear's Boy 4

Duncan's ears perked when he heard the front door open. The video game he was playing with Benji was instantly forgotten as he got up and dashed to the door butt naked except for his collar. "Papa!" The cubby border collie's soft hooded weenie and...

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Daddy-Bear's Boy Chapter 2

Warren was a little bit shocked when Harley insisted that he share the bed with him that evening. Despite his protesting he found himself curled up in Harley's arms drifting off to sleep. In a way it was a dream come true, he had never had another man...

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Daddy-Bear's Boy

Warren paced back and forth in front of his bosses office. He was nervous; his boss had called him in for an early morning meeting. Since he got hired on after his internship he had always tried to do a good job. Harley, his supervisor hated early...

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