Gleaming Gold

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#15 of Poems

This poem is about the gold dragons. Their appearance is a mix of eastern and western dragons. Best known for their opulence and lust for the finest trappings they can find, they are also the keepers of history. Within their giant palaces are giant caverns filled with books and scrolls. All of history written down and copied. But they guard this knowledge jealously and rarely allow others to see it. Instead preferring to recite such knowledge orally whenever someone comes to them seeking answers. Obviously there are ulterior motives for them doing this.

They are also known for their ability which is known as Allure. They can coerce, manipulate, or outright force another person to do their will. Although gold dragons are rarely if ever so heavy handed. Often their influence is so subtle that in many places the thought of them even having an ability like Allure is thought to be laughable or a myth.

Although not everything is known about them there is one thing every dragon knows. The gold dragons are never, ever to be trusted.

This poem will be in the poetry book I'm writing. Any thoughts or constructive criticism is welcome!

How did gold become so

wicked? So evil and impure?

What was it that tainted their

hearts? Made them arrogant

but with such Allure?

Silver remains as humble

as the very dust upon which

they walk.

While gleaming gold hoards

treasures of abundance inside

palaces carved in rock.

Curtains made of silk.

Carpets of the finest thread.

Great halls filled with history

that no one has ever read.

Sterling silver may tell

the tales, but it is upon gold

that they are written.

Alluring giants hoarding

wealth and lusting with


Who can resist charms

of a dragon who shines

like gold?

Who can ignore their

whispers as they press

you into their mold?

Alone and isolated

away from all the others.

They have no use for friends

or equals for they are unlike

any other.

Fight and scramble if you will

over your territories of dust.

Gold has no need for war.

Their bounty shall not fade

or rust.

Who do you think it is?

That makes history weave

and fold?

Who is it that moves the

world along?

Who would be so bold?

Gleaming gold would be so

bold. They would move the


Think what you will of your

ambition and might, but to

them you are but a pawn on

the board.

They are not the hoarders of

knowledge or the keepers of

ancient history.

They are the writers of the

future. They determine who

is and what will be.

Every king and nation laid

before them in every palace.

Every thought and every move

they make. Inscribed before them

as if on a chalice.

They drink not wine but ambition.

For they control the world.

Gleaming gold are the history

makers and you will do as you

are told.

Think of them what you will.

They care not for you little thoughts.

Nothing you do can stop them.

All your resistance will be for naught.

Look into their eyes.

Eyes like finest gems.

Hear the voice of eternal ages that

existed long before beast or men.

Hear the groaning of history as

it comes alive again.

Then tell me little mortal beast

if you can yet find your voice.

When you came to question me

who was it that allowed you

that choice?

Twisted Purity

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