Forest Keep 17

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#19 of Forest Keep

(edited 12/10/08 for font correction and version update)

The trio sat beside the lake and shared James's lunch slowly, Cill resting her head in his lap and purring gently as Joe tried to make sense of what was going on. Sure, the dragon seemed friendly enough but he could not yet bring himself to think of it as female let alone as James's mate.

James fed Cill a tidbit of goose and looked over at Joe "So... are you going to keep quiet about this?" he asked quietly "I want your oath that you wont betray us"

Joe frowned, he did not like being forced into a corner but he knew he had to accept responsibility for his following the young novice into the woods.

Now he realized that he put himself into the unenviable position of having to lie for them, as Lord Duncan would surely be asking more questions once he had questioned the bandits in the cells.

Joe sighed and nodded "Alright, I swear I won' reveal what I know about ya dragoness here... but" he added, "If Lord Duncan questions ya, I want ya to tell the truth. Even up to having ya girlfriend here pay him a visit, she hasn'a been to the keep yet has she?"

James grinned, "She was in my room that night when you came a'knockin'"

Joe flushed and held up a hand to prevent him from hearing anymore "and here I thought ya were sleeping all day and getting rested"

James snickered at Joe's expression.

"We tried to be nice and quiet but it wasn't easy" he said and chucked Cill under her chin. "I'd like to keep Cill a secret until things have settled down though, her father will be visiting in a couple of days to talk to Lord Tarrant about my future ... both as a knight and as Cill's mate in his clan"

Joe gaped at his cheeky novice "ya mean that a dragon is going to be walkin' into our keep as bold as brass and demandin' to see the lord?"

James nodded "He didn't cause any problems last time did he? Other than scaring a few folks while he was there"

Joe squirmed "But he looked human- and yeah, even then he had a few of the other novices fair widdlin' themselves" he tugged his mustache and fiddled with them nervously. "He won't go a burning folks up will he?"

James sighed again "Dragons don't eat people Joe... or burn them up without very good reason, but I do want you to treat Nokala well as he is getting bad impressions of humans all the time and I'd like him to at least think we can be trusted not to hunt his daughter down. I for one would have to choose sides then and I would have to choose my mates side."

Joe nodded "Perhaps she could live at the keep so folks could get used to her?" he asked.

James laughed aloud at that "Oh no, she has her own home and I can't see the likes of Eric enjoying the thought of a dragon living in the keep - can you?"

Joe nodded thoughtfully "How are we going to explain ya... er... conjugal visits to ya lady here without them getting' suspicious. Ya already heard the rumors "

James thought for a moment, his fingers stroking behind Cill's cheekruffs gently "Well, you could always send me out as a messenger to other areas... that would let me disappear for a few days with no one asking silly questions"

"Keep messenger huh", Joe nodded, the lad had a solid head on his shoulders and had obviously been thinking. "And I s'pose ya were going to ask me for tha' job even if I hadn't come here t'day mm?"

James couldn't hide a smirk "Yes, and I'd have thought of something else if you didn't like that idea"

Cill murred at him as he caressed her, she was full and relaxed now and was thinking about something else she wanted from her mate and let him know silently and somewhat explicitly.

James grinned at the image she sent him and nodded "Ok Joe, time for you to head back to the keep and try and look as if you know what I'm up to. I have a few things to uh... discuss with Cill here for a bit"

Joe grinned at him "Oh 'discuss' is it... well then I had better go and find my horse an' head back home then". He stood up and shook himself, still somewhat damp from his dip in the lake.

"Once more I'm sorry for spyin' on ya lad, but I was truly worried about ya... oh and thanks for not tellin' the lord her daddy made me disgrace myself"

James grinned, "That's alright, I fainted when I met her there's a scary dragoness" He jumped as Cill prodded him in the rump with a talon. "It has worried me, how could I be a knight if I fainted in the face of danger?"

Joe patted him on the shoulder "No lad, Many a brave man has found himself wantin' at times... be assured ya will have strength when ya need it"

Joe adjusted his soggy clothing and bowed to Cill again before walking off towards the forest, his head full of busy thoughts. What was he going to do now?

Lord Duncan walked thoughtfully down the keep towards the small chapel run by Father Champlain. The story the bandits had told him worried him, it was not like the usual denial of responsibility and excuses but had the ring of sincerity and fear behind it.

"Good day My Lord", said the plump priest, wiping a hand over his sweaty brow as he fussed up towards the master of the Keep. "What service may I perform for you today?"

"I wish it was a good day Father," murmured Duncan as he walked beside the priest. "I have come into some disturbing information about one of the novices"

Father Champlain blinked as he heard a note of worry "What sort of information?" he asked looking up at the man's creased forehead. The pair walked into the chapel atrium and Lord Duncan looked round cautiously. He did not want wild rumors spread about James.

"I have reason to believe that a novice is practicing sorcery... is there any way to determine if this is true?" He whispered to the red-faced cleric.

Father Champlain blinked and nodded "I would have to look at his room and then depending if I found signs of witchcraft ...then I would put him to the question and ...extract a confession" he said hesitantly, in truth he had never had to do this and was a little uncertain and afraid.

"Let us go and see his room then", Duncan declared and they slowly made their way down the bailey and into the mess hall. The pair made small talk as they walked up the stairs to James's room to hide their true purpose from prying ears and eyes.

Father Champlain peered nervously into James's room, half expecting a demon to appear from thin air to protect its domain. He stepped hesitantly inside and peered around, noting the typical novice equipment and nothing out of the ordinary. Duncan followed him in and looked around, picking up a pair of breeches that seemed torn apart by something.

"This is odd...but nothing that appears to be dangerous or unusual," he said. Father Champlain was about to agree but let out a squeal and leapt back as he pointed at the floor with a trembling finger. The carefully inscribed circular runic inscription of Cill's travel portal was clear to the view.

"A demonic summoning circle" the priest breathed "oh this isn't good... not good at all"

Duncan shook his head sadly, "I shall arrange for the lad to be brought to you for questioning, perhaps it isn't too late for his soul to be saved"

Father Champlain drew his hand over his forehead once more and wiped the dripping extremity on his cassock "I hope you are right Duncan... if he doesn't confess we shall have to interrogate him as the law requires ... if he does confess he shall at least be given a decent death"

James made sure Joe was well on his way before leaning over to kiss his mate properly once more. "Well, it's up to him now"

Cill nodded "Do you trust him to keep our secret?" she murmured, her tongue sliding under his chin delicately.

"We don't have a choice but I think Joe can be trusted" he slid his hands down her neck until his fingertips teased her nipples gently, slowly circling the softer fine scales around them and making the fat nubs slowly erect against the teasing digits.

Cill rumbled softly in appreciation at his attentions and ran the back of a talon down the front of his breeches rubbing at the swelling she could feel "Lets go and have some fun then" she purred, giving him a push in the direction of her lair.

James grinned and ran ahead of her, dodging, teasing, and generally managing to stay out of reach until he reached the wall hiding her lair. Cill opened the door and he ran inside, bouncing onto her well-stacked bed where she joined him eagerly.

They paused for a moment as he shucked his clothing off and threw it against the wall with a whoop before jumping back on the bed once more and tickling Cill beneath one of her forearms.

Cill gave a snort of surprise and swatted at him playfully while trying to evade the tickling, the paw caught James firmly on the rump and he yelped aloud before turning to look back at her.

"You trying to spank me?" he laughed and began to paddle the base of her tail knowing he couldn't hurt her and indeed had some trouble finding where a dragon should be spanked.

Cill gave a mock growl and peered down at him whilst he tried to spank her "Oooohrrrrrrrrrr.....harder" she purred and undulated slowly under his attempts to punish her. James grinned evilly and stopped before rubbing his hands over her swollen vent, feeling it moisten a little as he teased her. "Say please" he murmured, parting the slit with a finger gently.

"Now!" Cill growled and bent her head down to flick her tongue over his shaft and balls, lingering the long appendage over the head while watching his expression at the sharp teeth so near his delicate anatomy.

James gulped and nodded, wisely making the decision that this was not the time to keep a dragoness waiting for her pleasure. He slowly ran his tongue along the cleft of her slit and sucked gently on her clit before spreading her open and using his fingers and tongue in unison to arouse her further.

The bed shuddered under the antics of the pair as Cill responded with eager moans and writhing while her tongue kept up its assault on James shaft, keeping him hard and wanting as she grew wetter and closer to climax.

He used his recently learnt skills to bring her to orgasm. James nipped and licked and tasted as he felt her squirm happily, his finger pushing past the lips to stroke her walls was the last straw for her and she let out a roar of pleasure and bucked up powerfully.

James grunted as he was lifted up and dumped unceremoniously off her belly and onto the bed as she gurgled happily and thrashed in orgasm beside him, reaching over he pulled her panting muzzle close and gave her a deep kiss while she slowly calmed down. Cill met his gaze and purred happily in pleasurable release as she quivered against him, her paws wrapping around him and pulling him close once more.

"Mmmm...your turn", she murmured to him gently before getting an evil glint in her eye

"Why not try it dragon style this time mm?" she released him from her clasp and slowly slid off the bed before posing in the light of the fireglobes.

The flames flickered off her iridescent silvery scales as she slid past weaving her body in a seductive motion designed to drive male dragons into an instinctual mating frenzy.

James could only admire and ogle her until she paused, her tail lifting high and waving her rump from side to side inviting him to mount her. James growled lustfully and moved up behind her while she bent down submissively, exposing her pinkly swollen vent to him.

Reaching over her he gripped her thighs where they met her hindquarters and hilted himself deep within her. Cill groaned as they mated in this position for the first time, feeling inner muscles suddenly come into play and grasp her mate, powerfully rippling around his thrusting organ. James suddenly understood why poor male dragons could only manage this once before passing out; he was not sure whether he would last too long under the vigorous yet gentle suction of smooth massaging walls and rolling hip movements.

Dragon males seldom mated outside of their mates heat so as a result had a lower tolerance to the furnace they suddenly found themselves inside and lost control rapidly. James gritted his teeth and started to move in time with Cill's gently weaving hips, trying to hold on and keep the reputation of humans intact while pleasing his mate as well.

Cill was in heaven also, this was the proper way to be taken and it sealed their bond more firmly as she was in the submission posture, feeling her mate mount her to bring her pleasure and eggs. She suddenly let out a loud wanting hiss-moan at the thought of eggs then suddenly flushed with embarrassment as she had a shivering climax that made her clench even more tightly around James.

Drenched with sweat and almost cross-eyed trying to hold back, James felt Cill's walls suddenly grip him tightly as she came once more, her juices dripping out around his shaft. Unable and unwilling to hold back anymore he came with a bellow, roaring his own pleasure as he held her tight against him and flooded her with strong pulses of semen, shuddering with each delicious spurt of release until he was panting limply. The powerful orgasm leaving him stroking her back and barely able to stand or see straight.

Cill turned her head and looked at the stupidly grinning human plastered to her rump and smiled back at him lovingly, feeling the heat in her loins fade to a comfortable glow.

James groaned and lifted his head, finally able to focus. "Those poor male dragons" he murmured to her "no wonder they pass out after one shot" He scratched weakly at her back and slowly slid off her to stagger over to the bed where he collapsed sticky and sated.

Cill snorted with amusement and clambered up beside him "your not going to fall asleep are you?" she purred at him and licked his cheek delicately.

James managed to roll upright and give a sickly grin "Me? ... no... of course not" before flopping forward and clinging to his mate's neck "Though I think it'll be a couple of minutes before I'm ready for another go"

Cill smirked at him, "good"

Joe trotted back through the gates of the Keep and led his horse into the stable. The lad was right; he would have to keep his mouth shut unless released from his promise. Martin was waiting for him as he came out the stables, closing the door behind him.

"Joe" hissed Martin "Didja see the lad?"

Curious at the secretive greeting Joe nodded and leaned closer "Ye know he's been a meddlin' with sorcery?" the seneschal muttered to the bemused Master-at-arms.

Joe blinked "James a sorcerer?" he asked, stalling for time as he sorted out his thoughts rapidly.

"Aye, yon priest said they found the evidence in his room and they're gonna be puttin' him to the question this eve" Martin muttered as Joe looked grimly on.

"It's too late for me to warn th' lad" Joe murmured as the pair slowly walked towards the mess hall "Ya know as well as I he's not a warlock or witch".

Martin nodded "All we can do is be seein' what Father Champlain plans to do wi' the lad. Mind you he has been actin' a mite strange lately..." he trailed off and looked speculatively at Joe.

"Yes yes ...alright, he found woman in the forest and well... they want to get married and he's been sneakin' off to see her is all"

Joe felt this was close enough to the truth. It was in its way very true and indeed, exactly what James had told him on the day of the bandit attack.

Martin shook his head sadly. "I jus' hope they don't hurt him much, them priests can be cruel"

Cill took pity on her poor exhausted human and let him recover, she after all had enjoyed herself immensely and he had shown her that he was adaptable as well as fulfilling.

James did eventually fall asleep curled against her side and she felt a sudden maternal surge in her breast, curling herself around him protectively and resting. Deep within her, the egg she secretly desired slowly continued to grow.

James was the first to wake several hours later and he spent the first few minutes lying there and watching Cill's eyelids flicker briefly, as she dreamed. He stroked her neck slowly and heard her purr in her sleep.

He let his hand lightly trace over the twin horns jutting back from her head and down over the spiky ears, feeling them twitch under his touch before brushing the curious ruffs on her cheeks.

They seemed to be warm and able to be fanned out. James didn't know what they were for as he wasn't able to see in the higher spectrums as dragons could. Had he been able to he would have seen them as the emotional indicators they acted as, while also being able to regulate heat flow in the giant creatures to prevent overheating.

He let his fingertip slide along her muzzle and over the bump of her snout. The fine scales of her lower muzzle seemed soft yet the top was as hard as bone, able to deliver a killing blow as well as a sensual nuzzle, his questing finger found the sharp tips of her teeth also.

Cill cracked open one eye lazily, the green orb appearing and the slitted, black pupils sharpening as they focused on James "Hello love" he murmured, leaning down to kiss the tip of her snout gently.

Cill purr-rumbled at the caressing and brought up a paw to stroke his hair, fascinated at the feeling and enjoying it. "So, I suppose you want to go back to your own bed now mm?" she teased, flicking her wet tongue along his belly and making his muscles twitch.

James squirmed under the attack and chuckled "Not that I want to love", he murmured. "I'd rather stay in the warm here with you than back in a cold bunk. But I have to make an appearance or they'll get suspicious about my little visits"

Kissing her on the snout again, he continued, "I'll have to complete my training then we can live together"

Cill flushed again "Id like that"

James slowly slid off the bed and found his clothes, still pleasantly sticky he resolved to wash once he got back to the keep as it was getting dark. He pulled his breeches on and leaned over to kiss Cill goodbye.

"Your father is coming over to the keep in a day or so and I'll have to introduce him to Lord Duncan so I may be a couple of days".

He sighed, giving her a final kiss before staggering out the door and walking back to the lake and his impatient gelding who had cropped all the available grass and was looking forward to his nice warm stall for the night.

James rode slowly back towards the keep musing on his luck. Joe could be trusted he thought and hopefully his secret would be safe for at least a little longer. He had no idea of what the clanship ceremony would entail yet he did not think it would be easy as dragons didn't seem to know what easy meant.

He saw the guardsmen on the gates and gave them a cheery wave, not really noticing their frightened looks and the way they clenched their pikes in their fists as he rode past.

He didn't feel alarm until he saw the welcoming committee waiting for him as with a creak, the gates shut behind him to effectively cut off any escape. He slowly got off his horse and looked at the men in front of him. They seemed to cluster around a fat, sweating piggy looking man in a priest's cassock and who was bearing a goodly amount of talismans and religious artifacts. So covered was he with these that it was amazing he could stand up, James thought to himself as his gaze flicked over to where Joe and Martin were standing on the outskirts, frowning at him.

"So Joe" he sighed, "I see your promise wasn't worth the breath it took to make it" feeling anger growing within him at the betrayal he believed had occurred.

"Silence O' Spawn of Satan," quavered the priest whilst waving a cross at James who walked over and took it out of his unresisting grip

"What is this nonsense?" demanded James as he held the cross against his chest, ignoring the stunned look of the priest who was trying to gather his wits.

"You stand accused of sorcery and dark powers, James Lawrence" came the voice of Lord Duncan "Do you deny this?"

"Of course I deny it Lord Duncan. I have no knowledge of sorcery nor have I used it," James admitted truthfully, as he looked up at the man standing on the steps.

"So be it then, You shall be questioned by the seekers after truth and may god have mercy on your soul" Duncan made a gesture and a shadow rose up from where it had hidden behind James and with a single blow sent him spinning into darkness.