Free me

Story by Shaon the Kozo on SoFurry

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#3 of Heart of a Trainer, Soul of a Pokémon

Another loud banging at the door was not heard. The shouts from behind it meant nothing and deserved no answer. The desperate jiggling at the handle went unnoticed. Not that it would have mattered even if it would have been. The result would have been the same, futile attempts at resurrecting the dead. They were for naught, no purpose behind them, no meaning given to the desperate voice calling out. And they meant even less for the girl, curled up on her bed, covers clenched tight around her quivering body, fingers gripping a pillow tight over her head. She sobbed again, shrugging off the attempts her mother made to make her come out and talk to her. She didn't want to talk, she didn't want to hear. She was not interested in any solace the woman could give her. And she even less wanted to hear the �it will be okay' speech and the �I know what you're going through' spiel.

So instead, the girl clung to her pillow tighter, choking out another wave of hysteria that echoed about her bedroom. She didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to leave. She wanted to curl up and die.

She had tried to remain calm on the walk home despite the tears, despite the fact her chest was heaving, despite feeling her heart was breaking into pieces. Her family hadn't understood why she was so distraught when she was the one who broke up with her boyfriend. She was the one who ended it, the one who had told him she didn't want to be more than friends. How little they understood, how little everyone understood. Of course she was the one who broke it off, she thought with another heart-wrenching sob that made her teeth clench together as her eyes squinted together, more tears breaking from between them. She was the only one who had even cared about the relationship anymore, the only one still trying, constantly reaching out with no one reaching back.

She cursed herself for this all as she felt the burning sting in her heart, deep within her, where none of her mad clinging or crying could cure or lessen. How long had she been desperately trying to hold onto this relationship? How long had she spent hoping she would be perfect to her love once again? How many nights had she curled up crying to herself, trying to tell herself he still loved her?

She only clung to that hope sometimes, it being her only comfort, her healing hands. She sobbed for the warm kisses, the gentle hands, the soothing voice, the awkward moments, the stupid arguing, the meaningless cuddling, the random I love you's, the perverted jokes, the giggling, the feeling of being whole, the delight of being needed.

Once, where there was heavenly light and throbbing hope, there was sickness, hatred, pain.

There were only shredded remains of her laying there, eyes stinging, bare chest heaving heavily against the blankets. She had wrapped herself in a cocoon of blankets, quivering and holding herself closely. Her clothes lay strewn on the ground, next to her dresser where her Pok� balls sat. She didn't want to feel the clothes on her body, the clothes -he- had touched. The clothes she had gotten that she knew her love liked. She didn't want them on her. She didn't want any part of him with her anymore. And yet, she did.

How could she deny it as clear tears ran down her red and puffy cheeks, leaving spots on her white pillow? To what could she justify all this pain, this emptiness? The answer was there, clear as day: she still loved him. Her brother had scoffed at her �Just can't hold down a guy can you?' and in that moment all her resolve had broken into fragments. The hole in her heart had been torn open, left to bleed fresh with nothing to patch the tight constricting in her chest. She was left with nothing, nothing but this pain.

She just wanted to tear her heart out, free herself from the agony as she cried, the emptiness swirling within her, making her feel limp and abused. She did everything for him, she had done everything she could, accepted herself for who she was because he loved her, believed in her mind and soul, trusted they were strong like he said, because she trusted him. It was not that they were just friends, she could take that. It's that somehow he no longer loved her anymore. What had she done wrong? She screamed at herself not to think that, it was his fault. All his words, all his shallow attempts. This was not her doing, no, it wasn't hers, either. People changed, she knew that. Oh, how she was aware of how people changed.

That was not the worst part, no. Her main fears were he wouldn't want to talk to her anymore. No, the pain was ripped anew when he said it didn't hurt him at all, make him sad in the least, that he was just worried about her. How could he have meant that when she had cried before, told him before how she felt, trying to make him see how she felt. And what was she repaid with? It was the only time he would kiss and hold her anymore, when he comforted her pain, when he held her close to him, when he whispered everything was okay and that he still loved her. And in the end, it was all nothing. But not even that shoved the blade down into her soul, not even close. No, nothing hurt as much as the fact that all his promises were now hollow, and one time they meant something. At one time he -did.-

Once, he meant it when he told her he would love her forever, that he would always be hers. Her relationship before him ended up being a guilt fest in the end, and he was her comfort, her savior. She had fallen in love with him; he had been surprised but said he felt the same. She knew it was no lie, he had loved her, he had hit people because of her, he had done so many things for her that he never would have done for any other person. He had said once anyone who had made her sad should die. Part of her wanted him to drop dead, to feel her agony, this unbearable pain blossoming and flourishing in her body, more pain that she thought one body could hold. But she restrained such thoughts, turning more of the fiery hurt inward, knowing she still loved him.

Somehow, he was the same person. Even if he had changed, even if he didn't need her, even if he felt nothing that they were gone even though he has once loved her more than all else, it was not there anymore. She could not begrudge him. She should not. He had saved her from herself many times, made her believe and keep hope. She could not wish ill of him for no longer caring. She could not hate him for one wrong against so many rights. And yet somehow, half of her did. And it added all the more to her pain as she screamed, holding her pillow, mouth agape as she cried harder, voice shrill as her body shook, her fingers pained from her tight grip on her pillow, her insides wailing.

She did not notice one of her balls, quietly seated on her dresser, begin to shake, the little button on it flashing a soft red as it shook back and forth, rolling off the wood paneling and bouncing to the floor, falling upon broken CDs and discarded clothes, bouncing up briefly and rolling to the bed, pinging against the bedpost. The container opened, freeing a large, brown female, her eyes gentle as she watched her trainer.

Her long ears swiveled back as the Kangaskhan stepped forward, her cream colored belly heaving as she herself watched her trainer in the fetal position, sobbing. She had sensed the pain in the girl before, but never before to this degree. It made her tail quiver and rage build up inside her before sympathy flooded through her. The Pok�mon was a little over six and a half feet tall, not full grown. Carefully, the creature sat down on the bed, the creaking making the trainer jump up with a start and wild eyes. Gently, the Kangaskhan reached out with her paw, running her claws across the girl's cheek, leaning forward and nuzzling her, opening her other arm as a gesture of kindness. Without hesitation, the girl crawled forward into her friend's loving arms, crying softly and clinging the soft chest of the Pok�mon.

The Kangaskhan murred softly, running her fingers through the girl's hair and holding her tight. Carefully, as the girl cried, she rolled to her side, pulling the blanket back over them both and nuzzling her crying trainer.

The girl gripped her friend tightly, resting her wet cheeks on the leathery hide, her breathing uneven and strained as she whimpered. The emptiness growled inside her like the acidic burn of hunger, writhing within her weak insides. She wrapped her arms around the creature, feeling the claws rub her back, gently soothing her flesh. The touch calmed her, soothing like it was her beloved. But this felt warmer, like it stitched at the emptiness clouding her chest, making her whimper and nuzzle into the form beside her, the smooth skin comforting against her bare flesh. It felt warm, whole.

Her chest heaved with another unrelenting sob, tears falling down her cheek and making her quiver, gripping her friend tighter. An emptiness, such a hollow space in her heart. /just when she thought she would be done crying, pain would fill that hole, rubbing salt along the walls and making her reach another flood of memories and promises. He didn't love her anymore, and she had to accept that fact. He didn't want or need him. And because she loved him, she would set him free. She would suffer for him, no matter how much she wanted him to care. She felt the fingers run through her hair as her friend licked the side of her face, rubbing the skin with her pink tongue. The girl murmured softly, gripping the Brown creature tighter and squeezing herself against the rumbling stomach.

Tears ran down the girl's face as her Kangaskhan licked her, rubbing the tongue over her sore cheeks, licking the tip or her raw nose carefully. With the teas, her friend also pulled away some of her pain, assuring her it was okay. She sniffed, trembling and resting with her head against her large friend. The soft tongue ran over her eyes, clearing the tears but leaving more to fall back in their place. The girl scolded herself through the pain, why couldn't she stop crying?

To her own disgust she snuggled up against her Kangaskhan, trying to pretend it was her beloved, holding her. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift as she felt the tongue run over her, her fingers gently patting the Pok�mon's side. And before she knew it, the tongue touched her breast at the contact made her moan. The girls' eyes flew open at the wide eyes of her friend and they both stared at each other. Carefully, the creature lowered her snout, licking at the pink nub on the girl's breast. The girl huffed softly, but made no move against her partner.

This contact felt good, nice. The only relief from the pain she felt since she got home more than fifteen hours ago.

Sensing the relief, even pleasure, of her trainer, the Kangaskhan wrapped a paw around her trainer's waist, holding their hips together as the other wrapped around the girl's neck and rested on a shoulder, allowing her to hold her human in place as she ran her soft tongue over the flesh. The human moaned gain in her grip, making the creature happy as she licked more, the little bristles on her tongue running over flesh and caressing the sensitive girl in her grasp. As she continued to bathe her friend, working from her shoulders, to her chest, to her stomach, she sniffed the air, puzzled. Interested in this smell, the partner let her master go, shifting on the bed and looking down, feeling a slight dampness against her chest. She sniffed again, identifying the scent.

The girl blushed as her partner stared at her, running the fingers across her pale chest and sniffing at the claws where the girl had left her wet mark. It wasn't her fault the licking had aroused her. The touch reminded her of her love...

But the creature did not stop there, instead she rubbed her hips against her trainer, her own breath catching as she heard the girl moan softly, wrapping her thin legs around the sturdy, brown ones of the Pok�mon. The Kangaskhan murred, the hand on the girl's waist now resting on the trainer's rear, pushing her hips toward hers. She heard the trainer whimper as their sexes rubbed together and Kangaskhan let loose a small bellow as she felt two small lumps engorge against her sex. She was in bliss, not just comforting her trainer, but also feeling herself become aroused, both claws now fondling her trainer's rear as she ran her crotch over her trainer's, both their beginning fluids pressing between them.

And then her trainer gasped, pulling away and panting as she saw the strange appendage peeking out from a concealed vent, where two pads of risen flesh rested. She blinked, confused as she saw a pink head emerging from the folds, more length spreading out from above her Kangaskhan's folds. It didn't make sense to her until she came to the realization that all of the species were female. They had to have some way to mate. Of course, they all had the necessary organ, which was why there were no males. The girls' face became red as she stared at it, feeling her insides pulse, wanting to feel it. Gingerly, she reached a hand down, gripping the soft flesh.

She heard the rumbling in partner's chest as she stroked the red length, sliding it up and down the surface of her friend. She had been to bed with -him- before, but it was nothing like this. She had never seen one look so smooth, not that she had seen any besides her past love, or her family's when she was small. This was something strange and new. Silently, she scooted herself down, her friend remaining still as she licked the tip gently, hearing the huff come from above. The girl liked her lips before covering the head with her mouth, sucking at the tip. She had never done this before, but something in her broken heart said to do it, that it would ease her pain. Yet...was it wrong to do this?

Fear gripped the trainer at first as she heard a guttural whimper from her friend, but a claw rested on her head and a murr greeted her as she stopped. The girl swallowed, pushing her head forward on the length and sucking on the soft flesh, feeling her tongue run over the smooth surface, transfixed. No, this was not wrong. Her partner liked this, she wasn't hurting her. It had no real taste to it, to her surprise. She had expected a flavor, but instead it had no real scent or distinction, it was like licking someone's arm or leg, it was just there. Her wonder quickly faded as she felt the slight bucking from her friend, a tangy sweet taste meeting her tongue. It was strange, a mix between something bitter but sweet, a taste that lingered, leaving her to wonder what to compare it to. Maybe a lemon...but it was too sweet for that, more like a peach, drowned in honey and something bitter.

She licked at it, sucking more to try and gain more of the taste, and guess what to compare it to. She was still unsure if she liked or disliked it as she ran her tongue across the throbbing veins on her friend's shaft, swallowing and feeling the hard walls briefly constrict, the tip shuddering in her mouth as she sucked, pushing her head farther forward into her mouth. She heard a moan from her friend and redoubled her efforts, wanting to please her friend as she sucked harder, teasing the sensitive flesh with her tongue and chewing lightly at the throbbing flesh. She felt the slight bucking and lifted a hand, slipping a few fingers into the other sex of her pok�mon. She heard a soft hiss and wondered if she was doing it right, her fingers pressing in, caressing the insides of her friend and over the damp walls.

The flesh squished between her fingers, smooth and delicate to the touch, like a baby's skin, only slick and wet. It made her suck harder, tasting more of the tangy liquid, but this time it tasted saltier as the head bumped farther into her mouth with the gentle thrusting of her partner. Her fingers danced along her Pok�mon's sensitive folds, pressing further in, feeling the walls clamp down on her fingers, pulling tightly at the digits before the girl withdrew her fingers, pressing them back in and tickling deeper in the entrance. She felt a hard buck, nearly gagging on the length in her mouth as it pressed to her throat, her hand pulling back and grazing a bump of hard flesh inside the folds of her Kangaskhan. Knowing what it was, the human stroked her fingers over it, breath catching as she felt it stir in her grip, her fingers rubbing at it, tweaking it and rolling it between her fleshy fingers, the fluids dripping onto her hand. Heart hammering against her chest, she bit down on the member, gently squeezing the flesh in her fingers.

At last, the Pok�mon could take it no more, grabbing her trainer and pulling her free from her crotch. The Kangaskhan laid her down, rolling over so her body hovered above her trainer. Placing her forehead against the bed, and raring to her knees, she kept herself from the bed, her weight off her trainer as she fondled the girl and pulled her waist up to hers. She gently rubbed her folds into the girl's, hearing a slight gasp as she rocked her hips too and fro, her juices dripping onto the girl, making the Kangaskhan moan slightly as she stopped, feeling the twinges in her full length as the pink member hung in the air, twitching into empty space as pre beaded on the head.

Finally, the creature sighed softly and pushed herself forward, feeling the folds of her master swallow her head. She heard a small gasp from the girl but pushed forward, gripping the girl's rear tighter, holding it still as she pumped herself gently inward and out, trying to press herself in. She felt the slick hole and then, with a push, shoved over half her length in. The girl cried out hotly, gripping the Kangaskhan's sides and moaning, feeling the large length press at her sides. The Pok�mon moaned in her howling bellow, pressing herself deeper into her trainer's delicate warmth. The feeling was hot against her slick length, pressing their sweet walls into the pink, quivering member.

The girl ran her fingers through the tough hide of her friend, moaning and feeling her cheeks heat as the hot pressure ignited her walls, making her arch up, squirming and feeling the claws grip her shoulder as the form above her rocked in and out, the juices from her sex massaging along the length deep within her, forcing itself deeper into her. She moaned as she felt the whole length slide in, pressing tightly where nothing had ever reached her. The pushing against her made her pant with need, the feeling of being loved and needed. Her tears ceased as they were replaced with flushed cheeks and squirming moans, breathless pants. Her pain swept aside as she panted into the air, feeling the slick head press deeper, arching into her walls, forcing them apart, deeper than she ever thought anything could fill her. She cried out as she clenched her legs, trying to press herself farther into the Pok�mon.

The Kangaskhan groaned as the girl bucked back, her length twitching within the girl as she pressed harder, her female sex running up against the girl's rear, making them both cry out as the wet folds pressed between them, coating them both with the juices. Finally, with the girl's moaning, the large creature could take it no more, moving herself more so both hands were gently caressing her trainer's smooth rear before she yanked the girl harder onto her shaft, feeling tension in the air as she bucked harder, frantically as she felt her trainer's walls squeeze around her, trying to pull the seed from the force. Grunting, the Pok�mon hilted herself, pulling back and pushing into the tight walls, squeezing and pressing into her.

The trainer howled out as she arched her back, huffing breathlessly, mouth parting in a silent scream as she came. She heard the Kangaskhan groan out as well, burying the head deeper, the tips slipping outward, making the girl nearly forget her climax as she felt something warm greeting her as well. The heat made the girl shut her eyes, moaning loudly as she felt the heat warm her body, pleasure drowning her as the hole in her heart was filled with the seed, as well as her body, the heat making her quiver, burning away her pain and discomfort. She panted, kneading her fingers into her large friend, feeling the heat spill across her sensitive skin and trickle down like a warm shower, the sticky liquid pooling in her, running down her thighs and making her shiver.

As a soft tongue ran over her, she whispered to her beloved friend, tears once again brimming in her eyes. She didn't need -him- anymore. She had someone else who would love her, cherish her, and accept her. She relished in that fact as the claws gently held her, running across her back, the gentle licking drying up her last tears. She was alright, she was fine. She deserved someone who would care for her and never let her down. Gently, she leaned up and kissed her partner's nose. She would never be lonely, never be lost, not as long as she had her friends by her side.