The Shoot

Story by Bronzewing on SoFurry

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Here we are with the latest story collab from Myself and Tegon!

Always enjoy feedback, so leave a comment after you read so we can make the next batch of stories better.

And want to thank Teren and Sovrim for beta reading this for us.

The Shoot

"When I make a left at this corridor there'll probably be a few sentries, then, yes," the human hummed to himself. His light-pen scribbled down a few bulleted notes, encoded so prying eyes would be none the wiser. Not only was the cipher relatively unknown, but he also pulled a da Vinci and wrote it backwards. Tips like these he picked up while spending most of his adult life dealing in the world of thieves.

All of the precise movements he would have to make the next day were starting to get muddled, but on the other hand it was by far the most personally important job he had ever undertaken. The bedraggled man, probably in his late twenties, was hunched over his vid screen, reviewing a series of holographic blueprints. For the past several days he had done little but sleep, eat, consume copious amounts of caffeine in the form of coffee, and slowly plot his way through a labyrinthine structure of twisting halls, alarms, and guard postings. His fingers twiddled away as they had a hundred times before, pinching and pulling to zoom and scan across a building he had never actually seen in person.

The current focus of his efforts was a mysterious designation across one of the last few corridors before he would reach the door that led behind the studio. SR-001. That simple little name had virtually haunted his dreams the last few nights. The designation meant it was the first of its kind in the building, but beyond that he was completely unfamiliar with the code. Thinking it was because he was out of the loop for a few months, he sent out feelers clandestinely to a few of his contacts, to no avail. If worst came to worst, he would have to deal with it in person. Hopefully it was a simple biometric scanner, one he could fool with a simple custom program.

Trembling just as much out of a lack of energy as frustration, he wrapped his fingers around a mug and brought it to his lips before bitterly swallowing the liquid he had sipped. The human glanced at the time. Six hours already? His coffee was ice-cold. Sarian was going to kill him.

Guessing why a movie studio would need so much security was not difficult. Just like in real estate, it was all about location. The area was teeming with rampant crime and crawling with gangs according to the news vids, being situated smack dab between a community of humans and one of reptiles. Their expensive equipment, such as 32K cameras with a resolution so high even the most die-hard fetishists would blush, would be gone in the blink of an eye if they did not set up such an advanced system. The blueprints to such an outfit would be nearly impossible to obtain. That was, unless you knew the right people.

Visp did. His silver tongue made him friends with a few scalies online, techies like him that could slip him remote access to the security corporation's servers for a few hundred credits. All he had to do was route the payment through a virtual circuit with heavy encryption and the key was waiting for him in minutes. He quickly learned that in the human-reptile conflict, money often mattered a lot more than principles.

There was a sudden knock at his door, a raspy voice asking if they could come in.

"Sure, whatever," was his reply.

He heard but did not see the door open and shut behind him before claws appeared on either shoulder. They clumsily began their best imitation of a massage, and a primal part of Visp deep down momentarily panicked, as if he were being grasped by a predator.

"Are you really still working on this? I thought you said you wouldn't do another job." Sarian was concerned, his gravelly speech strained.

The human twirled his finger idly in the cold coffee. "You know I can't stop. I'm addicted. I can try, but sooner or later I'm right back on here making plans again. I know I've said it before, but if this one goes through it has to be my last. The payoff's huge." He flicked off a few drops that clung to the digit. That was a lie, but the raptor did not need to know the full story.

"Whatever makes you happy. It's hard to argue with credits either, but just stay safe. I brought you more coffee."

The raptor took his mug and set a fresh, steaming one back on the table. Visp was somewhat unique in that his lover happened to be a dinosaur. His last fling was, too. Perhaps he would go as far as to say he had a fetish for the creatures. Considering the job he was planning, on second thought that almost had to be true.

Visp and Sarian nuzzled, a rare gesture shared by both mammal and reptile, before the creature padded back out of the room and shut the door. Visp knew he was not being a good lover, a good friend, but this was too important to him. He just hoped Sarian would understand the distance he was putting between the two when it was all said and done.

When the door was locked, the human shut down the remote app, the room finally rid of the blue light, at least for a while. He replaced it with a green hue, a video downloaded from his favorite site. His eyes hungrily devoured the images on screen, his lust building. Tomorrow night. Just have to wait until tomorrow night, and he'll be mine.


Visp moved his hand from around the back of Sarian's head until the raptor let out a low grunt.

"Interesting. So you guys have a narrower field of vision than I thought. That's good."

The human was awake the morning of the job as soon as the sun's rays hit his eyes. Sarian only knew that his love was leaving in a few hours and that Visp always enjoyed practicing his sparring before embarking on a heist. So the two were mock-fighting and going over tactics for most of the morning. Visp was trying to learn as much as he could about raptors in particular. The company the studio used for guards hired the theropods exclusively, so the fact that his lover was one as well was a bit of serendipity working to his advantage.

"You guys have a pretty big blind spot, did you know that?" The human looked over the raptor's harshly pointed snout.

"Means we can focus on prey in front of us better." His lover stressed _prey_as a tease. "Besides, in close quarters we'll be smelling or hearing you much sooner than seeing you."

Visp jabbed out his fists. "Sound damping is easy. The right shoes and knowing when not to move is pretty much all you need. Scent is going to be more difficult, but I'll take the usual precautions. No showing up with cologne on, for example." The raptor rumbled out a laugh as he dodged the human's movements, but Visp was pleased with how well he was keeping up with his faster, stronger partner.

"You know us reptiles are not like humans. They shoot first and ask questions later. There's no such thing as prisoners in our mind."

"I know. We call it the bloodlust in the trade." Visp's fist delivered a right hook.

The raptor ducked and threw out a punch of his own. Visp had to be doubly vigilant for a stray, sharpened claw as he evaded. He was making mental notes of the anatomical features unique to their species. Claws were a major reason the human wanted to neutralize any reptiles he came across as quickly as possible.

As a last ditch effort, Visp threw himself at Sarian's core. The dinosaur countered and flipped him onto the ground, where the reptile wasted no time in placing his padded sole to the human's neck. His long, scaly toes wrapped around a fleshy neck while his ample gray walking section practically smothered Visp's face. His lover's voice was muffled somewhat by padflesh.

"If you were there, we'd waste no time in crunching down on your neck. Remember that."

"I will. But you meant to say 'they,' right? Not 'we'?"

"I don't mince words."


Visp hopped into his car, a nice, expensive model befitting of a professional criminal. A week ago it would have been called the exclamation point to a successful career of breaking and entering, but now it was more of an ellipsis, baiting him to continue. It eased into the air with the grace of a hawk while he fiddled with his music collection, looking for the perfect track. As he settled in he noticed from the air how obviously his upscale neighborhood faded into the ramshackle tenements that bordered the line between human- and reptile-dominated territory. No one wanted to live between two species that loved to fight.

He parked in a secure garage, pressing his palm to a scanner to register his identity. The safety of his pride and joy was a higher priority than escape to him. If he did not make it back to his car without setting off an alarm, he had already failed. His jobs required a precision too high to allow slip-ups like that to happen. If he was questioned by the authorities about his presence that night, he would just play it off. There would be no evidence.

Two skinks, a male and a more lightly-colored female, were walking down the sidewalk as he made his way to the studio. As soon as they saw he was human, they shook their heads and quickly crossed the street, shooting him dirty looks the whole way. Visp had to move fast; technically this was reptile territory, so even a single teen looking to start trouble would spell disaster for his plans.

He turned down an alley, avoiding the front entrance entirely. In addition to the ever-present synthetic receptionist, two armed guards would be posted on either side of the double doors. The human knew that by heart. Too complicated. Infiltrating the building was as simple as slipping through a taped-open security door at a time he knew there would be no deliveries. They could have the latest tech in the galaxy here and it would not mean a thing as long as organics were still lazy and careless at times.

The service entrance led into a utilitarian kitchen designed to feed the actors and staff at lunch. The lights were dimmed at dusk, but nonetheless Visp crouched down low and began to move along the stainless steel fixtures. As his noiseless boots brought him about halfway across the room, he stood stock-still. Someone was coming.

Two raptors, outfitted in their security armor, ambled down the aisle next to him. The human could never account for two hungry reptiles ducking out for a quick snack, so he prayed luck would be in his favor tonight. For now he hugged the ground and slid as far under the counters as he could. Their paws smacked into view soon enough. Paw One was a dusty brown, while Paw Two had a reddish hue.

Two immediately slid his foot under the counter, a little too close for comfort. Visp could have stuck out his tongue and it would have come to rest right between two of the saurian toes. The reptile radiated heat in the cramped quarters. Visp adjusted his breathing, angling his hand so Two would not feel the slight pressure and investigate. The human lay tense as Two's toes twitched, their conversation obviously continuing from before.

"So are you in? After work, and the ride's all set." That was One. His toes were firmly splayed, gripping into the tiled floor.

Two's toes squeezed together and slid against one another, the raptor thinking about a response.

"I hate humans as much as the next dino, but I don't really want to fight. Just let them stay over in their territory and we'll stay in ours."

One slammed his foot down, sending a tremble through the floor.

"Fuck! You're part of the problem then. If I had my way you wouldn't see humans outside of zoos and torture chambers. And that's being generous, I think."

"Whatever. I just need something to eat." Two's toeclaws slid across polished metal, the pads angling upwards as he was grabbing above his head for food.

"Too bad we haven't had any real snacks in a while," One snickered.

"Yeah, well, just need someone stupid enough to break in again."

So Visp was not alone in targeting the studio, although obviously whoever came before him did not succeed. Their words made his stomach flip, as the implication was they did much worse than simply kill who they caught. He felt a wave of panic wash over him, but he was not going to turn around and leave after so much preparation.

One and Two bickered for a while longer before Two's paws slid out once again and moved with One's out of the room. For now, he was safe.

The human rolled back out into the open, taking several deep breaths of the comparatively fresh air. His heart gradually stopped racing, allowing him to get up and continue pressing forward. He moved slowly to the door, making sure the two were definitively back on their patrol route before pushing the swinging exit open.

After rounding a corner, his next obstacle was to cross a deserted courtyard. The presence of the open space puzzled him, until he did some research. The area was designed specifically for the raptors, who appeared to go to great lengths in tending to their tired paws. Supposedly they much preferred the feel of natural earth underfoot. The courtyard served as a break area to stretch and relax. Someone had recently raked the ground here, as there were no leaves to crunch under his footstep and blow his cover. Just some lush grass and a few trees for shade between him and the opposite side. Disregarding the small hiccup in the kitchen, the job was running smoothly so far.

The hallways grew dimmer and more claustrophobic as he moved deeper into the complex, wall sconces replacing windows. Here there were various posters of the movies this place had shot over the years. "Attack of the 50 Foot Human," a thinly-veiled social commentary on the evils of mammals with too much power. The monster, obviously a tyrannosaurus in a rubber suit, was being attacked by the saurian military as his foot smashed through a freeway. Then "Reptilicus," an epic about an ancient scaly hero, female admirer draped over his bulging arm and all. Finally "Rikarn's Revenge," the blue film they were currently filming. He was on there, looking submissive and innocent as usual. Ready to be ripped apart by the leering rex, no doubt.

Then the fabled SR-001 was upon him, the last complication. But something was wrong. This had to be the hallway; there was no other way to get to the studio. But it was empty, sparse, barren. He scanned up the wall to look for seams, across the floor for a disturbance, even whipped out his laser detector. Zilch. He knew this was exactly where it was supposed to be, and after all that stress it turned out to be precisely nothing. Maybe the designation was for a light fixture overhead. Or his blueprints were an older copy from before they ran over-budget. That had to be it.

He took a single step forward, and instantly blacked out.


"Looks like someone got caught again." That thunderclap was what woke him up from a dead sleep, along with peals of rolling thunder accompanying it. He sat up, expecting to have passed out in front of his blaring holovision once again.

Drugs. Someone slipped him something weird. When? It didn't matter, because he was tripping out. Lack...lack of sleep maybe? All that dreaming of raptors was bound to catch up with him.

Because there, lying before him like a colossus, was a darkly-colored one almost two-hundred feet high. He was looking down at the human as one would regard an insignificant piece of lint, a trifle to be dealt with summarily.

A toe hung in the air mere inches from his body. One drop of sweat dripped onto him, splashing against his body. That jolted him back into reality, realizing the direness of the situation.

The three-toed foot was spread wide naturally, with a thin membrane stretching across the gap between each digit. The thin skin vibrated with every slight movement of the giant, tightening and stretching with power. The raptor's leg stood straight, firmly buttressed by his prodigious paw, towering up into the sky. It supported the dinosaur's body with an unmatched balance of sleekness and musculature. The shin was lined with a long row of raised scutes, a darker gray that stuck out to the human.

Jutting out of the side of the leg near the heel was the terrifying sickle claw. That toe was raised in the air above the others, so Visp could get a good look at the texture of the pads. A sea of miniature scales, with the occasional speck of dust or lint the toes picked up from resting against a wall or the floor. The toe carried some weight, so the scales appeared to sag slightly as they curved around to the rounded bottom of the pad. Black, durable keratin erupted out of the raptor's flesh and curved to a needle point. The guard's claw was textured with experience, featuring minute scuff marks and scratches, deep and wide as a riverbed to the shrunken mammal. That claw alone rivaled a city block in size. It was primed and ready to annihilate his body.

To his right was another monstrous toe, pressing into the floor. Here the scales were taut in bearing the raptor's weight. Another claw, about the size of a few buildings, rapped beside him, causing mini-earthquakes. It was this digit that prevented his escape, holding his leg pinned, drowning in the crushing weight and sweat that emanated from the foot. Pull as he might, the pathetic strength of the human in his present form was an ant fighting a titan.

"Right where humans should be," his captor pointed out to his companion, perhaps One from earlier judging from the color of the paws. The sound waves were so painful they made him want to bash his face against the floor.

"So it's my turn to snack, right?" The other raptor, although Visp had a difficult time thinking straight over the hellish noises.

"Like hell it is! It's mine to eat!" The first moved his foot slightly, a fraction of an inch as he moved his focus back to his fellow dinosaur, and that was all Visp needed to slide his leg out from under the sweltering padflesh.

Finally he was free. The human took off running.

Of all the ways the heist could go wrong...this wasn't on my list. Visp squeezed his way through a gap in the weather strip under the door he had originally planned on passing through.

His fear-driven run hardly abated as he made his way from the threshold, hoping those raptors would leave rather than find out if he was dead or not. When exhaustion set in, he collapsed to his hands and knees while he regained his stamina. Visp was panting wildly, his nose burning as he realized his body still reeked of the torture those guards had done to him. For once he was happy that his nose was fairly dull compared to that of his partner's. When he felt himself become a bit more grounded, as much as a person can in such an alien situation, the miniaturized thief looked about the studio he had been attempting to gain entrance to before everything went wrong.

Gazing about the large room, Visp could see varied furniture and shelving with objects he could not identify from the vast distance away they were. But one part of the studio did get the human's attention, a massive bed in the corner with lights set up to illuminate that portion for filming. His goal was originally to kidnap the actor who had filled his mind with a haze of lust, but that had been thrown off course with his current problem. A plan formed in Visp's quick-thinking mind as he started towards the bed, his new objective to get the attention of his target when he entered the room.

Visp only made it a fraction of the way over the hard tiles of the ground when the thunder of footsteps began approaching from a direction other than the door he had entered from. The human knew his luck had truly run out on this job as the pounding steps knocked him onto his face, leaving at the mercy of whoever was walking. A faint thought flittered through his mind that the dinosaur behind the earthquake should be the parasaur he had been planning to abduct. Visp's contacts had passed along that the saurian was to be filming today, providing the perfect opportunity for the thief to smuggle him out. Those thoughts were tossed aside much like the human's shrunken body as a paw of massive proportions landed within feet of his position.

Stone grey met his eyes as he marveled at the foot that had nearly landed on him. His nose was once again filled, this time with a masculine scent that flowed from it. Following the reptilian hide upwards, Visp saw slate and black striping marking the body hovering overhead, his memories surfacing of who this giant was. Rikarn, the alpha male of the studio, the rex from that poster earlier, was a dinosaur with enough muscles to show clearly who was in charge. His body towered higher than even the raptors who patrolled the outer regions of the complex. The rex was tapping his toes to a rhythm that only he seemed to hear, each thunderous impact rumbling the ground under Visp enough that he could hardly stand up.

Rikarn made his move suddenly, leaving Visp on his back as the giant posed for a hovering drone behind him. The reptilian giant spread his legs to either side as he cupped a hand around his sack, his head looking over a shoulder at the uncaring lens of the camera. Visp played the voyeur, peering up at a crevice high above as his tail lifted upwards, just barely revealing the hidden cavern deep inside. Rikarn flexed his buttocks, slightly moving his hips with each flex, letting the viewer take it in, even the one he did not know of. The human was forced to shake his head off the captivating sight, getting to his feet while the paws of the titan were still far away from where he now stood.

Visp hardly made it another dozen steps when a second set of footsteps approached the rex. Rikarn turned his body towards the newcomer, his feet sailing towards the fleeing thief as he tried to escape from the sole of the giant. Winds buffeted Visp's body as the toes settled down within arm's reach of the shrunken man. He was sent tumbling briefly as the flesh quickly pressed outwards, the immeasurable weight of the titan settling from the footstep. Clawing upwards with the aid of the warm hide of the mountainous toe, Visp was forced to cling to the digit as another foot landed just before him. Green scales glinted from the overhead lights, giving the human hope again as his idol, perhaps his savior, now loomed alongside the alpha male.

Alkeri leaned into the rex, their tongues dancing together as they kissed high above the voyeur below. Licking his lips as he tried to figure out what to do, Visp watched as the parasaur he had lusted after pressed his groin against Rikarn's own. A green leg lifted up to hide the action between them as the drone moved to keep the real prize hidden from the camera, accenting the saurian movements as they knew how to play for their audience. When the pair broke their kiss, they set their feet down and looked at the hovering lens, wearing smirks as it panned down their bodies. Visp saw the lens aiming towards his position and slipped into the canyon between two of the tyrannosaur's digits.

"This is where those humans belong," they said together, the sound of which rattled the very bones of the miniature Visp in more ways than one. Alkeri was into these kinds of flicks, ones that were popular among humans and reptiles alike, ones that viciously disparaged the mammals for all they were worth. But Visp knew it had to be an act for the cameras.

It was still a cold feeling when he heard that from the man he had lusted after, that Alkeri wanted humans under his feet. Looking over at the emerald foot ahead of his position, he could see the muscles just under the skin flexing as the blunt claws dug into the hard ground. The very sight of it got Visp to swallow hard at how easy it would be for him to end up under the herbivore. Shouts of panic came from his throat as the stone like ravine squeezed in close. Rikarn was moving again, leaving the human to climb up the hide of the giant lest he slip under the toe pad of the rex. Alkeri moved behind his partner as his shaft casually began to slip out from his groin. The dino pressed it up under the rump of the carnivore to grind his tip against the back of Rikarn's sack. He wrapped his arms around the dominant reptile and nuzzled the side of his snout while they continued dutifully filming.

"No human can match what we have," the alpha male growled as his shaft throbbed in the air. "Those pathetic mammals can barely handle their own kind."

A blob of pre slid down the black shaft between the carnivore's thighs, tumbling free from the hanging sack like a clear meteor. Visp was still struggling between the male's titanic toes when the droplet landed above him, the impact sending the musky fluid washing over his body. He was left besieged by the rich scent of pure male, thrashing in an effort not to suffocate while the fluid pulled him towards the ground between the walls of scale-covered flesh. Rikarn turned towards the bed with Alkeri in tow, the drone filming their rumps as they walked the short distance. For Visp it was more than a simple walk. He could feel the muscles shift as the paw in the distance lifted forwards at a pace the human could never compete with before slamming down quickly. He closed his eyes when he was pulled high into the air, the ground below vanishing into a blur, the wind trying to pull him from between the toes as they spread for the impact.

It was over quickly for Visp as the foot hit the floor of the studio, leaving him gasping the scent-filled air in a panic. That was but the first in several steps. The thief tried to cling to the scales in vain with his blunt, clawless fingers through the lubricating fluid. Each earthshattering step was pushing the speck of a man closer to slipping.

"Please don't do this to me!" Visp shouted in vain at the uncaring titans.

Luck seemed to be with him for at least a while longer as the rex turned about, groaning softly as he sat on the floor with his back to the bed. A single arm rested on the silky sheets as his other was busy stroking the spire between his legs, the camera busily capturing every pixel for those who would soon be watching. Visp was left on his back with the digits towering high into the sky above him, curling every so often at their owner's pleasure. Sweat started forming along the reptile's body as the illumination heated his body, leaving it to flow into the crevice the human resided in. Gravity slowly pulled the panic-stricken male from his resting place. His body slid along the grooves of the sole of the giant as the sweat flowed across its grand surface. Visp settled onto the ground far below from where he had started, the fluids pooling around him.

Coughing in the thick air, Visp wandered away from the sole towering higher than a skyscraper downtown. He used a hand against the burning skin of the giant to support his weary body as he rounded the heel of the giant as it rested, letting him see the valley leading to the manhood rising up. The human stumbled from the foot he had escaped from only to be penned in again as the monstrous hand of the parasaur landed before him. Alkeri's body covered the sky above as he leaned in for a taste of the alpha, his hand turning to support his weight as he suckled the oozing tip. For Visp it was far from a safe vantage as the blunt clawed fingertip plowed towards him, the pre glinting in the light from his own ministrations.

Visp lacked the strength to flee from the finger as it landed on him, leaving him embedded in the fluids coating it as Alkeri sucked Rikan for the ever-present camera. Alkeri lifted his fingers from the ground to rub at his own aching shaft as he waited for the right moment. Visp saw the world tumble as he was carried upwards towards the thing he had wanted for many months, the pink tower throbbing in time with the heartbeat of the giant. A new musky odor seeped into his abused nose as the burning skin was rubbed against his own. The fingers merely coaxed the battering ram to full hardness, Alkeri playing to a second drone hovering behind him as he lifted his tail out of the way.

Eventually both saurians sensed it was time for a change. Lifting himself onto the bed, Alkeri lay down, spread eagle for the rex. Rikarn rose up, positioning his cock above the herbivores to show the viewers who was the dominant one here as he leaned in to nuzzle Alkeri's neck.

"I want a taste before I take you," his gravelly voice rolled down from above.

Visp was mired in the pre near the base of his idol's manhood as he heard that statement. Struggling failed to free himself as the black cock vanished over the edge of the bed, the stony cliff face that was Rikarn's belly and chest was descending with the slowness of a predator close to his prey. Eventually Visp was left before the glaring eyes of the carnivore without the predator even noticing the speck on the side of his prize. Rasping of a tongue sliding along the lips of the giant entranced the micro-sized Visp as he shivered in fear. Yet all the rex did was dab at the slit of the herbivore, each touch sending a ripple through the hard flesh under the human. The throbs of pleasure felt akin to aftershocks. As he looked on, the mouth opened wide, clamping over the crown of the shaft in the distance.

Sucking could be heard on the other side of the ring of flesh as the sounds of a tongue slapping against the head made Visp's heart nearly stop. Pulling with all his might, the thief pulled a single arm from the fluids as the mouth opened wide again.

"Don't eat me!" Visp screamed as loudly as he could as the black pit of the throat seemed to spread wide for him.

Pebbly lips nearly slammed down on the human's foot. They supported the cock as they shifted slowly, the slapping of the tongue near deafening with how close it was. Slurping from the leathery hide of the giant coaxed out jolts of pre from Alkeri's manhood. Rikarn painfully pulled backwards, leaving a tendril of saliva glistening in the light. Lifting his head up to show his throat, the carnivore swallowed the collected fluids before kissing the tip. Visp never slowed in his attempts to pull himself free, although he knew his efforts were pointless as the mouth opened wide again. The rex's lips slowly took in the herbivore's length until they passed over the miniscule human. With a snap of finality, they closed about the base of the member, leaving the thief trapped within the mouth of a giant predator.

Suction pulled at him almost immediately as Rikarn sucked Alkeri off. The tongue slid along the bare flesh of the male with expert precision to stab the spots the rex knew would turn his partner on. In the dim light coming in between the lips, Visp could see the taste buds of the giant about to roll over him, smothering him into the hard cock as it throbbed in lust. Rikarn stopped as soon as he felt the small speck in his mouth where nothing should have been, his instincts kicking in quickly. With a wave of his hand off screen, the carnivore made the drones lower their view down to show his rump and the bare soles of his feet.

Visp was suffocating in the fluid lakes within the mouth as pre and saliva flooded in quickly. He was given a chance at survival as the shaft vanished between the closed lips of the giant, leaving the formerly cramped chamber now open far more than a football stadium. His tiny body floated on the rapids as light filled the area as the mouth opened wide again. Visp was afraid of the cock still hanging beyond the open gateway the ivory fangs created. Instead of the pillar of flesh, the human saw a rock-like finger claw stabbing in towards him. It slipped in under him, the tongue assisting in pressing him up onto the broad surface. Rikarn looked at his finger after pulling it out, swiftly finding the black speck on it and glaring at the shrunken thing.

"Looks like the security missed one again," he snarled. "Little shits thinking they can go wherever they want."

"Damn humans breaking the law is why this world has gone to shit," Alkeri hissed out, much to Visp's dismay. That did not sound like it came from a script. "You know where to put the bug."

His words were rewarded with a sinister smirk from the carnivore. Visp shivered in the cool air as he was carried over the green body-scape of his idol, slipping passed the manhood still aching for attention. Rikarn lowered his finger below the scrotum of his partner until he felt the soft flesh around his fingertip. It was a ride the human did not want to see the end of as the balls flew overhead, revealing his true destination between the thick thighs as the anus appeared to clench in joy. Clawing at the saliva coated fingertip failed to save the former thief from slipping through the sphincter, his destination still further in as the rex pressed in deep. Clenching walls cradled the shrunken man and the finger alike as they both pressed into the walls hidden in the darkness.

Sounds still seeped through the tons of flesh, signaling the start of the action again outside. The squelching of the slick walls around the finger were mixed in with those outside, affording Visp a disorienting ride as he was pressed without mercy by the rex. With a quick movement, Rikarn slipped his hand out as Alkeri came hard into his mouth. Visp was nearly crushed as the walls of the reptilian ass clenched in close like a vice. He could hear the cum flowing through the prostate he was still trapped against as it pulsed with each spurt. Deep purring from the parasaur rattled his bones as he came down from his high, leaving the human to endure the aftershocks still churning within.

The microcosm of Alkeri's core flipped sideways for the tiny human as the giant he was within stood back up. The sub and Rikarn held each other close as they made out before the final act of their film, the tongues of the saurians dancing for the cameras. The rex could not help but thrust against his partner in lust and anticipation, and the chance to unleash his load on the bug that invaded their sanctum. For Visp it was as if the confines he was within wanted to expel him, but the exit was through the clenching embrace of the anus below him. He knew his diminutive body would never survive that after that punishment he had just been through, yet each knock from the dinosaurs seemed to send him ever lower. As Alkeri laid out over the bed in preparation for the main event, he raised his tail to present himself. His position saved the human as he slid back to the lump of the prostate illuminated by a flash of light peeking through the tight hole.

"I won't be gentle, bug," snarled Rikarn as he took up position over the readied parasaur.

The human's light vanished as something hard pressed at the entrance from the outside. Visp swallowed as the shaft was shoved in deep with a hard thrust, the human feeling the walls expand around the thick girth as it went in fully. The former thief was partially safe from the lust of the tyrannosaur as the head of the glans stopped within feet of his prone body. But then it pulled backwards swiftly, leaving him to bounce as the walls clenched in with the absence of the manhood. Rikarn thrust back inwards as harshly as he could without giving the speck a chance to relax although he was left just ahead of it again. Each time the world shook as the rex's groin slapped into the herbivore's rump, facilitating the micro's slide closer to the danger zone.

Visp's legs eventually, unavoidably went under the unyielding head as it stopped, the limbs flattening instantly under the sheer power the alpha had compared to him. His body stuck to it as it pulled out and in, never letting him free as Rikarn battered his pathetic form. Throbbing announced that it was time for a final insult to the injured human as the rex held himself in as far as he could go. Burning hot cream sprayed out overhead in powerful spurts that left him free from the worst of the thick fluid, yet it still pooled down onto his trapped form as it tapered off after many blasts. Visp could feel his lungs burning for air as he was held down by the manhood within Alkeri until Rikarn pulled free.

Light shined in as Alkeri leaned back. The cameras' red lights grew dim, shutting the feed off now that the show was over. The world around Visp was a mess of white as saurian pleasure flowed over him, carrying him towards the open entrance as the weapon of the rex hovered just outside. Green scales around the anus showed the human that he was outside the titan's body, left in the crevice under the tail that still curled out of sight. Rikarn's face hovered into view again with a smirk at the situation the bug found himself in.

"You humans are just pests, lower than a prey species," he growled. "So count yourself lucky I'm letting you become part of me."

Rikarn let those words sink into Visp's body for a second before moving. His mouth opened wide as his tongue stabbed out towards his prize. Visp's screams were lost in the gurgle of cum as the tip of the muscle curled under his floating body, plucking him free in a batch of seed. For a brief moment the human could see his former idol looking over his shoulder at him, trapped in the mess the two giants had made together. From between the monstrous teeth of the carnivore, he looked like the person he had once sought out and wanted to steal away. This had all since changed from the moment he had been shrunk down by SR-001, and the final vestiges of his dreams were shattered at the last words he would ever hear.

"Do it," Alkeri said with the callousness only another reptile could match. "Swallow him down."

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