"Only a Mere Dog" (Originally Written 6/21) [Re-Written 7/4]

Story by SylarEnderpaws on SoFurry

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#1 of Scraps (Series)

(Originally Written 6/21) [Re-Written 7/4]


About This Entry

I wanted this story to be very open ended; open to interpretation. I'm not saying that the woman whose perspective is told to the reader is guilty or not guilty. I'm not saying the guard is right or wrong in his treatment of this woman, (although we can all agree that he was a little harsh on the elderly man.) And I'm not saying whether or not the elderly man had it coming or not. I want your vision of what happened different from another fur's who reads this, who reads the exact same thing. I wanted the treatment of this possible murderer very harsh because, that is how I envision being a prisoner would be like. Very degrading. I wanted the guard to comment on her race a lot because, he feels superior, as a human. He knows restraint, and he knows that this woman (possibly murdered another woman. He only knows what he's been told.)


Partially inspired by The Elder Scrolls series, I begin this series with a dark and very adult theme. I wanted to convey a sense of helplessness and terror that I would imagine you would feel if you were locked up and talked down to. And sure, I always like to make my stories just a little risque (^_^ as you probably already know). I tried to insert the little naughty bits as tastefully and realistically as I could. I know I added the "big_breasts" tag, but, it's her character. "Prisoner" has to have sizable breasts if the guard is able to slide a sword in between and cut them, meaning (why I'm explaining how to ruin a woman's breasts to you is beyond me), it is pushing against her flesh, it is squeezing in, and inevitably, slicing. Do not worry though, the wounds were nothing TOO deep, although she will probably feel the sting for a few weeks. I just thought that a woman with bigger breasts would justify me adding some of the abusive lives from the guard. So, it's both for the sake of the character and story, and for me, the writer.


What is "Scraps," you ask? Scraps is my new short story series of well... short stories that I felt like writing but have no place anywhere. I don't plan on them being connected, so instead of numbers, I will add a date to their title. They will range from General to Extreme. I don't plan on adding any strictly erotic entries, so, don't get your hopes up for anything too much more graphic than this.

So please, tell me what you thought! Leave a comment, and rate it whatever you think it deserves! Feedback would be lovely.ever you think it deserves!

"Prisoner. Where are your clothes?"

A heavily armored guard walked by my cell by way of torchlight. "On your feet."

Upon being addressed, I stood, covering myself with my paws, realizing the very real possibility that he could have his way with me, and there would be nothing that I could do to stop him. "Sir, it is too-"

The guard cut me off with his thick accent, "Don't give me that its too hot,' bullshit. You're a murderer. A goddamned animal. You can sleep fine with murder on your conscience, but you can't sleep because it's a couple degrees warmer than you can handle?" he glared at me, with obvious contempt.

"But, sir, I have fur." I raised up my arm to him before realizing that those were the wrong choice of words.

The guard walked up to my cell and gripped the iron bars that separated me from both the outside world and this rightfully angry guard.

His naked palm slid down it's dirty surface, on account of the sweat. He inadvertently spat as he talked, although it seemed that that was his goal by the end, "You have fur? Oh, I didn't FUCKING notice. You see this?" he raised up his arm, showing me his dirty armor that duly shown in the firelight. "Yeah, because you think you have it worse than me? I can see those pink nipples of yours," he gestured with his hand that held the torch towards me. I suddenly feared that my forethought from earlier was about to come to fruition. I flushed and receded a bit further into my cell. "Yeah, you have ventilation, you can feel the air on you. You even have a fucking window!" he pointed to the back of my cell, there was a small window punched out of the bricks, with three bars sealing it off. There was no breeze. "I have to wear this fucking armor to take care of little murderous mutts like you."

I cringed at the word mutts that he pronounced with such venom.

"You're selfish. I bet that's why you're in here. Some other bitch stole your favorite cock, ain't that right? And hey, that was probably when you were desirable and didn't look like every cock 'is been in you." he laughed mean-spiritedly, pointing at my crotch which, I had at some point forgot too keep covered.

I bit my tongue. Truly humiliated, probably growing redder than a tomato. By the Gods, I'd kill for a tomato.

"You will sleep in the clothes given to you, is that clear? Haha, bitch is better at taking erections than directions eh?"

"Yes sir," I gathered up my clothes, hearing a chuckle from down the stoney hall.

The prisoner across and to the left of my cell was watching.

I gasped, not realizing that anyone else was watching.

The old prisoner hid in the darkness of his cell, only his two beady eyes were visible, and the faint outline of his silhouette. Something was rapidly moving in his cell.

I looked past the guard a bit closer. The old human was pleasuring himself to me.

"Awww, yeah! Guard, tell 'her to come closer to the bars!" he smiled a toothless smile at the guard who slowly turned around.

"What did you just say?" the guard left my cell, walking slowly and rather menacingly over to the cell adjacent to mine, a disgusted look on his face.

"Or better yet, throw 'er in here!" he looked up at the guard genuinely smiling, still masturbating.

I used this time to quickly throw my clothes back on, becoming very scared and coming to believe that the guard just might comply with the old human.

I watched on, silently, as I watched the guard confront the elderly man, with a curled lip.

Suddenly, something changed within him, I could see it in his face. "You know what, it's been a while since you've seen a proper woman hasn't it? I mean, this is the closest you'll get to proper anyway, it's a shame that pretty women don't commit appalling crimes against their bipedal brethren."

"Aye, it sure is."

"Well, here, I'll tell you what," he said unlocking the man's cell. "Go have your fun," he smiled to the man as he elder approached my cell, "Oh, and be careful, I wouldn't recommend the front OR the back door, you don't know what nasty diseases she has!"

"Oh, I'm willing to add to her collection," the twisted old man smiled at me, stroking himself.

I stared wide-eyed and in terror as the guard approached my cell behind the old man. I retreated to the very back of my cell, saying my prayers.

Something was restricting my breathing too, it seemed as though my sack cloth shirt had become tighter.

"Have fun." the guard said, placing one hand on my cell door.

I could see saliva dripping from the old man's tongue as he waited in anticipation. "Oh, I will!"

Just as he finished that sentence, he took his last breath.

Blood oozed and gushed out of the man's stomach.

The guard had wrapped his arm around the guards face, in a headlock, running his blade through his back.

I was terrified, and could not breathe. I was choking.

I took my shirt back over my head, the guard noted this.

I had put my shirt on backwards, something I had only done the very first day, and not noticed until I nearly choked to death on the first night.

The guard twisted his blade inside of the man, moving his grasp from the man's head, to the man's side, sliding his newly dirtied blade out of the poor old man, letting his limp, but not fully dead, body hit the ground in a pool of his own blood.

"Disgusting." the guard spat, looking at the pantless man.

I struggled with my shirt in my hands, not able to find the correct orientation in the darkness, and because I had looked up to witness the murder that just took place right in front of my eyes. I had become frantic, trying to face it the right way in my terrified paws.

"Hey, prisoner, you helped him die happy," the guard laughed a genuine laugh, a laugh that would be more fitting for one of the cellmates here, as he looked at the small white discharge mixed in with the blood and other bodily fluids.

I gagged at the sight.

"You just murdered that man, for no reason! You're no better than me!" I blurted.

The man stepped on the body's entrails and gripped my cage door. "I am nothing like you!" he looked down at the man, whose eyes were now glazed over, and his lifeless body simply gurgled. "I have a perfectly good reason: He simply overpowered me as I came to his cell, He pretended to be hurt so that I would come into his cell, then he stole the keys and tried to attack a female prisoner." he roleplayed, pretending that I was his officer. "Sir, I saved that poor woman from being raped!"

"They would hardly believe you!" I said, unconsciously dropping my shirt, walking over to the bars. "How would THAT old man," I said pointing the pile of flesh that now bled into my cell. A foul smell was beginning to encroach. "overpower YOU?"

"Well, sir," the man said, putting on his best acting face. "You see, he was just too fast! Being trapped in here for months with no sight of a woman can do things to you! It can motivate you beyond superhuman levels. And it was too hard to out maneuver him in this heavy armor, not to mention," his teeth sparkled, as he looked at me slyly, "how hot it is in that armor!"

i gritted my teeth and took an aggravated step back

The guard laughed at me, unlocking my cell door, blood dripping from his sword.

"Wha- what ar-" I stopped myself and walked backwards slowly.

The guard pushed me over by my chest. "And if I find," he pinned me to the ground, kneeling over me on my legs. "that you're trying to seduce me," he pulled out his blade, sliding it between my breasts, pushing it's razor sharp tip into my throat.

I couldn't move. The smell of the man's blade was simply horrendous.

"If i find you're trying to seduce me, I'll penetrate you with my blade, slut!" he spat.

"Sir," I swallowed. By doing so, brought about pain by pushing against the the very tip of his blade, "I would never try and seduce you!"

"Oh? Why's that."

"Because you have a sworn duty," I was not courageous enough to add, "and I'm no slut."

"Then how do you explain your shirt," he said, pushing the blade deeper into my throat. I felt a sharp pain on my breast. He must have sliced it when he put the blade up to my neck.

"Sir, I had it on backwards, and it was choking me." I gritted my teeth, truly embarrassed to admit this to this man.

The man laughed, twisting his blade on my throat, and the uneven breaths of his laughs inadvertently kept thrusting the blade into my throat.

"Haha, so she even has the BRAIN of a dog. Well," he quickly and forcefully retracted his blade from my chest, pushing down with the blade forcefully as he did so. He ended up slicing me again.

He laughed again, "Well, what was I expecting. You're no genius if you wanted to fuck so bad you murdered somebody for it!"

I looked up at the guard from the ground, a mixture of embarrassment, contempt, and fear shown in my gaze. My lips trembled as he regarded me with his eyes.

"I'd better go before I finish what that dead pile of shit started. Although, I could probably say that you raped me, instead." he chuckled. "Now get your shirt back on you dumb animal. Don't want a repeat of last time..." he smirked at me, four long scratch marks painted upon his neck and face glimmered in the light of the torch.

A tear clung to my cheek, dampening my fur, glinting as it met the fire's gaze.

"Ha! Keep cryin' bitch," he turned and left my cell, locking it behind him with a twisted smile, twirling the keys to my freedom in his hand. He finished his sentence, walking down the cobbled hall, "it won't get you out of here any sooner!"