
Story by Emperor on SoFurry

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When Lisa the arctic fox stumbles upon a lewd fetish video, it inspires her to sate her own curiosity regarding her personal, kinky turn-ons...(Contains female masturbation, long shower scene, and water inflation.)

Lisa had always been curious about what it felt like, and that night she decided to take the plunge - she was going to try it. 'It' was a thing the arctic fox once stumbled upon by accident when she made a misclick while surfing the 'net one late night after work. The erroneous click brought her to a soft-porn video of a curvaceous skunk woman giving a strip tease in nothing but a tight, button-down blouse and a lacy thong while downing bottle after bottle of water, her white-furred belly growing from flat to enormous - eventually bursting the buttons of the shirt and leaving Lisa delightfully aroused and equally as curious. She wanted to try something similar, to find out for herself how it felt, and now, with her own unique method of bloating fully formed in her head, she was ready to give it a try.

Shutting the door behind her, the slender fox stepped into her bathroom and began to strip. She worked quickly, eager to shed her garments, peeling away her jeans and lifting her pale blue shirt over her head. She tossed her black bikini panties aside and her bra soon followed, allowing for her heavy breasts to bounce free. Once she rid herself of her clothes, the arctic fox cranked the silver knob on the white tiled wall of her shower, stepped in, and slid the sliding glass door shut, steam already beginning to coat it with silvery fog.

Lisa found it difficult to resist the urge to lather up immediately as the warm water began to soak her thick arctic coat. That was ordinarily the first thing the fox would do; soap up every inch of her luscious fur, as well as run the suds through the thick mane of black hair that reached from the top of her head all the way down the the base of her tail. But not today. There would be time for soap, but not now. Regrettably, it would have to wait.

Lisa began by cupping her paws together and holding them up towards the steady cascade of water, letting the liquid gather in the concave space between them before taking a tentative sip. She was not used to taking her water warm, and the temperature made it seem more metallic than usual, but it was tolerable, and thus would suffice. She cupped her paws again, waited for the water to fill them until they were overflowing, and tilted them back towards her muzzle, gulping the water as quickly as she could. It wasn't long before she could feel her belly start to tighten.

Lisa dropped her paws, letting the water she held fall with a splash, and gazed downward. She was not bloated, but her stomach did protrude ever so slightly. She gave it a prod with a claw, noticing that it felt harder than she recalled as well.

Did she really want to go through with this, she wondered. Lisa knew it was harmless, but what if she felt ashamed and disgusted with herself when it was all over? Could she forgive herself for doing something so repulsive? The fox feared for a moment that she did not know, but then she recalled the skunk and how sexy the woman looked with her massive belly and how aroused Lisa had felt while looking at her. Just imaging the woman again caused a miniature lightning bolt of pleasure to shoot down and settle between Lisa's thighs, making her squirm in place. Lisa wanted to feel that way again, only this time even more intimately. Yes, she needed to sate this burning curiosity.

With abandon, the fox held her paws skyward again and began to guzzle the water, pausing occasionally to let off a burp when the pressure within her slowly expanding gut became too much. Her belly grew and it grew, and after one loud and long burp that echoed off the tiled walls of the shower, Liza took the time to look down and survey her work. She could still see her lower paws, but her belly now possessed a considerable roundness. The fox felt full, comfortably so, and couldn't resist running both paws over the round expanse of her belly as the water from the shower sprinkled down upon her. As her soft paw pads soothed over her rounded flesh, the tingling heat between her thighs began to grow.

Lisa started to gulp more water in the usual fashion, but soon found her method was lackluster. It just wasn't working fast enough to suit her. Even with this being her first time, she was certain her belly could hold so much more and expand so much quicker. There had to be a better way.

And then the perfect idea came to her. She would have to give up the splendid curtain of warm water for a moment, but the momentary sacrifice would be worth it and, even when damp, her arctic fur would keep her comfortable.

Lisa stood up on her tip-toes and unhooked the handheld shower head from its hanger on the wall. Wagging her soggy tail in delight, she unscrewed the shower head from its hose and stuck the end into her open muzzle.

Warm water rushed into the fox's muzzle, and she swallowed with gusto, taking massive gulps, relishing the feeling of the fluid as it flowed into her body in torrents. She began to feel the tightness, both painful yet pleasuring, as the water began to fill her stomach and expand her body from the inside out. Her belly began to fill, to stretch and swell and become drum-tight as she filled herself with gallons of water. She briefly moved the hose out of her muzzle to release a loud burp and took the time to glance at her stomach, which now ballooned outward to the point where she could no longer see her lower paws past its massive swell. Even so, it was still not big enough for Lisa. She put the hose back into her muzzle and swallowed greedily, rubbing her paws over her belly as it swelled and as her arousal increased.

The fox drank at least another gallon and soon her belly became so full it began to sag. It was so heavy and painful, but at the same time, it was lovely. Liza's pussy was damp, but not from the water.

The fox let the hose fall from her muzzle and released a massive belch before quickly screwing the shower head back onto the hose. She wobbled over to where the hook was, hung the shower head back up, and slowly sank to her knees. Between the tightness in her belly and her own searing arousal, the arctic fox could barely stand.

With the water once more raining down upon her, the fox again tried to add a little more fluid to the collection within her belly. She sipped a little, but her belly, already enormous and spilling into her lap, could scarcely take any more. She managed a few more gulps, causing it to grow a trifle more, before she reached her threshold. It was too full, too tight.

Lisa moaned in both agony and delight and finally took out the soap. It was a liquid soap, especially designed for thick, arctic fur, and she was generous with its application, but she paid extra attention to her newly acquired belly. She spread it about the colossal expanse of flesh in artistic blue swirls and zig zags, moving up and down, side to side, and giggling as she painted circles around her deep navel. When she was covered head to toe in the blue, mint-scented gel, she began to lather it, running her fingers though her fur and turning the gel into a thick white foam. She rubbed the slippery bubbles all over her enormous, bloated belly, dragging her paws over its grand swell and applying a pressure that accentuated its tightness, occasionally drawing out another belch. With one paw petting her big gut, she reached up with the other and began teasing her heavy breasts. She kneaded the soft flesh like dough, tightening her fingers around the soft globes and sinking her fingers in while tweaking and pulling at her black nipples, making them rise and harden with her arousal.

Yes, yes, this was exactly what she wanted. Fuck shame. She just wanted to feel pleasure of the highest degree. Her belly was drawn taut and even above the sharp scent of the mint soap she could smell the heady scent of her fiery arousal. Her pussy was tingling with such intensity it almost burned. She needed to touch herself. She was ready.

The paw that had been tending to her tits plunged downwards to her pussy. Lisa spread her thighs, slid her paw beneath her colossal belly, and slid two fingers into the sopping heat of her pussy. The fox threw her head back and yipped as the sudden pleasure caused her entire body to jolt. Panting, she flicked her thumb across her engorged clit and continued to caress her soapy belly, pressing on it and teasing her navel, soap suds running between her fingers and down her sides. She began to thrust her thighs forward onto her fingers while she moved her thumb in a circular motion over her clit, the motion causing her swollen belly and tits to wobble in time with her motions. She panted loudly, and the wet sound of flesh slapping onto tile could be heard above the steady hiss of the shower.

The fox tilted her head back, allowing for her panting tongue to loll out of her muzzle, and then realized she could catch the rain of the shower in her open mouth. She opened her fanged maw, let it fill, and swallowed a mouthful of water. Following another belch, she moaned as she watched her jiggling gut extend by a few extra inches. Watching it caused her to increase the speed at which she fucked her tight, hot pussy with her own two fingers. Her clit had become a hard, aching nub.

The fox could hardly take it any more. The enormity of her belly, the back and forth motion of her tits as she thrust her hips, the aching desire deep in her pussy; she needed a release. Lisa pressed hard against her clit and thrust deep with her two fingers, generating enough pleasure to finally send her over the edge. Her seeping pussy contracted tight around her fingers and her back bowed, pressure building in her distended stomach from the motion. The fox tilted her muzzle back and yelped, the sound an almost wolf-like howl, as her limbs stiffened and twitched while tingling waves washed over her like the water that cascaded down from above.

She rode the flowing ripples of pleasure as they ebbed from her body and eventually trickled into nothingness. Lisa removed her fingers from her still-tingling pussy and rested both paws on her big gut, gently caressing the large mound of bloated flesh, enjoying the warmth of the water. She knew she should probably get out the shower right now to experience the delight of trying on her sure to be too-tight pajamas, but she wasn't quite ready to. The fox looked to her left, noticing a dollop of soap, and scooped it up to deposit on her belly, which she began to rub in slow, lazy circles. This was one form of curiosity she was glad she had chosen to sate.

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