
Lisa had always been curious about what it felt like, and that night she decided to take the plunge - she was going to try it. 'It' was a thing the arctic fox once stumbled upon by accident when she made a misclick while surfing the 'net one late night...

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The Princess's Plaything Part I

Dainty paws tipped with manicured claws slid down a ladder of protruding ribs, over the expanse of a concave stomach, and finally came to a halt when they rested on both sides of the vixen's bony hips. The cat clicked her tongue in disdain and shook...

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The Princess's Plaything Part II

Every day, Pauline was presented with an enormous feast which she was required to gorge herself on until she could eat no more. The Princess observed this ritual each time, and if she suspected Pauline were faking the threshold of her maximum capacity...

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The Princess's Plaything Part III

A loud belch sounded in the chamber, followed by a soft, contented sigh. Pauline finished the last of her magically created feast, greedily licking frosting from her black claws. A tender hand appeared on her belly, massaging the immense, swollen globe...

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"C'mon, Laci, let's just give it a try." The marten grabs hold of her girlfriend's frilly black panties and slips them down around her ankles. "I don't know about this." Laci tries to sound apprehensive, but she willingly steps out of the panties...

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Biker Mice From Mars Fursona Character Profilie

Here's my biker mice form mars fursona character i hope you like comment and enjoy aame George age 19 gender male family unnamed family sexuality bisexual apperance brown tail mice he with dark brown hair and eyes he wears a red shirt black...


Los permisos del campamento.

-Capitulo 2- -Los permisos del campamento- Hunk y Alastor estaban muy emocionados de poder ir al campamento juntos, mientras corrían a la dirección, sus rostros brillaban de alegría y no podian contener su felicidad, llegaron a la...

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Sueño echo realidad en el campamento de verano.

Una mañana inolvidable --Esta historia contiene descripciones de actos sexuales explícitos que podrían llegar a ofender a algunas personas. Menores de 18 años no lo lean, si no eres menor de edad, diviértete leyendo esta historia. (Por favor, al...

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Noche de Amor

Capitulo3 -Noche de Amor- ---Dedicado al amor de mi vida, un tierno y simpático lobito, que me a echo feliz cada segundo que platico con el, un lobito que me ha hecho sonrojar, y un lobito que me otorgo el honor de hacerlo la inspiración de...

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Please, forgive me

Whenever I wake up to the sounds of screaming, I am reminded of how cruel this world can be. People my age tend to think that life is all fun and games, they can do whatever they want without any consequences. Maybe they hit a bump in the road but they...

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To My Dragoness

Chapter 1 The sun was bright overhead, Iori just got home and found his mate waiting for him. Iori was just a regular guy, except the whole spirit of the dragon in his soul thing... He was an anthro, who could shift between forms using special...

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