Wereness 7. The Dream

Story by Woulfe Maelstorme on SoFurry

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<< Forward >>

Here it is at last. It certainly took long enough to write and rewrite this story, along with the following four. Yes three more after this. Who knows...maybe more. Don't have anything much else to say except to prepare for things to get really interesting from here forward. Some of those ideas stewing in my mind finally matured. Oh yes, that question about taurs...you got it.

The following story contains strong sexual content and may even contain elements that dare to brutally smash right through societies little barriers known as taboos. Taboos are usually things society dare not do, but have proved many times to be much less threatening than these sheltered individuals would lead you to believe. Thus this ideal metaphor for such a situation: What is the point of living if one is simply too scared to even go out of their house? Possibly this and future stories will deal with just about every sexual taboo known to human kind. It also includes an element some strict Christians might declare evil even. So if this is not your sort of story, please move on and kindly don't send any hate mail my way.

Woulfe Maelstorme

<< The Dream >>

The dream you have does indeed have images of a rottweiler. For some reason however what you get treated to is something quite different. Just as your mind begins to focus on the crotch area, of the male rotty displayed by the infopad, A bright flash fills your vision and than fades away to reveal you standing in an apartment. Clearly you are still dreaming, since you can't smell anything in this place. Yet your eyes tell you this is no ordinary apartment. Every inch of the walls is covered with varying varieties of vines. Actually the apartment itself seems to have just one wall and is shaped like a perfect circle. The only break in its curvature is another wall bowing the opposite way and appears to be just big enough to be a bathroom. For some reason your vision is allowed to focus completely and everything seems to have a white haze to it. This makes it difficult to do any visual measuring of dimensions.

Then you spot something. A dog. He is laying on an unusual style of bed at the center of the apartment. Unusual because while scanning the room, your eyes went past it and you thought it to be some custom display table or something. The bed itself is also a circle and flanked by five columns that extend up to a circular skylight the same size as the bed below it. You turn your attention back to the dog and notice he is staring right at you. He is a normal rottweiler but larger and clearly of German pedigree. The dog himself is simply resting on his side with his head and chest part vertical. He just keeps looking at you and then starts panting. Then a voice from nowhere is heard inside your head.

[I see you finally made it here.]

[Who...] You begin to ask.

[Look this way. Towards the dog. Yes the one on the bed.] The voice guides you.

After turning your head, from scanning the room, you look righ at the rottweiler.

[Very good. Don't see any other dogs in here do you? Didn't think so. See, you are here for a special reason. Something wonderful is about to happen in this very apartment and all over the city soon. You were brought here by Custodian to prepare and inform you. Plus you will even get a bit of entertainment out of it as well.] The dog continues to pant.

You decide to walk closer and sit on the bed next to him, while resting your back against one of the columns. He is indeed a truly massive dog and very well cared for.

[You see? Your already getting comfortable. In fact this is the perfect spot to be when things begin to happen later on. Great things mind you. My human mate will soon be home and is going to need all the support and comfort he can get. This week has not been easy for him and the general public is starting to not like him very much. His ideas concern them deeply. I have been outside and on the streets, while watching and experiencing this. The general public is becoming uneasy about the werecreatures who live outside this city, deep in the wilderness. They are starting to become divided and we simply can't have this happen again.]

[I knew things were getting tense here when I left for my camping trip. Then I found out that some people were turning to fear and hate again. I just recently came to terms with a memory of that a night at my campsite.] You respond.

[The existing humans will eventually become werecreatures themselves. Thus this makes it an issue of great concern to the Botans in particular. So they decided this was as good of a time as ever to finally make things fair between all of us. They plan on making some changes, but the sort that will allow everyone to adapt and flow with them.]

[What sort of changes? Physical? Mental? What?] You ask.

[You will see soon enough one of these changes. Your current mate already knows about this and is simply waiting for you to become informed. Don't worry about suddenly yanking yourself away and waking up to ask him right now though. You can't. We are keeping you here to learn and experience something as wonderful as the discovery of your true self. We made sure your time spent here isn't disturbed by anything either. Custodian is currently emitting a subsonic pulse from the infopad, which is keeping you in your current unconscious state. My internal clock is telling me he should be at the door very soon. Don't worry he can't see you. Only I can. Make yourself comfortable.]

The dog then gets up and stretches. He then jumps off the bed and walks over to the door behind you. You turn yourself around and see that it is the entrance to the apartment and recognize the standard security plate mounted around the doorknob. He simply sits down opposite of the hinge and looks at you still panting. You notice in this position he is showing serious pink from his sheath. He then looks back at the door and stops panting.

[I can hear him at the door. He always looks forward to coming home and loving me up a bit before going into the shower. Then afterwards I give him a good firm thrusting inside his arse. Then we ease ourselves down onto the floor and experience the bliss that is the tie. My current record is two hours. We always dose off into a brief nap and wake up still tied. He has done so much for me and deserves this special gift tonight.]

You look up briefly and notice the sun is just about gone. Only an orange sky with purple clouds is visible now.

[Sounds a lot like how things were before my family moved into the city. Had a canine companion myself, who looked just like you. In fact he made love just like how you described...]

[He's here.] The dog cuts you off.

The door opens and you instantly recognize the man. He is your old high school buddy from back when you lived in the country. You and him grew very close once the two of you found out about each other's fondness of animals. He clearly hadn't changed at all in appearance either. The dog thrusts his muzzle right into his crotch immediately.

[Mmm. I love that scent so much.] He comments and begins snorting.

"Okay. Okay. Let me get in the apartment first. Then you can do whatever you want, once I get my clothes off." He tells the dog.

[Always a good idea. Then I can lick all that sweat off of you.]

"Well don't do too thorough of a job. I still need some excuse for using the shower."

You then witness that your old buddy is still just as swift as ever when disrobing. Like you he always preferred to be naked and quite often the two of you would disappear deep in the woods to be this way. Plus being that far into the woods allowed you guys to have the most intense three ways with your dog.

You shake yourself from the memory reflection and realize he is now sprawled on the bed right next to you. The dog is right at your friend's legs and working his way up removing the sweat from the skin. Your friend just lies there, with eyes closed, and moaning from the sensual attention. His body seems to have tanned very well. Apparently he has access to a very private area or goes outside the city frequently. Not a single tan line anywhere and the color itself is a beautiful light bronze. The two of you always did tan well though. Mostly due to the farm life you lived. He strokes his canine lovers head and neck, just as the dog makes contact with his crotch. Extra time is spent here and brings your buddy to full erection. He then rises back up and walks around you towards the only room in the place. Your head follows his arse to the bathroom. The door is made entirely of frosted glass and slides open silently as he approaches and enters. The door then closes, just as he makes a command request for the shower to turn on. All traces of sound from him inside disappear the moment it closes completely. You turn your head back around and reposition your body in its original place.

[I saw that look briefly in your eyes. You still lust after him don't you?]

[Oh yes. We were very torn when the migration was coming to a close and we all had to move into the city or loose our agricultural certification. His family was placed in a different city far on the other side of the continent. It was hard that first year without him. I lost contact with him and had to deal with what greeted us within the city. Then to top it all off, we didn't qualify for any animal residence and my other lover was taken away.]

The dog gets up on the bed and moves his muzzle close to your face. You look right into his eyes and see something strangely familiar in them.


[Sshh. Let that wait till we actually meet. Trust me.] He reassures softly.

[If only I had my sense of touch as well. I would love to hold you just once.]

[In good time. You just have to be patient. What is about to happen next is more important. If its any conciliation, you are currently closer to me than you think. I see the glass is fogging up now. He is done and it is time. Be sure to get the best view you possibly can of this.]

He jumps down and looks first at you then looks around the apartment with a look of renewed interest in his eyes. Then he walks up to the glass door and sits, while looking right at it. You shift your position again to look directly at the bathroom and realize the walls have changed in texture. The vines have suddenly acquired serious thickness and now have successfully covered ever inch of the walls and ceiling. You look down to check for more, only to find some vines coming right out of the floor and creeping up the columns. The carpet even begins to take on the texture of a manicured lawn. You then decide to mention something.

[Umm. Won't he notice these changes in the apartment when that door opens?]

[Nope. When that door opens, it is like a splash of warm water hitting your face every time. The steam inside, from his hot shower, is that dense. By the time all the steam clears, he will be into our love making so much he won't even notice at all.]

[Wow. That is how it was with my canine lover years ago.] You comment.

[I know.]

The dog looks back at you one more time, from his sitting position at the door, and then raises up and leans against the wall to the right of the door. He presses a paw against a small metallic panel and the door opens. The intensity of the mist was no exaggeration. If anything it was a modest observation. One would swear it was early mourning in London instead of late afternoon in an apartment.

"Hey there big boy." You hear but can't see through the white wall of mist.

"Ready to pound that sweet little arse of mine. I really do need it after that argument today with the dean at the college."

[Always ready and actually have a surprise for you later as well.] The dog barks back.

"Well lets not keep you waiting then huh."

You hear soft shuffling sounds, a dog panting, and then...

"Oh yeah...

That's it boy. Rim me out good first...

Get that tongue up there...

I used the water probe as usual. It's all free and clear inside me now...

You could be a horse fucking me all the way and not feel anything but me inside there...

Oh Yeah! Get that tongue up there further...

This arse is yours to rim and pound mercilessly any time you want it...

Mmm. Deeper please...

Oh man. I can already feel myself dripping...

Fuck me already. Make me your bitch."

You then hear air being sucked in by the dog and then a grunt...

"Oh that's it. You found your mark...

Yeah you got it. Now shove that massive piece of meat in me...

Oh yes. All the way big boy. Get that knot in there too...

Mmm. I think somebody is getting bigger...

Getting hard to talk now. Feels so good...

Oh yeah. This is the deepest fuck yet...

I feel so full. Getting warm all over...

It feels great. Don't stop...

Getting a bit numb now too...

Don't stop. Please don't stop."

The fog finally begins to thin and you notice your environment has drastically changed now. The sounds of the sex were muffling the sounds of the room changing. You get up and look around. The room is now completely transformed and has the appearance of being inside some massive plant pod. The door has even been altered and looks just like the one to the shire's bathroom. You look back at the bed and find it modified as well, but still the same five-columned bed it always has been. It is now made of living plant material. The transformation is increasing in speed. You had been off the bed itself for only about two minutes and it is already different. You then walk around, through the thinning fog and crotch at the coupling lovers. You jolt backwards onto your buttocks at what you see.

Your buddy and canine are clearly tied, but now are rather attached to the changing room. There is one very thick and pulsing orange vine now attached to your friends shaft and is has it covered all the way to the base. Two more vines have sprouted out of the floor and are imbedded in his mouth and the dogs arse. Closer inspection reveals his throat making the swallowing movements and his belly beginning to swell. On closer inspection you move behind them and find the other vine making brief backwards jerks but not coming out. Your obvious guess is the vine is somehow tied to the canine. The dog himself is now making the exact whimpering sounds your old dog would make, when you would fuck him while he was inside you buddy.

A look downwards reveals another profound discovery. Both of their balls are swelling to unreal size and both now have matching leathery scrotums. The attached vine is milking your friend's cock furiously. The sucking sounds revealing effort is being made to keep up with a serious load obviously being emptied into it. In addition sloshing sounds can now be heard from within the dog's gut. In fact the dog's gut is now bulging out and across your friend's rump, as you rise back up and look for other signs of change. His gut is now bulging as if it was your old stallion unloading in him again. The only audible response coming from either one is muffled whimpering and moans. You move forward of your friend and see his eyelids are closed and signs of his own eyes dancing wildly behind them. The vine in his mouth is making quite audible sloshing squirting sounds, as he greedily sucks down everything it feeds him.

You step back just in time to watch both their bodies to suddenly increase in mass. Vines begin descending from the ceiling and wrapping gently around the two lovers. You step back to give them room and slip. You fall but don't get hurt. Your hands make contact with the floor and find it has changed from plant carpet to a totally slick surface. You look around and take stock in the fact the lighting has changed vary gradually and seems to come from within the room now. You look towards the bed and find it now has turned into some sort of organically structured tank. The columns now glow with a perfectly white light and are clearly illuminating the room now. The skylight is still visible through the water in the tank. You also notice the kitchen and bathroom area have now been completely absorbed by the room. The walls now have solidified and become a completely smooth surface. The area where the ceiling, floor and wall meets; has a single tube outlining it. You hear the sound or running water and immediately look around to see it coming from orifices spaced all over those very tubes. The room is filling up.

[Don't panic. You won't be affected by it.]

[Won't he hear us now?] You ask and look back at a modified dog the size of a horse.

He is now standing right in front of you, with lust still surging in those eyes.

[He is so deep into the pleasure he will notice nothing beyond it. I'm coherent again because I am no longer inside him.]

You squat down a bit and notice his still firm knotted throbbing cock. You rise back up and smirk. You take note that the liquid is now at your knees and is actually not water at all, but some kind of transparent and rather dense liquid.

[Didn't that hurt him a bit when you pulled out of him?] You ask concerned.

[The transformation had him grow in size first. Pulling out was then easy. Now he is being milked free of his old seed and filled with new seed.]

You look past the dog at your friend, noticing he is the same massive size now, and has a third vine inserted in his arse, while being completely suspended by various other vines all around him. Watching all of this around you has made your own shaft painfully hard. You become profoundly aware of this as the liquid now reaches waist level and caresses your naked body's erection. You close you eyes and moan. You can now feel things.

[Save yourself until this dream is over. You will need it.]

You open your eyes and swear you see something of a smirk appear on the dog's muzzle, just as vines reach down and proceed to suspend and pleasure him the same way. The difference being no vine enters his mouth. Instead something really different happens to his head, as he is being carried over to your friend. The dog's head begins transforming and losing its fur. At the same time the liquid is now at your neck and appears to be completely transparent.

[Duck your head under. The room is going to fill up completely. This is a dream and breathing is not required for you. I want you to swim close and see something really cool. He is regaining consciousness and is about to get his special gift. It has been so long for him and he definitely deserves what he is about to get. He will now be able to see and speak to you. He knows everything now via what is happening. He wants this so much and can't wait to see you again.]

You swim closer and take note the room is now completely liquid filled. No air bubbles anywhere. Your friend then opens his eyes and looks right at you. Observation of his body reveals that his bulging gut is normal again, but now has a canine sheath bunched up around the attached vine. The vine also shows a slight bulge near the end that is clearly his newly formed knot. His balls are normal and horse-like in both size and proportion now. His tanned skin is now darkening, along stark contrasting boundaries, into the color black. Other more profound changes begin:

His feet remain tanned, but the toenails darken and reform into claws...

The feet themselves begin stretching excessively in length...

His thighs begin massive realignment, shortening and proportion altering...

The newly reformed and massive balls then begin to elongate slightly...

Then they begin sprouting fur, like the rest of his body, and hang tightly against him...

The one vine finally leaves his mouth...

He smiles and then the smile starts to increase in size...

His face starts stretching out...

His eyes loose most of their white to bigger pupils...

The ears begin moving backwards diagonally up to a reshaped skull...

Then lengthen and restructure to flopped canine ears...

His hands and arms remain mostly untouched...

They simply grow the same type of fur and new claws...

A quick look at his buttocks though reveals no tail...

You look him straight in the face and he finally speaks.

[I have missed you so much and hated what happened during the migration. Not a single day has gone by without me thinking of you. Then when I found out about the new regulations being enforced within the city, I knew your dog would likely be relocated. So I kept my eyes open and followed where he was being transferred and then made sure I was there to complete the documentation for repossession of him. I did this for you and in hopes that one day we would meet again. I know everything about what happened and what you have been through lately. I think it is wonderful and soon will show you something very special and planned for the both of us.]

[Ready for you gift love?] You hear the dog say.

[Oh yes. Been ready ever since the Migration ended.] Your friend answers.

You float back a bit and find quite the startling but very erotic transformation has happened to your/his dog's head. It has completely lost all features making it a head and is now a beautiful twenty-two inch throbbing black equine cock, attached to a rottweiler's body at the shoulder. You then watch as the cock head then presses against your friends buttocks and then pushes between them. The dog then stops and simply makes short thrusts to loosen your friend up.

[I'm the size of horse now love. Just shove it all in me.]

[Mmm. I intend to. Just enjoying the double sensation of having two cocks now. Feels so good my other cock is throbbing real hard within the vine.]

You then watch as the dog then slowly and persistently shoves the whole length into you friend's gut, then stops and leaves it there. You focus on the dog now and notice the vine attached to his anal cavity is making serious pumping convulsions. His gut then begins to bulge again. Then your friend gives a bit of advice before completely surrendering to the horse-size thrusts he is starting to get.

[Once you see his belly shrink back again....Mmm.....Yeah....don't speak to us at all. Let us speak to you first. Trust me....Oh yeah!....It will make sense later. Just sit back and....Harder stud. Harder...enjoy the show.]

Watching all of this happen has been so intense you never bothered to take note if you had actually creamed your sleeping body's shorts yet. Likely. Very likely. You then float back a bit more and watch the most wonderful sex and transformation you had ever seen happen:

The dog is doing an outstanding job of thrusting like a horse...

Your friend is moaning and grunting all the way with total abandon...

The front legs of the dog begin to take on a rather liquid like state...

And then shockingly began retracting into his shoulders...

At this point he makes one last huge thrust...

His belly bulges like he is pregnant and then suddenly collapses...

His entire body convulses and pushes a bit more right into your friends buttocks...

Your friend then closes his eyes and moans louder...

Then the dog's upper body begins merging with your friend's hips...

Brief popping sounds can be heard from within the hips and back...

Then signs of muscle restructuring become visible all around that area...

The focus is primarily at your friend's lower back...

They are merging and becoming one entity...a rottweiler taur.

Being surrounded by all this liquid also bars you from the fact you are crying. Never had you seen anything so intense and beautiful in your life. The vines then began to retract and the room begins to drain the liquid. He awakens and looks right at you.

[How do you feel?] You ask him.

[I...We...He...We...I feel fine. Give us...me a moment please.] He answers.

You just smile and quickly find your feet as the liquid reaches waist level. You spend the time, he takes to finally say more, to walk around and examine this new creature your old lovers had become. You note that the only real change, made to the back part, was that the second set of balls are also elongated and hug the crotch area like those in front. Closer inspection, of where the upper back joins with the lower back, reveals the addition of addition muscles added across where the shoulders were on the dog. Thus hinting to dramatic structure changes to the new primary pelvis underneath. This part of the body shows tremendous muscle growth around the new primary hips and legs. Their bone structure is enough like a normal dog's forelegs, but the muscle structure yields that they can be used as either legs or arms. The paws on these legs have the same hybrid structuring, appendages included. You then walk around and find the obvious discovery of his crotch. The penis is also a hybrid of human and canine. Although it clearly is a sheath, it is not attached like a dog's would be. Instead it simply covers the downwards-pointing cock. The balls at this end kept the fur that grew in. as for his upper vertical section. Nothing profound. Normal human structuring with clawed hands and canine head. The head then looks down at you. And gestures his arms in an open hug posture.

[Come here. Time is getting short and much change is occurring outside you body while you're here with me. I need something to get me through all this, before we meet again.]

You walk forward across the now wet and fuzzy floor. He bends his torso down slightly and gives you a huge hug that picks you right up off the floor. He then flips you around and cradles you across his arms. You just look up and smile, with this unbelievable feeling of warmth inside you, at his glorious new canine face. You then hug him tighter and soon feel the sensations of the dream slipping away.

[Hold me. Don't let go.] You request as tears come down your face.

[Sshh. We will be together again soon enough. Plus I will get to meet your new mate.]

He strokes your head as you look up and smile broadly. You wipe the tears from your face, as the sensation gets stronger now.

[Custodian should be shutting off the subsonic waves soon. You have unfinished business with that campsite of yours. Be well and see you real soon.] He cues

[See you soon.] You reply softly.

The sensation rises to full strength and the feeling of someone else's massive arms cradling you is felt. Your mind recognizes this touch and reaches out for it, leaving the other place and creature to fade away.


For those who want or require only the best of reading and viewing pleasure for this story, you can email me and request the original format version in native MS Word 2000 format. To my knowledge, the document can even be opened by the latest version of MS Word, MS Works Word Processor, Lotus Word or OppenOffice programs.

Simply email me: [email protected]

Now feel free to post any comments you may have,

Woulfe Maelstorme