The Birth Of Light - Part 1

Story by Danny1988 on SoFurry

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This is the prequel I promised to 'Equine Togetherness'

This is part 1 of a two parter, decided I wanted to have a bit more fun with Light in part 2 and he can meet some new but old friends xD

Part two will be even more Halloween themed as it follows on from this story.

Also points go to anyone who sees my reference to a show I love in this story ^^

It was late and most shops were closing now for the evening as two young guys in their twenties hurried around looking for somewhere that could help them with their dilemma. See Halloween was tonight and as usual Sam and James had been preoccupied with other things to remember to buy a costume until the last minute once again.

"Hurry up hun we have to find somewhere, the party is tonight and we need to get our costumes." Said James a little out of breath as he rushed around the street looking with his loving boyfriend Sam.

"Hey babe over here, I think I found a place." Said Sam a little unsure mainly due to the fact that this shop stuck out like a sore thumb on the high-street and he wondered why neither of them saw it a few moments ago. Here plonked right in the middle of Next, River Island and Game was what appeared to be a small old shop with a wooden sign above the door with a painted on name that spelled out All Hallows Delights.

"Whoa, that's a weird looking shop hun. But everywhere else is closed so let's go in and have a look round." Said James a little stunned but also thankful they had found a place just in time.

"Looks like we may get to go to the party after all." Said James again happily as they both rushed inside before this shop too closed for the night. Once inside they were greeted by row upon row of costumes hanging up, inside was fairly brightly lit showing off the various exquisite and stylish costumes the store had on offer. After looking around the pair found the men's area for costumes and picked up numerous costumes and debated over what each of them should go as this year.

"Hey James what about this one babe?" Said Sam as he held up a full body were wolf costume on one of the hangers.

"I'm not sure hun, I went as one last year I want to try something different for a change." Said James a little bored seeing just the standard costumes on the hangers and nothing that really took his fancy.

"I would have gone as a vampire, I've not done that before but Twilight ruined that idea. They were cool in Buffy now they are just meh." Said James even more annoyed, Sam seeing this tried to comfort his boyfriend.

"Awwww babe, there will be something I'm sure we just need to have a better look around." Said Sam assuredly, smiling at him as he held his hand and pulled his lover deeper into the shop trying to find him a costume for the party. Unbeknown to the two lovers there was someone watching them as they browsed the shop and nearly gave them both a heart attack as they turned round to see what appeared to be a man in a very realistic anthro husky costume.

"Hello there boys, my name is Dale and I am the owner of this fine shop. Are you looking for anything in particular?" Said the husky beaming a smile at James and Sam who now looked a little less shocked.

"Were not sure to be honest, at the moment I'm trying to find my boyfriend a cool Halloween costume for the party tonight he's quite picky." Said Sam grinning at James who blushed a little.

"Well I have a wide range of costumes in stock from film horror characters to generic werewolves and vampires. I also have a selection of none horror related ones including the tenth and eleventh doctor costumes." Said the owner boastfully smiling. James and Sam looked at each other and tried to come to a decision on what they should look at or try but the Dale saw they were still having trouble coming to a decision.

"I do have a.... oh never mind you probably wouldn't be interested in that old thing." Said the Dale quickly stopping mid-sentence which left both Sam and James a little curious as to why.

"Interested in what? What costume do you have?" Said both of them in unison and quickly wondering what the Dale had thought of.

"So you two lovebirds want something different, not a generic anthro costume or some horror costume. You're looking for something that you can both enjoy together and to try something unique. Well I may have just the thing." Said the Dale smiling happily at them as James and Sam's eyes widened like he had just read their minds.

"Whoa how did you know what we wanted? That's amazing." Said James stunned and also happy that the Dale had a possible costume for them both.

"Call it a gift, now I don't offer suits like this to just anyone. They are my special stock and quite rare they are also a bit different to the ones out here in the front as they are made from latex. Do you two have any issues with stuff like that before I go any further?" Said the Dale still smiling but in a serious tone.

"Wow really, I, we have always wanted to try latex suits. Haven't we James, I can safely say we don't have any issues and we may like them more if I'm honest." Said Sam happily looking at the Dale and James and blushing.

"You said they are rare, does that mean they are expensive?" Said James a little disheartened knowing they probably couldn't afford one of these suits.

"Rare yes, some can be but I like you two and you make a cute couple so I'd be willing to give you a discount so they should be within your price range." Said the Dale smiling at the two and happy he found some customers who liked latex suits as it was rare in this town. James and Sam's frowns had turned to smiles upon hearing this and couldn't wait to see what the Dale had in his special stock.

"Thank you very much." Said the two as they grinned and then looked at each other and held each other's hands.

"Come with me you two and I'll show you what I have, you're in for a treat." Said the Dale grinning back as he turned around and led the two to the back room where he kept all his special stock of suits.

Following Dale, James decided to comment on his costume having been admiring how realistic it was since they saw him.

"Dale I must say your costume is fantastic, it looks so real and lifelike." Said James admiring the husky. Dale blushed a bit, his costume wasn't a costume it was really him but he went along with James not wanting to lose his potential customers.

"Thanks, I do try to keep in good shape." Said Dale chuckling as James and Sam took his comment as a bit of joking still not realising it was no costume.

As James and Sam followed Dale they were led into a large room filled with exquisite suits and costumes, there seemed to be one for everything from beautiful looking huskies and wolves to dragons and even satyrs. All the suits seemed to be made from some form of latex and the two blushed when they realised all these suits were anatomically correct, some suits sporting beautiful sheaths and cocks and some with tight pussy's and perky breasts and even a combination of the two.

James and Sam were in awe, they never imagined they would find costumes as good as these and such erotic ones at that. Even though these suits were for a party, they just had an idea of wearing some loose pants over the suit hiding the sexy cock and sheaths. But they weren't too concerned most of their friends were furries like them and would probably appreciate the level of detail of these amazing suits.

"Dale I remember you saying you had an idea for a costume for us." Said Sam inquisitively, wondering what Dale had in mind after seeing this fantastic new collection.

"Yes I do have an idea which might be fun for you both. It's one of my larger suits but I can guarantee its nothing like you have ever experienced and might even make you closer as a couple." Said Dale grinning happily at James and Sam as he walked over to the side of the room and dragged out a large box and began to open it up to show them.

"Wow" Said James and Sam in unison.

"Is that what I think it is?" Said James even more curious with a big grin on his face.

"What do you think it is?" Said Dale grinning back at the two.

"A two person latex horse suit." Said James with a little doubt in his voice but still grinning.

"Correct, this here is one of my more exotic suits being it's for two people, here we have two halves the front and the rear of a black stallion complete with hooves and a beautiful blue tipped mane." Said Dale boastfully and smiling at the two customers who looked in awe and amazement.

"How does it work then? With two people I mean?" Said Sam curiously.

"Well one of you will put on the front of the suit and the other the rear, now you may be thinking how can it work well I can assure you it is one of the most comfortable suits you can wear. Once you are both in the latex can be attached at the middle completing the costume and making you both a sexy stallion." Said Dale as he showed Sam and James the two halves of the suit including the rear with a massive equine cock hanging from the sheath.

"The suit is a tight fit and is built so that it supports both of the user's weights, so you won't have any strain or discomfort. The suit will hold you both in place and enable you to walk around like a real horse, you wanted something different and unique I hope this satisfies your requirements." Said Dale confidently and smiling at the two as they examined the suit more. James and Sam looked at each other each holding one half of this beautiful latex stallion and smiled at each other. They had found what they were looking for, something unique and new that both of them could enjoy at this year's Halloween party. Even the fact that the suit had a massive cock and sheath didn't even cross their minds about wearing it to the party they just knew inside that this was right for them and they wanted it so badly.

Turning back to Dale both with big grins on their faces they immediately said in unison.

"We will take it."

"It's not what either of us were expecting and we would never have thought of wearing something like this but this suit is so much better than either of us could have hoped for. Thanks Dale you really know how to please your customers." Said Sam still grinning at Dale and back to James knowing they would be in this lovely suit soon, both of them had a slight bulge at the thought and winked at each other.

"Great, it's no problem guys I'm only happy to help and believe me you will have an amazing time wearing this suit. Now just let me pack it back up for you two lovely fellows and we can sort out the payment. Follow me please." Said Dale smiling and packing the suit back into the box carefully as he picked it up and lead James and Sam to the counter. James and Sam were a little worries at the price but it could have cost £1000 and they still would have bought it.

"Ok so with the discount I promised that comes to £50 guys." Said Dale cheerfully and smiling still. James and Sam were shocked not at the expense but how cheap it was. They couldn't believe something this intricate and detailed and frankly amazing could cost so little.

"What... Are you sure Dale it seems very cheap, it isn't a mistake is it?" Said James a little confused and still looking shocked.

"No mistake guys, I said I like you two and would give you a good discount. To be honest I'm glad someone wants to buy it and finally wear him.... Err it." Said Dale quickly realising his slip hoping James and Sam wouldn't notice, he was happy when they didn't as they were still shocked at the price he was selling it for.

"Awesome Dale, thank you so much. Here is the £50 you have been a great help tonight thanks." Said Sam happily handing over the cash. James and Sam looked at each other again knowing this was going to be a fun Halloween together. With that Sam and James picked up the box and began to turn and head for the door and to their car wanting to rush home and try on this beautiful suit.

"Oh guys just a couple of things before you go, it's best if you're not wearing anything under the suit it fits better that way. Also when you're sealing up both parts of the suit, don't fight each other just relax and embrace each other and enjoy. I can promise it will be an amazing experience wearing it for the both of you." Said Dale happily and being purposely vague in his advice, James and Sam wondered what he meant they wouldn't fight but just accepted his advice and thanked him again and headed to their car.

After a good thirty minute's drive back from town they arrived home to their large house. It was situated in the middle of some large fields which they owned thanks to some amazing relatives. As they pulled the car up to the front of the house they sighed glad to finally be back home. James and Sam both loved the countryside and busy towns and cities stressed them out sometimes and living in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nature was so relaxing and peaceful for them both.

"Hun do you want to put the rest of the shopping in the house, I will put our suit in the barn. I don't think there is enough room in the house to put it on and where better place to be a horse together." Said James giggling a little and smiling at Sam.

"Sure babe, you take the suit over and I'll be over in a few minutes when I'm done." Said Sam smiling back. Sam and James house looked every part ready for Halloween, they didn't get many trick or treater's but they did get some and had gone all out with several scary and funny looking pumpkins and various undead and creepy decorations all over the porch. James hurried over to the barn with their suit as Sam quickly deposited the shopping in the house ready for the party a little later, Sam and James said they would host the party this year being in the middle of nowhere and having quite a bit of room around their house. They were both looking forward to it and wanted to try on their suit before everyone arrived to make sure it fit and looked alright.

James meanwhile had reached the barn and turned on the lights as it was starting to go dark, he placed the large box in the middle of the barn as he finished turning on all the lights so he and Sam could see what they were doing. Returning to the box he was very excited as he opened it back up and looked at their purchase getting slightly hard just thinking about wearing it. As James was looking over the suit in the box Sam had appeared in the barn behind him and smiled at his lover as he walked up behind him and interlocked his fingers with his mate and gave him a kiss on the neck.

"James I love you babe, were going to have so much fun tonight at the party." Said Sam happily still holding James in his embrace.

"I love you too Sam, your everything a mate could ask for and more. I can't wait too, shall we get this show on the road hun?" Said James happily as he turned around and kissed his mate back and grinned at him.

"Sure babe now who wants to be the ass?" Said Sam grinning.

"I will hun." Said James quickly secretly wanting to be the end with the large equine cock and the idea of being Sam's sexy horse ass turned him on quite a bit.

"Hehehe ok babe, right let's see how good this suit is shall we." Said Sam smiling and picking up the front section of the horse suit as he moved away from the box and started to undress remembering what Dale had said about being nude when putting it on. As Sam was getting undressed James too had picked up his half of the suit and was admiring how light and smooth the suit was. It was very flexible and stretchy well except for the two big shiny rear hooves that was. James felt them, they almost felt like real hooves and made him tent his pants a little as he thought about walking around on them.

Sam was now fully naked and proceeded to pick up the front of the rubbery horse suit and slip it over his head and arms like a big jumper, he felt the latex press against him as his head, arms and hands slid into the warm welcoming rubber suit. He felt a weird sucking sensation as his head approached the muzzle of the suit but decided to go with it thinking it was just some air trapped in the suit escaping. As his head reached the muzzle a loud 'schllurp' and 'pop' was heard as his head was sucked into the horse muzzle securing his head in place. With his head secured Sam felt the same sucking sensation with his arms and hands as they too were sucked further into the suit and two more loud 'schllurp's' were heard followed by two 'pop's' as his hands were sucked into the shiny horse hooves at the end of the suits legs.

"Wow this thing feels amazing babe, it's like a second skin and it feels so comfortable and sexy. I even have hooves for hands now hehe." Said Sam giggling rubbing himself through the suit with his new hooves a little thrilled by not having any fingers and thumbs it was quite liberating in a way. He clopped his hands together and smiled inside the muzzle of the suit as he admired them, his cock was rock hard and leaking pre as he played with his new appendages and rubbed himself. He tried to no avail to give himself some release with his hooves but even this made him even hornier.

"Hehe someone's a happy horse aren't they hun." Said James laughing at Sam.

"I will be when I have my ass and cock, hurry up and suit up babe." Said Sam giggling too. Now totally nude James picked up the rear of the horse suit and slowly slid his right leg into the tight rubbery material enjoying the warmth and tightness around his foot and leg. Like Sam James too felt a sucking and assumed it was just air moving around inside the suit as his leg and foot were pulled deeper and again a loud 'schllurp' and 'pop' was heard as his foot was sucked into the right hoof. James just smiled at his new hoof enjoying the feeling of having such feral feet, he stomped his hoof on the floor as a loud thud was heard just like an actual hoof. He felt a slight tingling sensation in his right foot and he slowly started to lose the sensation from his toes, James thought it was just the tightness of the suit causing it. Unbeknown to James his human foot was not remaining human in the tight fitting suit.

Slipping his left foot and leg into the left hoof and leg of the suit, James stood there on one hoof feeling the warm comforting latex cover his leg and foot and enjoying the sensation of the tight fitting rubber. James was quite proud he could keep his balance on his new hoof, this even surprised him as he thought he would be very wobbly with his new equine feet. Sam was watching intently and beaming a smile over to him from inside the horse muzzle as he saw his boyfriend slowly slip into the tight fitting latex, Sam's cock was dripping pre as he watched and he gently started to rub his member with one of his hooves.

James felt a similar sucking feeling in the suit as his left foot approach the hoof, his cock got hard feeling this as he heard a similar 'schllurp' and 'pop' again as his human appendage was lost to the hoof of the suit. He smiled at his now equine hooved feet and walked around a little on them enjoying the sensation or lack thereof and embracing the stallion inside of him. After all his ape like appendages were rubbish compared to his sleek and sexy hooves he thought. Standing there James smiled and pulled up more of the latex suit over the tops of his thighs as he reached down to his hard cock and slipped it into the equine sheath and member of the suit. Sam at this point was close to climax as he watched as his boyfriend was slowly consumed by the black latex, James was loving the sensation of his new sheath too which began to tingle as his pleasure shot down the huge equine shaft nearly causing him to shoot his load there and then.

Amazed by the new sensations and pleasures this tight fitting suit offered James slowly began to pump his large equine shaft not even considering how this was possible. It was like this new cock was becoming a part of him as he pumped it more and more enjoying the feelings of pleasure as the hot sticky seed churned in his huge equine sack, unbeknown to James his human seed was being quickly converted into potent equine cum the more he pumped his large shaft. After a minute or so James decided to slip the rest of the suit on and by now nothing human was left in James's sack other than hot stallion seed, his human seed having long since lost the battle to the much stronger animal he was soon to be. Reaching behind him James pulled up the rest of the suit over his buttocks which held them firmly and tightly. Pulling the rest of the warm comforting rubber up to the bottom of his chest this left a half stallion and half human James much like his boyfriend Sam.

"Right hun can you see how we attach the two halves?" Said James a bit confused but enjoying the tightness of his new suit on his legs and cock.

"Hmmmmm maybe I slide my legs into your half and you slide your head into my half?" Said Sam just as confused but still dripping pre onto the floor.

"Ok hun, then we can pull the two halves together or something I guess." Said James now a little excited but still not seeing how this would work. James walked over to Sam marvelling how his new hooves felt to walk on and smiling happily as his large cock bounced in front of him as he walked.

"Babe I'll put my front hooves on the floor and you pick my legs up and slide them into your suit." Said Sam a little excited and smiling inside the muzzle of the stallion.

"Ok hun." Said James happily as he walked behind Sam and smiled at his cute ass and his cock throbbed. Reaching down he lifted up his mate's legs and slowly slid them further and further into his half of the suit as he walked closer to Sam.

"Ooooooooo babe this feels amazing I feel all tingly and warm." Said Sam moaning slightly as he revelled in the pleasure from being covered by more of the warm rubber. James too was moaning out gently as he slid his lovers legs into his half of the suit, as the two halves approached each other neither of them saw as the two halves of the suit merged and melted together. James was very excited and lost in the pleasure at this point and just went for it as he pulled Sam's half of the suit over his head and held onto this lover tightly with his arms under the tight rubber as he pulled them both together tightly. Both boys screamed out in inexplicable pleasure as the two halves of the suit were lost completely and both ends merged forming one solid rubber horse suit.

It was then they both began to feel a strange tingling and heat build-up all around them as they began to lose feeling in certain parts of their bodies. This woke them from the intense pleasure the suit was giving them and started to make them scared about what was happening.

"Sam what's happening? I feel weird." Shouted James a little scared.

"I don't know babe, I can't feel my legs." Said Sam increasingly more scared too.

"Wait I can feel my legs but they feel weird, like they are at a different angle." Sam looked down and underneath the two and tried to move a leg and was shocked to see the rear leg of the horse suit move.

"Oh my god, my legs are now your legs babe. They look like a real horse's legs. We have to get out of this suit." Said Sam shocked and scared as the two tried to pull away from each other but it was no use the process had gone too far already and there was no way back.

"Sam it's no use I can't pull us apart, I can feel the horse legs too all four of them." James showed his lover as he moved each of them a little in turn.

"I think the suit is turning us into a real horse." Said James quite scared not knowing what would happen to the two of them or rather knowing but hoping it wasn't the case.

"I can't feel my arms now hun, I think were merging together." Said James even more scared as he lost himself to his lover and his lover to him.

"Wait maybe this is what Dale meant, don't fight each other." Said Sam loudly thinking he had a solution. He pondered it for a moment but if we don't fight we will become this horse but Dale seemed so nice and sincere. Should he trust him, having come to the decision it was too late and there was no way back Sam had made his decision.

"Babe don't fight just embrace each other, I will love you forever no matter what happens. If we become this horse I take comfort in that I'm becoming one with you babe I love you." Said Sam slightly scared but cheerfully to James.

"I guess it's too late anyway eh hun. Dale did seem nice, I'm scared about what's going to happen. But I am glad were together, if I was to merge with anyone in this crazy world I'm glad it's you hun I love you too." Said James scared also but comforted slightly that him and Sam were in this situation together and whatever happened they would never be alone. As the two instead of fighting each other embraced each other the transformation quickened as Sam's human head was lost to the beautiful stallion muzzle, his human head was moulded and morphed into the shape of a real stallion. Strangely for Sam there was no pain only a weird pulling and pressure as his bones contorted and shifted into their new form. James and Sam both felt as though their bodies has turned to jelly as they merged into each other as Sam's legs were lost into James's form and James's arms and head and chest were merged into Sam. Each lover slowly became one inside this huge black suit but through it all they both took comfort in the fact that they would be together literally.

As the two lovers merged more and more their minds merged, it felt as though both of them could hear the others thoughts and see their memories. It was a strange but beautiful process that made the two closer and more intimate than ever before just as Dale had promised. As this happened the two felt as though they fell asleep as a new consciousness woke for the first time from the two lovers merged minds and smiled happily, he had all of Sam and James's memories and knowledge but some of his own and was glad to be alive. The eyes of the stallion changed to a beautiful blue and shone brightly as the lights glinted off them. As the two lovers finished merging inside the suit the new stallions form bulked up even more as muscles grew and the two merged lovers took on the form of a real life black stallion. Their chest barrelled out and the rubber of the suit faded into actual horse skin as course black horse hair sprouted from new pores giving the new stallion a beautiful shiny black coat of hair.

The legs of the stallion seemed to ripple a little as more muscle formed giving the new stallion his much needed strength and power to move his magnificent new form. Feeling a surge of pleasure rush through him from the merging of the two beings he used to be the new stallion's huge equine member stood at attention and throbbed wildly as he let the pleasure and euphoria from the transformations climax wash over him. The new stallion neighed loudly and stomped his hooves as he unleashed a torrent of hot sticky equine seed from his balls which shot up his huge length and sprayed all over the barn. Load after load of hot potent seed was ejected from the stallion's massive black cock as he revelled in the pleasure of his new body and thinking back to the two lovers who made this possible. The new stallion was left nickering and breathing heavily from his first explosive orgasm in his new body and just smiled.

Now standing inside the barn a little out of breath was a majestic black stallion with powerful hooves and a beautiful shiny black coat and a black mane that was tipped with a brilliant light blue. As the stallion looked over his new body he smiled and admired his new form as he took his first steps on his hooves with a 'clop' 'clop' as he walked across some planks of wood on the floor.

He licked around his new mouth and spoke "Okay-ooh. New teeth. That's weird. So, where was I? Oh, that's right. My Halloween party!" Said the stallion in a British accent smiling happily.

To Be Continued...

The Birth of Light - Part 2

**The Birth of Light - Part 2** **Written by Danny1988** It had just been a few moments since the two lovers Sam and James had been merged and transformed into this magnificent black stallion that stood proudly in the barn still looking around...

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Equine Togetherness

"James? You in here babe?" Shouted a hyperactive twenty something guy with messy brown hair. "Yeh over here hun, I was just making preparations for our week of fun." Said James giggling and also a little excited, it wasn't every week they could be...

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A Little Fun before Halloween - Part 2

A few hours had passed since Jason had a little surprise in the way of his friend Connor being transformed into a sexy cute surfer husky. More of the shock for him though was that Kai who was originally just a husky suit was the one in control when...

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