The Birth of Light - Part 2

Story by Danny1988 on SoFurry

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Finally got round to finishing this story xD

Sorry for the long wait, been dealing with some stuff in real life.

Possibly may do a part 3 not sure yet.

Here Light is found by one of Sam and James's friends and naturally he has questions about what happened to them. Well suffice to say he gets more than he expected this night :3

The Birth of Light - Part 2

Written by Danny1988

It had just been a few moments since the two lovers Sam and James had been merged and transformed into this magnificent black stallion that stood proudly in the barn still looking around and enjoying the sights and smells like a new baby born into the world which in a way he was. As he looked around he looked through his memories or rather those of James and Sam and smiled, the two did really love one another and their collective memories made the stallion happy seeing such affection and pure love for one another.

The new stallion's perspective was a strange one to be sure. He had all of James and Sam's memories and knowledge but he wasn't them, he was himself. In essence he was a separate person and saw James and Sam as now a part of him, he was also so thankful for them both for putting on the suit and giving him a chance at enjoying life and just smiled happily as he clopped around the barn on his shiny black hooves.

"Thank you boys for giving me this chance to live, I know it's not what you were expecting but I'll make this a night to remember for all of me." Said the stallion happily as he enjoyed the strength of his new powerful body and hooves as they hit the ground walking around. As the stallion was lost in the moment he heard a noise it was faint at first but gradually grew louder and louder, it was then he realised what it was music not just any music either. From the sound of it the stallion knew what it was All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix having gained both Sam and Jason's extensive music knowledge from the merger.

Out on the dusty winding road to Sam and James's farm house a car was approaching in the darkness with the headlights shining brightly along the road. In the car was a young twenty something guy who was driving like a mad man as he listened to his mix cd on full blast through the car stereo. As he pulled up to the house he was surprised he wasn't greeted by his two best friends as they usually did when he arrived.

"Hmmm that's a little odd. Surely they heard me." Mumbled Jack as he got out of the car and slowly walked up to the front door and knocked loudly.

He stood there for a few minutes before getting impatient and shouting Sam and James but there was still no answer. Strange he thought as the lights were on but no one appeared to be in, pondering where his friends could be he then heard a loud noise in the distance that was part sneeze and part neigh. Back in the barn the stallion had been mooching around some more and enjoying exploring this new world it was both old and new to him. Having found some horse feed from some of the other horses on the farm he decided to eat a little realising he was quite hungry from the transformation.

As he explored more of the barn he nuzzled off some of the old sheets in there looking for more tasty food, all he found was dust which he accidently breathed in and let out a loud sneeze and neigh. Back on the porch hearing the loud noise Jack spun around and looked in the distance he saw a faint light coming from the barn and then he realised that's where his friends must be. Deciding to have a nice walk in the cool night air he set off in the direction of the barn with the dim light as his guide.

"Huh, James and Sam could have left more food around here for me. Oh well best I get ready for the party." Said the stallion to himself as he focused his energy and concentrated, to any onlooker they would have seen this large stallions form begin to shrink a little as the stallion began to transform again. Concentrating on his front hooves and legs they too began to shrink down taking on the form of almost human arms but covered in fur, as this happened his large shiny front hooves split apart as they began to change into hands with four fingers and a thumb each capped with a shiny hoof like nail.

The process seemed to quicken the more the stallion concentrated as his form shrank down more and his rear legs shifted into a digitigrade stance but having a much more human look instead of his large equine legs he had a few moments ago. His large hooves remained and shone in the light as the rest of the transformation progressed throughout his body, slowly the stallion began to push himself up of all fours as his chest shrank and a toned physique formed leaving him with toned abs and pectoral muscles which would have made any girl or guy drool at the sight.

His cock shrank a little but remained large and thick and hung slightly from his black sheath as the stallion began to get aroused again from a second transformation, finally the once feral stallions face began to shift and change slightly as it began to take on a less feral horse look and more half human and half stallion figure. As he stretched standing now on his two hooved feet he moaned a little and made a few noises like he had just woken up as he blinked his beautiful blue eyes and looked around the barn again.

"Ahhhhh that's better now I better head over to my..." Said the stallion as he was cut short in shock as standing at the door to the barn was a very shocked and scared Jack having just witnessed this stallion transform before his eyes. The incredible sight was all too much for Jack as the stallion watched the shocked Jack he passed out and hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Whoops I guess I have an effect on people. Sorry Jack." Said the stallion grinning as he walked over to the now unconscious Jack who lay on the ground outside the barn. The stallion picked Jack up effortlessly using his powerful muscles and brought Jack into the barn and lay him on some hay so he would be comfortable and warm. A couple of hours had now passed as Jack had seen an impossible sight and passed out but he was slowly starting to come too and thought it was all a dream.

"Hello there sleepy head, are you feeling ok?" Said the stallion as Jack looked up at the anthro stallion towering over him. Shocked he crawled back a little until the stallion spoke again.

"Calm down Jack I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to make sure you're alright." Said the stallion again smiling as Jack looked back still a little in shock but also amazement not realising he knew his name.

"You can talk? What are you?" Said Jack bluntly still looking a bit scared.

"Yes I can and I'm a horse silly. Well a stallion but you can see that. My name is Light." Said the stallion grinning and chuckling a little. Jack looked over more of the stallion trying not to stare at his huge cock as he blushed slightly from the sight. Before him stood a beautiful black stallion with a blue tipped mane which blew in the slight breeze from outside, he had two shiny black hooves and quite a cute muzzle as he thought to himself. His muscles were defined but not huge and the sight made Jack get slightly hard in his jeans as he blushed even more. Noticing this Light just grinned at Jack as the two smiled at each other a little.

"Nice to meet you Light, weren't you a full horse a bit ago?" Said Jack opening up a little and now curious at this rather cute and beautiful stallion who was smiling at him.

"Yes I was, I prefer that form most of the time but I can change to this form when I want to. Both have their advantages." Said Light smiling even more as his cock stirred in his sheath.

"Wow that's amazing Light it must feel amazing to be a horse, where did you come from?" Said Jack amazed at what light could do and looking at him even more intently and smiling.

"It's complicated Jack, but relax and I'll tell you." Said Light a little worried but smiling at Jack.

"Wait how do you know my name?" Said Jack curiously and now a little worried.

"I'll try and explain as best I can, just please be patient and try to stay calm." Said Light calmly.

"You see Sam and James bought a latex costume for Halloween for the party. It was a two person latex horse costume and each of them put on one piece and pulled it together. The costume was no ordinary costume it was magical and special, it merged them both together into well me. I have all their memories and knowledge but I'm me Light. They are a part of me now." Said Light softly and gently to Jack seeing his reaction change from happy to very sad as he burst out crying on the hay.

"Shhhhhhh don't cry Jack, there is no need to be sad." Said Light walking over to the crying human and kneeling down beside him as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Get away from me, how can I not be sad both my best friends are now gone." Said Jack angrily crying even more as he pulled away from Light.

Light looked down at Jack and began to feel really sad for him, he knew everything about him and considered him a friend just as much as Sam and James did. He didn't want to see him like this and it hurt him, he was himself but he was also Sam and James too they were a part of him after all.

"Jack please calm down hun I don't like seeing you like this. Your friends are not gone, they are a part of me and I feel all their love and friendship for you they do. I may be me but they are a part of who I am too." Said Light soothingly and calmly to Jack as he sobbed in the hay. Jack turned to face Light and look at him as he cried more and sniffled.

"But I've still lost my friends, I guess I have you but I have lost them. Why did you say hun? James used to say that to Sam." Said Jack looking at Light with tears running down his face.

"I can see why your sad hun, but I'm happy to be alive and I love Sam and James for putting on the suit they make me who I am hun as James and Sam are both me. I'm not some stranger their personalities make me who I am. Yes I'm not them but at the same time I am. I know this is confusing for you hun but I am here for you." Said Light as he sat down beside Jack and put a hand on his shoulder once more as he looked into his beautiful green eyes. Jack looked back into Lights beautiful blue eyes and saw his friends, their kindness, compassion and love for each other and their friends. Jack dried his eyes a little still looking at his new yet old friend and saw him again as a beautiful loving person who cared for him.

Jacks head was a mix of loss and grief but coupled with happiness and joy from seeing both his friends in Light, he was in a very emotional state as he embraced Light's comforting hands and without even thinking kissed him on the muzzle. The two kissed for a second before Jack broke away quickly, sorry I need to go I don't know what I was thinking. I can't, I have lost my friends, but I have you I don't know what to do.

Light looked at the confused Jack as he stood there nearly having a breakdown in front of him and quickly decided the solution. As he walked up to him and looked him in the eyes again but this time showing all his love for his friend.

"Shhhhhhhh, Jack calm down hun. You haven't really lost them they are two beautiful parts of me now and I love you." Said Light soothingly as he leaned in and kissed Jack back passionately before he could say a word. The two stood there in the warm barn as their hands explored each of their bodies from Jacks thin human frame to Lights heavily toned equine body. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity as their tongues explored each other's mouths and they held each other in a warm embrace. This time instead of pulling away quickly Jack gently pulled away as the two looked at each other and smiled.

"You love me Light?" Said Jack smiling back at him and blushing slightly.

"I do hun, remember James and Sam are both a part of me I have all their love for you and you have always been a close friend and someone I care about deeply." Said Light as he smiled back.

"But what about James and Sam, they are boyfriends. I feel like I'm cheating on them in a weird way and dishonouring their memory." Said Jack as he began to look a little sad again.

Light just smiled and grinned at Jack as he began to chuckle a little.

"What's so funny, I have lost my friends and now you're laughing about it." Said Jack nearly on the verge of tears again.

"Sorry hun, here let me dry your eyes. You make it sound like your friends are dead." Said Light as he wiped away Jacks tears gently and looked at him lovingly.

"They are, they are now you and will never be them again. I see it like dying as they can't live." Said Jack a little angrily as Light wiped away his tears.

"Well its true while they are a part of me I'm the one calling the shots, they are in a sense sleeping not dead. Also remember I can become them again if I want and well I couldn't live with myself if I never let them enjoy being themselves again." Said Light as he looked at Jack and caressed his face with his strong hand.

"Wait what you can become Sam and James again?" Said Jack shocked at this revelation from Light and almost jumping with joy.

"Oh I didn't mention? I thought I did... I do that sometimes, yes I can become them again if I want to. But I'm enjoying being me for now and well a week or two being me sounds fun." Said Light as he grinned back at Jack who was now smiling back at him upon hearing he hadn't lost his friends and gained a new one too. Jack was so happy he practically pounced Light and began kissing him again deeply showing all his happiness and love as he caressed the stallion's strong body feeling the soft horse hair against his skin.

Light was happy his friend was now happy again and embraced the kiss and caressed the human through his clothes as he picked him up with his strong arms and moved the two of them over to the pile of hay. Still kissing deeply the two collapsed onto the hay as Light pulled away from the kiss briefly to pull Jacks top and t-shirt off him revealing his toned human chest and abs. Light rubbed the human's sexy chest with his strong hands as Jack moaned while still kissing the sexy stallion. Light also noticed his arousal increasing as he felt his bestial equine cock throb hard in his sheath as it slowly began to slide out.

"Someone's been working out haven't they hun." Said Light cheerfully as he broke the kiss once more.

"Not really actually, been doing a bit more skating these past few months though." Said Jack grinning back and looking into Light beautiful sparking blue eyes.

"Well it definitely shows hun, now how's about you get your reward for all that effort you have put in skating." Said Light cheerfully and grinning at Jack as his huge equine cock slid from its black leathery sheath and leaked pre onto the hay. Jack looked nervous as he looked at the huge black equine member before him which throbbed for attention. Light's cock was just so alien to him but at the same time beautiful and exotic and he wanted it, but still his apprehension showed.

"Don't be scared of my little old cock hun, it likes you just let go of your inhibitions and do what comes naturally." Said Light soothingly to Jack as he smiled and grinned as his cock throbbed harder. Jacks cock was now tenting his pants which Light saw and grinned, he would get his turn soon enough he thought as Jack slowly leaned down and held Lights hot throbbing cock in both hands and began to suck the flared tip. Light let out a little equine nicker as Jack began to suck his cock and smiled as the human got to work. Jack was nervous but excited as he started sucking Light's huge sexy cock, it throbbed in his hands and he could feel Lights every heartbeat through it which felt amazing. Slowly he started sucking and was surprised it tasted nice, actually very nice and he began to suck harder and harder with increasing ferocity trying to taste more of the nommy equine meat.

Pre started to flow from the tip which Jack sucked and licked up desperately like it was his favourite drink, he couldn't believe how nice it tasted all he knew is he wanted more, a lot more. Sucking was the only way to get it so he sucked harder as he slowly tried to get more and more of the length into his mouth, he was surprised he could it looked so big before and never thought it would fit in there.

Light was moaning and nickering in pleasure as the little human went to town on his huge length, he rubbed and tussled the humans head as he forced more and more of his throbbing cock into the human's tight mouth. Light could feel a churning in his sack as thick potent equine seed filled them as Jack was expertly pleasuring the lustful stallion.

"Oh my god Jack don't stop this feels amazing hun." Said Light moaning and nickering in pleasure, Jack just blushed at his playmates approval and words and sucked harder and harder totally lost in their passion.

Warm tasty pre flowed from Lights cock directly into Jacks mouth as he swallowed it all enjoying the exotic taste, little did either of them know but as Jack was servicing Light and enjoying his fill he too began to undergo a change.

It was subtle at first only his hair grew out a little and he began to look a bit more toned but not much, as Jack drank more and more of Lights pre it began to change him faster and faster. Light was looking down for a second as Jack was still sucking and licking his huge shaft. Jack was now caressing his sac which was now sagging from the amount of hot seed it contained, Light began to notice the change in the little human and just grinned and let him continue his enjoyment. Slowly Jacks chest began to sprout fine brown hairs which grew longer and longer, Jack didn't realise all he felt was a tingling and thought it must be from how he felt at the moment. As more and more of his new coat came in his body began to change more as he began to bulk up a little more slowly approaching a similar size to Light but a bit smaller.

As Jack continued to work Light's equine length he began to feel a warm sensation in his hands and opened his eyes what he saw shocked him back. In front of him his hands were changing, instead of seeing pink human skin all he saw was brown hair, brown horse hair to be exact. Slowly his fingernails morphed as they became more hoof like and capped each of his fingers with these shiny black things. He looked shocked and up at Light not knowing what to do.

"Light what's happening to me?" Said Jack a little scared hoping his friend could help him.

"Shhhhhhhhhh my little Jack, its ok. Your becoming like me a sexy horse, I didn't know this would happen but I'm glad it did. Aren't you?" Said Light soothingly to his lover.

"But I can't be a horse, I have a job, a life I can't walk around like this in public." Said Jack even more concerned that he was going to be dissected like some lab rat.

"Awwwwwww shhhhhhhhh my wonderful little Jack. It will be fine you can change back to human when you need to but your new body is going to be so much better. You can be with me and we can enjoy our sexy bodies together, now my sweet Jack finish your meal and let go of your humanity."

".........Ok, I love you Light." Said Jack slowly as he became more comfortable looking into his lover's eyes and wanting the change to be complete not just for him but for his new mate.

"There is my sexy stallion, I love you too. Now eat up hun." Said Light smiling and giggling at Jack as he tussled his hair as it slowly shifted and grew becoming the start of his mane. Jack smiled back and began to suck Lights rock hard cock once more as he accepted the change and welcomed it, the change happened faster now as he was willing it on and happy in the thought soon he will be the perfect stallion for his mate. Jacks form was beginning to strain his clothes as they started to rip and tear from the powerful body contained inside. As his jeans fell away his new legs were exposed, covered in brown hair and bulging with muscle as Light looked at them and his cock throbbed harder.

Jack was now nearly totally naked save from one thing which his body quickly rectified.

Jack felt a straining in his feet as he lost quite a bit of the sensation he used to have and his shoes split apart at the seams revealing two beautiful shiny new hooves which made Jack get rock hard himself. His human feet were now gone leaving two elegant hooves in their place as he smiled and moved around a bit pushing the remnants of his human clothes away. The next change hit Jack faster than he anticipated as his once human cock surged in size and length, it grew and grew matching a similar size to Lights own huge cock. As it grew it changed colour into a mottled pink and black as the mushroom shaped tip collapsed and formed a flared tip perfect for the stallion he nearly was. As his new cock had finished transforming a new black leathery sheath formed at the base of his cock to keep his new huge appendage safe when not in use.

Light looked down at his mate and saw his huge length and licked his lips, as Jack sucked his cock more and more Light began to rub his hands up and down the length of Jacks new organ. Jack moaned in pleasure as he drank more of Lights sweet nectar, he felt his new balls churn as the last of his human seed was replaced and transformed into hot sticky equine cum. As the two lovers pleasured each other the last of Jacks changes came in as he felt a pressure at the base of his spine and his new tail grew in as he swished it happily.

"There we go my mate nearly done just one last change and you will be a sexy stallion. Finish up eating and you can have your pudding." Said Light grinning and giggling as he watched the final change overcome Jack. Jack felt a pressure in his face as it pushed out into a sexy equine muzzle and quickly covered the last of his human skin with sleek brown horse hair. His ears moved to the top of his head and morphed into the beautiful pointed ears of a sexy horse, Jack's mouth felt funny or rather his teeth did as they too morphed and changed however there was no pain. His teeth changed into a shape much more suited to his new form as they became large and blocky.

Jack was amazed by the process and felt amazing too, his new body felt so powerful and strong and his new muzzle gave him a new ability he wanted too, he was able to suck the entirety of his mates throbbing cock as he deep throated it and sucked hard enjoying the taste even more with his new long equine tongue. Jack opened his eyes while he continued sucking and was amazed at the wider field of vision he now had and smiled as he swallowed more and more of his mate's tasty pre as he savoured the warm sweet taste. Light looked down at his now sexy stallion mate, no trace of his humanity was left except his wonderful and beautiful eyes as he looked into them lovingly.

"Here it comes my love, enjoy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Screamed light as he neighed loudly as his balls contracted and began to pump hot fresh equine juice into his mates mouth. Jack was surprised by the force and amount of the tasty warm seed but he sucked and sucked not wanting to waste a drop, he felt his mates cock pulse in his mouth as he felt the warm substance coat his mouth and slide down his throat feeling a warm and tingly sensation as it went. Lights whole length throbbed hard in Jacks mouth as load after load of hot seed erupted from his cock as Jack continued to swallow happily. Light was gasping and neighing in pleasure as his new stallion mate devoured every single drop of his tasty cum.

It seemed like hours for Jack as he sucked his mates cock for all it was worth, eventually the flow of tasty seed stopped and Light was left nickering gently and out of breath as Jack looked up and smiled as he licked his lips. Slowly crawled over beside Light using his new powerful legs and hearing his new hard hooves clop on the floor which made him quite aroused.

"That was amazing hun, you're a natural." Said Light still breathing heavily.

"Likewise my sexy mate, I love my new body it feels amazing. Say want to have some of it inside you?" Said Jack giggling a little sporting his massive new throbbing equine cock. Light looked into his new lovers eyes and grinned at Jack who smiled back and winked. Light slowly got up onto his hooves and positioned himself over Jacks new beautiful equine length, he grinned down at Jack who smiled up anticipating what was to come. Light slowly lowered himself and got onto his knees as Jacks huge flared tip gently spread his tight hot hole.

Jack moaned out in pleasure feeling the tightness and warmth slowly envelop his huge cock, Light moaned out gently as more and more of Jacks equine length slid into him as his cock began to throb again.

Light slid Jack's cock all the way inside him as he moaned out in pleasure and neighed, Jack also neighed feeling the tight ass of his mate pleasuring his new cock. Light leaned in for a kiss as Jack did the same, slowly Light began to piston himself up and down on the huge length that was spreading him so expertly. As the two began to nicker and moan in unison as they kissed and caressed each other's toned sexy bodies.

"Ohhhhhh my god Light you're so tight this feels amazing." Said Jack nickering more and smiling.

"Ahhhhhhhhh your new cock feels amazing hun it's so thick and warm I want it all inside me." Said Light as he smiled back and began to thrust up and down harder onto Jacks huge cock. Light began to stroke his own cock again as it throbbed for attention as both the lovers sacks began to churn and fill with a hot fresh batches of seed. It was at this point Jack pushed Light onto his back as he took control of the situation to the surprise of Light as he thrust hard into Light as his sack slapped against Lights ass. Light screamed out in pleasure as Jacks huge length impaled him and made him squirm. He just neighed out loud loudly and smiled as his mate went to town on his hole, he clenched tightly against the cock which caused Jack to moan and neigh in pleasure as he thrust harder and harder into his new mate.

"Ohhhhhhhh yes Jack, take me, harder please. Make me your mare you sexy stallion you." Shouted Light in between the moans and gasps of pleasure as Jack thrust deeper and deeper into the black stallion before him. Jack moaned and nickered as his new equine length was squeezed tightly by Lights hole as he felt the rush of pleasure from each thrust into his prize. Grabbing Lights shoulders Jack pulled him further onto his waiting cock as he caressed the stallions toned chest with his hands, this made Light neigh and press his hooves into the floor of the barn so Jack could get better access to him. Jack looked down at the stallion he was mounting as he smiled as he leaned down and kissed him deeply as Light returned the kiss, their muzzles joining as their long equine tongues entwined. The two breathed heavily not breaking the kiss as Jack pounded harder and harder into his new mate.

As Jack expertly ploughed Light the two of them could feel their balls churning more producing huge amounts of the potent and apparently infectious equine seed. As Jack thrust his cock in each time Light clenched his muscles hoping to hold onto it was like a little game as the two lovers had passionate sex under the moonlight in the warm barn. Jack could feel his first powerful equine orgasm approaching as he thrust faster and harder into the sexy stallion before him, Light too was nearly there as his sack sagged from the amount of seed inside.

"I'm going to cum hun." Said Light, nickering and breathing heavily smiling at his mate.

"I'm there too hun just a few more thrusts... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yes Neighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Screamed Jack as he unloaded his seed into his mate filling him up and making Light feel all warm inside. Light exploded about a second later as his balls pumped hot fresh seed into the air as it splattered over him and the barn. Jack could feel his balls pumping as the hot seed rushed up his length and spurted from the tip into his waiting mate's tight ass. It was an amazing feeling as he felt the hot seed rush up the length of his new cock and unload into his lover's hole. Load after load of hot seed from both Light and Jack was pumped out of their sacks and into and onto each other as they neighed loudly and leaned in and kissed each other deeply enjoying their moment of passionate release.

Slowly the two stallions orgasms subsided as Jack slowly withdrew from Light and the two collapsed onto the hay in each other's arms, tired out from their rigorous exercise and immense fun of tonight's party in the barn.

"We so have to do that again soon hun, you were amazing." Said Light happily smiling at Jack, tracing his hands across Jacks chest.

"Definitely babe, this night didn't turn out like I expected but I'm glad it did and I must say you are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time." Said Jack smiling back holding Lights hand and caressing it.

Light lay there next to Jack as they both looked lovingly into each other's eyes and smiled. Light caressed the new stallions muzzle with his hand happy to have found someone to spend his new found life with. The two both knew that Light would have to change back to Sam and James at some point, but that didn't need to be for a while yet after all Light had found a new reason to stay in control for longer as he smiled as the sexy stallion Jack and kissed him.

The End?

The Birth Of Light - Part 1

It was late and most shops were closing now for the evening as two young guys in their twenties hurried around looking for somewhere that could help them with their dilemma. See Halloween was tonight and as usual Sam and James had been preoccupied with...

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Equine Togetherness

"James? You in here babe?" Shouted a hyperactive twenty something guy with messy brown hair. "Yeh over here hun, I was just making preparations for our week of fun." Said James giggling and also a little excited, it wasn't every week they could be...

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A Little Fun before Halloween - Part 2

A few hours had passed since Jason had a little surprise in the way of his friend Connor being transformed into a sexy cute surfer husky. More of the shock for him though was that Kai who was originally just a husky suit was the one in control when...

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