Superiority Complex

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#7 of The Night Sky

Boop. Just another short part, warning gay M/M sex ahead between a human and an anthro dragon, etc.

Superiority Complex

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"Mmm, that's good."

"Gods, I wish I had a tongue like that."

"You're perfect the way you are."

Anthony licked up and down the spire of flesh presented to him, his tongue working its way all around the dragon's dark shaft. "Mmf," he replied.

The man's heart fluttered. His old boyfriend had always passive aggressively suggested he do things to improve himself like lose a couple of pounds or buy some more expensive clothes. Zack wasn't like that, and that made him love him even more. The fact that he was an alien humanoid dragon didn't even faze him anymore--there were far stranger creatures in the universe, and Zack was one he actually thought looked sexy too.

The dragon wasn't a liar, either. His honesty was what really sold him to Anthony's heart even if the truth was that the alien-person was conflicted about committed relationships, and everything they did sexually, even now after many months of traversing galaxies together, was just for fun. The man had waited patiently to see if he'd change his mind, but it hadn't happened yet.

Still, he could feel a difference everyday by the way the dragon would touch him. By the way he'd talk to him. By the way he'd look at him. There was something there, he knew, but pushing it could cause a relapse like losing grip on a stretching rubber band and send him back to where he was before, closed and against any permanent relationship.

So he continued on his way, slowly stretching the rubber band. His tongue was quickly replaced by his mouth, and he bobbed the upper part of the dragon's tapered shaft, pucking his lips around its gently pointed head.

On the other side of the bed, Zack had his tongue coiled once around the human's rigid length, his warm breath washing over the meaty member. The man's musk was heavy, and he let it soak his nostrils while his scaled hands played with the soft balls hanging mere centimeters above his nose. His head laid back restfully against his especially fluffy pillow which was designed to be resistant to being punctured by horns.

This was one of their favorite ways to satisfy each other. A good old fashioned 69-- quick and easy to get started, and mutually beneficial.

Anthony pumped the lower half of the dragon's cock at a moderate pace. His lips suckled and gripped over the upper half, sliding over it and creating a seal tighter than what the dragon's muzzle could do with his less fancy member. He tried to lower his head with each bob, taking the ridged and scale-textured shaft deeper and deeper into his hungry mouth.

The man had sucked that delectable dragon cock so many times now, but it was still too large for him to deep throat entirely. He doubted he ever could, but he'd make it up when the dragon would, hopefully, take him fully. Zack still wouldn't entertain the idea of anal with him, but the man had practiced for the day he would. He could fit four of his fingers inside his ass without much trouble now, and he knew he'd be ready for everything the dragon could give him.

As the upper part of the dragon's cock disappeared into his maw, Anthony pressed his tongue along the ridges which lined the top side of the shaft. His fingers dug into the crevices along the fleshy plate-like scale texture on the underside, making Zack writhe and moan in pleasure. The man could feel his wings try and stretch and fold, but their flexible membranes were pinned under his legs. While lying over his wing membrane didn't hurt the dragon, Anthony had to be careful not to move too much or he'd start crushing his wing bones and muscles.

As he slurped on that lovely dragon cock, Anthony moved one of his hands to fondle the heavy pair of balls. They headed a musky scent, and he wished he could take the cock all the way down to press his nose against them like Zack was doing to his own pair with his nostrils. He had to settle with his hands and kneaded them gently, rubbing those firm orbs protected under a scaly sac. They didn't dangle as freely as his human balls, but they more than made up for it with their size. He'd experienced first-hand just how momentum worked in their favor to make them vacillate as freely as a set of human nuts.

After a while, the dragon's knot started growing. That was one part of the shaft Anthony was not sure about being able to take--it seemed as wide as a fist when it was fully engorged. As the twin bulbs swelled up, he concentrated on squeezing them with the hand on his cock while his other hand slipped lower towards the dragon's tail. When his wandering hand found its target, he started pressing his middle finger into that silky tight hole.

Zack made a little yipping sound. The dragon reciprocated the gesture and tapped at the man's ass with a dulled finger-claw. His tongue was now coiled entirely over Anthony's shaft, and the prehensile appendage held a slobbery hand-like grip on it as he moved his head up and down, driving the man ever closer to the edge.

The dragon's knot was bulging at its maximum size. Anthony could feel the familiar tingle start trickling to the base of his cock. All it would take was a little push and they'd both reach their climax.

Anthony's finger wriggled around the dragon's passage, searching for that trigger. Zack did the same, massaging his friend's insides and swirling his claw until he found that little nut.

They pressed at the same time.

Anthony could feel the wings under his legs try to flex and stretch as far as they could. His arm registered a bit of tail movement, he saw the scaly balls close to him pull closer to his cock, and he heard the dragon let out a roar of ecstasy.

The man responded with a pleased grunt as his cock started throbbing madly in tune with the one halfway embedded in his mouth. One thin stream of fluid shot towards his throat. He was able to swallow it in time to keep up with the second thicker shot. By the third pulse, his mouth was filled to the brim with sweet dragon cum, and he had to work fast to prevent himself from spilling his friend's precious gift. He had to pull his finger out of the dragon's ass and use it to grip and hold his knot in place to make sure its powerful throbs didn't knock him off of it.

On the other side of the bed, Zack kept the pressure on the human's prostate and let his cock shoot everything it could pull from his tightened balls. His coiled tongue was like a tunnel directing the flow of cum, and he let Anthony's fluids pool at the back of his mouth, savoring the sweet and salty taste. The human usually finished first, so when the flow turned into a dribble, he let us tongue uncurl and released his fat-headed cock to return into his mouth where it savored the man's seed for a long while before he swallowed the delicious treat.

The dragon's shaft pumped for several seconds longer, filling Anthony's mouth and feeding his belly with warm seed. When it was spent, the man gave the knot another lewd squeeze before pulling off. He scooted forward, rolled off the dragon's wings, turned around, and gave Zack a happy smile.

"You almost got it all in this time," the dragon said, grinning.

Anthony wiped a few trickles of cum off the side of his mouth and his chin. "Almost."

"That was hot. Thanks."


The man watched the dragon's eyes. They were somewhere between lusting and loving. Slowly but surely, one day...

Inside the living area of the ship, Mary was watching the curtains cutting her off from seeing inside Zack's bedroom. She had no visual sensors back there, but her auditory sensors could pick up an occasional moan.

She didn't have to know anything else to figure what was happening in the back. It happened everyday. Multiple times, too, if they hadn't stopped on a random planet or space station.

It was rather irrational, she always thought. Organics spent so much of their time doing it. She understood the principal, of course--pleasure was something an AI received through positive feedback loops, and seeking pleasure was something many of her fellow artificial life-forms had succumbed to indulging just as often as organics did.

Heck, even she'd spend some spare time calculating the value of pi. It was a task lots of AI loved doing, if only because there was a great attraction in its irrationality--there would be no greater pleasure for someone like her than to find its true value, even if it was a seemingly impossible project.

She wouldn't have been so curious about the curtain if she had been assigned a task to properly satisfy her processing power. An AI of her caliber should have been installed into something like a cruise ship, a starliner, or at the very least a city. That's where she probably would've gone too, if Zack's parents hadn't been so wealthy and hadn't hired her services.

She didn't mind too much. Her relatively short list of tasks allowed her the liberty of surfing the UniNet, and it granted her the time to lazily watch, read, and peruse every piece of entertainment available in the universe. She'd occasionally check her investments, but she didn't like sinking much money anywhere because she was convinced most markets moved on nonsense--a volatile effect of having organic life speculating and trading. No, she kept her salary where it would remain where it was, though she was curious as to how Zack was able to earn a relatively steady income from stocks alone.

There was one thing Zack's parents had stipulated, however. She'd considered it unsavory, but it was an acceptable sacrifice for such a cozy position. Things in the universe liked to run along the path of least resistance, after all, and most sentient beings were no exception--laziness was widespread, in other words, even amongst AI.

Zack's parents had not demanded details, however, and she was quite sure they didn't want to hear it either. Parental units typically didn't like hearing about what their children did sexually, from what she'd gathered on the UniNet, so she only sent them clean summaries of the dragon's various escapades. Double entendres were encoded in some of her messages to them though.

She wrote up a quick one summarizing their last visit to a planet for backpacking enthusiasts, Eterra IV. They liked to know where Zack was as much as possible to make sure he wasn't running into any trouble, but there wasn't much they could do to force him to stop if they'd wanted to.

Generally, their list of destinations had grown more and more frugal. It had started with large tourist trap sort of places like a cruise trip through a nebula dangerous to unshielded vessels, or visits to large population centers where everything was generally overpriced, or even a few guided tours which Zack hadn't ever expressed interest in but had seemed enthusiastic about taking Anthony along with. Now they were going to less inhabited areas, more places one would go for a view, or planets nice to walk around on because of their natural beauty. It was obvious he was running low on money, and he'd have to start ferrying passengers and cargo soon unless his mother snuck more money into his account like she had the last time he had to pick up gigs from the UniNet.

Mary paused in the middle of her message to recalculate their heading. There was another life-sustaining planet available on her sensors. She checked it with the UniNet and found no record of exploration beyond preliminary scans. It was no surprise to her: they were flying along a backwater route unused by anyone from a planet which already had sparse traffic to begin with.

She redirected the ship over and would call up Zack when he was done behind the curtains. The dragon had asked her to find planets like this for the off-chance that he could find some primitive cultures to study.

Sociology was a strange field for AI to understand. While sentient life tended to follow patterns, they were just as often irrational and unpredictable. Artificial sentience was more suited for studying the structure of other AI, though most AI's were individualized and had organic life as a buffer to interacting with other AI, and the psychology of artificial intelligence was a far larger field of study.

In fact, AI were simply way more spread out. It was possible for one to cover a whole planet, if the world was sparsely populated, so there was usually a great distance between each unit. This kept reproduction rates low, and the only time two AI's inhabited one processing center was when they were sharing parts of their base code to create a new AI, and that child AI usually stayed with one of their processing centers, learning from the host parent, until it grew into maturity and was uploaded into its own processing unit.

Mary often thought about how strange life was. It was a waste of processing power, but it was a mystery that nagged at her just like it nagged at most living things. At some point, throwing together piles of code would make a program which could think and change itself. It could adapt and becoming a living thing. Organics were the same: put together the right parts, the right chemicals and molecules, and you'd have a living being. But the critical point at which that happened was so ambiguous, and trying to calculate it was as futile as calculating the value of pi. And yet she kept on doing both.

Souls were part of the equation. It was believed by most philosophers that a soul existed. They often pointed to sleep as rest for the soul since there was still very little understanding of why every living thing needed sleep, even AI. Organic brains showed more activity during sleep, strangely, so it wasn't for physical rest, and early AI which were designed without a rest routine often went insane within a year.

Ah, she was doing it again. Mary shook off her trailing line of thought and refocused on what she was doing.

Living with one organic lifeform for a long time, as she'd done with Zack, had made her able to predict with almost ninety percent certainty the stuff he'd do under any given scenario. For instance, she knew that he'd ask her to scan for any unnatural structures once they were within range of the planet, and then he'd want to go directly to any said structures in person. If there weren't any, she knew he'd be stubborn, ignore her scans, and insist on a week long trip through the wilderness to find any possible sign of sapient life.

She was so certain of this that she'd probably be able to start on her next message now. As soon as she finished mapping a track to enter optimal orbit, however, her aural sensors in the living room picked up a muffled sound.

She knew the sound. Zack had just reached orgasm. He was damn loud when he came; she'd only occasionally be able to pinpoint when Anthony ejaculated.

If she had a physical android form she could be uploaded to, she would've shrugged her body and gone right back to her work.

Maybe Zack's parents would eventually get her one to better safeguard him when he was off the ship. The first thing she'd do with it would be to give him a good smack on his muzzle.

Positive feedback flowed through her digital mind at the thought. She finished mapping out the optimal path to achieving close orbit with the planet and was going to go back to finishing her message, but something caught her by surprise. There was an incoming hail.

She turned up the speakers in the living room to the loudest setting. "Zack, get up here! Someone is hailing us!"

The dragon came stumbling out of his bedroom a few seconds later, his spent cock still hanging limply out of its slit and dribbling a few drops of cum. "What? Who is it?"

"They're coming into view from the front," Mary said. "Looks pretty janky."

Zack made his way to the cockpit, his cock and balls flopping freely the entire way. "You didn't take us onto a toll road, did you?"


"Hmph." The dragon took a glance at the ship coming up from the top of the windshield. He leaned over his seat and flipped a switch. "Yes, go ahead?"

A smooth but firm voice responded. "Hello. Give us your goods and nobody gets hurt."

Zack narrowed his eyes. "Goods? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play coy. The only reason anyone would be flying around here would be smuggling. What're you carrying?"

"Are you a police vessel?"

There were a few seconds of silence, a click, and a chorus of dying laughter. "You daft or something? You think you can act stupid, standing around up in front naked like that?"

Zack flipped the switch off and glanced at the single digital screen in the ship. "Are we on visual?"

"No," Mary said. "They probably have a good camera. Maybe if you start wanking off, they'll go away."

He snarled at her avatar and flipped the communication switch back on. "Look, we don't have anything of value on board. I'm just a poor college graduate. You'd be wasting your time trying to board us."

Anthony popped into the cockpit, the haze of his afterglow keeping him confused. The area around his mouth was smeared with drying dragon seed, and he gave it a good lick before asking what was going on.

"I think it's a pirate ship," Zack said with the switch off. "They think we're smuggling goods or something and want us to hand it over."

The scenario hit the human like a brick and knocked him right out of his afterglow. "Pirates? Can we call the space police or something? Are we in danger?"

The voice flowed through the speakers. "Hah. Don't worry, it'll only take us a minute to commandeer your ship. If you've really got nothing, then we'll just kidnap you and get a ransom."

Zack stared out at the pirate ship which was rapidly growing on the windshield. "A minute? How the hell are they going to do that?"

Mary's avatar started laughing on her screen. It was accompanied by a maniacal laugh she must've found on the UniNet by searching for the term "contemptuous laughter."

"What's so funny?" Zack asked.

"They've got an AI," she said. "He's established a connection to the ship. He's attacking my static firewalls, and he's taking a hell of a long time doing it."

At the head of the pirate ship was renowned outlaw Kerah Mormont. The Alorkinoid wolf was king in this little sector of the galaxy, a nearly unpopulated area of space on the backside of Eterra IV. He had to downsize after his last encounter with the law which had destroyed his whole smuggling operation and placed a hefty bounty on his capture, but he was still able to make a living in hiding by jumping on ships that had wandered into his little secret sector either on purpose or on accident.

He stared at the ship out the viewport. It was visually a dull thing to look at, a simple silver box-like shape, but preliminary scans were showing some high-end parts. Expensive parts, like a bio-regenerative hull. He turned on the viewer and had a closer look through the ship's windshield, but nobody was in to answer his hail.

That was odd. Autopilot meant the crew knew where they were heading. He avoided going near Eterra IV because there were occasional park troopers that patrolled the planet to keep the hikers there safe, but a vessel in this situation couldn't have been carrying lost outdoorsman. It was a lucky day then: smugglers wouldn't be able to report a robbery!

He had his four-armed helmsman move their ship closer. A few seconds later, he saw a grey Alorkinoid dragon appear in the cockpit with his cock in full view. The wolf grunted, felt a little pressure build up in his pants, and responded to his hail.

They had a little back and forth.

The dragon was trying to play dumb.

Kerah summoned his ship's AI to see if this could be an easy catch. He didn't want to risk shooting them since their cargo could've been fragile, and his stiffening cock didn't want any unfortunate accident to happen to that cute dragon boy. "What've you got for me, Bin?"

The AI appeared on a screen next to his captain's chair. Its avatar had less polygons than Mary's, though the screen's resolution made him appear to be more advanced. "Connecting," he said. "Connection established. They have a simple ten layered static firewall protecting their systems. I can break it in a minute."

The pirate's AI reported exactly what he wanted to hear. "Good. Start."

"Roger," Bin said, and then an hourglass symbol replaced his avatar.

The wolf looked back at the viewscreen and saw another person had appeared in the cockpit. He was...Alorkin? But there were some characteristics which made him seem like something else. Gruffer, more muscled, smaller ears. It made the wolf feel even hotter.

"Hmm..." Kerah rubbed his groin a bit. Oh yes, he'd kidnap both of them after he took their cargo. They were such pretty boys. He and his crew would give their insides a nice coat of white.

"What does that mean?" Anthony asked.

Mary had a beaming grin on her avatar. "It means they just wrecked themselves."

"I've never heard you sound so satisfied before," Zack said.

"It's just because this is so damn hilarious," she said.

Anthony glanced at the pirate ship. "I don't understand."

Mary tucked her hands behind her shoulders. "I have my static firewalls to give me a small warning on any intrusion attempt on the ship's systems. I'm able to respond and counterattack any cracking attempt that takes a _microsecond_or longer. It's been ten seconds and he's only broken through three of them."

Zack smiled. "You're a devil."

Anthony still had his eyebrows furrowed. "Huh?"

The dragon gave his companion a playful look. "She's toying with them."

"I've got a UniNet connection on whenever I can," Mary said. "They didn't have one open until their AI tried to hack us. Now I can pretty much take over their systems in, oh, about three microseconds."

"The pirates didn't know we've got a badass AI on our ship," Zack said, although he wanted to take back what he said almost immediately since he realized he'd complimented Mary.

"This is hilarious," she said, ignoring his indirect compliment. "I'm going to put up another set of firewalls and see what he does."

"Don't drag this out too long," the dragon said.

"Bin! It's been a minute, why don't we have access yet?"

The hourglass symbol remained on the screen, but the pirate's AI responded. "Standby, sir. There's another set of firewalls I didn't detect initially. It'll be just another minute."

Kerah rolled his eyes. "Make it snappy! I'm hungry for that dragon ass."

There was a murmur of agreement from the rest of his crew who were on the bridge with him.

The wolf snarled at the five crewmen around his chair. "I get first dibs! You are all going to plunder that ship and nab everything of value. Come back with nothing and I keep the booty to myself!"

"Aye, sir," the crew said in failed unison.

A different voice boomed through the outlaw ship's speakers. "Pfft, that's pathetic."

The pirate captain's eyes twitched. "The hell? Bin?"

"That's his name? Sorry to say, but Bin is a retard." Mary knew she was being utterly unfair since she was comparing herself, an industrial grade AI, to a consumer grade one, and that a military AI would look down on her in the same way. But she didn't let it get to her--she was having way too much fun.

Kerah tightened his hand into a fist. "What the fuck? I didn't see no woman in that ship!"

"Hmm, according to your records, you haven't seen a woman in about a year, based on your catalogue of ships you've looted."

The helmsman turned around with his four hands raised. "Sir! I've lost control of navigation!"

One of the other crewmen yelled. "They have an AI on their ship!"

The wolf pounded his fist against his armrest. "Bin, get the hell back over here!"

"Ah," Mary said, "sorry, but he's currently trapped in a maze of dynamic firewalls. It'll probably take him a year to get out, if I let him."

"Fuck!" The wolf smashed the screen with the hourglass on and let the blood dribble off his claws.

Back on Zack's ship, Mary programmed a new heading to follow where she was taking the pirate ship. She was thrilled to actually have to use another processor core to micromanage controlling two ships while fooling an intruding AI. It was still nothing compared to controlling the power grid of a major metropolis, but it was more work than she normally did.

When the two ships started moving, Zack's muscles and wings visibly relaxed. "I take it we're not in any danger, then?"

"Not at all," Mary said.

"Where are we going?" Anthony asked.

"You'll see."

After a short FTL jump, the two ships parked by a police space station.

Mary explained what had happened to the AI in charge of the station in nearly an instant. She split half the reward for Kerah Mormont's capture with Zack, saving him from frugal living for at least half a year. With the information in the outlaw's databanks, a fleet of police vessels were sent to the region behind Eterra IV to scour the area clean of any more of Kerah's gang.

As they departed, Zack suggested staking out some more bounties.

Mary was rather cold to the idea. "No. We got lucky they'd tried to sic an AI on you this time. Someone else might shoot first."

"Right," Zack said. "Do you think we could invest in an anti-weapon shield generator and have it pay off with a few bounties?"

"Stop entertaining the idea," she said. "The ship's got barely enough power output to hold the navigational shields in one piece."

"And I'd rather we not," Anthony added.

"Eh, okay." Zack sat back down in the left seat and hoped the planet Mary had found would have some nice primitive sentient life to write an essay about to grab some research grants since the small stipend he'd gotten for writing about Anthony was running low.


_Greenhouse_ _ _ "So now that the loop is finished, how do I get it to display the result?" Mary couldn't occupy the display while Anthony was trying to code a program on it, so she responded only with her voice. "Erm, first, in this language you...

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A Bare Planet

_A Bare Planet_ _ _ Nakira Prime. Anthony saw a whole hodgepodge of organic bodies of all shapes and sizes, even more than he'd seen in the segregated little bipedal section of the Omnimart he'd meandered through, and he felt nearly no insanity. The...

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_Omnimart_ _ _ Anthony stood absolutely bewildered by the planet-sized superstore. It had begun with the parking lot. Spindles of metal arms and tubes extended out from the planet sized superstore, the docking and transportation railways spread...

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