Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirty-second Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#33 of Pathfinding-CYOA

A scene from back at camp, where we learn that Wintersteel has a more passionate side to him. Also the continued events at Belthin's tower, as we try to overcome the temptations of the unseen source of the voice in the planning room and press on with our mission.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Thirty-second Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A - 2

B - 0

C - 16

1) Fate of Phan and Zane

* Given to Carver/Carver starts - 6

* Russian Breeding Roulette - 6

* Scene with the companions who just returned - 1

2) Fate of the Steampunk Trio

* First time with Spark - 2

* No sex for now, maybe later - 8

* Part of the orgy - 2

* Horse the gnoll has some fun - 3

* Spark punished for trying (sexually) - 1

* Fun with Crystal - 1

* Skaeth is up to something - 4 * Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely) - 8

* Kyte's submission - 16

* Campfire tale for Urta and/or Urtan - 5

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it - 8

* Appearance of Jonna the she-minotaur - 12

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; Family dynamics in action - 1

Vote Options in Progress:

* Wisselfleur and Imogen seduced by Rufus (Adel included) - 11

* Training Crystal (making her more combat-ready) - 10

Author Notes

Very nearly a unanimous vote there. I'll have to work at making more variations, for less obvious choices.

Also, a party writeup, so everybody knows where everybody is right now:

At Belthin's tower: Rufus (main protagonist, big grey-furred male wolfen, great fighter, good wilderness warrior); Urtan (broad-chested male gnoll, great wilderness warrior, good fighter, completely loyal to Rufus and Adel); Urta (muscular female gnoll warrior, good fighter); One-Eye (one-eyed male gnoll warrior, decent fighter, cunning and devious); Adel (small and petite chipmunk female warrior, very charismatic, excellent strategist, decent fighter); Cassidy (small, tan-furred male rabbit rogue, excellent at stealth, very good sniper, decent melee fighter); Ryg (blind, pale-furred female wolfen shaman, has command of earth and air magic); Rael (Rufus' daughter, female wolfen with golden fur and a snowy white underbelly, a fast learner, an okay fighter); Hanaro (female human samurai, long green-black hair, has tattoo of a cherry tree on her back, very good melee fighter with her ancestral sword, decent with other weapons); Lysha (female human ranger, good archer, good melee fighter); Padmini (shapely elephant girl, very good unarmed combatant, decent with flesh magic though most of her powers are for strengthening herself); Wisselfleur (trim, muscular, and petite hippogriff female, dapple-grey on her horse bottom half, speckled grey and white on her falcon upper half, incredible flyer, decent melee fighter and archer); Imogen (stunningly gorgeous unicorn female with glistening pearl-colored fur, excellent healer, nearly useless fighter); Kyte (tall and slender wingless female dragon with green scales and a yellow-gold underbelly, former male, still quiet and somewhat stunned from the transformation, excellent tracker with incredible senses, good melee fighter); Shara (red foxtaur female mage, good healer and flesh mage, also has decent fire and illusion magic); Skaeth (massive male minotaur, the largest member of the party, incredible strength, good melee fighter, disdains all ranged combat, nearly supernaturally potent and lusty, has designs on everyone's rump).

At the Blue Feather camp: Marlene (blonde, ponytailed female half-elven noble, very good diplomat, good archer); Spark (red foxboy bard, skilled performer, very skilled flirt and fast-talked, good with illusions and enchantments); Dinah (green-haired, dark-skinned catgirl rogue, a skilled scout with very good stealth and skill at sneak attacks); Sister Sparkle (female magpie nun, recently saved from giants, presently considered spoils of war, decent healer and spiritual guide); Dorper and Dorset (lamb female ovida, black faces and limbs under white wool, raised as sisters after a plague took Dorset's parents' lives, though they are the same age, ineffective combatants, presently considered spoils of war, very meek, submissive, and obedient); Horse (burly and not very bright male gnoll warrior with an absolutely immense penis, slightly larger even than Skaeth's, recently injured and returned to camp, decent melee fighter); Rish and Rack (male gnoll twins, decent fighters, work in perfect unison, good fighters when working together as one, recently returned to camp after Rish's injury); Greymuzzle (older male gnoll, a good fighter but slightly slowed by age, also mellowed somewhat and more friendly than most gnolls, has a calming effect on other gnolls around him); Goro (huge, wide-bodied panda male warrior, wears heavy armor, uses a tetsubo two-handed to great effect, recently returned to camp after being injured); Crystal (female construct made of transparent blue-white crystal, damaged and returned to camp for refitting, perfect memory and unquestioningly loyal to her present master, Rufus, and also completely fearless as well as immune to most biological concerns, decent fighter but fairly fragile, can be repaired unless reduced to powder); Kaia (blue-haired, tall high elven female paladin, recently submitted to Windtooth, good fighter with granted divine powers that enhance those she leads into battle); Phan (trimly-muscled female martial artist, has dark brown odangos and otherwise short-appearing hair, Hanaro's younger sister, decent unarmed combatant, good when fighting with others, about to be offered to Carver as half of a two-part "dessert"); Zane (celibate female cleric with short red hair and glasses, good defensive caster, buffing allies, decent fighter, about to be offered to Carver as the other half of a two-part "dessert" that is highly likely to turn into a general orgy); Lisk (small female red bat rogue, former male, now Carver's slave); Lightfoot (tall female equitra warrior with black fur and white hair on horsefeathers, mane, and pubes, former male, now Carver's slave); Longhorn (tall and relatively slender-hipped male bull with a typical cowboy build and longhorn red-and-white markings, allowed to remain a male, but still Carver's slave); the Steampunk Trio (Flit, an orange-furred male foxkin, Deo, a blue-furred male lapida bunny, and Midge, an orange-haired and fairly skinny female gnome, all of them mechanical and alchemical geniuses, all of whom typically wear overalls and goggles, they wear the goggles even when otherwise naked, Flit is a little hyperactive, Deo is shy and quiet, and Midge is calm and logical to the point of seeming emotionless at times); Captain Wintersteel (steel-haired elven male commander of the elven armies that have joined the coalition of forces at the Blue Feather camp, surprisingly muscular for an elf, very stern features); Windtooth (Rufus' father, looks like an older version of Rufus, very charismatic alpha male wolfen); Skysong (Rufus' mother, looks like a female version of Rufus, the chief strategist of the Blue Feather tribe, and an excellent war leader); Jael (Windtooth's mate and the alpha female of the Blue Feather tribe, also Rael's mother, leader of all she-wolfen in the tribe, was once very harsh and strict, but mating with Rufus and giving birth to Rael has mellowed her somewhat); Deriny (female human fire mage with mid-length orange hair); Morgan (human female gunner with long blonde hair); Leta (female human martial artist with short, spiky brown hair); Regina (female human cleric with glasses and long dark hair done up in braids).

Do be aware that the defloration of Phan and Zane will take place in the next entry, though it is hinted at in this one.

Pathfinding Thirty-second Entry

"I think I'll stay in my tent tonight," said Captain Wintersteel calmly as Marlene followed along behind him on his way through the camp. "I've heard from Skysong about tonight's planned activities after the banquet, and I don't think I'd be interested."

"It's a cultural thing," Marlene said, slightly shamefaced even as she said it. After all, there were a great many things that wolfen and bearfolk did as a matter of course of which no properly civilized elf would approve.

"Do convey my regrets," said the steel-haired elven leader as he lightly parted the flap of his tent. "And also do understand: I don't think less of you or my bestial allies for their activities tonight or any night. They simply aren't activities to which I am accustomed."

"I'll be sure to smooth things over for you, then," Marlene finally conceded, little doubting that Windtooth would indeed excuse the absence of the stern-faced elven leader. She wasn't as sure about Carver, though - the barbarian bear could be so unpredictable at times. All the same, she turned and walked away as Wintersteel slipped quietly into his tent, his elven eyes rapidly adjusting to the near-darkness, the only light a single candle shining down on the various charts and maps and documents scattered about the floor and tables of the mid-sized tent.

"I see you decided not to attend tonight's festivities," said Skysong, the grey she-wolfen smiling over her shoulder before taking another small sip of the deep red wine from the goblet in her hand.

"Planning sessions like this are far more important," Wintersteel countered, taking an offered glass from the shapely she-wolfen's outstretched hand, doing his best not to let his eyes linger too long on her soft-furred, naked body. "I find it rare to have a chance to spend time with an equal in the true martial art of strategy."

"Hardly an equal," chuckled Skysong, turning to face the muscular elf, obviously quite unconcerned about her nudity as she drained her glass, then set it aside as she approached him. "But I can smell some quite serious tension about you, Captain. That's not healthy. It's even worse when you're trying to concentrate on matters of such importance as the fate of our combined armies." Wintersteel's lips were surprisingly yielding despite his iron expression as Skysong kissed him, her strong hands caressing him through his formal uniform as their tongues caressed each other. "Mmm," Skysong continued, licking her lips as she broke the kiss, obviously enjoying the taste of the elven male's kiss. "Would you object, dear Captain, if I helped you relieve some of that tension?"

"Not at all, my dear Skysong," said Wintersteel with the first hints of a gentle smile on his face, setting his wineglass on a nearby table, watching intently as the grey-furred she-wolfen sank to her knees before him. "I think it would help our strategic planning immensely if we were both properly relaxed."

Skysong didn't respond, instead focusing her attention on parting the flaps of the elven captain's trousers, spreading them apart, letting his long, slender elven penis rise to full attention like a good soldier. Of course, like most wolfen in the northern woods, Skysong had enjoyed the taste of a good number of wood elves, males as well as females, young and inexperienced hunters caught out in the woods and taken captive, only to be made the centerpieces of packwide orgies before they were eventually freed. She knew full well that skinny elfboys were delicious, their cum actually quite sweet, especially when forced out by the powerful thrusts of a well-muscled male pounding them from behind. But Wintersteel was a somewhat different matter. As Skysong caressed the underside of Wintersteel's rigid shaft, and then swirled her tongue expertly around the head, looking up at him with a worshipful expression as she tasted the first droplets of precum, she could tell right away that age, just like with a fine wine, only caused the flavor of an elf to grow that much better. Watching as he began to undress, peeling his clothing open, baring his perfectly smooth, trimly-muscled body to the candlelight, Skysong wrapped her lips around the lightly-seeping tip of the elf's penis, and began to suckle, moving her head only a very short distance back and forth for now. She couldn't help but note that Wintersteel's prick, like those of many male elves, was naturally circumcised, lacking any sort of scar where a foreskin had once been, while the glans of his shaft was smaller than that of humans or wolfen with more humanlike genitalia, making the whole length of his penis appear like a nearly seamless whole, rather than a collection of bulbous, ungainly parts.

"So beautiful," cooed Skysong softly as she pulled her muzzle back, letting his penis settle between her breasts before she squeezed them tightly around the aesthetically-perfect organ, starting to stroke her entire body against Wintersteel's shaft in long, slow gyrations. As the temptation of his dripping precum grew to be too much, she soon bent her muzzle and took what length thrust outward from the valley of her breasts eagerly into her mouth, her eyes closing as she savored his delicious flavor.

Suddenly Skysong's eyes opened, a wild, feral light burning in them as she looked up into Wintersteel's nearly impassive face, the only signs of how she was affecting him visible in the tightness of his jaw and the glimmers of passion in his storm-grey eyes. Releasing her breasts, she made the normally impassive elf gasp loudly as she nearly tore his trousers down, then seized his naked bottom with her strong hands. Even for such a stoic, determined, dedicated warrior like Wintersteel, his elven skin was so very sensitive, and as Skysong started to savagely thrust her muzzle forward and back, taking his length into her throat with only a few spasms from her gag reflex, his perfectly smooth sac bouncing against her soft-furred chin every time his glans tickled her tonsils, the great elven captain felt his control slipping. Still, he resisted Skysong's feral hunger for his cum far longer than most of his kind ever had, his belly and bottom tense as he fought to keep himself under control, right up until the moment that one of Skysong's fingers found the elf's tense anal rosebud and screwed itself inside. Feeling an expert caress to his prostate, her other hand squeezing against the tender spot just behind his sac, where his perineum began, even Wintersteel couldn't hold himself back any longer, his hands reaching down to grasp Skysong's soft-furred head as he started to thrust his hips, his orgasm making his entire body jerk in powerful, mind-shattering spasms as he filled her muzzle with his delicious elven cream.

Eventually, Wintersteel's grip relaxed, and Skysong pulled back, licking her chops with a happy expression, her tail wagging as she rose to her feet once more.

"Mmm," she said with an approving nod, leaning in to give her elven lover a lick on the cheek. "I hope I didn't wear you out too much, captain?"

"Not by half," said Wintersteel with a smirk, before reaching out and seizing hold of Skysong's longer headfur with one hand, her shoulder with the other. She resisted only enough to make it interesting, to ensure that the male with her was strong and potent, before he roughly turned her around, scattering charts and documents to the tent floor as he forced her over the central table. Scooping up his belt from the floor, he quickly lashed it around Skysong's wrists, binding them behind her back, before his long-fingered hands pried her tense, muscular buttocks apart, his mouth questing forward, tongue extended to taste her musky juices. Skysong cried out in savage joy as Wintersteel suckled upon her tender pink parts, exposed when her soft-furred labia was parted, cumming almost immediately, she'd been so pent-up. Wintersteel didn't waste time after that with further oral enjoyments: he and Skysong wanted the same thing too badly to delay any further. Standing up, the muscular elf seized Skysong's presented rump, fingers sinking deeply into her fur and flesh, before he _thrust_forward, his cockhead easily finding her juicy cunny with typical elven accuracy before plowing balls-deep into the randy she-wolfen. His smooth, toned bottom flexing with each thrust, Wintersteel began to hump Skysong like an animal himself, his deep, masculine grunts filling her ears as his perfectly smooth elven penis filled her clenching quim, each forceful impact making her painfully-hard nipples rasp against the wood of the table.

'Best planning session ever,' Windsong thought to herself, before a wave of orgasm crashed over her, making her cry out in joyful ecstasy as she felt the first splash of elven cum against her inner walls, gushing right against the gates of her womb.


Skaeth was obviously enjoying the wine in the planning room, and equally enjoying Kyte's discomfiture as he casually groped the green-scaled dragoness through the long loincloth she wore, brushing it to the side as he squeezed his large, rough hand down on the yellow inner crease of her shapely, scaly bum. As the hulking minotaur idly diddled Kyte's cunny, making the newmade dragoness' digitigrade legs start to tremble, Skaeth let his eyes linger on Adel's pert bottom, licking his chops slowly, his lusty intentions on the young princess obvious.

Looking around, Rufus saw similar expressions on almost everyone's face right then. Adel seemed to be controlling herself, but only because of her focus on the maps on the table before her, as was Cassidy by working on the lock to the door leading upstairs. The slender-hipped rabbit's efforts, though, were being slightly stymied by Shara: the vixentaur kept getting in the way, forcing the tan-furred bunny to gently brush her black-furred hands aside as she kept trying to reach the front flap of his trousers. Most of the others seemed temporarily paralyzed, expectant, as though watching Rufus to see what he would do next.

Gritting his teeth, forcing all his concentration into tensing up his stomach, keeping his prick as firmly-planted in its sheath as he could manage, Rufus looked around the room, trying to find the source of that voice. This had to be magic! Never mind that the desires were all there naturally, the tensions just waiting to explode at any moment into acts of primal passion; that he and the others were being prompted to act on these desires now was unnatural, and Rufus refused to be led so.

Then, in a flash of inspiration, Rufus' eyes fell on Ryg, and he grinned.

"Ryg," growled the male, his voice a low, feral sound, tainted heavily by lust despite his best efforts, "look around the room, will you? Tell me what you can sense that isn't us."

Rufus' words seemed to break Ryg out of her momentary trance, and she immediately lifted her head, turning slowly as she scanned the room, using senses honed through her focus into magic and the flow of the natural world, as well as through her blindness.

"There," she whispered softly, motioning ever-so-subtly toward the bed of pillows to one side.

"Thanks," grunted Rufus before, in a heartbeat, he went racing headlong towards the bed, leaping onto it, plowing the plush pillows and soft draperies aside as his hands scrabbled for something he couldn't see. A loud, feminine screech of surprise let the alpha wolf know he was on the right track, and suddenly he felt one large paw close around a smooth, supple waist, one that fit easily into the palm of his hand.

"Ngh!" exclaimed the captured creature with a grunt of exertion, and Rufus could feel the little captive squirming desperately in his grip. "!"

At the end of these three words, Rufus felt whatever he was holding suddenly turn white hot. With a howl of pain, he dropped to his knees, but didn't lessen his grip through sheer willpower. Squeezing a little tighter, the invisible captive in Rufus' paw gave a cry of pain, and then, in an instant, appeared in a puff of sulfurous smoke.

Gasping for breath as the pain suddenly stopped, Rufus blinked down at the creature he was holding. He wasn't the only one, for everyone in the room was looking at him now, him and his freshly-appeared prisoner. She was a small thing, perhaps two feet from head to hooftips, her body covered mostly in smooth red skin, save for her legs below the knees, which were covered in a soft, thick red fur that ran down her goatlike legs. Belying her infernal origins, besides the red skin, clearly visible thanks to her complete nudity, the little demoness also had a pair of small horns, batlike wings, and a long, prehensile, spade-tipped tail that lashed angrily from between Rufus' tightly-clenched fingers. She was shoving against the wolfen's grip as best as she could with her tiny hands, glaring up at him with petulant fury.

"Unhand me, you big brute!" snapped the little fiendling, giving Rufus the demanding look one might expect from a spoiled little girl. Rufus, for his part, just grinned toothily down at his prisoner.

[Rolled 32 and then 24 - wow, we made it! Twice!]

"It's a succubus imp," said Padmini as the elephant girl approached, her wondering brown eyes wide as she saw the little mischief-maker. "A demon spirit of unwelcome lust." Her light grey skin darkened in a blush. "They're said to be the cause of, um," she glanced at Rufus' semi-tented loincloth, "embarrassing sexual responses at the worst possible times."

"Well, I've had more than a few of those," laughed One-Eye, stepping forward, licking his chops as he looked down at the tiny red-skinned girl. "I'd guess all us guys have. So this'd just be a prime chance for us all to get back at the cause of 'em."

"No time right now," grunted Rufus, holding up his other hand, before looking at the willowy unicorn filly standing near the stairs leading down. "Imogen, you unicorns are supposed to know about how to contain bad things, right? That's what I've heard, anyway. You got anything that might keep this bad little imp under wraps," he grinned toothily down at the succubus imp, who swallowed nervously, "until later?"

"Oh!" exclaimed the wide-eyed filly with a start, obviously too caught up in fighting off her own strange desires to have fully realized what was going on in the rest of the room. "Oh, I...well, um, I've never done something like that," she admitted shamefacedly, before adding, hopefully, "but I think it's possible. That little crystal ball I've seen Ryg carrying, the one that Praxis had, I think it's a binding crystal. It's something made to hold creatures from other worlds for later, then binds them into your service when they're released."

"Works for me," Rufus grunted, holding out a hand to Ryg, even as the blind shamaness was pulling out the orb from her belt pouch.

"No!" cried out the little red-skinned female as Rufus held her over the orb, her little legs kicking desperately as she was lowered down toward its smooth surface. "Wait, please! Can't we talk about this? We can make a deal, I swear! I'll serve you, I'll be your slave! I'll be your slaaaaAAAAIIIIIIEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

Then, with a final flash of light, the tiny demoness was sucked bodily downward, shrinking still further until she faded completely from sight, sucked into the depths of the softly-glowing orb. Rufus was just looking up with a smug grin at how easy it had been until, suddenly, there was an even brighter flash of white light, and he was knocked from his feet, only barely keeping his grip on the marble-sized orb, as something else was forced bodily from its depths.

"The prior occupant," said Shara with an amused smirk on her face as she looked over the shining, obviously female figure now floating in the room, her feet not touching the floor, her soft white wings moving only slightly, certainly not enough to keep her in the air by natural means.

Rufus, thrown to his back, rose slightly, shading his eyes with one hand as he looked up at the glowing figure. Slowly, the glow receded, and the grey-furred male blinked in surprise as he saw what the figure actually was: it was a girl! She hardly looked more than a teenager, fresh-faced and carrying herself with that innocent detachment from the world that comes only from those who've lived truly sheltered lives. Her shoulder-length hair was like spun gold, and a soft, diaphanous robe clung to her smooth, supple body, stopping just shy of her knees, doing little in the way of modesty except to barely conceal her essentials, like a fine mist, though Rufus, from where he'd landed, got a pretty good look from beneath, enough to be able to say that angel girls looked a lot like mortal girls where it mattered most. Naturally, the angel, being an angel, didn't seem to have any realization of how she might be teasing the mortals in the room with her appearance. She just seemed overjoyed to be out of her imprisonment.

"Oh, thank you, kind sir!" exclaimed the angelgirl as she hovered over Rufus, smiling down at him benevolently. "May the powers of Light and Good bless you for freeing me. For such an act of goodness, you will surely receive a reward in Heaven."

"Don't think I'm going to Heaven when I bite it, girlie," chuckled Rufus as he got to his feet and looked down at the orb in his hand. "Huh, guess I just made you trade places," he said with a shrug, before looking back at the angel. "You're supposed to do what I say, isn't that right?"

"Of course," affirmed the angel cheerfully. "Praxis kept me around so that he could use me for information purposes. I'm an angel of learning and scholarship, you see, my mind all filled up with all sorts of useful facts. If there isn't some power protecting a person or place, I can tell you everything about it, and even then, I can almost always tell you everything that's been written down about it."

"That must have been how that slaver knew where we'd be," said Wisselfleur, curling the edge of her beak in disgust. "Just had to ask a few questions of featherhead here."

"You can be assured I didn't enjoy working for Praxis one bit," said the angelgirl with genuine remorse, though the expression lasted only a few moments before her naturally cheery default prevailed once again. "But now I'm free to work for a far greater master, surely, unless, of course," she added hopefully, "you intend to free me."

"An angel schoolgirl," growled Rufus, shaking his head. "Just great." Then he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. Maybe you'll come in handy anyway. For right now, though, we've gotta get going. I don't suppose you'd know where Belthin is?" he added at the end, glancing at the angel.

"My name is Lesage, actually," the angel said, looking a bit downcast, making it clear that she had bad news to deliver well before she said it, "and I'm afraid I can't see much of the happenings inside this tower. I think I can give basic notions of if an action here will bring weal or woe, but the magic in this place is powerful, and blocks me from giving greater answers."

"That's something, anyway," said Adel with a smile, resting a hand on Rufus' lower back, calming him a bit. "And you know we can use any help we can get."

"Yeah, I guess," Rufus admitted with a dismissive shrug, before he turned back to the room. "Guess it's back to a basic question, then: up or down?"

"Up is weal, with a little threat of woe," said Lesage promptly, obviously trying to demonstrate her usefulness. "Down is both weal and woe, depending on the specifics."

Path Choices

So...up or down? Lesage's assessment of each path is provided in parentheses afterward, except for the first one, which is listed above.

A) Through the locked door leading up the stairs.

B) Through the downstairs door that had the sound of water behind it. (Weal with a chance of woe)

C) The door with the smell of brimstone. (Woe with a decent chance of weal)

D) Into the lower parts of the tower, approaching the basement. (Weal and woe together in equal parts)

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirty-first Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Thirty-first Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 12 B - 2 C - 2 D - 7 Get additional information before picking/be sneaky - 2 Be sure to secure the other exit points first - 1 ...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirtieth Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Thirtieth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 4 B - 8 C - 8 Split the party (B/C) - 1 Additional Votes: \* Skaeth is up to something - 3 \* Shara and Padmini learning flesh...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Ninth Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Twenty-Ninth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 2 B - 17 \* Rack - 16 \* Urta - 1 \* Greymuzzle - 10 \* One-Eye - 4 \* Lysha - 1 C - 2 \* Rack - 2 D - 1 - 6 \* Advise...

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