One Hell of a Night - Chapter 6

Story by VenatoR on SoFurry

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#6 of One Hell of a Night

Chapter 6. I played with some erotic asphyxiation in this one, since Layla seemed like the type of person to enjoy a thing like that, given what else she's into. Either way, enjoy.

Apologies for errors, yadda yadda, [insert comment about author's own mortality here].

- Ven.

One Hell of a Night - Chapter 6

I woke up about half past eleven the next day, far later than I was used to. In addition to that, Nina was gone. She left me a note on the bedside which said that she went to pick up Layla from the place she stayed at overnight. As I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes clear, I noticed an odd shape between my feet, sticking out from under the bed. I reached down and gently pulled it out.

It was an Acoustic guitar. Deep brown in colour, a fair bit bigger than a normal one, though that could be explained by Nina's big hands. She'd obviously have trouble playing a guitar of average size. I plucked each string a few times and tuned the ones which needed it, then tried to remember how guitar playing worked.

Despite it taking a little while, I got back into the rhythm (pun intended) of hand and finger movements, and soon was able to play a few basic tunes. The one which stuck out of my memory the most was The One by Metallica, so I got as far in as the Acoustic lead, then let it drift off.

"Did you know he could do_that_?" A voice asked. I jumped up from the bed and turned around. Nina and Layla were standing in the doorway, mouths agape.

"I didn't have a damn clue." Nina replied. "You can play a guitar?"

I nodded. Then I noticed that the Dragoness' eyes were wandering.

"Hey, he's cute..." She observed, biting her lip with a grin. I felt a blush creep into my cheeks, making me want to grab the covers and shield myself. I was only wearing a pair of boxers, after all.

"He's also not used to girls gawking at him. Shoo!" Nina shoved Layla from the room. The latter laughed, but respected my privacy. Nina smiled at me, crossing her arms and leaning on the doorway. She was wearing a T-Shirt with a Celtic symbol on its front, a pair of jeans and a large leather belt. As gorgeous as ever...

"Where did you learn to play the guitar, Silas?"

"Well... When you're not studying for Highschool, you get time to do other stuff. In my case, I found Dad's old guitar in the garage, and just started playing it." I explained, placing the guitar on the bed to find some clothes.

"Could you teach me how to play it?" Nina asked.

I paused. "You don't know how?"

She shook her head. I could have sworn that she looked embarrassed. "I bought it a while back to learn. One of the people who I was a personal trainer for was a professional guitar player, and he offered me lessons in exchange for me giving him a discount on the personal training." Nina padded over to the bed and took a seat, looking away from me. "It was going okay, then one night the guitar lesson went on a bit too long, it'd gotten dark and we'd both had a few drinks. It... Ah..." She stopped, taking a breath. "We started making out and he felt my hard-on. Two or three seconds later he was running out."

I frowned. While she talked, I'd put on a pair of jeans, but that was about it. Padding over to her, I sat down nearby and took her hand to hold. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright." Nina smiled at me. "I got used to it happening. It still hurt like hell when it did, but I calmed down much more quickly every time. And then you came along."

"It got better since that, yeah?"

"You have absolutely no idea." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then she rested her head on my shoulder and just sat there, enjoying the company.

"You know..." I began to play with her hair out of habit. "When I saw you standing in the doorway just now, I almost had to do a double take."

"How come?" She murmured.

"Well, I saw you and thought, 'This is the girl who loves me, I can't believe how beautiful she is'."

Nina giggled. "Well built. Not beautiful - well built."

"We can keep having this argument for eternity and neither of us will win."


I thought about it a little. "Well, your body turns me on. I can safely say that."

"It's my boobs, surely."

"Not just. It's the abs, the biceps, your chiselled back..."

Surprised, Nina looked at me. "Really?"

"Yeah. I guess... I guess raw strength is something I like in a girl."

"Wow... And here I was, thinking that guys felt emasculated by me."

"Little bit." I admitted. "You and your girl-cannon."

"Take solace in the fact that you, at least, can go balls-deep." She said, very eloquently.

"Huh... Never looked at it that way. Yeah, I do like doing that."

"There you go." She smiled. "One less reason to feel inadequate. Personally, I love every bit of you."

"I love every bit of you as well. Though I love the whole girl even more."

"Nina! I'm hungry!" Layla yelled from the other room.

Nina rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek. "Come on. I'll get breakfast ready while you entertain her."

I sat down at the table across from Layla while Nina set about cooking something up for all of us to eat. The Dragoness smiled at me and winked. "Morning Silas."

"Hey, Layla. How'd your night go?"

"Oh, fun. I got some chestwraps and went to a gay bar. Didn't take long for me to catch a guy's attention... He took me to his place, fast forward to the morning, we took a shower and now I'm here!" She told me, all in a tone which was a mix of afterglow and seduction. I didn't know what to make of it.

"Certainly sounds like fun." I smiled a little.

"What about you? What did you two do?"

I didn't feel comfortable admitting to her that I'd had a breakdown that night, so I skipped that part. "We just sorta cuddled for a bit in bed and then fell asleep."

"Aww. Nina must love cuddling with a cutie like you."

I couldn't suppress the blush just then. Honestly, I wasn't used to girls complimenting me like that-... Well, complimenting me at all, and thus I couldn't really react in any other way.

"Aww! Does he always blush when you tease him, Nina?"

"Almost always, yeah."

"That's adorable." Layla giggled. I looked down at the table, trying to escape her gaze. "Hey, it's alright. It's just that you're reacting like a teenager, and it makes you that much more adorable."

"Oh. Th-thanks." I smiled.

"There you go. Smile, Silas. You look even better with a grin." She winked.

"You hitting on my boyfriend, Layla?" Nina called.

"Just being friendly." She replied.

"Keep it in your pants, yeah?"

"Roger that!"

Layla was definitely paying more attention to me than one would do to a 'friend'. The only reason that it made me feel slightly awkward was that I simply wasn't used to so much female attention coming at me. I'd always been isolated in highschool, and while I worked at the garage I had neither the time nor resources to support a healthy relationship. Nina was my first real girlfriend. As in, a girl who loved and respected me for who I was, just like I did her.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Layla asked, crossing her arms on the table and resting her head in them.

"Oh, not much." I lied. "Just remembered that I need to order some brake pads for Nina's truck when I go back to the workshop."

"For the Land Rover? Aren't those a hundred plus each?"

"Normally. Except, if you take away the price of labour and add the fact that I order them through a workshop that gets a discount, I can get them for about seventy-five bucks per." I paused. "You're interested in cars?"

"Oh, I can do some basic repairs. Signed up for an 'Engineering for Dummies' course in camp in case a Humvee ever needed on-the-spot fixing." Layla shrugged, smiled and winked. "But the important thing is that I know the machinist lingo enough to not get lost when you start talking about your job."

"Aha..." I gazed at her for a little while. Normally, I could read people after talking to them for a bit - like, with Nina, I had a feeling that there was something different about her by the time we came to her house. But Layla... She was like a blank slate. Or a two-way mirror.

"This should be enough for all three of us." Nina said as she arrived with an omelette, leaning over to give me a kiss before returning to get dishes and silverware. "I hope Layla hasn't been making you feel _too_uncomfortable?"

"Not at all. We're getting along well."

"Yup. I'm getting more and more jealous of you by the hour, Nina. Share your boytoy with me, for old times' sake!"

"Boy_friend_." Nina smiled at me. "And he's all mine unless he expresses permission to be shared."

Layla froze. "Seriously? You'll share him if he agrees?"

"Maybe." Nina said. "I know he wouldn't run away with you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. He knows that I wouldn't stick my cock in his mouth without permission, which is more than I can say for you."

"I'm right here." I said, a bit tired of being spoken about in third person.

"Right, sorry." Nina smiled at me. "I used to bicker with Layla all the time, though we were usually alone when that happened."

"Shall I leave you two to it?" I asked.

"Please don't. I like having you near."

"Me too." Layla added.

"See? Here." Nina handed me a large wooden spoon. "Tuck in."

The girls spent breakfast catching up on old times - guys they liked when they were younger, places they went to on dates, stuff like that. I stayed quiet to listen - it was always nice to learn something new about my girlfriend.

After finishing the meal, we all moved to the couch. Nina pulled me close to cuddle while the conversation went on, though it eventually turned to me.

"So... How did you meet the walking popsicle?" Layla asked, flashing me a grin.

I looked up at Nina. I had to - my head was resting on her boobs, which were far better than pillows for support. "What does that mean?"

"It means you're sweet and are just begging to be deepthroated, honey."

I blinked. "Oh. Okay."

"I met Silas in a bar," Nina explained, taking my hand to hold in two of hers. "as silly as that might sound. I was on protection duty to the girls I'm friends with and I saw him sitting in an alcove, looking a bit lonesome. I decided to get him a drink. Am I remembering it right, Silas?"

"Yeah... I'm sitting there, staring into an empty glass and all of the sudden someone wants my attention. So I look up, and what do I see? A big'ol belt buckle, a dark T-shirt and a big pair of boobs."

"That's Nina." Layla chuckled.

Nina went on. "We chatted a bit... Then I went out on a limb and asked Silas if he'd want to come home with me. He said yes. So, we got home, talked a little more and then ended up in the bedroom, making out like crazy. He started getting at my belt and fly, not aware of what was down there, and before I could warn him..."

"Ladyboner." I snickered. "Or, rather, Lady_cannon_."

The little squirm that Nina did under me suggested she'd blushed.

"Not a good way to find out." Layla commented. "What happened then?"

"Well... I burst into tears." Nina told her. "I thought he'd be gone like all the rest, and I'd be alone again. Then I felt something touch my shoulder. I jumped from fear. Silas said, 'I won't hurt you, I just want to hug you, okay?'."

Layla smiled at me, speaking softly. "You really said that?"

I nodded. "Yeah... Nina looked upset, and I couldn't think of another way to try and help."

The Dragoness got on all fours and crawled up to me, then gently kissed my cheek. "Thank you for not running off and giving Nina a chance. I know how she felt, and I know how much it means when someone stays and gives girls like us at least a moment to explain."

I was blushing, couldn't deny that, but managed a smile. "Nothing to thank me for. It's what any decent man would do."

"You'd be surprised." Layla laughed, moving back to her seat.

"After that, after he let me explain... Well... I'll just say that it was good."

"Good good?"



I glanced between them, a tad confused, but resigned myself to just take what had been said at face value. I was sure that there were too many inside jokes and themes between them to recount in the time Layla was staying with us.

"Hell, Nina..." Layla smiled. "That's one amazing man you've got there."

Nina hugged me a little closer. "I know. It's why I'm so protective of him."

"I get it now, yeah. You shouldn't ever let him go. Even if you have to get belts and tie him to the bed."

I looked at Nina. "Is that where that comment came from?"

She blushed and giggled. "Yep. Layla did that to me once. I think you'd enjoy it."

"No harm in trying something new, I suppose."

"And he's open minded!?" Layla gasped. "Goddamnit. Now I'm really jealous."

"If he wasn't open minded he wouldn't be here. You think any average male would sit between two big herms without breaking a sweat?"

"Fair point. Though I'm sure you're a kitten to him."

"I admit, I'm very tender when I'm handling my boyfriend. I really don't want to break him - I won't find another one like him in my lifetime."

"Amen." Layla looked at me with a smile.

All of the sudden, the doorbell banished the lull of silence which had fallen.

"Ah crap." Nina frowned. "I forgot that I have an appointment with someone today. Look, can I leave you two alone and trust both of you not to do anything... Ah..."

"I won't molest your boyfriend, Nina." The Dragoness said, quite seriously. "We'll talk a bit, maybe play on your Xbox if you're alright with that?"

"Yes, of course." Nina smiled her thanks at her friend and gently lifted me off her, placing me down onto the couch while she jumped up and ran to the door.

I exchanged a glance with Layla, who smiled at me again. Except, this smile was warm. It was friendly, almost adoring in fact.

"You guys feel free to grab a drink or a snack or whatever you fancy. Silas knows where it all is." The Wolfess said, passing by with a Feline behind her who looked like a drawf in comparison to my giant girl. I nodded and smiled at her, then watched as they went to the gym and pushed the door closed, though leaving it a little ajar.

I huffed a breath and glanced down at the coffee table, then felt a poke on my shoulder. Layla slid closer to me, smiling, and leaned over so she could whisper.

"Let me speak seriously for a few minutes, alright? I know most of the time it seems like I'm taking the piss, and I am, but there is a reasonable person somewhere in the back of my head."

"As there is in mine. Though, he apparently was asleep when I saw what Nina had in her jeans."

Layla nudged me, stifling a laugh. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Nina... She believes that I was always kinda distant with my feelings towards her. I never argued to the contrary, but it's not true, strictly speaking. I met her after I found out that I'd have to move to a different part of the world, so I didn't want her to get wildly attached to me when I eventually had to go." She sighed softly. "It was heartbreaking to leave her alone. I was twenty seven back then and she was twenty two. I had a few more years of life experience on her and I tried my best to teach her as much as I could and get her ready for the fact that she wouldn't easily be accepted by everyone, on account of her extra parts. I... Didn't want to go. We made one another happy, and that's really all you need in life, but she and I wouldn't have worked out long term. Nina needed someone gentle, kind and affectionate, not a wild card like me. Which brings me to my main point - I'm really, really, really happy that you found her and she found you."

I blinked. I'd never expected such sincerity from a girl who stated that the most important aspects of a man were either his bank account or the size of his member.

"I've seen that look that she has in her eyes before, in other people. She's starstruck. Or, to put it like I normally would, she gets a few extra inches of hardon when you're about, Si. And I'm glad that she does. I've only known you for a short while, but I doubt that you'd ever do anything to hurt her."


"I thought so. Look, Silas. Thank you for giving Nina a chance, and letting it grow into what's budding now. Thank you for looking after her and making her so happy. And thank you for making her feel so good about herself. She was always self conscious, nervous and shy, but it's like she's a completely different woman now, and it's absolutely amazing. You're amazing." With that, Layla turned her head and kissed my cheek. "That right there is a genuine kiss from a Dragon, so treasure it 'cos very few people can say they had one."

I laughed, nudging the Dragoness.

Then I heard her tone change. "But if you ever hurt a hair on that girl's head, I'll bite your damn nuts off."

My laughter vanished and I felt myself go pale. But when I glanced at her, she was grinning.

"Ha! Gotcha, wolf-boy! Or, is it Puppy now!?"

Feeling my cheeks grow hot, I grabbed a pillow and shoved it in her face, pinning her to the couch but without trying to hurt her. The laughter that left the Dragoness told me that she wasn't at all distressed.

"I'll give you a damn puppy!" I shouted, then paused. Layla peeked at me from behind the pillow, speechless, then started howling with laughter. I grabbed the pillow and started whacking her in the head with it out of sheer embarrassed frustration. Eventually she raised a boxer's block in defence, but only after she was running out of breath to laugh with.

"If anyone is getting a puppy from Silas it's going to be me!" Nina yelled from the gym. An entirely different kind of blush came over me, distracting me so much that Layla had a chance to slap the pillow out of my hands, grab me in an embrace and throw herself off the couch with me in tow. We landed on the floor with a thud and she immediately shoved me onto my front, grabbed one of my arms and twisted it behind my back, applying just enough pressure to make me feel a sting.

"Tap out, puppy!" She laughed.

I tried to buck, but my current position didn't really allow me much freedom of movement, and the resistance only made Layla apply more pressure. With a growl, I patted the ground. My arm was released and the Dragoness carefully turned me on my back, then promptly seated herself upon my crotch. She was panting, blushing and grinning, scaly hands resting on my chest as I stared up at her, panting also.

"Didn't hurt you, did I?" She asked.

"Please. I've been in more pain after having Nina ride me."

Layla giggled, and I felt her tail flop between my legs. "Alright... The lady in question mentioned that you are interested in learning to fight. So, how would you like me to teach you a few grapples and counters they only teach soldiers? Hopefully you wouldn't need them, but it's better to know this stuff just in case."

"It may hurt my ego to have a girl kick my ass."

"Half girl." Layla corrected me with a wink. "And it'll stay between you and me if I do."

I didn't really think it over. I'd never had the funds or the time to take martial arts classes in the past, so this was a perfect opportunity to at least start learning how to defend myself, and learning from a trained fighter at that.

"Yes, please." I nodded.

"Great!" Dragon teeth flashed white as Layla grinned down at me.

Layla asked Nina if there were any exercise mats in the gym that she could borrow, and she came out with a large black tube of rolled up material which unrolled to about three square metres. The Dragoness patted it down and punched it a few times, probably to check how good it was at slowing impacts.

"This is perfect." She said, finally, kneeling on it and facing me. While she went to get the mat from Nina, I'd gone up to the bedroom to find a more loose shirt and a pair of shorts to let me move around more easily. Now that I'd changed, I crouched in one corner of the mat and looked at Layla expectantly. She stared back for a moment, tapping her claws on her leg, then clicked her fingers. "First things first, I'm gunna show you how to throw a few punches and keep up a defense."

I nodded. We both stood and faced each other.

"Do you know what a boxer's defense looks like?" She asked.

"Like this?" I raised my forearms and bent them at the elbows, holding them up to cover half my face and half my chest.

"More or less." Layla approached and gently pushed my arms down a little. "The point of the defense is that it's dynamic. Mainly, it's supposed to cover your chest and head, since you don't have enough muscle coverage on there to protect your ribs and your head is fragile. Boxers work on their abdomen constantly to keep a kind of meat shield going to protect their guts. Anyway, if your opponent is throwing a punch which is going high-" She slowly threw a punch, so I raised my arms to defend. "-you raise the defense to meet it. And if they go low-" Lower and from the side this time. I pulled my arms in. "-you use your arm to soften the blow. Does that all make sense?"

"Yeah, it does." I nodded.

Layla grinned. "Awesome. Now, let me show you a trick for punching. Show me how you lock your wrist when you throw a punch..."

Long story short, we were there for a good two hours, during which Nina appeared and gave us some sparring gear in the form of head protection and gloves, as well as a pair of universal mouth guards. Once Layla felt that she had shown me enough punches, blocks, counters and grapples, we actually started sparring. We fought six rounds, four of which she pinned me and one of which I managed to pin her. On the sixth I landed a punch that threw her off balance and let me drag her to the mat, after which I grabbed her around the neck and applied a choke hold.

She tried elbowing backwards, but missed every time, and each time she tried after that the thrusts only got weaker. She'd taught me too well.

"Tap out!" I hissed. I was worried that she'd pass out, but the Dragoness refused to give in. I heard a wheeze leave her, so I decided that she'd had enough and let her go. Layla rolled on her side, gasping for breath.

"Why'd... You... Stop!?" She asked, almost angrily. There was a vibrant blush on her cheeks and, what caught my attention more, a tent in her shorts. I don't know why, but I couldn't take my eyes off it. Layla rolled her eyes and rolled onto her back, covering her eyes with a forearm. "You finished... Oggling me?"

I snapped out of it. "Sorry. Still not used to seeing that on a girl."

Layla snorted in response.


"Why have I... Got a hardon?" She was panting less and less, but still wasn't at the point of getting whole sentences out without interruption.


She didn't say anything for a while, just lay there with that problem still standing. Eventually, she peeked at me from under her arm, turned on her side and looked at me. "I... I like fighting. I like the adrenaline, I like the pain, I like the sweat. It gives me a buzz. The only problem is when I start fighting with-... Fuck it. Look, I like you, Silas. A lot. And I liked the feeling of you having me in a choke hold. Made me feel like you were in control... Like you were dominating me. And then my mind went off on a tangent and I ended up horny."

I couldn't think of a response to that. Hell, I'd been single most of my life and all of the sudden, really hot girls were throwing themselves at me.

Layla took the silence as a negative thing and frowned. "You don't like me. It's all because I frightened you when we first met." She slumped onto her back and snorted. "I'm such a dipshit..."

"No, it's not like that at all." I said, quickly. "I just... Look, I'm in my mid twenties and I've only had one real girlfriend - Nina. I've gone on two dates in my whole life and Nina is the only girl who ever kissed me. I'm just... I'm really inept at talking to women who are attracted to me, because I've never met any up until now."

The Dragoness had turned her head to look at me while I spoke, her expression having gone from frustration to pity.

"I do like you. You're... Unique. Add to that the fact that you're a Dragoness, and an army girl, that _does_make me tingle." I felt a blush fade into existence on my cheeks and smiled. Layla laughed softly, then rolled onto her side again so that she could reach over and put her hand over mine.

"You're adorable." She smiled. The smile stayed until she glanced down at the tent still in her shorts, after which it turned into a crooked look of disapproval. "I better go deal with this..." Layla sighed, looking up at me again. "You got any issue with me... Ah... Imagining you while I do that?"

I blushed, managing to smile. "Go right ahead."

The Dragoness winked and blew me a kiss, then got herself off the ground and padded to the bedroom for some privacy.

I sorta stayed on the mat for a bit after Layla left. Thoughts ran through my head, making me oblivious to everything around me. It was something of a system shock to suddenly have girls (very beautiful girls) like me, so much so that they wanted to picture me while pleasing themselves. I do realise how clumsily I'm putting it right now, but can you blame me?

As I sat there cross-legged and zoned out, I felt someone touch my shoulder. I glanced back and up, and there was that sight I loved so much. Big girl, big boobs, big smile. Nina crouched to be closer to eye level and kissed me on the cheek.

"How's my big, strong warrior doing?" She asked, draping her arms over me and fluttering her eyelashes. I blushed and laughed, booping noses with her.

"He's okay. Got beaten four times out of six."

"Hey, he beat someone who fights professionally two times. Makes my uterus start howling when I'm near him."

I really laughed that time. "Can we get back to speaking in first person?"

"Sure. Whatever my bold warrior wishes." Nina winked. "So where's the warrior princess?"

"She... Um." I bit my lip.

"Um? Um is not a verb, dear."

"It could be. Just between us."

Nina giggled. "I suppose it could. We should decide on what its function is later. So, Layla?"

"I got Layla in a choke hold during that last round and she ended up aroused."

"Ah." The Wolfess nodded understandingly. "Yeah. That happens when she likes the guy choking her."

"I'm still surprised she does."

"Hey, didn't I warn you about House Rule Number Three? No fishing for compliments."

I snickered. "Right, sorry."

Nina sat down next to me, close enough to have our hips touch. "Trust me, she likes you. Quite a lot. And that's not just because she likes the image of you taking her hard from behind."

With a blink, I slowly turned my head to look at her.

"What? You think she wants you to do obscene things to your rear? Oh man, you have a lot to learn about women."

A huff left me as I looked back at the mat I was sitting on. Then I felt Nina's fingers go into my hair and ruffle it a little.

"It's not a bad thing. Makes you cuter. Would you like me to decode the signals that Layla is sending for you?"

"Yes, please."

"She doesn't see you as a fucktoy, to start off. What she sees in you is a man. At the very least, someone who will make her feel like a woman, as opposed to a herm. She told me that it's very, very rare that someone will, in all essence of the word, fuck her. The last time that it happened, the guy was really drunk and she had to keep her panties on and her hands over her crotch so that he wouldn't freak out."

I got lost for a moment. "How does one penetrate through panties?"

Nina laughed, kissing my cheek again. "Not through the fabric. You just push them to the side so that they don't interfere, but the act sorta demands that the material is rather thin, like lace. Or, to avoid the annoyance and keep the kink, the girl can invest in a crotchless variety."

"Those are strictly for sex, right? Because underwear that doesn't hold the undercarriage seems to lose all point in my head."

"Pretty much. Though some girls like wearing them to work, or when they go out, to feel a kind of buzz. Said buzz is a bit stronger when they go commando. Obviously I avoid doing that when there's a lot of walking involved, because..."

"Chafing. Yeah. I understand." I nodded. "Nobody likes sore nuts."

Nina just smiled at that. "It's so good to be able to talk to a man about man-related stuff without him recoiling in shock because I'm a girl."

I shrugged. "Doesn't concern me, really. I don't mind talking to you about anything."

The Wolfess nodded, then leaned forward and gently kissed me on the lips. "That is why both Layla and I adore you. You treat us like normal people, not freaks of nature."

I smiled. She smiled back.

"This will seem... Odd, coming from me. And it's entirely up to you whether or not you want to do it. But, if you want to go to the bedroom and help Layla with getting off, I don't mind. You wouldn't do anything third base without me around, I know that, but how about you just put her in a choke hold again until she pops? I'm sure that'll make her really happy."

She was right, it did seem odd coming from her. But I could see it in Nina's eyes that she meant that she said.

"Call it being a gentleman and finishing what you started, even if it was unintentional."

I nodded. "I can do that." Then I looked at her again. "Why the sudden change of attitude?"

Nina sighed softly. "Please keep this to yourself. I... I feel sorry for her. She's in the same situation as I am, but I have you to keep me company and make me happy, while she doesn't. And I did love her back when she and I were still together. I still sorta do. I just want to share with her what I have, but I'll only do that if you agree to it. I wouldn't force you into doing anything you didn't want to, Silas, and you're not an object that I own. So, it's sort of an offer. Make another girl happy and get some gratitude from me, on top of the massive pile you already earned."

"I might do that, yeah. Choke her, I mean. God, that sounds horrible out of context."

The Wolfess giggled. "Yeah, it does." She looked over at me, still smiling. "You know, Layla always shared stuff she had with me. Be that gossip, a new drink, a box of fries. She and I had sex so this will sound weird, but she was like a big sister to me."

For some reason, hearing that didn't sting. I only remembered the good things about my own sister - it was as if, thanks to Nina, I was finally starting to move on.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to mention-"

I gently put a finger over Nina's lips and smiled. "I'm alright. Yes, it's nice to have a big sister. I can't argue with that."

She looked at me, pain in her eyes, then took a deep breath to calm down and wrapped her arms around me. We hugged for a little while, until the Feline who had arrived poked his head out of the gym.

"Nina? I'm done with the phone call. I'm sorry, I've switched the phone off now."

My girl released me with a kiss on the corner of the mouth. "It's alright, James. Family comes first and all." She stood, padding over to the gym and closing the door behind her.

Having made my way to the bedroom door, I stopped. My hand was raised, curled into a fist and ready to knock, but I hesitated. I mean, I didn't want to interrupt Layla mid-orgasm. That would piss anybody off. Then again, the lack of intense moaning probably meant that she hadn't gotten that far yet. So I knocked.

There was a pause. "Come in at your own risk!"

I smirked, then opened the door and stuck my head in. Layla was sitting up on the bed, on the side where I slept, and so had her back turned to the door. She craned her neck to look behind herself and blinked. "Oh. Hey."

"Hey. Sorry to be interrupting you like this-"

"Nah, don't worry about it. My imagination seems to be cockblocking me, in all essence of the word." She sighed. Standing, she zipped up her shorts and buckled her belt, then turned to look at me. The tent was gone, but there was still a semi visible there. "Do you need something, Silas?"

"I don't need anything, no. But Nina asked if I could do you a favour."

Layla stared at me. "What sorta 'favour'?"

"She said that if I wanted to finish what I started, I could help you with your problem. Put you in a choke hold again until you're done. That sorta favour."

She didn't reply for a while, just looked at me with a tilted head.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. I'm just a little surprised. I didn't think she'd do anything like this for me."

"Nina would do a lot for you, trust me."

Layla laughed softly. "I'll take your word for that."

We both stood there looking at eachother, until I cleared my throat and smiled nervously. "So... Do you want to...?"

"Oh! That! I'd love to, I just don't want you to be doing something you're uncomfortable with."

"Not uncomfortable. A little nervous, if anything."

Layla snorted. "You're nervous? I'm the one looking at getting a 'new one' ripped if I step out of line around you!"

I laughed, then padded over to the bed and sat down on it, sliding back a bit to give Layla some room to sit between my legs, then patted the space there in a 'come over here' gesture. She hesitated for a moment, but decided to go with it and sat down there. The Dragoness was about to unclip her belt again, when I moved her hands away from that and started doing it for her.

"Someone's eager." She commented.

"I never do things half-arsed." I chuckled.

Once the shorts were open, I wrapped one of my arms around Layla's neck, but didn't apply pressure just yet.

"Should I be worried about having my eye gouged out by one of your horns?" I asked. Without replying, she moved her head to lie on my shoulder, moving the horns out of range of any important organs. I was still able to use my wrist to cut off her air, though.


"Quit fuckin' stalling and choke me!" She growled, more out of frustration than anything. I did as asked, applying some pressure to her throat, hearing her breathing become more laboured in response, and her member rising up in arousal. She started rubbing it slowly at first, to build up, which let me see exactly what I was dealing with. An oddly shaped cock with barbs in some places, but about an inch shorter than my own, which, I admit, gave me an ego boost. But by no means was the Dragoness unimpressive.

I started choking her a bit more, obviously giving her chances to take breaths regularly, just not too regularly. That wasn't the point of the exercise, after all. The only issue was that limiting the supply of oxygen to her brain made her jerks become either less regular, lose coordination or stop entirely. So, ever the gentleman, I took over.

"What... Are you-" She wheezed, feeling my hand push hers away and take hold of her dick.

"Be a good girl and stop talking. Start moaning instead." I replied. Layla bit her lip and did as asked. Once I started jerking her off, the pace picked up quickly. The moans came when she had the breath to make them, and every so often she'd buck into my grip. All things considered, it didn't take her long to start tensing up.

In one movement, Layla yanked her tank top up and grabbed herself by the breasts, nipples pinched between the insides of her fingers. I dragged her backwards into a position where she was lying on top of me, on her back, and started jerking a little faster. The Dragoness' back arched a bit, I put her in a full choke, her legs came together and her entire body seemed to stiffen. And then she popped. Ropes of Dragon cum jumped out to an impressive height and splattered down onto her belly, chest and neck, some of it landing on my arm. Layla let out one last moan and passed out.

She woke up some ten minutes afterwards, coughing softly and looking down at my arm and the mess below it. I'd let go of her neck and just held onto her around the collarbone, as to let her breathe easily, while my other hand was resting on her leg, on top of the shorts.

"You okay?" I asked, patting her hip.

"Y-yeah..." A gulp. "If... A girl ever... Asks you to choke her... Be a little more... Gentle..."

I frowned. "I'm sorry."

"N-no..." Layla glanced at me and grinned shakily. "I like rough."

The frown disappeared, replaced by a smile. "That's a relief. So how was it?"

"Really... Really... Good. Fantastic, even."

"The amount of cum on your front seems to support that statement."

Layla chuckled. "Yup... I even got you with it. First you got a Dragon kiss, now you get Dragon spunk. You don't even know how special you are right now, Silas."

"I can't comprehend it." I agreed.

Layla lay in silence for a little while, catching her breath, then wiggled her butt. "Is there an iron bar between us?"

"Uh... No..." I blushed. Making girls happy sexually made me happy sexually. Don't judge me.

Dragon eyes wandered over to meet mine, and the girl smiled. "Can I... Ah... Return the favour?" She asked, raising her hand to stroke my cheek.

"Bad idea. Nina only said that I can help you out. Not what can happen after that."

"Oh. Yeah, good point. Sorry." She stopped what she was doing and just kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you for that, Silas."

"You're welcome." I replied, smiling. "I think you should take a shower, though."

"What, something wrong with a naked, spunk-covered Dragoness wandering around?"

"Between Nina and me, I'm sure there isn't, but there is a guest in the house."

"Peh, he'll have to deal with it."

"No, really. Go shower."

Layla rolled her eyes. "Yes, Master." Then she stretched out, still on top of me. "I was so comfortable..." Sitting up, she got off me, then held out a hand to help me up. I took it, stood straight and was given another kiss on the cheek. "And one for luck." She quipped, giggling, then bounced off to the bathroom. I followed her.

Turning around to close the door, the Dragoness was very surprised to see me standing there. "You changed your mind?" She asked, leaning on the door with a sultry grin.

I showed her my arm, with the drying jizz on it.

"Oh. Right. Come on in."

After washing my arm and hands, I left Layla to get clean and padded back to the main room to sit down. About five minutes later, the Feline left the gym, sweated through, said his goodbyes to Nina and walked out of the house. The Wolfess in question wandered over to me, sat down heavily on the couch and put a few notes of money on the table.

"Being a personal trainer pays well." I remarked.

"It takes a fair bit of time to set up a personalised diet for each and every one of my clients. That all depends on build, weight, height, muscle mass, gender and race. Trust me, it's not easy." Nina sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Didn't say it was. Just that it's a good job. You work from home after all, with hours you set yourself."

"True." She looked up at me, her hand finding mine to hold. "So, did you...?"

"I did. I may have stepped out of line a little, though."


"I jerked her off myself. She wasn't doing a very good job."

Nina blinked, then burst into laughter, hugging me tight in the middle of it. "Oh, you're a sweetheart. Trust me, she won't forget what you did for her."

"Even asked if she could return the favour." I commented, absently.

"Did you let her?"

"Well... No..."

"Why not?"

Looking at Nina, I gave her a surprised look. "We agreed no third base without you around."

"Ah, that. Yeah, you were probably right in that. I really don't mind what you do with her, Silas. I mean, I'd like to watch..."


"Yeah. Not get involved, per say, but see my boyfriend doing another girl. I have a weak spot for that, I've found. Did it with Layla once or twice all those years back."

My eyes wandered to the floor and stayed there as I thought about it. The Wolfess must have read my mind.

"It's not cheating if I'm in the room. And not to insult you, honey, but I don't think you're capable of cheating on me."

"Unless I find a third herm, it's not happening, since regular women seem to care about me about as much as last year's snow. But no, I wouldn't cheat on you. I love you. Why the hell would I ruin that for something so trivial?"

Nina smiled, hugging me close. "You've got your head on straight. That's more than I can say for most males I've met."

As if on cue, Layla bounced out of the bedroom in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and hopped onto the couch, grinning rather stupidly. "Hai, Wolf-butt."

"Hey, Horny. Good shower?"

"Mhm. Really good. Haven't cum that hard in years." She winked at me.

"Sounds like how I felt when we slept together for the first time." Nina nudged me, smiling.

"Nina, this one's a keeper. Don't lose him." Layla said, her serious tone coming through. And then it went back to the piss-take. "But if you do, put him in a parcel and send him to me. I wouldn't mind me some sloppy seconds Silas." She made a big show of licking her lips.

"Mine." Nina wrapped her arms around me. "Mine, forever and always."

"Or until you breathe your last!" Layla fired back.

"Just you try it. I'll make myself a pair of dragon-skin boots."

I jumped out of Nina's embrace, nearly falling over the coffee table, and looked between the two of them, on the verge of terror. "You two won't fight over me, will you?"

Both pairs of eyes looked at me in shock. The Dragoness spoke up. "You didn't take that seriously, did you?"

"We'd never fight for real." Nina said. "I'd only ever fight to protect you or Layla."

"Same here."

Feeling stupid, I covered my face with my hands and calmed down. Then I felt tugging on my shirt. When I lowered my hands, I saw both girls reaching their arms out to me, open offers for hugs.

"Come cuddle with us, you big goof." Nina said, smiling.

When I sat back down, I immediately had a girl at either side of me, nuzzling my neck and temple, hugging me gently, putting the odd kiss here and there.

"We won't fight over you because we're friends." Layla repeated. "But we will share you if you say that you like the idea."

I glanced at Nina. She just smiled and nodded.

"I guess there's no harm in that." I said. "Just... Please don't smother me. It's hard enough dealing with one girl who likes me."

"No promises." Layla murmured, a grin appearing on her lips.

We all had dinner together, then cuddled on the couch while watching movies. Well,I was cuddled by two girls. They didn't seem very interested in each other at that moment. Around ten in the evening, once all three of us had yawned a few times, Nina turned to me and smiled.


I rubbed my eyes and nodded.

"You should help him out with that 'thing' I couldn't do before." Layla suggested. She'd been lying on her side, her head resting in my lap. Now she turned over to look up at Nina and me. "It's not fair to leave a lovely guy like this with a hardon."

"This is true." Nina agreed.

"I really don't mind. Honestly, I'd rather just go to bed." I told them both.

Layla looked at Nina, and the Wolfess shrugged. "His choice."

"Yup, it is." The Dragoness groaned and straightened up, rubbing her eyes clear. "Well... You two sleep tight. Thank you, again, both of you."

"Thank Silas. He's the one who gave you that orgasm." Nina nudged me.

In response, Layla leaned over and smooched me on the cheek. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." I smiled.

Nina stood and padded to the bedroom with me behind her. Once the door was closed, she started to undress, but I had something else on my mind.

"You okay, Puppy?" She asked, sitting on the bed bare-chested (with a pair of boxers on) and looking at me.

"Yeah, I just... I don't know."

"It's alright, you can tell me."

"You want to let Layla sleep with us? That couch isn't very good for sleeping on. I tried, both my back and neck hurt afterwards and-"

"Sweetheart, if you want Layla to cuddle you from one side while I do it from the other, I'm all for it." Nina smiled warmly. "And you're right - that couch is made for sitting on, and little else."

I nodded, smiling back, and opened the door of the bedroom. Layla had just taken off her T-shirt, and was bare-breasted in the lamplight. "Everything alright?" She asked, evidently not too stressed with me seeing her partly naked.

"Get your scaly ass up and into bed. You don't deserve to sleep on the couch." I said, then promptly padded off to take my shirt and shorts off and slide into bed next to Nina. Layla appeared in the doorway, looking like a lost child again. The Wolfess and myself both looked at her, smiling.

"Are you guys sure about this?" She asked. "This is your time to be alone. I don't want to interrupt that."

"We can be alone when you're gone." Nina replied. "Right now, we all could use someone to cuddle with. So get over here, Horny. Don't make the gentleman ask twice."

Layla padded over to my side of the bed, where there was room for her, and slid in beneath the covers. While Nina turned on her side and rested one leg over mine, her arm draped over my middle and her muzzle on my collarbone, the Dragoness did pretty much the same thing, except her snout ended up in the crook of my shoulder.

"Thank you..." She whispered to me. I wrapped my arms around both girls and set about stroking them where I could - Nina on the neck and Layla on the arm. So there I was, in bed with two gorgeous girls, both shirtless, both holding onto me for no other reason than simple affection.

"This is what heaven must be like." I murmured. Two pairs of eyes opened, looked at me, exchanged glances, and soft giggling became audible.

"You'll get there soon enough... We can both do some pretty heavenly stuff with our tongues." Nina murmured in my ear.

"And give really good hickeys." Layla added.

I shivered. "I like girls who can bite..."

Simultaneously, I felt two crotches grind up against my hips. Either those two were telepathically connected, or they thought more or less along the same lines. Nonetheless, I chuckled rather shakily and turned my head, kissing Nina on the lips.

"Can I have one too?" Layla asked.

Without objection, I turned to her and kissed her on the lips as well. In the dim light, I saw a blush spreading on her cheek.

"Goodnight, girls."

"Goodnight." They murmured, in sync.

One Hell of a Night - Chapter 7

_Chapter 7. This is as far as I've gotten in writing, so it's as much as is going to go up on SF. It's also a long goddamn chapter with lots of twists and turns and emotional events. So keep your tissues ready in both the facial and crotch regions to...

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One Hell of a Night - Chapter 5

_Six months. That's what the website claims has been the downtime since I uploaded the last chapter of this that I wrote. In fact, I had Chapter 5 prepared and ready about a week after that, but I really didn't feel like putting it up anywhere. I felt...

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One Hell of a Night - Chapter 4

_I finally found the time to get this chapter finished up, and got some more ideas for progression in the process, so win-win. Downside is that I can't really promise anything more in the immediate future, though I will be working on this whenever the...

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