Sonic, Shadow and Amy: A trio adventures -Epilogue-

Story by df00 on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories in English

Finally, at last, SSA's epilogue!

Personally, i'm quite happy about the result from this story, and this show me another way to make art without a pencil.

I hope you've enjoyed the story as i writing it :)First|Prev

At the Battlefield's middle

Sonic:-That...That's impossible, how...?-

Eggman:-Guys, it's simple, how can you stop a genius like me on that jail, don't you realize that my true power lies in my mind and not on my arms? You just committed one mistake: You let me think-He shows a evil smile, like he has discovered the perfect way to conquer the world and let Sonic and friends knock out-Sonic, both know Mephiles and Scourge are in separated limbos, but, with the Chaos Emeralds, their consciences are simpler to transport inside Neo Metal Sonic's body. Look at this Engineering beauty: It has the King Scourge's stronghold and Mephiles' versatility-he says with a evil smile

Shadow:-¡Eggman, You'll pay for this!-He tries to quit his Inhibitor Rings and Sonic stops him-

But, how everything got so srewed up, how Eggman has gone too far?

_Time has past since our friends has defeated Scouge, Mephiles and Eggman. Silver and Blaze are enjoing their first son -She had a woman baby, and she got his mother's look, with some Silver's touches- and, they have decided to take a rest, just to clear the vision. Sonic and Amy are enjoying each other, even the lonely Shadow have a relationship with Rouge now. After an epic battle, both families had decided to take a vacation, just to recover themselves, very far away from all this shit

In the Sonic and Amy's bathroom_

Amy:pant-Here we goes-Looking to her pregnancy's test-Wow, I'M PREGNANT, YEAH!-

Sonic:From the other door side-Amy, everything all right?

Amy:-Yeah Honey, everything it's all right-_-How am i going to tell him? i mean, it's not like he it's not going to like but, i don't wanna leash him to a life without speed *pant* i think i'm not gonna tell for now-

Later, on the beach_

Amy:-Rouge, can i tell you a secret?

Rouge:-Hm, yeah sure, what's up Amy?

Amy:-I'm pregnant...from Sonic-

Rouge:-Wow, congratulations my friend-hugs-But, looks like you haven't told him yet, why?-With a face of intrigue

Amy:With a face of fear-I'm afraid he doesn't like the news, i mean, i don't want to tie him to a responsibility than perhaps he doesn't even take it, besides, look at them, playing on the beach, and Shadow is teaching Sonic to not to be afraid to water, i don't want to ruin that-

Rouge:-That's not gonna happen, besides, Shadow and Sonic has shown us that always they will be with us, plus, i'm pregnant too and Shadow knows about it, i've never seen him so happy, besides, Sonic just never left you, right?-

Amy:relieved-You're right, since he saved me from Metal Sonic, he never left me behind, and...-Appears a giant robot

Eggman:Evil laughs-Do you even think you can stop me on that metal cage?-More evil laughs

Sonic:-Amy, let's go...!

Eggman:-Not so fast, you bastard!-His robots kidnap Rouge and Amy



After a long time of a lot of investigation, seek and fights, now, our heroes have reached to the critical moment

Sonic:-Eggman, you've gone too far this time and i'm not gonna allow you a single step anymore, you've just destroyed the half of the wold just for a whim of yours-

Shadow:-You've just played with my memory for the last time, Doc!-

Eggman:-Hey, guys, you can't damage me, not even you Sonic-Showing Amy being jailed-By the way Sonic, did you know that Amy is pregnant?-


Amy:Face of repentance-I'm so sorry Sonic, i thought that wouldn't like it-

Sonic:Showing tears-Amy, that's the most beautiful news i've heard from you, after the "Yes, i do" of course...Eggman, you're...-

Eggman:-Before you make a move whose could damage your ladies, look at my latest creation-He releases Amy and Rouge-Hm, i don't need them anymore, behold to Neo Metal Sonic, and his latest software upgrade-NMSs back starts to release a smoke screen, showing the Mephiles and King Scourge's faces as tattoos, looking more taller

Shadow:Protecting Rouge-What do you, just a simple paint touch...-Shadow is knocked by Neo

Sonic:Protecting Amy-What's that? He's more faster than i remember!-

Eggman:-Of course! It's the ultimate combination between Mephiles's versatility and the Stronghold of King Scourge, in other words, i've found out how to combine both mind and powers into a single body-Evil laugh

Sonic:-That...That's impossible, how...?-

Eggman:-Guys, it's simple, how can you stop a genius like me on that jail, don't you realize that my true power lies in my mind and not on my arms? You just committed one mistake: You let me think-He shows a evil smile, like he has discovered the perfect way to conquer the world and let Sonic and friends knock out-Sonic, both know Mephiles and Scourge are in separated limbos, but, with the Chaos Emeralds, their consciences are simpler to transport inside Neo Metal Sonic's body. Look at this Engineering beauty: It has the King Scourge's stronghold and Mephiles' versatility-he says with a evil smile

Shadow:-¡Eggman, You'll pay for this!-He tries to quit his Inhibitor Rings and Sonic stops him-

Sonic:Looking to the floor-You've used Rouge and Amy as a shield, knowing that we never would attack with them on the middle, and now, you just play with both consciences, even when they are your mercenaries and they're just not here. Dr Eggman: you don't deserve to be on this dimension.

And the dark sky glows majestically: Are the Chaos Emeralds, who come out in NMS and head to Sonic and Shadow, transforming them into hyper forms: they're just no longer Super Sonic and Super Shadow, now they're Hyper Sonic and Hyper Shadow

Eggman:Scared-Hyper Sonic...that's impossible, so much time has past since our last battle

Without saying a word, his hands, Hyper Sonic and Hyper Shadow open an interdimensional portal to Oblivion, where Eggman is sent, and NMS, being destroyed by the portal itself, Rouge and Amy are astonished at what they witness. After NMS is destroyed and Eggman locked in place, both closed the portal, eventually losing their hyper forms

Amy:Crying-YOU IDIOT, I though i was gonna lose you, dear!

Sonic:Hugging her-It's over honey, it's over, everything's gonna be all right, after all, we're going to be parents-Smiling

Amy:Hugs-Sonic...-Strong hugs

Rouge:-Wow, that was a surprise looking your hyper form-Smiling

Shadow:-Thank you-Smiling proudly

Back at Green Hill

Blaze:-Hey guys!-

Amy:-Blaze, here we are!

Blaze:-Wow, a long time has past since the last time we saw each other, i've heard that Sonic and Shadow have defeated Eggman once it for all-

Amy:-And, i'm pregnant-

Blaze:_With a surprise face-Wow...Both heard Silver falling dumbly from the stairs, Blaze laughs-Are you ok honey?-Smiling

Silver:With pain-Uh, yeah, i'm all right-

Blaze:Smiling-You're the funniest dumb i ever met, but i love it, dear-Returning to talk with Amy-And...Sonic knows about it?-

Amy:Blushing and smiling-Of course he knows, he just loved the news-

And once again, our friends have defeated Eggman once it for all, locking him down for a long, long time in Oblivion, an infertile land, without the possibility that Eggman could escape, because here he can not think anymore ... Oh, such a cruel fate for a man whose proudly was saying he had an IQ of 300. At least, our friends are enjoying a long term of peace, without an imminent attack whose bother them.

How this story will go on? Who knows..._

50 Shades of Shadow -Es

**Diario de Sonic** "Querido Diario: anoche fue la mejor noche de mi vida, simplemente así, anoche fue nuestra primera noche como pareja casada. Hace dos años conocí a Shadow en un bar, parece un buen tipo, es más, luego de un par de copas, fuimos al...

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Sonic, Shadow y Amy: Un trio de aventuras -Epilogo-

_En el medio del campo de batalla_ Sonic:-Es...Es imposible, ¿cómo...?- Eggman:-Chicos, es sencillo, ¿cómo van a detener a un genio como yo en esa jaula, acaso no se dan cuenta que mi verdadera fortaleza no está en mis músculos sino en mi mente?,...

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Sonic, Shadow and Amy: A trio adventures -Final-

**Chap 6: Love it's something more than just love** Silver:_\*worried\*_-Shadow, what's going on?- Shadow:_\*Traumatized\*_-Maria...He's too strong, He's invincible...Maria...he's...-_\*Shadow starts to cry\*_ Silver:_\*With angelical voice and...

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