Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 3.5 - Birthing

Story by TheGuideGod on SoFurry

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#5 of Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia

Rosa is the very curious Lab Assistant to Professor Juniper who has the lab to herself. She is given the task of learning about Pokémon breeding habits, and with the help of a secret serum, will learn first-hand on how Pokémon reproduce. Warning: Some Chapters deal with kinks appropriate to the specific Pokemon in that chapter. No Gore, but some chapters might get kinky. (This is a reupload from fanfiction, where it was deemed non-appropriate. Will be continuing here, as well as adult fanfiction! Also, I do not own pokemon, nor am I in any way affiliated with nintendo!)

*Notice: This chapter is exclusively about birthing. Due to it not involving any sex, it'll be a shorter chapter. Also, birthing isn't my specialty, so this is basically just short flavour text mixed with humour. Clearly this isn't scientifically accurate in any sense. No bellyaching about how you don't understand how something works, I'm running off of Pokémon logic, after all! :) *

_Rosa's Log: Due to the Pokémon-human bonding properties of SX-151, you can very easily become pregnant if you're not careful enough! Don't fret too much however, as the pregnancy only lasts a little bit longer than that of a regular Pokémon. You also won't give a live birth; instead, you'll lay an egg just like a Pokémon! It will always be the species of the father, and in the case of a male human, it'll be the species of the mother. Basically, humans work similarly to Ditto. No fears of poké-human hybrids running amok, we can leave that to sci-fi movies. _

After a mild panic attack, I was uncertain of what to do next, though my body quickly prompted me to lay my egg as soon as possible. I took some SX-151, just to help ease the pain, and I undressed from my pajamas. I sat on my bed, and with my legs up in the air I took some deep breaths.

I felt my whole body tremble. Should I call a doctor? Well, that would be the smart thing to do, but I knew Juniper's potion and my research would be revealed. Maybe if I was able to form a baby this quickly, I would be able to handle this situation on my own.

I clenched myself, ready for anything. I realized by the feeling of my child coming out that it was no baby, and was instead an egg. Soon, I felt myself stretch to accommodate the egg. It was mildly painful having such a bulbous object come out of me, but it came out easily. It was so smooth it felt like it just glided out past my labia, and onto my bed.

_Rosa's Log: Breeding with your Pokémon can work out, though make sure you're ready for it. Basic human contraceptives will work if you'd rather avoid birth, and as of my experience, I started taking Birth Control Pills immediately after my first incident. Though that's not to say I didn't experiment later. _

I sat in a mixture of confusion and exhaustion for about 20 minutes, before I decided to do something. Surely the egg had to be monitored. There was science to be done, and goddammit I'm a scientist. I put on some clothes, grabbed some breakfast, and brought the egg into the lab with me.

As I walked into the lab I felt the egg start to shake. As is common with Pokémon, after the egg has bonded with the trainer via walking with it, it's ready to hatch.

I paced madly around the office, back and forth, completely forgetting about my scientific duties I had previously stated as important. I can make another egg later. When I saw it shaking, a tiny crack formed in the top of the egg, and before long, a tiny brown snout popped out. "Eevee!" cried my baby as it burst out from the egg.

He was very cute, and looked absolutely nothing like me! What a relief! He didn't even look at me as if I was his mother, just his trainer. "Oh thank Arceus. That could have been a disaster." I looked at my Eevee, fresh from his egg. "I don't quite think I'm ready for motherhood, you know?" I knew that if I ever were to seduce an Eevee, it wouldn't be this one. Even though I didn't quite feel the motherly bond that somebody who housed their child for 9 months would have, I would keep this Eevee out of any future exploits. It would feel wrong otherwise.

Rosa's Log: While I love every Pokémon that I brought into this world, I don't mate with them, and I feel like that would be a rather bad idea for any of you. Inbreeding is bad for humans, so I would assume the same is true for Pokémon, but what would I know, I'm not a scientist.

Rosa's Log: Disregard that last log. I am a scientist, though that might be up for debate these days.

Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 4 - Skarmory

On a whim, I decided to check out the mountain again, just for fun. "GAHHK! Let go of me, you dumb bird!" _Rosa's Log: Skarmorys are very territorial by nature, and will not hesitate to kill any intruders to their nest. If you are planning on...

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Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 3 - Jolteon

Some days your duties just come first. No matter how much you want to play, you absolutely have to get work done. Nose to the grindstone, that sort of thing. Sometimes, when you're really lucky, work and play meet at a crossroads. This was that sort of...

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