Beach Party

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#1 of SC

Quick story in this setting I've been developing. Submitting it for the summer contest. Couldn't do what I wanted to with it, but it's good.

Holt reclined in the driver's seat as he steered his mean green machine down the road. They'd left the highway behind a while back, turning down a road that was filled with memories. "Been a while since we came here." He looked over at Robin, his mother. The tigress was peering out the window, ears standing tall as she watched the scenery.

He nodded, "Ten years or so, not since dad passed."

Whiskers twitched as she smiled, "Well, since you last came here with me. I know you and Sam slipped off a few times right after you got Green running again." Of course she would have known about those times, and as long as they didn't get in trouble she wouldn't have minded either. One of those things about having a scientist for a mother, especially one of her calibre, hard to slip a fast one by her.

A low purr came from Leslie as the margay nuzzled into his shoulder. "Keep thinking those happy thoughts, feels good."

He put an arm around his little jungle cat and ran his fingers over her sides. "We're almost there, everyone." Glancing into the mirror, he looked over the three passengers in the backseat.

Rhianna returned the glance, the husky's ears perking tall. "Really? How long have we been driving?" She gave a slow stretch, groaning as she wiggled arms and legs both. Pulling out her phone, she frowned at it. "Two hours?"

On the opposite side of the back seat, a doberman snorted. "Nothing wrong with a bit of a drive. Always loved a good road trip when I was younger."

She wrinkled her nose as the other canine, "Yeah, but how long of a trip could you take in a tin lizzy?" She smiled despite the withering glare the older dog shot her. Eyes drifted over to the last person in the car, a lizard that had his head thrown over the back of the seat, snoring softly. "Should we wake him up?"

Holt turned off the main road and started to bounce down a side path, drawing a low urk from Leslie. He put an arm around her and let her tuck in closer. "Probably a good idea to wake him up before we get there and start cooking the food."

At the mention of food, the head snapped up and eyes blinked sleepily. "Food? We get to the beach yet?" The blue faced lizard looked around. "We still driving? I could have run here faster."

"That's what I was telling Will just a second ago." Rhianna craned her head to look out the window as packed dirt gave way to and. "Um Holt, are you sure that the bucket can make it?"

The siberian tiger snorted, "Of course he can make it, made this trips more times than I can count." He grinned as he rounded a dune, pulling to a stop in the secluded cove. "And if Green does get stuck, I've got all of you to count on to push us back to the road."

"Easier done than said with this group," Robin said as she slipped out, holding the door open for Leslie. Holt moved around the older station wagon, opening the rear hatch as everyone got out and stretched various muscles. "Tote one, if you please." Holt easily pulled the heavy box out and moved it a few feet away from the wagon before setting it down. "Thank you, sir."

He smiled at his mother, "As you wish, Madam."

Will grunted as he pulled another tote out, looking over at Rhianna. "Why don't you ever talk to me like that?" He handed the tote off to her, letting her take it over to the first.

"Because you're not respectable enough," she teased her godfather. She dropped the tote and looked at the pair, "Beach Kit 1 of 2. Beach Kit 2 of 2?"

Robin popped open the first and drew out a bag, "Organization will set you free, Rhianna Dear." She held up the case with two fingers. "I will go set up the changing tent. Unless you ladies want to get changed in front of these heatherns."

Leslie grinned as she pulled her bag up on her shoulder, "I dunno, I like to rile up my caveman." Reaching up, she wiggles her finger against Holt's chin.

He kissed her hand, "Go get changed while we start getting settled." As she started off, he gave her rear a nice swat, making the smaller feline jump with a yelp, grinning back at him. Turning around, he stopped short as both Will and Seph gave him a look. "What?"

Seph mock swooned at the doberman and adopted a falsetto, "Oh my big, burly Caveman! I want you to rip off my swimsuit and ravage me, you stud!"

Will grinned, "Unga bunga," and grabbed Seph, pulling him in close, making that blue face turn purple with a blush.

Holt snorted at the two and pulled out a large red cooler, "You two done flirting, or would you rather go off behind that dune over there while I set up camp?"

The doberman's ears twitched as he moved to take the cooler, "Camp? How long are you planning on staying here?" With Will distracted, Seph darted over to the second tote. The lizard was almost blurring as he quickly fished out gear and began to set up the firepit.

Out came a slightly smaller, blue cooler, "Overnight probably, it's tradition for these types of trips." He caught the look that the canine was giving him. "How long has it been since you took a day off?" Pointed ears folded back a bit as he continued. "Aside from her honeymoon, I know it's been about five years for Robin." The pair carried the awkward coolers towards where the reptile was setting up the grill, while also setting a landspeed record. "Dispatch knows where we are, people are covering our areas, we put in all the right paperwork with the right people to make sure people know, you know what hell will come down if people ignore that," he dropped the case and stepped back as Seph zipped over and pulled out a bottle of water, chugging it down. "And you know that if we even try to leave early then Leslie will give us The Look." The three guys shivered at the mention of that particular gaze. Holt drew a drink out of the red cooler. "And don't even get me started on the type of look that Mom can hit us with."

Seph leaned over to peer into the larger cooler as Will grabbed a beer. "Boy, you know the rule. Blue cooler is yours, red is for everyone else." Popping the cap off, he tucked it into a pocket as he sipped the brew. "Granted, and last thing I want is for Rhianna to be chasing us around for the next couple hours."

A chuckle came from the tiger as he watched the lizard struggling to get the grill together. Kneeling, he gently took the parts from his friend. "Here, I'll get this going. Why don't you get a snack, you're starting to shake."

Cheeks colored lightly as Seph smiled, "Thanks, was starting to get a rumble in my stomach."

Will sat down on the cooler, watching as the lizard fished out some bread and peanut butter. "Don't see how you stay so whipcord lean when you pack away food like a dozen teens."

The sandwich vanished mere seconds after it was finished, another one being crafted as Seph swallowed the first. "Do you remember what it was like when I was a teen?"

"Good lord don't remind me. Don't know how I kept from going bankrupt getting you groceries then." Will downed the rest of his bottle before looking around. "Trash?"

Holt nodded towards the station wagon, "Got a roll of bags in the back. We'll dump them back in town on our way out."

"That's my boy." Robin purred as she strolled over wearing a one piece suit that showed off the body she'd worked hard to maintain. "You men haven't gotten everything setup yet?" She smiled appreciatively at Will as the doberman let out a low whistle.

Even though she was his mom, Holt had to admit that she did look good in that swim suit. "Too bad Frank isn't here to see you like this."

Cheeks flushed as she smiled, "With the mayor coming around, it's all hands on deck to makeget everything into ship shape. Besides, I already modeled it for him last night." If he were less mature, the notion of what his mother modeling for his step-father might have disturbed him. However, Leslie's arrival distracted him from thinking about it too long. She'd gone for a two piece affair that hugged her form in just the right way to make his jaw drop a bit.

A deeper purr came from the jungle feline, "And that's exactly the reaction I wanted." She stopped a few feet away and let her tail flick behind her, "Why isn't camp set up yet?"

Robyn smiled and seated herself next to Will, "I was just asking that question."

Eyes turned on Holt as he shook himself out of the fantasy, "I was setting up the grill."

Leslie huffed, "Men, making us ladies do all the work." A deep emerald light began to shimmer in the depths of her eyes before expanding to fill the entire socket. Hands lift into the air, duffles and packs floating into the air before unzipping. Everyone ducked to avoid flying poles as Leslie began to put everything out in its place. Mere moments passed before the bags folded themselves and zipped over to the wagon. "There, good thing I practiced on these."

Holt chuffed a laugh, "Just gonna light this up and we're ready for..." he was cut off by the crack of thunder. The tiger jerked backwards as a bolt struck the paper he'd been laying out, making the bundle burst into flames. He fell back onto his ass, fur bristling with static. "Grilling..." Looking up, his eyes narrowed as Rhianna floated overhead. "Of course someone's steak might end up in Seph's grasp at this rate."

The husky drifted to touch down on the sand, "Do that and I'll have to give Leslie the puppy eyes until she gives me yours." She ignored the look the disapproving look that Will was giving her for the rather revealing swim suit that she'd picked.

Leslie whined, "Not the puppy eyes, you know I can't resist those." She looked over at Holt, who just smirked at her as he added wood to the fire. The margay's cheeks colored and ears laid back as the tiger sent her a delicious image. "Of course he does thing to me that are just... Prrrr." Dropping onto a chair, she pulled a crystal out of her bag and held it up to the sunlight, "There we go, how's that feel, Dispatch?"

A chiming voice radiated from the shard, "Feels lovely out here."

Everyone settled down as the fire was build and lovely hunks and chunks of meat and veg added to the hot grill. As the sun set and the night grew silent, save for the relaxing lapping of water against sand, Rhianna made a trip to the car, returning with a guitar. "Uncle Will?"

The doberman opened his eyes, firelight reflecting in them. "What is it, Sweety?" He looked from her to the guitar, pausing for a moment. "It's been a long time since I played."

Leslie rolled over, sharing a towel with Holt. "We know, but we want to hear you play for us."

Will looked between the two of them, the girls that he had practically been a father to for most of their lives. Eyes darted over to Seph, the lizard looking at him with the same yerning expression as he chewed on a rib bone. "Oh... alright." Everyone moved around the fire to form a half circle in front of the doberman as he tuned his instrument. He smiled a little and tried a few notes before starting to play in ernest. After a few cords, Leslie began to croon, then sing along with the music. Her voice wound around them and was carried out across the sea.

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