A few random updates!

Story by JinTheBunny on SoFurry

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WHAT THE HECK?! I meant to upload this as a journal, not a story!

Heya meowsters! I've been away for a while ya? doesn't matter to most people, I don't have many fans or readers after all. To those of you it DID affect I am beyond proud to say I've been practicing with a few unrelated writing projects; and as SUCH I plan to both continue y three existing stories, but also possibly start some new one. In OTHER news I recently came into possession of QUITE a powerful articaft :3 a genuine ancient Mayan (as far as you all know) bamboo touch screen drawing tablet. With it's mystical stylus I plan to attempt to post some art pieces... though I can't guarantee their value. In addition to this I plan to do a FULL edit of all my work so far, so if you see it's been updated be sure to take a second look and give me your feedback again.

This, however, is ALSO my way of asking a few questions... a few readers have informed me (and I honestly do agree in a way) that Kurt in Reunion is a bit... well, flat, as a character, does anyone agree? I have a few different changes already in mind, but I welcome ANY suggestions for ways to add a bit more depth to his character. In fact I welcome ANY advice for ways to improve my stories and will take all of them into consideration.

Of Might and Magic- Chapter 3- Love and Lustings

"Are you... sure it's a good idea to set up camp here?" Cuervus asked looking at the imposing woods surrounding the trio. "Yeah, it's fine... we found a clearing, so we camp here, we'll keep watch in shifts, Drovas first, then myself. After all, he...

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Left In His Wake- Part 1

Left in His Wake Chapter 1 It had been two months already... Kurt still hadn't gotten out of bed, every moment of every day the image was burned into his mind... If he and Clay had gotten there just a few minutes earlier then Brett would still be...

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Reunion- Part 15

Reunion Part 15 Brett awoke to a horrible pain in his shoulder, he remembered what had happened the previous night and thought little of it. Kurt wasn't in the room, it wasn't a school day, so he was most likely just upstairs doing something in the...

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