Ch 15

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#15 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 15! Last time Jay asked Scott to see if he could expand the dorm building and Gloria and Ginger spent the night with him. And on top of that, he is going to school for the first time in a while and has to tell Sarah and Sammi everything. I wonder how that's gonna go, any way lets continue, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

"Ow!" I screamed as I woke up with a jolt. "What the fuck was that!?" I turned to look at Scott, who apparently conjured up his air rifle and shot me in the ass while I was sleeping.

"Get up man it's 6:00 and school is gonna be opening soon and I wanna talk to al m teachers before so we can get the makeup work before school instead of after." I rolled my eyes and said,

"You make a good point, but why wake me up like this you asshole!"

"Cause," he said, "I thought it would be funny, and I want to try new ways to wake you up since most of the time when we have school, I'm up earlier than you." Hey laughed and threw the gun on his bed. "Come on go shower before the girls wake up."

"Oh that's right!" I thought to myself as I leaned forward to see that I had two beautiful girls lying next to me. I sighed, went into my closet, set out my school clothes, and walked into the bathroom. I started the shower and got in, and a few minutes later the entire bathroom was covered in hot steam. I heard footsteps and said, "Scott if that's you with the gun, I Swear to Arceus I will kill you. But then the shower door opened and I screamed, "Dude what the hell are you doing!?" And I covered my crotch, then the steam cleared and I saw Gloria standing in the nude blushing and acting shy. "Oh, it's you," I said uncovering myself, "What are you doing, I thought you were sleeping?" she blushed even deeper and said,

"You're not even fazed in the slightest that there is a naked girl standing and washing herself in the shower with you?" I shook my head and said,

"Not really, I mean I've gotten used to this type of stuff already." She giggled and she moved in front of me and started to kiss me passionately. I kissed back and she used her hands and moved my hands onto her breasts. I started to massage her boobs and she let out a slight moan. We stood there for a few more minutes and then all of the sudden I felt someone pushing up on my back. I looked back to see Ginger in the nude as well pushing her massive tits against my back and whining saying,

"Awww Jay, aren't you going to wish me a good morning too?" I chuckled.

"Of course." I said and I turned my head and kissed Ginger. She shoved her tongue into my mouth and I returned the favor. After twenty more minutes of this process of us caressing each other and kissing we left the shower. As we walked out in a line in towels with me at the head, Scott just stared at us with his eyes bulging and his mouth wide open. I winked at him and the girls went into my closet to change, while I stayed outside to change. My school uniform consisted of a green collared shirt with khaki shorts or pants, with a belt. Too add a little bit of a look I wore my all red Air Jordan's with long white socks. The girls stepped out of my closet and they wore and all white top with a khaki skirt, and to add onto it, the skirts we way too above the knee. I whistled and they both blushed we all took the elevator down to get to the ground floor. We stepped out and passed Bruce and Scott and I gave him a good morning and he nodded back. We walked into the school and I gave both girls a kiss and to come to my room after school so they could be acquainted with Sammi and Sarah on the matter. They both nodded and kiss both of my cheeks and Ginger walked to her classroom and Gloria to the library. Scott chuckled and patted my back and we walked to our classroom to get our late work.

"So Scott, what's the deal with you and Angel?" I asked him in a jokingly manner as I turned around in my seat to talk to him. He blushed and said,

"Well she is my official over and we are both deeply in love with each other man. But Maddie was okay with it, I'm just wondering how Jessie and Kathy are gonna take this though."

"Probably very well assuming they are deep in love with you." I replied. "I have nothing to worry about, cause Sammi obviously wants to be with me whatever it takes and Sarah, I just can't read her, after all she is a Gardevoir." I smirked at him.

He laughed out loud and said, "True man, true." We went silent and both laughed. After a few more minutes more people started to file in the room. I noticed that once everyone sat down, most of the girls were staring at me in some sort of trance, but it was this way before I was champion, now it's worse. When we were switching classes I found out that a bunch of girls, around 125 of them decided to make a fan club for me and I had to evade them every time I entered the hallways. The bell finally signified after 4th period that it was time for lunch and the 1 hour break. I met up with Scott and we went out to find our girls and explain everything. I visited the nurses office first and I found Sarah working the desk today. I leaned on the desk and said,

"How about you and your sexiness join me for some lunch." Without even looking up she said,

"Sorry, not right now, I'm kinda in love with someone else." I was confused and said,

"Sarah look up." And I gave a sly grin. She looked up and blushed furiously and was completely embarrassed.

"O-oh J-Jay I didn't know that w-was you." She stammered. She bushed even deeper and said, "So I guess you know I love you now huh?" and she turned around quickly. I chuckled to myself and said,

"That's funny, cause I was coming to talk to you about love as well." she turned around quickly again and exclaimed,

"Really!?" and she leaned forward on the desk giving me a full view down her shirt to look at her cleavage.

"Well yes and no," I said, "Let me explain." So I spent the next 10 minutes explain to Sarah what I was doing, why I was doing it, and the other girls were okay with it, except for one I haven't talked to you yet. I also warned her that I was going to try to add more girls into the group so be prepared. And to my surprise she agreed to be in this with me. She told me she loved me deeply would do anything to get me to love her the same way. I smiled and kissed her and said that I would see her later. As I left the nurses office I I found standing outside the door was Sammi. "Sammi, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you silly, Scott told me that you wanted to talk to me so he said to look for you by the nurse's office!" I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek.

"I need to talk to you about something okay?" I told her with a serious expression, but she still was her perky self and she wrapped her arms around my neck and we were still in front of the nurse's office. She kissed me and I said, "Please Sammi, be serious!" she calmed down and said,

"Alright, what is it?" again I explained everything to her exactly what I said to Sarah. What I was doing, why I was doing it, that the other girls were okay with it, and that I was going to add more and more girls to the group and to be prepared for that. She kissed me again and said that from the moment she saw me she loved me. I kissed her back in the middle of the hallway and she said that she would be completely fine with the harem, as long as it means she gets to spend time with him. as she was about to kiss him again the nurse's door opened and we fell forward and out came Sarah. She saw me on top of Sammi and gave Sammi and evil stare. Sammi gave her one back as well and she said,

"Uh do you mind, me and my lover were just having some of our time." Then Sarah dropped the notes she was carrying and grabbed my other arm and said,

"Well no I was going to spend time with my lover later." And she pulled me in her direction. This constant bickering went on till finally Sammi said,

"Fine, I don't care if you are part of his group as well to win his heart, after school on the battle fields we settle this like real women."

"Oh bring it on sister," Sarah said, "I'll kick your ass anytime any place."

"Oh yeah!?"


"Well I'd like to see you try!" Sammi said,

"With pleasure!" and they both stomped off, Sarah going back into the nurses office and Sammi down the hallway.

"But girls," I said, reaching out a hand to both of them. "Ohhhh" I moaned, "This is not good." I moaned. I got up and moped on over to my next class which was in 10 minutes.

***2 Hours Later***

The bell finally rang to signify that the school day was over and we could all go back to our rooms. As I was going back to my room I collapsed to the ground and the next thing I know I wake up sitting on the sidelines of the battlefields outside the school and a sign around my neck that said prize. I rolled my eyes but found that I couldn't move any muscle of my body except for my neck and head. I looked on the opposite ends and saw Sarah on my left and Sammi on my right. "YOU'VE GOT YO BE FUCKIN KIDDING ME!" I screamed out loud. Both girls giggled and said,

"Well we want to see who gets to be in the harem permanently." Sammi said,

"But don't worry," Sarah said, "I won't let this slut be in your group." And she smiled wryly. I rolled my eyes and said,

"I told you both that we were in this together, so why are you fighting over me like this!? This was supposed to be a friendly rivalry, not some massive pitch battle!" then ignoring my words the battle began and it was a pretty cool battle actually.

"I'm gonna take you down bitch! Psychic!" Sammi screamed, then all of the sudden Sarah made the ultimate counter move.

"Imprison!" she cried out. And the sudden Sammi's Psychic stopped.

"Huh, what the hell just happened?" Sammi said quizzically. I spoke up and said to her,

"Well Sammi, Imprison is a move which disables all moves that are the same as the users if the opponent knows it. So basically since you know Psychic and Sarah does as well, so you no longer can use any attacks she knows." Sammi gulped and her hands started to shake. But then she stood up straight and confident and said,

"I will not lose!" and screamed, "Quick Attack!" she hurdled herself forward at a great speed and slammed right into Sarah. Sarah went flying into a tree as the attack hit her full force. Sammi laughed and said, "Even though your Psychic moves are much more powerful than mine, your defense strategies are really poor." With fire in her eyes Sarah got up and with an angry look on her face screamed,

"Confusion!" and she sent Sammi flying right into the school building. As Sammi collided with the building pieces of the wall started to fall off and crumble. After the smoke cleared I saw in shock as Sammi was still standing and was taking massive deep breaths. I laughed and turned to Sarah and said,

"I guess it looks like she really doesn't want you to be with me." And I gave a sly grin. Sarah became even more enraged, and all of the sudden in a flash of light I saw Sammi jump into the air and cry out,

"Morning Sun!" and a white light shone down upon her healing her of all injuries. She landed on the ground, shook her head and smiled. Sarah started to growl and screamed out,

"Future Sight!" Her eyes glowed blue and then faded away. Then she once again cried out, "Psychic!" but then Sammi again jumped into the air and screamed,

"Shadow Ball!" and launched a massive ball of dark energy hitting Sarah dead on. Sarah flew backwards and skidded to a stop. After the dust cleared she was laying on the ground with cuts on both arms and spitting blood out of her mouth, she slowly stood up and said in a low voice,

"Magical Leaf." And she raised her arms and produced dozens of glowing leaves that shot straight at Sammi. Sammi swatted them away with her tail, but the leaves floated back up and hit Sammi for a direct hit. Sarah fell to one knee and Sammi was lying on the ground. They both slowly stood up, both not giving an inch of weakness. Then I I turned around from the battle to see Scott running towards me.

"Dude what the hell is going on!?" I shook my head and motioned over to the girls. He stared at the battlefield in awe as he saw both of the girls still trying to fight. He ran into the battlefield screaming, "Stop what the hell are you two doing!? Jay told you guys the truth right, so why aren't guys getting along? Then Sarah replied,

"I'm not letting this skank come between Jay and me." And her eyes flared red in anger. And Sammi replied,

"Skank!? Well I'll be, how dare you, you Whore of a hypocrite!" Then Sarah screamed out,

"Psychic!" and was aiming for Sammi but accidentally hit Scott instead and sent Scott flying away from the battlefield. I watched and couldn't help but laugh.

"Well now it's time to matters into my own hands." I thought to myself and closed my eyes focusing my Aura to break free of this Psychic prison. I focused with all my might and finally I let out a loud War Cry and the prison was broken through. I looked at myself to see that the color of my Aura had changed from a light blue to a darker shade of blue. I looked at the battlefield to see Sammi and Sarah at it again.

"Shadow Ball!" Sammi screamed.

"Charge Beam!" Sarah cried out and they both unleased they attacks onto each other. Then all of the sudden I unconsciously jumped into the air and landed into the middle of the battle field creating a massive explosion as the two attacks hit me simultaneously. I swiped both attacks away and the dust as well to reveal the two girls shocked faces, but they weren't looking at me, but at my sides. I looked at my sides to see I had in my right hand a dark blue sword about 3 feet long and was pulsating. In my right hand I saw another sword as well with the exact same dimensions. I was in shock as I saw both of them rapidly change colors for about 30 second then stopped at the dark blue shade and fade away. After this happened I called over both girls and asked why they were fighting. I found out that way back when, both of them went to the same school and both were in junior high. I also found out that at the end of their junior high career, they fought over a boy that they both were deeply in love with. In the end they both drove him away and they have hated each other since. I brought them both in a close embrace and said,

"Look girls, if you are going to do something like this, we actually never do something like this. I love you both just the same, so there is no point in fighting. Let's just have a friendly rivalry and become good friends again in the process. How does that sound?" I asked them. They both looked down and thought for a few moments and Sammi answered first saying,

"Alright, I would be willing to start over and I hope we could become go friends again." Then I looked at Sarah and she slowly brought her head up and smiled saying ,

"Sure, why not, it will be great fun too." I kissed both of them on the heads and said,

"Thank you girls, really thank you. Now I have somewhere to be so I'll see you later." I was walking away until, both girls grabbed my arms and they planted kisses on my cheeks. And both said,

"Bye Jay." And they both walked away laughing with each other. As I was standing still my face slowly turning red, I did a double take and walked towards the dorm building without making a sound. As I reached the entrance to the building I wished Bruce a good afternoon in which he responded in kind. I got into the elevator and pressed the button to take me up to the 11th floor, but the elevator stopped at the 9th and the doors opened to reveal Ellie crying her eyes out and stepping into the elevator. I stood there in shock and then spoke up saying,

"Ellie...are you okay?" she turned to look at who was talking to her and jumped when she saw me. Her face turned red and she put her hands into her face.

"Nothing....I'm fine...don't worry about it." She said trailing off. I put my arm around her and said,

"Ellie, you know you can talk to me about anything, anything at all." I said in a concerned tone of voice and the elevator doors closed and the elevator started to move up to my floor. She slowly lifted her head up and looked into my eyes. I looked back at hers and saw darkness, no hope, just sadness and despair. I saw that she had been crying for a long time for the bottom of her shirt was wet from her trying to dry off her tears. Then she buried her face into my chest and started to sob even harder. I slowly moved her off my chest and said, "Ellie, what happened?" then she responded in a low voice that was barely audible to hear,

"Jackson...I...I...broke up with him." and she started to cry again. The elevator stopped at my room and I brought her inside and sat her down on the couch. I walked over to my fridge and pulled out an ice cold Pepsi. I handed it to her and she drank it all in one gulp.

"Why did you break up with him?" I asked her. She took a deep breath and began her story.

"Two days ago after you and Jason revealed what happened on the battlefield; I ran out crying and went to my room. I was thinking to myself what should I do now? Jay has to have assumed something by now."

"What should I have assumed?" I said interrupting her. Then she replied,

"W-well Jackson didn't hurt me physically b-but he broke me down mentally. When we were out in public together, he gave off the appearance that we were a happy couple, but when really when we were alone, he would criticize me and call me names such as slut and whore. He torn me down and said I was his and only his. He treated me like crap and I thought the entire time that I could change hi and that I loved him. But I was lying to myself the whole time and about an hour ago I broke up with him and he flew into a rage. He started screaming at me and calling me a whore and then he shot his Scald at me." She lifted up her shirt on her left side and revealed a terrible burn mark. I stared at her injury and a fire started to well up inside of me. Then she continued saying,

"I just couldn't deny it any more Jay. I couldn't put up with him anymore and I couldn't deny my love, my true love for someone Jay...I...I Love You." At those words I stood up the fire in me building and I thought to myself,

"Hey Jason, are you hungry for some blood?" I heard the scampering of footsteps and he said,

"Sure I am Jay, Jackson again huh?" he said.

"Yeah," I said, "But this time, it's for real." He laughed evilly and said,

"Well then let's get started." And I headed towards the elevator door. I felt a hand grab my arm and I heard Ellie say,

"Where are you going Jay?" With concern in her voice this time. I turned to look at her my eyes now a fiery red and I said,

"The bastard is going to get what he deserves." I started walking again, and she said,

"Don't do it Jay! You don't need blood on your hands!" I turned to her and exclaimed,

"WHY NOT ELLIE!? HUH!? ARE YOU STILL GOING TO STI HERE AND PROTECT HIM!?" then she kissed me. My pulse stopped racing and my eyes color died down and I kissed her back. Then she pulled back and said,

"I'm protecting you from getting yourself hurt Jay. One of these days someone won't be there for you to hold you back, and you're going to get yourself hurt." I pulled her into a deep embrace and said,

"I'm sorry Ellie, I just can't help but become angry when someone hurts someone I love." She looked into my eyes with a relieved expression and said,

"Oh Jay!" and she kissed me again. I proceeded to kiss her back but then she grabbed me and put me down on my bed. She sat on my lap and started to kiss me more aggressively. I started to move my hands up her shirt and grab her C-cup breasts in my hands. She gave a soft moan and proceeded to take off her shirt. I slipped mine off as well and she pushed me further onto the bed and crawled on top of me. She sat on top of my crotch area and undid her bra to reveal her hard erect nipples. I leaned forward and sucked on one in one hand and played with her nipple in the other hand. She let out a loud moan and grabbed my crotch. I used the other hand to reach down her skirt and rub her vaginal area. She moaned even louder and said,

"Oh Jay, I want you now!" and started to pull my pants down with my boxers revealing my massive member. "It's so big Jay," She said in a seductive voice, "I would expect this much out of you after all, you are the champion." And she shoved my dick into her mouth and stared to bob her head up and down. I moaned in pleasure to see Ellie sucking my dick. But during our process of sex I had a thought jump into my head.

"Do I really love her? Do I love her to the point I would die for her?" I thought about it and then said, "Well, instead of making her my official girlfriend how about adding her in the harem? Yeah that sounds like a good idea." I smiled to myself and continued with the process. She slipped off her skirt and panties to reveal her tight cunt, and she said,

"I'm all yours Jay." I grabbed her sides and sat her on top of my hard member. She grabbed my cock and slipped it inside her. "Ahhhhhhh!" she screamed as my dick entered her and blood seeped on to my dick. I looked up at her and said,

"You're were a virgin?" she looked at me lustfully and bent forward whispering into my ear,

"I was saving myself for you Jay. Now pound me, pound me hard." I started to move my hips up and down and she moaned in pleasure. She proceeded to bounce up and down making her breasts bounce with her as well. After a few minutes she cried out, "Oh Jay , I'm Cumming!"

"Me too!" I said, "Let's cum together!" she smiled and nodded quickly.

"AHHHHHH!" We both cried out and she collapsed on top of me. She moved up above my head and said, "I love you Jay. Thank you." And she kissed me.

"You too." I said back and she fell asleep smiling. I sat up and put my clothes back on and looked at my phone. "Fuck, it's 6:00. Time flies when you're having fun." I said to myself and chuckled. "Time to look for Scott and show what I've learned ." I called Scott and he picked up,

"What is it man?" he asked. I told him about what happened after the battle and everything was okay and during that time I learned something amazing. I also told him about Ellie and how I was going to add her to the harem. He laughed and I said,

"Hey meet me in the park in 30 minutes. It's time to start training again and I've got something to show you."

"Okay, see you then." He said and he hung up, I walked into the elevator and with one last glimpse at Ellie the doors closed.

***About 30 Minutes Later***

I stood by the gate of the park waiting for Scott and becoming impatient. I saw him running up to the fence as fast as he could and said between breaths,

"I' did you...want to" I motioned him to come over to the open field.

"Come over her and I'll show you." He walked over to the field and I said, "Now this is what we are learning today." I let my hands drop to my side and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I went into deep concentration and the dark blue Aura surrounded me and then I heard clang of metal and opened my eyes. I looked down at my hands and saw the massive swords again. Scott just stared at them in shock and finally after a few moments of silence he said,


Well Guys that's the end of Chapter 15! I really hoped you guys loved this chapter as much I loved writing it. So now we are finding out that Jay has created Aura weapons, but what can they do? Find out next chapter! Again thank you for the support and PM me or leave reviews if you have comments, complaints or ideas. I'm in the process of typing the ext Chapter as we speak so until then guys PEACE!