Ch 16

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#16 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 16! Last time we had Ellie join the harem and Jay learned how to use Aura weapons! And now he's going to teach Scott to create this weapon and they are also going to test them out. And maybe some other stuff too. I should probably shut up before I ruin the whole Chapter! Well now let's begin shall we?

"Woah..." Scott said as he stared in awe at the two Aura swords in my hands. I couldn't hold my excitement any longer and I blurted out,

"Dude isn't this FUCKING AWESOME!?" he laughed as he saw the elated look on my face and said,

"HELL FUCKING YES IT IS!" and he jumped in excitement. I regained my composure and said,

"Well this is what we are learning today so let's just stay chill." We both calmed down and I motioned for him to come over. I let the swords fade away and I said to him, "Now focus your Aura into your palms, and focus that into the shape you want it to turn into and once you do that it's kinds like a skill unlock in a game, you always have it as an easy access from then on." He took a deep breath and stood in silence for about 2 minutes. Then all of the sudden his eyes opened and shown a light red. Then the color darkened to a darker red and what happened surprised me. Swords didn't appear in his hands but daggers did dark red daggers. I chuckled to myself a little bit and the color in his eyes died down. He looked down at the daggers and messed with them a little bit. In his left hand he held the hilt and the blade backwards at him and in his right hand the blade was pointing straight. "Interesting," I said, "It seems that instead of swords, your Aura prefers to use daggers. It makes sense I guess since you are more flexible than me so you can be more agile with the daggers." I smiled and he laughed and said,

"I'm a ninja bitch!" and he jabbed at me. I rolled my eyes at his childishness. Then all of the sudden the daggers did what my swords did. They both started to change color rapidly for 30 seconds then stopped. We both looked at each other in confusion but just shrugged it off.

"Alright, let's get to it." I said and the swords appeared in my hands. I swung the swords at some of the trees on the left of me. The tree fell apart cutting it cleanly in two. I looked over at Scott charging at trees and constantly looking like he was trying to run into them but made two clean cuts as well. I smirked and then thought about what happened earlier with Ellie and how she was so broken up about Jackson. Rage filled through me again and then I held up both swords in a "X" formation and they turned a dark flaming red. I sliced at a tree and instead of cutting the tree fire came out of the slice and formed a massive fire star, and came into contact with the trees starting a fire. I used water gun to put it out and looked at the swords. They were both on fire and I concentrated and the fire died down and they turned a dark blue again.

"Hey Scott, look at this, look what I found out how to do." I help up the swords in a "X" formation again and thought of the flames on the swords and they both went up in flames and I swung down and the star went hurtling in the open field. Scott took a step back and almost fell down,

"Dude," he said, "T-that was Fire Blast!" I looked at the swords and concentrated again, the flames died down and I said,

"So does that mean we can use moves through these weapons just by using our Aura?" he shrugged and went off to keep training. I stared at the swords and then I closed my eyes again. Then one of the swords disappeared and the one sword in my right hand turn a bursting green color. I held it up and swung it aiming towards a tree I was about 20 feet away from. As I was swinging it a massive leaf the size of one on a Grovyle's head swung out and slashed at the tree slicing it in two. Then I spun with the sword and bringing it across my body to the right leafs shot out of the sword and sunk into the trees. "Sweet, I just found out how to use Leaf Blade and Razor Leaf." I looked over at Scott and saw that his daggers were now light blue. He swung the daggers in a circular formation and all of the sudden a strong hot stream of water came spewing out the tips of the daggers. "He just learned how to use Scald, funny since its hot water and he's a fire type using a water type move." I chuckled to myself and sat down on the bench to take a break. After about 5 minutes Scott came over and sat next to me sweating his ass off.

"Dude," he said, "Who knew that this would even exist!" I shook my head and said,

"I didn't know that's for sure and I'm sure my dad didn't know of this either. What types have you mastered?" I asked him.

"Well so far, Water, Fire, and Flying." He said with a grin on his face.

"How in the hell did you do Flying type moves?" I asked him. He sighed and stood up. He held out his arms behind him in a "V" formation and knives backwards. The daggers then became covered in a silky white that flowed with the wind. He ran towards a tree and jumped and came crashing down slicing the tree into three pieces. He walked back and said,

"That was Wing Attack." And he sat next to me and said to me, "Which ones have you mastered?"

"Fire, Grass and now Flying." I stood up and showed him the grass moves then I focused to the silky sword and the sword turned white. I ran towards a tree and shouted "Extremespeed!" and the sword glowed white and I ran straight through the tree and it fell apart. "That was Ariel Ace!" I shouted at him then I started to run towards a tree behind Scott and I jumped up in the air and held the sword directly above my head. I dove head first to the tree and my entire body was shrouded in white. I hit the tree and a massive explosion occurred and after the smoke cleared the tree was smashed into hundreds of tiny pieces. I laughed as I saw Scott's facial expression. "That was Sky Attack I think." I said. He just stared at me with a shocked expression on his face and didn't move a muscle. I fell to the ground laughing and couldn't help but start to point at his face. He got up and then his daggers turned a dark purple and he collided both of them together. I created a massive purple like shield around the entire open field. The shield like dome hit me and threw me back a substantial amount of feet. I looked up to see that all of his fur on his body was standing u and he turned to look at me his eyes were soulless and black. I shuddered in fear and the dome died down. He fell to the ground and I ran over to him.

"That was Ghost type...and I think that was Night Shade." And he passed out for a few minutes. After he woke up I was sitting on the bench and the sun had finally set. The moon was out and lit up the entire field. I helped him up and he sat on the bench.

"Hey dude, do you wanna go back to our room, it's 8:00 and we still have school tomorrow, after all tomorrow is Friday." He nodded and I helped him up over my shoulder and we walked back to our dorm together.

***Somewhere out of Jay and Scotts View***

"Sir they are leaving the park." A small figure said

"What should we do sir?" asked 3 other figures a little taller than the first one.

"Nothing, we leave them be...So that's the Champion of the Academy?" said a tall figure. The tall figure pondered for a second and said,

"Well Jay of the Academy prepare yourself. For I am coming to challenge you and your school." The figured laughed and motioned to the others to follow and they all left in the night without saying another word.

***Jay and Scott's Room***

As we stepped out of the elevator I noticed that Ellie was still lying in my bed and I crawled into bed with her, held her in my arms and fell asleep.

Jay Mastery Scott Mastery

Fire Fire Ghost

Grass Water

Flying Flying

The next morning I woke up and this time it was 6:30. I got up showered and changed into my school uniform. As I was leaving the room to go to school Ellie was waking up. I told Scott to go on ahead, and he took the elevator down. I walked over to Ellie who was waking up completely naked in my room. She immediately covered herself till she saw it was me who was sitting next to her. I brought her in for a kiss and she kissed me back.

"Jay, please wait for me to get changed, I want to walk down with you." And she blushed.

"Sure no problem." I said and I winked at her. She turned away and got out of bed. She quickly took a shower and slipped the clothes that she had on the day before and we walked into the elevator arm in arm. Once we hit the main floor, I said good morning to Bruce and he nodded back. We entered the school still arm in arm and she brought me in for a passionate kiss in the middle of the hallway causing everyone to stare at us. I pulled back and said, "Ellie we need to talk." She smiled and said,

"Okay let's talk later I got to get to class." She kissed me on the cheek and skipped away. Then I heard a voice call out in anger,

"JAY!" I turned around to see Jackson coming down the hallway and coming straight into my face. "Do you want a death wish?" he said.

"No, but do you?" I asked him and I produced a grass type sword at my side and pulled it from its holster and pointed it in his face. He took a step back and said,

"L-look man I-I don't want any trouble."

"And I don't want to give you trouble." I replied. Ellie is no longer with you. As I recall she broke up with her and then you hurt her." Everyone around us turned to look at Jackson with a evil stare.

"W-well i-i-it was an a-accident..." he said trailing off. I swung my sword across my body and sliced up three lockers with Leaf Blade. He fell on to the ground backwards in fear.

"If you ever touch Ellie again," I said as I traced his throat with the sword, "You will have a burn mark on your entire left side as well." I focused and the sword burst into flames. He crawled backwards and ran down the hall. I let the sword fade and the crowd cheered. I took a mocking bow and left to go to class. After the first 4 periods the bell rang to signify that lunch started and we had an hour break. I tracked down Ellie and I told her everything. the Harem, the other girls, why I was doing it, etc... She seemed a little surprised at first but then she said she was okay with it as long as she got to spend time with me. I laughed and kissed her on the cheek. I told her I was busy and I would see her later. I called up Scott and said,

"Hey man, you wanna skip the rest of school and train I mean it is a Friday." He laughed on the other end and said,

"Alright, let's do it!" and he hung up.

***30 Minute Walk to the Park Later***

As I was walking up the park gate I found that this time Scott was waiting for me. I waved to him and gave a sly grin. I gave him a fist bump and he put his hand on my shoulder. We were walking out into the open field and then we heard a voice,

"Jay, it's finally nice to meet you." We looked straight ahead beneath the trees and saw a tall figure in the shadows surrounded by a Simisear, Simisage, a Simipour and in the middle was a Fraxure. The tall figure stepped out and we saw that it was Eelektross except he was bigger and taller than most Eelektrosses. He walked up to Scott and I and we both held our ground. "My name is Alex and I go to Pristine, and I'm also the champion of my school." I looked up at him and said,

"Sorry but I have never heard or seen you before, so if you don't mind my friend and I have so training to get to." He looked down at us with an evil look in his eyes and he snapped his fingers. Then all of the sudden his little friends moved at incredible speed towards us and surrounded us in a circle. He laughed and leaned down.

"They say your one tough Motherfucker to beat, why don't we battle right here, right now?" Scott tried to stop me but I leaned over and whispered to him,

"You take care of these four losers and I'll take Mr. Abomasnow over here." He nodded in agreement and posed a fighting stance. "Alright Alex I accept your challenge, if we win you leave us alone and never step near the Academy again, and if we lose...I strip my title as champion of my school and hand it over to the runner-up Jackson.

"Jay what the hell are you doing!?" Scott screamed.

"Deal!" said Alex. "Let the battle commence! Charge Beam!" he shouted. I dodged it and conjured up the grass blade. I swung it across my body and hit him with a direct hit of Leaf Blade. He was sent flying into the trees behind him. But the blow barely fazed him and he stood right back up. I stood there in disbelief. I looked over at Scott to see how he was doing. He has already taken out the Simisear and Simisage. All that was left was the Fraxure and the Simipour. I laughed but then was surprised to see Alex charging at me again. "Thunder Fang!" he screamed and opened his mouth to crunch down. I moved at the last second and screamed out,

"Aura Sphere!" I launched the ball of power at him and it collided with him body and he was sent flying towards the trees again, but this time he grabbed hold of the ground and stopped himself. He smiled got up and ran toward me at great speed screaming,

"Dragon Claw!" his claws burst into flames and hit me dead on. He swiped up and I went flying into the air.

"Big mistake," I said. he looked at me quizzically and then I conjured up the Flying type sword and held it above my head and dove straight down for Sky Attack.

"What are you?" he said as I collided with his head. The explosion was massive and covered the entire field. After the dust cleared his I saw him struggling to get up. Then I screamed out,

"Mega Kick!" And I sent him flying into the air and blood squirted out of his mouth. I jumped after him and then with all the speed and might I could muster I swiped the Flying sword and performed Aerial Ace. I sent his body to the ground at an amazing speed and power. As I hit body hit the ground blood came out of his mouth again and stepped on his throat, my eyes full of fury I laughed and said, "I'm and Aura wielder, and don't you forget it. Now get out of here and don't come back." I kicked him in the face and he called over his cronies who were badly beaten by Scott who threw both daggers into the ground and laughed out loud as we watched the cronies drag away his body and Alex screaming,

"You haven't heard the last of me Jay! You will pay for what you did here today!" and they disappeared into the forest. I looked over at Scott and then said out loud,

"That was a bit random wasn't it?" He nodded and said,

"But really that was way too easy, way too easy to deal with." I thought about what he though,

"I haven't heard the last of him huh? well looks like we will find out sooner or later."

***Again Out of Earshot and View of Jay and Scott***

"I will defeat you next time Jay if it's the last thing I do." Then all of the sudden an even bigger figure came out of the shadows and said in a big booming voice,

"Alex! Have you been posing as me in battles again!?" Alex slowly turned around to find the true champion of Pristine school. "Don't make me punish you again!" the larger figure said.

"I'm sorry boss It won't happen again, I swear!" the creature roared and grabbed Alex by the neck and walked away from the park.

"Well looks like the rumors are ture, well Jay look out, because the real champion is coming your way!"

Well that's the end of Chapter 16! What do you think school rivalries! Jay has found himself in a tight spot but he has also learned the ways of Aura weapons. Well thank you for reading and thank you guys for all the support. PM me or leave reviews if you have comments, complaints or ideas. Thank you all and I'm sorry this chapter was short and thrown together at the last minute. I will post again tomorrow! So till then guys PEACE!

Ch 17

**Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 17! We now have a school rivalry going on but really it is one sided I suppose. Jay needs to get the act together or he is screwed! Anyway, thank you everyone who has been sticking with the story this far. Thank you...

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Ch 15

**Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 15! Last time Jay asked Scott to see if he could expand the dorm building and Gloria and Ginger spent the night with him. And on top of that, he is going to school for the first time in a while and has to tell Sarah...

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Ch 14

**Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 14! Lots of Drama coming up so stay tuned! I love all the positive feedback on this and I am truly grateful for all of it. You guys keep me going and it's fantastic. I hope my chapters become longer and more detailed...

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