Warmth in the Cold. (Talyxian x Sergal)

Story by Andalite on SoFurry

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Another short story I wrote up, Talyxian and Sergal lovins this time. Thanks to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kanevex/ for putting the beginnings of this dirty idea into my head... Leave a favorite and watch if you liked it, enjoy. Also, this might be the last short I write for a little, as I'm going to focus on Apprentice and Bloodline again. At least, a 5,000+ word short anyway... >.<

Not sure if this is adult or extreme either... Don't remember where to see the rating levels. Also, what's prenetration? Fail tag right there.

Sergals and Talyxians © Mick39

Writing, story and characters © Me (Andalite)

Warmth in the Cold  Marik's breath plumed in front of him as he walked,

following the lone path through the mountains with a goal only he really know

about. In truth he didn't even know what that goal was, or what he was hoping

to gain. He'd been wandering for what seemed like such a long time, searching

for something that he wasn't even sure of. There had been so little for him

behind though, and as he matured into a full grown Sergal it became so empty. A

stiff gust of cold air hit him, ruffling his fur and making him huddle inside

his thick cloak.That emptiness is why he found himself here, in the cold

mountain passes that divided the lands. It was getting into the winter season,

though the snow hadn't quite started to arrive in force yet, sticking to a

light dusting on the ground and trees. Marik walked a vague path that wound its

way through the trees, running between the mountains and valleys. It was cold

and desolate out here, but there was clarity in that at least, forcing you to

just keep moving. He resettled his pack on his shoulders, home to all his

supplies and small possessions, breathing another plume of steam as he trekked.

It was calm, the air crisp and clear, and it allowed him to think. Think of

what he wanted, where he was going and... how alone he was. Marik grit his teeth

at that, setting a more determined pace as his claws pushed him over the dirt

and rock. He growled irritably, foot snapping a branch as he tried to focus on

simply walking, momentarily becoming unaware of his surroundings."You do make a lot of noise, you know." A smooth voice said

suddenly, making him go stiff and look around.He turned his head from side to side, eyes searching for the

source of the voice. He soon found it, his gaze falling on the lazing form of a

large, pure white Talyxian. Her pair of large, deep blue eyes stared back at

him emotionlessly, making him tense up defensively."I wouldn't worry yourself too much, Sergal." The Talyxian

said again with a hum, in a voice he realized was female. "If I were going to

harm you, you would know already."Oddly that didn't reassure him, still watching her

cautiously. "Who are you?" He asked."A Talyxian living in the mountains." She said flatly, voice

hard to gauge. "One whose nap you also disturbed.""I was just passing through..." Marik offered. "I apologize if

I've disturbed you.""Well, you have, and I may as well find out why, hm?" The

Talyxian uttered. "So, why is it you wander these mountains so noisily?""I have no reason." He replied. "I'm am simply wandering,

trying to find something.""That seems like a reason to me." She said, stretching and

climbing to her large paws."Not if you don't know what you're searching for." He

stated, watching the Talyxian jump down from the ledge she had been lying on. "How can you be searching for something if you don't know

what it is?" She pondered, walking around him with a lithe step. "This seems

silly.""There was nothing for me where I came from, so I am trying

to find something for me out here." He said, watching her circle. "Somewhere..."The Talyxian gave a thoughtful hum. "So a lonely Sergal

wandering the mountains then?" She posed."I... Maybe." He muttered, turning to look at her as she

brought her covered face to his pack and took a smell."Well." The Talyxian stated, turning away. "If you are so

lonely then, you are free to come to my den... It smells like you have something

tasty in that pack of yours anyway, so you can repay me for interrupting my

nap."At that the Talyxian padded off into the trees, long tail

waving behind her as he watched her white form slip between the trunks. Marik

was left standing in the middle of the path, slightly confused about the matter

but deciding he would follow after the Talyxian. It had been a long time since

he'd had anyone to really talk to, and if she'd meant him any harm he imagined

she'd have done so and not introduced herself. He set off after her, walking quickly to catch up with the creature.

She didn't glance back at him as he fell into step behind her, simply kept on

walking as her tail swayed back and forth. Mirak had no idea where she was

taking him, beyond this "den" of hers, and he simply looked around intently at

the surroundings and the direction they walked. It was long, quiet minutes of

nothing but trees passing him by while he followed the Talyxian, before the

view changed.A steep cliff loomed before him as he stepped out of the

trees, reaching high above him and forming an almost sheer drop. The ground at

the base of it was clear for a few yards, the space empty of any trees. Marik

wondered how this would lead to her den, but he mused that there must have been

a cave of some sorts here. As he looked in either direction at the cliff

though, he couldn't see any sort of opening. The Talyxian soon proved why he

couldn't see one, walking to the base of the cliff and leaping up some of the

protruding rock to a ledge. She stood on the edge, turning to look down at him. "Come up

then, Sergal." Marik stared up the height separating them, before walking

forwards and taking a leap to the first protrusion, working on climbing his way

up the rock. His ascent wasn't as smooth or graceful as the Talyxian's, but he

soon found himself on the ledge with her. Her blue eyes stared at him a moment

before she turned and started walking through the archway of stone, Mirak

following after her a moment later.The cave was bigger than he first thought, the opening leading

to a sort of tunnel that made its way into the stone. For a large part of the

distance it was dark in that tunnel of stone, relying on the bright white

female in front of him to guide him through. The passage went for a surprising

amount of steps, the length likely putting them deep under the cliff. Soon it

wasn't so dark anymore though, a subtle light filling the darkness the further

they went. The reason for that became clear a moment later, the tunnel widening

out to either side.What laid before him was a large cavern-like space, the

"ceiling" as it were residing a few heights above him. The light, as he found,

came from a collection of plants growing from cracks in the stone, giving off a

soft glow. Not only that, but at the center of the cave was a pool with a small

funnel of water flowing away from it into the ground to disappear somewhere. It

was some kind of spring, he theorized, and all in all he could have called this

space comfortable in a barren sort of way."And welcome to my den, Sergal." The Talyxian stated,

sitting a short distance away on some kind of mats and blankets. He had to

wonder how she'd obtained those, but thought it best not to worry for now."Thank you for allowing me to enter..." He replied, standing

in place.She gave a hum. "You may as well take that pack from your

shoulders and make yourself comfortable, Sergal." She said, laying herself down

on her padding. "I do not think you will be leaving soon.""What... do you mean by that?" Marik questioned, watching her

cautiously once more."It is none of my doing." She said with what he pictured was

a shrug. "There is a storm coming, the first of the season. You should be glad

to have this shelter, and gladder still that I have allowed you to use it I

think.""Oh, I... see." He mumbled, relaxing. "Well, thank you again

then for not letting me get stuck in the storm.""You can thank me by letting me sample the tasty smelling

morsel you keep in that pack." The Talyxian replied, eyes looking over at him."Ah, sure..." Marik said, swinging the pack off his shoulders

and walking over to her. While he was at it, he also took off his cloak, the

temperature underground here not as cold as outside. The Talyxian watched him as he knelt down and opened his

pack, digging around in its contents before he found the bundle she had no

doubt smelled. He pulled it free, placing the cloth down and untying it. What

he had wrapped inside it was a piece of meat leftover from the last village he

had passed through, the meat smoked and glazed in some kind of sweet seasoning.

Marik cut a decent sized chunk free and handed to the female, who reached her

head over and took it softly in her large jaws.It reminded him that this creature was indeed still a

predator despite that fact that it could communicate, and if it tried to attack

him he wasn't uncertain if he would win that fight. But, she hadn't tried any

violence with him yet, and she had allowed him to stay in her "home" after all.

So for now, he simply cut his own piece of meat free and sat down, nibbling at

the meat."Quite tasty indeed." The Talyxian purred as she swallowed

down what he'd given her, her blue eyes looking down at the remainder. Marik slid the cloth holding the meat over to her, deciding

it had to be eaten anyway... and he thought it best to keep his host appeased.

The Talyxian seemed happy to accept it, quickly taking it in her jaws and

tearing at it. Marik himself simply sat there, resting his forearms on his

knees as he looked around. It was harder for him to be sitting still with his

thoughts, the only thing to distract him being the small cavern and the Talyxian

eating away near him."Do you have a name, Sergal?" She asked, breaking the

relative silence."Marik." He mumbled in reply. "Mine is Larill." She replied."Ah... it is nice to meet you, Larill." He said, looking over

at her.Larill climbed onto her four large paws, turning to the pool

of water. "I will go bathe myself now, thank you for the morsel." She stated,

glancing back at him. "And perhaps you should get some rest while you can..."She walked off to the pool at that, stepping lithely over to

the water as her body swayed. Marik found himself watching that swaying, and

the way her hips moved, before he tore his gaze away. She wasn't even a Sergal

and he was staring. He'd truly been alone for a while indeed. But, he did...

enjoy talking to this unknown Talyxian, for whatever strange reason. He grabbed his cloak and pack with a frown, using the latter

as a makeshift pillow and pulling the former over himself as he lied down. It

had been late when he'd stumbled into the Talyxian, and with the storm coming

he figured he may as well get some sleep. He shut his eyes to the soft glow, hearing

the sounds of water lightly splashing as he drifted to sleep... Marik slept well, probably one of the most relaxed and

comfortable sleeps he'd had in a long while. It was disappointing really when

he was awoken, eyes staring at the same dull glow that illuminated the room. He

wasn't sure how long he'd slept, or if it was even day or not, but he felt well

rested. Marik pulled himself into a sitting position, his makeshift blanket

falling down around his lap as he looked around. The cavern was much as he'd

left it, the constant glow of the plants and the still pool of spring fed

water. There was a missing feature though, namely being the Talyxian

whose presence he couldn't seem to find anywhere. It filled him with an odd

apprehension when he didn't see her, mind wondering if she had slipped away at

some point in his sleep. For some reason that thought sparked a strange feeling

in him, and he couldn't quite understand why. Marik climbed to his feet,

looking over the walls of the cavern. It all appeared unbroken, meaning the

only way in or out would have been that tunnel they'd entered from.He turned to the tunnel and started walking towards it,

wanting to see if he could find some sign of Larill . A bright white light was

visible down the stretch of tunnel, and as he walked down it he soon discovered

its source. The temperature dropped as he got closer, a chill draft wafting

down the tunnel that carried flecks of white. When he reached the mouth of the

tunnel the rock was dusted with snow, the ledge covered to his knee in the

stuff and the view beyond blindingly bright from his time spent in such low

light. The view from where he stood up on the cliff face was one of

white, snow covered trees, the substance still falling down heavily from a gray

and white sky. He frowned out at that, knowing he wouldn't be trekking out

there until the storm stopped. It still didn't tell him where Larill had gone

though, leaving him to frown in silence and give a small shiver as the wind hit

him."Perhaps you shouldn't be standing out in the snow." A

smooth voice uttered from close to his right.Marik jerked his gaze over, seeing the pure-white form of

Larill sitting on her haunches by the edge. Her blue eyes were staring at him,

and it was discomforting in a way at how she blended in with the background."I didn't know where you'd gone." He stated."I went to hunt in the snowfall." Larill replied simply. He couldn't see any evidence of if she'd gotten a kill, but

she'd likely cleaned herself afterwards."Why so concerned at where I went, hm?" She questioned,

staring almost level with him from her sitting position. "I just..." He started, but he paused when he didn't entirely

know why he'd been concerned. "I just wanted to know where you went.""I see." Larill uttered in her flat, yet smooth voice. "Well,

you know now.""Aye, I do..." He muttered, another stiff wind biting at him."And perhaps you should return inside before the wind blows

you off the ledge." She said, a glint coming into her usually emotionless eyes.

"That would be... a shame."Marik glanced at her sidelong, but turned and stepped back

into the cavern entrance. Larill followed after him as he made his way down the

tunnel, the large Talyxian padding behind him almost silently. It was naturally

unsettling having such a creature behind him like that, but for some reason he

trusted her enough not to try anything. The cavern held the same quiet glow

when they reached it, Marik making his way over to his pack. Larill for her

part went to her bedding, lowering herself down and watching him as he opened

his pack and took out his less tasteful provisions."Are you alone in these mountains?" He asked the Talyxian,

taking swallows of the dried meat."Yes." She said simply with a hum."Don't you ever get lonely out here?" He questioned.

"Without any others of your kind?""Sometimes." Larill replied, deep blue eyes staring at him.

"But I never quite belonged with others of my kind, and the mountains here suit

me.""Ah." He uttered, gulping down the rest of his meat."And what of you, Marik?" She questioned. "What is it you

expect to find by wandering these mountains?"He took a breath, looking around at the cavern and its

peculiar plants. "Somewhere to belong, I suppose." "And why didn't you belong where you came from, hm?" The

Talyxian asked. "Were their no family or females to occupy you?""No, I can't say there ever was." He replied with a swallow.

The Talyxian didn't say anything at that, simply stared at

him with her unsettling eyes. He had to wonder if she understood the meaning

behind his words."Is it alright if I bathe in your pool over there?" Marik

questioned, changing the subject."Go ahead." She consented, resting her hard jaw down on her

bedding."Thank you." He uttered, climbing to his feet and walking

over to the pool. The water was clear as he crouched down next to the small

pool, looking to be up to his waist perhaps. He reached a hand down to touch

it, finding it to be more lukewarm than cold. That would work just fine though,

and he reached down to remove the garment around his waist. He paused at the

thought of the Talyxian watching him, but quickly put that foolishness aside

and stripped off his covering, lowering himself feet first into the pool.It was very pleasant to feel even just warm water after so

long, sitting himself down in the pool and feeling his muscles relax. He let

out a quiet, soothed sigh as he sat submerged up to his chest, letting the

water seep into his fur. It felt so pleasant in fact, that he couldn't help but

rest his head back, deciding he may as well enjoy it while he could. Marik

would have stayed that way too, if the sound of light steps hadn't reached his

ears.He lifted his head and opened his eyes, turning his gaze to

see Larill stepping over to the side of the pool opposite him. Marik watched

her pure white form slide under the water, the depth allowing her head to stay

above the surface. His ear twitched as she moved through the water, slipping over

until she was near him. He wasn't sure what to think, her blue eyes and plated

face hovering close to him."I lost my parents when I was young." She stated. "That is

the reason I live in this place alone, because I prefer it here, where I was

raised."Larill moved closer, face in front of this. "But I do get

lonely here, and I come to yearn for someone to share this space with."Marik swallowed again, staring unblinkingly into the

Talxyians eyes as the predator's face hovered a breath from his.  "And since we are both lonely, why not

help each other feel better, hm?" 

She continued.At that she brought her large head in and licked up one side

of his face, purring quietly. He was speechless as her gray tongue ran up his

face, frozen still as he considered what this Talyxian was implying. It was

quite obvious what she was implying, but he couldn't form the thoughts on why

she wanted it from him. But, despite

his speechlessness, he... couldn't say he was against the idea. He'd only known Larill

for a day, but he felt more comfortable with her than he had with anyone else

before.Marik lifted a wet hand to the side of the Talyxian's face,

stroking the hard plates there. She gave a soft purr, pushing her head back

into his hand."So you agree?" She questioned, eyes looking at his.He gave a slow nod, rubbing over the foreign shape of the Talyxian."Good." Larill uttered, climbing out of the water in a flash

and laying down on the rock surrounding it. Marik turned his head to watch her lie down, the sight of

the Talyxian rolling onto her back saying the unspoken command that his body

obeyed. He climbed up out of the water, fur plastered down as he moved over to

the large creature and knelt down before her. She had her rear legs spread out

as she was on her back, her upper body and head bent up to watch him. He

touched a hand to the wetted down fur of one of her legs, slowly running it up

and down the limb. He couldn't say what drove him to do what he did next,

moving his hand down to where her leg met her body.The fur there was plastered down, much like his, and caused

the fur to have a difficult time hiding what was beneath. Marik had a near

unobstructed view of her, the large lips of her sex greeting him between her

large, muscled legs, and the tight circle of her tail-hole down below them. He

swallowed, her scent reaching his nose as he looked down and trailed a hand over

the space of flesh between her legs. Larill gave a purr as he touched the area,

her pair of solid blue eyes watching him expectantly. Marik decided not to

dally around, nor to keep the larger creature waiting, bending down as he

started to stroke a hand up and down her cleft.Her lips were warm to his touch, the area soft and smooth as

he slid his hand over it. Larill's muscles twitched as he touched her, long

tail batting against his legs lightly as he lent down between her legs. His

hand was becoming slick from her arousal, the scent growing a bit stronger as

his head hovered between her thighs. The next thing he did came as a bit of a

surprise even to him, wrapping his free arm around one of her legs and bringing

his snout down to her sex. Marik slid his tongue out, giving a long, slow lick

up the length of her gray lips. Larill continued to purr loudly, her taste filling his mouth

to go along with her scent as he continued to lick her. His own arousal climbed

as he slipped his tongue between the lips of her sex, her scent, taste and just

the act clouding his mind with desire. He wasn't sure why he was so attracted

to this Talyxian when she wasn't even his own kind, but right then, he didn't

care. It made him feel better than he had in a long time having another

person's presence to share, and that drove him to go on. He placed both hands to each side of her lips, gently

pulling them apart so he could lick his tongue deeper into her. His nose

pressed into the flesh above her entrance, breathing onto the sensitive area as

his tongue worked into her. Larill's tunnel squeezed around his appendage, her

head resting pack happily at the attention. He took one hand away from her sex,

rubbing the area around it. It definitely wasn't water that wetted the area

now, his saliva mixing with her juices as he trailed his hand down. Marik rather doubted she expected him to do what he did

next, collecting some of the running fluids on his hand and moving down to rub

them into the ring of flesh at the base of her tail. The muscle tensed, Larill

lifting her head to peer down at him with curiosity in her deep blue eyes. He

only glanced up at her, expecting her to have him stop, tongue and part of his

snout buried between the flesh of her lips. She didn't argue against it though,

and he returned to pleasuring her sex, teasing his fingers around her tail-hole

and pressing two against the muscle that resisted him at first.She seemed to soon relax it, allowing his two fingers to

slip past the ring of muscle and slide into her with the aid of the abundant

wetness. Larill gave the first loud groan from the double stimulation, gray

tongue dropping out of her plated jaws. He took his mouth away from her opening

after a moment, much to her evident confusion, but he replaced it with

something else instead. Marik used his free hand to push his fingers into her

large sex, keeping his other hand sliding slowly in and out of her other

entrance. At first it was tight for his fingers, the muscles having

constricted around his tongue prior, but as he pushed she loosened the muscles

in her tunnel. He was able to sink all three of his fingers into her when she

did so, her warm walls tightening around them and part of his hand. He busied

his tongue with licking her pleasure nub, adding the third finger on his other

hand to her tail-hole. Larill was panting heavily from all the attention, tail

batting against his legs and his stiff member as he sunk his hand into her

depths.The tail twitching against him served to remind him of the

near painful stiffness between his legs, member standing tall and aroused. So

far it had received very little attention, his arousal coming purely from the

attention he gave the Talyxian, and the tastes filling his senses. He wasn't in

a position to give himself any attention of his own though, both his hands

working her holes as they were. It made him growl out of need, tongue licking

against her clit as his hand was buried inside her slit. Larill didn't seem unaware of his own need though, Marik

soon feeling a large paw touch against his head. He glanced up, finding her

staring down at him as she pushed his head away. He was further confused when

she rolled away from him and onto her feet, making his hands slip from her two

entrances. Marik thought he'd done something wrong at first when she stood and

turned to him, the large Talyxian standing level with his head. She proved him

wrong when she stepped up to him though, gray tongue dropping out of her mouth

to lick at his face and the various fluids there. "Your turn." She purred quietly, nudging him strongly and

making him fall onto his back. Her white form quickly covered his view as she stepped over

him, lowering her warm body down onto his as her soaked slit and tail-hole filled

his vision. It didn't take long to realize why she changed positions like this,

a sudden, warm wetness licking over his erect member. He gave a surprised

groan, length twitching as she lathed her tongue over him. She didn't even

waste any time, taking him into her jaws after a few licks and wrapping her

tongue around him. He squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling, momentarily

incapacitated after going so long without any attention down there.What served to remind him of his present situation was

something wet dripping onto his snout, making him open his eyes to the view of

her needy sex hovering in front of him. He resumed where she had stopped him,

putting his hands on her thighs and bending up to bury his snout between her

lips, nose pressing on her tail-hole as he licked her. Larill's purr returned

as he did so, the vibrating feeling adding more pleasure as she suckled and

licked at his member.They laid like that for short moments, she suckling on his

member and he with his snout buried in her nethers. He would have been happy to

stay like that too, if it hadn't been for the feeling of his orgasm rising from

her attentions. He purred into her sex, lapping up her juices as she brought

him to the edge of his climax. That climax was denied to him though when she

abruptly pulled away, ceasing all attentions. He gave a frustrated growl, lust-clouded

eyes looking up to her as she pulled her sex away from his snout. Larill turned around over him, her face coming to replace

her needy groin. Her blue eyes peered down at him as she licked at his face,

his growl turning to a whine of need as his near-release ebbed away."Don't worry, my Sergal." She purred to him, lapping at the

juices that matted his fur. "You will get your finish, just not there."That didn't particularly make him feel better, but he put

his arms around her large, warm form as she laid over him with forelegs braced

besides his head. He took to licking back at her face in return, nuzzling into

her hard plates as the only feeling in his member became the constant stiffness.

Laril seemed to think that to be the right time to continue on with their

mating, lowering her body to cover his so that his member rubbed against the

slick wetness of her groin. It took her a breath or two to get the angle right,

but when she did he couldn't restrain his groan as she slid down onto him.It seemed to be her nature to not waste any time in getting

on with things, quickly starting to bob her hips up and down. Marik pressed his

head into the thick fur on her chest and neck, giving shaky breaths as she

nuzzled her hard face into the back of his head. He wasn't sure how long he

could resist the pleasurable warmth of her depths squeezing around him, already

brought so close short minutes prior. With how insistently she was moving

though, he wasn't sure she intended him to resist.As it was he held on for a short time, before the feeling

was simply too much to hold back. Larill didn't seem to disagree with him

though, her hips bouncing on his a few more times befor she pressed down

against him with a purr. He finally felt release then, jaws clenched in a

soundless growl as his member twitched within her. The Talyxian stayed pressed

atop him warmly, purring into his ear as he spent his seed inside her. Even when he had completely spent himself he simply kept his

face pressed into her fur, arms wrapped around her. He'd never felt so happy or

comfortable before in his life as he did with this Talyxian, just enjoying the

warm after effects of being with her. Larill rolled off of him and onto her

side after a moment, wrapping one of her legs around him to drag him with her

so he lay against her belly. His hips stayed joined with hers, lifting his head

to nuzzle and lick her face.She gave him another soft purr in reply, gray tongue

flicking out affectionately as he looked into her eyes. They were not so

emotionless now, the blue orbs holding all the words she needn't say. Marik

gave a smile, nuzzling into her one last time before he rested his head down

onto her soft chest, the Talyxian keeping a leg draped over him. After all his

desolate wandering, he believed he had finally found someone to fill the

emptiness. He didn't care that she wasn't his kind, and she imagined she didn't

care either. Larill was the place he had been searching for, some warmth to

drive the cold away...