Broken Toys Part 2

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#2 of Broken Toys

The second part of a five part series of stories written in the Nex_Canis "My Life is Super Universe". I really liked the word he created and he graciously agreed to let me write something in it. It takes place after the events of My Life is Super - Issue 3. It does contain several of his characters used with his permission.

Salvatore is a changed man thanks to the Ripper and a potent viral mutagen but just because his body is now strong doesn't mean he isn't broken. The stallion has a plan to punish the ones he thinks are responsible but he is going to have to put his own demons to rest and he may have some unwilling help when he runs head long into one of Vegas's most popular heroes.

"Broken Toys Part 2"

Charles Witherspoon slowly walked up the steps of his house holding a box full of various odds and ins as a hand reached into his pocket for his keys. The grizzled and graying haired human slowly opened his door and stepped into his the kitchen where his wife was waiting for him with a worried look on her face. As soon as put the box full of office things on the table she knew the answer to her question but asked it anyway.

"How did it go?" she asked as rubbed her hands together as her husband took a seat at the table.

"Not very well," he said. "There are some g-men camped out down at headquarters and they want some heads. Mine just happened to be the easiest one to serve up."

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry!"

"Ah I've already got my retirement so they can't do much to me, and the truth is they don't really care much about White Knight at all. The fuckers are just looking for someone to take the blame."

"Charles language," snapped his wife as he rolled his eyes. "So they don't know about him yet?"

"No and it needs to stay that way. He's been through enough Ginny. If they found him like he is now... I'm not sure what they would do to him, but it wouldn't be anything good."

"So what are we going to do with him? He has been here almost a week and I know you care about him but I worry."

"I'll go down and talk to him," said Charles as he stood up and stepped out of the kitchen. He rounded a corner and opened the door to their basement taking one long look down the stairs. The room had once been their son's until he had moved out to go to college more than a decade ago, but it still looked like the room of a teenager with fading posters and mismatched furniture. Now however it was home to a shirtless black furred stallion that filled the entire center of the room as his body slowly moved up and down with each one armed pushup. The horse's stare seemed locked on a single black feather lying on the floor in front of him as sweat dripped off his muscled body. His ears twitched and swiveled as he stopped and slowly stood up.

"Chief," he said in a deep rumble as he looked down at his former boss. Salvatore's size and appearance still shocked Charles as he stared at his former employee who was wearing only an old pair of faded gray sweat pants that he had chopped off at the knees. The horse's massive quads were stretching them to their limit as his ears slowly flicked back and forth far too close to the ten and half foot ceiling. His brown eyes were the most shocking though. Even though he looked calm they seemed to seethe with something akin to madness as he stared back at Charles.

"Did they fire you?" asked Salvatore in his slow southern drawl.

"Got the ax today. Surprised it took them this long to make up their minds," he said as he watched the former human's face fall. The stallion flicked his tail up and sat down hard on the old twin sized bed in the corner of room making the springs creak.

"This isn't your fault son. The sooner you realized that the better off you will be. Those army intelligence assholes were playing hot potato with dynamite and-"

"Now Vic, Dolf, Ted are dead because of me," said Salvatore bitterly.

"No they're dead because a super on the UN's most wanted list came after you. You gave as good as you got son. I don't claim to know what exactly happened to you, but whatever this is," he said motioning at Salvatore. "It allowed you to survive. That's got to count for something."

"And you're sure he's dead?" asked Salvatore with just a hint of a tremor in his voice.

"As much brains and blood as I found on the road there someone died but we didn't find any body so whoever made off with the other vial must have taken him with them. Damned if I know why." stated Charles as a moment of silence passed between them

"There's something I haven't told you yet," said the horse slowly as the chief's eye brows slowly went up.

"I thought there might be," said the human as he reached into his pocket and produced a cigarette. He pressed the tip to an electric lighter in his other hand and placed it between his lips as he took a drag. The lit end glowed for a moment before the horse continued as smoke filled the air around the two males.

"There was someone there at the scene after I- after the fight ended. I wasn't all there and parts of it are fuzzy but the more I think about it the more I'm sure it really happened. There were two of them. One had a single blue eye and wings, the other I couldn't see but the blue eyed one kept me from dying. He stopped the virus somehow. I'm sure of that now."

"How is that possible that a person could do something like that?" asked Charles as he took another puff.

"I don't know but they had to be the ones who hired the Ripper."

"And you didn't notice anything else that could ID them?"

"Other than the eye and the wings I got nothing. That's the only clue I have left," he said pointing at the single black feather. "Did you see anything when you got there?"

"No sign of anyone being their other that your team and the super," said the human as he reached of an ashtray on a nearby desk. "When we rolled up we weren't really sure what we were looking at other than pure carnage. We thought at first that you might have been one of the attackers since we couldn't find anyone else alive. The boys were just about to shoot you up with adrenaline and put the screws to you so they could figure out what happened when I got a better look at that arm. It's what saved you," said the Chief as Salvatore slowly clenched his metal fist.

"About that time our client found out about the fuck up and started shitting bricks. They demanded we lock down the scene and put on any hazmat gear we had with us. We were informed that the packages you had been carrying contained an extremely contagious pathogen and we were to detain anyone who might have been infected."

"Infected huh," said the horse bitterly as the chief nodded.

"We were all exposed so I made the response team medtechs run what tests they could on your blood. That got us a positive ID on you. They also told me that you had an astronomically high level of antibodies in your bloodstream but physically there was nothing wrong with you other than extreme exhaustion."

"How did you get me back here?" asked Salvatore as he leaned back against the wall.

"We threw you into one of the vehicles we brought and I had one of the men start driving towards Reno. After an hour or two he looped back and took a different route home. Then I had him dropped you off at my door. Ginny's a retired nurse so I knew you would be ok in her hands. When they asked what happened to you we showed them half of a human course we dragged out of the tilt rotor. That seemed to pacify them but they are still plenty pissed."

"Wait, so they think i'm dead?!"

"Was trying to find an opportunity to break it to you," said the chief solemnly. "I don't know what they would do to you now since you were exposed to their little experiment but I don't think it would be anything you would enjoy. They kept the story about the heist out of the news and I'm pretty sure you are in the clear. No one knows what you look like now and I don't think they are still looking for you."

"I wouldn't be so sure," said Salvatore suddenly. "I went for another run today by my place."

"That's fifteen miles away from here!" coughed Charles as looked up to see the horse nod.

"No lights were on but when I snuck up close I heard the toilet flush. Someone is there waiting for me to come back," said Salvatore.

"They could just be covering their bases," said the human thoughtfully as he flicked the ash of the end of his cigarette. "They might not have bought my story about you being dead and just think you were involved in the heist somehow since the other container didn't turn up."

"It's possible, but these guys are just a product of someone else," said Salvatore.


"The Gene Stealers. Everything points to them. The bulls, the virus, the two that showed up right before you got there. No one else fits. No one else has the technology to do this to someone," he said motioning to himself.

"The group that came by today had another one of those bulls with them. Just as big as the pair they sent with you so it's obvious they have a few of them tucked away somewhere. You think the military is working with the gene stealers?"

"It's possible but I doubt it. I think they got ahold of something that belonged to the gene stealers, and the stealers want it back."

"If that's the case then you need to get away from here son. You're from the east coast right? Any family there?"

"Not anymore."

"Then nothing's stopping you. You could go to Luna, Australia, Indochina, hell anywhere but here. You don't need to be poking around with a group like the gene stealers. Leave that to the supers."

"And just what the hell am I now huh?!" said Salvatore angrily as the blade in his metal arm sprang outward with a sharp 'SHINK'. He grabbed his metal wrist with his other paw and seemed to strain as the blade reluctantly slid back into its sheath. "Just look at me!" he shouted. "They are the ones who have the answers and they are half of the reason that Ted, Vic, and Dolf are dead and i need answers why!"

"And getting yourself killed looking for answers won't bring them back!" shouted Charles as Salvatore stood up. There was silence for a moment as both males glared at each other before the human put out his cigarette in the ashtray.

"I'll do what I can to help you get out of town but I won't help you throw your life away," said the chief as he looked up at his friend.

"Thanks Chief but I got it. I can't ever pay you back for what you have already done," said the horse slowly as he sat back down. "I don't want any more of this to come back on you. You already lost your job because of me.

"Son I lost my job because of some lying son of a bitch government bean counter made my team transport something I never should have accepted. But that's on me. I do have one last thing for you though," he said as he quickly walked up the stairs and returning with something in his hand. He tossed it to Salvatore who caught it and then slowly spread it wide to reveal a massive tee shirt with the words "What happens in NeoVegas, stays in NeoVegas." Salvatore wrinkled his nose as he slowly pulled it over his head to find that the cheap shirt looked like it had been vacuum sealed over his chest.

"It might make you look like a tourist but it was the biggest one I could find," said Charles as he stuck out his hand which the horse promptly shook.

"It's been an honor sir," said Salvatore.

"Son it's the least I can do, but don't tell me where you are going because I don't want to know," said the graying human as he started up the stairs. The stallion watched him go before sliding up the stairs after him and slipping out the door. His hooves took him to the bus stop were he waited beside a pair of foxes who couldn't seem to stop shooting him furtive glances. When the bus finally arrived he hopped on and squeezed into the too small seat as it zipped towards the strip were he had been spending his nights.

All of his credit cards and bank accounts seemed to have been frozen almost immediately after the incident, but he had a storage unit where he keep some cash and a few other things. It seemed the other that their size, his fingerprints and retinas were still the same as they had been so even without any ID he had been able to clear his locker out.

A good chunk of the money he had taken had already been spent at almost every dive bar he knew of in town all because of one simple reason. He couldn't sleep. Ever since waking up that first time the horse hadn't had more than a few hours of real rest. Every time he closed his eyes the nightmares waited. The first night at Charles' home he had woken them both up screaming after dreaming he was back on that dusty highway while the Ripper tried to tear out his heart.

He had spent the rest of that night jogging until the sun rose trying to let exhaustion wipe his mind clean, but peace never came. Getting blackout drunk seemed to be the only way he could go to sleep these days as he stepped off the bus and into a very sketchy bar. A scared and tattooed Doberman bartender glared at the newcomer entering his domain as a rickety barstool creaked under Salvatore's weight.

"I think you're in the wrong place fella," said that canine as she and a few other patrons glared at the horse.

"Is this a bar?" asked Salvatore.

"Corse it is," said the bartender.

"Then I'm right where I should be."


At one o'clock in the morning, night life in Neo Vegas was just getting started and for one of the cities costumed protectors it was about to go into overtime. Hungry paws ran down either side of the white furred snow leopard as house music pounded and the cat found himself pressed up against the eager body of a male bighorn sheep. The leopard turned to admire the shirtless ripped upper body of his partner, as the ram drew him in closer and he got a more personal view. He could feel the other male half hard though his thin designer jeans as he pulled the ram down for a mid-song kiss.

The song ended but their tongues kept dancing as they held each other until several photographers pushed their way through the crush of people and surrounded the pair.

"Frost! Frost! Frost! Is this the guy you left you left Barrage for!" shouted one.

"Is it true that you two are splitsville for good this time?" asked another as the cameras began to wink and flash. The well-dressed leopard growled as he jerked the ram backwards and snapped his fingers. The cameras in each of the paparazzi's hands all seemed to freeze as the super then began to almost physically drag his soon to be prey towards the back of the club. The music started up loud and fast again as the crush on the dance floor resumed jamming up the trailing press as the pair made it to the back.

"Holy shit you're-!"

"Yeah I know, just hurry," said the cat with a wink as they moved past the bathrooms and further into the back of the club until they came to an emergency exit. Frost reached up to the top of the door frame with one paw letting out a chilling blast of cold freezing the sensor there as he pushed the red exit bar. The alarm remained silent as the pair spilled into the ally and the ram turned pressing the smaller feline up against the door.

"You're really Frost of the High Rollers aren't you," said the ram panting as their lips met again and the heat in both males soared.

"Sure am," said the leopard as his eyes roamed the huge ram. Alcohol and hornyness made everything look better but the other male was truly built. With massive arms and a very lickable tan chest, he was hitting all of the super's buttons as they starred at each other. "My friends call me Robby though. Robby Dawson."

"Dude that IS SO COOL!" You are totally a super!" said the slightly inebriated bighorn as Robby tried to remember how many drinks the male in front of him had pounded while they were together at the bar. Enough was the answer he got as the magnetism between them drew them close for another round of tongue tennis.

"I'm RJ Spralls! New free safety for the Vegas Dynamo's," he said as they broke apart flexing one of his biceps. Frost's eyes quickly saw the fresh looking Dynamo team logo tattooed there as his eyebrows went up. He had intended this to be a quick little hook up after seeing the handsome shirtless ram, but now his being seen with the sports star was sure to be plastered all of the tabloids tomorrow. Not that he wasn't use to it.

Frost was one of the minority of superheroes who were "open." Unlike most of his costumed brethren, the world knew Robby Dawson and Frost of the High Rollers to be the same person. It allowed him not to have to live a double life, but it also meant that the life he had was almost never private. Still nothing he had ever done before had ever brought him as much attention as when the media found out that he and his High Rollers teammate Barrage were an item.

Their relationship since then had been like fire and gasoline with plenty of fights, drama, and newsworthy material. He and the rhino were currently in one of their breaks, which so far had stretched for almost three whole weeks, and was likely to stretch for even longer after the media splashed the pictures they had taken of Frost and the shirtless bighorn all over the news.

A thump sounded from the door behind them as both of them heard a voice behind the door saying, "They went this way!" Frost quickly reached out and ran his fingers along the edge of the steel door as a line of ice appeared that would seal it for at least ten minutes or so as he grabbed the ram and pulled him further down the dingy ally. The bighorn eagerly followed him and they made it perhaps a hundred more yards before the bigger male grabbed the leopard and pressed him up against the concrete wall. He quickly shoved a paw down into the cat's jeans as Frost purred and their lips met again. The bighorn was grabby, possessive, and very dominant as the super fought not to melt into him.

Even though he was magnitudes stronger and faster the snow white kitty cat had a submissive streak a mile wide, and craved built hunks like this one. He let out a yowl as the ram's paw gave his rapidly emerging kitty cock a hard squeeze while he thrust up into his partners grip before a loud bang a bit further down the alley made them both turn their heads.


Salvatore stumbled banging into an old dumpster in the ally he was wandering though, hitting the thing hard enough to move it as he kept walking. The bartender had been glaring at him all night as the stallion drank at a fighting rate. No doubt the Doberman had been looking forward to tossing the horse when he passed out or calling the cops to come and fetch him. But as the night wore on and Salvatore downed enough booze to kill a normal person he seemed to only grow madder before he at last cut the horse off.

Salvatore's memory wasn't the best at the moment, but he remembered reaching over the bar and grabbing another bottle before a baseball bat was broken over his head. A pair of regulars helped the canine bartender drag the horse out of the bar while the rest of the patrons barely even batted an eye, save a winged and black scaled dragon who stopped his pool game long enough to re-chalk his stick and watch as the horse was tossed though the entrance. He didn't travel very far but was up very quickly as he dusted himself off and started out toward were he though another bar was located as he took a short cut down an ally.

He could tell that he was well and truly plastered as everything seemed to roll and weave nicely. His current condition seemed to make getting dunk quite a bit harder than it once had been. If he stopped drinking long enough his stubbornly persistent liver would burn though all the alcohol he had worked so hard to put into his blood stream which was why he was looking so hard for the bar he knew had to be right around here somewhere.

The stallion's bladder let him know quite loudly and quite suddenly that all his drinking came with consequences as he grunted and hooked a paw under the band of his sweats. The horse turned sideways and grabbed his quickly emerging cock as he let fly against the concrete wall in front of him.

A blissful look came over the studs face as he let out a satisfied nicker and thoroughly marked the wall. His steam of liquid relief was just loud enough he didn't hear the first "Hey!" from his right, but the second made his ears twitch as he turned his head and spotted the couple. One was a cute leopard dressed in a sharp looking casual suit while the other looked to be a ram who seemed to have lost his shirt. With far more important things on his mind Salvatore turned back to the business at paw as he let out another satisfied nicker.


The pair stopped what they were doing and watched as the exceptionally large stallion stumbled towards them. He didn't seem to notice either of them as they gawked, and appeared to be drunk as a skunk. RJ started to say something when the newcomer suddenly turned towards a wall about ten feet away from them and promptly dropped trou. Both males were speechless for a moment as the plus sized equine as he did his business right in front of them though RJ seemed a bit pissed for some reason.

"Hey," shouted the bighorn as the horse let out a satisfied rumbling nicker. "Hey asshole! You mind taking that somewhere else," said RJ again as the horse's head flicked their way before turning back to his task.

"You think you can just ignore me do you tough guy?" said the bighorn as he let go of Frost and moved closer to the big stud.

He finally finished as he tugged his sweats back up and slowly turned to find the shirtless ram right in front of him. The horse looked a bit surprised as stared to step around the bighorn only to have the sheep sidestep back in front of him.

"You think just because you're some tourist you can come into my town, interrupt everyone and disrespect this city. Bet you think you're tough just cause you're so big huh! Well I've taken on bigger guys than you bub!" said RJ as he jerked a finger at the horse, who was looking even more confused. Frost could literally smell the testosterone wafting off of the bighorn as he tore his eyes from the horse long enough to rub them. Why did his type of guy always feel the need to act so macho all the time?

"I jest had ta go," rumbled the stallion as he reached out and gave the top of the ram's head a sudden but gentle pet. "Sorry if ah sacred you little guy. Ima go now," he said in a bit of a slurred tone smiling as he tried to step past the bighorn again. Frost was still staring at the horse wondering why something about him set him off when he realized what it was. The equine's entire right arm appeared to be a bionic prosthetic but it looked almost too real. And even stranger Frost could sense that it was the same temperature as the rest of the horse's body.

The snow leopard didn't have long to ponder on it as the hot headed Ram, perhaps mad at being petted like a kid, took a swing at the horse. It was a solid blow that caught the stallion right on the chin with a sharp crack as three knuckles in the football players paw broke on impact. The ram let out a cry as he jerked his paw backward an instant before _something_slammed into his chest hit him and sent him flying though the air past the wide eyed super. With an animal like roar the horse righted himself as three foot plus metal spike popped out of his arm like a switch blade.


Salvatore didn't see it coming when the Ram's right hook slammed into his chin, but his body reacted all the same dumping a massive amount of adenine into his blood stream as he went into fight mode. A wall of super dense air formed in front of him before shooting outward and slamming into his attacker as he straightened up and felt the blade in his arm extend. Some of his drunkenness was burned away as his senses were turned to eleven as he stared at the Ram who didn't appear to be moving.

The leopard sprang forward placing himself between the horse and the limp body of the ram as he bared his fangs and roared loud enough to shake the alleyway. Water crystalized on each of his fingertips forming long razor sharp ice talons and he raised them in a defensive posture. Salvatore's eyes seemed to widen as the clawed fighter in front of him began to edge toward him but he was no longer seeing the leopard in front of him. In fact he was no longer even in the dim ally in downtown NeoVegas.

Asphalt highway stretched under his hooves as the Ripper stood in front of him again, clad in his crimson armor with the blood of his friends dripping off his fingers. The stallion could even smell the coppery sent as his body trembled and the evil yellow eyes of the tasmanian devil bored into his.

"NO!" shouted Salvatore as pure dread filled him. "NO! NO! NO! I KILLED YOU!" He shouted.

"You'll never be rid of me," snarled the Ripper. "Not till I finish what I started," he said as he drew a knife from his hip and slowly ran his tongue over the blade. "Time from me to reunite you with your friends Salvatore."


The midnight black horse looked as pale as anyone Frost had ever seen. His lips moved and he was muttering something rapidly under his breath and the stench of raw fear rolled off him in waves. The stallion's pupils were blown and the leopard wasn't even sure the stallion was even seeing him anymore as he heard the horse shout.

In a blur or super speed that left no doubt to what he was, the stud spun and began sprinting away from the pair as fast as he could. Frost dissipated his ice claws as his fingers went to the ram's throat to check his pulse. He had no idea how the horse had managed toss the none to small ram across the ally or how a sword managed to appear on the end of his arm, but he was sure that the equine wasn't in his right mind. The ram's pulse was strong and the super could see his chest rising and falling as he mumbled something.

"RJ are you alright?" asked Frost as the sheep spoke.

"I'm ok coach put me back in."

That was all Frost needed to hear as he jumped up and began sprinting after the horse. As soon as he got up to speed thin slivers of ice began to appear on the ground an instant before his paws touched it as his sprint accelerated becoming a gliding skating like motion. He pumped his arms harder trying to go faster as he caught sight of the horse in front of him in full gallop. The fleeing stallion had nothing other than pure speed helping him as Frost slowly began to gain on him when the ally abruptly ended.

He saw the horse leap as he cleared the busy two lane street in a single bound, while Frosts paws shot out in front of him. A ramp made of ice appeared on the sidewalk as the cat hit it at full speed. It launched him up into the air even higher than the horse as tucked his legs and aimed for the adjoining ally the horse had vanished down. His feline grace served him well as he flew through the air landing even closer to the sprinting horse.

"SLOW DOWN I JUST WANT TO TALK!" shouted the cat as he felt a stitch start in his side and the stallion's head flicked backward. Whatever he saw made the horse find a new gear and dial up more speed as he began pulling away again. Frost let out a frustrated growl as his hands shot forward again and he froze the next thirty yards of alleyway into a mirror smooth pane of ice. Hooves and ice clearly didn't mix as the stud slid then fell in a tangle of limbs as he rocketed forward, sliding straight into a parked car.

His head hit first crumpling the passenger door of the sedan as the force of the impact tipped it over onto its side. The stud's body bounced off and ended up against a wall as Frost dug every claw he had into the ice to bring himself to a halt before scrambling over to the prone horse. Surprisingly the other male was still conscious but he didn't look all that well. His eyes were glassy and wide and he was mumbling something as both paws shot out grabbing both the leopard's arms in a vice like grip.

"Get away! He's coming! The Ripper's coming!" said the hose as his grip went limp and his eyes rolled back as head hit the pavement. Frost's eyes lit up when he heard the world "Ripper" as he brought the fancy looking watch on his wrist to his mouth. The compact high tech communicator was used by all the members of the High Rollers, and he quickly paged emergency services giving them RJ's location before pressing another button on the watch.

"You and I are going to have to have a little private chat," said the feline as he looked up into the sky. Less than a minute or two latter a sleek blue craft barely bigger than a car zipped toward them before maneuvering before it could land in the tight ally. The airship barely made it landing right beside the overturned car as Frost calmly slipped one of his cards under the wiper blade of the vehicle. Soft light poured out of the inside of the ship as the hatch opened while the leopard struggled to get his hands all the way around the horse's chest. With a little bit of work he got the unconscious equine into the craft and buckled him in before hopping in himself.

"You owe me horse," he said to his sleeping passenger as his paws gripped the controls and the craft slowly rose upward.


The mid-morning sun woke Salvatore as it flooded the room he was in. His eyes were greeted with a stunning view of the Neo Vegas strip as he stared straight ahead though a large glass wall. He was sitting alone on a rather huge bed which looked to be about the only thing in the room. Strangely enough he appeared to be dressed in clothes that actually fit as he looked down. The pair of black gym shorts he was wearing were only comfortably snug, and his t-shirt appeared to made from someone of his size even if it pinched his biceps a little.

Printed in big black letters on the white T were the words "Rino's are always horny!" as the horse stared at them for a long moment before his head reminded him just how much he had been drinking the night before. He tried to move a hand towards his head to find that something was stopping him as he turned and saw that his arm was cuffed to a very beefy looking brace set right into the wall. The horse tried to move his other arm only to find that it too was bound to the wall as he pulled against the bonds.

Something in the wall creaked but they held as he looked up to see a leopard in a bathrobe observing at him with a cup of coffee in one paw. He took a slip from the mug as he stared at Salvatore and some of the details of the previous night filtered into the stallion's brain. His chest went tight as he remembered the limp body of the ram. Some of it must have shown on his face as the cat suddenly spoke.

"He's doing fine. You only have him a concussion," said the leopard as Salvatore exhaled as he stared at his captor. The horse's eye's narrowed as he stared at the other male finally placing him.

"You're on the High Rollers aren't you. The pretty one," said the horse as the snow white feline's face soured.


Frost took another sip to collect his thoughts as he stared at the massive horse on his bed. The other male was exceptionally distracting with his hansom face and his jaw dropping build. The stallion's clothes had been mostly shredded by the time he had gotten him home so he had dug some clothing out of the drawer his sometimes boyfriend kept at his place. The leopard couldn't help but notice how sinfully well they seemed to fit when he had slipped them onto the sleeping horse trying to pay as little attention to the stallion's muscled form as he could. There were more important things on his mind that how hot the stallion looked chained up.

"It's Frost or Mr. Dawson to you, and I have a few questions for the man who attempted to kill my date last night."

"It was not my best moment" rumbled the horse as he gave the cuffs another gentle tug.

"I would say that last night rates very low on your list of problems since you appear to share fingerprints and retinas with a very recently deceased human by the name of Salvatore C. Monti."

"Do I now? How did he go?"

"Strangely enough his death certificate didn't seem to say. All we know is that he worked for White Knight."

"Mmm well they are into a lot of things these days."

"Cut the bullshit. Who the fuck are you?" growled Frost as the temperature in the room seemed to plummet. Frost felt his ears pop and the hair on his neck stand up as the horse's face hardened. "Soon as I so much as say that name our office gets a visit from a bunch of men in military fatigues with some high powered badges who want to know why we need information about that name. The very same group of people who took over the NeoVegas teleport terminal after the bombing last week."

"I guess we get the government we deserve," said the horse stoically as the super's blue eyes flashed and it grew downright cold.

"A team member and friend of mine almost lost her life in that bombing when she had to fight a crimson clad maniac who likes to use knives. The same guy you were muttering about last night," said the super as he watched the horse's face suddenly change.

"They said no one was injured in the attack."

"We kept it out of the news. It's not a good idea to report when one of the guardians of the city gets put in the hospital. Gives bad people ideas. Makes them think we're weak and shakes public confidence. All the more reason you need to tell me everything you know about the Ripper."

"It doesn't matter. He's beyond your reach," said the horse to the increasingly agitated leopard.

"Why not?"

"Because he's dead. I killed him."


Salvatore's words seemed to shock the super in front of him for a moment as the temperature in the room returned to almost normal as the cat's eyes narrowed. His massive shoulders sagged and even though he had just woken up he was tired. Tired of carrying the weight of what had happened. Tired to adjusting to this new body and how everyone looked and stared at him. Now that he had drawn the attention of this famous and well known supper he was going to have to have an explanation for the bits that the leopard already seemed to know, and if that was the case that meant his secret probably needed to come out.

"Get a chair. I'll tell you everything you want to know, but it's going to be a long story," said Salvatore as he tried to get comfortable and began to talk. When he finished the leopard was hanging off the edge of his seat open mouthed as he stared at the other male.

"So you're telling me that a week ago you were a human named SalvatoreC. Monti. You worked for White Knight. Your team got hit by the Ripper but you managed to survive, and were dozed with some virus that turned you into a horse?"

"Yes," said the stallion as Frost rubbed a paw over his eyes and took a sip of coffee.

"And then after that you killed the Ripper and were saved by two mysterious figures just strolling through the desert who you believe to be Gene Stealers."

"Yes," said the horse again.

"Do you have ANY proof at all to back this fantastic story up?" asked the exasperated super as Salvatore flexed his right arm and pulled at the cuff attaching it to the wall.

"Did you throw away my clothes?" asked the stallion as Frost shook his head. "Left pocket," he said as Frost slowly turned and walked out of the room. Salvatore looked at his right arm again before taking a deep breath and flexing it. Vein's popped in his neck and arms as he pulled against the cuff while the muscles in his metallic arm bulged. He let out a loud grunt as his the metal shackle came free of the wall with a loud metallic rending noise as he moved the arm a bit to loosen it up. He pointed his right wrist at the metal shackle on his left arm as the blade shot outward and severed the metal ring.

Frost was there standing motionless at the entrance to the room holding a large black feather in one paw as he watched the large horse slide off the bed.

"You... You shouldn't be able to do that! Do you know how much that thing costs?!? Barrage bought that for me!"

"You're not dating that ram?"

"No he was just a... Well Barrage is my real... We're not really.... Don't you read the tabloids like a normal person?!"

"No because I'm not a girl. Is that enough proof for you?" he asked pointing at the feather.

"This could have come from anywhere or any one. It doesn't prove jack shit!" said the leopard crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well then do you want to go find more proof or do you want to tie me up again?" asked Salvatore as the Leopard growled.

"Fine where are we headed?" he asked as the stud snorted.

"My house."


Twenty minutes later the pair was zipping over the NeoVegas skyline in Frost's blue airship, the Snowflake. Frost had made the impatient horse wait for him to get dressed, and had come back fully clothed in his costume. It seemed to surprise the equine who had stared for a moment or two before Frost thumped him in the nose and walked out the door.

The Leopard's suit was just one of the things that made him among the most popular heroes on the High Rollers. Skin tight, it showed off his lithe but muscled build and allowed him the complete freedom of moment that he needed in combat. Made of a thin but extremely tough nanotube weave the material of the suit provided an impressive level of protection over his already durable body. The suit also could withstand the extreme sub-zero temps the super's body could reach when he used his powers, and was very stylish. Cut almost entirely in a soft dark blue with a bit of white trim the suit contrasted with his snow white fur and the darker blue boots he wore.

His paws tightened on the controls as he took the craft into a slow turn as Salvatore stared out the window at his home down below. It was a small ranch style house in the middle of an older neighborhood that had seen better days, but was still a nice place to live as the ship spiraled lower. The feline hit a button on the console as the hum of the engines died down to a low whisper and the body of the craft seemed to vanish as it reflected an image of the sky above them.

It drifted lower until it was just above the top of the house's roof as the hatch opened and the two males exited the craft dropping the remaining fifteen feet to the ground. Both quickly moved closer to the house as they slid silently around the edge of the yard towards the front as they dipped into Salvatore's garage.

The pair squeezed past a low slung vehicle covered with a tarp and up to the garage door. Salvatore's large paw slipped into a toolbox next to the car and came out with a key as he pressed it into the lock on the door. He slowly turned the key then carefully twisted the knob as the door swung inward silently. Both males slipped silently into the horse's kitchen which was messier than he had left it. It looked as if someone had raided the former human's fridge as various snacks and half eaten food littered the counters.

Both the stallion and leopard heard the sound of the TV in the next room as Salvatore took the lead and crept to the edge of the den. The TV was on and tuned to the local news where an entertainment piece was playing. A perky blond mink slid onto the screen with a wide smile as a picture of Frost appeared over her left shoulder.

"Drama on the strip last night when Vegas's most eligible hero Frost was spotted with the steamy RJ Spralls, newest sensation on the Dynamo's!" A picture appeared of them together in the middle of the club. A crunching noise was heard as a hand reached over the edge of one of the chairs and into a bag of chips sitting on the floor before another similar crunching noise was heard.

"Why can't that happen to me," said a voice as the hand descended again to grab some more chips.

"Is this the real end of NeoVegas' favorite power couple or just another lover's quarrel? Only time will tell!" said the Mink as she shuffled the papers in her paws. "Now back to Dave with the weather."

Salvatore turned to look at Frost as he pointed toward the high backed lazy boy and they began to creep towards it while the person in the chair reached for more chips and flicked to the sports channel. The stallion crouched as low as he could behind the large chair and held up three fingers before silently ticking them down. As the last one vanished he popped over the edge of the chair and grabbed its occupant pulling him backward over the top of the lazy boy while his new prisoner screamed.

Frost drew back a paw as ice encased his hand finishing in a wicked point as Salvatore wrapped a meaty arm around the neck of the intruder. Almost immediately the leopards face fell and his paw withdrew as he looked up at the horse.

"This is your proof?" he asked as Salvatore looked down as the skinny and bespectacled young man in his arms. The dark haired youth was looking at Frost and wheezing as his face grew redder and his mouth moved as he tried to grip at the stallion's arms and pull himself lose. Both males starred at the human they had caught for a moment as he continued to squirm. He was scrawny and unimpressive looking despite being clad in a set of military fatigues that seemed to fit rather loosely on his body. His name tag, sown on above the left chest pocket read 'Simmons' and his glasses were sitting crooked on his head thanks to his struggles.

Salvatore let go as the small human toppled to the floor, gasping for breath for a moment while the horse and leopard looked down at him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he said in a low rumble as the human looked up towards Frost.

"You... You're Frost! Oh my god I'm such a huge fan!" he said grabbing the stunned Super's hand. "Do... do you think you could sign your trading card for me?" he asked as he reached into one of his pockets before Salvatore grabbed both his arms again. "Hey what gives? I'm trying to do a job here!" he said as the stud spun him around and he shrank at the sight of the glowering horse. "Whoa buddy! I have orders to stay here on the premises and monitor it for a suspected fugitive."

"Fugitive you say?" said Frost as he placed a hand on the soldiers shoulder and spun him back around hitting him with a thousand watt smile. "What did you say your name was?"

"S-Stanly Simmons. Private First Class U.S. military," he shuddered as a blush came into his face and his hand moved reflexively towards a salute. Frost grabbed his hand with his paw and shook it as he smiled another big smile.

"Stanly I think you could be of great help to the High Rollers. You see I think we are after the same person. Do you have a name or picture?"

"Oh a sure," he said as his hand disappeared into one of his pockets and produced a picture of the former human.

"His name is Salvatore C. Monti. We suspect that he may have been or might still be tied to the theft of sensitive government property and in cahoots with a known super villain."

"From the White Knight transport heist?" said Salvatore as the human whipped back around with a wide eyed look.

"How do you even know about that! That incident is so highly classified that even I barely know about it! We even lost two of our bu- um err you really shouldn't know-"

"Relax Private Simmons," said Frost in a soothing tone. "The High Rollers along with the Elemental Alliance are working in partnership with your senior commanders in an effort to capture the super villain responsible for all this. That's one of our jobs after all. We are just chasing down any and all leads that will help us to apprehend the Ripper as soon as possible."

The private seemed to calm down and let out a deep breath as Frost patted him on the shoulder.

"Wow, I didn't know we were doing a joint op but I sure am glad we are. After reading the Ripper's file and hearing about what he did to the PEC's and White Knight's team everyone's been a bit nervous."

"PEC's?" asked Frost.

"Uh yeah. Didn't they brief you? Performance Enhanced Combatants. They are vital for the viability of the military's next gen warfighter program. Oh I um, probably shouldn't talk about that until I get clearance from my commander though."

"Your secret is safe with us," said Frost.

"The PEC's were the pair of bulls?" asked Salvatore as Simmons' eyes widened again.

"Yeah, a good pair of guys," said the private with a bit of sadness in his voice. "the team that performed the autopsy said that both of them went down fighting and so did the rest of the team save Monti. There is so little left of his body that we can't even tell if it's him or not. That's why my commander sent me here. If he is still alive we thought he might try and come back to his house but I'm not so sure. I've been here for five whole days and haven't seen anyone come by until you two showed up."

"I've tried to stay on my toes though. This Monti guy, if he is still around, sounds kind of scary. Our info on him says he was a capable commando who served with a UN peace keeping team and possess a military grade cybernetic arm with a huge whopping knife that pops out of it. I mean that's just freaky, no offense intended," he said looking at Salvatore's metal arm.

"None taken," said the horse.

"By the way who are you?" he asked pointing at Salvatore

"He is a new provisional member of the High Rollers," said Frost quickly. "A transfer from uh-

"Korea," said Salvatore in his southern drawl.

"You don't sound Korean," said the soldier.

"I'm from South Korea," said the stallion.

"Well what's your name then? And when does your trading card come out?"

"Well uh he doesn't have a name yet. Our media department is trying to draft him one right now."

"Oh I guess that makes sense, but he isn't wearing a mask or anything. Are you out like Frost here?" he asked looking at Salvatore.

"Uh no I uh-

"He forgot his mask!" said Frost with a grin. "It a common rookie mistake. I'm really going to have to ride his ass hard to get him whipped him into shape!"

"Oh! Well you better be careful then. Wouldn't want Barrage getting jealous or anything," said the human as he leaned closer to the leopard's ear. "I mean he looks like he has a horn even bigger than the one your use to," he said giving Frost a little nudge as Salvatore's ears twitched and Frost let out a forced laugh.

"Sorry about the whole ninja thing though Stanly. We had no idea you were here but could I ask small favor of you?" asked Frost.

"S-sure anything," said the private as the leopard wrapped and arm around his shoulder and began to lead him toward a sliding glass door that opened to the back yard. "I need someone to travel back to High Roller HQ and debrief the team members there on the state of this current situation."

"Oh I can't go anywhere until I receive orders from my commander to-

"Oh don't worry Stan. We will make all the necessary arrangements with your commander, but I really need someone to meet with the rest of the High Rollers team and tell them what's going on," said the leopard as he led the human out the door and toward Snowflake.

"You want me to meet and brief the ENTIRE team?!" said Simmons excitedly.

"Oh yes, it would be a great help if you could do that for me."

"Well I really want to but someone needs to stay here to see if-

"Oh don't worry," said Frost the hatch of the craft opened up. "I'll be right here until you get back in case anyone comes by. So can you do it?"

"Well I-

"Great! Thanks so much for this!" said Frost as he practically shoved the human into the pilot seat of Snowflake.

"W-wait who is going to fly this thing?" asked Stanly in a bit of a panic as the ships engines flicked on.

"Oh don't worry. Its programmed to take you directly to High Roller HQ. See you later Stanly. Thanks again!" said the leopard as he pressed a button on the controller clipped to his wrist as the crafts canopy promptly shut. It quickly rose upward and with a roar blasted towards downtown as the snow leopard watched it go. He turned slowly and walked back into the house only to find that Salvatore wasn't there anymore.

The super quickly moved further in to the master bedroom where he found the horse throwing things into several bags that were spread out on the bed.

"I sent Stanley to HQ and I sent a message ahead of him. They will keep him there and pump him for all the information they can, then wipe his memory," said Frost to the horse who didn't even look up as he pulled a gray assault rifle out of his closet and unloaded the weapon before laying it gently down in a long thin case.

"Look I'm sorry that I didn't believe you at first but you have to admit that your story was a bit, crazy," said the leopard as Salvatore grunted and kept packing. The horse reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out a large sliver revolver before tossing into one of the other suit cases. "Can you just stop for a moment," said the costumed super as he moved in front of the larger male. "Why are you even packing anyway?"

"Why do you think I came here?" he asked staring down at the smaller feline. "I need my things before I head to California. That's where the Gene Stealers are."

"Whoa whoa whoa! You can't just leave. We need to talk about some things first before you go flying off the handle thinking you are doing the right thing."

"I'm not flying off of anything, I'm hunting," said Salvatore with a serious face as he tried to push the leopard aside.

"It doesn't work like that you can't just go after someone and gun them down like some kind of renegade."

"Did I say I was going to kill them?" asked the horse as he reached into his closet and produced a shotgun. Frost grabbed the weapon and brought it down in a smashing motion over his knee as the weapon broke into two pieces causing the horse to snort in anger.

"We need to talk about your condition. Like how irresponsible it is for someone as strong as you are to get as drunk were, and yeah I know how much you must have had to drink that night to get yourself to that state!"

"I'm fine!" said Salvatore with a growl.

"Yeah so long as the person who happen to hit is a professional football player. Why were you even- "You can't sleep can you," said Frost suddenly as the stallion jerked like he had been stung.

"I slept fine last night."

"Yeah sure you did, and all you had to do was try to drown your liver and cave a car door in with you head. Everyone should follow your example," said the leopard almost shouting. "Tell me, how bad are the nightmares and the panic attacks? Are you hallucinating at all?"

"I don't have-

"Bullshit. You were the one that told me what you just went though. No one goes through something like that and comes out OK unless they're a sociopath. You were even rambling and raving just last night before you passed out. When is the last time you got more than eight hours of sleep?"

"Why the fuck do you care?" asked Salvatore as he stopped.

"Because you are a walking weapon now and you can't just go around acting like you did last night. You don't get to do that anymore. Having powers means you have to protect others from yourself, and as screwed up as you are right now you shouldn't be around anyone you could hurt. I understand this is a tough time but-

"What the fuck do you know!" shouted the horse as he threw his paws up in the air. "You think you understand me? What I'm going through? Going to tell me some sob story about how you got your powers? Every hero has one right, and you do too don't you? Some sad little tale of the day you became special and different from everyone else. Well try waking up without an arm and looking over to see your best friend on life support because he lost both legs. Then try watching you friends all die in front of you while a madman doses you with something that turns your body into some kind of hideous freak! You think I can just snap my fingers and go back to the way things were? Everyone I've ever known save you and my boss who lost his job because of me thinks I'm dead, and the only people that don't think I'm dead are trying to hunt me down! I have nothing left and no one to live for but this!" yelled the horse as Frost darted forward and grabbed him.

At first Salvatore froze as the leopard wrapped his warm body around the horse's middle and looked up slowly. Frost's eyes were a bit misty as he pulled them closer together.

"You might not think you have anyone else right now but you have me," he said as the tears in horse's eyes started to silently flow. Salvatore's entire body shook but he made no sound as Frost held him for a moment before he sat them both down on the bed. The stallion buried his face in his paws as Frost simply sat slowly rubbed the horse's back in small circles.

"Tell me about your friends," said Frost as the horse began to talk. Words began to pore from his mouth and like an avalanche it soon couldn't be stopped as he talked about them for the first time since the day their lives had ended. It was a eulogy in a way as he reopened the wound and let some of the venom their drain out while he spoke of their lives and how he missed them.

Salvatore didn't know how long he sat there but I felt like hours until the last of his tears stopped leaving him feeling empty and hollow inside. Some of the dark anger he had felt since his change seemed to have dissipated as his eyes flicked toward the leopard.

"I'm uh- I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to snap at you it's just I can't- Guys shouldn't break down like that it's not manly."

"It is a natural part of the grieving process. It needed to happen for you to move on," said Frost as he patted the horse on the shoulder.

"You uh- you kind of sound like some kind of shrink you know that?"

"That's because I am one," said Frost.

"What?" said Salvatore twisting his head sideways.

"I'm a psychologist. It's what I went to school for. Got my degree from the University of California. Graduated eighth in my class. I don't get to use the degree as much as I would like to but I do try to help out the members of High Rollers. You can't be completely sane and do what we do. You also can't see the death and violence we do day in and day out without it taking a toll. Grief counseling is one of the important things that I do."

"So you- You're a super shrink," said the horse with a snort.

"Ah the return of humor and sarcasm. A sign that the patent is putting up a brave front, and sometimes a sign of improvement. I would said it's a little of both for you."

"Stop doing that," said Salvatore flatly.

"Some patents require excessive verbal goading to place them in a more vulnerable state. Stubborn individuals often resist showing emotion because they see it as a type of weakness. A weakness they feel will pierce their masculine paradigm."

"Tell me something super shrink, if you are so smart why do you and your boyfriend go through so much shit all the time," said the horse as the leopard's mouth slammed shut.

"That's not- You can't treat someone who you're in a relationship with! It's not ethical because you can't be objective."

"Huh so I guess that ram last night was-

"A distraction," said Frost. "Hopefully a pleasant one."

"And I really fucked that one up for you didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I have a feeling that RJ's ego would have gotten old pretty fast. Sometimes though you just need to get- well you know."

"So I owe you for the therapy session and the date now."

"Yeah I guess you do," said Frost laughing.

"So when do you want me to start paying you back?" asked the horse slowly as he turned to face the leopard.

Salvatore's words made Frost's stomach do a back flip as he turned to face the stallion. Salvatore was giving him a look that made parts of him tingle as his tongue felt suddenly thick.

"It wouldn't be right. I mean not to say you aren't handsome and all- I mean you are very attractive and any girl or, um, I guess guy would be lucky to have you but it's not a good idea," said Frost slowly as the horse suddenly looked angry again. "I mean... it would get complicated."

"And what if I didn't care?" said Salvatore suddenly chest to chest with Frost almost shoving the other male backwards. How anyone could be so sexy when they were mad boggled the feline's mind. His sudden outburst and now this were all warning signs of emotional instability but there was also something incredibly hot about him being so vulnerable. Also it wasn't like he hadn't wanted the horse since the moment he had seen him come strolling down that ally. RJ might not have been the brightest bulb but even a blind man could have picked up on it. And if that was the case, it made him partly responsible for all of this mess.

As Frost was thinking these things the other male's heady musk hit the leopard right between the eyes. The submissive in Frost was jumping up and down with joy as he looked up and saw the way the horse was eyeing him. His knees wobbled a bit as he took a deep breath and his cock popped free of its sheath. He couldn't stop the needy whimper that slipped from his lips as his ears went flat.

Salvatore couldn't seem to stop staring at the leopard. Since waking up this morning and seeing Frost in nothing but a bathrobe he hadn't been able to keep his eyes off the handsome feline. Slipping into his uniform had only made it worse somehow. His anger had helped him focus on the task at hand but now that it seemed to have partially burned itself out it let other feelings in. Feelings that seemed to center exclusively around the spandex clad superhero and the persistent urge between his legs.

Frost's reaction to his breakdown had been surprising, considering even he didn't think he was holding that much inside. Crying on another's shoulder wasn't something he had ever seen himself doing nor was it something he ever planned to do again, but Frost seemed so OK with it. Like sudden emotional crackups were normal things.

There was also something else. Something that seemed tied to whatever it was that had happened to him. He had noticed it several times even before his encounter with RJ with just random people on the street, but it seemed as it certain people just wanted to pick a fight with him. It seemed that every time it happened the person always seemed to possess a strong dominate vibe. Other times, light right now, it was exactly the opposite. He would take one look at someone and could just feel them bend. Last time it had been a vulpine bartender a few days ago.

There had been a moment when the he and the vulpine had been alone just after the fox had placed his drink in front of him. As soon as their eyes met the other male just seemed to freeze. In that moment he had been absolutely sure that he could have done almost anything he wanted to the other male, and he was somehow sure that the fox would have enjoyed it. He broke the stare as a heady whiff of vulpine arousal reached him and the fox walked shakily pass towards another customer.

Now he was getting that feeling again full force as he starred at the cat and was suddenly so horny he could barely think straight. The mewl that came from the cats mouth was like a green light to Salvatore as his paws were suddenly all over the other male. Their lips met and the stallion's nerves sizzled as he drove the leopard backward onto the bed. Tongues plunged, twisted, and tasted as he felt Frost's erection grind into his stomach while blood began to fill his own. They were both moving too fast but it felt right somehow as they broke long enough to breathe before the feline grabbed the horse behind his ears and pulled him roughly back into another kiss.

Frost couldn't remember wanting anyone like he wanted the huge hulking horse on top of him. His paws glided across a body that felt as if it were made of iron as Salvatore swept an arm across the mattress. Clothes, bags, and several guns went flying as the horse grabbed Frost's uniform with both paws. The equine let out a grunt and in a sexy display of strength tore the leopards suit right down the middle then completely off letting the super's cock pop free.

A big paw quickly found it as Frost's back arched and he coated the horse's palm in pre. Salvatore's free paw glided up a snow white chest before his fingers found what they were looking for. He lightly pinched one of the cat nipples and watched as the male under him yowled loud enough to wake the dead. Ten inches of kitty cock erupted while Frost's body jerked and nearly bent in two as the horse brought him quicker that he could remember anyone bringing him in a long time. Cum arched upward before falling back and coating the leopards chest and face making him that much whiter as Salvatore brought his paw slowly up to his mouth before cleaning it off.

The image of Salvatore towering over him seemed to burn itself into Frost's mind as he watch the horse peel the rest of his clothing off leaving him naked as the day he was born. To the feline he looked like the wet dream of a wet dream. He wanted to start at the equine's hooves and slowly lick his way up the stallion's massive muscled thighs. Frost wanted to kiss each of eight brick like abs before returning to the vee of Salvatore's groin where he was so thoroughly blessed.

At the first sign of his prize the cat pounced wrapping two paws around the stallions slowly thickening horsecock feeling its weight as he gave the flat onyx black head a long slow lick. Salvatore let out a throaty whinny as Frost stoked faster, watching enraptured as the tool in his paws kept growing. The leopards breathing grew fast and shallow and his eyes grew wider as the stallion throbbed past the foot mark stretching the cats fingers wider.

The horse seemed to shiver as his cock twitched and fired off a thick streamer of pre the leopard immediately lapped up with a rumbling purr. Soon Frost no longer had to support Salvatore who now bobbed parallel with his body as the hungry feline continued to worship the stallion's massive dong. A hair over fifteen inches of veiny thickness had the normally chatty super stunned into silence as the toyed with the tip while it spat another mouthful of pre into his muzzle. The equines paw descended as he palmed the top of the smaller male's head shoving his face closer to his groin as the cat let out another needy mewl.

Soon the leopards muzzle was shoved into the base of Salvatore's groin were two ponderous black orbs hung throbbing with virility. Frost took a deep shuddering breath of the horse's thick musk before his long tongue began to paint each of the stallions softball sized spunk factories. He got in a few nibbles before the paw drew him back out and Salvatore's trumpet shaped tip taped the side of his muzzle.

"How about using that mouth of yours?" said Salvatore in tone that made the leopard shiver as he gripped the horse's meaty rod again and opened his muzzle wide.

Salvatore quickly found out that the cat could hold his breath for a very long time as Frost quickly engulfed more of his cock than he thought possible. He could see the feline's throat bulge each time his head bobbed, and the sight along had his balls churning as the smaller male continued to work his magic. Salvatore soon began to roll his hips as his grip on the top of Frost's head tightened helping the leopard along. A few sweaty heady minutes later the stud let out a roar as he filled the cat's belly with over a pint of scalding stallion milk.

They were in each others arms again almost immediately after the horse's cock dropped free of the leopards lips. Salvatore held Frost up so their heads were level as he tasted a bit of himself on the cat's tongue. The stallion moved nearly tripping as they feasted on each other toward his nightstand as his paw reached down and nearly tore the drawer out of its self. His big fingers fished about in the cabinet for a moment before finding a bottle of lube. Frost's only answer was a loud purr as his own cock throbbed against the stallion's muscled abs.

Salvatore dropped the panting frost onto the bed again as he popped the top on the bottle of lube and grabbed his rapidly hardening tool one paw. He coated himself slowly, making a show of it before giving himself a few pumps as the leopard flipped himself over pushing his ass straight up in the air. He waggled it back and forth a few times, tail going straight up like a flag, before Salvatore gave him a firm slap on the rump that made him yowl.

"So this is the real you huh?" said the horse as he thrust forward siding the shaft of his cock along the cleft of Frost's ass. The mewling leopard nodded his head franticly as Salvatore grabbed his tail and pulled it to the side fully exposing his pucker.

"Yes! GODS YES! Just give it to me!" panted Frost as the stallion slowly rimmed his hole with one finger before pushing it in. The cat's whole body jerked and clenched around Salvatore's digit as the horse slowly worked in and out for a moment.

"You're just a cock hungry kitty aren't you?" said the stud as he continued to tease. "Almost makes me jealous that your rhino gets all this to himself, but he isn't here right now is he?" Before the cat could answer Salvatore jammed another finger in as Frost let out a low moan.

"Nnnnnggg h-he doesn't like it like this. He oooohhhh- h-he thinks it's demeaning," said the leopard as his body shivered.

"So he doesn't understand what a slutty little kitty you are does he?" said Salvatore as he pushed another finger in making the other male hiss. "I bet he doesn't even know how to properly fuck you does he," said the horse in a teaseing tone as he leaned over Frost body and nibbled at his ear. "Lucky for you I do," said the stallion with a growl as he bit down hard on the scruff of Frosts neck.

As if on command the leopard's body twitched and bucked as he came for the second time that night while one of the stallion's paws darted downward to help him along. When he was satisfied with the teeth marks he had made on the leopard's neck he wrapped one thick arm around the nearly limp feline while removing his fingers.

Even in his post climax haze Frost felt it as he pressed the flat tip of his cock against his entrance. As the horse slowly began to enter he felt his ring began to stretch to accommodate the stallion's girth. While his usual partner was on the proud end of the spectrum Salvatore was larger still and a challenge even for the experienced super.

A long low rumbling purr signaled when the widest part of Salvatore slipped inside the cat as Frost's claws shredded the Stallion's sheets and mattress. Two big paws gripped either side of the cat's muscled rump as the big horse began to slowly thrust forward burring himself in the willing leopard's rump. The stud nickered loudly as he as he slowly began to withdraw before bucking his hips and slamming back into Frost with a laugh.

"FFFFUUUCCKKKK!" shouted the smaller super as his own cock twitched and bucked under him. Salvador's paws were the only thing keeping the cat on the bed as the horse really began to get into stride with each thrust rocking the leopards entire body. A cacophony of noises poured from Frost lips with each stoke as a little bit more of the stallion's cock vanished each time. The feline was making so much noise that Salvatore began to wonder if he was hurting the other male. He was about to slow down when he felt Frost clench around him and spray the sheets under him with cum.

"Izat all you got?" growled the leopard as he turned and looked backward at the grinning horse. Salvatore's paws moved north up to Frost's waist as he lifted him up till they were chest to back and thrust up hard enough to make the cat yip.

"If you wanted to really be fucked all you had to do was ask," growled the stallion as bit down hard again on the scruff of Frost's neck again and began to bounce the leopard like a pogo stick. Nether male lasted very long at the rate they were going as Salvatore's tip flared wide and he came thunderously inside of the feline. The smaller male's body had a sympathetic reaction as he felt the horse fill his insides till sticky horse cum began to run down both their legs.

The pair continued to fuck like feral beasts in every position either one of them could think of until the sun started to dip. Even supercharged stamina apparently had its limits as the pair ended up back where they had started on the bed. The white furred super felt nearly boneless and as thoroughly sated as he had ever been as his body sagged against Salvatore's chest. The ache in his rear reminded him just how well he had been fucked as the horse slowly pulled out of him. He doubted he would be able to walk completely comfortably tomorrow but so long as he woke up with the big stud next to him he didn't really care.

Lather covered Salvatore's entire body as one paw slowly trailed up and down the toned belly of the leopard beside him. He was quite sure that his legs no longer worked and was quietly wondering if he would ever be able to maintain an erection again as Frost purred softly and snuggled up closer to him.

"Is this the way you therapy sessions usually go?" asked Salvatore as Frost groaned before slapping weakly at the horse's broad flank.

"No. I make every effort to maintain the highest conduct standards possible. I've never once slept with a client."

"Until today," said the horse.

"Yes, until today."

"So are there rules or something? Will you have to pay a fine or maybe take a time out? Turn in your shrink card?"

"No my plan is to simply threaten the client in question with castration so he will shut up about it."

"Might be hard to sleep with him if you castrate him first," said Salvatore as he pulled the feline in tighter against his body.

"I plan to lock him up in my penthouse and ravish him for a week or two as part of his treatment. Then castrate him."

"He might go for the first part. Doubtful on the second," said the horse as he received a whack from the leopard's tail. "You somehow neglected to inform me that sex with a super was so exhausting though."

"I think that you qualify for that club now," said Frost as he placed a paw on top of the one still running lazy circles though his chest fur. "Salvatore listen, I don't want there to be a misunderstanding between us. What we just did, what we do together, it can't go any farther than this. I like you and all but we can't-

"I get it," said the horse as he softly kissed the feline in his arms between the ears. "I think I needed this just as much as you did," he said as he felt the tension in the other male's body begin to slowly fade as the leopard let out a long slow breath he seemed to have been holding in.

"Thanks for understanding," said Frost in a very sleepy voice as he snuggled in tighter and pair drifted off in each other's arms while the sun slowly set on NeoVegas strip.