Secrets Part 1

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#1 of Secrets (Nicobay commision)

Secrets (Nicobay Commission)

By: Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or the characters in this story. Nicobay and Malyabay both belong to Nicobay. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. This story contains sexual themes and should not be read by people under 18.

AN: Nicobay asked me to do this, in exchange for him commissioning a picture for me, sometime in December or late November. As you can see I have hardly done any writing and it's getting a bit ridiculous but, luckily the story idea can easily be split into two parts, which is what I'm going to do. Part 2 will hopefully follow soon. Thank you to Mew Sands for beta-checking.

Part 1

"There's something in our hearts worth fighting for

Some secrets better left untold"

~Secrets, Hammerfall~

From out of a bunch of leafy ferns there came a low moaning. It steadily grew louder, the fronds beginning to rustle and shake. There was a deep gasp from within the concealing vegetation and then a deep moan. The bushes became still and only the sound of someone panting hinted at what had just happened out of the reach of prying eyes.

Malyabay withdrew her vines from her pussy. The tip of each vine was coated in the young bayleef's vaginal juices. She lifted the dripping vines up to her mouth and sucked each one clear, slowly, so that she could savour her taste. It was stronger than usual but she was in heat so it made sense. She lay back on the soft ground, staring up at the sky, streaked with clouds, through the fingers of the ferns overhanging her. Her chest moved up and down rapidly as she tried to recover. The heat was taking a lot out of her. She had lost count of the number of times she had masturbated in the past few days, but still her body ached for more. It needed to feel a real cock in it and Malyabay's vines were unable to fool it.

"I need sex..." whined Malyabay to herself, "But who can help me?"

She rolled onto her stomach and got up. She mentally flipped through all the males she knew, trying to find a suitable one to mate, but try as she might she couldn't decide. After a few minutes of mindless walking, she found herself on the way home. Her eyes shone as she finally hit upon a suitable partner, her brother, Nicobay. After deciding that was the right choice, she was surprised it had taken her so long to come up with it. She had always looked up to her brother, finding him to be incredibly strong and handsome. Her tail wagged happily as she trotted into the shelter of her home cave.

"Nico? Where are you?" she called out.

"In here," came the reply, from a room to her side.

Nicobay turned his head over to the entrance to his part of the cave when his sister came in. He was lying on his back on a thick bed of grasses and leaves.

"You busy?" asked Malyabay, waiting at the doorway.

Malyabay's scent wafted into the confined space, going straight to Nico's nostrils. He sniffed at the air instinctively, a red tint appearing on his cheeks just before he rolled over onto his belly.

"Uh... not really. Is there something you wanted to talk about?" he asked, gulping nervously.

Nico's sister nodded, "Sex. I need someone to mate me."

"Wh-what!" he exclaimed.

"I'm old enough," whined Malyabay, one of her vines extending and disappearing behind her.

Nico gave a gulp and, after a brief moment, the vine returned, extending until it was just in front of the male bayleef's face. His eyes were fixed on the tip, his sister's juices very visible and releasing a strong scent that went straight to his head.

"But I can't do it alone... I was hoping you'd... help me out a little. Please?"

She tried to make herself look cuter, her eyes going down slightly as brought her forelegs together and batted her eyes. At the same time her extended vine swayed slightly as it moved forward, into Nico's open mouth. Malyabay closed her eyes happily as she felt her brother's mouth close on the tip of her vine and his tongue lick it clean of her honey.

As his body was overtaken by the smell of a female in heat, Nicobay rolled onto his side, the pink flesh of his erect cock seeming to glow above the dirty green of his belly. The tip was already wet with a single bead of pre cum.

"I guess I could help you out," whispered Nico, licking his lips as Malyabay's vine slipped free.

Malyabay didn't even reply. Almost as soon as Nico had exposed himself, she was on her knees, head bowed down between his hind legs. Her head moved up and down slowly as she inspected and took in every detail of her sibling's length. She could smell the musky scent it had, strong after being tucked inside his body for so long and see the healthy pink flesh; hard, firm and long, perfect for mating. With a quick lick she took the bead of his pre into her mouth and smeared it over her tongue. The taste was brand new yet faintly similar to berries.

Nicobay let out a long groan, feeling the warmth of another's mouth over his member. He blushed still as he looked down over the paler back of his sibling but gradually extended a vine, overcoming his shyness and touching it to his sister's skin.

Malyabay murred happily, her body relaxing as Nico's vines traced a criss-cross pattern over her back, running toward her rear. Her tail lifted higher the whole time as the vines crept nearer until the two finally met.

Nico guided his vine out of sight, feeling his way behind his sister's tail, the skin slowly growing hotter. He closed his eyes, knowing what was waiting for him. Focusing on the heat Nico kept advancing until, finally, he felt wetness.

As she felt the vine gliding over her rump, Malyabay sucked harder, her breathing speeding up in anticipation. She could taste her brother's pre changing gradually to become more viscous and hold a stronger taste. She flicked her tongue up and down the underside of Nico's length, pressing the head of his cock against the roof of her mouth. Her body trembled as the vine came ever closer, until it's tip finally touched the lips of her cunt.

Nicobay was groaning loudly trying to hold back as his hips began to buck into his sister's warm mouth. He felt like he was burning up, every fibre in him screaming at him to just let go and hump madly. Luckily for Malyabay he channelled the excitement into his tail, causing the thick, green appendage to slam against the floor repeatedly. He began to whimper as he came even closer, his vine shaking as it waited at the entrance to the female bayleef's snatch.

Malya grinned as she heard the thwap of Nico's tail, changing her technique to increase it's tempo. Her head bobbed up and down between her sibling's legs, her lips squeezing tightly as they slipped up and down the flesh pole, lubricated by her spit and the large amounts of pre Nico was releasing.

Finally, Nico gave a loud yell of pleasure, "Oh, Malya! Oh yes!"

He jerked his hips forward, burying his cock in his sister's muzzle as his thick cream spurted out into her maw, filling it with his potent bayleef seed.

Cum ran rapidly down Malya's face, dripping off of her chin onto Nico's bed even though she tried to gulp it down. The strong flow was simply too much for her to cope with and soon she was overwhelmed and gave up, pulling away and getting the final few pulses sprayed over her face.

Malyabay used a paw to wipe her face, then licked the thick seed off it, purring contentedly from the taste. It was sweet and strong, lingering on her tongue but not overwhelming her. At the same time it also filled the area with it's fruity scent, a scent her heat-clouded mind quickly locked onto and savoured. Her cunt lips twitched desperately, only made more needy by the sexual pleasure their owner had bestowed on another.

"Wow..." murmured Nicobay, lying almost limp, his chest heaving heavily, "You're so good."

A blush tinted Malya's cheeks at the compliment, "Thank you."

"I guess it's your turn," grinned Nico, his vine, which had fallen limp from his orgasm, picked itself up again, poking gently under her tail.

With only a lusty groan Malyabay turned around, raising her rear into the air, her tail moving aside to give her brother easy access and an unobstructed view to her jewel.

Nico licked his lips as he stared, entranced, at Malyabay's pussy. Her lips were flushed pink and glistened with her nectar as it run out and dripped on the floor, begging a male to take advantage of it. Nico didn't refuse, pressing his vine right into the centre of her opening. The vine had a bulged tip that first parted the vulva, releasing more of the strong perfume that females in heat produce. With his face so close to her rear Nico was overwhelmed by the scent and lost any inhibitions he may have possessed.

Malyabay's eyes closed tightly as she felt herself being penetrate for the first time by somebody else. It wasn't the cock she'd been hoping for but it felt completely different to when she had used her own vine. Every movement seemed to be exaggerated and she felt it much clearer. The gently stretch of the bulb then closing it inside and feeling more and more length fed into her tunnel until it reached the end.

As he watched his vine push in and out, Nicobay could feel his cock stirring a second time. Both he and his sister had acquired a great deal of stamina from their umbreon father and it wasn't that unusual for Nicobay to cum twice when he pawed off. He shifted as the damp organ expanded as if it were being blown up.

Malyabay shifted her hips, swaying them seductively from side to side, as her brother's vine pushed in, more often than not coiling inside her and then sliding out again.

As he got more into it, helped along by the irresistible aroma, he twisted his vine over around itself, making it twice as thick, and went at it with renewed vigour.

Malyabay collapsed on her knees. She hadn't done that to herself and although she had occasionally used two vines it had never felt quite the same. It wasn't only the thickness of the tangle that made her nether regions ache with lust, but, as it moved through her lips, each twist formed a rib. She rolled her head, gasping loudly as her juice ran freely from her cunt, and spied Nicobay's renewed erection.

"N-Nico," she panted, her wide eyes focused on the shaft of meat, "Lie on... on your back."

At first it didn't seem like he heard but then he slipped his vine out, rolling onto his back and sucking it clean. He was purring heavily. The leaf on his head moved slowly as it fanned the scent of sex toward his nostrils.

Malyabay stumbled back onto her feet and lay on top of her brother, her head dropping between his strong legs and engulfing his penis almost before she was down. Her two vines emerged and began to rub firmly on his crotch.

The male bayleef gave a meep of surprise as Malya's crotch descended to cover his face. Within seconds his nose and muzzle were coated with her fluid and he was eagerly nuzzling into her rump, sniffing heavily at the intoxicating fragrance. His lips met her pussy and he drew it into a wet kiss. He parted his lips and his tongue slid straight down her tunnel, searching for more of the ambrosial substance he'd tasted on his vines. Nicobay lapped deeply at Malyabay's treasure, rubbing all over the smooth walls until he found her G-spot. Once he did he felt her crotch muscles clench down and heard his sister's sharp intake of breath, then he focused his attention on that spot.

Underneath his sibling, Nicobay squirmed and moaned in pleasure as he felt the familiar sensation of her tongue pleasuring his cock. He could feel his pleasure building stronger with each soft lick along is sensitive flesh. As her vines rubbed over his groin, Nico felt a tingling in his body, a pleasing and relaxing sensation that gradually grew stronger and seemed to expand to fill his entire being.

Malyabay pressed her cunt back onto the tongue that was venturing deep into her depths. Her walls twitched eagerly, gripping the slippery invader and oozing her sweet juice out, coating it thoroughly. Even as the waves of pleasure swept through her young body, fulfilling a few of her desires, she didn't forget the strong, beautiful male under her and her mouth continually moved over his thick member. She couldn't get enough of the taste of his cock and lapped furiously at it, sucking hard to get as much of his pre as she could.

Malya could tell as her brother, Nicobay, neared his climax; his faster breaths, twitching body and the stronger taste on her tongue all serving as harbingers for her. She pulled her head back, mouth wide open to grab her reward, and tightened her vines around Nico's cock, making them tighten and relax in a rapid pulse.

Nico groaned into Malya's cunt, his licking becoming messier as he could no longer concentrate with the peaking sensations he was feeling. He rubbed his face into the warm, wet folds of the female bayleef bucking and jerking as the heavy scent of sex saturated the air. For a few moments Nico's whole body went rigid and then he released a howl of pleasure as his cum exploded from his cock.

Thick globs of cum arced from the head of Nicobay's dick and were rapidly caught by Malyabay, her tongue flicking at the tip as it guided the cum down her throat. While she was lapping up the tasty seed, Malya was still completely aware of her brother's snout rubbing over her vaginal lips and she pressed herself back on him. Her eyes rolled back as suddenly the pleasure multiplied tenfold and she shook wildly, her pussy clenching like a vice as her juice squirted between her lips. Her orgasm rolled through her over and over again, draining all the energy from her body and leaving it almost unable to move but glowing with a feeling that far surpassed anything that she'd ever managed to achieve with her vines alone.

Panting heavily the two siblings collapsed on the bed of foliage, Malyabay rolling off her brother. All that either of them could smell was the scent of sex, their young bodies tired but still eager.

Malya's heat burned still burned strongly, seeming to draw Nico to her. She felt him move next to her, switching position to face the same way as her.

Nicobay shivered as his penis swung heavily between his hind legs, still rock-hard and twitching as it longed to be buried in a tight, hot cunt. Following only his instinct, Nicobay hauled himself onto Malyabay's back, nuzzling into her neck as he lined his dick up with her swollen pussy.

"You ready?" Nicobay asked in a whisper.

Malyabay nodded, her tired body filled with anticipation for her first mating.

Nico gave a grunt as he pushed his hips forward, burying his cock deep in his sister's virgin cunt. Her tunnel was slick and loose enough from his vines not to cause her any pain, but it was still unused to a dick and gripped tightly. Nicobay waited a few moments, until Malyabay began to whine for him to continue, after that, he pulled out to the tip, leaving a trail a pre as if laying a path to follow, and slammed back inside.

With each thrust her brother made, Malyabay gasped out, squirming in pleasure underneath the male bayleef as his thick cock slid far past the entrance to her cunt, spreading her flesh apart and stimulating every overly-sensitive and alert nerve.

Spurred on by the overpowering scent that filled the cave, Malyabay and Nicobay moved back and forth. They're panting and gasping creating a constant accompaniment to the wet slurps as Nico's cock moved between Malyabay's cunt.

Her eyes rolled back, pleasure filling her as her brother did the same and each time that he withdrew it left a vacuum that pulled forcefully at her insides, drawing out more of her juices. She could feel Nico growing closer with her, his breath hotter on her neck and his feet slipping as he become careless in his haste.

"J..just a little... bit.. further..." gasped out Nicobay.

Using all of his remaining energy, Nicobay pressed forward; fitting their bodies together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Their coming together triggered their final orgasms, both bodies tensing up as they struggled to contain the sheer pleasure that threatened to consume them entirely. Cum welled up in Nicobay, oozing out, barely making it due to the grip on it. Neither of the two Pokon noticed it, barely conscious from the exertion and strength of their climaxes.

Nicobay's vines slid wearily out to hug his sister. He heard a low murr of appreciation but then silence as the two of them gave into sleep, their only chance to regain their strength.