
Story by Shads on SoFurry

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Gently sliding the small pantry window up, Terrence, a black furred Ferret, wriggled in, sliding through the narrow gap with as much ease as an Eel. He'd been sent here for a reason; someone had hired him to seek out an old letter, the only description given to him was that it was old and bore a single name in old worlde script.

Fat lot of help that is.... He grumbled in his mind, clearly unimpressed with his task, especially with a threat on his head, for his head, if he didn't retrieve it by noon the next day.

The sun had already gone down, and to only make things worse, it was the house of a police officer. Terrence looked up at the stacks of shelving, all containing cans and jars of food goods of some description and nature. He had no idea what species the tennant was, but by the looks of things, they were a big eater. He rummaged carefully, replacing anything he moved or so much as nudged, back into place as best he could as he searched. The letter could be anywhere. It was gonna be a long night. Pressing an ear firmly to the pantry door, he listened. No sounds, bar the steady ticking of a nearby clock and the elctric meter by his feet, secreted away behind a box of tins. Gripping the door knob tightly in one of his gloved paws, he twisted and peeked out of the ensuing crack. No one. The kitchen was empty and a light was on, but that wasn't unusual. It was the small light peeking out of the front hallway, just beyond the kitchen and living room. Most people left them switched on for security purposes, or just to allow them to see better in the dark if they arrived home late. Usually, it was the both.

Still no signs of life, he crept into the kitchen, closing the pantry door behind him with a careful click that seemed to be louder than a sonic boom in the empty house. He held still a moment, frozen to the spot, ears rotating, senses straining. Nothing. A soft sigh filled the silence, having escaped his chest in relief. He resumed his search in the kitchen, shifting things quietly and carefully, replacing them with just as much delicacy as he moved around in search of this letter, it's importance baffling him all the more with each passing moment. Having no success in the kitchen, he crept into the living room, pausing at the threshold for a moment before carefully stepping onto the plush carpet. Having left his shoes outside, beneath a bush, so as not to leave any shoe prints, he could feel the thick carpet rhough his thinning socks, the soft fabric leaving a tickling sensation on his soles as they penetrated the growing holes in his socks. It wasn't a horrible sensation, but pleasant, and one he could've done without, considering his highly ticklish disposition. Trying to ignore the carpet beneath his feet, he set about searching, continuing the slow, delicate, but very much necessary movements he had used in the pantry and the kitchen. He gently shifted a cluster of papers that rested in a pile on the shelf beneath the sturdy, low coffee table, and a sense of relief and joy flowed through him, a grin spreading across his white lips as his gloved fingers slid across the tattered old paper, a singular name written in scroll neatly and effciently applied to the front of the envelope with decisive precision in fading black ink. The material of his gloves was so sheer and delicate, he could feel every bump, crease and crumple of the ageing, near-ancient paper. He slid it out from beneath the pile of other discarded papers and held it close to his chest, eyes swivelling quickly, searching for any signs of life. Again, nothing. He rose to his feet, surpressing a small, childish giggle as the fabric of the carpet twitsed and bunched under his feet as he went to move away. The notion of ticklish laughter was suddenly and abruptly derailed as a key slid into the lock of the front door, a pair of voices, muffled by the door could be heard.

Terrence's heart pumped harder, threatening to tear from it's anchorings in his chest and propell itself into his mouth as panick reared angrily in his mind. The key turned, the lock clicked open and Terrence dove straight for the nearest cover; a closet in which the water boiler was situated. Pressed between the near-bare wall of the closet and the thick material that wrapped around the hot water tank, he pulled the slatted door closed as the two came in, a flurry of chatter, interrupted every-now-and-then by an empationed kiss. The slats of wood were just enough to concele the thief Ferret, but left just enough space between each to allow him to see out, into the living room. A standing lamp came on as the dimmer switch on the floor was activated, courtesy of a green scaled foot. Terrence dipped his head, trying to get a better view of the goings on in the dimly lit living room. A slender green and red Dragon stood before a vixen of ginger fur and deep red hair, relishing the touch of her roaming, deep red paws as they navigated his back, sliding beneath his white shirt and moving back around his front. The Dragon murmered something between kisses and she gave a soft chuckle. Terrence tried to sink further back into the closet, praying neither of them picked up his scent, having heard rumours about a Dragon's way of hunting down prey. And to make things worse, this Dragon was the police officer. The Ferret tried to look away, but he couldn't, finding himself fixated on the two figures as clothes were slowly shed, a partial copper's uniform sliding to the carpet, soon followed by a prim and proper deep grey skirt and white blouse. He heard a name uttered along with some undefinable words, and the Dragon whom had been called Kenji gave a short laugh, the kind of laugh that sent chills of excitment down a spine belonging to a certain secreted away Ferret. Terrence's gaze slid from Kenji's back, somewhat disappointed that he didn't get to see much more of the Dragon, and fell upon the vixen who was lowering herself back onto the fine, deep red sofa, her paws sliding up her body, cupping her lace clothed breasts before finally comming to a rest behind her head. Terrence was too fixated on her curves to even bother paying attention to anything that was being said. He just watched intently, mindlessly as Kenji shed his boxers, sliding lithely across her, his forked tongue flicking out, seemingly grooming her as he moved up her body, gaining a few soft sighs as a reward for doing so.

He watched as a large, green scaled paw slid down the side of her body, a claw hooking around the hip string of her panties, tugging downward. As her tongue forced it's way into his mouth, she raised her hips, allowing him to de-briefe her. A soft moan, and she raised her knees either side of him, his teeth now grazing one side of her neck. His tail flicked high, a reaction caused by the vixen claws that scraped at his hips and the base of his tail; Terrence letting out a soft, barely inaudible moan, catching sight of what he considered finely hung balls, a tantalizing sight that sent his mind skittering to all kinds of scenarios, each one more than provactive enough to raise his libido further into the mists of lust that was quickly descending upon his mind like the mists settling on a moore. How he wished he could recieve attention like that. The most he got was from his sister, and she liked things rough and fast paced. Oh, to be arrested by this man and taught a lesson... That final thought was it. His erection made itself known after a moment too long of being ignored, a subconscious signal being ferried down to his paws, his right glove being peeled off and tucked away into a pocket with the letter, before dipping beneath the elastic waistband of his trousers and into his own boxers, touching gingerly upon the shaft of heated, smooth white flesh that ached for attention. He heard another soft moan, the vixen's reaction as Kenji slid into her, his ridged dick spreading her wide, his own moan floating into the air. Terrence's fingers glided around his tip, the feel of pre slick beneath his fingertips, before moving further down his shaft, eliciting a soft moan of his own, something that he couldn't help, images of the Dragon holding him pinned against the bonnet of his police car, handcuffs in place and that generous, ridged erection deep inside him.

His imagination stumbled over itself, releasing vivid images of him being pounded from behind, the Dragon's paw wrapping around Terrence's dick, gripping hard and pumping as he worked him from behind. In truth, no one was penetrating him, and the only paw working himself was his, but that didn't faulter his mind's eye. Beyond the slatted closet door, the moans gained octaves and the thrusts became more intensive, growing shorter in strokes, but harder and quicker, an animalistic need spurring them on, pushing them closer to the edge. Beneath their moans and grunts of passion and neediness, Terrence bit back a groan of pleasure of his own as an imaginary scaled paw rubbed up his chest, gripping a nipple, whilst the other mercilessly slid up and down his erection, each stroke, each squeeze, pulling him closer to climax. His breathing became more ragged as a low, rumbling growl reverberated through the room, signifying Kenji's release into his vixen, her own climax overpowered by his as his wings flared. Terrence imagined being in the vixen's place, feeling the stickyhot Dragon seed being pumped into him. He wanted it so much, but had no idea how to go about getting it. Instead he just bore what he had, gritting his teeth, his own hot seed jetting out into his paw, some of it soaking his pants in a flurry of one-man extacy that was allowed to be no more than a soft grunt and sigh. He opened an eye to crack. He could hear the drained pants of the pair in the living rom and he rested his weight against the wall. His mind clearing, his erection sated - for now - he remember the letter.

As swift as lightning, his gloved paw shot down to the pocket in which his other glove and the letter rested. Much to his relief, both were still there and intact. The Dragon and Vixen hadn't realised he was there, which served as yet another relief. He tucked himself in, wiping his paw on his boxers, the only thing he could really do at that moment in time, and looked more closely at his surroundings. Bar the water boiler in it's bright red jacket, there was nothing much else in there with him, just a single shelf containing two old and tattered, more than likely forgotten, hand towels. He let out a soft sigh. He had no idea of the time and couldn't see the clock from his vantage point. He couldn't escape, since he was cornered; a partial fault of his own for heading towards a closet instead of the kitchen, something he silently cursed himself for. He'd have to wait until they either moved upstairs or passed out on the sofa, the latter more possible, since he spied the vixen's eyelids drooping. He waited a few more moments, waiting as patiently as a statue for the sound of their gentle snores filled the warm air. He dared to open the closet door to a crack. A small squeek emanating from the old hinges, but it wasn't enough to wake the slumbering figures on the sofa. The door opened just enough for the Ferret to slide out and close it again behind him with as much controlled delicacy as he could muster beneath the slowly rising fear of being caught. A small twitch of wing and he froze to the spot, eyes wide, terror starting to fill his senses. But it was nothing. Nothing more than the reflexes of a dream. Terrence crept across the carpet, making his way back to the kitchen and sliding once more back into the darkness of an empty room.

He slid into the pantry, slid the window open once more and wriggled out into the night air, closing the narrow window behind him and sneaking off to retrieve his shoes, letter firmly in his pocket, his task complete, but leaving a new one in it's wake: To find a Dragon. With the thoughts and images that had been running through his mind, any male Dragon would suffice. Slipping his shoes on, he vaulted over a low wall and hit the pavement, casting a quick glance around, seeing no one out in the dark of late night with him, allowing him to make a casual walk home, as if nothing had happened.

Ghost Ship

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Shadow Hunter

Shadow barrelled through the thick undergrowth, her heart hammering, muscles burning and senses straining as she scrabbled over a mass of rocks that lay sprawled across the edge of the narrow river's bank. She lost her footing on the greasy stones that...

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Delivery Boy

Sliced and diced into smaller paragraphs for easier digestion. ^^ This is also my first attempt at writing something like this, so please be gentle. )8 Oh, and also: Dragana = Part Dragon, part Iguana. (He was experimented on when he was 15....

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