Chapter 6: Love and Understanding

Story by ShinyGallade on SoFurry

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#6 of Love and Understanding

Chapter 6 of Love and Understanding


"Normal Speech"

'Pokemon Telepathy/Pokemon Thoughts'

'Normal Telepathy/Normal Thoughts'



CHAPTER UPDATE (10/13/14)- Fixed several glaring spelling errors.

"Dad, if you do anything to Jessica I will never forgive you." I was flabbergasted.

'I can't believe those words just came out of Michaels mouth! That was his own father he just threatened!'

I watched with baited breath as Michael was completely ignoring the damage I had cause to his shattered arm and was clinging tightly around my neck with his one good arm. I ran through his emotions and found possessiveness and fearlessness, amongst others. I could also sense a profound longing deep within that made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't believe he was doing this for me, a Pokemon that had only entered his life five years ago when he was plunging to his death. No. It was long before that even, it was that sunny day four years earlier that saw me offer my hand in friendship to a human I had only just met. Little did I realize how important having a friend was, because he hasn't had ANY friends before me.

'What did I do to deserve a friend like you, Michael...'


I sat on my bed defiantly huddling close to Jessica despite the damage she did to me. I felt a new kind of emotion well up within me when I saw the cold-blooded gaze my father fixated her with. I didn't care that I was hurt, I didn't care I was doing something that wasn't kosher nor did I care that of all people for me to stand up to it was my father. I stared the man down with my eyes never leaving his, wanting to prove not just to him but to Jessica that I could protect the things I cared about. She had given me so much and I would be damned if I let her be subject to the ridicule of the world we lived in.

An agitated sigh left my fathers lips before his hands went to pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance. I still refused to let up my stare, I was going to stand up for Jessica and fight her fights so she wouldn't have to. She saved my life five years ago and became my first true friend before that. I owed her that much. No, I owed her so much more than a mere hug or one night stand, I owed her my life, my heart and my very being.

An exaggerated cough escaped my dads throat while he looked upon me once more, that piercing emerald stare watching me with calculative intent. I knew he was waiting for me to slip up or show weakness, it had been one of my faults growing up the past four years, which ironically started after my near-death experience. I had become a shell of my former self, my mind not as sharp or precise as it used to be and Jessica had spent many nights soothing my mind with her psychic powers, trying to restore the balance that had been taken from me. It was only through her efforts that I began to resemble the boy from five years ago. My own mortality had taken a backseat to what was truly important to me, and that was Jessica and the future I could us having.

In the end my father was the first to falter and, for the first time in the twenty minutes we had been staring each other down, he smiled a genuinely sincere smile that held no hostility or anger. I could finally release the breath I had been holding, I must have been keeping Jessica on edge as well because I felt her press her forehead against the back of my neck and plant a soft kiss on my skin. I turned around and ran my good hand through her blue locks gently, my eyes locked onto her amber ones. It was then that attention was finally given to my damaged arm. I could see her horrified face once again but I forced her to look at me instead, offering the warmest smile I had

Jessica reached over with both of her hands and began using Recover on my broken flesh, the sounds of bones snapping back in place as well as tendons and tissue created a disgusting symphony I wish I could have gone without hearing. After a few minutes of visual torture I could feel my arm once again, my fingers flexing and bending to test out the restored body part.

'How does it feel, Michael?'

I turned back around to gaze into Jessicas eyes and offered another smile, her reaction sent pleasurable shivers up and down my spine. I suddenly felt her lips press against mine and stay there for what felt like an eternity. I was lost in the feeling, it was way better than that dream I had. Arceus, those lips were perfect. For several minutes we just sat here enjoying the feel of saliva being exchanged, completely tuned out to the fact my father was still in the room.

Finally the air was pierced by my dad clearing his throat rather unceremoniously, our lips immediately breaking apart and our bodies scooting away from the other. I could see a look of questionable intent plastered on my fathers face, I just hoped me and Jessica hadn't committed a critical error in judgement. What I saw next surprised me, however.

My dad was smiling at us.

"Listen son...I don't want it to ever be said that I didn't approve of who my flesh and blood associates with. Just promise me one thing..."

I leaned in close and put my restored hand on my fathers shoulder, offering my most sincere smile, which was returned with interest. "Anything, dad."

"Promise me that you'll make sure this is what you both want. I've never seen you so protective of anything, even when your mother was still alive..." I could sense deep sorrow in his voice and in his body language. "...Sharon always wanted you to be happy and that is why she wanted you to have a very special Pokemon for when her days on this world were marked."

I tilted my head to the side and looked at my father expectedly, almost extending my free hand out to accept a gift he hadn't even given me yet. He merely shook his head and chuckled softly at my cluelessness, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and embracing me in a hug fit for father and son.

"You already have the Pokemon she had in mind, my boy."

My heart leapt into my throat as I felt fingers caress my scalp and a warm breath tickle down my neck. It then dawned on me how real this was; that image of my mother laying on her death bed...the Gardevoir, Kirlia and Ralts surrounding her...the Ralts...the blue-haired a Kirlia...

'Yes, Michael, that was me you saw in the memory. I had just been hatched at the time of your mothers passing and she had told my mother to ensure both of our safeties until it was time for us to finally meet.'

I felt the tears beginning to accumulate and it took everything in me not to let loose the waterworks in front of Jessica and dad. 'Arceus had this planned all along, he must have known about my situation and sent Ralts here to be my light and refuge...'

'He did, Michael, but he also...planned so much more for fact...'

She pressed her forehead against mine once again and what I saw caused me to question everything I thought I knew about human and Pokemon interaction.

In the vision I was embracing Jessica as we stood in the hallway of a home I didn't recognize, surrounded by beige-painted walls and numerous portraits of escapades I had yet to partake in. I gazed upon her beauty and my breath hitched in my throat; she was more gorgeous than any human or Pokemon I had ever met. The vision quickly shifted to us holding hands in front of a man who, based on how he was dressed, I assumed was a priest of sorts. I was in a black and blue flannel tuxedo while Jessica was covered head to toe in a gorgeous snow white bridal dress, the veil being lifted and those amber colored orbs stared blissfully into my emerald ones. Another vision came and went but the final vision nearly made me faint.

I was standing in the same house from the first vision and was surrounded by a Ralts, two Kirlia, a Gallade and Jessica standing next to me with a gorgeous ring wrapped around her finger and...there was one on mine too. We both had looks of extreme bliss and so did our children, my mind racing as to what the implications of a relationship between myself and Jessica would entail since she was a Pokemon and I was human. Still the idea of having a family with Jessica wasn't something that made me ashamed...

If anything it made me appreciate her more.

The final vision began to flow in reverse as did the ones prior to it. This was always an annoying adventure but, after what I was just shown I seriously doubted if anything else in this world could shock me. As soon as my mind was aware of being in my own body again I fell forward and started breathing erratically. All the while Jessica was cradling my head against her shoulder and her chest spike was pressing gently against my stomach...

'Chest spike?'

I regained my senses and it was then I was greeted with yet another shocking turn of events. Where there had once been a Kirlia there was now Jessica...fully evolved into a stunning Gardevoir. My whole body went numb and my eyes couldn't help but take in the sight before me.

A curly bob of blue hair adorned the crown of her head with a few strands covering her right eye. Her elongated frame was accentuated quite nicely with slim shoulders and a pair of hips to die for. Her lower body was covered in some sort of white dress, when I tried to feel the fabric it felt surprisingly life-like, as if it had moving parts within it. To finish off the ensemble a large orange chest spike had formed directly between her breasts, which I couldn't help but ogle carelessly. I was speechless before the goddess that now shared the same bed with me, if I had died right then and there I would have been perfectly content knowing I had such a beautiful friend in my life.

Apparentely my thoughts were being made manifest in front of Jessica because of what she said next.

'You better not go and die on me, mister. Arceus has plans for us, after all...'

Jessicas voice was much more pronounced now, there was no studdering or child-like innocence hanging from it. Jessica had transformed into a beautiful woman and my lower body began to stir as a result...

Of course she saw this and closed the bedroom door with her psychic powers, I turned around to see my dad had already left my was just me and Jessica now...


The way her voice dripped with lust nearly made my heart stop. "Yes, Jessica?"

'I have something to tell was something I did last night...'

I audibly gulped and gave a gentle nod for her to continue.

'Last night, while you slept, I had entered my heat cycle even though I wasn't a Gardevoir yet. In hindsight I was so close to evolving that I guess my body was doing things on its own, but...I was so hot down there that...I came into your room last night and watched you sleep...'

I could feel goosebumps make their way up and down my spine as Jessica leaned in closer until her lips were inches from my own.

'I could smell you...your unique scent...and it...' I gasped as I felt her hand reach down and grab my tent. ' turned me on like nothing else I've ever known...' I whimpered as her hand began gently stroking me through my shorts, causing her own pleasurable cooing to escape her throat.

"Y-you d-did? What d-did you do next?" I couldn't believe how sexy Jessica was acting right now, her body, now fully evolved, turned me on to no end. I had to have her but I wanted to enjoy this moment...the moment I knew we would be giving each other our firsts.

'The closer I got to you, the stronger your scent became...I felt myself get so very wet down there...I wanted to see you in a way lovers see each a way that incites pleasure for the eyes that gaze upon it...I wanted to see a most special way, so...I used my psychic powers to lift the spread off of you and snuggled up behind you...' I could see a noticeable blush covering her cheeks now and I knew she was about to say something wonderful...

All of her erotic talking sent my own hands into action, not wanting Jessica to do all of the work. I slowly ran my left hand over the pointed end of her chest spike, eliciting a surprisingly heavy moan from Jessica's mouth. "A-are you...ok?"

Jessica simply nodded and used her psychic powers to unbutton my shorts and expose further my rapidly hardening arousal. 'Not many people know this...but our chest is not just used to read is also used during mating...I had always wanted to experience this sensation and now...I am, and the one giving me that sensation is's better than anything I could ever put into beloved...'

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

'G-Go can touch it some more...p-please Michael...' The lust dripping from her voice was so tangible I could smell it, taste it and see it. The longing her voice held made me not want to wait any longer, it didn't feel right to make Jessica wait any longer. Her hand reached beneath my boxers and quickly began stroking me to full mast. 'Oh, Arceus~ for one so're quite gifted...' I couldn't help but lose myself at her words, rewarding Jessica's efforts with a generous amount of pre-cum

'Oh please for the love of all that is sacred don't let this be a dream!' My thoughts and prayers were answered with another kiss as Jessica pushed her tongue out requesting entrance into my mouth. I happily obliged and reciprocated her efforts with my very own tongue lashing at hers while we exchanged saliva and moans. My entire body was feeling things I had never felt before, the way her hand had wrapped around me and was stroking me with careful planned menstrations only made me want more of this. 'Fuck...Jessica this is amazing...'

'You're just as big as last, even bigger...'

When she revealed that to me I almost blew my load right then and there; she had been playing with me the night prior?

'Last night when I entered my heat cycle...I wanted to be with every sense of the word but...I was afraid of what would happen to the bond we've made over the years...I didn't want to lose that...'

I silenced her with another passionate kiss on the lips and managed to move my hands over her shoulders to slide her dress off. The fabric, again, felt incredibly life-like despite being a garment. The chest spike offered little resistance and in seconds Jessica was in all her glory before me. I couldn't help but admire how sculpted her breasts were, not too big yet not so small she might feel inadequate; truth be told I didn't care about her size, not at this point. I was feeling things I had never felt with anyone else before and that was greater than any sort of physical shortcoming that might have come as a result.

"'re a goddess, Jessica...M-may I?"

'I would love that so very much, my dear Michael.'

With an audible gulp I leaned my head forward and gently latched my lips around one of her nipples, tongue lashing out with a vigor I didn't know I had. In mere seconds Jessica was writhing and panting, the intense pleasure she was experiencing radiating from her chest spike and creating images in my mind of her with legs spread and taking me fully...our love the purest, most incredible thing in the world...her voice screaming my name as we shared our essences...

Jessica was panting and running her free hand through my unkempt blonde hair, cooing affectionately and sending psychic waves of pleasure through the shaft in her other hand. I wasn't sure how long I was going to last at this rate and I didn't want to lose it so soon, I wanted it to last but I didn't know if I had enough in me for more than one round...

But I owed that much to Jessica, she deserved me in every way, just like I deserved her in every way. With that in mind I let all inhibitions go and pushed her onto my bed before kissing her passionately, tongue included. A delicate whimper escaped her throat and I quickly went to discard the last piece of clothing still attached to me, my efforts being aides through Jessica's powers. The look on her face when she saw me fully undressed, especially seeing my rock-solid arousal, only fueled the proverbial fire burning between the two of us. Her voice invaded my head and I soon found myself on MY back with Jessica inhaling my scent as if it were the air she needed to breath.

'Mmmmh...this's mine...all...mine...nobody else's!'

My hips jerked at how possessive she sounded, I had never wanted Jessica more than I wanted her now. "It's all yours, Jessi...all of me belongs to you...everything..."

Whatever resistance she had been putting up was lost as she engulfed the head of my shaft and began swirling eagerly around the plump crown, her muscle finding all the right spots to assault while both her hands were gently kneading and exploring the twin orbs nestled snug directly underneath. 'Arceus...d-don't stop Jessi! Fuck, don't you dare stop!' I screamed mentally as a primal side of me began to awaken, one fueled by lust and desire; the desire to mate and procreate.

'Mmmh~' "-SMACK- -SCHLUCCK-" 'MMMPH! Michael!' -SCHLURRP!-" -pant- -pant- 'so...good...Michael...'

If it were possible to have a mind orgasm I would have had one hearing those delightfully sinful noises escaping her throat as she took more and more of me in, my peak quickly approaching and I dug my fingers into the bed sheets. "J-JESSI...Nggh! I...I...I'm g-gonna...NNNGH!" I shouted as my orgasm hit and hit hard, showering the inside of her mouth with my essence and hearing her audibly gulp down said essence like it were a delicacy. My heart was pounding in my chest and sweat began to drench the bed sheets as Jessica pulled back just as the last of my seed had escaped from its prison.

' taste amazing, Michael...' Her voice echoed in my mind, a few droplets of my cum still falling from the corners of her mouth, which she eagerly scooped up with her fingers and sucked down greedily. 'Now...I do believe it is your turn to explore me, my dear Michael...'

I needed no further encouragement as my hands ran as and down her thighs before gently laying her on her back and spreading her legs apart so that her moist, enflamed treasure was on full display. There was no doubt about it, Jessica was is heat and the crimson puffy display only further fueled my desire to taste every inch of Jessica's body.

"Amazing..." Was all I could manage as I leaned in and gently trailed my tongue along her puffy slit and inhaling her own unique scent, which poured forth with the intensity of a raging inferno. I was getting drunk off of her heat and I could feel my lower region start to stir once more. I wasn't sure what was happening right now; my mind had been put on autopilot and all that mattered to me now was giving Jessica as much pleasure as I could.

'M-Michael...mmmh! Y-yesss! Right there! Right there!' I heard her scream mentally, her legs wrapping around my neck and pulling me in closer until I was practically being smothered in her box. I continued probing my tongue inside her tender velvety walls, lapping up her nectar like a Meowth would a saucer of milk. Her hips spammed and jerked forward as a torrent of slick love juice was my reward for my mentrations. 'M-Michael...please...please...I...I...'

"What is it, Jessi?"

'I want your seed in me...'

"W-What?...what are you saying?..."

'I want you to claim me...mark me...fertilize me...'

My heart began thumping in my chest a mile a minute hearing such lust-filled words leave Jessica's lips. Who was I to deny what she truly wanted? She wanted this and, now, I wanted this, it was the most logical answer, it was only right to do this. Our lives were about to become one, as we're our bodies souls and minds.

"Whatever you want, my Jessi..." I whispered into her ear as I gently lowered my hips and pressed the crown of my shaft against her moist opening, the heat radiating from it making my dick twitch with pleasure. "You know its going to hurt the first time, right?"

'Yes, I do...I don't care...The pain will be momentary and it will fade as we unite as one...please don't keep me waiting my dear Michael...'

With an affirmative nod I slowly entered Jessica, feeling her walls part and stretch to accommodate my shaft. Since she was a Pokemon her body was unnaturally tight, not having been meant to take a human-sized organ yet that didn't deter either of us from bonding in the most sacred of ways. After a second of penetration I bumped into a wall, I knew we were at the point of no return now. "No matter what, my Jessi...I love you, always remember that..." I whispered gently into her ear before my hips pulled back...and surged forward...and we became one...

I could feel Jessica's fingers dig into my shoulders and back, tears falling from her eyes and I held myself still until she could adjust to my size. All the while I kissed her tears away and whispered soothing words to help dull the pain further. After about a minute of nothing happening I felt her hips move and swivel, the sign that she was ready.

Pulling back until just the crown of my shaft was inside I slowly thrust back inside, creating a shockwave of electric pleasure coursing through both of our bodies. The feeling was unlike anything else and I could, literally, feel our hearts and minds sync into one. "J-Jessi! O-Oooh Arceus this feels amazing!"

'D-Don't stop Michael...d-don't you dare stop! Take me! Claim me! Breed me my wonderful mate!'

My hips began moving of their own accord as I pummeled Jessica's snatch, building up an incredible sweat as the scent and sounds of our lovemaking filled the small room. For a brief moment I wondered if my father knew what was going on but dismissed that thought as a powerful psychic link was made between me and Jessica. I could see through her eyes and, likewise, she could see through mine. Our pleasure was amplified to incredible levels due to the mind link; our bodies feeling what the other was feeling and the build up to the glorious finale that awaited us.


'Michael! Michael! Do it! Fill me with your seed, Michael! AHHHHN AAAHN! Mmmmmh! Make me pregnant!'

The sounds we were making drove us past the breaking point as I could feel my orbs tighten and raise inside the skin just as a powerful eruption of sticky liquid pleasure drenched my shaft and my hips while my own copious load spewed out in waves. Rope after rope plastered Jessica's innermost sanctum and lathered her walls in white life-giving essence. We stayed there connected in the most intimate of ways for what felt like an eternity, our two hearts beating as one and our thoughts synced in a most perfect unison. We could do nothing else other than scream our names in pure ecstasy.



We had become one and shared our everything, my best friend, my only friend. Yet I felt as though she was all I would ever need...

...and I couldn't have been happier...

...and I knew Jessica couldn't have been happier...

We were human and Pokemon in the eyes of society. Tonight, however, we transcended that invisible barrier and became more...

...we became lovers...