Those Banana Days -(Chapter 10)-

Story by Moonblood on SoFurry

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#10 of Those Banana Days

Huzzzaaaahhh! I bet you guys and gals weren't expecting another story to pop up so soon now were you?! Hah! Seeing as I had taken such a very long time with getting the other story written and posted, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get another story out with it as well to help make up for the large amount of time I had between these stories after all. But anyway, thanks for everyone who has supported me through the writing as I have ran into several fans of the story in the chats and that is quite cool indeed! I hope to have many more soon enough! Thank you for all the new watchers and everything as well! Feel free to take a gander through the rest of the words on this page that are the actual story as I still seem to have those giant introductory paragraphs, call it a trait why don't you! Anyway, feel free to leave a fav and or stars of whatever varying number you wish to give and feel more than welcomed to leave a comment as well! I do lurve to hear what you the reader thinks of the story!

Without further delay, I give you the next installment of the series and I hope you all have a grand time reading. Enjoy!

Those Banana Days


Alright, I'm sure I said at some point that it is pretty cool getting to work at a pub and everything, with the nice traffic of new and old faces there really is never a dull moment in the sense of finding someone to talk to. For me though, that can be kind of difficult when you're working the bar and the manager comes in and you have to be all formal and strict and upright and make sure your tail isn't touching any of the booze yaddayaddayadda, I get it! We all have to act our best whenever he's around! Hehe. Man come on, he must have some kind of idea about what goes on in this place whenever he isn't around out of his back office. Thankfully we managed to figure out how to wipe the security cameras within the bar and thankfully once more the machine he uses for them is quite old and tends to break down often, so it is always just assumed the machine did it somehow.

Ah, the pub mates and I really have a great fun time here, actually to think about it, between the dorm mates and the pub work mates, I tend to have a good time both at school and at work. That's what I call a plus right there as how often do you come across a job where you enjoy the time with everyone working there as much as me?! Though some of that fun is also with the customers and some of that fun ends up in front of the cameras that are assorted more or less through the vicinity of the building. Of course they don't catch every single inch of the place but come on. Sometimes the offer of a tip is just the greatest, by which I mean when a patron gets so plastered they get frisky like it's nobody's business and wouldn't you know? Sometimes a female or two end up keeping the party going here past closed hours, ah man, I'd love to tell the time about when I caught our manager Randy getting sucked off in one of our booths on camera! He didn't even know he was getting recorded and we did him a solid and wiped that tape of course as well. Let me tell you guys, Randy is some kind of mountain goat or some shit like that, he's got crazy horns that curl around and short grey and patches of dark grey fur, cutely enough his balls have some dark fur that just looked so tantalizing I hope none of the other guys caught me eyeballin' the poor guy.

I can say that is was quite the fun time as he sure needed some time like that, that was the last time we saw them on camera together, but I can't complain, he needed it, handful of staff watched him cream a vixen's muzzle and had a giggle fit when she started complaining that he said he'd bust his nut in her maw, not get it "in my fur you dimwit!" Ah, that is a fun time, maybe I'll go into more detail, I'm still Bi ladies, so don't think that means you'd count me out of any fun like that just because the majority of my clientele revolves around men! Hahah, you can't complain either seeing as I'd probably not charge if you're quite the figure for the eyes if you know what I mean.

But daaaaammn, Randy unfortunately had the unknowingly to us, pleasurable experience and we gave him props in subtle ways that only hinted at him getting some, he just looked quizzical afterwards half the time! Haha! But yeah, he came a lot and did this thing I found all too funny of, I guess it would be called "baaaah-ing" as he finished. Freaking ADORABLE! Trust me guys! Grip his horns and I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to make some kind of goat go baaah-ing for you too so you can hear it. Same for you too, ladies! Haha!

Like I said, fun times are had in the bar, tends to be fun with working with everyone here, yes even Rhueben is fun to work with, although I have had to wipe the video system more times than I would like to admit when the two of us are on the graveyard closing duties. MmmmmMMMmmm! Turns out he likes getting as much as giving, so you know, David M. Tye to the rescue. I'm small compared to him but when you are two completely different species, I don't think it matters and I know how to use it fellas! So suck on that! He really likes it when I use my feet also too...-

"Yo! Davey! Get your ass over here and help me out with the orders why don't you!" You think a man would have said but instead, I was one of the several working the closing shifts once more with one of my friends and work mates, Cassy with a C southern Bell Oaks. Or just simply Cassy Oaks, the longer version being of her own creation as she is not the most patient when people ask her it's an adorable name and try to spell it with a K, WRONG! She prides herself so much on being a tough girl that you best "gets her name right or else you might just end up in the dumpster out back" as she like to put it.

I wish I could say I was kidding about that but wouldn't you know? She may be small at around 5'7" but then again, she is southern and proud of it and came from a working family and beat all her brothers at whatever she could annnnnd the list goes on for quite a while. If you want to have a good chat about it, feel free to, though if you make fun about it, you're asking for a swift kick to the balls! Or a punch to the boobs, depending of your gender and such, doesn't stop her, that's for sure!

"Yeah yeah, quit your bitchin' lil' miss 'I can do everything so awesome cause I'm great like that!'" I teasingly responded while making my way from the back door where I had been taking my break. A growl was her response and a smirk from me to fight against it was my retort as it's just too darn fun to tease her, I swear! But we're tight, so nothing wrong with a little rough housing in the end either way.

A few beer orders, some cocktails of the special variety ranging from Irish Car Bombs and Flaming Dr. Peppers, a nice Zombie one that I find myself taking pride in with how well it turned out and everything and of course a few orders for some assortments of alcohols and the like as well. Before we knew it, we were quite the team tossing each other what we needed from around the bar. Was quite the fun time indeed, although as usual, Cassy got the majority of the tips! Says I don't look like a twink so I don't get as many! Curse you Cassy! If you knew how many times I've worn the twink styled clothes while sucking some dude off the parking lot, you'd never be able to say that again!

Though you may be able to hold it against me and tease me even more than you already do for being someone who cares about their grades. Damn right I like to keep a high GPA, don't you forget about it.

"Haha, if I had known it wasn't that many drinks, I think I would have let you do them yourself, Ms. Southern Bell!" I poked fun at, giving the garnish for the last drink order before she could might not have been the greatest combo with my words as my balls didn't enjoy the punch!

"'Haha' yourself, David! You know I don't like making cocktails as much as just serving beer! Randy just put me on here instead of you 'cause he said I needed the training. Now hush your muzzle and get back to running tables." She gave her own retort.

I made a comment about not having a muzzle as I'm not a "fluffeh canine" to which I had to limp away with my boy bits in paw from the previous strike, barely missing the one she swung at me again for my humor.

"Awh, shut your yap and get to work!" was her only means of attack that was thankfully verbal for this time. I don't think I can take having my nuts man-handled by a girl I have to look down at when we're working the bar together! Don't tell her I said that because it will boost her ego and she'll need help getting out of the pub with that oversized, ego filled noggin' again! I'll make it worth your while if you keep your muzzle shut and have some cash that is. Hahah!

I made my way around the numerous filled booths and tables scattered through the interior of the building, picking up any last orders for the kitchen and drink orders while also picking out those who sure as fuck won't be driving home tonight! I like to think it takes a trained eye to catch those willing to give driving while buzzed or drunk out of their minds a chance. Too many a time have I seen news related to that crap in the papers (Yeah I read them, what of it, huh?! Hehe!) and on the internet. Though we do have a few officers on speed dial in case we see some people make it out of the bar and such and get away before we can take their keys.

We still hold that record of not having a drunk driver get killed or in some kind of crazy accident that leaves someone else dead as well. Maybe that's part of the reason that brings in some of the regulars and a fairly decent amount of newcomers as well. I can't complain that it really is a good job too. Nice tips, good pay, few perks here and there I'm sure my manager would kill me if I told anyone. (Maybe I'll spill the beans some other night! Just buy me a drink!) Though I can say I like them a lot at times! Hehe, just try and guess I dare ya!

A few more runs here and there and the drink are at their designated tables and booths, Rhueben is working the grill, I'm working the tables and running food and doing drinks and Cassy is rockin' the bar in her own special way. She sure likes to tease and I don't blame her when she walks away with fat tips that make aaaalllllll the other girl employees a little jealous. "When you got what you got, don't be afraid to strut it" she says in a cool fashion at times while walking away with a tip here and there. I swear, at times she can be cheekier than I and I'm a freaking monkey. We invented that with our species, dammit! No taking that from me, ya cheeky Fox girl!

"Aaalllright folks! Last calls for the night is coming up so don't make me have to call out again when you can get your orders in now! And David! I know you want me, but you'll have to wait till we're closed!" Cassy yelled out across the bar area, my attempts to avoid contact with her eyes obviously failed when I was just thinking about her while looking at her. Dang it Cassy! I wasn't fucking thinking about getting in your pants!

"Oh shut YOUR muzzle missy!" Was the only comeback I could think of as my cheeks gave way to her victory. One may think that when you have dark brown fur, a blush would be easy to shrug off without worrying of people knowing you're having a freaking embarrassing moment like myself. Cassy will prove you wrong and laugh at your face as the numerous occupants of the bar made their own snide little comments that made her victory that much greater! Son of a bitch! I will so have to get her back for that one... gah, bad enough I know that's on camera somewhere and Randy is probably laughing his face off in the process of making sure that spot is always recorded!

I hang my head low and nearly bump into the rather large individual that had just come in through the front doors of the establishment. My eyes had to take their own little trek as the male made me nearly have to look at a high angle with how tall he was. Nearly a 7 foot tall person no doubt. Haha, that reminds me, I knew a guy named stand and he WAS 7 feet up there and had quite the amount of humor about it too. Said the reasons tall people don't do well in school is because we hate to have our backs scrunched up in the tiny desks provided. Ah, how right he was with that joke and I couldn't help but chuckle when he made it. Lame as it may be, he was a good gu...-

"Oh, excuse me fella..." The male spoke with his facial features seeming to be so much higher than my own as I looked upwards.

"Ah, no worries, was a little lost in thought there. Though uuuh, we are about to have last calls and stuff so I don't know if you want to hang around?" I asked while noting the numerous furs taking their leave as the night went more into morning times than not.

"Awwh, shit, yeah fella, can I get a few brewskies before you close up the shop?" He asked with a rather deep voice, it matched the fact that he was one of the larger males I have seen walk through the doors in some time. Like I said, there were always a steady amount of new faces around here!

The Bruin (or large brown bear for those who don't know their biology of bears, hehe!) let out a soft huff as he looked around the place, moving out of the way for some of the exiting occupants as he nearly took up the entire door space with his rather broad shoulders and massive frame. My eyes wandered a bit over his features, dark brown fur, though darker than my own in a way, covered has face and a black nose was sported at the end. His choice of clothing made it a little more obvious of why he hadn't been a familiar face.

Obvious white undershirt being worn in a size I wouldn't even like to guess without being rude for making some huge number up for the size under his plaid green and blue long sleeved shirt, his fur probably made it look like it was hugging his frame rather snuggly though, but hey, maybe that's muscle, I don't know! I haven't seen him before in the buff! Hah! The Large pair of blue jeans and boots basically acted like topping on the cake of the idea that this guy was some kind of trucker. Though it might have been the hat he wore that read "It's heavy Truckin'; Hard Drivin'; And free Lovin'!" that gave away the whole job title for him though.

"Yeah, sure thing man, we have a few on tap or bottles, whatever suit ya." I say while pointing to the bar, I can already see Cassy giving me a saddened look as a newcomer this fucking late at night cannot be good for relaxing on the job!

I give her a grin, she catches a time the bear isn't looking her direction and flips me the bird with her tongue poking out. Ah, I'll say it again; the joys of working with Cassy can always grow more and more. Just like giving her more work, HA!

A quick jot around the room showed that the bar was the only place where anyone still sat. A Familiar Hedgehog in his usual spot by the side exit of the place that cut through the kitchen and out back by the dumpsters. We've basically given him special privilege to use it as it has happened on more than one occasion that his wife comes here and finds him drowning his sorrows of being married. Ah, that old girl can drag a man kicking and screaming like a champ!

The other two are a young couple that I've only seen a handful of times, a slim feline with yellow and orange fur and another feline of the mountain lion variety. You think he would be tough but he's a real sweet heart and these two sure don't like to keep it to themselves when they start making out in public. I mean come on! It can't be that hard to excuse yourselves to the back of the pub or the restrooms at least! I don't need to hear lip smacking while making your drinks!

The Bear found himself sitting in the bar chair farther from the fellow occupants, letting out another little huffing sigh while giving Cassy some information about what he'd like to drink. My job of giving her a little more work for making myself be that more embarrassed working with her, check poin...-

"Hey Cassy! Rhueben needs help with the dishes, Davey! Give out the last call and start cleaning up the place!" Were the words that made a fox girl smirk till it probably hurt her cheeks, a happy Donkey to have some help with the dishes, and myself being the one to take care of the rest of the occupants. I groaned as the Goat stroked his goatee (Oh the irony there!) while giving myself a glare.

"Oh hush it and get to work! You hardly touched the bar section this evening and Cassy here needs to learn how to clean dishes proper." Randy teased with his own unique chuckle that had that feeling of goat in it, always fun to hear him laugh and the fact he dodged Cassy's punch made it all the sweeter!

The bear just chuckled at our own little antics before taking a sip of the mug Cassy had poured him before leaving me to deal with a total of four people. Oh yeah, totally hard.

"Heh, seems like you have yourself a fun little crew, Davey." He spoke in that deep voice of his, a little hard to place where he was from. I could tell he was enjoying calling me that name a manager also knows I hate to be called in public!

"Yeah, hah, we have our moments... Oh and please call me David! Randy there just likes to give me the shit at times, you know?" I stated with an offering of a palm to paw handshake. He returned, squeezed whilst I did in return and got a smirk out of him as he nearly gave my hand a bone crushing finishing move.

"Tchaahah, yeah I know what ya mean, I drive for some tight-assed dimwits who think they know how to fuckin' drive a truck they couldn't even tell how many cylinders it's got." The Bear mentioned while the remainder of the occupants found themselves leaving to their homes. Didn't really need to worry about them as they both know how Randy forces people into cabs and so they already had their own cabs ready outside. The outline of a large rig came into view as the headlights of one of the vehicles lit it up. Trailer and all that sure as hell was one big ride! "The name's Rick, too. Nice to meet you David."

Our pleasantries were shared for a few moments before we got around to talking as I made the area I had been so kindly given control over more and more clean, even having a rather long ranged conversation as I cleaned off the tables that stilled needed it. As it turned out, this big manly bear of a trucker was from up north, from the Indiana state to which I joked about all that is being up there is corn if I recalled correctly. He laughed, I smiled. Turned out he was a recently divorced man; had one son named Bobby and a bitch wife that Bobby caught screwing a bull in their pool on a Sunday. Tore their family up good, ah sob stories, I hate them!


"You want another one, Rick? Probably about time I close up everything for good, you know, before the boss man comes out and gets on my ass again for keeping a nice guy company when we should be closing up already!" I joked while waving my hands around to simulate what the manager would do if I haven't cleared this place out already.

His mind seemed to be wandering as the fourth bottle he seemed to plow through with only a few gulps stood upright inform of him, his paws easily encompassing the entirely of the glass sides.

"Mmmm... Sure, why the fuck not. I'll be staying in this area for the night anyway, so I don't gotta worry about driving a little buzzed." He said with an almost playful little smile, was quite interesting to see the features of one so intimidating turn out to be a fun trucker guy to talk with.

I handed him another one to which I so graciously handed a wad of bills that smelled of musk and sweat from his back pocket. I did the calculations for the payment in my head and started dishing out his change.

"Nah naah, heh, you keep it Davey, for keeping a big lug company on a lonely night!" Rick spoke with that soft smile of his, I don't know why but I blushed, I hope to fuck he didn't notice and son of a bitch, tail! Don't you dare fucking twitch on me... awh hell!

A flustered monkey, a big tall Bruin and a few bottles of beer makes for some interesting times. He noticed my tail and my Goooood, Randy was fuming when he came out after hearing the bellowing laugh of such a male. I told him to not worry and everything was closed, blushing like mad and just wanting to get the hell out of this workplace for a break of the embarrassment of it all.

I leave a little note for the trucker as he tells me to have a good night as he takes to the restroom before closing time. Figured why the hell not seeing as he said he was lonely after all. Couldn't hurt now could it?

I see him take the bottle I placed the note by and watched him glance at it for not even a second before picking it up and stuffing it into his pocket. Are you kidding me! I give you the courtesy of writing that little note and you end up not even reading it ya big fucking brown bear! Come on, a Monkey puts himself out there for a reason!

"Have a good one, Davey!" was his last response before being out the door and it being locked as he closed it.

"Awh well, his loss I guess!" Runs through my mind, cooome ooon.

The shop is closed up before I know it a little bit later, tips in our pockets as the gang heads its own way. The early hours of the morning night life forcing me to yawn as I rub the back of my neck. Fucking long day today, loooong day tomorrow. Oh well, have to get Cassy back either way!

Maybe I should take her parking spot... then again; she might tow my car with her bare paws. She's a strong one and not one to screw with if I haven't already made that clear. Not my fault you might get hurt trying to hit on her! Haha, though I so need to get her ba...-

"'I've got more company if you have a few bills lying around somewhere.' Eh, boy?" Nearly made me jump out of my skin as the burly male spoke while leaning up against the side of my car. My heart raced like a little freaked out pup. Hah, come on David, you wanted this to happen right?! At least he fucking took the time to read my note after al...-

"Now, either that means I found myself a cute companion for the night, or that beer was a little stronger than I thought..." He questioned while holding up the little note I had left him, eyes burning into me and my now heart racing, blushed in the cheek smaller body compared to his.

"Well it is strong beer..." I started while moving slowly to my car, my own sense of fear quickly fading as the big lug of a bear had that soft smile of a lonely man on him again. I'm faster than he, but I highly doubt he'd try anything after that story after all! "And I'm not a virgin." I played that last bit cool, his lips curling up into a smirk afterwards.

"My truck, now." He almost commanded as he made his way over to it, I myself tossing my money and work apron into my car before making my way over after him. Even nice guys feeling down deserve to have at least something good in their lives, right?

I swear, it's like the ground shook a little with each of his steps and his entire truck tilted to the side as he simply took a seat at the edge of his steps and started undoing his pants. Wait... in the fucking parking lot?!

The sound of his pants unbuckling, zipper yanked down and the sight of a brown furred sheath thicker than my arm made me double track my ideas. I almost started to ask if he'd like to move inside first before the three twenties he chucked on the ground made my knees give out and my palm was in his undone pants while I looked up at him.

"Don't fuckin' be so damn timid boy, I ain't going to hurt ya. I'm a father myself remember?" He so kindly proved by showing me his wallet while a stranger's hand was working his sheath. A small picture of a kneeling down father and a young bear in a teenager's get-up getting his headfur ruffled up almost made me feel longing for my own father. A warmer sensation of bruin cock meat reaching my paws changed that mindset quite hastily as he simply leaned back against the steps up to his interior. Thankfully the cameras of the pub were only aimed at the doors and the nearby parking lot.

"Heh, can you blame me? Dark night, street lights, hunk of a bear. I'm kind of a sucker for the sob stories." I let our as I used both paws to get under the hem of his briefs he hardly pulled down, eyes going wide at the feeling of those orbs between his thighs for a moment that lasted too short. His frame stood up to tower over me, a grin plastered across his face.

"Heh, just had to make sure you meant that note... or I'd be making a fool of myself trying to hit on some young kid in a parking lot in the late hours of the night...."

Hah, some may call me stupid, but when you haven't gotten off because of school and work just wearing you down, a freaking bear with his dick out in his driver's seat while I so kindly found myself in the passenger seat might shed some light for me as well. If truckers can meet and fuck why can't I get some of that action too? Haha, oh yeah, I'm licking his dick head while he cracks open a can of beer in his own truck that he said tasted like warm piss after he had discovered it was rolled up under his seat. Yeah, I even surprise myself sometimes with how fast I can get in some guys pants, though I will say I'd have to dislocate my jaw to get it to fit around this behemoth throbbing and still growing in its thick and meaty glory. I will say that I caught the age of him when he showed me his wallet I think. Older than my father... oh man...

"Mmmm... If I had known you were this kind of tailraiser... I'd have skipped the chatting and asked you to come on over after work... kind of forgot I took your note and read it a little late!" He exclaimed while getting in another chug of his own beer. (Just adding to that stereotype of fat truckers and their love of the booze!) The can being smaller in diameter of this thing that just filled... my.. mouth.. with one spurt of pre.. Fuck...

"One good thing about the wife... she wasn't afraid to get down on it... Davey." He added as I pushed down a little more. My tongue swashing over his head like a workout while my paw came to grip his meat to find it difficult to connect fingers around the Bruin member. His balls making my other paw look smaller than it actually was while I played with those furry musky, manly orbs as he let me do my own thing, enjoying his beer at the same time.

"Tell me kid, ever had an older man before?" He acted as if this was nothing special going on, reclining his own chair and letting his bear gut slide down more that let it rub up along my cheek as I bobbed in a steady fashion, building up the courage to keep going. He was a fat fucker of a bear alright; a nice beer gut gave a little kiss to after popping off for a moment.

"Ah... Yes Sir, in his thirties..." I responded, giving myself a mental high five for both telling the truth and making the raging hard on in my pants dampen more at the thought of the history teaching canine.

"Like sucking the dick of a 58 year old Bear, boy?" He added an obvious emphasis of the last word, truly making me feel young as I totally read his age wrong on the license then! Holy fuck I'm sucking off a guy more than two times my age...

I only replied by eagerly getting back to the task at hand, or in my hand I should say, haha! That glisten spire of a pre pumping factory made my loads look like puddles compared to this raging river that didn't seem to end so says the strands continually spurting out along his at this time cum slit.

That loud laugh of his filled the cabin of his truck as it was found out I had spooged my pants while sucking him off, the only reason it being found out was that fact he told me I'd lubed his dick well enough and he hadn't gotten off in 3 months since his wife left him. I complained that he should get off fair to act the part of a younger male he seemed to enjoy. I managed to deepthroat him for a few moments while sitting there in the nude now, his leather trucker seats being a little uncomfortable for a bare ass to rest on.

He only gave me a warning of a huffing noise, a little sucking in of his gut and a paw on the back of my head while telling me how good a boy I was. I swear I though he started pissing down my throat as there was no spurting in between... Just one long torrent of seed that left his balls still hanging and me with the sensation of having just eaten a large meal. Over a minute he kept me held down there, letting me breath through my nose as his orgasm... kept... fucking... going...

He only let me up when I started gagging to which he yanked my head off, took a swig of his beer and jacked himself off into a nearby Sonic Route 44 cup that ended up being nearly three fourths full by the time he came down off of his orgasm.

Did it leave him slightly flaccid at all? No.

Did his balls even pull up from that? No.

Did he tell me how good a boy I was and force-fed me the cup that tasted like Blue Coconut and beer after he poured in the last of his brew to make his own cocktail for me? Needless to say, my front is covered in warm, slightly blue tinted sperm and beer, I have my own gut from the amount I had just guzzled down and I'm on my back in the back of his rig along his rather large bed.

Let me tell you guys... when a daddy bear, I learned he is called, tells you to do something, you do it. My ass still hurts from him giving me a swat on it for being a bad boy. Haha. Kinky as fuck!!

I'm reading the smutty magazine so appropriately named _ Busty Bruins! -Special Outdoors Edition!--_and playing with my own cock looking at some of the largest bare breasted females, both the females and breasts being large of course, in their "natural habitat" so the magazine says. Just a funny way to show huge ass women getting fucked in the forest and having their Bruin cunts pumped full of jizz the photographers so happily took plenty of close up pictures of. I nearly lose my load while reading it, the massive male chuckling as he slurps the insides of my guts up in such a lewd display that I can hear his spit splatting on the assorted magazines at the edge of his bed.

"That's my boy... such a good tasting little asshole..."

I try and swat his face playfully with my tail, he rumbles with a murr as a massive digit he poured some of his alcohol on slops inside of me with relative ease. I'll be buzzed by the end of this night whether I suck his beer down or he fucks it into me! Gah!

"You like a bigger, older man playing with you, boy?" Rick said while slumping own beside me, placing his free paw on my cock as my body came to rest from the little bounce I did from his weight crashing down onto his bed. He's nude by now mind you, thick beer gut covered in a thick layer of sweat drenched fur bouncing around as he starts fingering me, working my cock and telling me how much he needed this before I could even answer.

I had to cum fucking two times before he let me go, having gaped my backside enough with two massive pawfingers that made it obvious I was going to be hurting in the morning. I tried my best to move my paw over and gladly start working at his own meat again in the process, but was swatted away before I could even get two good strokes in. I was told I had to be a good boy before playing with the daddy bear's dick.

Son of a bitch, David, you gotta play with him if you want to get the prize! Haha!

"Come oooooon, I wanna play with your big throbbing dick, mister! It's so fun!" I eventually blurted out and ended up blushing once more, figuring I could maybe either end it all or make it that much better by gripping onto his large gut and leaning over to face him on my side. "Make your wife jealous of your boy!" Was all it took for his rig to shake from the outside view I guess. Geez, I hope no one is outside and just watching the truck move like some car bouncing around while two virgins get their crotches wet for the first time!

I ended up creamed covered front down, him holding my head in the mess of seed I made along his sheets, giving it a few licks to help me remember what I tasted like. Mmmm, manly, hear that ladies and fellas? I can assure you'd love the taste of my nut! His fat body slumping against my raised tail, bear dick slowly forcing himself inside of me to which I truly regret not actually using those larger toys I have acquired over the years to help me out here. Hell, Rhueben could have helped me out if he wasn't busy in the kitchen, Gaaaaahhhh...

"Shhhh, be a good boy and take my dick like my wife did... She hated anal... so I hope yer used to somein' this big... even she was tight for me..." Were the words that made me groan out of fear of my rear end breaking in half, and pleasure in knowing I had been fingered and lubed up hopefully nicely!

What the hell, he hadn't felt the skin of another in quite some time... couldn't hurt to give him a little more pleasure in it...

"D-ddooooo it pappaa bear! Fuuuuuck me like I'm your boy... Breed me like your wifey!" I couldn't believe those words made it past my throat.

Yes, Bears do have massive packages... yes he just sunk half of his length past my pucker ring and it still felt like I took a dick with no lube... Mmmmpppfhhhuuuuck...

"That's it... papa bear is almost.. past... the... Mmmmhhuugn.. Ahhh... there you go... " He struggled to spit out through clenched teeth I could only imagine, the fact he just NOW sunk half his meat under my tail made me almost worry as he started to pull out and push back in. Starting a little rhythm that A.) made me scream out at the top of my lungs for my daddy to fuck my brains out and B.) Soon later had a pair of musky-as-Balls (Hah!) briefs crammed down my maw while getting pumped raw.

FuuUuuUUUcckkk.. IIIiiii DiiiIIIdn't EeevveeeEEEn Think AbboOOOUUUT a CooooNnNNNNDooomm....

"That's it.. right fuckin' there... Fuck... My wife didn't have a pussy.... This tight..." Were the words that would have boosted my ego if I wasn't too occupied moaning like a needy whore getting something she needed so badly. At least I managed to sneak a peek between my legs, my ass still bent up as I was taken in some mutant hybrid position of being bent over a bed while some fat fucker of a bear gets his cock in me. I wish I could describe how truly dirty it was seeing him sink in and a splash of his spit and pre squelch out of me like a used container of some kind. You think I could think of some kind of reference while getting ass plowed?! Try it and find out for yourself! Haha!

His labored breath was the only thing that let me know he was close, what seemed like an eternity had only been a mere short time of over... an ... hour! Holy hell I've been laying with my dadd... this guy for that long?!

"Mpppfhfh... Come on, be a good boy... papa bear's about to give you a good reward for being so fuckin' sexy, my cum dump boy..." Orgasm 4 and 5 seemed to happen together as he plowed me through them, his low rumble of a growl or murr or whatever the heck it is reached my ears as he kept bucking me, large claws digging into my furred ass cheeks and grazing the skin as if to leave more than one mark as the larger second orgasm of the bear started to flood my inner guts in a wave that I can say I truly felt the warmth from. Of course it might be good to add he nearly bottomed himself in me except a few inches and looking under me made my eyes go wide as I could SEE his dick make my lower area bulge. I came right then and there to add to the mess while watching my own guts move around with each pulsating explosion of Bruin sperm under my tail.

We stayed like that till even he had finished and fell to our sides in an exhausted heap of ecstasy and pure pleasure of the night's events. His large arms wrapped around me as he snugged us more onto the bed to lie parallel instead of perpendicular to the musky cum stained mess in his musky, cum filled cabin of his big rig.

He was only too happy to oblige with the request of recording his torrent of seed that spilled out of me once he had pulled that fat prick out of my abused depths. He told me how good a boy I was during the few minutes I spent raising a leg for the camera of my own phone, pints perhaps of heated male essence oozed out of me before we were once more a snuggled pair on the bed. The loudest snoring made it all the more satisfying as he held me tightly, rubbing my chest in his sleep.

He did say he was going to be leaving tomorrow... and I am right here... would save me a trip of coming all the way back to work and all! I slowly closed my exhausted eyes as even the snoring of a drunken, well satisfied older man couldn't keep me awake. Everything can wait till the morning...

His age made my crotch throb as I let my mind slowly wander to dreamland. Older men sure do know a thing or two...

"And I'm so going to get you back tomorrow, Cassy...!" Was the last thought before slumber.

Well there you guys and gals go! I hope you enjoyed the latest installment as I had fun writing it! I really got into it and literally started with two pages and ended up with 13 pages later in one sitting! I think that is a record for me right there. Keep an eye out for the next day of the life of the one cheeky monkey! Heheh, take it easy and leave a fav or star of your choosing if you enjoyed and a comment if you loved!