Placing the leash of the devil in the hands of a timid lamb

Story by fifthcrown on SoFurry

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#1 of Morality

Chapter 1

Lips drawn back in a snarl that was ever so slightly twisted by cruel amusement, Minase Orufe' lashed out. His heavy frame had long lost any semblance of humanity, much like the battered ruin of flesh he now towered cover, brutally beating it over and over again, each new blow opening bloody lines or pulping several square inches of flesh on a mal formed corpse that mysteriously persisted in functioning.

"Well little savior? What have you to say now? Will you beg mercy for this parasite? Will you lecture me on decency and moralism? Will you plead for this pathetic leech that just tried to end you?"

Each word was spat with malicious disdain, punctuated by a new attack in the lengthy game of cat and mouse that had yet to cease to please and amuse him. Minase was not a kind being, he was not known for his cheerful demeanor and certainly those that were forced to tolerate his presence as a 'professional hazard' knew that his happiness was often at the demise of another. And in this situation, where he was fully justified within his own mind, there was simply no placating him short of spilled blood and bent knees.

"Come on little mouse, tell me about how every life deserves a chance! Tell me about how forgiveness is afforded to all! Go own, forgive this thing, come over here and forgive this hideous ruin, embrace it and tell it everything will be okay! If it doesn't open your throat for the strength to fight back against me, maybe I'll be convinced!"

The next blow upon the vampiric creature's form painted the walls of the cheap motel they were huddled in crimson, halfway obscuring the neon lights filtering in through the window, adding a cliché' bit of credence to the term 'red light district'. But unsurprisingly, the slight woman that was slumped against the wall on the other side of one of the bed, clutching at the rags that used to be her blouse and bra, made no move to get up. Caught between the horror of what had almost ended her life and the unrealistic transformation that her partner, Mr. Orufe' had taken made her realize that his nickname as the 'Big Bad' was far from a joke. Her assignment as handler for this 'interspecies watchdog' was not going to be simple political policing, she was truly shackled to the reins of a raging beast and she wasn't certain if she was strong enough to bring him to heel.

"No? I didn't think so. But that's fine, I prefer you alive and afraid. Sit there and be filled with horror and revulsion, allow shock and disbelief to paralyze your limbs! Tomorrow you can even deny this ever took place...yesss, denial, fear, self-loathing and just a bit of traumatic eroticism! That is the kind of shit that makes for a good playmate. So go ahead, just watch me work until it gets all too much, the strain too heavy and those eyes just want to roll back in your head. When you wake up, everything will be all better and the bad men will be gone...but you'll never really know what fun you missed out on. You'll never know what fun places I licked...unless of course I decide to whisper it into your know, just to keep those panties moist. It won't matter to me what gets em squishy....sweat, arousal or you just pissing your little girly shorts!"

The sound of flesh and bone being torn asunder blended terribly with the harsh chuckle that growled forth from the massive barrel chest of Minase's form. He was starting to get worked up, actually salivating as he stood upon the healing torso of the vampire, idly increasing the strength of his efforts to tear the creature's arms off whilst crushing it's ribs beneath his foot. Soon his words were almost masked by the vampire's almost insectoid keening wail.

"That's right, I can't...nay, I won't hurt you, but I can promise you we'll just have SO much fun together if all you can do is lay there and cry!"

Then with a lunge his jaws came down and silenced the wailing with a skull splintering snap of his jaws, the muscles in his oversized neck and shoulders wrenching from left to right as he tore the vampire's head from its shoulders and began to noisily grind it's bones with his teeth in a mockery of mastication for his handler's 'benefit'.

"I get it...You were right. That monster was not the victim I thought it was..."

The diminutive woman struggled to her feet, struggling less because of the few claw marks on her legs and breasts so much as from resisting the paralyzing fear of her charge. But taking a breath she pushed away from the wall, turning her back on the baleful yellow light that shone from the single visible eye of the feeding watchdog.

"But that doesn't mean I will stop believing that some of these offenders can be redeemed or rehabilitated. So, hurry up and clean up this mess and please bring my jacket in from the car and then be gone before I finish washing my wounds, thank you."

"Ooo I like this too...such a tough habit you wear little church mouse! But so be it! This makes things easier for me! We shall play your game, the little moralist trying to rein in the sinful beast whilst offering salvation to the fallen! How long before you fall as well? I'll bet then you'll be begging me to lick more than your wounds..."

When the girl jerked around to deny his claims, she found herself alone in an untouched motel room; her own roughed up state the only sign that it hadn't all but a dream. Then, clutching the silver crucifix hanging about her neck like a last line of defense, she offered a prayer begging strength that was interrupted by the crunch of her shoes crushing the only other sign of what had just taken place: the scattered remnants of favorite rosary, torn from her wrist during the struggle. Then, with a weary sigh, Veronica Cruz closed the bathroom door.