Mr. Lifeguard
Mr. Lifeguard
By: Jizzal
For: Kyoma
Kyoma is © himself
"Hey knock off the splashing."
Another complaint ruined what mood the trio had so they rolled their eyes, but of course they complied with the lifeguard's wishes.
"Jeeze, usually this place isn't so strict, this sucks," Uriel muttered under his breath. The otter looked less than pleased, though he was given an encouraging nudge from a nearby friend.
"Probably just cause it's busy," Daryl nodded. "Give the guy a break, I mean this place is always busy this time of year, and there's a bunch of kids here too."
"I guess so..." The otter responded, less than amused by the wolf's reaction to his griping.
"I think I'm going to call it a day anyway guys, I'll see you later. Going to meet here tomorrow in the morning still, right?" Their human companion asked while he hefted himself out of the pool with a quiet grunt only to sit on the ledge.
"Yeah, figure we can beat the rush and have some time to goof off. We'll see you later Carl," Daryl said with a smile.
"Later dude," Uriel chipped in before he pushed away from the wall and floated on his back, being sure not to splash just in case.
"Hey cheer up, tomorrow will be better," Carl chuckled and nodded to the two before he wandered over to the chairs where they had left their belongings. He gathered what was his and headed his way over to the showers.
Daryl leaned against the wall, still in the shallow end while one friend left and the other was lazily making his way to the 'danger-zone,' which referred to where the younger pool goers typically hung out and caused an obnoxious ruckus. The wolf's ears gave a little flick before he let out a sigh. Things were pretty loud, and that bull who was on duty in that large lifeguard chair didn't look to be in a good mood. Probably had to deal with enough complaints from over protective parents about the unattended teenagers attempting to play water polo, sans the ball around their children. It was more closely tied to aquatic wrestling than anything else.
The sun burned brightly in the sky above as it was still only the afternoon and summer was still far from being over. Most of the crowd had left thankfully, but there was still a fair amount of unrest in the young lupine, and he was worried that Uriel was going to be in a bad mood. He could tell something was troubling him. Daryl gazed over to the area, looking for the otter, but he didn't spot him until he caught glance on the diving board. He smirked slightly as the show off did one of his perfect dives and landed with minimal splash. No wonder he was captain of the diving team at school. The wolf stayed in the shallow end, watching the pool goers jump in, one after another, but each time that otter trumped them all. It wasn't until he spotted someone coming from the showers that got his attention.
Lumbering down the side of the pool was a simply massive orca whale that wore a big, satisfied grin. Daryl's jaw almost dropped, he hadn't seen this guy before, he certainly would have remembered a giant like that walking around as if he owned the place. The wolf wagered the whale must have been at least nine feet tall, but he was under-estimating by at least another foot. If his height wasn't enough, the black and white male's build was rather muscular and strong. Well, save for his stomach, though a better term to describe it would have been paunch or gut. Sagging layers of pudge hung off the intimidating looking brute's mid section, looking as if he had a beach ball or two stuffed inside. That white belly was put on almost full display as a white tank top with a red cross on the chest, and it was accompanied by a pair of large fitting red swimming trunks.
This big guy was a lifeguard.
"Whoa what?" Uriel blinked and quirked a brow at the wolf.
"Huh?" Daryl's head turned, his normally white furred muzzle looked rather pinkish around the cheeks. He was blushing.
"You alright? You were just kind of standing there looking off into nothing and stammering to yourself. Dude, are you -blushing-?"
"N-No! Probably just...I don't know," the lupine lied through his teeth and adverted his gaze, though his ears perked as a new voice rang out.
"Hey there Uriel! Been staying out of trouble?"
It was that huge whale, and he was sporting a rather friendly grin.
Uriel chuckled weakly and shrugged, "Been trying to, where have you been this afternoon?"
"Lunch!" The orca smirked and patted his gut. It didn't look like he had ever missed a single meal in his life. "Though I spoke with Carl in the showers and snagged a little dessert before coming out here. Who's your friend? Don't think I've seen him before."
Daryl froze; he knew that he was the new person.
"Big surprise," the otter chuckled again before he gave the oddly silent and suddenly bashful wolf a light nudge. "This is my friend Daryl, he hangs out with Carl and I usually. We all go to the same school, he's not much of a swimmer though."
The wolf winced, but those words were true. That was primarily the reason he was still in the shallow end.
"Nice to meet ya kid, you can call me Kyoma," the whale responded cheerfully.
Daryl peeked up timidly, though his blush retuned as he gazed into those gorgeous blue eyes that whale was looking through. He felt oddly calm, and giddy for some reason, but he tried to ignore it, probably just first meeting jitters. Thankfully this Kyoma seemed rather nice and knew his friends.
"Nice to meet you too Kyoma, this is only my second time here so I haven't really met anyone yet," the wolf explained.
"No problem, I'm sure you'll be fitting in here like your friends before you know it," the orca responded confidently before he looked to the two teens, though he couldn't help but rub his stomach as he spoke those words. "Though if you'll excuse me, I need to get to work. You two stay outta trouble or else you'll have me to deal with," Kyoma chuckled and gave them both a nod before he made his way over to the other side of the pool.
Daryl couldn't stop smiling, and his tail was lazily wagging under the clean, pristine waters. That otter though knew something was up and he retrieved the awe-struck wolf from his daze with a light poke.
"H-Hey! What was that for?"
"Are you sure you're all right? You were staring at nothing again, plush you're blushing," Uriel teased.
"Just forget about there anyone else you meant to introduce me to here?" The wolf gave a little grumble; he didn't think he would have been blind-sided by meeting someone new so suddenly. He was fairly awkward in those situations.
"Nah not really, but Kyoma's a cool guy, I'm actually scheduled to see him tomorrow morning before we're all supposed to meet up. He's been helping me out for a while now," the otter paused for a moment to reminisce; he looked about ready to almost blush almost.
"Helped you out with what?" Daryl inquired.
"Huh? Oh, just you know, swimming and diving stuff," Uriel said with a shrug. It was a lie though, that much was obvious to the wolf, though that ended their discussion on that topic.
"Anyway..." the otter started after an awkward silence. "I think I'm going to head out, you going to be here much longer? If not we could go together, but I have some stuff I have to do at home."
"I think I'll be leaving here in a few minutes, still trying to get used to the water and such. You go on ahead, if I don�t see you later today I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"All righty, later Daryl, and try not to stare at the big guy for too long. I heard he eats his admirers," Uriel said with a snicker, though he got the desired reaction. That wolf was blushing again.
"Right...whatever," the embarrassed lupine looked away as the otter got out of the pool. "See ya," he muttered as his friend padded over to get his belongings and headed off to the showers.
The wolf gave a sigh, he was all alone now...or well, he felt like he was, there was still a fair amount of commotion going on in the thankfully large pool. He was just an isolated lupine. His tune soon changed however once he looked over at Kyoma who was on the lifeguard tower now, which looked to support his weight with ease thankfully. Daryl figured the whale was a lifeguard because he was an obvious aquatic creature, though that stomach must not have hindered his movements. He couldn't help but think about what Uriel said, and he couldn't stop looking at that soft looking white tummy.
A smile crept along Daryl's muzzle as he gaze a sweet sigh and imagined himself sitting nice and close to that rather friendly giant of a whale, cuddling up nice and-...he stopped his train of thought and felt even more embarrassed. His body was telling him one thing while the rest of society tended to frown down on the sort of thoughts he was having about an older male. Once his mind was mostly clear, he shot another sneak peek at Kyoma's stomach, and he could have -sworn- he saw it move by itself. It wasn't much, just a jiggle or two that lasted only a few moments. Afterwards the big orca stroked the no doubt full dome and continued to look very satisfied.
Once his thoughts strayed again, the wolf sighed and got out of the pool. He shimmied off a good portion of the water before he grabbed his towel and his bag and headed into the showers. Though he paused to peek back at Kyoma one last time, who was kind enough to wave at the wolf. Daryl smiled and returned the gestured before he crept into the showers. His mood was rather carefree, and his tail was once again wagging. After he readied his things, he padded to the shower, looking for Uriel, but the otter had left already. He turned on the nozzle and was sprayed with the warm waters, washing away that chlorine from his fur. However, he felt something on his foot and kicked it aside before he realized what it was: a pair of swimming trunks.
"Huh...someone must have left them behind," the wolf wagered and shrugged it off. He started to shower again, but that particular pair was very familiar.
Once he was leaving to head home, he remembered where he had seen those shorts before. They belonged to Carl.
Kyoma belched softly and stroked his stomach as he looked down on those in the pool. He licked over his lips every so often, feeling the occasional bout of movement underneath layers of fat and muscle, but he just sighed happily and grinned to himself. Luckily the rest of his afternoon was uneventful, so all he did was relax for the remainder of the day. He was already looking forward to the next day, massaging his mid section in anticipation.
Morning came and went, though Kyoma's plans went just as he had planned. He was all by himself, sitting on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. His shirt had been discarded to let his gut sag freely as his body glistened with water. He kicked his feet idly in the water, enjoying the quiet gurgles that came from his stomach. Breakfast was mostly gone by now, and he knew his early lunch would soon be on its way. Kyoma grinned as he noticed the wolf from yesterday timidly peeking into the pool area.
"Hello there, you're Daryl right?" The orca asked the approaching lupine.
"Y-Yeah that's me, nice to see you again Kyoma," Daryl smiled and stood next to the lifeguard. His muzzle looked a little pink again as he looked over the whale who wasn't wearing a shirt. "I'm looking for Uriel though, is he around?"
"You could say that," Kyoma laughed softly and gave his stomach a firm squeeze with one of his large hands.
The wolf froze as he saw this, though he looked more confused than anything else. Still chuckling to himself, the orca leaned back slightly and patted his lap, which was mostly covered by his swollen stomach.
"Is it...ok if I sit next to you?"
Kyoma smiled as he heard this, though he nodded and continued his relaxed posture. "Sure thing, doesn't bother me at all," he said in a rather soothing tone.
He noticed Daryl looking at his mid section, though once the wolf was sitting down the whale slid his arm down to gently embrace the smaller male. He was taking a chance, though he was confident he knew how the wolf would react. There was a quiet squeak, but Kyoma chuckled again and kept smiling. Soon enough he noticed Daryl starting to cuddle against him. He gave a content sigh as he felt those curious, soft paws starting to rub over his soft skin. Soon enough, they strayed down to his stomach and the wolf began to slowly rub, his tail wagging as he did so while he looked up to the whale for approval.
"That feels really nice," Kyoma rumbled quietly and gave a gentle squeeze to the lupine resting against him. He noticed the rather shy wolf was opening up quickly, and the way his paws roamed over the quietly gurgling stomach kept the big guy smiling. After only a few minutes though, Kyoma scooped the wolf up and held him in his arms while he rested him against his stomach and his chest, practically sitting him on his stomach.
"Wow..." Daryl mused as he wiggled his rump on the belly; it felt like a warm beanbag practically. His eyes looked up to the orca, offering a gentle grin while he began to caress his finger tips over those pectorals that were before him, slowly rubbing the large, muscular chest. Once again he paused to look to the orca's reaction.
Kyoma let out a coo as soon as those soft pads started to massage his front once again. His stomach squished lightly while his large hands began to pet down the wolf's head and down his back slowly. The orca breathed in and out, causing Daryl to rise and fall with each breath while the lupine gave a happy murr and leaned in to nuzzle the soft, yet strong chest, inhaling briefly while he was smooshed into it gently. Kyoma sighed quietly and closed his eyes, cuddling tenderly with the wolf as he started to feel something wet rub against his left nipple. Another smile crept along his lips as he heard a moist suckling nose, though his hand ran down the back of Daryl's head once again and along his shoulders while the wolf kissed and suckled on his nub.
Pleasure ran through the whale's body as his thick, sturdy tail hit the cement floor and his chest was treated to the formerly timid lupine's lips and tongue. He groaned happily and administered a gentle squeeze as the suckling continued, though he heard Daryl whimper quietly as his free paw caressed the other fat nub that adorned the orca's impressive chest. Kyoma groaned and his nipples quickly became erect with the attention, teasing his large form as he held the younger male nice and snuggly. However, the moment was interrupted by a hungry growl from the pit of the orca's stomach.
Daryl perked his ears and ceased his efforts, panting a little while he gazed up to Kyoma. "It...sounds like you're hungry," he noted quietly.
The big guy chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, it's impossible to keep this tank of mine satisfied for very long. I had a big breakfast, but I've got something right here though that should keep it happy for a while..." He mused quietly and nuzzled at the top of the wolf's head.
Kyoma's tongue slowly slipped from his lips and lapped over Daryl, but all he heard in response was a soft groan and he felt that smaller form practically cling to him now.
"You'd...have room for me?" The lupine asked as sweetly as possible. Deep down it looked like he knew the answer, but he still wanted to be sure.
The whale just kept smiling, such a cute little wolf he had in his grasp. "I could easily make room, then you'd fit no problem."
Those words made Daryl wag faster and his blush returned, though before the curious wolf could ask how room was going to be made, Kyoma opened his mouth nice and wide and let loose a massive, nearly earth shattering belch.
"URRRRRRRRLLLLLPPPPPPPP...ahhh..." the orca groaned, the expulsion of so much gas at once left him feeling rather content.
After that burp, the wolf's fur was rather moist with saliva and hot, heavy breath that wafted from those massive jaws. All Daryl could whisper though was another 'wow' as the fumes floated around his head and Kyoma held him by the waist and started to scoop him closer to his large, black lips. Those strong arms gave him another affectionate squeeze, coaxing him to almost melt in the embrace.
"Enjoy the ride wolfy," the orca mused and licked his lips, maw already starting to salivate more as he opened his jaws nice and wide, blowing more of his powerful breath that smelled faintly of otter into the wolf's face before his mouth started to close around Daryl's form with practiced ease.
The cetacean's maw was so large he easily fit the lupine inside from his head down to his chest. His tongue slurped greedily over that white fur, making it nice and slick while he got mouthful after mouthful of flavors and murred very heavily all the while. Kyoma nibbled gently on Daryl's chest, his massive tongue started to tease over his furry form. He suckled carefully, not swallowing just yet while he kept one hand on the wolf's back and the other grasped his backside slowly and used that to ease him further inside. His gullet relaxed and soon took hold of the wolf's entire head and shoulders, claiming them with a wet, squishy gulp.
Kyoma let out a deep murmur as his tongue continued to lap and savor over Daryl's form, and at the same time his throat began to slightly bulge with the upper portion of his live meal. He slowly eased his jaws further down the wolf's form, working his way over the stomach with another greedy gulp. His maw continued to soak that formerly silky fur in more of his fluids and his throat kept a soft, yet powerful grasp on Daryl. He swallowed again and lurched his hungry mouth downwards to encase the wolf's entire upper half inside of his throat, hearing him make muffled sounds inside of it while his large tongue slurped and tasted over the now wiggling lupine.
After giving a gentle push on the wolf's rear, Kyoma reclined back slightly and tilted his head upwards as he rested his hands on his fat stomach. He started to rub himself idly while he took very slow and relaxed gulps, drawing more of his lunch down that slick passage. His lips soon sealed around Daryl's knees as that lump in his neck and chest was inched closer to his waiting stomach. Kyoma took one last powerful gulp, tugging the twitching tail and those wiggling feet into his greedy maw to join the rest of the tasty lupine. He kept his hand holding onto his gut as it felt the weight finally sink in, causing his belly to bounce on his lap slightly before it started to conform around 'lunch.'
Daryl was still slowly wiggling, and his body was rumbling quietly in content. Kyoma stroked the contained wolf, feeling the occasional nuzzle from the devoured being as he enjoyed the silence that came after eating such a tasty, and cooperative meal. That silence was soon broken however. A thunderous, wet belch erupted from the whale's jaws and made the water in the pool ripple before him.
"Ooooooh," Kyoma groaned, looking very proud of himself as he gave his belly a light pat and licked his lips, still tasting Daryl on them. That burp was so strong however he noticed a pair of red swimming trunks he must have coughed up in the blast, but he merely chuckled and tossed them aside before he started to heft himself up. He heard a quiet noise from underneath the layers of pudge that adorned his mid section and kept smiling.
"Mmm...sounds like you enjoy your private time with me, I know your friends do," the orca mused quietly and made his way to the lifeguard station. He slowly climbed up the thankfully strong ladder and plopped his rear in the soft seat.
Kyoma looked out to the empty pool, knowing that soon enough it would be filled with more potential meals for him to pick from. He continued to smile, giving the occasional sigh of content while his belly still squirmed as he rubbed over it. Satisfied, for now.