Lupa Moon: Hybrid Theory Chapter 1

Story by nando7121 on SoFurry

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#1 of Lupa Moon

A young scientist works on the hybridization of human and animal DNA, to much success.

Author's Note: Thanks for taking the time to read this! This is my first time writing any adult scenes, so please be sure to give me a full criticism. I do plan to write more for this, but whether or not I should write more sex is up to you, readers. Thanks again for reading! ~Nand@

Edit 1: Did a little fixing for little inconsistencies that made themselves apparent when I wrote the second chapter.

I woke up snuggled to the most softest thing ever. She was a big ol' wolf, but definitely not the kind you're thinking of. I most definitely would not have allowed a regular wolf into my bed, let alone fucked it silly the night prior.

I smiled as I breathed in, the scent of her fur not noisome but smelling of strawberries, her favorite shampoo. Her head was resting on my arm as I hugged her to sleep last night, and I moved my free arm to caress her side gently. The white fur smoothed at my touch and she stirred slightly. "Morning Kate," I whispered into her ear, the fuzzy thing twitching cutely.

She rolled over, and I gently held her face in my hand, thumb running across her elongated cheek, she opened her tired eyes, with her usual post-sleep daze. "Murn, Ty. Coffee?" I chuckled before kissing her black nose.

"I'll go ahead and make it."

She yawned, and I took a moment to examine her, like I did every morning. She was absolutely beautiful, with a distinct human look on her canine face. Her jaws opened wide, and despite the fairly sharp teeth and the dog-like tongue, her expression was that of any other person in the world.

She finished her yawn, smiling before licking my cheek. "You're awesome." I reluctantly pulled away from her, hearing the wolf whimper ever so slightly before going into the kitchen to get her needed daily caffeine.

I quickly returned, setting the coffee down on her nightstand, just the way she liked it. One cream, three sugar. Seeing as she hadn't sat up yet and was still curled under the covers, I decided to join her once more. The fuzzy being welcomed it and wrapped herself around me, her ample bosom pressing into my chest. I felt... I don't know how I felt. I felt like the luckiest man in the world, for one.

It was simply chance that allowed us to meet, as I had no idea what project I would end up getting assigned to when I registered for my internship at the Fitz-Anderson Research for Genetic Sampling Center. Or the FARGS Center as most people call it. I was able to apply at the ridiculously young age of 15 due to my advancement to early college classes. Stem-cell research and organ cloning were my specialties, and they seemed to take notice. I got assigned to a 'special' project that they were receiving a literal fuck ton of government funding for, due to the "unlimited possibilities" that mixing human and animal DNA could create.

I know, I know. It sounds like it should have been done in a secluded lair in Alaska with the only case worker being a scientist so off his rocker that mad scientists simply scoffed, but it was being done in a very professional, well-funded research facility. The point being, when I signed up, it led to me meeting Kate, which was very possibly the best thing to happen in my life.

"You're thinking a lot again, aren't you hun?" Kate's voice snapped me out of my reverie, and I smiled at her.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to have been able to meet you," I replied honestly.

"Mm..." she purred, "You were pretty lucky, huh?" she pulled back slightly, her furred hand running down my bare chest.

"Heh, you have no idea, Kate." She merely nodded at this, focused on rubbing me down. As she continued her ministrations, the wolf grew slightly bolder, wrapping her other hand around my back and just ever so lightly scratching my skin. Never enough to draw blood, but enough to send a damn good chill down my spine.

She paused, looking slowly down at the tent I was starting to pitch in my boxers, before she responded, "Oh... I'm pretty sure I do have an idea..."

I most definitely knew where this was going, and I wasn't going to stop it. She caressed and licked my chest down to my stomach, stopping just short of the rim of my underwear. She ran her tongue gently across my waist as she ever so slowly removed my boxers. As it was freed, my lover stared almost hungrily at my dick, before she looked up at me with her silent question. I nodded my approval before she ran her thick, strong canine tongue from the base to the tip, making me shiver slightly.

She smirked up at me, pushing her back-length black hair behind her ears. Kate lowered herself slightly, lapping her tongue again at the tip, giving it a calculating look before sneaking another taste. Normally, I could tolerate quite a bit of teasing, especially after a night like the last one, but something about her today had me begging for more.

"St-stop teasing Kate..."

She obliged, opening her maw above my manhood and breathing a cloud of hot breath out onto it, making it twitch in anticipation. She lowered herself, enveloping the head of my penis. She suckled slightly, making me groan aloud. Kate seemed to respond to my vocalizations, as she lowered herself even lower, amazing me once again that she seemed to take my entire length into her mouth without gagging.

Where a normal girl would be dying from asphyxiation, she had no trouble with her lengthened muzzle. I could just barely feel the back of her throat as her nose touched my skin. Dear God, Allah, and Spaghetti Monster, it felt wonderful. It felt like I was in a steam room in a sauna, the heat and moisture feeling amazing against my bare skin. She moaned around the obstruction in her mouth before she started bobbing slightly, pushing against me all around with her flexible tongue.

I rested my hand against the back of her head, not pushing or anything, just barely petting the top of her head. I noticed with a chuckle that her tail had started wagging behind her. The wolf's eyes were closed, enjoying the fact that she was giving me pleasure as much as she was enjoying the act.

Deciding to give her a bit of a surprise, I grinned mischievously before pulling out with a wet pop and her cry of displeasure before reaching down to her midsection and lifting while simultaneously sliding myself underneath her into a sixty-nine position. Kate stared back at me and huffed, while I simply kept on my sly smile and ran my hand down her back and just underneath her pink lace panties and gripping her ass firmly. She whimpered loudly as I nosed her slit through her underwear. It was plenty wet already, nearly soaking through her panties, which seemed only to make me harder as impossible as it seemed.

I took the front edge of the lace garments in my teeth as she resumed paying attention to my manhood. I pulled the only barrier from my goal backwards, with only a little help from my hands. The wolf was absolutely saturated in her love juices, and there was no hesitation on my end as I attacked her pussy with my tongue. There was no tact, no drawing out the pleasure, the only thing that was on my mind was solely draining my lovely specimen of a woman of everything she had. I vaguely registered her tail wagging even faster than it was before, but it was a fleeting thought.

As I pushed my lover downwards into my eager mouth, she continued her focused attentions to the base act of sucking me dry. It was a fierce race to see who would win, and the other would give no quarter. After nearly half an hour of trying our damnedest, I felt my orgasm coming, and I doubled the intensity that I was giving her, taking her clit between my lips and swirling around it with my tongue. I shoved my hips upward slightly, surprising her as she swallowed my first spurt of cream without hesitation as I moaned into her slit.

She pulled off of my dick as she came, the rest of my cum splattering against the bottom of her jaw as she gave a mixture of a scream of ecstasy and a howl, more of the juices I had spent the last thirty minutes collecting splashing out all over my face as I greedily gobbled down as much as I could. We laid there for a while enjoying the afterglow before she turned around atop of me, and the smile on her face was worth every single bit of effort that I had given. She kissed me hard, tongue slipping between my lips as I happily pushed mine against it, wrestling a little bit for the dominant position. She won naturally, if only because of her cheating dog-tongue that I adored so much. We stayed there for a couple minutes, our mouths tangled in passion.

As we drew apart panting, I took her ear in my hand as I rubbed it softly, saying quietly, "I love you so much Katelyn."

Her cerulean eyes gazed into mine and she said with complete sincerity, "I love you too Tyson."

I glanced at the nightstand beside the bed, smirking softly before saying, "Probably gonna need to heat your coffee up, hun."

It was a wonderful morning by all accounts, but eventually I had to get ready to go to the FARGS Center. My job was fairly simple, just examining and filing the reports for each of the hybrids. The research had been started in early 2015, when Stem Cell research and Genetic Modification had been approved for widespread testing. There were many different areas of research, from growing fully functioning organs that helped give people a second chance when they needed a replacement, to the hybrid project that we were running for the government.

Due to the success of the development of the hybrids, there were people clamoring all over the US to combine our two most successful developments. There were a surprising number of people that wished to have somewhat inconsequential things such as Cat-eyes to see in the dark, retractable claws, or hell, even just functional tails that served no purpose but to look good.

People were weird. But hey, who am I to talk?

We were a few years away from just handing out mixed animal-human organs, but there were a few experiments that we allowed, under close monitoring.

I sighed as I looked over the hybrid forms. I had come onto the project in 2030, and here I was 5 years later, and it still never seemed boring. Extensive and mind-numbing, yes, but never boring. The sheets laid in front of me were categorized by whether the hybrid was in the social program, or if they were in the combat program, followed by age group and then alphabetically. As it was mainly a government project, we had to have the majority of the hybrids in the combat program, but they also needed to be tested in the real world, to see if they would allow their baser instincts to run rampant or still behave socially at the 'higher' human level.

Sadly, there was only five of the hybrids allowed outside of the facility, whereas fifteen of them were confined to the walls of the FARGS Center. They aged from the eldest, the 16-20 years of age, the middle-aged, from 5-15, and the youngest, ones most recently developed from ages 0-4. There were those that were still being formed in our artificial wombs, the incubators, but those weren't part of my job.

We had a wide variety of hybrids, mainly mammals to allow those outside of the study to relate more. We had five wolves, four cats (two lions, a cheetah, and a common housecat), three horses, a bear, a fox, an otter, a bat and two semi-aquatic dolphins for the mammals. We did have three non-mammals however, due to their unique abilities that the government had specifically requested. A chameleon, a snake, and a falcon.

I glanced down at the forms concerning these three. Whereas Kate was the first successful and eldest hybrid, those three weren't far behind her, at the insistence of our superiors. We allowed for one successful birth each year, and despite their human age, they seemed to mature much quicker due to their animal DNA.

As I was looking over their forms, I noticed something odd. I glanced up towards my phone, quickly grabbing it and dialing the number for my boss.

After a couple rings, I heard him pick up. "Hello?"

"Hey, Dr. Anderson, it's Tyson. I was just doing my normal filing routine before going out to examine the 'brids when I noticed that Reggie the falcon was getting switched from the combat program to the social one."

"Ah, yes. Reggie. We've been noticing a trend about him, one that seems to concern you Mr. Moon."

I paused, looking down at the sheet before noticing the comments made by the trainers and inspectors. Reading these, I paled.

"I'm assuming by the lack of response you've noticed the comments. Now, I know from the five years you've been here you've always been professional when it comes to inspection and monitoring data, Mr. Moon, so I'm going to assume that the reason the only positive comments for Reggie are coming from you is intentional on Reggie's part. So yes, we are switching him to the social program, and we would prefer if you were to allow him to move in with you and Miss Lupa."

I paused, holding the phone loosely against the side of my head. Have Reggie move in? A falcon hybrid who from my memory has practically no idea how to be socially acceptable? Not to mention is trained to very possibly kill when needed?

"I apologize for the shock, Mr. Moon. I had planned on coming in and asking you personally, but it seems your quick eye beat me to the chase. I'll tell you what, meet me in thirty minutes at Café Plaza and we'll discuss it. See you shortly, Mr. Moon."

I hung up the phone, still staring at Reggie's file. It was so sudden, so unexpected. He had always acted normal when I showed up, so what was the issue?