A Bearly Tolerable Were

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#61 of The Moonrise Chronicles


eating every scrap of meat, the trio prepared to set off for wherever it was

that the young wolf was leading them. From what she could determine, he had

been part of a pack at one time. His recent transformation had been on account

of a bite from Edward. Whether he did it knowingly or not she couldn't say.

There were too many changes in his personality for her to keep track of them



direction would take them east, into deeper and deeper forests.  The young male prepared to lead the way,

which gave him great confidence. He was just beginning to walk with his tail

held high in the air whenEdward poked his nose in his ass. "I remember this

smell from breeding. Can two males breed?"


he could answer, Maggie barked out "Yes!"


young male jumped for ward and turned on his tail. "That's not funny!"

                She was

rolling on the ground consumed by fits of laughter. That lasted right up until the

bid brute sniffed her backside. "This odor more familiar. Did you say we've

mated before?"


more than a few times." She was lying, but right now the difference between

mating and sex was moot.


We'll have to jog my memory sometime. Maybe when it quits hurting."


remembered all too well the instance in the plane and did not want a repeat.

"Maybe. But not it your present form. Let's just say it's a little big for my


                He sat

back against a tree and watched his cock grow. He looked at it and then to her.

"Looks like you're right. I wonder if that bear is still around. It might be

big enough."

                "If you

want to look for him, be my guest." She was being sarcastic, forgetting how

prone he was to suggestions with his present mental state.


think you might have something there." And with that he was gone.


male, whose name she still had not gotten, looked at her and grinned. "Why did

you do that?"


didn't mean to. I was just kidding."

                "Is he

really your father?"


adopted. And yes, before you ask, we have sex all the time. But as of late he's

been going through changes. And then the silver bullet thing. He took one straight

in the head. I think it's still bouncing around in there."

                "We get

shot at all the time when we're in a pack. The humans hate us. Where were you

at to get shot; killing someone's sheep?"


in a bar enjoying a meal."


is a bar?"


you telling me that you have no idea what a bar is? What about a restaurant?"


terms are unfamiliar to me. Where can they be found?"

                "In a



are places we avoid."


about eating struck her with a thought. "How is it you can eat normal food?"


She was about to answer him when an indignant roar came from out of the woods.


found the bear I see," the male said with a mischievous grin.

                "Yes. I

know his pain. Now back to food. I had to eat human flesh for a long time, or

go hungry. I take it this was not the case with you?"

                "No! I

have never attacked a human. Those at the village were nice to me; mostly, but

I could eat their strange food. I was actually getting to the point that I liked



started out being able to eat it, but then, when I went through my

transformation, I couldn't stomach regular stuff. But now I can eat normally



shivered, shaking loose hairs from his coat. "Eating humans? I don't know. I

looked like one, so I don't think I could do it. What about your father?"

                "He has

only recently had his transformation.  I

know he's eaten some, but he's never killed them for food."


strange. But then, I only just became what you see. How did that happen?"

                "His bite.

Don't ask anything more, because I won't be able to explain it in a way you

would understand."


already know. It's like being granted status from a supreme alpha. I told him

he was a supreme."


conversation was interrupted by the pained bellows of the bruin. Edward was having

at it with gusto. Maggie was glad it wasn't her. One time under him when he was

out of his head was enough.  She knew

damn well her ass would never survive that massive tool he called a cock.


Yeah, I'd say that fits. What else out there would have the audacity to rape a

full grown male bear?"


young male howled with amusement. "Not me!"


opinion was well founded, for when the huge werewolf came back into view he was

still knotted up, and therefore dragging along the poor bear.  The beast was whimpering like a child, and

for good reason. He had gone from the biggest and baddest creature in the

forest to a werewolf's bitch in less time than it took to blink. His claws

raked the ground, try to halt his progress, but the knot was too big and the

creature too strong for him to fight.


wasn't paying the least bit of attention to him anymore. He had dumped a few

loads into the poor thing and he was now ready for something else. He came over

to the two little pups, as he now thought of them and sat down. The bear was

still pawing at the earth. Edward got irritated with him and turned him around onto

his back and used him for a stool, his cock still deeply embedded inside.

                "I was

following you little pup, which is why we are here. Where were you going


                "I was

trying to find my pack. We are near where they should be this time of year."


bounced up and down a little on the bear, making it groan. "Do you have proper

mates in your pack? I think this one here doesn't like what I have to offer."


supreme alpha dictates who may or may not breed."


roared with laughter. "No one dictates anything to me. If you can beat me, you

can call the shots. Would you care to try little one?" He leaned down so far

into his face that his cock finally popped out of the bear's ass. There was a

pained yelp from the bruin, and an almost equal one from the young male.


sir! I'm just telling you how it is."


You were just telling me how it was.

Let's go find this pack of yours. It seems I should be somewhere different

right now, and I feel that I have something else I should be doing, but the

hell if I can figure out what it is."

                It was

now four who were traveling, for the bear found it had little choice in the

matter. While free from the recent penetration, it was made clear that he would

stick with the group or else suffer more humiliation. Of course, Edward didn't

think of it as humiliation, just breeding. In his head, he wasn't getting the

facts straight as to how that worked.


young male was in a delightful mood, and was even more so when he found he

could shift from one form to another. He found he preferred the wolf form, and

it was certainly the best one to have out here in the wilderness. The girl had

taken a form larger than his, and her father, or mate, or whatever she called

him, well he was absolutely enormous.


bear followed them meekly, his hind quarters swinging gingerly as he walked.

Maggie stifled a laugh. She knew his pain firsthand. On the other hand, her

natural ability to heal far outweighed his. He was going to be walking like he

had been ridden hard for the next day or so, because he had in fact been ridden



wasn't quite certain where they were heading. After talking with the young

male, who only seemed to have a name given to him by the humans, she found out

that they were searching within the domain of his former pack. Everything

around them was claimed territory.


far does the pack range?" she asked.


don't how to answer that. Far, I guess. I don't keep track of human names for

things, but I do remember that a few years back there was trouble at one place called

Verkhoyansk. That was before my time with the pack, but they say that the

supreme alpha gathered a multitude together for a conference. Food ran scarce

as you can imagine and they had to hunt in human territory. A lot of wolves

were killed, though none like us, just the regular sort. It is still remembered

as a sad time."


many had gathered?"


don't know. They say somewhere around four or five hundred, but that place is a

far ways off."


this alpha has that much power; to gather such a large number together in one



growls and we obey."


you were before her looking like a human?"


and she seemed to hate me for it."


you her child?"

                "No. I

think that's what bothers her.  I don't

know who my mother was."


I had it told to me that for someone to be feral like you, you had to have been

conceived as a wolf and born as a human. So your parents, or at last your

mother, was a full werewolf."


believe you. But I don't remember her. My father was human, but I never learned

to speak the gibberish the human's speak. I tried, but it just wouldn't form in

my vocal chords."


you understood it?"


nodded. "That's the strange thing. I could generally understand everyone, but I

could not be understood in return. It was very depressing. But one day I heard

the most magnificent song carrying through the night air, and I understood it



a werewolf for sure. But do you have a name?"


is what the last village called me. I think someone said it meant slippery. I

guess I was pretty slippery when I needed to be. But my given name; no, I don't

remember anymore."


it is. I'm Maggie by the way."


I like it. So where are you from?"


smiled. "I don't think you'll understand, but I'm from the United States of



I have heard mention of this place.  It's

a long ways off!"

                "Yes it

is. We came here to look into my ancestry."

                "Your ancestors

are from here?"


think so. If I'm right, my grandmother was the daughter of the last tsar."


wolf stopped and stared. "You cannot be. Only one of the tsar's children


                "I know

that. But how do you know that?"


not sure I should tell you that. It is beneath my rank for me to discuss it

with someone not of the pack."


got a little angry, as she was prone to do when confronted with someone or

something stubborn. "For one, you're not presently part of a pack. Secondly, if

you don't tell me, I'll claw you to pieces so fast you won't be able to heal

fast enough to survive."


loomed over them. "No squabbles! Be like the big furry fellow and shut up for

the rest of the trip. I'm tired of whimpering and simpering. Boy?!"


young male quivered. "Yes?"


are we going to make it to this pack of yours? I feel like turning around and

leaving. This is getting to be boring."


sure oh great one, but it's hard to pin the pack down. There are times when

they range farther than normal to find food."

                "Bah! I

will find them myself." And he sat back on his butt and lifting his head to the

sky, let out a blood curdling howl that broke the air into ten thousand shimmering

fragments. Even the leaves on the trees shook and swayed in the blast of his


                When he

was done, he lay down, looking satisfied. "Let them find me. I tire of this

game. I will meet this leader of yours and then I will leave."