the great war pt 6

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#6 of the great war

"Well bitch; we're almost there. Then you will get a new master. You happy?" Jacob says as he continues to lead Penna to Nham'U Beni'Eg. They had lost a member of the group because he did not want to go to Nham'U Beni'Eg. They had left him in town. Malual and mat would surely find him and come to her. She hoped she could be free by then but no matter how she tried to escape, she couldn't. She prayed that they would get to her before it was too late.


Malual and Mat did find the thug who stayed in town. They dragged him into the woods where Malual assumed his true form.


"P p please don't k kill me! We gave her to the innkeeper but he did not touch her. It was his workers. They are taking her to Nham'U Beni'Eg but I did not want to go. Please spare me!"

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND IF YOU TELL ANYONE..." Malual yelled as he dropped the man and watched him flee.

"MAT!! Come here. We are going to fly as far as we can to Nham'U Beni'Eg."

"Are you sure that is wise?"


They then begin flying towards the city. They ignore all of the cities they pass and arrive in Nham'U Beni'Eg a few days after the thugs did. They made their way to the town hall. Once there, they asked if someone had brought a humming bird slave to be evaluated. The lady said someone had and that person was going to sell her at the King's Auction. The king himself would be there looking at potential slaves. Mat and Malual made their way to the auction and found it had already begun. They found Penna but then the unthinkable happened.

"Mat where are you going?"

"I will be right back Malual."

"Penna are you ok?"

"Malual? Yes thank god you're here! Get me out of here!!"

"Guards, these are the two. She is Penna Goldenfeather and he is a dragon. Arrest them and take them to my slave pen. Kill the thugs who say they own Penna." Mat said very calmly.

"Mat?? Why are you doing this?"

"Not many people know this but I like to explore around my kingdom. I found you and well now you are mine. I am the king!"

Wham! Malual was knocked out by a blow to the head. Penna and Malual were both carried to his slave pen. Penna was then carried somewhere else. Malual slowly began to come to.

He opened his eyes and realized that it was dark. He shivered and looked down to see himself naked. He also realized he was not a human anymore. He was a fox again. He tried to move his hands or legs and found they were chained to the wall. He tried to call for help but found he was muzzled. He tried to change but found he couldn't. He heard a door open and looked at it. A figure walked in and lit the torches on the wall. He saw it was a vixen. She saw he was awake and smiled. She called for a slave to bring her tools to her. Try as he might, Malual could not break free of the bonds. The slave came back with two boxes. Putting them down, the slave left the room and closed the door.

"I think you are going to be fun to play with pet." The vixen said as she licked her lips. She opened the boxes and poured them out revealing dildos, collars and all kinds of other sex toys. Malual began struggling from fear and accomplished nothing. She walked up to him and unchained him from the wall to carry him by the scruff of his neck over to a table. She tied him down on it and began rubbing his sheath. He tried not to be aroused by her touch but he could not help it. His member began to harden and when it had reached its full length, she reached down and pulled a ring over it. She whispered "That ring will not allow you to release your semen. You will be stuck with the feeling of ecstasy that all feel before they come. It will also keep you hard until removed." She flicked his member with her finger and laughed as Malual struggled again. She began to lick his cock and then began deep throating it. She brought him to the edge very quickly. But he could not cum. He was stuck in that feeling. She stopped and laughed at the fear and pain and pleasure showing on his face. She reached down into the pile of toys and pulled out an inflatable dildo. She shoved it into his tail hole as he squirmed and squealed. She then began to pump it.


"You like that don't you? There is still more dear." The vixen said as she pulled something out of the pile and shoved it into his already stuffed ass. It began to vibrate and he realized that it was a magic imbued vibrator. It would soon begin to shock him and to burn and freeze his ass. She pulled out another one and placed it on his cock. She then pulled out huge clamps and placed them on his nipples. He was crying and struggling to free himself. The ecstasy was gone to be replaced with pain as he needed to cum more and more. She just stood back and laughed at him. She then walked up to the table and punched his sack. He blanched from the pain. She pulled a blindfold over his eyes blinding him from being able to prepare himself for anything and she began to have her fun. He felt a stinging sensation on his balls and he screamed because of it. He then felt the vibrators begin to shock him. He started moaning and screaming but was muffled completely by the muzzle. He felt something wet come down on his cock and then it went off again. Up and down; up and down; it took him a little bit to realize that she was using his cock on her vagina. When she finally came, he felt the vibrators switch to burning and freezing. He began to scream again and the tears began to run again. She slapped his face again and again but he kept screaming. She began to whip his cock and balls as well as every other part of him. There was nothing he could do. The bonds were too strong and he was too tired to resist. He felt the blackness of unconsciousness coming and he wanted to embrace it. It would not come fully though and he had to stay awake for the entire ordeal. He needed to cum so badly that he feared he would explode but she kept playing with him. He finally passed the point of being able to think like a sentient being and he was reverted to a more primal way of thinking. He could only think of the pain she was causing him and the pleasure he was feeling. He could not flee if he was released and she wanted him like that. His last thought before he finally lost the ability to think about anything other than pain was ‘where is Penna?' Malual was defeated and he knew it.