My New Master - Ch 3

Story by doublegeiger on SoFurry

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#3 of My New Master

Chapter 3.

CH. 3

I woke to a bird chirping on the balcony. Opening my eyes I looked from the penthouse bed to the open sky view. The sun has risen and was creeping over the city.

It took all my strength to lift myself from the bed. My body was bruised, strained and sore. My god, the mayor destroyed any love I had for him last night. Feeling my face, my jaw was still slightly stretched from his forceful attack on me. Struggling, I managed to stand and wobble to the ledge. I was about 20 stories up on the roof of the brothel. I was almost tempted to jump. Just end this nightmare....


I shook the feeling from my head. I'm sure my parents are looking for me. Well my mom would be. Dad isn't home enough to even notice I'm gone for at least a week. The thought depressed me even more. 'I want to go home'


"...and this is the master suite where you can..." I heard voices enter the house room. It was the dog boy from before leading a wealthy looking man with two exceptionally young cat girls into the room. "Here will meet all your needs... Aw fuck sakes!" His face turned sour at the used bed and soiled sheets. Not to mention my presence I could tell from the glare.

Marching over to me, I was suddenly yanked back to the bed by the hair.

"Sorry sir. It's her first day and she forgets to CLEAN UP after you're done!" He yelled throwing me at the cum splattered bed. He turned back to talk with the impatient client who was more busy fondling his girls.

Nervously I did as I was told and replaced the sheets. The smell stained in the sheets was also all over my body. Finishing I stepped back to see the man was on a reclined beach chair fucking one of them already while the other was being fingered. ...anything seems to go around here.

I was suddenly yanked off balance by my hair again. The dog was livid dragging me to the corner of the room. There was a laundry shoot there where someone wrote on it. 'Bitch Bin'.

"Go clean yourself up!" He said and threw me head first into it. I tried to catch myself from falling but only felt my legs get lifted off the ground and into the duct. It was a giant shaft with rubber rudders sticking out of the walls. Every 6 feet or so I slapped into one of the cushioning rudders slowing my fall. Each one struck me with a painful slap but kept me from falling to my doom. I curled up in a ball to try to soften the blows. After what felt like 20 floors, I landed on a large soft mattress. My back and arms were stinging from the fall. Before I could even answer I looked back up the shaft and knee-jerk jumped out of the way of two other girls who were falling down after me.

Once they landed, they immediately stood up and hustled me out of the room with them. Soon we were in a series of dim lit hallways with holes all throughout them at the waistline height. The two girls hurried to kneel down and forced their heads into the holes. After a few moments, I peeked through the hole next to one of them.

The room was one of the main club rooms with a neon sign hanging on the wall calling it the 'Trophy Room'. Along the walls where plaques with women's heads sticking out from them like trophies. Peeking to the side, I could see the girl beside me already had a mans dick in her mouth and cumming. She was licking up every drop he spilt like it was the only thing she ate for days.

Before I had a chance to react, I felt someone running by behind me and accidentally pushed me forward. Off balance, my head fell through the hole that clicked behind me. I couldn't pull my head back out no matter how much I struggled. 'No!' I tried and tried but the plaque clamped down and I was now another head on the wall. A mouth guard had slid between my back teeth locking my mouth wide open and keeping me from closing it. I was helpless.

Before I could even react the man face fucking the girl beside me switched to me and forced his manhood to the back of my throat. I would have gagged if I had eaten anything. But after the Mayor Elephant, any dick less than that wasn't as painful.

An hour went by and many men and a few women came in. A woman I thought I recognized from passing in the street made me eat her pussy out with my tongue while she struck me multiple times. Another just kissed me for a long time pretending I was his mother. Once in awhile a worker girl came in and hosed us off. It was the first water in a long time and I happily gargled it down the best I could. I came to the conclusion that this cum is the closest thing to food around here. I had given in and welcomed the 'meals'.

A few hours later I wasn't even making an effort to pay attention. Only making sure I found ways to breathe. The next dick just slid down my used throat with nothing to stop it. He was humming words while holding me by the back of my head. "Oh that's a good girl..."

The voice sounded familiar. I looked up at the suit he was wearing. A middle class man with a crappy tie on. Looked just like the one I got for my...

'DAD?!' I went wide eyed at the sudden realization. He was looking up and away yet had his dick all the way to the back of my throat. I didn't care what he was doing to me, I only wanted to make him look down. He can save me! I shook violently but was drowned out by his thrusting. I had no air to make noise and he was beginning to fuck me harder.

My eyes were tearing up. ...daddy... I want to go home... Please. He suddenly slammed into my face and filled his daughter with his warm spunk. As wrong as I was, I drank it without a thought. As long as he noticed me, I didn't mind.

He let out a big sigh then pat me on the head while sliding out. As he zipped up his pants, he stopped moving. Looking up at him he was in a cold stare looking right at me.

"S...Sweety?!" He said in horror. I nodded, finally letting the tears of joy flow. He dropped down beside me. "Oh my god! What are you doing! I... I'm sorry!" He was trying to remove the gadget around me. "Jesus I'm sorry!" He was clawing at the plaque before the Bull bouncer entered the room.

"What are ya doing?!" He boomed "trophies are face fuck only!"

Dad hopped up demanding he let me go. He was livid and threatened cops if they wouldn't do it. This was it! I'm free!! I could see the bull backing up from the accusations. Some other men were turning heads at the argument. My heart was fluttering knowing my dad was going to save me. I didn't care what he did to me, I just wanted to go home.

The bull stepped back. "A... Alright sir, we can get her through this way."

Dad turned to me. "I'll be right there. Everything is going to be ok." He kissed my forehead and turned back to the bull. He pointed him to a door on the wall across from me. My dad lead the way with clenched fists. I just watched as they walked through the door.

The swinging door let me keep watching their next moments.

Swung once,

dad was confused why they were in a closet.

Swung twice,

The bull had his strong hands on the front and back of his head.

Swung once more and I watched my dads head spin almost twice around before his body hit the floor.

And the door closed...

I was frozen in pure horror and was about to cry out but was plugged by another customer who started pounding my screaming throat.

He killed him... This is hell. I'm not getting out of here...

Things started to get dizzy around me as I was hyperventilating. I didn't even know what happened before everything went black.

My New Master - Ch 4

CH.4 "Mmmm..." I felt my mom shaking me. I was not in the mood to be woken up. I felt like I ran a marathon around the world. I didn't even have the energy to tell her to go away. I didn't care if it was for school or church or whatever. The shaking...

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My New Master - Ch 2

**CH. 2** 'How long has it been...' I woke myself up with the thought. My body went numb what feels like hours ago. I was hoping it was all just a big nightmare but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? I forced my dried eyes open. They sealed...

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My New Master - Ch 1

**CH. 1** "How long is this gonna be?" I groaned leaning against the subway car doors. I looked back at the young bunny girl that was leading the way and gave her a disappointed look. "C'mon, Sara." I began, "I know I agreed to help you move, but...

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