My New Master - Ch 4

Story by doublegeiger on SoFurry

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#4 of My New Master

Chapter 4


"Mmmm..." I felt my mom shaking me. I was not in the mood to be woken up. I felt like I ran a marathon around the world. I didn't even have the energy to tell her to go away. I didn't care if it was for school or church or whatever.

The shaking continued, causing me to use my arm and swish her away.

But for some reason I couldn't lift the arm. Perhaps it was too caught in the blankets. I started coming to as I heard some voices I didn't recognize. And soon the bed shaking became more rhythmic in sync with feelings engulfing my lower end.

My eyes shot open in complete confusion to be only staring at my own face before me. I didn't see my bedroom that I thought I was in but instead was looking into a mirror. The more shocking was that in the reflection I could see myself tied belly down on a bed in what looked like a reception room and a large shark body builder relentlessly pounding my rear.

I tried to scream only to find I was ball-gagged and the chains were keeping me in a star fish position on the bed. After a few moments, the shark let out a yell of pleasure and I could feel my insides warming up with his seed. I was completely powerless to stopping any of this.

My fists clenched as I heard him climb off. I thought at least it was over when suddenly I was met with another wasting no time to force his entry to another hole and begin fucking me relentlessly.

Lying there, reality was finally kicking back into me.

'Dad is dead...' My eyes would have teared up if they haven't already been dried out. The images of the bull taking my father away looped in my head. He took the one hope to leave from me in an instant. I felt I was going to be sick.

Finally looking around the room I could see about 20 men were having a party and women were silently pleasuring them.

I finally realized I was still trapped within the walls of that damned hotel. I just wanted to go home. I was screaming on the inside as now a third guy was onto me.

As the fifth filled me I finally began crying. The horse was the largest and most painful to stretch me. He let out a loud chuckle to his friends as he forced his way in. Soon he began bucking back and forth half his huge shaft into me while leaning over.

I just closed my eyes and tried not to think, until his voice whispered in my ear.

"I'm a cop." Was all he said. It took an instance to clue in to what he was saying but then sprung to turn towards him.

I was met with a hand forcing my gagged face back into the pillow and fucked even harder.

"Shhhh!" He hissed at me. " this is a sting to get you girls out of here! We gotta play the part. So do you."

I was nervous to trust him. What if he was tricking me? What if this was a ruse? What if he got hurt talking to me?

...but what if he's telling the truth?

I calmed down and he began humping me gently, causing me only to wince once or twice. I looked up at the horse and saw more of a gentle face than the others. Somehow, he had a face that said 'honest'.

The face was then replaced by the mean look like before when his buddy walked over. A disguise? After he chuckled with the others a few times about how tight I still was after them, he leaned back down.

"Ok... I'm getting a group of you girls out tonight. TELL NO ONE. Some girls will just tell the bosses and destroy everything. We are close to taking this whole building down. Tonight get to the end of the hall on this floor. I will get you home from there."


I heard in my head. I fought everything in my mind not to cry out of joy of hearing the word. I practically welcomed him to finish in me. I understood how much he must play along. I felt the flicker of hope rekindle in me. I wanted my dad back, I wanted to be home with him and mom. I was willing to play my part if it would just get me home.

After he came, he rolled off me and opted to them taking the party to the pub. The others agreed and were soon heading out the door.

I would be ready that night. But as they were about to leave, ...he appeared.

The bull bouncer from before was blocking their path. I could barely hear but figured he was collecting payment. However when my saviour tried to leave, he put an arm across the door, blocking his path.

'Oh god no. Did he hear us?!' I went cold in fear that my hero was captured. After a few words of what seemed like an interrogation, he grudgingly let the cop pass.

A wave of relief passed over me. The bastard looked back at me and the other used girls before snorting and walking back out. ...we were safe.

After about a half hour, one girl who was passed out beside my bed woke up and undid my chains. She couldn't have been older than 16. Yet she was as passive as all the other girls.

...perhaps I should...

No. I wanted to tell her but what if it botched their plan? What if she would run off and tell someone? But perhaps she was in on it? If she knew already, would I be able to tell? Our eyes locked for a split second, me gazing deep to see any hint of the plan. But she simply turned away and wobbled out of the room. I stood to my feet and forced my trembling body to follow the other girls.

I over heard the bastard dog again down the hall saying it was gonna be a slow night. Aside from the sadistic bull, he was the least person I wanted to see.

I tried to lay low in the group when he walked by with a large older crocodile. They were discussing costs of eating the girls causing some of the girls to waver a little out of their way.

I let out a huge breath as they kept going.


I spun around at the sound of the shriek to see the crocodile had picked up the young girl from before and slung her over his shoulder. She panicked, breaking the blank state she had from before. But the kicking or screaming went on deaf ears of the two walking.

I had frozen. If I ran to her aid, I would probably be eaten too. If I followed the girls, I'd be led to my salvation. But was that right?

I found myself watching them while walking backwards with the girls. The young one was still screaming and squirming while the dog led him into a private room.

I finally had enough and took a step towards them. She wanted to live! She wanted to esca-


With a deafening silence, I watched the crocodile bite her head off with ease and she immediately fell limp and silent.

"Loud one..." He groaned as he carried her body into the room and closed the door behind him. Within moments you could hear the loud squeaking of the bouncing bed.

I just stood there numb and frozen. I couldn't believe what just happened. It took a moment before I realized the dog was staring at me from down the hall. He gave me a look like 'what should you be doing?'

A chill of fear ran up my spine as I turned around and walked quickly to catch up with the other girls. I felt like I was gonna be sick and puke but haven't eaten anything but cum for days. I just held back tears as I walked on.

I just had to hold off til tonight...

My New Master - Ch 5 - End

Just a little longer... All I could think of was holding on until I could escape from this hell. Every girl here seems to have given up hope on being saved and I'm the newest addition to them. But I refuse to give in to them. They may have broken...

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My New Master - Ch 3

CH. 3 I woke to a bird chirping on the balcony. Opening my eyes I looked from the penthouse bed to the open sky view. The sun has risen and was creeping over the city. It took all my strength to lift myself from the bed. My body was bruised,...

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My New Master - Ch 2

**CH. 2** 'How long has it been...' I woke myself up with the thought. My body went numb what feels like hours ago. I was hoping it was all just a big nightmare but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? I forced my dried eyes open. They sealed...

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