Zynder the Dragon

Story by Zigger Wolf on SoFurry

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Once long ago there was a dragon of legend. No one ever knew who he was, but he was known as Zynder the Dragon. Zynder grew up like a normal dragon, but he was different he had special qualities that other dragons didn't. He could breathe fire at the age of 4 while the other dragons breathed fire at 6 and 7. He also was a loner, so he traveled alone for many many years. He wasn't affected by the fact that where ever he went he would be alone. That is until he met someone on one of his journeys. The day started as an ordinary day, he woke up, walked around to stretch his muscles, and ate nearby fruit in the trees around him. When he started walking along the stone path he noticed that he had stepped on a necklace. He looked at it then he picked it up and put it on, even though it looked like a feminine necklace he wore it anyway, since no one was around to see that he was wearing it. After he put on the necklace he continued his journey. He was walking when he heard someone calling for help, so then he went running towards the distant voice. At this time Zynder was of age 14 and now he didn't just have one breathe he had 5. He could breathe Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind, and Ice. When the voice became louder he came upon a dark, mysterious cave that was in the side of a big mountain. He flew to the mouth of the cave and went inside. He used his fire breath to light the way to the voice he heard. When he got to the end of the cave he saw nothing, but he still heard a voice. Zynder looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling of the cave so he decided to fly up there. When he did he seen a dragon tied up above tank of acid. She seen Zynder, but she didn't stop screaming, since she knew if she did the thing keeping her hostage would come and see if there is someone else here. Zynder crept over to the mysterious creature and used his ice breath to freeze him, and then he walked over in front of him to see what he looks like. When he looked he thought it was an ogre, but it wasn't and she walked over and said,

"It's a Thessill and by the way I'm Zekka." "So your name starts with a Z, too." replied Zynder. And Zekka said, "Yep."

The two found a way out the cave and left. When the two got out Zekka said,

"My necklace! Where'd you find it?" Then Zynder replied, "It was on the ground when I found it."

After he said that he flew up, leaned his head down, and let the necklace slide down his neck onto hers. Zekka gracefully said,

"Thanks. I don't have anywhere to go so I guess I will just travel with you. Zynder said, "That's fine."

And then Zynder continued walking along with a new companion by his side. As they continued their journey they came upon an ancient tower. When they came upon it they had seen that there was an ancient language wrote on the side of its entrance. Zekka walked up to it and examined carefully. She said,

"I believe it says that long ago this temple was inhabited by the Tookas, but the rest has been broken off for some reason." Then Zynder said, " So we are about to enter an old temple that was inhabited by a species that doesn't exist in our time or on our planet. Ok."

They walked slowly into the darkness of the temple. When they were inside the temple a stone wall that was thicker than any wall they have ever seen locked them in the temple. Zekka soon yelled,

"Zynder we're trapped! What are we gonna do now?"

She slightly ran over to Zynder frightened rubbing her body up against his. He decided use his fire breathe to light the way, but he couldn't for some reason. So he sat down on the cold ground and did nothing. Zekka sat beside him wondering what will happen to the two of them. Hours passed and all of a sudden a light appeared throughout the whole temple. The light was greenish-blue and it showed some more ancient text on the wall. Zekka walked up to the text and read,

"The light of duel colors means that the love in this temple is strong between the ones inside this ancient relic temple."

Zynder took a couple of steps back and blushed, yet he knew it was true. Zekka blushed, but she pretended to look at her claws, so Zynder doesn't see her. Zynder gained control over his emotions and said,

"Well there's light now, so let's go on and get moving before something else happens." Zekka softly spoke, "The light in this cave is beautiful and it's a romantic place for a couple."

As the light in the temple beamed from the ceiling the two walked straight until they came upon a giant door. They walked slowly, since it was just them. As they came to the giant door Zynder said,

"Hey there's some more ancient writing." Zekka walked up to it and glanced at it and blushed. She controlled her blush and said, "The text says that the door of truthfulness will open when the feelings between everyone is revealed."

Zynder's eyes grew big for a couple of seconds and backed up a couple of steps. Zekka turned around and faced Zynder. Zynder noticed that Zekka's eyes were the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. She walked towards him and he backed up until his back was against the wall. Zekka was face to face with Zynder and she got very close. Then the lights in the temple went out! Zekka took advantage of the time the lights were out to express how she felt about Zynder by kissing him on the lips for at least 4 or 5 seconds. She then broke the kiss and silently ran to the entrance to the newly opened passage way. Then once the entrance was revealed the light came back on for Zynder to find Zekka slowly walking through. He slightly shouted,

"Wait for me!"

running towards the newly opened door. The two walked through the door to find more darkness being revealed by light. There was a riddle written on the wall this time and Zekka read slowly,

" Who are you looking at if your right hand is your left hand and your left hand is your right hand?"

Zynder thought for a second and then he said,


Soon after a door in the side of the wall opened up and it lead outside, but there was a treasure chest in the way of the exit. As they walked cautiously into the last room of the labyrinth there was ancient writing on the wall once again. Zekka happily read,

" For you are true adventurers and you may take the treasure if you wish."

As they walked towards the ancient chest they noticed that it was locked at that it wouldn't open, so they used their tails to drag the chest out of the cave and into the outside light. After it was outside Zynder looked at it carefully and decided to whack the chest's lock with his tail. He did that a couple of times then the lock broke and the chest was able to be opened. Zynder started opening the chest slowly, and then when he finished opening it he found out that there wasn't anything in there except a smaller chest. Zekka took the smaller chest out of the big one and blew the dust off of it. She examined the chest closely to notice that the small chest had ancient writing on it as well. Zekka slowly read,

" The lives of couple that shares this bonding treasure will be intertwined forever."

Zekka opened the chest cautiously wondering what was inside, when it was fully opened she couldn't believe what was in there. Zekka sat the chest down and grabbed what was in there out and Zynder found out that there were necklaces in there. One of them had a Sun Pendant and the other had a Moon Pendant. Zekka thought both were beautiful and didn't care which one she got. When she told Zynder to get the necklaces immediately started glowing and went to the dragon they wanted. The Moon Pendant went to Zynder and Sun Pendant went to Zekka. When necklaces stop glowing Zynder said,

" That was weird and strange all at the same time. Sooo we don't choose the necklace it chooses us? Ok."

Since they were out of the labyrinth Zynder started walking back to his home land. Zekka sped up her pace to keep up with Zynder then she asked,

" where are we going now?", " To the Lyner Dragon Village"

,Zynder responded. As they were going back to the village, which was at least 10 more miles away, Zekka started getting close Zynder. She then used her tail to trip him up. Zynder fell and sat down. Zekka walked in front of him and put her ass right in front of Zynder's face. Zynder sat there dizzy wondering what just happened, yet he didn't know Zekka was showing off for him. When he gained control over his vision he saw tight little tail hole and a closed dragon clit. After he saw her parts he started to get a little aroused. He do anything he just laid on his back. Zekka saw Zynder's slightly aroused dragon penis and started to lick at it. She got comfortable by sitting her clit on Zynder's face. She slowly forced Zynder's face into her clit which made moan with Zynder's meat in her mouth. What Zekka did Zynder really turned him on and his meat fully erected from the event. Zekka went up and down slowly on his meat and Zynder couldn't move his face, so he let his tongue explore the inside of Zekka's clit. Zynder's tongue went deeper and deeper into her clit making her hornier. Zynder knew she felt it cause she started sucking his dick faster. Zynder knew his climax was about to come, so he tickled the inside of her clit with his tongue. Zekka made Zynder's climax come sooner than expected and her throat got filled with delicious dragon cum. Zekka couldn't hold back anymore, since the tickling was too much making her pee in Zynder's mouth and on his face. Zekka didn't swallow all of Zynder's tasty instead she let it spray on body. As Zynder was drinking Zekka's pee he noticed that she was going up and down with his mouth still in there. This turned Zekka on as she started to moan softly. She stopped the moaning by sticking her tongue deep into Zynder's tail hole. Her tongue went deep into Zynder's ass licking the walls of his ass. Zynder wanted to yell, but he couldn't, since Zekka's wet clit was on top of his mouth. Zekka held out as long as she could, yet she couldn't hold her pussy juice. When Zekka hit her climax she sprayed her seed all over Zynder's face and his mouth got over 50% of it. Zynder's face was now lubricated with Zekka's seed. Zekka pulled her clit off of Zynder's face allowing him to breathe a little right before putting his face into her tail hole. She moved her ass up and down on Zynder's face making herself want to scream fiercely. Zynder licked the inside wall of Zekka's ass while she licked the inside of his. Zynder used his water breathe to blow water into her ass and that turned her on. She took her tongue out of Zynder's ass and used it to play around with balls. She lifted her ass off of Zynder's face to spray him with the water he put in her ass, and then she turned around and started licking his face. Zynder's meat was still erected, so Zekka positioned herself where his dick would go into her pussy. She pushed her clit on Zynder's meat fast causing her to scream slighty. Zekka started kissing Zynder while she humped him. Zynder found his tongue being intertwined with her's as she humped faster. He thought he was coming to his second climax, but he didn't. Instead he pissed in Zekka pussy making her close her eyes. When he pulled his penis out of her his piss dripped out of pussy and ran everywhere.When the two dragon's were finished they laid there on the ground for a while, so they could rest. After they had the strength to get up Zynder asked,

" Do you want to go to the Hot Spring I discovered?"

Zekka said, " Sure! Why not, we need to get cleaned up anyway."

So Zynder lead her to the Hot Spring and allowed her to go first. She stepped in to feel a relaxing warm bubbly magical water. Zynder got in and rested, so he could get the rest he needs to keep going. They spent an hour in the Hot Spring and then they continued walking towards the village. When they got there everyone greeted them both. Zynder's parents welcomed him home and greeted Zekka as they kept going. Zynder went to his house and invited her in. Zekka immediately said,

" WOW! Your house is huge!"

Zynder smiled and walked over to the elevator that transported him to all three sections of the house. Zekka seen him and ran to the elevator. He went downstairs and shocked Zekka with huge Theatre Room and Entertainment room. Zynder said,

" I don't spend much time at my house, since it was just me by my lonesome."

Zekka asked," Well,since your not alone do you want to have a party?"

Znyder didn't care, so he nodded to indicate that Zekka could have their party. To get ready for the party Zekka went and got some supplies, also asking Zynder's parents to help. Zynder stayed at his house, went upstairs to his Master Bedroom and laid on his bed drifting off slowly until he was sleep. Zynder was sleep while the others got his house ready for the party. At 8:00 the decorations, party favors, games, refreshments, entertainment were set up and ready for the party to begin. Zynder 's parents went and invited everyone they know friends, family, and some of the towns people. When everyone was there they turned on the music and increased the volume, so loud it startled Zynder and made him fall out his bed onto the nice, soft floor. He yawned, got up, and went to the party that was going on down stairs. When he entered the living room he saw neon lights, and he heard techno music. He looked around and saw that Zekka and his parents were walking towards him. Everyone he knew as a kid was there and his cousins were near the bar drinking punch. Zekka hugged Zynder and asked,

" Soooo, what do you think?"

Zynder examined the room and said, " It's really good. This is probably the biggest and loudest party I've ever been to."

Then Zekka grabbed him and pulled him into the crowd, so they could dance. They danced for a while before the song changed to a slow song. Everyone's dancing slow, with their heads on each others shoulders. After half the song was over Zekka started to kiss Zynder,and then one Zynder's cousins got some balloons and filled them with water. After all the balloons were filled with water his cousin threw one and it hit almost the whole crowd, but the water didn't splash on Zynder nor Zekka. Then water filled balloons started flying everywhere. Soon everyone's clothes were wet, drenched, and soaking wet. Then Zynder smiled and yelled,

" Wet T-Shirt Party!"

Then everyone started screaming, taking their shirts off, and throwing them in the air. Zynder turned around a to see Zekka without her shirt and his parents without theirs. He said quietly,

" Whoa! Didn't see that coming."

He looked away and Zekka grabbed him rubbing her tits against his shirtless back. Then he turned around to recieve an unexpected kiss. Everyone's having fun at the party, they watched movies, played games, ate food, dried their clothes and had fun. Then a couple days after the party Zekka and Zydner decided to become life partners until the end. They lived in a huge house with plenty of space, so children wouldn't be a big deal. If he did need any help with kids that he had he could always ask his mom and dad who lived right next door. Yet he still doesn't know that the treasure he found granted him and Zekka eternal life. They will live for eternity, keep their strength and power, and they would look the same forever.