Team Training - Round 2

Story by Veerano on SoFurry

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A long time in the making (plus I forgot to post it here lol) The adventure continues with a morning surprise!

Team Training-Round Two

With a groan, the last reaches of that lovely dream were ripped away from the wolf, although the spoils of it were nowhere to be found. He gathered that it had been his companions that had been the cause of the latter and maybe even the dream as a whole.

Either way something was wrong when he managed to pry his eyes open. Both Eevee and Growlithe were happily still snoozing on his chest, cuddled together after apparently having a bit more fun after the wolf had been forced to succumb to sleep. However, where was Charmander? The wolf looked around, not able to move much because of the two Pokemon on him. He couldn't even call out for fear of waking the other 'mon.

Just as panic was starting to settle in, it immediately left the canine in a deep sigh of relief as he noticed a fiery tail poking from under the bed. Something was different though as he calmed down and regained the ability to pay attention to detail. The tail seemed to be more a shade of red than the previous night and the wolf began to wonder.

With the utmost care, he gently slid both Pokemon off him onto the soft bed. Thankfully the previous night seemed to have put both in a deep sleep after all that exercise. Now free to stand, the wolf stretched himself out a bit before kneeling to inspect the peeking tail. It was definitely red and upon gently reaching under the bed and pulling out his companion carefully he was greeted by a nice surprise.

Instead of the young carefree face of a Charmander, the more rugged looks of a Charmeleon greeted him. The Pokemon was already awake and looked up at him, fear in its eyes for some reason as he covered his new form with his tail. At first the wolf was a bit confused, and then it hit him. Maybe Charmeleon felt like his trainer might not have wanted him to evolve, or that he would have at least wanted to share that experience.

But the canine quickly calmed his look with a simple smile, rubbing under that flaming tail carefully so that he could get at the still-soft belly of the creature. Charmeleon immediately seemed relieved, his owner seemed legitimately happy with him no matter what he had become. A smile painted itself on the Pokemon's short muzzle and he suddenly launched up into a hug of sheer relief.

The wolf smiled and hugged his partner, the previous difference in their size reduced quite a bit now. Charmeleon seemed even warmer that he already had been, almost too much so but not quite. Both of them held each other gently for a moment before the canine felt something against his belly. It was hard and yet squishy and he knew immediately what it had to be.

With an explorative paw, he slipped between their bodies and felt up until he hit what was prodding at him. Both of them gasped for different reasons, the Pokemon's was a note of pleasure while the wolf's was one of surprise. That paw felt along the hard flesh, at least half an inch thicker and several inches longer than as a Charmander.

Charmeleons new length seemed to be sensitive, which was to be expected as the new body would need some breaking in before the 'mon was used to it. The Pokemon suddenly lets go of the wolf and momentarily looks up at him before he did something that he'd never done before. Jumping up onto the bed, the creature looks back at his trainer and gets on all fours with his flaming tail held high.

At this the canine murrs deeply, seeing the lizard's tight hole there being presented to him like that "A-are you sure buddy? I'm still a lot bigger than you" The Charmeleon gave a slow nod, before lowering its head to the bed in utter submission to his best friend. With a slight blush, the wolf nodded back and then moved up; his cock getting stiff in moments as he thought about what he was doing.

However, before he could show Charmeleon what he wanted he had to prepare him for the problems that their size difference brought. With a quick sink down onto his own knees by the bedside, the canine leans in and gives a long lick over that eager rear end. He could feel his friend shiver in surprise, but the twitching of his fat cone dick showed he loved it.

With a murr the wolf continued on, lapping over the sensitive ring of anal flesh. He had done this to the lizard a few times in his previous evolution, yet there was something different now. Things back there tasted muskier, deeper...and altogether more delectable. Before he really knew it; the canine had inserted his tongue into the tight passage of his partner, the thick mouth muscle pushing apart the lizard's inner walls hotly and of course wetly.

Charmeleon flat out murred as that tongue invaded his insides, squirming in the rush of odd pleasure in his backside. Slurps, squelches and mmms filled the room as trainer and Pokemon experienced each other in a new way. Grunting, the canine finally managed to pull his muzzle away from that now perfectly lubricated hole that stayed a bit open after his thick tongue left.

Both males panted for a moment, before the wolf moves up over his best friend. He was already solidly erect and had even been dripping pre all over the hotel carpet (he'd have to clean later). As he lined things up, he pulled the Charmeleon into a loving, passionate kiss. Those lips were even hotter than he remembered and naturally so, but it was the feeling of the lizards almost scorching tongue against his that sparked his lustful fires into overdrive.

Prompting sharp inhales from them both, the canine presses his tip into that hole, feeling the tight passage slowly spreading as he penetrated more "Ohh fuck Charmeleon...I never thought it'd be this tight, are you ok?" The fire lizard gave a slow nod, fighting the growing pain in his backdoor. He wanted his master's ultimate gift, the gift of life inside him.

The wolf didn't know it, but it was in fact possible to impregnate male Pokemon but only if they willed it to happen. That was the reason that male Pokemon at the day care suddenly came back with eggs, the ditto's there really liked to seduce the other Pokemon whether male or female.

Back to the situation at hand though, the canine had found a wall of resistance inside his partner. Try as he might he couldn't get further than a few inches in right now, so he decided to make this easier on them both. Moving slowly, he pulls back until he was barely still inside and then begins to very carefully grind his canine meat back and too in that tight little hole, widening it slowly and letting Charmeleon slowly get used to his thickness.

With a fair bit of effort from them both; the wall seemed to slowly weaken, letting that thick dog dong deeper than before. The wolf felt a sudden spasm of tightness around him and stopped, noticing that Charmeleon's own cock had practically jumped and fired pre onto its owner. Deducing that he had simply hit the other male's prostate gland, the larger male started slowly moving again once his scaly friend relaxed again.

This went on for a while, every time the canine got a new inch in Charmeleon would clench up in pleasure only to relax for the next dozen or so thrusts. Then suddenly the fuzzy hips stop moving and the lizard looks up confused only to see his trainer looking at him with a love and lust he'd never seen in his eyes before. It made his heart flutter, his breath quickened and he immediately knew what was going to happen.

Relaxing the best he could the Pokemon braced himself for his mate's assault which came within moments. The lizard had displayed that strange look himself up at the wolf and it had not gone unnoticed. In fact it made him know that the smaller male was ready for him properly now.

With a slight grunt he placed his paws gently on the hot sides of his partner, holding him still as he gave a sudden thrust that was much more direct than any of the previous movements. The slick squelch and slap were followed by deep moans from both parties as crotch met undertail "jeez Charmeleon...I never knew something could feel this good"

The Pokemon looked up at him with a slight twinge of pain as he was hilted in, but he knew the worst was over now at least for a while. The lizard rubs the wolf's arms a bit, indicating that he was ready. Inside the tight confines of the other male, the wolf could feel his own precum already building up into a nice pool in there and that was before they'd even gotten properly started.

He'd had sex before, but never with a Pokemon, always with an anthromorph like himself. It was like nothing he'd ever felt or would likely feel again outside of that one Charmeleon. Even as he started to move again; hips grinding faster than before; he could feel every single twitch and pulse of those insides as though they were connected to him.

At some level he guessed they were, the lizard's hole was perfectly gripped around his member and he had expected little else as it simply wasn't meant to hold something like that. Yet, the Charmeleon now panting under him on every thrust clearly was enjoying his trainers love and that only made it all the more pleasurable.

That's when his eyes picked up movement on his right, it seems all their noise and movement had woken up the other two Pokemon. With a grin though, he saw his Eevee in pretty much the same positon he was now over Growlithe although it was clear his feral lusts were not being controlled much at all. The poor fire type was having his ass claimed by the vigorous thrusting of the fox Pokemon.

Yet, all that filled the air were noises of pleasure; all 4 males loving the feelings flooding through them. The air was thick with lust and musk, all of which was only making Eevee's and the canine's own thrusts faster and more needy. That was the point where the wolf could feel it, his fat knot swelling up near the base of his already thick cock.

Every instinct in his body screamed to tie with his partner and he gave into them without too much self-control left at this point. With a few last humps, he pushed in to the hilt. After that he felt every muscle in the lizard's rump get tighter, his knot pushing them out even wider as he knotted the smaller creature.

Panting, he began humping; the movements quick and desperate "Charmeleon...I'm gonna..." That was all the warning he could give but the lizard himself couldn't even manage that. With a sudden spewing of flames to the side of the bed, the male's throbbing cock squirted out all over the place. Naturally this orgasm had the normal side effect, meaning everything in the climaxing male's rear tightened up tenfold.

It was far too much for the poor wolf, as a feral howl was forced out of his lungs as he passed the roof of pleasure by a good margin. Everything got hotter inside Charmeleon's insides, the thick, heated cum of the canine filling him up to the brim and beyond.

Both of their orgasms dragged on longer than normal, each one milking more from the other whether it be via clenching or just sheer cum mass. By the time they both ran out of juices the bed had a significant puddle to the side of the lizard and the male's belly had also been rounded out to the point where the creature looked pregnant. Their orgasms flared out after a few last dry pulses and the wolf collapsed carefully over his partner and pulls him close to enjoy their hot afterglow.

Meanwhile, while they were recovering Eevee also reaches his limit and gives Growlithe his own load. Naturally the two basic evolution Pokemon couldn't cum anywhere near what the other two could but Growlithe still made a mess no doubt into the covers as well as his insides being nicely filled with fox spunk.

All four creatures basked in their respective afterglows, pants now replacing the previous moans in the air. Calming down from their highs one by one, they all subconsciously decided to rest. Naturally the wolf had to lift his tied partner so he could lay down, the fire lizard ending up on his chest, close to its trainer and new mate.