Pool Duty

Story by GreenEyedTiger on SoFurry

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WARNING!!! Contains acts portraying two males in sexual acts. If you are under 18/21 do not view this story, if you do not like gay sex do not view this story, if your fine with it all then go right ahead!

Pool Duty

By: Rob The Green Eyed Wind Tiger

"Ugh....another day....another fun time of watching kids fighting screwing around or whining..." he thought to himself silently as he strode towards his job at the local pool. It wasn't anything super fancy nor was it part of a recreation center just a simple place for people to bring their kids for a fun time, or later in the day able to train and use it for exercise. That was of course way later on during his shift so for the first good while, basically half of the day he had to observe the little kids, or rambunctious teens to make sure they didn't drown, fight or do anything stupid. He was just glad to have the opportunity to get to watch those who came in to work out, since most of them were usually men, big and muscled wearing very tight very revealing swimwear. He smirked a little, showing off a rather handsome toothy grin as he opened the doors to his workplace, strolling inside and towards the change rooms for the lifeguards. He put his duffle bag down waving at a few colleagues, before opening it to pull out his muscle shirt with the word ‘LIFEGUARD' written across it, a pair of orange shorts, and a whistle. He moved into one of the change stalls removed his daily life clothes and sighed putting the shorts and shirt on, before walking out to take a quick look at himself in the mirrors by the sinks. His name was Cray Zeekes, age 24 and a well toned piece of crocodile. He stood at a fair seven feet tall, his arms and legs very muscled, and under his shirt a wonderful steel tight pair of six pack abs. Swimming certainly had benefits and he was the proof. His scales were a deep green color which he was proud of, people told him they reminded themselves of a forest color, his eyes were a sea blue color and in his mouth a very nice set of well kept white teeth. The whistle he kept had a rainbow colored string keeping it in place, since he wasn't exactly shy about keeping it quiet that he was gay, though in the several months he had been living in his new town, the young croc had yet to find a boyfriend, hell for all he knew he really was the only gay guy in town.

"Ah well...no use crying over spilt milk..." he said with a small chuckle but also a sigh as he put on his whistle, throwing his bag into his assigned locker before heading through the shower room and into the pool area to help the others get things set up for everyone else once they opened up. The others were well aware of Cray's little dislike of the family swim times but they needed all the help they could get in the mornings and days since even for a simple place it got right busy every single day. So the four that were there, had to always be there from their opening at nine in the morning, earlier since they had to get it ready for them too, all the way till six in the evening when they closed. At four the family swims were done and the last two hours were for the training and exercising crowds. Cray smiled to himself again thinking of that time knowing it made up for the days, even if the guys he watched had no urge to sleep with the croc. Fantasies were always available anyways he again thought with a chuckle as he helped one of the others bring out some pool toys

"Oi Cray you pervert were you thinking about dirty thoughts again?" she giggled watching him, knowing from the blush that soon came to his face that she was right.

"Aww lay off me Beth you know I am...so what?" he said sticking his tongue out then shared a good laugh with her. Beth was an old friend from his hometown, she and him had grown up together, and was actually the first person he came out to, "Sides seeing those guys is like a little reward for a hard days work...you agree I'm sure"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I do ya big ol pervert...You get an extra hour of watching though since you lock up every night"

"What's wrong with that? I'm just ‘committed' to my job" he laughed watching her roll her eyes as they set the toys in their spot looking around at the other two lifeguards to see if they were done as well. They nodded at the two once they got the signal from them, and Cray went up front to let the people that were already waiting inside. "Heh...gotta love the weekends" he thought with a smile seeing the few people walk inside. Today was going to be a busy day no doubt. He headed back towards the pool, waving at the lifeguard who was in charge of the front desk, at least until everyone but Cray went home at five. No one else was allowed in at five since it was so close to closing. Once back to the pool he went to the tower chair and climbed up it before taking his seat and sighing "Let the fun begin..." he muttered under his breath, watching as the crowds started to come out from the changing rooms...nothing big yet but soon....oh so bloody soon.


"Three o clock thank god....soon it will be a happier time..." he smiled thinking just how close they were to getting away from screaming kids, the yelling of parents and the end of pure insanity. He closed his eyes for a moment to think of those gorgeous men who would be here, letting his mind wander till it was interrupted by a

"Excuse me sir..." his eyes popped open and he looked down to where the noise came from and gulped. It was a shark, from what he could tell, around six feet and several inches tall, muscles all over his gray skinned body, including a very impressive six pack much like Cray's own, dressed in a tight leave nothing to the imagination pair of black swim shorts "Is this not the time for people who work out?"

"Huh....oh uh..." he shook his head realizing he had been ogling the handsome shark, the way his brown eyes watched him and the curve of that rather good looking fin "Not yet sir, that's in about an hour"

"Oh damn it...sorry mate I'm new to the area I thought it started at three. Ah well I guess I can wait in the locker rooms then" He shrugged before walking off, giving Cray a good view of his ass, though it was covered by his shorts still. He watched him the whole time he walked away until he was behind the locker room door.

"Holy....fuck....he is pure hotness...." He thought to himself still eying the door, wishing he would walk back out so he could stare at him once more but he knew he'd have to wait for a little while...but oh that wait would be worth it, seeing that fine gray body wet and shiny maybe getting hit by the suns la....oh crap he thought crossing his legs and hiding a blush, realizing the thought had made him slightly hard, couldn't have a kid seeing that he might get fired for having an erection on the job, so he calmed his mind and looked at one of the women swimming around. "Phew...." He sighed again and slumped back lightly. That shark said he was new to the area...it got the crocodile's mind turning wondering about him, so far all he knew was that he worked out. He placed his head on one of his paws just focused on the shark wondering so much about him...how old he was, where he came from, if he had a chance...

"Ha...as if I got a chance with a guy like that... bet he moved here to be close to a girl or something..." he sighed to himself a little, going back to what he was supposed to be doing, keeping an eye on those in the water right now not one who would be there soon.

Time crept by little by little but finally the five minute call was announced and those in the water began to get their things like towels, and what not from where they left them and headed towards their respective changing rooms. The third on duty lifeguard was also heading off now waving good bye to Cray and Beth as he went to their locker room, once the pool toys had of course been put away as to not get in anyone's way while they practiced. Once out of sight Beth strolled over to where the croc was with a tiny smile

"I saw you looking at the sharky that was here earlier..."

"S-so what if I was?" he said looking down at her with a fairly big blush "I couldn't help it..."

"Well just keep your eyes on everyone not just that guy once others show up ok? You have a duty to uphold after all that matters more t-"

"Oh stop lecturing me little miss stares at speedo guys every single day!"

"Hey you do it too bud don't start yelling at me" she gave him her classic ‘I win' smile before going back to her post, leaving Cray in his seat grumbling to himself, but she did have a point. He was a lifeguard before anything else that included his personal feelings... though he liked to watch the guys swim he had to make sure that he wasn't just watching one. It would be hard though he knew he wanted to stare at the shark more than anything right now...and that's when he walked back out, making Cray's eyes shoot right to him. He had a pair of sunglasses on now, a towel over his shoulder, making his way towards one of the benches that the pool area had for people to keep stuff at, right near Beth's spot so she could watch it easily. He sighed happily watching him stroll towards it, eyeing his fin and tail, both very nice features on him. He watched him put the towel down and take of his sunglasses revealing his brown eyes again, though from his point Cray couldn't see that part but he knew it was there. He was off into a daydream again but soon caught Beth's gaze, and shook it off looking back to the locker room where others came out from.

"Focus Cray...you're at work do your job..." he mumbled looking over the pool. He tried his best to keep an eye on everyone but now and then couldn't help but stare at the shark...he moved so gracefully in the water, never missing a beat. He sighed wanting to watch only him but remained vigilant making sure nothing was happening to the others.

Time passed as he watched not having to blow the whistle at all since they were all focused, though some had left now still a few left, including the shark. Beth had already gone home since she was off at five but left saying to Cray "Focus on your job or I'll beat you later" to which he laughed but agreed to. He was doing fairly well now, still glancing at him but only when he came into his line of vision, and just for a small bit before getting back to what he was meant to be doing. He glanced at the clock for a moment to see the time it was nearly twenty minutes to closing now...time really does fly when you're having fun. Looking back towards the pool he noticed that the last guy had left all except...him. The shark was still going at it back and forth along the water, his shorts snuggly against him showing off his body's curves easily. He gulped some just watching him now since all others were now gone...his attention could go right to the shark only. Though soon he stopped, much to Cray's disappointment, but instead of going over to the side that had the lockers...he moved closer towards the croc, pretty much right beside him, though still in the water

"Hey mate, you and me the only ones still here?"

"Huh? Oh uh yeah we are it's about fifteen to closing time"

"Oh alrighty...I'll stick around and chat with ya so you don't get lonely then" he chuckled looking up at him, "Come on down, I don't bite"

"Hm...heh alright" he replied climbing down from his post, sitting by the shark, dipping his feet and tail in the water "My names Cray Zeekes by the way"

"I'm Joshua Tans, you can call me Josh though" he smiled at Cray, showing he too had some very nice white teeth. He had to hold in a blush being that close to another guy like that, especially one that had such a cute smile. The two started talking about random things such as the weather lately, how old they were, turning out Josh was only two years older than the croc, what they, well Josh did for a living, among some things. Finally Cray asked him why he had moved to the town "Well...to get away from my ex...there were too many memories of me and him there" The shark sighed looking down a bit, but to Cray that sentence was enough to make him almost scream for joy...however he took the fact that he had just broken up with this dude so he didn't want to be one of those people who took someone off the rebound like that.

"Sorry to hear that man...must be hard doing something like that"

"Well the jerk cheated on me so getting far away from him felt needed but yeah...packing up your life isn't very fun"

"I know the pain, I moved here only a few months ago myself, though for different reasons"

"Wanna share? I mean...only if you really want to that is I don't mean to pry into your life or anything" he said blushing some hoping that he hadn't upset the crocodile, but Cray just smiled and went into his reasons.

"Well...first I wanted a change of scenery. This place was perfect because my friend Beth lives here too she helped me get settled and get my job here. Second was to test myself I guess, get away from the parents to see if I could do it on my own"

"Wow pretty committed aren't ya?" he smiled some then spotted the clock "Whoa we need to go...looks like your closed three minutes ago"

"What? Oh... your right" he sighed wanting to have more time with Josh "Well...guess we will have to chat another time huh?"

"How about tomorrow? I'll be coming here everyday....oh and by the way nice whistle" he winked at the croc before heading to the other side of the pool and into the change rooms. Cray fell flat on his back with a wide smile on his face...he had a crush on that shark now there was no doubt about that!


Over the next two weeks the two of them got closer as friends, since each day when they could they sat and talked at the edge of the pool. Sometimes it was for only a few minutes or if they were really lucky they got a full hour to do so. In the next week after that Cray started closing up slightly later due to wanting more time to talk with Josh, but after work was usually a bad time since that was the only time he ever had for errands, and days off were rare. He was getting more nervous talking to the shark, knowing that the little crush he had on him was growing into something much bigger than that but he was refusing to just up and tell him what he was feeling. He had started daydreaming more about him while on the job and it didn't exactly take Beth long to notice the crocodile had something or someone on his mind. On one of their rarer slow days, Beth and Cray were allowed to go on lunch at the same time, so she figured it was a good time to get some information out of him. No sooner had Cray sat down to start eating she swooped in like a hawk and got in his face,

"Someone has a crush!"

"W-w-what are you talking about Beth?!"

"You stuttered. That's a sure sign of it Cra-Cra"

"I told you don't call me Cra-Cra! And I don't have a crush on anyone..."

"Liar liar! There is too someone on your mind I can tell!"

"Geez your such a child sometimes, I'm telling you I am not thinking about Josh!" He clamped a paw over his mouth and swore into it. That didn't take long to get blown right out of the water...

"Oh hooooo I knew there was someone! So who is he? Is he cute? Where does he live?"

"I'm not going into it Beth...and so what if I finally met another guy? He doesn't even know I like him like that..."

"You chicken you need to tell him you do. Come on...who is he?"

"Not. Telling. You!" He stuck out his tongue then resumed trying to eat his food, even with Beth's relentless questions. Once he was finished he simply stood up and walked away.

"Cray Zeekes I will find out!!!"

"Oi oi oi...what a woman..." he said under his breath returning to his place to watch the kids and adults do their thing, just waiting now for it to pass so he could see the shark again. However luck was on his side...Josh showed up not long after that, in normal swim trunks though. "W...what's he doing here so early...?" he wondered to himself catching the sharks smile before smiling back. For the next little while Josh swam close to Cray's post, making the croc follow him with his eyes easily, still making sure he wasn't neglecting his other duties. Once the five minute call was made, Josh went back into the change rooms, and Beth swooped in from nowhere again.

"AH HA!!!"

"GAH!!" he looked down at her with a glare "What is wrong with you today!?"

"It's that shark isn't it? The one who is always coming in lately!"

"N-no its not..." He blushed a little bit which Beth easily picked up on and once more had the ‘I Win' smirk on her face.

"Awww how cute! You're in loooooove!"

"Beth...I am gonna hit you so hard if you don't back off..."

"Hehe you wouldn't dare...and back to work now the trainers are coming out" she bounded off looking rather proud and happy with herself as Cray buried his head into his paws.

"That woman honestly...oh well she would have found out sooner or later...but in that way...why in that way." He grumbled before sitting back in a normal fashion so others wouldn't pick up on it. As with the crowd in the day time, the evening crowd was only Josh and two other people, who didn't usually stay too long. Cray smiled figuring he and Josh would get a lot of alone time today and closed his eyes picturing it. He didn't notice but the two other swimmers had left within the time it took for him to close his eyes and re open them "Oh wow...it's only four forty..."

"Hey Cra-Cra!"


"Sorry sorry...since only one guy is here I'm heading out early...you have fun now ok?"

"Huh? Early..?" he blinked watching her as she walked off again, a small smile on her face, did she mean to give him and Josh more alone time together? Either way this was a blessing. He smiled and got down off the tower before sitting at the pools edge waiting for Josh to swim on over. It didn't take long as he got up out of the water and sat beside him, he had been doing that for the past few days now.

"Wow that was unexpected. I didn't think we'd get this long together"

"Yeah but its nice having such a good time right?"

"Heh true enough mate....so what do we do today? Talk, swim around?"

"Hmm....I decided last time so your turn Josh"

"Alrighty then... How about we skinny dip?"

"W-What?" the crocodile blushed and turned his head to look at Josh. He wasn't serious was he?

"You know swim around nude, we are the only ones here after all"

"uhm....uh....erm...." he blushed madly looking at the pool tile a little bit, not able to reply.

"Well then I'll just go first then" was what he heard before he saw Josh stand up and saw his shorts slip down. He then kicked them off his feet and jumped into the pool, giving Cray a nice view of his ass, this time nothing covering it. He was blushing really hard now looking at the skimpy black shorts before looking to the pool, Josh floating there perfectly nude, back still to him "You don't get to see the goods unless you get nude too!"

"uhm...n...no peeking..." he waited till Josh had turned his head around before standing up and tossing off first his shirt and whistle, hesitating once he touch the waistband of his shorts. He held there for a few moments then gulped and dropped the shorts as well, putting them to the side with the rest of his clothes. Once that was done he took a deep breath and hopped into the pool. Coming back up from underwater he saw Josh now looking his way, still with his back showing, making Cray quickly cover up.

"Hey don't worry I didn't see anything...yet" he smirked and then swam away from the croc making sure he couldn't see anything, making Cray smile and go after the little tease. He knew that Josh was playing with them after all they both knew each other were gay, so it was fun for both. This little game of chase continued until Cray grabbed Josh's tail and pulled him underwater, going under with him. They stayed under there for a moment pushing at each other before both coming up and taking a breath, then laughing, their fronts facing. Cray soon stopped his laughter seeing the shark up close like this...the water ran down his body up to where it hit his stomach and rejoined the pool, his eyes lowered even more coming to his non hard cock and balls...and they were a nice big set. His own were an impressive sight sure but Josh's looked...wow. His cock was like the rest of his body, all grey and covered in soft skin; his balls looked full and firm. He blushed some realizing he was looking then looked up to see Josh staring at his own, the tip of his cock slipping out from its sheath his balls aching for sweet release. Slowly they moved a little closer to each other, their two gazes now meeting.

"Josh...I uhm..."

"Cray... no need to be nervous..." he said in a calm soothing voice, giving him his smile...that drop dead gorgeous smile that made Cray melt.

"....I...I think I'm...in..." He blushed hard as they got face to face the tips of their noses touching now as he whispered "love with you..." He closed his eyes as he felt Josh's lips against his own, wrapping his scaled green arms around the shark pulling him closer deepening the kiss in the process. They both let out satisfied groans as Cray's right paw went down to Josh's ass, and Josh's left paw did the same thing moving to Cray's. Both pulled at the same time making their groins touch and rub against one another, the water swishing around them gently. Slowly Cray pushed his tongue against Josh's lips parting them as he did so, letting their tongues and saliva intertwine as their cocks hardened against each other sticking up slightly out of the cool water of the pool making them both shiver in each others grasps. They kept this up for a good long while savoring each others taste, rubbing their fronts together making their cocks touch more, the water keeping them slick and wet as they did so. Slowly they pulled back from their kiss their tongues still running over each other as they did, a line of saliva connecting their mouths still.


"Cray... first time we met and talked...I knew there was something different about ya..."

"You're a real sweet talker ain't you..." he blushed hearing what he said about him and smiled "But I felt the same way about you Josh...I just wasn't sure...you were ready and all..."

"Heh... he's moved on past me... I need to keep moving too right? And... I wanna do that with you Cray."

"J-Josh...I...I..." he only smiled and pushed his snout against the sharks once more resuming their previous kissing, now both of the crocodiles paws had moved to Josh's ass giving them a nice hard gripping, which made him moan. Pulling back again they both smirked at each other

"Mmm... right here in the pool...what do you say Cray?"

"I think it sounds like a good idea..." he chuckled pushing on him so that they gently floated to the pool side, Josh's back against it while they kissed again, both sets of paws running along each others toned muscles feeling them out as much as they could do so. Once they were satisfied with that, Josh turned around so that his back was showing to the croc once more...this time he got to do what ever he wanted with it. Grabbing both cheeks he grinned and licked his lips.

"Fuck Josh...you got such a sweet looking ass... I gotta have a taste"

"Mmm go right ahead..." he turned his head and winked, also lifting up his tail some to give Cray access to his tailhole. He grinned seeing the shark do this and rubbed his cock as he watched him raise his ass out of the water so he could do all he wanted to it, lowering his body into the water until his head was in line with in, keeping him spread with both of his paws. He licked his lips before pushing his tongue against the soft ring of flesh getting a gasp and a moan from Josh, who closed his eyes gripping at the pool's edge with both hands. Cray licked harder against it loving the taste of the...no his shark, squeezing both his ass cheeks harder as he forced his tongue to go inside of him, licking at the soft insides of the already soft shark. Josh was in heaven, letting out loud moans as he laid his head against the tiles, panting ever so slightly.

"Hoo....fuck....Cray....more...more please..." he cried out softly, to which the croc only grinned and dug his tongue in even deeper till his muzzled rested right against the sharks firm rump. He kept his licking up listening to the pleasured sounds coming from him, making Cray want to do even better as he slowly pulled his tongue out kissing his tailhole

"Ready for something more?" he smirked lifting Josh up against him by his stomach, his hard eight inches of crocodilian meat pressing under his tail against him.

"Hard and good dammit" was his reply as he pressed back against him the cool water, mixed with that hot cock making him re close his eyes. Cray wasted no time in giving the shark his wish as he pushed hard against him moaning as he slipped into his tight tailhole feeling the tight warmth of his insides surrounding his cock.

"Fuck...Josh your tight...." He moaned out as he sunk his length as deep as he could go into him, before pulling back till just his cock head was in and then slammed into him, causing a loud moan, a cry of sheer pleasure to escape the shark. He grinned widely to himself knowing it was he who caused that, as he started to thrust hard right from the start into Josh. Each time he pulled back to thrust in a little water got inside of him making the shark shiver to the cold yet wonderful feeling of it, as his own hand left the pool side, to grab his own cock, the other his balls and he began to fondle himself while the hunk of a croc behind him pounded his ass nice and hard. He clenched softly onto him leaning back so that his head rested against his shoulder, as he moaned in pleasurable lust, their baser instincts kicking in as Cray wrapped his arms tight around Josh allowing him to go harder and faster, extracting loud moans from the both of them. If any one besides them had been left in the building it would have been quite the sound to hear, not to mention a sight to see.

"Oh god Cray...yes...yes harder I want to feel all of you...." Josh let out in between his moans, panting starting to overtake him as he pawed himself off hard to the thrusting of the crocodile, pushing his back hard to him on each thrust the clenching getting harder.

"J...Josh... I can't hold back much longer...I'm gonna..."

"Oh fuck Cray me too...." They both panted in unison now their thrusts into and back against each other in perfect timing with one another, if not for the water a very big pile of pre would be seen from Josh. The shark closed his eyes tightly and was the first to cum as he let out a wonderful arousing moan, shooting his hot sticky cum out into the pool water, not taking too long to disperse into it and mix fully with it as he clenched as hard as he could onto Cray's pounding cock making the croc cry out as he slammed hard and deep into him holding him tight as he shot rope after rope of his cum deep inside of this tailhole. Josh fell forwards against the pool ledge, Cray going with him just simply laying on him as both panted heavily enjoying the after glow.

"W...wow...I don't think I've ever cum that hard Cray..."

"H...heh...same here Josh...." He smiled and nuzzled against his new lovers back, which made Josh smile and sigh happily. They remained like that for a little while before Cray chuckled and whispered "We better get out and shower...its seven o clock."

"Well damn...sorry bout keeping you so late"

"Oh don't be sorry silly..." he laughed slowly pulling out, making the both of them moan again as they swam to their things "Care to join me for the shower?"

"Well duh..." Josh chuckled giving Cray a quick swat on the ass before heading for the change room, with the crocodile not far behind. Once in the room they dropped their stuff, and turned on a single shower, hugging and kissing under it. The closed their eyes again as their paws started to wander over each others bodies once more, Josh feeling his abs, Cray feeling his strong back and tail. They would savor this moment forever and both knew their lives together would be happy ones, in each others grasps. The simple pool would always to them be the most special place of all.

Copyright of Rob The Green Eyed Tiger