A Day at the Onsen

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#2 of A Slice of Jake and Toki

Snow had started to fall as Jake drove to his friend's house. He'd only been in Japa...

Snow had started to fall as Jake drove to his friend's house. He'd only been in Japan for a couple of years, but he was able to memorize the roads quickly, probably because his international driver's license was going to expire in a short time.

He arrived at his raccoon friend's house. Jake got out of his car and went to the front door, muttering over how cold it was. The panda clearly preferred warmer months over colder ones. He rang the doorbell.

The big, chubby raccoon had answered his front door to find Jake shivering a bit.

"Hey, Jake!" The raccoon went in for a hug. Jake wrapped his arms around his best friend.

"S'been awhile, Walt." Jake replied. "So, we ready to go?"

"Well, we do have all day. We don't have to go immediately. Wouldn't you like to warm up in the house first? Just got me Mario Kart 64." Walt offered.

"Alright, sure." The panda smiled.

"Heeeeey, Jake!" A little, stocky, brown-furred raccoon, Walt's son, said, running to the doorway.

"Hello, Toki!" Jake picked up the little cub and gave him a hug. The little raccoon's arms were barely able to go all the way around the panda's neck. "You gonna play Mario Kart with us?"

"Hai!" Toki knew very little English, but didn't really speak much Japanese, either. The little cub still preferred body-language over speaking in full sentences.

With warm mugs of cocoa on the coffee table, the two guys and the cub enjoyed themselves playing on the raccoon's Nintendo 64.

"Where's the wife?" Jake asked.

"Oh, out. She's a busy tanuki, always going on trips for work, or spending weekends with friends, leaving me with Toki, since she takes care of him all week." Walt replied.

"I'd say you're lucky to have both her and little Toki. I wish I'll be able to find a guy..." Jake said, with a sigh.

"He'll come one day, Jake. I'm sure of it." Walt replied, patting Jake's shoulder.

"...You know, ever since we've been friends, I've always had...a thing for you, but I never acted on anything, since I knew you were straight. I'm a bit jealous of your wife, but still happy for her." Jake confessed.

Walt blushed. Both of them stopped paying attention to the game and realized that Toki had finished the race before them.

"Yay!" Toki said with excitement. Both the panda and the raccoon jumped a bit at this.

"Ahh, crap. Good for you, Toki!" Walt said to his son.

"Toki wins!" Jake said, picking Toki up out of his seat and set him on his lap. The little cub enjoyed this and hugged the panda. "You coming with us to the onsen?" He asked. The little cub nodded his head.

"Yeah, I couldn't find a sitter for Toki, so he doesn't have a choice. I hope you're okay with that." Walt said.

"Of course I am, I love little Toki!" Jake said, hugging the cub.

"It's odd, he's shy with every adult except you. I wonder what it is about you that he likes..." Walt replied.

The panda shrugged. "Maybe it's because I'm huggable?" Jake asked while the cub tried to put his arms all around him.

After a few more races, the three had gotten their winter coats on and left Walt's house. The little cub played in the snow as he walked with the panda and raccoon, who were holding bags of toiletries for the onsen.

"Can't wait to get into the soothing hot spring water." Jake said.

"Me too. I bet you're probably also going to stare at the eye candy there." Walt replied.

"Heh heh, maybe." Jake chuckled. "I only give extra looks to the bigger guys, like you for instance."

This made Walt blush again.

"Daddy!" Toki said.

"What is it, Toki?" Walt asked.

The little cub was holding his arms out for him. He couldn't bear the cold much either.

"Ah, cold, tired legs. Jake, hold my bag while I pick him up."

"Alright," Jake said, grabbing Walt's bag while he picked up Toki. "Toki, do you think your father is cute? He doesn't think so."

"Daddy's big." Toki replied, nuzzling his father. The raccoon's cheeks turned a brighter shade of red.

The walk to the onsen took awhile, but both the raccoon and panda agreed it'd be better to walk there instead of driving, since it was difficult to find a close enough parking space anyway.

"Jake!" Toki said, holding his arms out at the panda, now.

"You want me to hold you now, Toki? Alright. Grab the bags, Walt."

Jake gave the bags back to Walt while Toki jumped into the panda's arms.

"He's an affectionate cub, isn't he?" Jake laughed.

The three had entered the onsen and went to the lockers to store their clothing. Walt helped Toki remove his clothing before undressing himself, while Jake had removed his in the adjacent locker.

"Toki, look! I'm naked!" The panda said. The little cub saw the now naked panda and laughed.

"And now your father's naked!" Walt said. Toki turned around to see his father with no clothing on. He laughed again.

"And you're naked, too!" Jake said. Toki looked down at himself and laughed yet again.

The three headed to the showers to wash off before getting into the baths. Walt had set down a small stool for Toki to sit on near a slightly bigger stool for himself while he washed Toki. Jake sat at a nearby stool to wash himself.

"You'd think with the cold weather, more guys would be here to warm up..." Jake trailed off while washing himself.

"Yeah, kinda empty today, isn't it? I only see one or two other guys here." Walt said, scrubbing little Toki's back.

"I guess many people don't want to brave the cold and just stay home this weekend. Oh well, more hot water for us." Jake replied, rinsing himself off. Not having to wash anyone of his own, he sat and waited until Walt and Toki were finished.

"Wanna help?" Walt asked.

"Help!" Toki repeated, giggling.

"Heh heh, alright." Jake said.

The panda had moved his stool opposite Walt's, Toki being in between his father and Jake.

"I've only soaped up the back of him, so you can take care of the other side while I wash myself." Walt said.

The little cub smiled at the panda while he grabbed his soap and started to rub it against his friend's son's fur.

"Tell me if I'm scrubbing too hard and I'll go gentler, Toki." The panda said.

Jake lathered the cub's belly, chest, and his arms. He took his soap and went lower, to the cub's penis.

"Chinchin!" Toki giggled.

Jake chuckled at this as well. "Yes, chinchin!"

"He always says that when I wash him at home, heh." Walt said while starting to rinse himself off. "He's discovered how fun his penis can be."

"Reminds me of me at that age." Jake said. "You play with your chinchin, Toki?"

The cub just nodded and grabbed at it. He did this for a short bit while both Jake and Walt rinsed the soap off of him.

The three went to the baths after rinsing off. Jake and Walt only set their feet and lower legs in first, due to the extremely hot temperature. Little Toki played around nearby, getting slight smiles from the other guys who rested in the other baths.

"I'm not the only one who thinks Toki's the cutest child ever." Jake said.

"Heh heh, guess not." Walt chuckled.

"Of course, he gets his cuteness from you. You've made this water boil even hotter than it was before we got in it." Jake joked.

Walt started blushing again.

"Heh, you blush a lot when I say you're cute." The panda said.

"Well, I'm flattered that you find THIS attractive." The raccoon said, grabbing his belly and shaking it a bit.

"That, and THESE!" Jake said, grabbing at Walt's breasts. "So warm and soft, heh heh."

"Hahaha, get off!" Walt said, pulling Jake's hands off his chubby body.

Apparently, Toki was watching this. He laughed and went up to his father. Walt picked him up and set him down on his lap.

"Daddy's big!" Toki said, squishing his father's belly with his hands.

Jake started laughing very hard at this. Toki followed. Walt blushed yet again.

"Chinchin." The cub said again, now referring to his father's penis. He grabbed at it for a second, but Walt stopped him.

"Toki, that isn't yours to play with." The raccoon said, setting the cub down between him and the panda.

"Aww." The cub said. The smile left his face.

"Don't be forceful like that, Walt, he was just curious about it. Right, Toki?" The panda looked at the cub with a smile. The cub nodded his head.

Jake picked up the cub and put him on his lap.

"Whose chinchin is bigger, yours or mine?" Jake asked Toki.

The cub took a look at Jake's penis for a second, and then his own.

"Yours!" The cub said.

"Yup! Okay, whose chinchin is bigger, mine or your father's?" The panda then asked.

Toki again looked at the panda's member, and then turned around to look at Walt's, who blushed again.

"Daddy's!" Toki said.

"Hehe, good!" The panda said. He had barely finished the sentence when Toki grabbed at the panda's penis. The two chuckled at this.

Walt watched this in awe. His son taking a grab at his best friend's private area and his friend not caring about it one bit was surprising to him, despite the fact that the panda was gay.

"Hey, look, the sauna looks empty now." Jake said. He jumped back a bit when he looked at Walt and saw a thick, hard cock between the raccoon's legs.

"Toki, do you think you'll be okay out here for awhile? Jake and I are going in the sauna, it'd be too hot for you." Walt said, staring into the empty hot room.

"Okay." The little cub said, getting off Jake's lap and going to explore the onsen naked just like he did a little earlier.

The two chubby friends got out of the bath and went into the sauna, towels around their shoulders. Walt closed the door behind him.

The two sat on the benches there and poured a ladle of water at the coals, creating steam.

"So...Thinking of the wife?" Jake asked, pointing at Walt's still huge erection.

Walt said nothing. Immediately, and surprisingly, he jumped at Jake and started to kiss him on his lips. Jake was overwhelmed by this, but only fought it for a second before quickly surrendering to his friend and getting into the kiss. Their lips parted and let their tongues' explore each others' mouths.

Walt grabbed at Jake's member and started stroking it. Jake followed suit and grabbed what he once fantasized about for months.

The raccoon took this to another level and got his lower body closer to the panda's, and had their penises rub together.

"Ohh, so you wanna frot?" Jake asked, getting out of the kiss for a second.

"Yeah..." Walt said, pulling Jake back into the kiss.

The two continued to make out as their cocks rubbed together, every so often Jake or Walt would grab at both members and stroke them at the same time.

"What will your wife think?" Jake asked, getting out of the kiss again. Walt had no reply for this, and once again pulled Jake back in.

Their cocks continued to rub together, getting closer to climax.

"Oh, yeah..." Walt said, continuing to eat the panda's face.

"Oh, God..." Jake replied, about to burst.

The two chubby friends moaned into each other's mouths as their cocks erupted and shot their cum all over their bellies and on the bench they were sitting on.

"...Er...heh.......we should probably clean this up." Walt said, grabbing his towel.

"Yeah." Jake replied, cleaning off the combination of his and Walt's seed on his belly.

The two cleaned off themselves and the bench.

"I think Toki's wondering where we are by now, we've been in here awhile." Walt said.

"I'm sure he's fine. I really needed this today. Thanks."

Jake hugged his friend again, the only difference from before is that they were naked.

"Alright, let's leave now. We'll do some more stuff at my house." Walt said.

"Okay." Jake said.

"...Oh, Jake?" Walt asked.


"Don't tell my wife this happened. I'm sure she wouldn't like to know I've kissed you more passionately than her." Walt said, opening the sauna door.

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