(S)Lay The Dragon!

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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Standard Cliché.. or is it? A brave knight goes to slay the dragon and save the princess. Or not.

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual interactions of a somewhat unusual kind (anthro-ish dragon and human), as well as unbirth and implied transformation content, so if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than I, and don't like that sort of thing, don't complain afterwards.

(S)Lay the Dragon! - by Amethystine

Nineteen brave knights dead! The kingdom was running out of men courageous or foolhardy enough to challenge the fierce dragon that was terrorizing the countryside.

The dragon would come in the night, burning up the hills and fields, any peasants it could find, as well as several thatched roofed cottages and the people within them.

Even the kingdom's fair princess Alora had been taken by the foul dragon! Although some called it a kidnapping, there was much doubt that they'd be receiving a ransom demand instead of a note sending compliments to the chef, as it were.

So it was that a squire close to becoming a knight was sent instead, the king not in a hurry to lose any more knights. The squire rode to the cave where all the others had gone, and ventured inside, leaving his horse to graze.

Deep into the cave he went, deep into the mountainside, where it was increasingly hot. Upon finding the dragon in a large cave at the end of a tunnel, he called out to it. "Foul dragon, give up the fair princess Alora or I will swiftly run you through!"

The dragon reared up and peered down on the young knight-in-training.. and laughed. A surprisingly lilting, feminine sounding laugh! "Young foolish boy, I ate your princess! I have no use for little girls! But I shall take you up on that running-through."

As the dragon spoke, confusing him, the squire examined its body.. which had a definite slender and shapely element to it. Then it shouted: "I want men!!" and lunged down at him, snatching him up before he could even move an inch.

The squire gasped and struggled. "What?! Men? What are you.. some kind of horrible she-dragon?" he cried as she began to peel off his armour and clothes, uncovering his sweat-slickened body. She grinned at his state, glad she kept her home nice and toasty.

"Why yes.. I am the great dragoness, Pathyna!" she roared and snapped her mighty, many tooth-filled jaws at him to shut him up. "And I want eggs! You and your miserable fellow knights haven't done a very good job so far, though." She rolled over onto her back and spread her talon-tipped legs, exposing her vast womanly area. She pressed the now naked squire against her draconic sex and grinned down at him from atop her long, sinuous neck. "Let's see how you do.. if you can make me climax and give me some eggs, I'll let you live."

The squire squirmed and resisted, but found he couldn't escape her hand, he couldn't even budge. "You mean.. make love.. with you?" he balked. "Never!"

She growled and shoved him up against her scaled slit, threatening to crush him. "Make love, mate, sex, I care not what you call it, just do it now or you'll die!"

He whimpered and slowly began to attempt to pleasure her. As he did, she began to mmurr deep in her large, human eating throat.

He tried not to think about it.

As he rubbed her large lips and massaged her armoured hide's soft underbelly, she began to leak fluids all over him, a strong smell hitting him with quite some force in the already thick, close air. He began to moan and move with more motivation, growing aroused, not realizing it was because of her juices seeping into his system and preparing him for his duty, the scent practically seizing him by the shaft and tugging his maleness forward, so enthusiastic were his thrusts.

Pathyna moaned softly and chuckled to herself, making a note to capture some younger males, who obviously hadn't been with one of their own women! Their bodies seemed extra susceptible to her tricks, if the squire was any indication.

Finding his shaft too small, the human resorted to using his hands to penetrate the dragon, desperate to make her cum, fucking for his life. That ultimatum tended to make the humans buck and thrust like the stupid little animals they were, Pathyna thought with a groan as the man shoved his whole hand in. She arched her back a little and felt herself edging towards her peak. Cooing words of encouragement and pressing him closer with her tail, she heard him moaning as well, as well as breathing words of insult that he must have thought she couldn't hear. Words like 'whore' and 'slut' and 'dirty, egg-crazed bitch'. She hissed and tightened her hold on him, but grinned at his spite.

Before too long, the male cried out in climax, yelling an unsavoury word at her, which he had meant to whisper. She had not yet cum, and 'Tsk tsk'ed down at him, licking her lips as he froze, knowing she meant to eat him. He suddenly kept going, driving his arm into her large lips, then both! He grunted and pumped with a near-feral drive and suddenly was flooded with her sticky fluids as her body clamped down on his arms tightly, her roar of pleasure thrumming in his ears.

"My word, boy, you've done it.. now you get to live on," breathed the dragoness as her nethers tugged softly on his bare arms.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the human nodded, "Thank you, oh great dragoness.. so.. could you please pull me out of.. here?" He pulled on his arms, which were rather firmly held by her inner muscles, which felt like they were contracting even further, his elbows slipping into her body.

"Oh, no, no. You actually put yourself right where I was going to, more or less," murred the dragon.

"What? You said I could leave if I pleasured you!" he said, pulling more.

"No, I said LIVE, not leave. I suppose that's an easy mistake to make, they do sound the same," she laughed and toyed with his body, lightly pressing him in farther. "Like I just said, you get to live on.. as one of my eggs.. which you just helped fertilize. Too bad those other knights didn't all do this well, or I'd have quite the nicely full clutch of eggs. But I guess I'll have to aim younger from now on.. you did very well.. thank you." And with that, she pressed his head into her slit to keep him from ruining the moment with his protests, letting her strong musculature drag him in. First his upper chest was tugged in, going smoothly thanks to his arms being captured already and therefore not needing to deal with the sudden widening of his shoulders. After that, the rest was as easy as could be, the perfect after-sex treat.. that toned, supple shape wiggling about and stimulating her folds farther while they flexed and gripped rythmically, sucking him in deeply.

She mmmmed deeply at the feel of his slickened body finishing the slow slither into her and rubbed her belly, which was only barely beginning to show the signs of the few men that had succeeding in avoiding one jagged opening for another, softer one. He would slip in and be taken into a freshly produced egg, along with his seed, becoming one of her brood.

"See you in a few months.. not that you'll know me as anything but 'Mama'," she chuckled to herself as she curled up around her belly to sleep.. dreaming of raiding the castle for stable-boys and squires to fill her 'belly' with.

((Hello! Did you like this story? If so, you can see/fave/comment on it on FA as well: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1901614/ ))

After The Eggs

Attention: Amethystine's amusing ancedote accomodates an amazingly annoying amount of awful alliteration! \<-- Oh no! Look, it's infected the disclaimer, too! D: ---------------------------------------- After the Eggs - by Amethystine ...

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Disclaimer: This story contains sexual interactions of a Taurish kind, as well as transformation content, so if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than I, and don't like that sort of thing, don't complain afterwards. ...

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The Perfect Gift(s) - (Illustrated by Rabid)

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual interactions of a somewhat unusual kind (non-anthro dragon with an altered fur), as well as transgender and transformation content, so if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than I, and...

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