Chapter 2; The Hand That Feeds

Story by Kiran on SoFurry

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#2 of The Blue Shaman

Kiran finished his usual dinner of bread and beef stew, smiling and engaging in light conversation with his fellow students, what few there were. He got a few remarks on his new eyes and therefore transformation to that of a full Shaman, to which he simply smiled and humbly gave his thanks. But deep inside, he knew that he wasn't yet where he wanted to be.

Indeed. He was only halfway there.

He cleaned off his plate in the small kitchen area just off the dining hall and set it in a rack to dry after shutting off the faucet. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of this place he had called his home for years. Modern technology such as electricity and running water graced the entire stone structure, but he was still reading from old tomes, sitting on benches made of rough hewn wood and working against tables that were smoothed not by a sander, but by the arms and paws of a thousand studious furs before him.

He passed by the benches and tables in question, collecting his bag and throwing it over his shoulder as he pressed the small wooden door open to the outside hallways.

He padded down the open air path in silence, taking his time and measuring his stride, watching the night sky for a short while, before the cold wind finally forced him to huddle his robes around him a little tighter and hurry on to his chamber.

Being one of the senior students, Kiran lived in a single occupant room. The small stone compartment was sparsely furnished, with a simple desk, bookshelf, and bed suitably sized for him. His only personal item was a thick rug that he had crafted himself, which he had thrown down to protect his bare footpads from the cold stone floor.

It was to this he pushed the door open and slipped inside quietly. He immediately went about his usual ritual of opening his bag and pulling out his books and notes, the books he set onto his bookshelf, the notes we neatly filed away in a stack, tucked away in a desk drawer. After this, he loosened his robes a bit to be more comfortable, and settled himself in the center of his carpet to begin meditating silently.

It was a ritual that he had done for years, study, practice, dinner, meditation, it all blended together, giving the tiger his anchor as his normal life turned upside down the day his abilities had been discovered here. Kiran didn't quite know where he came from, or where he would go from here when his time finally came to leave, but for now, this simple cycle of work and rest was all he had. And he enjoyed it.

But, as he was already contemplating in his meditation, his life was about to take on a new turn. The faint differences in electricity levels around him were now easily sensed, and although the electric lines passing through the walls made for effective shields, he could still sense the basic electricity levels in a living body, he even could detect one approaching his room now.

The soft knock came as expected, and Kiran's eyes slowly opened, staring quietly at the wooden obstacle between him and a new chapter in his very strange life. He considered briefly, Kayana had given him his free pass. He could let it go, leave the door shut, and climb into his bed for the evening.

The tiger smiled, she hadn't given him his out, she had simply said something like that for posterity's sake. She knew, just as he did, that he would open that door.

"Good evening." She said quietly as he ushered her in and shut the door behind her, throwing the locking bar home.

"Instructor." He replied evenly, turning to face her.

Kayana smiled warmly, setting her bag down on the desk and turning to face him, taking her thick over robe off to reveal the sleeveless robe she normally wore beneath. "Kiran, come now, we're both Shamans now, not instructor and teacher."

"Very well Kaya." He said with a smile.

The lynx purred lightly, pulling open her bag and taking several books out. "Much better."

"So is this all you have?" Kiran padded over to join her at the desk.

"No, but I will pull the others over in due time." Kayana chuckled. "No need to rush this, unlike other Spectrums, Blue magics are ninety percent mindset, and the other part is innate skill and personal receptivity."

She turned to him, pressing one book forward. "I can already tell you've got the open-ended mindset you need to be a successful blue shaman, and you're highly receptive, I damn near put you in a trance with just one of the basic abilities of my Spectrum, so all it takes now is the skill. Here..."

She flipped open the tome in front of him and turned to the first pages. "Read this first chapter to get a drift of how you must conduct yourself, after you've finished with that, I'll leave the book with you to study on your own time and we'll move on to the first lessons."

"Too easy. Something to drink?" He asked as he sat down and pulled the tome close.

"Sure." Kayana smiled.

Kiran fished a small bottle of Vodka and a pair of glasses from his bottom drawer, poured them each a measure of it, and then put the bottle away. He passed her a glass, took up his own, and began to go over the passages written within the book.

An hour passed in comfortable silence between the two. Kiran pouring over the pages, and Kayana pulling the occasional tome from his bookshelf and studying the passages inside. After the time passed, he collected a small leather bookmark, laid it on the page, and closed the book, leaving his paw laid over it gently as he processed what he had read.

"Wow. They hold nothing back, do they?" He finally said, flicking his ears a bit.

"Embarrassed much? Can't be bashful and Blue at the same time." Kayana chuckled, closing the tome she held and replacing it on his shelf.

Kiran turned in his chair to face her. "So what's my first lesson?"

Kayana purred happily. "The hand that feeds. Come, sit on your bed."

Kiran crossed the room quietly and took a seat in the edge of his bed, Kayana, after swallowing down the last of her Vodka, ensured the lock bar was set on his door before returning to his side and taking a seat next to him.

"You will find that not many of these spells have set names." She smiled. "They have just little catch phrases that their practitioner gives them. This one in particular is one of the easiest abilities, and yet the most powerful."

She stood and tugged the knot out of her sash. "No need to get these dirty, especially with my room being across the courtyard, that would be quite an embarrassing walk."

She pulled her robe open and slipped it off her shoulders, revealing her silky fur beneath, she caught Kiran's stare and flicked her tufted tail over his muzzle as she giggled and folded the robe, setting it down on top of her over robe next to his desk. She turned around and cocked her hips, crossing her arms under her well-endowed bust and giving him the sassiest look he'd seen cross her features yet. "Well, come on, you're overdressed for this party."

Kiran, to his credit, smiled coyly, and in short order had removed the robes around his form, leaving them hanging against the foot of his bed. He approached her smoothly, his tail flashing from behind him to coil around her waist, his arm the next thing to capture her, and he pulled her close, but before his muzzle could find hers in a kiss, her pawtips pressed against his lips, stopping him cold.

"Now now, tiger." She grinned. "Lessons first, you can have your treat after you've proven yet again how studious of a student you are."

"I assure you I've been very studious of every square inch of you for the past few months." He chuckled.

Kayana grinned. "Good. Makes you a more receptive learner in this particular art."

"Of this I'm certain." The tiger purred, before he grunted his slight surprise as Kayana's paw pads massaged into his sheath, gently and expertly coaxing his shaft to life.

"In the case of you males, a small bit of preparation helps quite a bit in the successful triggering of this spell." She grinned up to him, wrapping her paw around his warmed flesh as it slipped free of his sheath.

Kiran groaned by way of reply as his cock rapidly reached full arousal under her gentle persuasion, she smiled softly as his eyes fluttered shut and gently stroked him a few times before pausing near the base of his shaft.

"Impressive." She purred, earning a smile from her partner, before; "Kiran, are you sure about this? We don't necessarily have to stop enjoying ourselves tonight, but teaching you the Blue Spectrum could get us both exiled from this temple, I'll only do it for you if you're ready and willing to accept everything that comes with it."

His eyes stayed closed for a moment longer before they slowly opened, and rather than pleasure and lust she was surprised at just how acutely they analyzed her. "I'd be a fool to turn back now Kaya. I do this not only for the experiences with you, but also for the ability to better myself as a Shaman."

Kayana searched his eyes a moment longer, then smiled. "Alright then."

She gave him a playful shove and he stumbled back to sit down on his bed again, the lynx padding over to again sit next to him, only this time leaning close and whispering into his ear seductively.

"Listen carefully and memorize the words I say, they are what triggers the power behind this ability." She said quietly. Her voice dropped in pitch again and she began to speak the incantation. Kiran, as instructed, listened close, concentrating on capturing every word to his memory. When she finally finished, she leaned away from him, here blue eyes glowing slightly as she smiled.

"Now comes the part where you learn your first Blue Spectrum ability." She laughed, slipping off the bed and kneeling between his parted knees. "No need to make a mess just yet..."

Lifting her right paw and spreading the digits, other than her glowing eyes she seemed entirely normal. "Don't use this too much Kiran, we femmes consider it cheating." She said finally, her left paw again wrapped around his cock, stroking it softly, before her right paw descended upon him and pressed over his navel.

It was like a whip cracking. Kiran sucked in a breath as pleasure suddenly shot through his core, spiraling up his spine faster and faster until it his his skull, then shooting straight back down and out to his limbs, he groaned as the pleasure swelled within his body, coiling tighter and tighter in his loins until, without warning, he let out a choked roar as his climax overtook him. True to her word, Kayana's muzzle closed over his shaft just in time for his seed to explode within her maw.

Humming in pleasure, Kayana released him to let him come down off his high, using her left paw to milk his shaft with long, slow strokes, she released him from her muzzle and giggled as another string of tiger seed shot across her muzzle. She licked his shaft from base to tip, cleaning up every last drop, before finally releasing the panting male to stand in front of him, tongue flicking out to lap the cum from her muzzle as she smiled. "So, will you bite the hand that feeds you?"

Kiran heaved a breath, finally coming off the afterglow of the climax, he looked up to her, smiling through his open mouth. "Cheater."

"Damn right!" Kayana laughed, then let out a surprised yelp as he snatched her off her feet and she found herself sprawled on his bed.

"You know me, Instructor, learn by doing." He purred as he loomed over her.

"He closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment, mumbling softly under his breath, before he opened his eyes again, this time, a soft blue glow outlined his red irises.

"The peak will last for as long as you keep a hold on me, keep that in mind." She warned gently.

"Is that so?" He grinned coyly.

"Kiran..." She said, but it was too late, his paw pressed against her navel, and she yowled in the sudden ecstasy that washed over her form, spiraled up her spine, down to her limbs, flowed back to her loins, and exploded in orgasm.

The sound died in her throat, but the pleasure did not, her sex clenched wildly as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her most sensitive regions, and he still wasn't letting go! The young lynx writhed under his magical grip, struggling between pressing into his palm and tearing herself away from the maddening pleasure coursing through her. Again her body seized and she yowled as the climax redoubled in strength, until her hips jerked off the bed and Kiran laughed as her own cum splashed against his muzzle and chest.

He finally released her and she slumped to the bed, chest heaving and groaning with each after shock, and he leaned forward and kissed her, his tongue parted her lips, curling over her own, and she hummed at the taste of their mingled essences before he finally pulled away and sat back.

"Well done." She grunted, sitting up and rubbing her swollen sex. "You're already a natural."

Kiran smiled humbly. "It's not that difficult once you get down the basics. What would my next lesson be?"

Kayana laughed and stood, shoving the male onto his back with her footpad as she padded back over to her robes. "Your next lesson comes tomorrow. It's already late and you and I both need to keep up appearances tomorrow."

Kiran grinned, getting up to open the door as she closed her over robe. "Well then, I look forward to our next lesson, Instructor."

Kayana leaned in and licked a bit more of her juices from his muzzle before stepping past him. "Good night Kiran."