Story of Clyde and Addison - Chapter 7

Story by Blackmist-Squamata on SoFurry

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#7 of Clyde and Addison (Teacher/Student)

Chapter 7

Clyde's scandal with the woman in the office, and the eventual tattling she gave to the principal had been him in the 'book', which was just codeword for convincing whatever corrupt teachers there were to keep an eye on him. He really did not care at that point, since those things at home had calmed down after his mom kicked his dad out for three days after the fight, and he was doing better again. Mrs. Shields had become more involved with him, as did Mr. Hand and Addison had been brought into the discussion, as all three would, during Lunch, discuss the dragon. Addison was thrilled to hear how concerned Mrs. Shields was, Mr. Hand was more so impressed he was such a good student despite his home life, and wondered why Clyde stayed there.

"He told me if he leaves, no one will be there to take care of his older, or younger brother," Addison remarked as he at a very large, health approved burger of his making. "Fights break out any time of day or night--and his mother is a nurse on the graveyard shift."

"Oh that poor dear," Mrs. Shields began, shaking her head. "Why doesn't she leave that man?"

"I am not sure; I think the house they live in, belongs to the father. Clyde's brother gets a paycheck from the military, but he cannot work right now, he needs serious muscle therapy."

Mr. Hand nodded as he sipped from his tall foam cup of tea, "Kid is tough; I know him and two other boys do not get along very well, I heard about that incident in the gym."

Mrs. Shields cocked her eyebrow, the same Addison knew her to do it when she was livid, and he laughed a little bit, remarking how familiar it was. Mrs. Shields was remorseful about how ill behaving the teenagers were, Marius's grades were plummeting and his mother would not be able to keep him in the green any longer. Addison was curious about this and asked about what she did, and Mrs. Shields informed him that Marius's mother worked in the school Financial Office, and was good friends with the principal Mrs. Schall. Last year his grades had plummeted, and when that happened the mom jumped to pull some strings to get him to slide with a few 'encouragement tests' designed to help his grades on the weekends.

"That sounds just ridiculous," Mr. Hand frowned, as he put down a fork that had his ketch covered fries on it. "That child is doing mediocre in my class as well, and I'm not going to be influenced to pass him, unless he earns it. I expect Clyde to get a good education, and a better life for him-self, mmhm."

Addison smiled, and continued to eat with the faculty for several more minutes until there was a sudden blaring of the fire alarm! He and the other teachers looked around hesitantly as they were informed a drill would be practiced, and the resource officer was paged by one of the on duty gardeners that smoke was coming out of the Gym Office. Addison and the other teachers rushed out of the cafeteria across the school grounds as students were led away from the Gymnasium, and those in their rooms were led outside. Addison looked on in horror as wafts of thick white smoke poured from his office window, and he rushed up with the others and the Resource officer flung the doors open, grasping a fire extinguisher. Randy rushed into the room and sprayed it down instantly, finding that there was a small blaze on his desk that was beginning to reach up to the ceiling! Randy doused the fire for a solid two minutes until it was absolutely gone, and Addison had barged him-self by everyone else to get close enough to see what happened.

The alarm shut it-self down and one of the teachers informed another to alert the fire department that there was no fire, and two of them left. Addison stood dumbfounded and walked up to his door to look inside for what could have caused the issue, while Randy spoke to him, asking him what happened. Addison found that almost every single incense stick he owned, which was roughly fifty he kept in his drawer, had beet lit in a pile that was scattered on the table, with his papers.

"Addison, are those yours?" Randy asked and pointed to the incense as the large horse looked around the room.

"Yes they are, but I did not leave out fifty incense sticks burning on my table, not at one time." Addison looked around the desk and leaned his hand against it growling deeply, "And I certainly--would never leave them burning over top of paper! Who in the hell did this to my office!"

"Maybe you left one of them on?" Randy began hesitantly, "And they caught fire?"

"No. They are all kept in my drawer, down here!" Addison reached for the bottom drawer in his desk and flung it open with a loud slam, finding that the boxes were emptied. He felt his body go suddenly hot with anger, someone had started a fire in his room, potentially harming students, and he did not know if this was some kind of prank!

"Now that is a load of shit--all of my boxes are empty, and someone left them in the damn drawer!" Addison slammed the drawer shut with a powerful slam of his hand, "And my folder was dumped out all over my desk! Someone obviously invaded this room and vandalized it! I want to know who!"

From across the school Clyde and his class were out by the volleyball field to the left of the main building, near the parking lot. He and his class were standing by the massive old oak tree and he was wondering what happened; as word of mouth spread across the school, he heard a fire had been started in the gym. His teacher informed the students that a small fire had been started in the Gym Teacher's office but that everything was all right, and they would begin to move back to their classes.

Holy shit Addison! I fucking hope he is ok! Clyde whipped out his iPod and immediately began to Skype to the coach furiously, asking him what happened, and if he was all right! Addison did not reply instantly and Clyde was too focused on his texting immediately to hear what was said under someone's breath behind him. However, it took a few seconds for the muttered words from a student three bodies behind him to resonate, and he looked up almost in disbelief as he repeated them in his head.

? ? ?

"You cannot be serious!" Addison protested instantly as he put both his hands onto the principal's desk with a furious slam and stood up. "There IS a need for an investigation! Someone invaded my room and sabotaged it! Why would I purposely dump out my incense onto my desk, that many at one time, on paper!"

"Well there is nothing that I can do for you in that regard! A fire was started in your office, with your supplies! Officer Randy also found empty rum favours in the garbage can, Addison. I cannot protect you from THAT either."

Addison's eyes widened as he looked at the principal in disbelief who was visibly shaken by his sudden anger, he stepped away from the chair and she pleaded for him to calm down, but the horse was beyond him-self. He spun around and looked at her, "And you are absolutely certain those items belong to me?! How can you prove that those are not mine, for Christ sake Mrs. Schall, I do not even drink!"

"Addison please calm down! Look--according to policy, any student who brings this to school is expelled; any teacher is terminated. I just simply cannot help you, not with all of this at one time!"

Addison felt his arms go limp as he stood there, and nodded quietly. "So then that is it--unbelievable."

"Look--we can put in a good word for you with another employer, explain it was an accident--but I can't keep you here." Mrs. Schall seemed almost too complacent with her choice of words, but Addison was not having any of it. He stomped through the school and into the office where he grabbed only the things that he needed to take with him. He was almost in disbelief as the suddenness of his termination, though the fire was over an hour ago, he had spent most of the time in limbo, trying to figure out who could have done this! Clyde had messaged him numerous times and Addison assured him everything was ok, and that he would come by to see him later that night, but now Addison was so furious he did not even know what to do!

This--has completely compromised my Zen. Addison thought to him-self angrily as he tried to take a deep breath and exhaled, shaking his head. He picked up the beanbag under his arm and with no more personal items in the room but a leave in conditioner for his mane except for the books on a shelf, he left. Addison walked through the parking lot in a blur and threw his items into the passenger seat, having disregarded the resource officer by this point.

Fired--instantly. Jesus--this is why I left this town, now I remember why I did. He shook his head and closed his eyes, taking in another deep, long breath. He had not been fired in so long that he forgot how much it stung to have to walk away from a job, and especially when he had just been vandalized! It did not make sense why someone would have planted the empty rum favours, he did not drink them; he looked out his passenger window at the school, before turning on the ignition and driving away. It was not two in the afternoon and the horse was at a loss, trying to be optimistic he shrugged his shoulders, deciding he would just have to look for more work again. It would not be hard, he should have stayed to finish the day off, but he could not be around the place anymore.

<<Coach--I just heard you were fired. Wtf, how in the fuck did they fire you!?

Addison sighed quietly as he looked at his phone, and waited until he was at a red light to reply, >>Someone set a fire with my incense sticks, and left rum favours in the garbage can.

<<Who all knows about that?

>>Not sure. Why?

<<Because a student just told everyone you were caught drinking in the gym office, and a fire started from your incense candles.

>>Well it was not me, someone else did it. They lit a fire with my incense, and left empty rum bottles in the garbage can.

<<I know who. Marius fucking did it, he was laughing about it just a fucking minute ago!

>>Clyde, don't do anything. Let this one go; it is fine, I will find another job.

<<Dammit--fuck! This is fucking unfair! God I fucking hate this fucking school!

>>Clyde relax it is ok, I'll find something else! After all, I could just become a fitness instructor at another gym, if my reputation is not soiled.

<<No this is bull shit! Someone fucking set you up, and now--I don't have anyone else here. Fuck this shit man! I haven't got to see you really in like a week!

>>Clyde calm down! I promise it is ok, I'll come see you tonight, ok?

<<It's Monday... so, I can't even be out late.

>>We'll just go for a drive, and some private time, handsome. But you can't do anything stupid in class. Wait until we find out what happened, ok?

Clyde agreed and sighed, lowered his snout as he put his phone back into his pocket, writing down notes from the board in his science class. The class resonated with muffled chatter about what had happened in the gym, and he heard the rumor mutate from found bottles of rum favours, to Addison being intoxicated. It was like a social virus that spread from mouth to mouth, mutating further and further away from what had actually happened. He felt beyond angry that the one person in the school who had looked out for him, and cared for him, was not gone! He gripped his fists as he sat at the desk, shaking almost from the amount of ire inside of him.

"Oh look, the faggot is all pissed off," he heard someone whisper behind him. Clyde's tail twitched and he staggered, as he tried to keep him-self still.

"I bet he has a cunt just like his mom too." Another voice whispered and Clyde nearly lost his mind, closing his eyes and trying to tune the words out.

"The dickless faggot is probably gonna cry, again, watch him." This time, the voice was Marius whispering. He almost tried to ignore it, just finding enough energy to do so when he felt someone step on his tail, and it was hard enough that he yelped out in pain.

Clyde roared out in anger as he stood up and flipped his desk over in a rage and charged at Marius, who had jumped out of his seat. Clyde tackled the Shepherd to the ground and began punching him in the face as hard as he could, and Marius defended with his arms, but was unable to dodge the barrage of hits! Clyde was restrained by the teacher, Mr. Alley, who was an older bear, but Clyde wrestled free and cussed out at Marius, blaming him for what he did! He tackled the student down another time and Marius fought back as he slugged Clyde in the face and backed away with a smirk, however Clyde was unfazed by the hit, even if it did hurt.

Grasping the shepherd by his shirt collar he flung him over a student's desk and held him there and roared in his face, slamming his fist down into Marius's ribs. The fight continued for another thirty seconds before Clyde was finally wrestled off him and dragged out into the hall by the teacher, and by this time several other teachers were rushed into the hall to separate them! Marius could be heard screaming from the class room, calling Clyde every word that was in the book. Clyde shuddered and panted as his eyes widened and he growled threateningly, gripping his fists so tight that the claws on his fingers had begun to sting his palms.

The two of them were taken to the Principal's office where they engaged in another passionate altercation with each other. Marius mad the case that Clyde attacked him out of the blue, and that he should be expelled instantly; Clyde argued back that he was called a dickless faggot, stepped on his tail, and was publically humiliating him! Regardless of their cases both of them were given three days suspension, and the principal was beyond her-self with aggravation at the two of them, focusing more on Clyde's outburst of anger.

"You know if you do this again I have to expel you! Is that what you want? Is it?"

"Anything is better than being in a school that still thinks it is the fucking 50s!" Clyde shouted back at her, "homophobes more abundant than your backwoods, inbreeding scum!"

"Well look who is discriminating now! No one here is discriminating you except ONE student, Clyde Russo!" The Principal almost shouted back, "You speak to me like that again and it will be six days suspension!"

"You know what, fine! I can make up my grades in a weekend! Marius here wouldn't even survive without his mom pulling strings for him!"

"Oh you know what, FUCK YOU!" Marius shouted at the dragon to hide his embarrassment, "Fuck you, you stupid cunt!"

"If you spent less time thinking about where my dick was, and more time on your fucking work, you wouldn't be a sorry, frog-eyed piece of shit!"

And with that, Clyde stormed out of the office, grabbed his book bag, signed him-self out under his dad's name, and walked him-self to the main highway. He furiously texted Addison, asking him if he would come and get him and Clyde tapped his foot against the ground.

"FUCK!" Clyde screamed out into the afternoon sky, laughing and shaking his head. He held his face and laughed out of stress, waiting for Addison's truck to appear; when it did appear Addison was wide eyed and quickly asked Clyde what happened.

"I got into a fight with Marius; he insulted me, stomped on my tail, and shit. So I've been suspended for three days." Clyde answered, looking away, "Sorry--for making you come get me."

Addison sighed and leaned back in his seat and looked up at the roofing, and shook his head, "I'm not mad with you--just get in, come on."

Clyde climbed into the truck and slid his book bag down between his legs and looked down and buckled him-self into his seat. He was silent for a few minutes as Addison drove through town to Clyde's home, but Clyde was more reluctant than ever to get out of the truck now. Addison asked him what occurred in detail and Clyde reluctantly told him what was said and the horse could not believe his ears as he heard these words. Addison did not even know what to do now, he was so overwhelmed by this; Clyde was very silent this time now, not so much as even moving. When Addison lifted his hand to adjust the radio, Clyde's reflexes compelled him to twitch away from the hand, and he tapped his fingers on his knee, as he saw them nearing his drive way. Addison felt guilty bringing him back home, but this time he pulled into the parking lot and got out of the truck with Clyde, offering to walk him inside.

"Addison no--no that is fine, I really do not want you in my house." Clyde begged him quickly.

"Clyde," Addison began, and he changed his tone and reached through the truck and gently touched the dragon's hand, "Come on babe, just let me walk you in, all right? I don't really feel like being alone right now either."

Clyde blushed at being called babe and he nodded reluctantly, and led the horse into his house. His mom was home and his father was apparently upstairs, and when he entered she looked up wide-eyed and livid, the pulled back cheeks of an almost kissy face she would make when she was hellaciously upset. Addison looked around the home to see the walls were an off colour of yellow and air was thick from the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, it was clean but Clyde looked down in shame at the ground. He stood behind the dragon until the mom was off the phone and stood up and looked at him calmly, and crossed his arms over her angry bird shirt.

"Mind telling me why I just got that call?" She began quietly, "Clyde?"

"I will mam," Addison began and stepped beside Clyde. "Your son was harassed by several students from his school."

"What did they do?" She now began with worry, "The--bruises are not from them, too, are they?"

"No mam." Addison replied calmly, and rest his hand on Clyde's shoulder, "They said some very--unsavory things about you, from what he said. So he acted out a scene from Road House."

The mom sighed and shook her head, chiding Clyde for losing his temper again, and invited Addison to speak to him, asking him who he was. Addison explained he was the school Gym Coach, but due to an accident that occurred beyond his control he was terminated; she seemed weary of him in the beginning, but Clyde explained Addison was his only friend from school. She nodded and listened to her son explain all that had happened as they sat at the dining room table and Addison noticed they both shared the similar laugh of stress, and very close facial gestures. He felt also out of place, being next to the mother of his boyfriend, who was a good two decades younger than him. Clyde smiled at Addison a few times and he offered to get them both a drink.

"So you were fired because someone started a fire in your office?" She began with a slightly cocked head, "Do they know who the hell did it?"

"Not at all Mrs. Russo."

"Oh please, call me Lissy! So you and my son are friends? I've tried getting him to stop being friends with his teachers and find someone his age!"

Addison laughed and smiled over to the dragon who smiled back at him more widely, "Well he is a very intelligent boy; I don't think his age group can really keep up with him!"

"He's always been that way, my know it all little booger!" She smiled at her son and Clyde turned his snout away.

"Uggh, mom, please." Clyde rolled his eyes, "So--I'm sorry for getting suspended, mom."

"Well sweety, you know how I feel about that temper. You HAVE to stop it before you get older, or else you're going to have worse troubles then, than you do now."

Clyde sat down and handed each of them a glass and nodded, "I know--but I just cannot stand by, and let someone act like that, you know?"

"Sweet I appreciate you defending my name, but come on--he obviously didn't stand a chance against you. Just kick his ass out of school, you know, if you're going to."

Addison snickered quietly and his mom went on to explain that Clyde did have a history of fights with students, but it was because he was picked on a lot. Addison also knew about his home life which she loosely explained to him, not having a dad or a role model, but she was happy he did find someone he can look up to! Clyde happily explained what all Addison did and knew for him, and she listened happily, before remarking that her son used to ask for a Kimono when he was twelve. Clyde was furious at her revealing that secret but Addison was more than happy to listen to almost every single story she had! The atmosphere relaxed and Addison thanked her for the talk and understanding, and he began to depart, and Clyde walked him out the house.

"Well your mom is just adorable!" Addison teased when they were outside, "You used to walk around the house in a sheet, and pretend to be a wraith?"

"It is a kind of ghost thingy--yeah I went through this phase when I was five." Clyde felt embarrassed and huffed out, looking up to the horse's handsome face and smiled up at him. Addison turned and leaned down to give Clyde a deep, tongue filled, but gentle kiss to his mouth and held him still. His hot breath washed over the dragon's snout and the two held this kiss for a few seconds, shifting their lips and tongues before Addison retracted his mouth with a soft breath.

"Do you want to come to my house?" He began slowly, touching Clyde on the shoulder, "Or do you want to stay home?"

"Well--tonight I might stay here, you know, dad is going to be pissed I was suspended."

"Well maybe you should just avoid telling him, if your father is going to overreact." Addison suggested, "Your mom seems to have taken it lightly."

"Uuuh--she is probably still mad!" Clyde laughed a little bit, "I--would like to go to your place too, cause--I really want to have sex again."

Addison grinned and gently ran his hand over Clyde's round chest and up to his jaw line and kissed the dragon tenderly on the mouth once more, this time with a more fervent movement of his tongue. Clyde breathed out and gasped quietly as he sucked on the horse's thick, wide, hot tongue and mouth, and he felt his heart beginning to pound from the sensations. Addison too was growing hard and he breathed slowly to keep his body relaxed, and told Clyde he would be by later today to get him, and to just text him when he wanted him.

"Hehe--so now that you're not my teacher--does this mean we don't have to be as careful?"

"Well you're still under eighteen, and that is still statutory rape." Addison rolled his eyes a little, "But--I am not letting that come between me and my boyfriend."

Clyde's tail gave off a light slither and Addison found it ridiculously cute and teased Clyde for it, which in return was bashful and almost stuttered. He left and Clyde move back inside the house with a bright, wide smile and his mom and brother were downstairs talking. Jordan was being informed about what happened and Clyde moved to face them and sat at the table, unsure if his mother would go off on him or not.

"So that was him?" She began, "Your coach?"

"Oh yeah, or was." Clyde answered honestly. Jordan, who was looking directly at him smirked out the side of his mouth and shook his head lightly.

"So--can we not tell dad?" Clyde asked hopefully, "Please?"

"Well hunny how are we going to explain you being home all day?"

"Just make his fat ass clean the house, and then kick him out for the day!" Jordan playfully suggested with a wink, "He'll probably just take his laptop with him somewhere."

Clyde's mom shook her head, "Well I would need to know where my son is going."

"I could just go to Addison's house; he has a gym there, and since I can't go to the schools--I could just use his."

"Hunny, you don't need to be staying at someone's house like that." She began and pat him on his arms, "Besides, you're going to just stay there all day?"

"Well I'll come take Alvin home, and then come back here, after the school hours!" Clyde felt excited about this idea of being incognito and deceiving his dad and his mom looked to Jordan who shrugged and said it would be a good idea for him to be out of the house anyways! Jordan also commented he knew Addison from school from when he graduated, and that he was a good person, traveled, and did a lot of altruistic work with people. Clyde's mom was happy to here he had found a role model of sorts, and teased that maybe Addison could help inspire her son into actually finding a job he would like to do, instead of changing his head every few months!

Clyde felt unsettled by the idea of returning to school without Addison being there, and he was unable to change his schedule this later in the year now. He frowned a bit, wishing he could just not bother going to it anymore, instead of sitting through two more years of the bull shit. If he dropped out his mother would probably never forgive him, and he knew Addison would definitely, then, not approve of it either.

I just don't want to see that fucking ass hole again--god dammit. He better fucking change schools, or fuck off because I cannot risk being expelled.

"I'm going to run to the store to get something for dinner before I go to work tonight, you two want anything?" His mom began as she moved from the table and looked for her keys on the kitchen counter, "And Clyde you going to eat here tonight?"

"Well maybe, I'll see." He answered unsurely if he should leave tonight or tomorrow to see Addison, "As for dinner--it is whatever you guys want."

"Ugggh you're so neutral Clyde. Just go ahead and make those enchiladas; I got some money in my wallet if you need a twenty."

"Sure thing hunny, ok you two I'll be back!"

Jordan waited until their mom and left and looked at Clyde seriously, cocking his eye brow and folded his arms over his plain green t-shirt and dog-tags, leaning back. He rocked in his chair for a moment as Clyde rested his arms on the table and huffed out, "Man, dad is going to fucking be pissed if he finds out."

"Well he won't, will he?" Jordan began, "And you didn't tell mom, about him, did you?"

"Nope. Hell no, oh HELL no." Clyde laughed out, "Why in the fuck would I?"

Jordan laughed at his brother, "Well she didn't seem to suspect anything, probably because she does not know he is gay." He thought for a moment a wide smirk appeared on his goofy yellow snout and Clyde cocked his eyebrow, asking him what in the fuck he looked so happy about.

"You are totally the catcher, aren't you?" Jordan began laughing hysterically, "You totally got topped be Seabuscuit! You've literally just ruined Hollywood for everyone Clyde! Haaahaaaa!"

"Oh my god shut the hell up!" Clyde yelled in embarrassment, and stood up to storm out the kitchen, "And no! I topped him, thank you fucking much!"

"Eeeew, I didn't need the imagery! My innocent young brother, why, whyyyy!"

Clyde ignored him as the lingered in the kitchen to look for something to eat and Jordan stood up with a grunt and watched him from across the kitchen counter. His brother did look happier, he was smiling, albeit he could see the annoyance; above their father began moving around and Jordan ignored it for the time being.

"I'm really happy you got someone," he began. "At least this is a good guy too; no Stockholm relationship bull shit, right?"

"Yeah, what is with that?" Clyde asked as he turned around, unable to find anything in the fridge. "But--thanks for not telling mom, she'll friggin' cry when she finds out. I know she will."

"Well when she learned I was not a virgin AND going into the military, she was sobbing."

"Oh I remember. She watched all of Charmed before she got over it; I had to sit there through half of it, I was like--what, thirteen?"

"I think yeah," Jordan laughed and smiled. "All right little bro, I am going to go whoop some ass on Halo, wanna join?"

"Yeah sure! I'll call Addison to come get me later, he probably needs time to unwind as well--fucked up they fired him, like that."

"Well shit like that has happened in that school before man; let me tell you about how one student had claimed an on campus maintenance worker had molested her. Fucking dude was like--gay or something too, and it was hilarious because he brought in his husband, and she was a fucking dumb bitch when she finally admitted he didn't."

"What the HELL did she do that for?!" Clyde gawked, "Rape is not fucking funny, dude!"

"He found marijuana in her locker and was gonna go to the principal with it, so she tried getting him fired or in trouble so it would look like retaliation. Her name was like--Samona, she was a fucking asshole. But anyways man--this shit happened, you just have to learn to play the game, like I did; I joined the military but got kinda fucked up, but I have my degree in engineering, and I'll eventually get back to work."

The two of them continued talking, and Clyde had forgotten how long it had really been since he spent time with his brother, without his father around. They play Halo for a good hour until their mom came home with food, they all ate and watched the TV for a while until she needed to pick up Alvin. After than Jordan began to prepare dinner for her, and Clyde decided he would use this time to go see Addison, asking him if it were ok to come over now.

<<You bet! :D I just started making my dinner! 3pm, but hey, #yolo! I'll just engorge my-self on sinful succulence!

>>Well you sound happier! I have your succulence right here! >:D

<<Behave your-self, jesus, you little incubus! You want me to come and get you now, babe? :3

>>Hehe I love being called that! Sure stud muffin, come and get me!

<<Stud muffin huh? Oh you're just trying to suck up because you think I am old, you heathen! LOL!

>>Look--permanent marker is not permanent on grey hair. :D

<<. . .

<<Ok yeah you're not getting any tonight. Nope, #4everalone.

>>Hashtags don't work on skype! GAWD.

<<Ok Sexzilla, I am coming to get your cute butt. See you soon! :D