Midnight Confessions

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#2 of Alex and Samantha

Part Two of Alex and Samantha

After a brief evening of drunken sibling smooching, the twins cope with the new developments. In their own unique ways.

That was so wrong. That was such a mistake.

Alex lay in bed, unsleeping, listening as the fan oscillated. Memories of the previous evening danced repeatedly through his mind and he gritted his teeth, eyes screwed shut.

He'd kissed his sister, seen her topless, fondled her breasts. He was sick. There had to be something wrong with him. Normal people didn't do this sort of thing. Normal people didn't fantasize about their siblings at four in the morning.

And yet here he was.

His hand gently stroked the sides of his sheath, feeling the sensitive flesh harden within. His balls ached pleasantly, reminding him precisely how long since he'd last emptied them. Not that he intended to ever again. That felt like the final step on the road to madness.

Someone--and who else?--knocked on the door. Instantaneously, Alex lay on his side, back to the door, hands well above the waistband of his pajamas. Feigning sleep was as simple as slowing his breathing.

James, his stepbrother, had apparently grown bored with a cramped house for the holidays, and had exercised the privileges of being both a college student and the proud owner of a functioning automobile. God only knew when he'd be back, but until then, Alex fully intended to claim his room--and more importantly, bed--as his own. Unfortunately, this room, too, lacked a functioning lock.

He heard the door creak open, then close once more. He listened, faintly stewing in guilt, as his sister's bare paws tiptoed across the carpet.

"Ow! Shit!" Samantha's voice was an angry hiss. "Alex, clean up your goddamn Legos!"

A second later, he felt the covers pull back slightly and his sister slid into bed behind him. He kept his breathing deep, slow, and steady.

"I know you're awake, dummy. Your ears go all floppy when you're really asleep."

He sighed, and Samantha laughed under her breath, wrapping an arm around his middle and nuzzling the back of his neck. Despite everything, he allowed himself to relax into her embrace. His paw found hers, cupping it against the warm, naked fur of his midsection.

"Doing okay, Alex? You're not hung over, are you?"

He chewed his lower lip, struggling against the urgings of his awful sense of humor. "No," he said finally. "Just hung." He regretted the joke--for more than one reason--before the words even left his lips.

Samantha groaned, good-naturedly, squeezing him tighter. Her free paw slipped down his back and past his tail, fingers easing between his thighs. "I'll bet you are," she cooed. He stiffened, and she stopped the advance of her fingers, though they continued to lightly stroke him through the fuzzy surface of his clothes.

Alex lay still, trying to enjoy the sensation without dwelling on the source. It was a losing battle. Now that he was wholly sober, a whole host of objections were playing through his mind, loudly and persistently. Despite that, he felt himself grow reluctantly hard, sheath swelling. Now that was enough to make up his mind--he shifted, pulling his legs away from his sister's paw.

Undeterred, Samantha's other paw slid down the soft, white fur of his stomach, dipping below his waistband. She ran her fingers down the sides of his sheath, tugging on the skin slightly to expose the tip of his cock.

Alex shuddered. "Sammy, stop. Don't."

"W-what?" Samantha's voice sounded rattled. She inhaled sharply. "Why?"

"I don't really want to. You're my sister. It bothers me."

"But... what about earlier?"

"We were drunk. I wasn't really thinking straight. Sorry."

She pulled away quickly, nearly tugging the covers off his adopted bed in the process. "Sorry," she muttered quickly, then retreated from the room. The door shut a little too rapidly.

Alex sighed, rolling onto his back, tail extended down between his legs. He rubbed himself through the pajama bottoms absentmindedly. He'd done the right thing, hadn't he? It would be better if he was able to move on, pretending last evening had never happened.

A quiet squeaking filtered in from the hallway. He almost couldn't hear it over the fan, but it was just loud enough to make him frown. He knew that he'd heard the sound before, but he couldn't quite place it. On a normal night, he'd have brushed it aside and gone back to sleep, but that didn't look likely to happen soon. So he sat upright, tentatively easing himself from the bed. Taking a large step in the dark, he breathed a sigh of relief when his foot came down upon a space empty of Legos. He picked his way across to the door, and then eased it open. Samantha's room lay opposite his, the door firmly shut. But even standing in his own doorway, he could now hear what two doors, a fan, and twenty feet of space had reduced to squeaks.

Samantha's sobs were little more than suppressed wails, interspersed by raspy gulps of air. It sounded as though her face were buried in her pillow, but there was no mistaking the noise any longer.

He felt his chest tighten. He'd meant what he said, but... hell, he hadn't expected this. He waited an awkward minute, hoping his sister might calm down, knowing all the while that she would not.

With a preparatory sigh, he crossed from his door to hers. He opened the door silently, but if Samantha noticed, she didn't respond. Instead, she continued to lie curled in a ball on their bed, back to him. Even her tail was tucked up and tangled amid her other limbs. She shook, trembling as she cried.

Shutting the door behind him, Alex made his way to the bed. It was fairly dark in the small room, but between an LED clock face and his own vulpine night-vision, he managed. Gingerly easing in behind his sister, he wrapped an arm around her, much as she had done to him moments earlier. Samantha's sobs continued, though she uncurled slightly at his touch.

"Sammy," he implored. "It's okay. Calm down." When she did not, he leaned forward, working her hair aside with his nose, and nuzzling the nape of her neck. Slowly, over the course of several silent minutes, Samantha's sobs slowed, and then stopped. She uncurled a bit further, but made no effort to speak.

"I'm sorry if I was harsh," he said. "I'm just really confused right now. And tired. I know I was a grump." His sister's pajama top had ridden up a bit as she wept, and he tried not to dwell on the intimacy of the moment as he held her about the middle.

"I'm..." Samantha croaked. She cleared her throat. "I'm not so grump." She laughed quietly to herself then broke into a couple of brief, exhausted sobs.

"Silly," he whispered.

Rolling, she wrapped her arms around her brother, burying her tear-soaked face against the fur of his chest. He grimaced, but held her tight nonetheless. She didn't speak for several minutes. The tip of her ear tickled his nose, twitching in time with her slightly swifter heartbeat.

"Thanks for checking on me," she said at last. "It's nice to know you still love me. Even if..." she breathed heavily, eyes leaking against his sternum.

"Of course I love you," he said, forcing a smile. "I, uh... I didn't know you loved me like that."

Samantha made an indecipherable noise into his chest.

"How--how long have you felt like that?"

His sister sighed then cleared her throat. "Um. 'Long as I can remember," she said, sounding embarrassed.

Alex chewed his lip, a stream of memories washing over him--some from the previous evening, some older still. Lying in bed, stroking his sheath, feeling guilty that his thoughts always seemed to turn to Samantha. Growing hot and bothered as his sister hugged him from behind, her breasts supple against his back. Walking in on his sister dressing, and then sitting in the bathroom, hating himself for growing hard at the sight.

Why did life have to be so damn complicated?

"You're not really alone in that, sis."

She jerked back, staring up at him with wide eyes. "What do you mean?" she asked. Her eyes narrowed, equal parts hopeful and suspicious.

"I mean, I feel the same way. Maybe not quite as strongly. But I do."

Samantha stared as if trying to look through him. "You... want me?"

Taking a deep breath, Alex nodded. At once, he felt as if a great weight had lifted from him, but a sense of some future doom immediately filled the vacant space. But at the moment, all he could focus on was the life reentering his sister's eyes. She gave a shriek and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing as hard as she could.

"_Thankyouthankyouthankyougodthankyou!"_she squealed. She rolled, nearly pushing him off the bed in the process, until she was on top of him, and then immediately began covering his face in kisses. Alex laughed, despite himself. His laugh was almost immediately muffled as Samantha took his face in her hands, kissing him full on the mouth.

"Easy, easy," he said, pushing her back, slightly. She looked hurt for a second, until she saw he was still smiling. "Let's just... take things really slow, okay? I'm still not... I don't know."

Samantha grinned. "Feelin' guilty about wanting to bone your sister?"

He shot her a glare. "Yeah."

She lay down, folding her hands on his chest then placing her chin upon them. Staring up at him, she smiled knowingly. "I went through it too, you know."

"You... you did?" There was no bra beneath his sister's pajama top, and he could feel her breasts squished against the muscles of his stomach.

"Yep," Samantha said, blushing. "I'm honestly surprised you never noticed. You know my friend Beth? She straight up called me a brocon last year."

Dread sent a chill down Alex's tail. "Wait. Does she know?"

Samantha shook her head. "Nah. I threw my Pepsi at her and she hasn't mentioned it since." She nipped him lightly on the ribs, making him jump. "Your secret's safe with me."

He lay back, staring up at the ceiling, thoughtfully. "You thought it was wrong though? At one point?"

"I wouldn't say I thought it was wrong. It never... felt wrong, you know what I mean? But I worried lots. Worried that you would be mad or disgusted. That you'd leave. Worried about what mom might think. What... dad would have thought."

Alex shivered.

"But eventually, I just sort of forced myself to stop thinking like that. I couldn't live always worrying what other people thought. But I was still scared I'd drive you away. That would be the worst. So I decided that I'd wait and see if you felt the same way. Honestly, I thought it'd never happen. Or if it did, it'd be years until you said anything. But after last night..." she shivered too, grinding against his chest the faintest bit.

She laughed suddenly. "It's sort of like kissing yourself, isn't it? Like, I always wondered how life would be different if... nah, that sounds weird. You know what I mean, though?"

Alex snorted quietly. "I sure do," he admitted.

"Do... do you think we could keep going? Like last night?"

Alex stiffened, in more ways than one, drawing a chuckle from Samantha. He cleared his throat, twice, and then whispered, "Sure." Louder, "We gotta move the dresser, though."

"But what if there's a fire?" his sister asked theatrically. "How will the firefighters get in to rescue us?

He rolled his eyes, shimmying out from beneath his twin and off the bed. They'd received the lecture many times, not that it ever stopped them. They'd fittingly discovered their bodies around the same time, and with one bathroom between three adolescents, private time came at a premium. Better to die in some three-alarm blaze than be discovered by a family member seemed to be the mutual thought. He grunted, sliding the furniture into place in front of the door. Damn but those tables had a way of turning.

Turning back, the sight almost took his breath away. Samantha lay on her side, looking fiery and dainty and alluring all at once. She'd unbuttoned her pajama top, which now barely concealed her breasts, while exposing a long path of naked, white fur from her chin to the bottoms. Those too, had somehow found a way to conceal less. They lay low on her hips, providing an excellent view of the narrowly cut and very, very pink cotton panties beneath. She stared at him, tail wagging softly as she chewed her lip in anticipation.

"Damn," he said, quietly. Samantha grinned, holding out an inviting arm. Doing so shifted her top, and he caught a glimpse of a small, erect nipple.

Having cast aside self-restraint, Alex felt the sexual hunger of the night before return with a vengeance. There was no longer any alcohol to numb his feelings, and seven hours of aroused restraint had left him pent up well beyond the usual urges. He stalked toward her, crawling back into bed and kneeling on top of his sister. Growling as she ran her paws through the fur of his shoulders, he leaned down and met her lips with a hungry kiss. She pressed herself up against him, clutching his shoulders. The front of her pajama top slid away, and he felt the warmth of her body against his, her nipples hard and cool against his skin. He felt her legs wrap around his hips, pulling him closer, and he bucked his hips lightly, grinding his sheath between her legs. Samantha moaned deep in her throat, pulling back from the kiss, then lunged back in for another.

There was no more room in his brain for any conscious thoughts, only passion and instinct. His paw found her breast and began to knead it, her nipple hard against his palm. He kissed her, again and again, his lips slowly trailing from her mouth to her ear, then down the curve of her neck, until it reached her opposite breast. Then he kissed her there too, planting his lips delicately around her areola, brushing the nipple itself occasionally. Samantha whimpered, shuddering and grinding her hips upward against his crotch. Her tail lashed side to side, brushing against his and curling about it near the base.

One of her paws left his shoulder, slowly running its way down his chest toward his waist. He was dimly aware of it as he explored her body, but felt only a moment's loss as it failed to dip below his clothes. Instead, her fingers found the inside of his thighs, exploring the contours of his hips through the fabric. Her knuckles nudged his sac and all at once he felt his cock slide an inch or more from his sheath, the sensitive head stimulated almost painfully by the crotch of his pajama bottoms. He moaned into her breast, playfully biting her nipple in retaliation. Samantha gasped, and all at once, she abandoned his thighs, lightly cupping his balls instead.

Alex's breath caught in his throat as she lifted them, fingers caressing the back, squeezing delicately. His tail thrashed, though he only knew it because his sister's remained so tightly entwined with his. He shuddered, pulling away from her nipple to meet her gaze.

Samantha's eyes were clouded with lust. "Do you like that?" she murmured, tugging on his sac ever so gently. Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily, breasts quivering. "You like it when I play with your balls?" It was an honest question, even though she disguised it well as teasing.

He nodded, fighting to conceal the desperation in his voice. "Yes."

She grinned, her paw sliding forward to feel his sheath, now heavy and swollen with the majority of his cock. "You like this too?" She stroked him softly, back and forth, through the soft cotton. A bit more of him slid free of his sheath.

He nodded again, eyes rolling slightly from the pleasure. Physically, it felt rather similar to his own sexual exploration. But the psychological effects of having a young vixen, even his sister, do such a thing... he was having a difficult time comprehending things. It was all he could do not to thrust desperately against her hand.

"Well then," Samantha said, breaking into a cheeky smile. Even in the dark he could tell her face was flushed. She tugged down the front of his pants, then slid her other paw inside. Her fingers stroked the hot, slick flesh of his cock then gripped him firmly, right where he emerged from his sheath. For a moment she paused, and the two stared at one another, distracted by the intimacy of the moment. Then her grin widened. "I bet you'll like this most of all."

Alex could not restrain the moan that slipped from his lungs. Samantha's paw was tight and smooth against him as she teased his cock. The rest of his shaft slid from his sheath by her third stroke, and the longer she touched him, the harder he seemed to grow. The pressure of her paw was sending jolts of pleasure throughout his body, and he felt his balls twitch preemptively.

"Nice and biiiiig," Samantha whispered, gradually working his pajamas down off his hips. The room was warm, but it still felt quite cold on his exposed member. Her touch slowed, but a second paw quickly joined the first, stroking his sac in tandem. Her fingers curled, wrapping almost all the way around the base of his cock, squeezing the sensitive skin of his not-quite-knot.

"Sammy, please," he begged, hips shaking as he thrust slightly.

Samantha's eyes widened and she drew back, leaving only the single hand on his shaft. "Say that again," she said, breathlessly.

"Say what again?" he asked, swallowing hard. His hips continued to jab forward on their own. His knot was beginning to swell.

"Call me Sammy," she said. Her free paw dove down under her panties. Samantha stared at him, eyes intense and mouth ajar. "And beg me like that." Her forearm shook where it emerged from her clothes and she began to jerk him forcefully.

He whimpered involuntarily as her fingers brushed his swelling knot. "Sammy, please," he repeated, embarrassment and white-hot arousal blending together in what was left of his conscious mind. "I want you so bad. I need to cum. I want you to touch me."

Samantha moaned, and wet, sloppy sounds filled the air as she touched herself. Her fingers squeezed tighter and tighter as she stroked him. "I want you too, Alex," she hissed. Her legs shook. "Your sister wants to be fucked like a proper vixen."

There was something about the words that set him off. Whatever remained of his safe, conservative, logical side went out the window, leaving only the animal within. Alex growled, lunging forward and biting the side of her neck somewhere between passionate and violently. Samantha yelped, and sputtered a faint "Alex? What are you--?" and then he pulled back, seizing the waistband of her pajamas with both paws, and lifting her hips from the bed as he yanked them down. Two fingers were still buried inside, up to the second knuckle, but he caught only a glimpse before her knees were drawn together by the panties around her calves.


He held her legs high, bound together by tangled clothes, drinking in the sight of her. His sister's pussy was small and pink, a narrow raft in a sea of short white fur. She'd withdrawn her fingers, but her outer lips were wet and the fur nearby sticky and ruffled. Further down, her tailhole lay nestled and exposed. Alex shifted forward, grinding the underside of his cock against Samantha's cunt. His sister's protests continued, though they became far less coherent--moans and gasps filling the gap between words. Slowly, he eased himself forward, his shaft sliding between her thighs until his knot rested against her clit.

"How's this, Sammy?" he murmured, shifting her legs so he could look her in the eye. He rocked against her, each thrust grinding his sensitive knot against her just-as-sensitive clit. The look of worry in Samantha's eyes faded almost immediately and she moaned, arching her back. Her hips shook, paws clutching at the sheets. "Well?" he asked again, continuing to grind against her.

"G-good," she stammered. She gyrated her hips against him, trembling. "That's s-so good."

Alex grinned, using his paws to keep her thighs tight. The pressure wasn't quite as intense as before, but it was everywhere. And being able to look down and see the effect his knot was having on Samantha was worth the sacrifice. He doubled down, grinding harder and relishing the silent scream his sister gave. She clenched her eyes shut, hands squeezing and massaging her breasts roughly. He pounded away as his knot grew harder and his stomach tightened in a familiar way.

"I'm... getting close, Sammy," he warned, thrusting faster. His balls swung slightly, teasing her lips as he mashed himself against her clit. He could tell his climax was mere seconds away, approaching faster and faster.

"Me t-too!" Samantha choked out, tugging and twisting at her own nipples. She ground her hips against him desperately.

Alex growled, leaning against her legs to stare down at his sister. "That's right," he said, barely comprehending what he said. "Cum like a good little vixen."

Samantha cried out suddenly, her eyes clenching shut and her ears flattening back against her skull. Her hand darted forward as her thighs clamped down on his shaft like a vise. Fingers closing around the neck of his cock, she simply squeezed. Her voice was a strangled squeal, her whole body jerking rhythmically.

It felt as though his knot was going to explode. Alex thrust forward one last time, balls churning, feeling the wet, burning heat of his sister's cunt pressing against him as he came. His cock spasmed between his sister's fingers, spilling shot after shot of thick cum. He tried to keep his eyes open to enjoy the sight of Samantha's pristine fur covered with semen, but the first wave of ecstasy reduced his vision to a sea of grays and sounds to a dull roar. He shook, riding the waves of his orgasm as they washed over him.

Gradually, the tremendous pleasure began to fade, and he realized that somewhere along the way he'd closed his eyes. He opened them to find Samantha lying still, trembling and panting. In the dim light, it was only the watery, reflective sheen of his cum that told him she was absolutely covered. A full quarter of her fur, from stomach to sternum, was covered in the hot, white mess. She too had left her mark--albeit less significantly--he could feel the folds of her pussy dripping faintly against his sac.

"You... um..." he panted, suddenly self-conscious. "You okay, sis?"

Samantha slowly opened her eyes, struggled to focus, and then met his gaze. She gave him an exhausted smile, and then nodded faintly.

"Was that... okay?" he asked.

Her grin widened, and then turned to shock as she stared down at her cum-soaked fur. "Alex!" she mouthed in disbelief, blushing furiously. He gave an embarrassed grin of his own. Louder, she chuckled. "Bastard. Look what a mess you made!"

"I blame you," he said, then nuzzled her knee where it rested beside him.

With a sly smiled, Samantha reached out to caress his cheek. With her other paw, she explored her stomach, retrieving a large, stringy glob of cum. Eyes half-lidded, she lifted the finger to her lips, sucking it clean.

"Well, I blame you," she said, licking her lips. "And I don't think we can go to bed until we settle this argument."

He grinned. It was going to be a long night.