King of the South

Story by Orion Xindari on SoFurry

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This is an idea that popped into my head earlier today, and I just had to write it down! A little hastily done, so I apologize if it seems rushed. Definitely more formatted for a quick go than my other work, so enjoy! Please don't forget to comment/favorite or watch for more from me!

The day was hot and bright, not a single cloud to interfere with the sun's harsh rays as they beat down upon the dry earth. A gentle wind was the only relief for any creature forced to move about in the middle of the afternoon, though any animal capable of it sought the protection of a tree or rock outcrop, any bit of shade to take refuge in until the peak of daylight had passed. Among those seeking a cool place to lie down was Roan, king of all that lay south of the Irani river, and head of the Southern Pride. Nearly as golden as the burning summer sun, the enormous lion cut a striking figure as he strolled through the grasslands, head held high despite the oppressive heat, bright green eyes surveying all before him.

He'd come out alone, leaving his lionesses to rest and recuperate in the shade after a successful night of hunting. It was his job, after all, to patrol the borders - something that was easier done at night, but every so often he went out during the day, looking for anyone who might think to catch the ruler napping. Today was poor timing, however, and even the stubborn king had decided to admit defeat and head for shade. Lucky for him, he knew of a small grove of trees not too far ahead, right on his side of the border. At least he could pretend to keep an eye out, even if he would eventually drift off to sleep.

Just as the thicket of trees came into view, the wind blew a scent his way that stopped him dead in his tracks. His black-maned head rose even higher, ears pricked as he turned towards the direction the smell had come from. For a moment he saw nothing, just the gentle swaying of the tall grass in the breeze, and the scent slipped away to a mere memory. Then, just as he had begun to wonder if he'd imagined it, he saw a brief flash of white moving through the brush, just on the other side of the small stream that marked the edge of his land.

The territory to the North was ruled by a nearly legendary figure: Haromir, the great white lion. Through some strange quirk of genetics, the male had been born entirely white, mane and all. In addition to his notable appearance, the lion was rumored to be one of the most ferocious kings ever to have ruled, and he had the territory to prove it. He'd famously added an enormous chunk of land to his own with the slaying of two other rival kings, giving him the largest pride in the area. That, however, had been several years ago, and Roan knew for a fact the king had gotten old. The great white beast was rarely seen anymore, and those once sharp and challenging blue eyes now narrowed with worry whenever he and Roan happened to spot one another. Not that Haromir needed to worry, as Roan did not care to add any more land to his already vast territory - too much, and he would have to spend his whole life patrolling it.

The rival king's age was not the only reason Roan was interested, rather than worried. The scent blown his way by the errant wind had been unmistakably female, and clearly one in heat. The white fur had actually caught him quite off guard, as he'd seen countless lions and lionesses sired by Haromir, and none of them had shared his snowy pelt. Intrigued, the golden lion lowered himself into a crouch and prowled forward, moving closer to the slinking figure across the stream.

Sure enough, the scent of obvious need grew stronger and stronger, until at last he caught sight of the mysterious female. As white as her sire, the young lioness sat well on her side of the border, shuffling in obvious discomfort as she found a shady place beneath a rock. How strangely beautiful her white pelt looked against the golds and browns of her surroundings, kept free of the dirt by careful grooming. Roan's green eyes took in the sight hungrily, perplexed by how tiny she was. Sure, she was clearly young, but even for her first heat she was remarkably small, nearly runt-ish in stature. It was not at all what the king would have expected, given her father's impressive size, but it did nothing to deter his desire.

Border or not, there were some instinctual commands Roan could not and would not deny. A female in heat was something to claim, whether by right or by force, and she had made a big mistake wandering so close to his lands. All thought or worry about crossing into enemy land slipped away as he saw the lioness raise her head, clearly scenting him on the wind. Her blue eyes suddenly met his, and she scrambled to her feet in panic.

He sprang out of the grass and charged her, his long strides eating up the distance between them with ease, even as she turned to try to flee. He lunged, bowling her small frame over and causing her to yowl with surprise. Dust flew as the female tumbled across the ground, coming to a stop as she flailed about. Roan was on her before she could even stand, snarling his own warning as his massive paws shoved into her shoulders, claws catching there and pinning her down on her back. He heard her pained growl as she struggled against him, one hind foot raking across his back leg and making him hiss.

"Be still!" he growled, shoving her down into the ground hard enough to bring a yelp from her. He was easily three times her size, and was far more experienced a fighter. Sky blue eyes stared up at him with unhidden terror, her struggles continuing in blind panic. She had no chance against him, he knew that, but impatience and annoyance made him lunge forwards, sinking his long teeth into her neck and pressing down. He felt her go ridged, the threat of death stilling her limbs. He could feel her pulse against his tongue, her scent filling his senses and causing his sheath to swell between his legs.

"Please," the female whimpered, her voice sounding distant as his mind clouded with pure lust. Still, he knew submission when it was presented to him, and he let the limp lioness's neck go, raising his head up to stare into her eyes. "Let me go... please let me go," she pleaded, though she made no move to try to flee. Roan didn't bother to acknowledge her words, instead using his heavy paws to flip her suddenly over, drawing a squeak of surprise from the white-furred girl. He stood over her, feet planted on either side of her body as his tail flicked in anticipation.

"Up," was all he said, his voice deep and loud in his own ears. He admired her soft, cloudy-pelt, even though she was now covered in dust from their tussle, and wondered at how small she was. It was even more obvious up close, the smell of her heat seeming out of place on such a tiny thing. In his pride, such a female would barely be allowed out on hunts, much less have gone into heat. Rather than put off by it, the Southern king found himself strangely even more aroused, knowing her father could not have possibly claimed her yet.

Beneath him, the lioness remained motionless except for a startle and gasp, not so young as to not understand what the intruder meant. He saw her mouth begin to move, obviously trying to come up with something to get the male to leave her alone, but he drowned out her words with a snarl. "Raise!" The girl flinched at the tone, a terrified sob escaping her as she peered over her shoulder at the huge golden lion. He was nearly as big as her father, and from the look on his face he would not hesitate to hurt her if she did not comply.

Yari had slipped away from her pride at the first sign of her heat, knowing what it would mean for her if she stayed. At the very least, it would drive her father crazy, and he was always irritable nowdays. It didn't help matters that she had been born so small, right now of age to come into heat even if she was just now starting to look at all like a lioness. She couldn't imagine what being mated would be like when her mate was so much larger than she, and as such had thought to hide out until the time passed.

She had been wrong to have come here. Figuring the Southern leader would patrol at night rather than in the middle of the day, she thought she would be safe. Now, here she was, cowering under the massive lion as he ordered her to present for him. Yari struggled to come up with an alternative, anything that didn't involve being either killed or raped by the intruder, but unless her pride happened to stumble upon them, there was no way out. "Please," she begged again, even as she slowly raised her white rump up off the ground, trembling so hard her legs nearly gave out.

Roan was past being sympathetic, his only thought to have his way with the rare-furred female, whether she wanted it or not. As she made the half-hearted attempt to lift up for him, he growled again and pressed a forepaw into the side of her head, pressing it hard against the ground. "All the way," he said in a low, dangerous tone. He was not nearly so rough with his own lionesses, treating them with the respect the hunters deserved, but this was different. She belonged to another, at least for now - she was not his to care for. She was, however, his to claim, and he was quickly running out of patience.

Crying out in pain as her head ground painfully into the hard earth, Yari quickly forced her rear all the way up, the position awkward as her head was held down. Almost immediately she felt the male shift above her, something hard and warm brushing over her haunches. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized she could not escape the coming torment, the strong musky scent of the intruder filling her nostrils and making her body unwillingly respond, her swollen sex beginning to moisten.

Roan smelled the female's natural response and chuffed, his hardened member throbbing as it reached its full size, dripping pre onto the soft white fur. Normally he would have licked at the nectar forming between the girl's legs, but he knew he shouldn't press his luck, and again he wasn't concerned with her pleasure. With no preamble or preparation he lifted himself over the cublike lioness, mounting her with some difficulty in her odd position, but getting into place eventually. Her tail he trapped down with his paw across her back, leaning his weight onto her to pin her into place. He could hear her wheezing slightly under his bulk, struggling weakly, but it was far too late.

"Get ready for me, girl," he growled, pressing the tip of his barbed shaft against her puffy sex. He heard her cry, beg him to let her go, but he simply leaned in and rammed his hips forward, sinking several inches of his thick cock into her virgin opening. He roared out as he entered her, the tightness of her body unlike anything he'd ever experienced. It was nearly painful, the way it gripped his member, barely able to accommodate it, but the heat and wetness of the suckling channel was enough to wash all of that away. He didn't hesitate at all, withdrawing immediately until only the tip was left inside before lunging forward, wedging even more meat into the devirginized girl.

Below him, Yari's yowl of pain mingled with his delighted roar. She was in agony, the neediness of her heat unable to tamper down the pain of being impaled on the fleshy spire. It felt like she was being torn in half, and for a moment all she wanted in the world was for him to pull out... until he did, and those feline barbs raked across her straining tunnel and made her wail, tears streaming down her white cheeks as pain even worse than before racked her body. She writhed beneath him, struggling vain to pull away even as he shoved himself back into her, bringing new pain and louder screams.

"Stop!" she yowled, thrashing as the barbs once again dragged through her and made her hips jerk and strain. He was too big, he would kill her! She screamed as much, but her only response was an even harder thrust, making her face slam into the dirt.

"Oh, you're going to fit me, you little cunt," Roan said between gritted teeth, a frenzy overtaking him as he sawed in and out of the girl's swollen tunnel. He barely heard her screams as he worked to get his whole length inside of her, feeding inch after inch of lionmeat into his captive. She was exquisite, by far the tightest lioness he'd ever mounted... and she made him feel powerful. He'd taken rogue lionesses before, sure, but never one who stayed unwilling once he was on her back. This one fought all the while, her struggles bringing out a vicious side of him that was only spurred on by her pleas.

"That's it... scream for me!" He purposefully flared his barbs with each withdrawal, ravaging her tunnel with glee as she thrashed. He kept her face flat against the ground, knocking it forward with each push inward. She was so tiny, it was almost like taking a cub, and he had no problem manipulating her into the position he wanted. "You're my little cockslut now, bitch."

Yari wailed and struggled in vain as the cruel male continued to pump in and out of her, stretching her walls wide around his shaft. Each time she thought she couldn't take any more, he managed to wedge another inch inside, clearly determined to rip her apart. Over and over he humped up into her, making her scream herself hoarse before at last she felt his heavy orbs slap into her mound. He'd managed to bury himself entirely inside her, straining her insides to the breaking point as he stilled for a brief moment, moaning crassly in her ear as he held himself hilted within her.

"Such a good girl," he whispered mockingly, before yanking himself out of her so fast it felt like his barbs must have left marks. Yari shrieked, her tunnel trying to clench shut even as the intruder sank himself all the way back in, cocktip battering against her cervix and making her legs jerk uselessly. She wasn't even holding herself up anymore, the male keeping her in place with his weight so her rump could not drop. It wasn't long until he was rutting the trapped lioness with gusto, panting and growling as his balls made lewd slapping sounds as they hit her mound.

As the painfully stretched walls tried to adjust, a small bit of pleasure began to sink in amongst the pain, much to Yari's horror. She found her inner tunnel clutching around the invading member, as though trying to pull him even deeper into her, and moisture began to leak out around his shaft. The barbs which once had made her shriek in pain now made her have to bite back a moan, her natural instincts responding to the feline cock pounding into her. Almost without realizing it, the white lioness began to push back into each thrust, a strange warmth mixing in amongst the pain, which was still very much present.

Roan was no stranger to females in heat, and he did not miss the obvious signs of the girl warming up to his rough treatment, her body betraying her. He grinned wickedly in amusement, shoving his hips forward hard and this time not pulling out, grinding his tip into her cervix painfully. "Do you like it, you little slut? You like being used like a whore?"

Yari had been doing her best to avoid making any noises beyond whimpers, but as the king ground into her inner barrier her claws raked at the ground and she yowled, pain flaring up and making fresh sobs wrack her small body. "Stop! Ahhhhhhh! Please, I -AH! - yes, I like it, I like it!" She shuddered at the male laughed and ceased his assault on her cervix, feeling humiliated at being forced to tell him what he wanted to hear. Even worse was the way she moaned as he renewed his deep thrusts, unable to stop herself from responding.

"Good girl," Roan repeated, pounding the little female mercilessly. "You want my babies, don't you? Can't wait to swell with my cubs." The thought alone made him speed up his pace, his release slowly building.

The lioness could do nothing but groan, her insides contracting around the cock inside of her as her own climax approached. She was horrified to be responding to such treatment, but her body would not be denied. The thought of carrying her rapists' cubs was disgusting... but not to her heat-swollen body, which seemed to try to pull every bit of pre it could down into her depths.

As the white lioness's walls began to spasm around him, Roan's thrusts grew erratic. He roared loudly as his release crashed over him, his throbbing cock beginning to spurt thick jets of his seed into the sucking tunnel, tip wedged against the cervix. Beneath him he dimly felt the female shudder and cry out, a mix of pleasure and despair as her climax took hold, making her jerk and twitch before slumping loosely beneath him.

Eventually the male stilled, panting loudly as he came off of his dizzying finish. When at last his vision cleared he backed away carefully, pulling slowly out of Yari and making her whimper pathetically. Seed and her own juices leaked out of the obscenely stretched tunnel, running over her puffy lips and down to the ground as she dropped, shivering on the ground and crying softly. Roan sniffed at her, pleased by the way his own scent seemed to completely overpower hers, the smell of his essence marking her as claimed.

"You're going to carry my young," he rumbled, his tone insistent. The lioness gave no response except to shudder, curling in tighter on herself. Roan huffed, fatigue beginning to set in as he thought about finding that shady spot after all, and rolled her over to face him. "Your father isn't going to take you back in, girl, now that I've claimed you." He smirked, turning and beginning to make his way back towards his own lands at a leisurely pace, not bothering to look back.

Yari stared dumbly after the retreating male for a moment, eyes filled with horror and fear at his words. The worst part was, he was right - there was no way she could go back to her pride now, reeking of a rival king and carrying his cubs. She'd be run off, or maybe even killed. She had only two choices... she could go rogue, trying to find some way to care for herself while pregnant... an almost certain death sentence.


With a mournful sob, Yari forced herself up onto her paws, all four legs trembling violently. She took a slow step forward wincing as her sex burned with pain, raw from her savage rape. Lionseed dripped down her legs with each step, making her head hang low in shame. With a heavy heart, she set off after her attacker, having no choice but to hope he would take her into his pride. She saw him glance back at her, a cruel grin splitting his muzzle as she approached, making her sick to her stomach.

"Well," he said, "it appears we have only just begun.

Part One: Catch and Release

The first thing Reyne became aware of as he slowly regained consciousness was that it was nighttime. Through blurry vision, he could make out a fire crackling a few yards away, casting shadows about the area and causing the elf to turn his head away....

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