Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 25: Problems Spark

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#29 of Star Fox Chronicles

It had been a while since the last group meeting with the Claxan, and this one was restless for everyone. Tension had risen up within the whole organization.

"What is the meaning of this Cougar?" No. 2 asked from his seat, "we're getting severely disappointed in your leadership." A whole bunch of other members shouted in agreement, including Cindy and Sandy. Draxor, Arxgon, Natoya, Roxanne, Mayson, and The superior were the only ones who weren't shouting.

"I don't see what you are all complaining about," he said, "everything has been going according to plan."

"Bullshit it is," said another cloaked member, "five of our members are dead, no. 24 is known to the public, and Ryan continues to grow stronger. If this keeps up we'll all be destroyed."

"Such cowardice," No. 24 said stepping forward, "why don't you go play in your wind tunnel while I take care of him?" The member in question growled and a violent wind started forming around him. The superior stepped up from his own seat.

"Enough," he said, "all of you." He turned to face Cougar. "This organization is losing its faith in you, and I must agree that you haven't been living up to your number. Perhaps I should test you."

"Fair enough," said Cougar, "what shall it be then?"

"Isn't it obvious?" another cloaked member said, "Eliminate Ryan Lewis." There weren't many protest from that statement although a more noticeable one came from Cindy and Sandy.

"Not until we get the revenge we deserve," Slyth gave a small chuckle.

"I say it's a fair deal, and should be fairly easy for the great Cougar," The superior said looking at Cougar through his hood, "any objections?"

"Not at all," Cougar said, "although there is no taking that back later." He gave a sly smile and teleported away, eyeing Draxor as he did. Most everyone looked at him confused.

"How did he warp without using the teleporter?" the first cloaked member asked.

"He doesn't use one," Arxgon stated, "his power has grown strong enough to allow him to traverse the dimensions without it."

"What kind of being has that power?" Another cloaked member asked.

"The kind of being that deserves the no. 1 title in my organization," The superior stated, "besides, this should get interesting." With that statement, the Superior turned and walked away, with Draxor following right behind him.

"Why do you say that?" Draxor asked.

"I gave Cougar specific orders before the meeting," he replied, "it's time that we moved on to the next phase concerning Ryan."


We decided to spend a little time at Zio's place while we pass the time. I mean I couldn't think of anything to do other than hanging around what's left of the battlefield where I fought no. 24. I was getting a little tired anyway. We took a little time in casual conversation while we walked and continued the conversation when I shut the door to his apartment and sat on the couch with him.

"So how long have you known Slippy?" I asked him.

"Well," he thought a little, "about six years now. We met on a deserted planet. The Star Fox team was searching for me there. But instead of rescuing me, Slippy's Arwing got caught in quicksand. He forgot his communicator when he used the eject seat function. So we spent three days together until they found us. And you? Where did you meet the Star Fox team?"

"I just one day showed up on Planet Sauria. I panicked and accidently ran off a cliff, where they saved my life when I was unconscious."

"You showed up?" he asked confused, "you mean you didn't live there?"

"No I just woke up there, light years away from my own planet." He looked at me even more confused now.

"So, you where beamed or something like that? Mysterious but interesting."

"I don't know," I said, "but I'm here though and I might prefer it that way. I like it a lot more here than Earth."

"And you are not missing someone from this Earth?" Zio asked me concentrating hard on my face.

"Well," I began, "some family and a couple friends, but no one else in particular." At the mention of Earth, I couldn't help but bring my thoughts back on Earth, wondering after all this time how things were going. Everyone probably forgot about me by now and have continued their lives, I wouldn't have blamed them if they did. I mostly wondered how Eric was doing. I wondered if he was going through school right now making something of himself, or if he got drafted into some wild adventure like I did.

"Hmmm..." Zio began, "as long as you like it here it is okay." He looked at me for a while longer before he spoke again. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure," I said looking at him curiously, "what do you have?"

"Let's see," Zio began thinking, "Cornerian Beer, Spotfruit Juice, and perhaps some lemonade left."

"How about some spotfruit juice?" I asked politely, before returning my thoughts to Earth. I was beginning to think right then whether or not I seriously wanted to return to Earth or not. Zio got up from his seat and walked into the kitchen, coming back a couple minutes later with a couple bottles of juice, he handed one to me. "Thanks," I said popping off the lid and sampling a little, "hey this is good."

"It's nothing special," he said staring blankly at me, "surely there are drinks like this on your Earth as well. I've got another ten bottles here so drink as much as you want."

"Thanks," I said, "now that you think about it, I am quite thirsty." I closed my eyes and indulged myself in the rest of the bottle. Wasn't sure but I thought for a second that Zio just couldn't stop staring at me. I almost thought I heard something and he spoke.

"You say something?"

"No, why?" I asked looking at him when I finished the bottle.

"Nothing," he said and I could tell that he was getting nervous, "Ryan? What do you think about, male partners?"

"Partners as in... friendly or sexual?" I asked.

"S-Sexual," he said and cringed. I smiled in a slightly twisted evil way.

"It's amazing," I replied, "I usually don't say it out loud, but I'm more open about it now." He looked surprised.

"So you do not have a problem with it?" he asked.

"Of course not," I said, "I am gay."

"Really?" He perked up, "That's great. To be honest, I like you. I'm not sure, if I'm the first one telling you this, but you are... hot." He still seemed kind of nervous though.

"Nope," I said, "you're not the first. Well not here anyway. It's why I like it here better, no one likes me like that back on Earth."

"You were never recognized at home like this?" he asked me.

"No," I said, "they don't think I'm good looking. Also they're more narrow minded about gay people there then here so I could never be open about my feelings. When I see all of you I know it's not wrong at all. It feels natural to me."

"Even here," Zio began, "not everyone is comfortable with gay people like us, but its good to find someone with the same feelings, and I can just repeat it, you are hot." I couldn't help but blush at this statement.

"Thanks," I said, "but you are freaking gorgeous, and I'm not saying that because your a dragon, even though they all happen to be sexy."

"Thanks," he said but turned a little sad, "but Im nothing special, I'm just a red dragon, no one ever realize that I'm here."

"I'm here," I said putting a hand on his thigh.

"So you really like me?" he asked.

"Of course," I said looking into his eyes. He looked back as he lowered himself down to give me a soft kiss on the lips. I held onto Zio's hands as we kissed for the next minute or so. When we broke it he said some pretty powerful words.

"Ryan," he said, "I-I love you."

"Really?" I was stunned.

"Yeah," he said, "and I must admit, you are the first one I really love, I guess this is why I'm nervous about this."

"I love you to," I said, "the same way I love everyone else."

"And what do you think we should do now?" he asked.

"Well," I said, "we can take it a step further handsome."

"You mean..."

"Uh huh." He looked into my eyes for a second, then as if he didn't know it he stripped himself until he was in a pair of white boxers with blue stars on them. I could only chuckle, admiring the site. "great taste in underwear," I commented as I stripped all the way down to a pair of tenting green boxer briefs.

"Well," he said, "it looks like you like green. But I must say I like you more than your briefs." With that he pulled me into a passionate kiss. I returned the kiss in equal passion as I embraced the beautiful dragon in a hug. After a bit he broke the kiss and started kissing down my body.

"It looks like someone wants to take charge," I said with a grin. He looked up at me with a grin.

"Yeah, I decided to stop stammering and start to get self-confidence. I have waited too long for someone else to make the first step, and now enjoy." With these words, Zio continued his way down until he stops at the briefs. "I think you don't need this... do you?"

"No I don't think so," I said grinning evily at Zio.

"Then let me show you some dragon magic," he said and with a swift movement he grabbed the briefs and pulled on it, forcing it off without as much as a scratch, "Hehe, oh, you're really impressive down here."

"But I bet yours is even more impressive," I grinned.

"Find out," Zio said standing up. I quickly got on my knees and slipped off his boxer shorts, exposing about 9 inches of dragon cock right in front of my face.

"Yep," I said, "definitely impressive."

"You like what you see?"

"It's so inviting, I think I'll have a taste." With that I gave his cock a few good licks. It didn't take long for pre to begin leaking out of Zio's cock, and I happily licked it up before slowly consuming the whole member into my mouth, sucking along the length.

"This feels so good," I heard Zio say. I decided to add to the pleasure by giving a small moan onto the cock, bobbing back and forth while massaging his amazing balls with a hand. He responded with a moan and instinctively thrusting into my mouth. It wasn't to say that it didn't take long for him to climax, and I could tell when his member throbbed in my mouth. Just then he shot out his load with a moan, shooting well over a dozen times, and I was eagar to swallow it all. When I finished I pulled off and looked up at him.

"How was that?" I asked him getting back up on my feet.

"This..." he began, "was the best thing I've ever felt. But now it's my turn to get you weak." With that he got on his knees looking over my member, then with a swift motion, he licked around the shaft with his tongue, earning a sigh of pleasure from me. He definitely seemed to know his way around a cock. He shortly after took the whole cock into his mouth, wrapping the tongue around the shaft to increase the pleasure. He continued by sucking on the shaft, massaging my ass in the process. I couldn't help but rub my hands over his head as he sucked, consumed in the fiery passion that ensued. As I approached my first climax, he was massaging my ass with both hands at this point, while he doubled his efforts on sucking my cock. Stifling a cry of delight I let go, shooting almost a half dozen times into his muzzle. When he finished drinking it down, he pulled off and smiled.

"You do taste good," he said happily.

"Thanks," I said back, "now we can move on." With that I embraced him as I kissed him again, tasting the musk from both of our crotches. After a while Zio broke the kiss and spoke.

"What do you want to do next?"

"I want to wake up more of the dominant alpha male in you," I replied, knowing exactly what I wanted.

"So you want me to let loose my instincts, eh?" he asked. I giggled and decided to tease by turning around and swishing my ass back and forth a little.

"You know you want it," I said seductively. He didn't need a second word and stepped closer.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"Absolutely," I replied, "I want you to show me what a dragon is capable of."

"Okay then," he said and positioned himself behind me prodding the entrance of my ass with his cock. I looked back at him as I saw another grin approach his muzzle as he pushed inside. I hardly got used to being fucked, even though I enjoyed it so damn much. I couldn't help but groan in pleasure as he pushed inside until he hilted. "Woah you're tight."

"Thanks," I said grinning, "now do me. Make me your bitch." He didn't need another invitation as he started his thrusting pace, slowly pulling out before slamming in, giving a murr of pleasure. Although it didn't take him long for his instinct to take over and for him to thrust inside me faster and harder, almost like a machine gun, giving some growls to add to the pleasure. I got to stroking myself off as he kept this up, hoping to climax at the same time that he did, and trust me that did not take long. With one more powerful thrust he let go of his load square into my ass, and I moaned as I ejaculated onto the floor. As we came down from the torrential climax, he pulled out of me and embraced me in another hug and powerful kiss.

"I love you Ryan," Zio said.

"I love you to Zio," I said back and looked at the clock, seeing it was very late. "Hey Zio, you mind if I spent the night here with ya?"

"Not at all," he said, "you can share the bed with me and then, well, the night is long."

"Sure," I said smiling, "I'd like that."

"That will be a great night," he said, "I think I'll call it a medical checkup."

"Lead the way then," I said and he nodded, leading the way into his bedroom. It had mostly white and blue strewn across the walls, as well as the soft looking bed. "Cool colors."

"Thanks," he said.

"I love the bed too, it's so inviting."

"Try it," he said giggling. I crawled onto it, lying on my back to get comfortable. I looked back at him and patted one side of the bed motioning him to come closer. He smiled and jumped onto the bed right next to me. "This will be a great night. Now I'm just thinking of what to do here."

"Sex doesn't take much thought," I said, "we can fuck mindlessly or think of some other naughty thing to do."

"You're right," he said and kissed me again. It wasn't to say the night included nearly endless fucking, sucking, and other naughty stuff on both ends. We unloaded our climax for as many times as we could until we lost count and finally fell asleep, although I think Zio was still fucking me as I fell asleep.

It seemed I only managed to sleep a few hours, as a quick nudge from Zio woke me up.

"Ryan," he said, "gather your clothes, I just got a call from Fox. He needs you at the military building. I'll escort you." I got the message immediately and gathered my clothes. In five short minutes we were out in the street walking silently towards the military building. We decided to cut to a street back to the park thinking we could get there faster. As we were walking down the street I heard a voice behind me I wish I didn't hear.

"Good evening Ryan," it was Cougar and I turned to see him smiling a sly smile at me, "did you sleep well."

"Better than you will be in a second," I shouted and conjured up my sword. I noticed his triple bladed katana was at the ready held backhanded, like he really meant business this night.

"Unfortunately for you my associates aren't satisfied with my performance," Cougar said much to my confusion, "therefore you'll have to die tonight." I was confident that my training would help me through, but he immediately charged at an inhuman speed, I almost failed to block and even got knocked backwards a couple feet. Still on my feet I charged forward to get an attacking motion down. Not only was Cougar strong, he was fast, deathly fast at best, he blocked every blow as if he wasn't even trying. After another combo he backflipped a distance out of the way.

"Very good," Cougar said with a chuckle, "you've improved greatly since our last encounter I can tell. But Ryan, I hear word on the street is you can use magic now." His left hand started to glow blue while I responded with charging up a fire spell with mine. "Let's see how well you can deal with your spells."

"Forget it," Zio interrupted charging at Cougar. Cougar was not amused as he quickly knocked him out of the way and with a smack of the aura covered hand, Zio was out cold. Now I was pissed and threw the spell without even shouting it out, which didn't faze Cougar at all. Cougar's arm then grew more ferocious as he unleashed seven rounds of blue energy homing right at me, which I jumped away from just in time, jumping right at Cougar. He was ready and struck me right in mid air, all I could do was block as he repeatedly spun around his backward blade hitting me higher and higher back into the air. Then with a charged blade he struck harder knocking me high into the air and knocking my sword out of my hands. I was defenseless to help myself and looked up as Cougar struck at me again, pain consuming the entirety of my frame as his blow landed perfectly. I hit the street hard, quickly forming a pool from the blood I was losing, this was not good. I didn't have the focus to call my blade nor get a healing spell in. I could only look up as I lost consciousness. Cougar looked down at me with a sneer, as he lowered a hand to my face, glowing a dark aura in the process. From there, everything faded to black.